PhilippinesHeartbroken and deceived---need help/advice
look guy the cold harsh truth is that she played you like a cheep flute. :(
your dam sure not the 1ST guy to get screw over & used by a woman & you sure will not be the last either.

Stop trying to be a nice guy & send the fruad home N O W ! ! !

if you don't you are going to get screw over even more than you already have.

once she is out of the country then you can take some time to lick your wounds

the good news is that there are about 20 million ladies in S.E. Asia that would just love to be your next wife & most of them are not frauds & they will treat you like you should be treated.

sorry to be so harsh but you need to snap out of it & start doing what's rite for YOU!!!

good luck guy
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-18 01:15:00
PhilippinesHelping your filipina adjust to life in the US/not get too homesick

No, she wears her nightie too.

This is her climbing into the tree fort about a mile from the cabin, and a stiff hike up a steep hill:

Posted Image

What am I going to do? Kick a hottie out of my moose stand for wearing a nightie?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-24 03:24:00
PhilippinesHelping your filipina adjust to life in the US/not get too homesick

That's about half of one pile (spruce). There's another pile of birch by the door.

Twelve cords total if I work a lot in the shop through the winter and use the hot tub often. Cabin, Shop, and outdoor hot tub all have wood heat. At fifty or sixty below zero we fly through wood.

She's more of a man than most men, and a hottie to boot. I bought her an expedition weight polar outfit from Apocalypse design for a thousand dollars. It's what the dog mushers wear for races like the Yukon Quest and Iditarod. Bunny boots of course.

She's never cold because she's sensible. We've broken down on the snow machine trail seven miles from the cabin and had to walk back at thirty below zero at night. No problem. She was eight months pregnant.

The only thing I haven't had her drive is the 55,000 lb dump truck. It's 15 gears and you have to be really on top of it.

I don't let her too close to the cabin with the 'dozer.

I love my Filipina.

Hahahaha! I had to watch her the first summer. Look what she's wearing in that picture! I bought her steel-toed hiking boots. Ten miles out in the wilderness on the four-wheeler. Jump off to do some off-trail hiking in some really gnarly stuff. What's she wearing? Flip flops!

he he he is there anything that she really doesn't like?
to do or to eat or whatever.

I used to run coast to coast for the military when i had my freightliner FLD
it only had 10 forward gears but ya you really have to know what your doing.

my wife wants to grow a bunch of stuff (vegtables i guess)
i'll get a rear tiller for my tractor & let her plant whatever she wants :innocent:

she is really a homebody so i'll have to find lots of things for her to do/help me with.


PS: does your wife always lug wood while wearing a dress?? :rofl:
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-23 20:34:00
PhilippinesHelping your filipina adjust to life in the US/not get too homesick

Posted Image

Posted Image

She's definitely not bored. Drives stick-shift vehicles, snowmachines, four-wheelers, bobcat, 'dozer too.

I think the main thing is to set goals and plan together. People get depressed when they drift around aimlessly. You do all this work to get her here and suddenly it's over. So the license, education or work, cultivating skills - every day has purpose when you set some goals.

wow she is a real worker !!! that is a big pile of wood. I only put up about 5 cord here in New Hampshire.
once my wife arrives that may become 6 cord or more. how has your wife been in the cold? mine thinks 70f is cold :rofl:

i'll start my wife out driving the lawn tractor & the put her on my old 40 horse farmall.
after that i guess it will be the old corolla that i have. & if she can drive all of those i'll see how she does on one of my old toyota pickups, they are tough as nails so i'm not worried about her hurting them.
I take one to the scrap yard once a month with about 2500lbs of brake rotors piled up in the bed, I would haul more but i don't want to overload the old thing :D


PS: does your wife still wear flip flops in Alaska?
mine thinks she will wear them here but i think most of the time it will be too cold for those.
she has about 30 pair of them :whistle:
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-22 23:08:00
PhilippinesHelping your filipina adjust to life in the US/not get too homesick

1) TV, get GMA TFC etc for her to be able to watch.

2) Contact with family, make sure she can easily contact her family back home often.

3) Access to local resources.
---a) Find the local Filipino Community, local Catholic Church is a good way to do this if you don't havea local Filipino store. Find the one that has a monthly Filipino service.
---b) Help her get her driver's license or teach her how to use the local transit. They are used to being fairly mobile back home so living in suburban america without driving will get problematic.
---c) Filipino/Asian store so she can cook the food she's loved her whole life.

4) Find a local Asian Restaurant that she likes, try several and let her pick her favorites.

5) Get a rice cooker and other things that will help her cook they way she wants.

My wife says 3b was probably the biggest help then 4.

I would also like to add the following

6) teach her to split firewood

7) teach her how to stack that firewood

8) if you live in a northern state she can also learn how much fun shoveling the driveway is :star:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

she will be sooooooo tired that she has little or no time for homesickness

he he he he
piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-22 00:08:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

why is this still alive?

no one knows why but it lives :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

piglettMalePhilippines2011-03-26 00:12:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses
I myself have always felt that the new year is a great time to pack up all of the stuff that belongs to your crazy self serving not capable of love wench from hell & deposit them on the front lawn!!! :D :P :D
once you do this i would also change the locks & if you really want to put the cherry on top get a big can of the kind of fluid that you would use to start your BBQ grill & dump every drop on the crazy wench from hell's stuff.
the final step is to light the pile & roast some marshmellows :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :yes: :lol: :yes:

I hope everyone has a great & productive new year :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:


PS: if the fire department shows up make sure you have plenty of extra marshmellows & roasting sticks on hand :dance: :devil:

Edited by piglett, 31 December 2010 - 01:39 AM.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-12-31 01:38:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

You sound like two college roomies fighting over whose turn it is to buy the pizza. (or) Like a father dealing with a hard headed teen.

Here's an idea for you....treat your wife like a wife. Give her shared control of all your finances. Empower her instead of trying to control/ dominate her. (if) You can't trust her enough to turn loose or share the reigns...then what the hell were you thinking when you said..."l Do"...?
Seriously...the more you post the more you show the control freak in you!


I think i'm all done with this thread
this situation is crazy & it will not ever get better :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
keep the # to the airline handy dude U sure will need it when U decide that ur fed up with this

piglettMalePhilippines2010-12-09 12:13:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

My main complaint about the OP is he insists on pushing sh*t uphill and can't seem to figure out why he keeps getting dirty. It's 100% obvious their relationship has a MAJOR issue.

In my opinion her "plan B" is accusing him of violence and divorcing him. Or if she doesn't need that, just leaving him for someone else.

i think i would just pack my sh*t & move to another state if u had OP's problem
what a crazy situation :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-26 02:00:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

Please hold on a sec Bob....

1) The whole's only been Gilles side of the story.
2) I wonder if Gilles married a paycheck or a woman.?
3) He admits he's caught in a power struggle that he desires to win.
4) Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
5) How many Filipinos don't want to help their family? The mabait 1's do.

How bout this..What if..Gilles has been twisting the truth to garner good ideas on how to get control? .What if..Her desire to help her family is due to the dire situation their in...Gilles doesn't care....Gilles was managing his finances before she got here and now he wants a pay raise? Perhaps.. they made an arrangement/ understanding that she would get a job and take the responsibility of providing for her family on her own shoulders and not his.....etc...
There seems to be some compromises made on her part already but Gilles is not yet satisified. Gilles wants everything his way when it comes to the ....everything?

Just a thought...the more Gilles posts the more questions come up in my mind about his true intent.

I think you may really be on to something OP may be a crazy money hungry ####### that wants his inlaws in the PI to eat dirt sandwiches & all this time granny is in the hospital & OP say screw her i need more money in MY savings account & a new bmw too.

or maybe i am way off base? :whistle:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-26 01:26:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

I have to think ahead of my family's future. I sound probably selfish, but come think of it, I didn't go in this foreign land to earn money for people that probably not thinking of my future but only what their present, I went here to build a family that I will call my own and have them until I could work no more.

VERY WELL SAID !!!! THANK YOU :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


Edited by piglett, 26 November 2010 - 12:43 AM.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-26 00:42:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

She wants to have children and I do too, but when I ask her if she would rather put money in a baby fund to help cover the added expenses of having a child or sending the money to her family in the Philippines, she refuses to give me an answer.

Oh i would say that she gives you VERY clear answers , you just didn't understand them :bonk:


piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-25 23:59:00
PhilippinesSending money to your wife's family for hospital expenses

my thoughts to you is to put a stop to this very quickly or be ready to be the family cash cow.

and like an above poster said: NEVER PAY THE ENTIRE BILL, my reason for this is you are part of the family and everyonen must share in helping, otherwise you are taking care of the entire family which is not what you married her for. If you were not there they would find a way.

that's a very good way to look at it !!!!!!!!

thank you , I'll have to remember that for when my wife arrives & i get requests for money from her family :dance:

piglettMalePhilippines2010-11-25 23:52:00
PhilippinesQuestion on doing CFO early

well it took almost Php700 including the CFO sticker and also 2 certificates,proving that I took that seminar,b'coz them,during departure the immigration will asks that certificates and sticker,without those you cannot leave the country.I did my CFO seminar haft day only but i need to return there for my visa sticker......oh, by the way, just 1 more step & were done w/ our visa process...that is my interview, that would be march 14th, i wish everything goes well :)

Sweetie i send you many nice hugs & sweet kisses : )
piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-07 20:16:00
PhilippinesQuestion on doing CFO early

That is the best flight out there- We got a great last second deal from this Lady in Manila--- 09175509980 albie sullanoniua Her Face Book---

She can get the best first time Visa flyer or whatever you call rates out there, Got my honey on the KAL Cebu-Seoul-ATL for around 800 bucks with only 2 days notice

now is that going to the east or west coast of the U.S.??
i have already found flights for under $990 but 800 bucks sound great to me


oooh also my wife just finished her CFO she said about p700 in costs
i guess they sold her a bunch of those over priced copys :whistle:
piglettMalePhilippines2012-02-25 01:07:00
PhilippinesQuestion on doing CFO early

I keep seeing the online flights offer 90 minutes -- are they kidding? I found a flight with only one stop, then it lands in Boston (the POE) next... it costs a little more but I'll feel better about that.

can i ask which company has a flight with only 1 stop that lands in Boston?
i live in new hampshire & was planning on having my wife land in manchester
but if there is a chance that her POE could be boston that would be great.

piglettMalePhilippines2012-02-20 00:03:00
PhilippinesQuestion on doing CFO early

If you attend the seminar, I believe you can get the sticker at the airport later.


i sure would feel better if she had that stamp before she ever heads to the airport, that way i know there shouldn't be any problems. i don't need her getting turned away at the airport for some silly thing.

piglettMalePhilippines2012-02-19 01:43:00
PhilippinesQuestion on doing CFO early

No. The will give your Fiancee a certificate stating she completed the seminar, she shows that they give her the stamp in her passport.

sweet thanks

piglettMalePhilippines2012-02-18 23:21:00
PhilippinesQuestion on doing CFO early

My wife went to the CFO in Cebu, prior to her interview. Said it was not big deal. After she got her Visa she went back and got her stamp.

does it cost extra if you don't get the stamp the same day ?

piglettMalePhilippines2012-02-18 23:03:00
PhilippinesQuestion on doing CFO early

Hi wantmybaby,

Yes my friend attended cfo siminar in cebu and its a lot complicated than in some other place,manila is a lot easier,it took one day for mine.check this out if its true,u can check it only they issue cfo certificate at the aiport intrnational airport in manila,u gotta make them a call or email if this is accurate,she can get than with cfo when she gets in manila airport...and all u have to do is pay the sticker &fly to us,I'm saying on her way to us ofcourse she gotta have to check in manila airport then she can get the cfo the cfo at the aiport and make sure it won't take long to have it,get a flight that has enuf time to lay over in.manila,that way she can get it there while waiting for her ur money & time,I understnd u.


well is it worth the risk?
flight to USA east coast it about $1000 or maybe a little less
that is a lot of hard earned money
i will make 100% sure that my wife has EVERYTHING needed before i buy her plane ticket
if not i mite end up paying for 2 $1000 tickets , which i think is a bad plan.

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2012-02-18 21:22:00
PhilippinesCR interview questions

Tomorrow is the 12th here (13th for there), you have a whole day to get things handled.

OOOoooh i need a calender : ))
piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-12 01:39:00
PhilippinesCR interview questions

Staples may very well scan a put then on a disc or memory stick for you as .PDF files. If not for $88 at Staples you can buy a Canon printer/scanner that is WI-FI and works excellent for printing, scanning and copying even. And yup you can scan your documents and save them as PDF files.

well she has all 53 pages & she says "they look good"
it's hard to judge from here
however tomorrow is the 13th here & once i'm finished work it will be after 4:30pm
which is 4:30am there but it will already be the 14th (interview day!!!)
so it looks like we are out of time
we have been married almost 2 years, so i see no good reason why they should think this is a scam we are running
it guess it's really up the the person doing the interview
the ball is in their court....i guess we well have to see what kind of play they make

thanks all
piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-11 23:14:00
PhilippinesCR interview questions

Most printers today also have scanners build in, if not you could go to KINKOs with a memory stick. Scan them as .PDF files and send them off.

well the place that is local is closed tomorrow : (
however i bet Staples does it & there is 1 rite in the town where i work
i'll have to check that out.
i took pictures of everything today 53 of them
my wife tells me some look good but a few are not so good & hard to read
if only the bandits would let my sweetie have the packet i sent 2 1/2 weeks ago
life would be good

piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-10 22:42:00
PhilippinesCR interview questions

There is the flaw... using the post office to send something to the Phils. All is fine until it arrives in Manila. Fedex is what my fiancee always recommends to me, she does not have much good to say about the postal system there.

correct, the bandits at the post office in manila are probably waiting on an offer of bribe money so they will stop holding the docs. hostage.

> paystubs
> ITR ( income tax return )
> letter of employment
> W2
> photocopy of ur passport

Just SCAN those not pictures,and email to me my sweet.Love ya

scan how ????
piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-09 23:57:00
PhilippinesCR interview questions

whats the $325 for? and i think signed affidavit of support and its supporting documents should be original forms and not pictures.

they already have the signed affidavit of support in Manila
the $325 is required according to the form-169
"instructions for immigrant visa applicants"
the trouble is the postoffice is holding up the whole deal :crying:
i was told 3 to 5 days & i sent my wife everything she would need 2 weeks ago
so my back up plan now is to take pictures of everything i have here & email it all to here there. it's the best i can do by the looks of things.

piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-09 12:52:00
PhilippinesCR interview questions

First question will be:

Why is your Fiance Handle Piglett?

my handle is piglett which was my cats name many years ago

i am a member of a bunch of different boards on different subjects

i always use "piglett" for all of them

always have & i guess i always will.

thanks :star:
piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-09 12:45:00
PhilippinesCR interview questions
well after much delay my wife will have her interview in Manila on the 14th
i'm guessing that she just brings the $325 with her in cash (pesos i guess)

also the packet i sent to her still hasn't showed up so she is rather worried at this point.
i think i have a copy of everything that was in that packet so i intend to take pictures
of everything i have here & email it all to her & then she can print it up there.

this will include

pay stubs......... 6 months worth ok?
my last years tax return
photo copy of my passport
& my letter of employment

am i missing anything on this list

thanks for your help :thumbs:

piglettMalePhilippines2012-03-09 00:17:00
PhilippinesFree text message from the US to RP?

One caveat I have towards Chikka is that unless you refresh the application fairly consistently, it will in fact disconnect from the network and any messages sent to that number for you will be lost in the ether (happens every 15 minutes it seems :/).

i used it almost every day for 3 years when my wife was still in Manila
it was very rare for us to not get a message from one another
not saying it never happened buy was rare. not sure why you had trouble with it
could it be your ISP?? i was on verizon at the time with one of those little "sticks" that goes in a laptop
piglettMalePhilippines2012-11-01 17:55:00
PhilippinesFree text message from the US to RP?

Be nice to hear from those in the Phils that may be using chikka, curious how it works myself.

it works great
my wife who is now in the U.S. with me still texts her brother & sister in the PI. with chikka

best of all IT'S FREE !!!

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2012-11-01 17:50:00
PhilippinesTransit visa in Japan for connecting flight

If your asking about Narita to Haneda that I do not know.

i did an airport change at night from Narita to Hadeda & lets just say that "things didn't go so well" :whistle:
if there is no airport change then you should be good to go you only need an airport visa to TRANSIT out of the airport
if your inbound & out bound flights are at the same airport you have no good reason to leave.

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2012-11-01 18:39:00
PhilippinesGift ideas
i think i'll jump in & give my 2 cents worth
when i went to the the province for the 1st time to meet my wifes family
i got dad a 1/2 gallon of JD (i also wraped it up in bubble wrap TWICE & then built a plywood box for it to go into)
even if the man doesn't drink (most do) he will put it up on a shelf so everyone who enters the house can see it
having a huge bottle of american whiskey over there is a really big deal!!!
for mom i stopped in the local town while on the way to the family house & got her a 50 kilo sack of rice (about 115 lbs)
please understand that MANY people in the Philippines skip meals often (welcome to the 3rd world)
by taking the time to buy them a whole sack of rice you are showing them that you care (you will make big points rite from the start)
i think i got the brothers & sisters cheep body wash & stuff like that from walmart
oh i think i also layed out $14.99 for a fixed blade knife for dad on that trip
i played hell finding a knife that was made in the U.S. at the store
most were made in China which they can just buy there

good luck
piglettMalePhilippines2012-11-01 18:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresaos and IV

thanks for the 411 , i thought maybe i had to wait till they asked for the forms or something like that :bonk:


piglettMalePhilippines2011-08-29 11:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresaos and IV
well i don't want to hijack your thread but i have an AOS / IV question

I have paid both the $88 fee & $404 fee online they are both marked paid

i just can't figure who makes the next move me or our friends in Portsmouth

i looked & looked online & i can't find this info

please help

piglettMalePhilippines2011-08-28 23:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhere is the green card???
well 20 days after she arrives at the POE she got her welcome letter

i guess they are taking their sweet time with all of this :(

piglett & marily
piglettMalePhilippines2012-06-25 22:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhere is the green card???
well she got the job & they said they understood the problem with the lack of ss#
due to the fact that she has only been her a little over 2 weeks

we will keep you posted
thank you

piglettMalePhilippines2012-06-23 17:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhere is the green card???
thanks for the info folks :thumbs:
i'll go to the SS office & we will see what their system says

take care
patrick & marily

piglettMalePhilippines2012-06-23 07:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhere is the green card???
well my sweetie has been here more than 2 weeks & still no GC showed up in the mail.
she came on a CR1 which they converted to a IR1 at the POE (Toronto)
one of her FB friends arrived on the same day (her POE was JFK) & already has her GC & SS#
what can we do? who can we call?
she may have a job offer .......interview is tomorrow & this GC is screwing up things :(((

thanks for your input in advance
piglett & Marily
piglettMalePhilippines2012-06-22 21:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshello everyone
Hey thanks everyone

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-24 00:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshello everyone

Advice - Begin by clicking on the word "Guides" at the top of any page here. After you've studied the appropriate guide, download the I-130 and the instructions that go with it and study them both carefully. Then...ask any remaining questions.

I took copies of the I-130 & G325 with me to the philippines. I am still waiting on the rest of the legal documents from the province & them at that time I hope/guess i'll be ready to buy a stamp & send some documents off.

piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-22 22:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshello everyone
Hello everyone this is my 1st post here.
I just got back for the Philippines on 06/09
I spent 17 days there & had a great time.
while there I married my sweetie in a big church wedding out in a remote province.
She is working as a nurse in manila but she wanted to marry in her home town.
after doing some research I think i want to file for the CR-1 visa

thanks for everyones advice in advance
piglettMalePhilippines2010-06-22 21:04:00