US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 - medical query
Hello there

I booked my medical back in December and had it done in January I booked it before I got the pack3 from London.
They just need your case number.
They send the results direct to the embassy after 2 days and the embassy keep it all and then give you your xray back at the interview

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-03-13 09:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa approved today at London!!!

It really was so easy. We are so happy, I still cant believe it to be come it was that easy :wacko:

Maybe Tony Blair wants shot of us all and has put in a good word :P

Congratulations on your visa and I hope that you have an amazing life in the USA

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-03-17 04:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Approved in London!!
Congrats on your visa approval I hope that you are soon together

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-03-20 17:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionYessssss visa finally arrived
Congrats on getting ya passport back sammy i hope that you are feeling better already

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-03-30 10:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGOOD NEWS LONDON EMBASSY
Congrats and good luck with the interview

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-04-07 13:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI GOT MY VISA!!!! YAHOO
Congrats on getting your visa :dance:

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-04-09 10:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWE HAVE A VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent news, congratulations :dance:
I hope that you have a really happy life together

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-04-06 08:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa approved!
Congrats on your approval :dance:

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-04-19 11:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy wife passed in HCMC!
Congrats :dance:

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-03-01 05:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical tomorrow! (may 24th)
Dont worry bout the medical Jay it will be fine, the Dr's at Basil Street are nice but one thing I will suggest is that you take something to eat (snack for your child) and a drink as the waiting room is small and has no drink machine or anything.
Take care and good luck on the underground (i so dont miss the london transport service :lol: )

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-05-23 14:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionChildren and the Hep B shot
My son had the first 2 when we were home in the uk they were spaced a moth apart from eachother, the third one had to be done in april (6 months after the 2nd one) if you wait till you get to the usa the county health deaprtment do them for a minimal charge for all children of school age (well they do in NY but you should check with the state you are going to), my son and I were told that he had to have them all done or he wouldnt be able to stay in school (get a list of vaccination requirements for your school district as they only give you a month to sort it).

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-06-06 07:41:00
US Citizenship General Discussionfingerprints no go :(

so I had my fingerprints and bio apt today they tried and tried but I feel they will reject as it would not pick up my little finger prints so what happens now ? some did pass but a few did not .. am bummed out :(

When I had my fingerprints done they had to do them all one at a time too the guy who did mine asked if I worked with paper or money (apparently it wears down your fingertips and makes the prints soft) he also had a problem with my little finger on my right hand but all the others went through. He did warn me I might get called back if they wasn't accepted but they turned out ok as Im set for my interview.

Good Luck
dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-04-23 18:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDecision can not be made at this time WTH

All my worry was for nothing :D   Today I got my oath letter it will be in Utica NY on June 20th  I cant believe my visa journey is almost complete :)

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-05-25 12:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDecision can not be made at this time WTH

Same thing happened to me. Very simple case, no kids or tickets. Lady said she needed to review my file. A week later I got a status update saying I was in line for oath scheduling. I worried like you, but no need to. Look at my timeline for reassurance. You will be fine. I'm a citizen now and you will be so



Thank you ... Ill try not to go in to manic mode till next week :D

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-05-24 18:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDecision can not be made at this time WTH


Have you ever claimed to be a citizen??



No never Im fanatical about reading paperwork before I sign everything so I know Ive never checked any box to claim that... Im just confused as to why it couldnt be decided upon.  The guy was smiling when he said the outcome to me so I assume its not bad and that he really does just have to review it but you never know with USCIS.. Ive always sailed through everything with them right from sept 2005 when we did our initial K3 visa so I guess I was about due a hiccup :S

Nothing to worry about. It could be that you have a big file (like my case) or he didn't go over your file prior to the interview. In my case, I called the 1-800# a week later, spoke to a level 2 supervisor who told me my application was approved later the same week of the interview. And my online status didn't change until oath was scheduled (not placed in queue)


Give it a few days and call their 1-800# and check on it. 



Thank you , you have put my mind at rest somewhat.  I just hate not knowing stuff :D

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-05-24 11:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDecision can not be made at this time WTH

Hi all


I had my interview on Tuesday in Albany NY.

The interview itself went really good I swore to tell the truth, we then sat down and he went over my file everything was correct and the IO then went onto the 10 questions, He only had to ask me 6 as I got them all right then we did the reading and writing portion of the interview (this also went well).

We chit chatted back and forth about my job and going paperless (I work in a Drs office and we are in the process of going paperless) he said the USCIS is going to be doing this soon (he laughed when he said it as he had just told me about the size of the vaults they have of charts based in Montana).

Then it got strange for me as he said "you have passed the civics and english part but I need to review your file"  I have never been arrested, never broke any law, never lied to a USCIS office so why would they need to review my file? He said nothing else just that it needed to be reviewed :(

He said he would be in touch with me next week (however Ive heard that people wait weeks for a decision to be made).

I just dont get it I have checked my online status and it is still saying 04/16/2013 we have schedualed you for your interview etc.  Im seriously worried what on earth could be wrong with my file when I have done nothing but go to work pay taxes and be a good citizen.

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-05-24 10:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDecision Cannot be Made

Hey whats up guys I'm about to frick out of my mind,this morning I had my Interview N-400. Here is the full story what happend first with my N-400 application,on February 28 I filed my N400 via UPS and they lost my mail with my check in it for $680,so I went to my bank stoped pay on that check and got new one.I send new application like after two weeks via FedEx and they got it.USCIS send me reciept and and case number,all over sudden UPS found that mail and delivered to USCIS like after 20 days,they send me another reciept for N400 application with case number,but they shouldnt been recieving that case because I stopped pay on that check,anyway after like 2 more weeks USCIS financial center send me letter that check pay was stopped and if I want my case to be procesed I have to send payment,instead I send them letter of explanation with what happend and I did alredy paid for my case,They never repond me back and guess what this morning during my inteview IO asked me if I paid my application fee,for what I said yes,she said its denied and I told her I have two application the one which I paid,and the one that you shouldnt been recieve,and I showed her my reciept for $680 she said she is gonna check it,and she asked me for 3 years TAX if I paid,I showed to her papers that I filed for 3 years.She said she needs proof that I paid those amount that were on my tax return forms.I told her that I dont have that proof with me if she lets me I will go to my bank and bring her statement from bank for those 3 years tax that been withdraw from my account.She said ok go and bring it to me now,and she printed My N-652 indicates that "A decision cannot yet be made about your application." she said if I bring it to her today she would give me letter with my oath ceremony date.I run to my bank got those record and brought it to her than she said I need to review it go home you will get letter from us,so I gave her what she wanted from me,and I dont have any criminal record, guys pleas any Idea whats going on ?



I also got the dreaded "decision cannot be made" answer, I went into panic mode but I got my oath letter 4 days later, my IO said he had to review my case and on my oath letter it is dated the day after my interview so I guess he really did need to review it and wasnt just fobbing me off.  Wait a couple of days and then call them.  Also I checked my status on their website and it hadnt changed from April 16th (it still hasnt)... Good luck

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-05-30 19:16:00
US Citizenship General Discussionstrange letter from uscis

Well done good.gif

I hope that person doesn't end up with a naturalization certificate with your photo on it. Wouldn't that be a surprise


If the other person is a man and has short brown hair then yepper a pic of a lady with blonde hair will take some explaining lol

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-06-04 18:35:00
US Citizenship General Discussionstrange letter from uscis

Oh duh! I googled Ithaca instead of Utica. They sound alike don't they? 3 syllables, start with vowels, end in ca. Yeah right!

So sorry. My brain is scattered. I lost a dear friend today and just can't think straight. Maybe you can get some info from the courts too, like if they cancelled Utica for some reason or had too many, or moved the whole lot. Phone numbers http://www.nynd.usco...ourtAddress.htm

Hey and pull strings and say you have a federal judge as a guest and need back on the Utica list. smile.png


Im sorry for your loss Nich-nick :(


Anyway I called the 1800 not so helpful customer service number and the bloke passed me up to a level 2 operator who inturn tried to tell me that "I couldnt have an oath letter let alone 2 as I have not even had my interview yet"  when I told him I had my interview on may 21st he asked me "are you sure" ?  WTH no buddy Im not sure maybe i took a day off of work drove to Albany and just sat in a cafe for a hour striking up conversations with complete strangers (dimlow) so I said to him shall I just make an appointment for an infopass and he said "no wait to hear from them by june 19th" (idiot man had no idea what he was talking about)  so off I went to albany (after running out of work and telling my boss "SORRY GOTTA GO"). Well I got to Albany handed over my infopass paper plus the 2 oath letters the woman I saw said "well this is a first" lol so off she went to get an answer. So after 10 mins a supervisor came out and asked me to go to an office with her where she explained to me that "my name and last 3 digits of my A# are very much like another person who had their interview and my number was put on the letter by mistake therefore it was addressed to me" I asked her about the poor person who now is waiting for something in the post that they are not going to recieve :(  she explained to me that they will correct it and that Im to go to my original date of june 20th in Utica for my ceremony ..... Holy cow today was a busy day for me lol

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-06-04 15:15:00
US Citizenship General Discussionstrange letter from uscis

Here's a clue for you.

Ithaca only does 3 ceremonies a year and they did one in May. Is it Syracuse by chance?


no not in syracuse (although I would rather drive there than all the way down state to binghamton which is where the new letter says im to report to) my original letter is for Utica they do ceremonys 7 times a year, Im just a bit confused no matter though Ill drive down state no problem ill just have to be nice to my boss is all :D The only kicker is  a family friend who is a federal judge was going to come to the ceremony to see me do my oath but oh well looks like Ill be on my own lol

I cant give advice, but I just wanted to say a big HELLO to you.  I'm from Utica NY originally and am very aware of where westernville is. Its nice to see someone from my home town.



Hello to you too :D

Utica the home of Riggies and greens my favourite food :D   oh not forgetting Saranac thursdays :D


I hope your visa journey runs smoothly



A question we often receive is: "I had an interview scheduled at my local Field Office, but the office was closed on the day of my appointment because of bad weather. What should I do?"

Answer: If the office was closed due to inclement weather, a power outage, or for some other unexpected occurrence, the office will automatically reschedule you for an interview as soon as possible. The same is true if your naturalization ceremony was cancelled; the Field Office will schedule you for another ceremony. The date of your rescheduled ceremony may vary, due to factors such as when the facility hosting your ceremony is available or when the court is able to accommodate the ceremony. If you scheduled an InfoPass appointment, you will need to schedule a new appointment on your own.


Thank you for replying :D

I guess Ill give them a call tomorrow to see what is what :D

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-06-03 18:51:00
US Citizenship General Discussionstrange letter from uscis

Ok so I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I had my interview and the other week I got my oath letter (utica ny june 20th and about 15 mins from my house) well today I got another letter another oath letter for another oath ceremony but in a totally different county more than 2:30 hours away from my house. I tried calling uscis but its out of hours, has anyone ever had this happen to them?  Thing is I have booked the day off of work and there is no way I can change the days as Im the only person who does the medical billing in our office so my boss cancelled every single patient that we had booked in for june 20th (he will flip if I have to change the date).


Thank you in advance :D

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-06-03 17:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers


Congrats!!dancin5hr.gif goofy.gif dancin5hr.gif  I had my oath too today.


Yay congrats to you :D   what a relief to be done with it all eh?     

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-06-20 16:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers

Can someone up date me please..... As of 11:07am this morning I BECAME A USC :D

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-06-20 14:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers

Hi All,


I became a US citizen today at Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn. 


2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
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N-400: March 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox 
UserName.........|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|InLine..|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
ATLLAS21.........|03/01/13|--/--/--|03/07/13|03/26/13|03/28/13|05/11/13|06/10/13|--/--/--|Dallas, TX
TRINIIPHONE......|03/01/13|03/04/13|03/07/13|03/27/13|03/29/13|04/02/13|05/07/13|06/12/13|Brooklyn, NY
CANDHAN..........|03/05/13|03/07/13|03/06/13|03/26/13|--/--/--|04/19/13|05/21/13|06/04/13|Brooklyn, NY (EB:03/14/13)
CURVENCJ.........|03/05/13|03/08/13|03/07/13|03/26/13|03/28/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Atlanta, GA
CEREZA...........|03/06/13|00/00/00|03/13/13|04/02/13|04/04/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York, NY
ROMINA12.........|03/06/13|03/12/13|03/13/13|03/27/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
MANDIXON.........|03/07/13|03/14/13|03/13/13|04/05/13|04/09/13|04/22/13|05/29/13|--/--/--|Syracuse,N Y
LOVERS0720.......|03/08/13|03/14/13|03/11/13|04/08/13|04/10/13|04/17/13|06/12/13|--/--/--|San Antonio, TX
CJ-FL............|03/11/13|03/18/13|03/15/13|04/12/13|05/07/13|05/17/13|06/18/13|--/--/--|Tampa, FL
GBOREE...........|03/12/13|03/18/13|03/15/13|04/09/13|05/10/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Louisville, KY
NINAETMILO.......|03/12/13|03/21/13|03/19/13|04/15/13|04/17/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|New York, NY
AFRICAN34........|03/12/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Louisville, KY
ACLOSIPIC........|03/12/13|03/18/13|03/15/13|04/12/13|05/03/13|05/11/13|06/11/13|--/--/--|Lawrence, MA
MONXHY...........|03/14/13|03/14/13|03/18/13|04/15/13|--/--/--|05/14/13|06/17/13|--/--/--|Dallas, TX
JOKALU...........|03/15/13|03/24/13|03/29/13|04/12/13|04/19/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Westchester, NY
DMD01708.........|03/16/13|--/--/--|03/19/13|04/12/13|--/--/--|04/22/13|05/21/13|06/20/13|Syracuse, NY
IVANCICAS........|03/18/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|04/12/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|05/22/13|--/--/--|Jacksonville, FL
PSOORD...........|03/20/13|03/28/13|04/01/13|04/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
TEXANGATOR.......|03/21/13|03/28/13|03/30/13|04/19/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Houston, TX
TIMON&PUMBA......|03/21/13|03/28/13|04/02/13|04/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|06/06/13|--/--/--|New York, NY
CHADLAURE........|03/21/13|03/27/13|03/26/13|04/09/13|04/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Miami, FL (EB:04/09/13)
CAN/AMERICAN.....|03/25/13|04/01/13|04/04/13|04/19/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|05/29/13|06/28/13|Albany, NY
SUDA.............|03/25/13|--/--/--|03/28/13|04/25/13|04/23/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Queens, NY (EB:04/19/13)
ENV88............|03/26/13|03/29/13|03/29/13|04/11/13|05/20/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Oakland Park, FL
MRS MOUNTVILLE...|03/27/13|04/03/13|03/29/13|04/29/13|05/01/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Philadelphia, PA

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName.........|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|InLine..|Int Ltr.|Intview.|Oath....|FieldOffice
PERIDOTGIRL......|03/01/13|03/07/13|03/07/13|04/03/13|03/29/13|04/11/13|05/28/13|--/--/--|Santa Ana, CA (EB:03/27/13)
YA HAYAT ALBY ?..|03/01/13|03/11/13|03/08/13|04/01/13|04/15/13|04/15/13|05/20/13|--/--/--|Indianapolis, IN (EB:03/29/13)
CHOX99...........|03/01/13|03/07/13|03/07/13|03/29/13|04/02/13|04/19/13|05/29/13|--/--/--|Milwaukee, WI
DANIELMELARA.....|03/04/13|03/11/13|03/14/13|04/03/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Los Angeles, CA (EB:03/18/13)
GONINERS.........|03/06/13|03/14/13|03/14/13|04/08/13|03/29/13|04/25/13|05/30/13|06/11/13|San Francisco, CA (EB:03/20/13)
BODEY............|03/07/13|03/19/13|--/--/--|04/10/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|05/22/13|05/22/13|Seattle, WA
NOMINIIIII.......|03/08/13|03/13/13|--/--/--|04/11/13|05/03/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Seattle, WA
BRIANANDMERNE....|03/11/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Cincinnati, OH
TOGA.............|03/19/13|03/20/13|03/22/13|04/10/13|04/12/13|04/17/13|05/30/13|--/--/--|Kansas City, MO
MOONLIGHT7.......|03/19/13|03/25/13|03/22/13|04/12/13|05/10/13|05/20/13|06/20/13|--/--/--|San Diego, CA
KBANKS...........|03/20/13|03/21/13|03/22/13|04/22/13|05/15/13|05/16/13|06/20/13|--/--/--|Minneapolis, MN (EB:04/02/13)
CINDAROO64.......|03/26/13|04/02/13|04/05/13|04/26/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Chicago, IL
KINTARO..........|03/28/13|04/03/13|04/06/13|04/12/13|05/28/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Denver, CO

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName.........|Sent....|ChkCashd|NOA.....|Fprints.|InLine..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath..|FieldOffice
Example..........|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|City, ST

  • rep_up.png
  • 0



Congratulations kicking.gif

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-06-04 16:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers

I have my oath ceremony set for June 20th could someone update me please :D

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-05-25 12:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers

Getting nervous unsure.png   my interview is tomorrow in Albany NY

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-05-20 19:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers

Did you receive a date for inline for interview? Or is that step skipped sometimes?

Hi Folks.

I did my bio 4/2 and still no update to "inline for interview"
Is that step skipped sometimes to the interview date?

Hi there
I didn’t get an in-line up date I had my biometrics done on the Friday (12th) then on the Tuesday (16th) I got the email stating I was scheduled for my interview I think sometime they do skip the in-line thing Im guessing it all depends on how busy your local field office is (Im at Albany NY for my interview and Im guessing they dont have as many applications as other offices).
Good Luck and I hope you get your appointment soon
dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-04-22 17:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers
Could someone up date me please (as I make a right pigs ear of it whenever I try) :blush:

I have my interview set for May 21st at 11:15 in Albany NY

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-04-22 14:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers

That's awesome! I have my biometrics in Albany this Friday so I better start studying! Thanks for the heads up.

I'm going to try and submit all the bits I forgot as well while there. I've had good experiences there.

Good Luck ... I liked Albany when I was there for my GC, Im so nervous now I know the interview letter is on its way it kind of makes it all seem so real now.
dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-04-18 15:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers
So at the moment I'm suffering through this tummy bug feeling sorry for myself and on the off chance I check the uscis
website and low and behold I've been scheduled for my interview... No in line or anything I'm guessing it must
be a slow month in Albany Ny as I only had the biometrics done last Friday.... I am one nervous Nellie now ...
dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-04-16 19:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers
nope cant do it :(
dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-04-01 19:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers
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2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
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5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size [2]
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

N-400: March 2013 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|InLine...|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
atllas21 ...........|03/01/13.|--/--/--.|03/07/13.|03/26/13.|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Dallas, TX
triniiphone.........|03/01/13.|03/04/13.|03/07/13.|03/27/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Brooklyn, NY
candhan.............|03/05/13.|03/07/13.|03/06/13.|03/26/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY (EB: 03/14/13)
CurvenCJ............|03/05/13.|03/08/13.|03/07/13.|03/26/13.|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA
Cereza..............|03/06/13.|00/00/00.|03/13/13.|04/02/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York,NY
lovers0720..........|03/08/13.|03/14/13.|03/11/13.|04/08/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Antonio, TX
CJ-FL...............|03/11/13.|03/18/13.|03/15/13.|04/12/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL
Gboree..............|03/12/13.|03/18/13.|03/15/13.|04/09/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Louisville, KY
ninaetmilo..........|03/12/13.|03/21/13.|03/19/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY
african34...........|03/12/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Louisville, KY
aclosipic...........|03/12/13.|03/18/13.|03/15/13.|04/12/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Lawrence, MA
monxhy..............|03/14/13.|03/14/13.|03/18/13.|04/15/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Dallas, TX
Ivancicas...........|03/18/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|04/12/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Jacksonville, FL
Psoord..............|03/20/13.|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Houston, TX
texangator..........|03/21/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Houston, TX
Timon&Pumba.........|03/21/13.|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY
chadlaure...........|03/21/13.|03/27/13.|03/26/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Miami, FL
Canadian/American...|03/25/13.|04/01/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Albany, NY
Suda................|03/25/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY
env88...............|03/26/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Oakland Park, FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|InLine...|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
PeridotGirl.........|03/01/13.|03/07/13.|03/07/13.|04/03/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA (EB: 03/27/13)
ya hayat alby ?.....|03/01/13.|03/11/13.|03/08/13.|04/01/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Indianapolis, IN (EB: 03/29/13)
Chox99..............|03/01/13.|03/07/13.|03/07/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Milwaukee, WI
DanieLMelara........|03/04/13.|03/11/13.|03/14/13.|04/03/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles, CA EB: 03/18/13)
GoNiners............|03/06/13.|03/14/13.|03/14/13.|04/08/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Francisco,CA (EB:03/20/13)
BrianandMerne.......|03/11/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Cincinnati, OH
Toga................|03/19/13.|03/20/13.|03/22/13.|04/10/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--/|--/--/--.|Kansas City, MO
moonlight7..........|03/19/13.|03/25/13.|03/22/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Diego, CA
kbanks..............|03/20/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Minneapolis, MN
cindaroo64..........|03/26/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL
Kintaro.............|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Denver, CO

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|InLine...|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
Example.............|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|City, ST

Edited by dmd01708, 01 April 2013 - 07:14 PM.

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-04-01 19:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2013 Filers
Urgh call me stupid but I just cant do this update thing I sent in my app march 16th date of NOA is march 19th and I have my biometrics on April 12th in Syracuse.... If some one could update it for this nice but dim citizenship seeker please :)

Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove the "Quote Coding" at the top and bottom of the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size [2]
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

N-400: March 2013 Applicants
================================= :wacko:

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|InLine...|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
atllas21 ...........|03/01/13.|--/--/--.|03/07/13.|03/26/13.|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Dallas, TX
triniiphone.........|03/01/13.|03/04/13.|03/07/13.|03/27/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Brooklyn, NY
candhan.............|03/05/13.|03/07/13.|03/06/13.|03/26/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY (EB: 03/14/13)
CurvenCJ............|03/05/13.|03/08/13.|03/07/13.|03/26/13.|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA
Cereza..............|03/06/13.|00/00/00.|03/13/13.|04/02/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York,NY
lovers0720..........|03/08/13.|03/14/13.|03/11/13.|04/08/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Antonio, TX
CJ-FL...............|03/11/13.|03/18/13.|03/15/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL
Gboree..............|03/12/13.|03/18/13.|03/15/13.|04/09/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Louisville, KY
ninaetmilo..........|03/12/13.|03/21/13.|03/19/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY
african34...........|03/12/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Louisville, KY
aclosipic...........|03/12/13.|03/18/13.|03/15/13.|04/12/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Lawrence, MA
monxhy..............|03/14/13.|03/14/13.|03/18/13.|04/15/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Dallas, TX
Ivancicas...........|03/18/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|04/12/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Jacksonville, FL
Psoord..............|03/20/13.|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Houston, TX
texangator..........|03/21/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Houston, TX
Timon&Pumba.........|03/21/13.|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY
chadlaure...........|03/21/13.|03/27/13.|03/26/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Miami, FL
Canadian/American...|03/25/13.|04/01/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Albany, NY
Suda................|03/25/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY
env88...............|03/26/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Oakland Park, FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|InLine...|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
PeridotGirl.........|03/01/13.|03/07/13.|03/07/13.|04/03/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA (EB: 03/27/13)
ya hayat alby ?.....|03/01/13.|03/11/13.|03/08/13.|04/01/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Indianapolis, IN (EB: 03/29/13)
Chox99..............|03/01/13.|03/07/13.|03/07/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Milwaukee, WI
DanieLMelara........|03/04/13.|03/11/13.|03/14/13.|04/03/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles, CA EB: 03/18/13)
GoNiners............|03/06/13.|03/14/13.|03/14/13.|04/08/13.|03/29/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Francisco,CA (EB:03/20/13)
BrianandMerne.......|03/11/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Cincinnati, OH
Toga................|03/19/13.|03/20/13.|03/22/13.|04/10/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--/|--/--/--.|Kansas City, MO
moonlight7..........|03/19/13.|03/25/13.|03/22/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Diego, CA
kbanks..............|03/20/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Minneapolis, MN
cindaroo64..........|03/26/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL
Kintaro.............|03/28/13.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Denver, CO

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|InLine...|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice
Example.............|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|City, ST


Edited by dmd01708, 01 April 2013 - 06:04 PM.

dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-04-01 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved! Kind of wasn't expecting that yet!

Congrats :D   I too moved from London to Up State NY (loving every moment of it thus far)







You know those times when you check and obsessively check and nothing ever changes?


Then one evening you are watching TV together (I am visiting Bob - my fiance and the USC - for the summer) and he gets an email come through on his phone from USCIS.


We scramble to check our case status online and HOLY SH** WE'VE BEEN APPROOOOOOVED!!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif


Just twenty days from being received in Texas after being transferred from Vermont.


I can't believe it!!!!!!!!


We just opened a bottle of wine dancin5hr.gif heart.gif


dmd01708FemaleEngland2013-07-12 17:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfinally approved after 160 days waiting
Congratulations :dance: :dance:

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-02-01 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEAH! APPROVED!
Congratulations on your approval, I hope the rest of your visa journey goes quick for you

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-02-01 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting spouse
My husband visited me in october and went back yesterday he said that they gave him no probs at immigration this end. He was honest with them and they just informed him of his rights as the spouse of a ukc.

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-02-10 17:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresinterview on Monday
Good luck with the interview I am sure it will go well

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-02-10 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP


You reciept number starts with 3 letters followed by some numbers I went through vermont so mine started with VSC

dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-03-02 03:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisit my spouse and apply for the visa in the US the return?
I visited my husband last summer under the VWP with my son and we didnt even get asked any questions even though I had taken loads of stuff showing that I had ties to the UK (house lease, school records etc).
That being said though I think you should see if anyone else here on VJ that lives in your home country has had past experience of what it is that you want to do.

Good luck
dmd01708FemaleEngland2006-02-19 06:38:00