CanadaMy wife's interview on April 5, 2007 in Mtl

sorry for the bump of an older post, i linked from your wife's post.

we had what appears to be the same interviewer, named Maya. older members can attest to my shock at dealing with her as well. In our case she misapplied some clearances and it took 7 months to clear up. Im sorry to see she is still causing issues, although I may have misunderstood what the problem is.

- asylee case never approved subsequently left on own free will, just not when they wanted her to? is 180 days accurate?

she even stated on the denial letter that i was denied september 19, 2004 and left couple weeks later. i don't understand. but then she said denied. for what reason? she had those dated right in front of her. we gathered our entire life in a couple of weeks and left the first week in october. since they didn't receive anything from the border i assume (that we left. we weren't trying to hide anything, we even had our denial with us to show we left within a couple weeks)...they sent a mandate to leave NOVEMBER. when we told her that (although she could've seen if she actually read our files) she simply said "mandate? what's a mandate? i don't know what a mandate is." seriously #######. so in our letters to her to re-review we gave her a little refresher course in the laws and regulations and vocabulary.

the senator's office immigration helper went over our case and saw absolutely nothing wrong and no unlawful presence. but she just won't even look at it now.

edit: sent in november that we had 180 days AFTER november to leave.

Edited by mrsserendipity, 02 May 2007 - 08:35 PM.

mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 20:34:00
CanadaAffadavit Of Support Question
for our spousal visa we had a different affidavit of support form, which is a little more extensive. i was doing some research on this and just learned (from http://travel.state....ypes_2994.html) that

What Must Happen After Getting the Fiancé(e) Visa?

After getting the fiancé(e) visa, your fiancé(e) enters the U.S. through a U.S immigration port-of-entry. The U.S. immigration official gives your fiancé(e) instructions on what to do when he/she enters the United States. You must get married within 90 days of your fiancé(e)’s entry into the United States.

After marriage, your spouse must file Form I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status with the USCIS office that serves the area where you live in the United States. You must fill out the Affidavit of Support, Form I-864, with the USCIS for your spouse's application to become a lawful permanent resident (LPR). See Permanent Resident at the Department of Homeland Security's, USCIS internet site.

i'm not sure if this is news to anyone else. i didn't know. i actually thought we all filled out the same financial papers. if you didn't either... heads up.

also to consider (besides assets. assets are taken as seriously): how many dependents does the applicant have? how much money is in the bank? how much is invested in a house/mortgage?

we did not have problems, but just to show i also worked, lol, i included MY paystubs and tax returns, etc. and to show i've never been a financial burden on the gov't and all that good stuff.

good luck :) i wouldn't worry about. do check out the other affidavit, it has some extra things. unless you already did :)
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-03 02:31:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake
neither of us ever lost our temper with the consulate. we have been nothing but nice. just because i come on here to vent doesn't mean anything. when she kept being rude, we just sat there and took it. we never even raised our voice. we realize she has our future in her hands. we are simply not that ridiculous.

second, she did not look through anything to come to her decision. in fact, she would not look at any of our documents. i have stated this before. during the "interview" she kept saying things that had nothing to do with my case. she brought up deportation papers and applying for things we never did (we had other things pending). she simply did not even look through our papers.

it's hard for us both to believe they can do that, too. that's not how it SHOULD be, but that is how it WAS. i do hope they have cameras in there they can pull out and review, so they can see what happened. we were nice when we didnt feel like it, never raised our voices, polite as all heck, just trying to understand where she DID come up with her decision, like you mentioned. THAT is what we kept asking... when was i there unlawfully? she simply would not answer us with anything but "i do not have time with argue with this"

a part of me thinks she was given the wrong case.

i have answered your question... no, there is no way i was ever there unlawfully. why isn't that good enough? we have several lawyers, senators/congress, and even homeland security gave me clearance and said they saw nothing to prevent me from coming back.

maybe it was because we look younger than we are. she did keep asking for our ages (then writing on my original birth certificate). mid-to-late-20s didn't seem to make her happy. i'm so sorry i moisterize and look so young, haha.

i can see your skpeticism, but please do realize we are not just sitting here brewing in our rage... we have people calling and looking into things.

today our senator called her personally AGAIN, and we were told she said she was getting aggravated (when SHE told our lawyer to call back within a couple days... last WEEK, cause it should be done by then. and now we heard 4-6 MORE weeks.) she said she didn't want to argue with us, well now she has to argue with other officials. i miss michigan, it's all i ever knew. i grew up there. i miss seeing everyone. i miss my husband's family and friends who can't come up as many times as i wish them to. we are all very close, and we all miss each other and just want this all to be over with. if anything, she should see that i have already BEEN in the US, and i did nothing wrong and everything, not even a speeding ticket, lol

i think she doesn't want to admit she just got really confused or took out her frustrations on us, and was wrong. but what did she think was going to happen? if i had anything to hide, i wouldn't be getting everyone involved and signing off my records to officials.

if you can't believe me, believe everyone else we have involved
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-03 16:35:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

I read yours and your husband's stories. What the agent at Montreal did was utter BS. I would certainly be pissed off, and you definately have every right to be! Even if there was something wrong with your case (which I don't think there was), it is completely inexcusable that she wouldn't even look at your evidence. Why bother with waivers and all that hoopla if she wasn't going to bother looking at it? I haven't had my interview yet (I'll be at Vancouver) but being in Regina, I know this isn't going to be a cheap or easy trip to make. I would be devastated and seek vengeance if they just dismissed my case out of hand after waiting all this time and spending all of this money. Her attitude seems to be completely out of line. Did you kick her favorite dog or something?Is there no accountability in this system at all? I hope your case officer get some sort of punishment or is dismissed from consular services. :angry:

My sympathies are certainly with you and your husband, and I'm sorry that you haven't gotten the support you desire.

Lesse, your husband posted this story back on April 9, correct? Has anything positive happened since then?

lol, no, i did not abuse her doggie. you'd think i did much worse. don't they have cameras in those little rooms? i noticed they had speakers so they can hear us better. i'm not sure how vancouver has it. there should definately BE cameras in the rooms, so neither the applicants nor the consulates can be mean or rude :) i felt great that day, i was dressed in a new black suit, my makeup looked amazing, i even ironed all of our clothes at the hotel, i was smiley and bright and cheerful! we had like 5 inches worth of extra documents and papers juuuuuust in case, i wasnt worried at all. heck i even obtained clearance from homeland security officer from detroit. maybe she was PMSing?
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-03 02:07:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

People here are simply trying to look at all of the possibilities. One of those possibilities certainly *could* be that you actually did accrue more than 180 days of illegal presence. No one has or is calling you a liar. No one has said or is trying to say you are wrong. Only looking at all potential options.

You clearly had a horrible experience in Montreal. Now you need to focus on how to get it resolved, fast. Has your husband contacted American Citizen Services in Montreal? What does your senator's office say? What does you lawyer say? At this point, you need a plan to get it cleared up. Good luck.

there is no way i ever accrued any unlawful presence. we had several lawyers look at all of my files that i signed off that they could look through. senator's immigration advisor looked at everything. everyone said it was a "mistake." we had a summary of all our dates from the supreme court that our lawyer asked for, there were no gaps, there was nothing. there is simply no chance. or i would've just filed the 601 to begin with. i asked her when and how and she had no answer. she simply thought i was just trying to get into the states or something. i would've loved to talk about my marriage and relationship, too, but it was never brought up :/ our relationship was solid, so i guess she had to make up something.

the law plainly states when you are waiting for a case to be decided, whether original or appeal or whatever, no unlawful presence is accrued. never any gaps. just had to look at the chart from the supreme court. plus no minors can accrue unlawful presence. plus no one can for anything before 1997. there's a whole section on it. i've read it all. lawyer, senator, we're all read it all. none of it applies to me. PLUS... it mentions the burden is not on the visa applicant to have written proof for every day they were in the US. even though i could, i suppose, with school records and work pay stubs. which i also had with me :)
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-03 02:01:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

my husband and i knew each other way before all this happened for 4 years. it's insulting to have people assuming and questioning things.

People are just trying to understand your situation and trying to find ways that might be able to help you.

i'm just not understanding.... why when i post things i get skeptics, and when he does, he gets nothing but pages of sympathy and love.

i didn't sense any of that from that post that i just replied to. i didn't sense anything but accusation and skepticism.

heck, just go to his american posts and read it, that seems to make a huge difference

I have no idea who your husband, and I have no idea what your situation is, so I'll just stop reading and go to bed.

considering that was in my first sentence, i assumed you read it. as for my situation, i have mentioned it in this thread and others. i didn't want to keep making the same threads, so i just made reference to the ones that explain it in more detail. if you had or have questions, ask me. all i'm doing for couple months now is just more waiting anyway, nothing but time. nothing i can do. nothing senator or lawyer can do, they will not even speak to us, said they will get to us when it's done and to not call again (even though they were the ones who kept telling us when to call).
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-03 01:44:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

No one is forcing you to explain anything - just asking a few questions to try to get to the bottom of it. (Obviously there are cases where no matter what the beneficiary thinks happened, sometimes mistakes are made on dates so it's totally reasonable for people here to ask if there is any possibility that you were unlawfully present).

Fine. You have explained that you were not. No one said you were and no one said you were lying.

Again, now you need a plan to move forward - you need assistance from an elected official or a lawyer or a high level person at the consulate to straighten this out. Why not focus your energy on doing that?

the senator wa told it would be done ASAP and to ask us to call in a few days, we did, they were rude, went to 2 weeks, then to 4-6. called senator again, they said until a month has passed, they cannot call again to see what's up.

lawyer kept getting yelled at for calling too.

no other options.
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-03 01:40:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

People here are simply trying to look at all of the possibilities. One of those possibilities certainly *could* be that you actually did accrue more than 180 days of illegal presence. No one has or is calling you a liar. No one has said or is trying to say you are wrong. Only looking at all potential options.

You clearly had a horrible experience in Montreal. Now you need to focus on how to get it resolved, fast. Has your husband contacted American Citizen Services in Montreal? What does your senator's office say? What does you lawyer say? At this point, you need a plan to get it cleared up. Good luck.

i feel like a broken record :( i've mentioned all the different things we were told and what we did and what's going on. i give up.

i asked her when i was unlawful and also mentioned all of this numerous times. she had no answer for me. she didn't LOOK at my papers to even know what was going on.

i'm done trying to explain things :/
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 22:25:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

my husband and i knew each other way before all this happened for 4 years. it's insulting to have people assuming and questioning things.

People are just trying to understand your situation and trying to find ways that might be able to help you.

i'm just not understanding.... why when i post things i get skeptics, and when he does, he gets nothing but pages of sympathy and love.

i didn't sense any of that from that post that i just replied to. i didn't sense anything but accusation and skepticism.

heck, just go to his american posts and read it, that seems to make a huge difference

maybe it would help you to know that zyggy used to be a border agent and might be able to give you valuable insights if there were answers to his questions.

Right now you are really really upset, and justifiably so and it colours your perception. I went back and re-read your husband's thread about the interview, and I saw nothing but support for BOTH of you.

my perception isn't tarnished. it appears montreal's is.

all along the journey our fancy shmancy lawyer kept telling us well nothing is for sure and 100%, but we just kept getting approved for the little things along the way. over the past years, i have never heard him say anything was 100% EXCEPT THAT THE CONSULATE WAS WRONG AND I NEVER ACCRUED ANY UNLAWFUL PRESENCE.

and now i have to keep telling jobs "no thank you" and changing plans and MORE WAITING. because she wouldn't look at our papers. how can SHE do THAT? how is she ALLOWED to do that?
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 22:10:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

my husband and i knew each other way before all this happened for 4 years. it's insulting to have people assuming and questioning things.

People are just trying to understand your situation and trying to find ways that might be able to help you.

i'm just not understanding.... why when i post things i get skeptics, and when he does, he gets nothing but pages of sympathy and love.

i didn't sense any of that from that post that i just replied to. i didn't sense anything but accusation and skepticism.

heck, just go to his american posts and read it, that seems to make a huge difference

maybe it would help you to know that zyggy used to be a border agent and might be able to give you valuable insights if there were answers to his questions.

Right now you are really really upset, and justifiably so and it colours your perception. I went back and re-read your husband's thread about the interview, and I saw nothing but support for BOTH of you.

border patrol or not... i told everyone what happened and he chose to call me a liar. i feel like a broken record...



not papers i wrote and could fabricate, ORIGINAL PAPERS.

she chose not to LOOK at them

mr. border patrol woudn't be happy with any explanation i gave, since the truth doesn't seem to matter to anyone

i'm so sick of this.

if she actually believed and had anything that suggested i was there unlawfully at ANY time, she would've been able to tell me when and how.
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 22:04:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

my husband and i knew each other way before all this happened for 4 years. it's insulting to have people assuming and questioning things.

People are just trying to understand your situation and trying to find ways that might be able to help you.

i'm just not understanding.... why when i post things i get skeptics, and when he does, he gets nothing but pages of sympathy and love.

i didn't sense any of that from that post that i just replied to. i didn't sense anything but accusation and skepticism.

heck, just go to his american posts and read it, that seems to make a huge difference
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 21:54:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake, even with the old lawyer gone in the us, WE still received the dated papers and kept track of when we had to send things and so on and so forth. the time they spend deciding it and we wait does not count as unlawful (do your own research, it's easy to find). she had all the dates RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER

edit: and no, not that were written by us. but dates from the supreme court that my lawyer now requested as a summary of our stay in the US

Edited by mrsserendipity, 02 May 2007 - 09:45 PM.

mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 21:43:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

1) Are you sure that they made a mistake... When exactly did your fiancee leave the US and under what circumstances did he leave. The details of his time in the US is very important and has a lot of bearing on the success of this case... How do you know that the attorney didn't screw things up and your fiancee had some time out of status... You stated that he was fired or removed.. there must have been a reason why...

Did his family leave the US due to a voluntary deportation order... A lot of questions that could turn this case on its head...

2) Do you have an attorney working for you.. If I were you, I would get a good one...

it's me, the wife, that was in the US. and no i was never there illegally, there was never anything fishy. they always knew where we were. we were denied finally september 19, 2004, we left october 7/8, 2004, the people who then lived in our old house sent us the mandate to leave within 180 days of november 8, 2004. we were already gone. the consulate had all this in front of her, but would not look at it.

my husband and i knew each other way before all this happened for 4 years. it's insulting to have people assuming and questioning things. our lawyer now is one of the best in the country and has cost us thousands and thousands and thousands. plus we released all our filed from 1991 the gov't had in THEIR files (not that i provided them with) to the consulate AND the senator, and none found anything at all.

and he is not my fiance, he is my husband and together 4 years. we didn't get married when i was in the states still and waited 2 years after i was in canada to get married, when we were ready and sure and completely in love. my husband was with me and my family when we left and was with us at the border when we entered canada and filed papers for 9 hours.
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 21:39:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

Does bring up a good point---when one does the interview, one should take notes of the persons name that is causing u the grief!! If they do not have a name tag, note thier appearance!! One may not want to do anythign right away, in fear it may have percussions, but sending a letter to ur congressman, and head of the consulate after u have the visa in hand, can't hurt. if they got piles of crappy letters about 1 individual, somethign may happen!!

i just can't believe people can be like this and abuse their power. what did she think we were going to do? just say screw it? of course not. i kept asking over and over when i was there unlawfully... so i could find MORE papers to show her i wasn't, but she kept not answering me, saying she doesn't have time to argue :/

egh, i'm heartbroken. she could see our hearts breaking in that little room, and she knew we were right, but she just felt like being a biznitch, or was too proud to admit she was wrong. i mean she had the dates ON the denial. did she not pass 3rd grade math? :bonk: we brought that up to her after we saw it too while we were still in the little room. she simply kept saying "you are dismissed" "you are dismissed" "you are dismissed"

:cry: :clock: :ranting:
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 20:47:00
CanadaMontreal's attitude after THEY made a mistake

oh, also, on the denial letter she even wrote: case denied september 19, 2004, she left october 8, 2004

so i have NO idea what the deal was. plus, i filed a 212 just in case, even though we left voluntarily and were never deported, which got approved with no problems. but she dismissed it too, saying "it's just an approval, so what, doesn't mean anything"

i asked when i was there illegally and she just sighed and lowered her glasses and said sharply "i don't have time to argue with you"
mrsserendipityFemaleCanada2007-05-02 16:49:00