IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshello everyone
Hello everyone this is my 1st post here.
I just got back for the Philippines on 06/09
I spent 17 days there & had a great time.
while there I married my sweetie in a big church wedding out in a remote province.
She is working as a nurse in manila but she wanted to marry in her home town.
after doing some research I think i want to file for the CR-1 visa

thanks for everyones advice in advance
piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-22 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNovember CR-1 process started
Hey thanks for the invite CanadaLove i think i'll take you up on that
(maybe there is safety in numbers) :yes:


I'm heading over to the oct/nov filers page everyone....who wants to go too ?


Edited by piglett, 21 November 2010 - 02:00 AM.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 01:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNovember CR-1 process started

by the way ... how are you guys able to show your timelines with your posts ?... I've tried and can't figure it out


I couldn't figure it out either till I asked

go to the upper right corner of your screen, click "settings"

next upper left will be "profile"

last will be upper left "Change Signature"

i'm not so sure why it is set up that way ....but it is :whistle:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-18 19:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNovember CR-1 process started

P.S. I used to have a chat buddy in the phillipines by the name of piglet ... and we lost contact ... I wonder ? :)

I am piglett from New Hampshire :)
I have used that name to chat& in forums for years
it was my 1ST cat's name,
she was a little "pig" when it came to eating so that is what i named her.
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-18 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNovember CR-1 process started
The I-130 & G325a's along with all the other "goodies" are on their way to the Chicago lockbox.

has anyone elce started the same process this month??

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-18 01:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding attempted expedite with USCIS

Id love to know the 'mimimum' criteria required by the USCIS for an expedite. We've seen recently, obviously millitary reasons, serious health issues, pregnancy issues, operations - all on their own merits required this process but thre are also others that we dont get to hear about, for whatever reason.

For instance, I wonder if theres an expedite situtation approved because the petitioner is heavily in debt with banks/govt....


i don't think so infact if it was me i would keep that info to myself , no point in giving the govt. extra info that they don't need/shouldn't have.


PS: don't they run a credit check at some point on the petitioner ??
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 15:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding attempted expedite with USCIS

I know some of the UK hospitals had nurses from the Phillipines brought in a few years back due to a shortage, so you never know.

Nothing ventured nothing gained! :thumbs:

your so rite !!!

If it is employment visa, it would have been helped.


It's not it's a CR-1 but i'll still give it a shot
my understanding is that you will make exactly 0% of the shots that you don't take :star:


Edited by piglett, 21 November 2010 - 02:16 PM.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding attempted expedite with USCIS

hey piglett. it MIGHT work.

exactly it mite
I'll go down to the new local hospital that they just built & talk to whoever's incharge.
Maybe they know a little about what it will take to get my wife here early.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding attempted expedite with USCIS

Any expedite request will be considered based on the totality of circumstances. Financial is one of them if applicable but seldom will a case be expedited simply because the US Citizen has a financial problem. If the financial problem is connected to the US Citizen's serious medical condition, then it's part of the totality.

The kind of "details" I was thinking of was clarity on who has the problem and the general nature of the problem. An answer like, "I have a serious medical condition and need my foreign spouse to both care for me and support our family." would be details enough. On the other hand, if the answer were something along the lines of, "My foreign husband is sick and lost his job, so WE need him to come here ASAP, so I can take care of him." there would be little chance.

Hey PushBack great info thanks
the question that i have it as follows, If i can prove that there is a nurse shortage in my area could my wifes visa be expedited?

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 01:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Questions in Manila, Philippines
the guy i received these from is from Canada but any of these COULD be asked by the american embassy during your interview

To prepare our interview we use this list of questions that were asked other applicants. All the questions at the interview were on the list. Not all questions were asked of course. That being said, if you have an interview and you prepare yourself with this framework, you should be ready.

Framework of questions

1. When and where did you meet your spouse for the first time?

2. How did you meet your spouse?

3. How old is your spouse? What is your spouse's birth date?

4. What does your spouse do for a living?

5. Where did your spouse go to school'?

6. What degrees or formal training does your spouse have?

7. How did your spouse immigrate to Canada or where were they born in Canada ?

8. Where does your spouse work?

9. What is the name of the company? What position does your spouse hold? How long has your spouse worked there?

10. What does the job entail?

I l. Does your spouse like his or her job?

12. What is the salary? If you don’t know why did your spouse not tell you this?

13. Where does your spouse live? What is their address and phone number?

14. Whom does your spouse live with?

15. Where are you going to live when you go to Canada?

16. Please explain the type of relationship you have had since your first meeting. When did you have sex together for the first time ? How often do you have sex together?

17. What is your religion?

18. What is the religion of your spouse?

18. When you and your spouse were dating what would you do together?

19. Do you have any hobbies? Describe them.

20. Does your spouse have any hobbies? Describe them.

21. What type of music do you enjoy?

22. What type of music does your spouse enjoy?

23. What kind of movies do you enjoy?

24. What kind of movies does your spouse enjoy?

25. What kind of books do you read?

26. What kind of books does your spouse read?

27. Have you and your spouse ever exchanged gifts? Explain.

28. When and where did the marriage proposal take place?

29. Was your marriage arranged?

30. If it was arranged describe how it was arranged and by whom?

31. Did you have a ceremony celebrating your relationship? Show me some pictures from it.

32. Where was it held?

33. When was it held?

34. Describe the ceremony?

35. Did it conform to your own religious and cultural beliefs? Explain.

36. When did you get married?

37. Where did you get married?

38. Who was at the wedding?

39. What family members were there?

40. How many people were at the ceremony?

41. What day was the ceremony held on?

42. Who performed the ceremony?

43. Do you have pictures of the ceremony? Can I see them?

44. Who was at the ceremony from your side?

45. Who was at the ceremony from your spouse’s side?

46. Were any friends present?

47. How many brothers and sisters does your spouse have?

48. Were your parents at the wedding? If not, why not?

49. Are your parents aware of the wedding? If not, why not?

50. Where your spouse’s parents at the wedding? If not, why not?

51. Were your spouse’s parents aware of the wedding? If not, why not?

52. Was a reception held? When and where was it held?

53. Who was present at the reception?

54. Did you receive any wedding gifts? Describe them.

55. Did you on a honeymoon? Where did you go and for how long?

56. Can you show me 75 pictures and receipts from the honeymoon, wedding and reception? Describe who is in these pictures.

57. Have you or your spouse been married before?

58. Why was that relationship dissolved?

59. Do you have any children from your current relationship or marriage?

60. How many children?

61. What are the names and birth dates?

62. Where are the children now?

63. Who looks after the children?

64. Do any other family members reside with you and your spouse? If yes, please indicate their names and relationship.

65. What relatives do you have in Canada?

66. What are their names and where do they live?

67. What relatives do you have outside of Canada?

68. Has your spouse met any of your relatives or friends? Who have they met and when did they meet them?

69. Have you met any of your spouse’s relatives or friends? Whom have you met and when did you meet them?

70. In terms of education, would you say that you and your spouse’s educational background are compatible?

71. What will you do when you go to Canada'?

72. Why did you marry your spouse?

73. Since your marriage have you seen your spouse? If not, why not?

74. Do your family members (parents, siblings) want to immigrate to Canada?

75. Did you marry your spouse so that you could sponsor your parents as landed immigrants of Canada?

76. How do you correspond with your spouse? Please show me letters, emails and MSN history

77. How often do you talk on the phone? Prove this to me.

78. Do you have phone bills, e-mails, cards, etc., and can I see them?

79. Tell me why this marriage or relationship is genuine.

80. What makes your relationship with your spouse different from that of a female/male friend?

81. Does your spouse support you financially? How much does he/she send you. Please show me proof of this.

82. Do you support your spouse financially?

83. If I refuse this application what will you do? Will you still stay in your relationship?

84 I am going to pick some random pictures out of the 160 pictures.. Describe who is in the pictures and where they were taken.

85. I am going to call your spouse now on the phone and ask him/her the same questions. Is there any answer you gave me that you wish to change now before I make this call.

( If a Canadian cannot attend the interview with his/her foreign spouse then the Canadian Embassy Interviewing officer will call the Canadian during or after the interview with questions).

Hope this helps,

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-23 21:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureschange of address
hey thanks to everyone
i'll just have to call them & get the correct address to send the change of address to.

piglettMalePhilippines2011-01-09 01:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureschange of address

See this post. I had the same problem, but for a K-1. I believe I have done everything correctly now.


so you just called them? can't be done online?


Edited by piglett, 08 January 2011 - 12:43 AM.

piglettMalePhilippines2011-01-08 00:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureschange of address

How would they answer the other questions like the one that says they are in the US as a " " with a drop down menue. There is nothing to select saying they are NOT in the US. It also asks for their present state and zip code, It only lists American States.

EXACTLY now we are getting to the root of the problem
how do i answer things like

"All fields marked by the following symbol must be completed. *"

the silly drop down menu will not allow me to put in my wifes philippine address

silly form :crying:

piglettMalePhilippines2011-01-06 02:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureschange of address
i have a littel problem
my wife has moved from 1 apartment to another in Manila
i thought i could just go online & do the change of address for her.....WRONG
the silly thing wants the dates she has been in the U.S.
she has never left the Philippine
leave the old address as is ????
call them ???
we are waiting for our NOA2
& we applyed for a CR-1

thanks if anyone knows :thumbs:
piglettMalePhilippines2011-01-06 01:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...

Thank you push.

If I created another package today and mailed it tomorrow (with the correct payment of course), would that be okay- since my first package will definitely be rejected due to the incorrect payment? More importantly, would that be smart? The only thing I would include differently would be a non-certified copy of my Marriage Certificate versus the certified copy (which I believe is just fine).

man O man sorry to hear about your problem :crying:

i am no expert but if it was me, hell yes send a 2nd packet out ASAP with the correct payment

best of luck
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-25 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...

Thanks for that, and would you or anyone else have any input on my second question?

I am going out on a limb here(others please correct me if i am wrong)
the standard is quite high for a visitor visa to the U.S.
my understanding is that your wife would have to own a bunch of property or a business in her home country.
this is done so she will not overstay her visa.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 23:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...

No worries.

SWEET! thanks PushBack ur the man !!!!

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 14:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...

Your signature can be anything you want it to be including illegible. What "it" is it you are asking about, that they added a name or how you signed your name.

I signed my full legal name (first) (middle) (last)
however they added my mothers madiden name in there too
(first) (middle) (maiden name) (last) :(

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 12:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...
on my marriage certificate from the Philippines they gave me an extra name :blush:

yes they added my mothers maiden name & them my last name

i didn't sign it that way though I just signed 1st middle last like it normaly would

has anyone ever had this take place?

could/will it be a problem???

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-21 01:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...

The paralegal did it correctly. Your own G325a should be checked and noted the same way. You are submitting the G325a in connection with an I-130. I generally recommend simply "I-130 CR1 visa."

A ha i was in the dark on that one myself

thank you Pushback

the copy that i have of my wifes passport has her maiden name
send it anyhow? i don't see this listed on the I-130 checklist
is more better or will sending thing that they have not asked for just p*ss them off or delay the process

thanks :innocent:
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-14 15:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...

No. This question indicates you failed to carefully study the I-130 instructions. This is a critical mistake. Study them now, so you'll avoid other issues you don't know you don't know about.

how was i to know that i just didn't know, :blink:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-13 12:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...

hello all i am in the same boat
getting ready to send off my I-130 & G325a's
i hope i don't screw it up too bad :(
should i send any wedding pictures along with my forms , if so what size?
also is it best to go with a moneyorder for the $355 ?


Edit: oh also do i just make the moneyorder out to the USCIS???
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-11 22:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBefore I mail I-130...
hello all i am in the same boat
getting ready to send off my I-130 & G325a's
i hope i don't screw it up too bad :(
should i send any wedding pictures along with my forms , if so what size?
also is it best to go with a moneyorder for the $355 ?

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-11 22:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresissues about calling your fiance "hubby" on emails.

I am the beneficiary, I'm from manila, Philippines.. yeah I guess I wont be using those emails anymore. Thank you :)

my pinay wife & i text mostly on Chikka
so we had very few emails , we still got through it & she has her visa in hand

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2012-04-07 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFOR self-employed amendment tax?
i can only tell you about how things worked out for me
about 1/2 of my income was from being self employed
what i did
"knowing i was below the $18,000 that immergration wants to see"
i just didn't claim all the deductions i could when i filed my next years taxes
it ended up costing my about $2300 but i was able to get my wife here so that is all i really cared about
i can always make more money & send it off to the IRS (i think they were glad to get it)

i would also like to add that they really only care what your making now
yes yes i know they ask for THREE years of tax returns
i can tell you the 1st two years returns were WAY LOW
only the last years was up to their standards & my wife still got her visa
so the end of the year is almost here which is great!!!
you can claim enough & hopfully get on a plane soon

WARNING*** i am only telling of how i did things & how things worked for us
so before a bunch of you VJ-ers rip into me & say "oh that is wrong , oh this is wrong"
i don't claim to be any kind of expert

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2012-11-01 18:11:00
Vietnamriding scooter in vietnam

One question for you all... What is the largest number of people you have seen on one motobike ?

i was on the back of 1 alng with my wife & her cousin the 1st day i was in the province.
all i could hang onto was the dam tail light ;)
the next day i said screw it & borrowed 1 & started riding it
i didn't go 2 fast the 1st couple of days but after that i was ok.

I think the next time we go there i will price one of those little mini trucks
many run about a 1000cc engine & would be great way out in the sticks.

have you seen those "baby" truck in S.E. Asia?
I have even seen a couple up here in new hampshire but most are not run on the road.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-16 23:41:00
Vietnamriding scooter in vietnam

Have any of you guy's had the experience of boarding a ferry yet ?

here is a pictures of the old tub my wife & i took to her home province
i sure didn't like the 20 hour boat ride but i survived.
they assign you a bunk to sleep on but i only ended up getting about 4 hours sleep due to the heat & the rough seas
next time i think i will take a small plane to a near by island & then take a 3 hour boat ride to my wifes island that has no airport


Edited by piglett, 15 November 2010 - 11:30 PM.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-15 23:28:00
Vietnamriding scooter in vietnam
when i was in my wifes home province in the Philippines we went to a different aunt or uncle every day & borrowed a motor bike. they were all 125cc & all hondas. at 1ST i didn't like those dam things ( i was used to driving my truck at home) but in time i got a little better with them & lucky for me no one got killed :innocent:
now granted where we were was a very remote island so there were very few other bikes on the mostly dirt roads.
I would NEVER ride one in Manila or any other Asian city

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-15 01:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Please help me.. really desperate.

Getting marriage for Immigration Purposes is not fraud and not against the TOS.

I think you forgot the word solely, which I certainly would never suggest.

well said if she already has a long term boyfriend here why no tie the knot.

now on the other hand that is not the case at all then i guess the OP will be leaving the US soon

best of luck
hope it all works out for you
piglettMalePhilippines2012-05-20 22:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Please help me.. really desperate.
find a nice guy who is a USC
get married
buy a house
have a bunch of kids

sounds like a plan to me :thumbs:
good luck to you

piglettMalePhilippines2012-05-20 01:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)1-603-334-0700

I called at 3:30 this morning (Pacific) and got thru first try. :dance:

SWEET, can i ask why you needed to call them ?

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-23 19:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)1-603-334-0700

Lol wouldn't that be nice

sure I'll just bang on the door & i'll bet they just welcome me in :dance:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-22 20:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)1-603-334-0700

someone just answer my call and the lady told me the i gotta called later today cause there system is down :whistle:

hey i only live an hour from there, could i just drive there & knock on the front door, would that be a problem? :D

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-22 00:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescover sheet & table of contents
i think i have it , thanks for your help :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

I'll post what i ended up with so others will know what is needed
Dear USCIS examiner:

Enclosed please find my I-130 Application also my G325a and supporting documents.
please also find the moneyorder for $355 to cover the fees

Enclosed also please find the following documents:

. Form I-130: Petition for Alien Relative (my wife)

. Copy of the full Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen (myself)

. A copy of my marriage certificate

. a G-325A filled out by myself

. One passport-type photo of myself attached to a sheet of paper

. a G-325A filled out by my wife Marily Rago Evans

. One passport-type photo of my wife

. Evidence of a bonafide marriage which includes the following

. 3 sworn affidavits from principal sponsers of our wedding
that took place on 06/05/2010
. a copy of our wedding invitation

. a wedding picture of myself & my wife on the day of our
church wedding

. I will be glad to provide any additional information including
any or all of the 500 pictures that i took while visiting the
Philippines for my wedding there
Our wedding sponsors included local government officials
(including the mayor & his wife)
Also prominent members of the local church & community

Please advise me if you have any further questions or concerns related to this application.

thanks, piglett

Edited by piglett, 17 November 2010 - 11:47 AM.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-17 11:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescover sheet & table of contents
here is my table of contents


table of contents

this packet includes the following

1. a cover sheet

2. this table of contents

3. Form I-130: Petition for Alien Relative (my wife)

4. Copy of the full Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen (myself)

5. A copy of my marriage certificate

6. a G-325A filled out by myself

7. One passport-type photo of myself attached to a sheet of paper

8. a G-325A filled out by my wife Marily Rago Evans

9. One passport-type photo of my wife

10.Evidence of a bonafide marriage which includes the following

A. 3 sworn affidavits from principal sponsers of our wedding
that took place on 06/05/2010
B. a copy of our wedding invitation

C. a wedding picture of myself & my wife on the day of out church wedding

D. I will be glad to provide any additional information including any or all of the
500 pictures that i took while visiting the Philippines for my wedding there
Our wedding sponsors included local government officials (including the mayor & his wife)
Also prominent members of the local church & community


I see that i didn't put the moneyorder on the list , could that cause a problem?

thanks my brain is starting to turn to mush with all this dam paperwork :blush:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-16 18:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescover sheet & table of contents
here is my cover sheet


Cover sheet

I am petitioning for a I-130 for my wife Marily Rago Evans


am i missing anything except for signing & dating the thing??
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-16 18:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa

Please contact uscis ombudsman and call uscis to ask for expedite due to uscis error of being out of normal timeframe

i thought they did away with k3's because the
cr-1's were being done in the same amount of time

piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-18 23:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre monthly pay stubs that has no deductions such as federal income tax and social security tax ,are acceptable?
wow :innocent:

my understanding is this it all comes down to the "ajusted gross income" not gross earnings
they are two different things.

one problem is that we are trying to work off of 2ND or 3RD hand infomation.

Jim it sounds like if anyone can figure this mess out it's you :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-12-04 01:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre monthly pay stubs that has no deductions such as federal income tax and social security tax ,are acceptable?
well Ianandjan the 2 of you can always just get married & go the CR1 route

best of luck

piglettMalePhilippines2010-12-02 22:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre monthly pay stubs that has no deductions such as federal income tax and social security tax ,are acceptable?

My fiance is a full time contractor of a private company. His last year income in 2009 was short of about $2900 but we could justify it with his credit union savings for he has 15000 savings deposits there already and we will put it in his 1-134.

my understanding is this (others may correct me if i am off the mark here)
if his earnings come up short but he has a healthy savings account they should be OK with this.
so if he makes $15,000 this year his savings will be counted to make up the rest.

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2010-12-02 02:58:00