K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn a twiddle! Need help and advice.
All the best with whatever option you choose !!! May you have a speedy process !
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-21 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn a twiddle! Need help and advice.
If Applying for a K-1 you'll need to go back to the UK for the Medical & Interview. I don't see a problem with waiting out the time for your NOA1 & NOA2 in the states with your fiancee. Did you read what happened to me in my profile? Its not the norm but it does and can happen.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-21 04:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn a twiddle! Need help and advice.

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe you can adjust from the VWP to a permanent resident via AOS. The problem is, did you intend to get married prior to entering the US... (you will need to prove this if the adjudicating officer asks). Many people come to the US as a visitor and they spontaneously get married. But it all depends on intent, because if you wanted to get married on the VWP prior to entering the US that can be seen as visa fraud. I think I've seen other UK citizens do it the AOS way. You might want to try searching the forums.

edit. JayJay appears to have done it this way. Try contacting her.

We have been looking to get married 3 months after we met, which is now 2 years ago. We have all of the confirmations for our flight tickets, we have even taken holidays together. The evidence is plentiful. My question is, I am looking for the most peaceful way of getting through this - do you think ajusting my status on a VWP is a bit risky? I was hassled so bad my last trip i dont want to jeopordize my chances. Another question I have is this..... Since i have never overstayed my welcome and have always returned back before the 90 days, can they ban me from the US, even though I have complied with the rules?

Yes they can still ban you. I played by the rules the whole time. I was denied entry and was told to get a k-1 and not to try to enter the states again until I had the k-1 in hand.
it really is the safest way. BTW, my fiance & I were separated for 2 yrs. he was in the Military and couldnt visit me and since I was previously denied I wasn't about to even try to go to the US without that visa. They said I could be banned for 10 yrs. ( you can read my whole experience by clicking on my name on the left and scrolling down to "My Story" )
Depending where your fiance lives and what immigration service center she has to apply thru it really isn't that long to wait. Goodluck.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-20 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinor child of fiance
The child has to be listed on your fiance's K-1 application. They will have whats considered a K-2 . The child will have to have a medical done. ( No bloodwork or exray is needed. ) Your fiance must have written (notarized) permission from the natural father/mother to remove the child from her/his country. Also be sure your fiance brings all custody agreement documentation to her/his interview. If the child is fairly young, the child won't be questioned at the interview. Usually a young child isn't requried to attend the interview.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-05-12 00:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMilitary officer seeking help...

as there are special rules applying to the military and military spouses that I'm not very familiar with.

Would love to know where ya heard this from Gwen , as the Military DID NOT Help in our process at all .
The K-1 is only for single people marrying and immigrating to the states. You will have to recind the K-1. Maybe you can DCF in Germany?
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-05-21 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarine in Japan

As I understand it..The US Military gives its servicemen an expedited visa process..

Ya understood wrong.

The Military does not help expedite the process whatsoever.

In fact, when we went to the Base Legal aid, they told us that they were too busy with wills & estates for people who were deployed at the time, to even look over our paperwork.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-03-04 01:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
I had a horrid experience, but it's too long to type here. All the info is in my profile. just click on my name and scroll down to "My Story"
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-05-25 17:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusex-husband's permission for child to leave the country?

Like I said.. this argument is pointless unless someone is familiar with Russian law.

For example, in Brazil, permission must be granted from both parents, regardless of who has custody.

They live in Russia and my fiancee said that his permission is required,

He states his Fiance said that the fathers permission is required. Were going on that asumption. He didn't ask if there's someone who knows Russian law.

If its pointless then why are you even posting. :whistle:
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-03 17:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusex-husband's permission for child to leave the country?
She most likely has Joint Custody with her as the Primary caregiver.
It doesn't matter if the dad sees the child once every other weekend. She will still need to get a letter filied with a lawyer or notarized stating he is giving permision to let her move the child out of the country. She will also need his permission to obtain a Passport for the child.
She will also need to have her Custody papers to show as well.

Edited by raphael7546, 03 March 2006 - 04:28 AM.

raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-03 04:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)VERY CONFUSED ABOUT LETTER FROM NVC
I'm a Canadian with a 10 yr green card. I came on a K-1 Visa. At the time, my then 9 yr old daughter didn't move with me.

She is now 13 and able to move here.
My husband applied as her step-father. We received a letter asking him to go online pay $70.00 for AOS fee. print out a letter with a bar code. It says we must return this cover sheet with the petitioner's completed forms and supporting documents.
It says to complete the choice of agent & address form.

I thought he was the petitioner and my daughter is the beneficiary?
It states to appoint someone as the agent to recieve documents.
Does my daughter do this.
Can my husband be the "Agent" can we have the documents sent to use as my daughter is only 13 yrs old and I'm afraid they will get lost.
Also who is to sign this paper? My daughter is a minor. Does my husband sign this?
We don't have a lawyer. We did the K-1 for me by ourselves and figured we would do my daughter's visa by ourselves too. No lawyer involved.
Please help ASAP as this is holding up my daughter's visa and I've already missed 4 years of her life!
raphael7546FemaleCanada2009-10-09 18:17:00
CanadaQuestion for the Canadian Ladies!

Cerise, the non-cold weather Canuck.

LOL !! I'm the same way!! I HATE the cold. I'm from Vancouver , we hardly ever got snow. Just a whole lotta rain!
Its funny cuz we get quite a bit of snow here in Utah and I hate it. The neigbor next door saw me shovelling and said " Oh you must love this cuz your so used to the snow!" HA HA HA ! Ummm NO !

In fact, I'm always cold, I have a lil space heater next to me turned on full blast and I'm wearing a wool sweater to boot! :luv: :P
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-02-24 00:38:00
CanadaCanada Post sucks
We sent a picture to my parents in Delta, BC 3 weeks ago, and they just got it yesterday! :angry:
We sent my daughters B day presents in Abby, BC and they were there in 6 days. Go Figure :whistle:
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-02-10 20:00:00
hehehe ! Its Ok Marylin ! Glad the link made its way to the new forum.
Too bad no one else in Utah has signed up. :(
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-02 22:20:00
CanadaBasic U.S. tax question
I came to the states July1st. got married August 4th 2005. haven't worked here since I got here.
We filied Jointly and my hubby got a good size refund by doing so.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-02 22:22:00
CanadaVancouver Interview
Mine was on a Wednsday.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-02 22:25:00
CanadaBecoming a Canadian citizen
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-02 22:18:00
CanadaCan we Marry in Vegas?

The (L) of my life and I are trying to decide our best course of action. Currently I am waiting for my divorce to be complete (five years separated) before we can start the paperwork for a K1. After acknowledging the time frame and red tape involved ... we have discussed the option of marrying in the fall in Vegas and applying for a K3 then. He cannot come to Canada so that is not an option ... Has anyone had a similar situation? Are there any problems obtaining a marriage license in Vegas being from another country?

goodluck getting thru customs to just marry. I had major problems ( its in my profile under "My Story"Click on my name on the left.)
The K-1 was the route we had to take.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-14 02:52:00
CanadaNVC messed up and sent us to Montreal

Well I called the NVC today and the automatic system still said we didn't exist so I stayed on and waited for an agent ... I was told are petition was shipped to Montreal on April 5, 2006 ....

I said "WHAT ?? Why did you send it to Montreal when I live 30 minutes from Vancouver Consulate ??"

The agent told me I can request that they transfer me from Montreal to Vancouver ... After a brief conversation (explaining that Langley is in BC and only a short drive to Vancouver) the agent finally relised what I was saying and put me on hold ... When he returned he started appologizing over and over that they apparently messed up and sent our petition to Montreal and that they are fixing their mess up ...

Our petition will be shipped from Montreal to Vancouver once it arrives in Montreal ....

The agent was very appologetic ... I told him I wasn't upset ... I'd be more upset if I had to fly to Montreal instead of driving 30 minutes to the Consulate in Vancouver ...

Our file number that they gave us starts with MTL and I understand that Vancouver file numbers start with VAC.

I was wondering if anyone has had their petition transfered from Montreal to Vancouver and if so, if my number will be the same in Vancouver just that the 3 starting letters with change from MTL to VAC ??


Yep ! That happened to ours too. wasn't a problem tho. Vancouver recieved it within a week. They did keep the same NOA1 number withthe MSC instead of Vancouver on it which was a lil confusing but had no problems once it landed in Vancouver.
Goodluck !
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-04-12 00:09:00
CanadaBorder Crossing

I know what happened to you Lily and believe me I regret what happened...

You Regret it??! Try telling that to my child who was, and still is, tramatized by the idiot that put us thru this. My little girl cries hysterically everytime she has to go thru customs. This has hurt her for life. That guy had NO RIGHT to treat us the way he did. He should have been fired. PERIOD ! :angry:

Ok, I'll re-phrase that, The Customs Guys I'VE encountered are Complete Morons!

Edited by raphael7546, 04 March 2006 - 04:15 PM.

raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-04 16:11:00
CanadaBorder Crossing
customs guys are complete Morons!
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-03-02 22:28:00
CanadaPending custody and possible interview conflicts...
It really depends on the age of the child as well. In Canada the courts will not speak with the child about what they want until they are 12 yrs old. Depending in what part of Canada also takes into account how soon you can go to court for this. Most Canadian courts don't like to give Sole custody. They prefer joint custody. They want the other parent to have as much contact with the child as possible. They don't care how stable your relationnship is with your new husband or fiancee. They care about the relationship the child has with the natural parent.
Unfortunatly not all cases are cut n dry and it really depends on the judge handling your case, and also the natural parents lawyer's experience in these types of cases.

In my case, my daughter lived with me her whole life and saw her natural father every other weekend. He was supposed to pay child support by rarely did. (Child support has absolutly no bearing on Visitation, I may add. The natural parent is entitlled to visitation regardless if they pay support or not.)
My ex had agreed verbally that I could move my daughter to the states, but when it came time for the immigration interview he recinded his permission and refused to allow her to leave. Without his notarized written permission at the interview , I could not take my daughter with me. He did this very close to my interview date and it would have taken me over a year to get a court date ( Supreme court in BC was extremely backlogged in this regard. ) I had waited almost 2 and a half years to get this visa and move to be with my husband. I would have had to start all over again. My hubby being military; was going to be deployed so that made things even more difficult. My daughter natural father and I sat down with our lawyers thru mediation and came to some agreements. he was adament that my daughter would not move to the states at this time. However, he did agree that in 2 yrs when my daughter reaches the age of 12, she could move. ( we had a very nasty divorce and he was a very controlling man and this is his final way of controlling me still. ) I spent over $60,000.00 trying to fight this man to no avail. He hired a lawyer who specializes in Fathers rights. My lawyer said I had a less then 50% chance of winning, as the judges are very much leaning to the fathers rights issue.
My daughter now lives with my exhusband and commutes to here for all holidays, including spring breaks, All Summer long, ThanksGiving, & Christmas. We also have webcams & mics and have set up weekly meetings on cam. I am also informed of all medical situations, schooling ( her teacher and I email eachother on a regular basis and she sends me her report cards) . This isn't the ideal situation ( ideally, the courts would consider that a 10 yr old does understand things and is able to communicate her wishes. That She should be at the least allowed to talk to the judge in closed quarters without any outside influence. My daughter is very mature for her age and definetly wants to live with my new hubby & myself in the states. She has a very close relationship with my new husband and her natural father resents this. She knows that the only reason she isn't down here with us is because her natural father is using her as a pawn in his dirty game of control. But in the end he will be the real loser as he has already lost her respect.
Does it bother me that my daughter isn't here with me? Yes. Every day I wonder if I made the right decision to move here without her and wait the 2 yrs. But as my parents say, Things are meant to be for a reason. They say if I wasn't meant to be here, I wouldn't have this visa. She will be here eventually. My husband says "My ex may have one this battle , but he hasn't won the war."

Goodluck to you !
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-05-01 01:20:00
CanadaDoes my USC hubby need a passport to visit?
My Hubby & I are planning to drive up to BC Canada to visit my parents for a couple days in July. I was just wondering if he needs to have a passport to do this? He has Military ID , his Drivers License & Birth Cert. Is That enough or will he have to get a passport? How long does it take to get a passport for an American Citizen?
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-05-08 21:59:00
CanadaThose Idiots at Scotiabank !!!

the previous money order payment isn't showing on the statement.

Not good. Make some calls. There's probably some confusion on their end because the bank drones don't know what to do. Where did you buy the MO? Check your receipt. Call them, too. There may be some sort of insurance if it never arrived.

Well , we ALWAYS bought the money order at our BX ( Military store) but that one payment we didn't have time to drive to the BX and just bought one at the local post office. Thats the only one thats ever missed. :huh:
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-05-22 20:09:00
CanadaThose Idiots at Scotiabank !!!
I know that my last payment arrived no problem via money order as it was credited to my credit card ( it was supposed to be split in half to go to credit card & line of credit. But... the previous money order payment isn't showing on the statement. Thats why I asked if you can track/trace a moneyorder. I pay by money order every month regularly and have excellent credit in Canada. ( not that it does anything for credit here.)

I called the bank before about asking if I could just transfer money from my line of credit to my credit card and they said my account wasn't set up for that but if I came to the bank in person they could do that! :wacko: Ummm I live kinda far from the bank to just pop in to change my account.
I'm hoping to do this when we drive up to canada in july to pick up my daughter. Also need to have them change my lastname on my account as well.

As far as using my credit to build credit here in the states, I'll have to look into that. I can use my credit card here no problem and I get a US credit card thru my work ( required for my job), so thats not a problem.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-05-22 19:43:00
CanadaThose Idiots at Scotiabank !!!
I have been sending payments for my Credit card & Line of credit from here in the US since I got here. Before I left, I told them I was moving but would continue to make payments from the US. I asked them what would be the best way to make these payments and they said to just send a payment in International Money Order in one lump sum for both accounts. They said to send it to Ottawa instead of my usual bank in BC.

So thats what I've been doing, and for the most part its been ok. When I get my statements for each account I take both statement portions fill in how much I want to pay and then enclose one money order for both combined payments. But for the last payment, they just put the whole payment amount on my Credit card bill and nothing on my line of credit so now I'm in arrears ! ARGH !!!!!!! :angry:

And yes, I know alot of ppl. say not to bother paying back money you've borrowed becuz they can't come back after ya in the states , but I just can't do that.

Is there a way to track money orders. I am wondering if one of the payments never made it there?
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-05-22 17:37:00
CanadaApproved in Montreal! My interview experience & tips!
congrats on your approval !!
WOW !! Your very lucky to have been able to take pictures of the Embassy becuz I was told that they don't allow that for terrorist reasons. ( I guess thats why they also don't have a huge sign on it saying US Embassy ! LOL ! ) I know someone in Vancouver tried to take a picture of herself in front of the US Embassy and the guards came running over and wanted to seize her camera ! Luckily she didn't take the picture so they didn't take her camera. whew !
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-05-12 00:56:00
CanadaWhich province are ya from?
born in Manitoba, moved to Vancouver BC when I was 3 yrs old. moved back to Winnipeg for a few years , came back to Vancouver B.C. when I was 7. Now live in Utah
raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-11-12 22:47:00
CanadaCanadian geese
My mom-in-law bought me a hard- plastic full size replica of a Canada Goose for my Birthday. It sits outside at the side door of our house so I see it everyday. We named it Lucy Goosey. :D

Edited by raphael7546, 31 December 2006 - 02:49 PM.

raphael7546FemaleCanada2006-12-31 14:48:00
CanadaUpcoming Vancouver interview
I took mine in an expandable cardboard folder. Got it at Staples for 12 bucks. It was easy to keep everything in proper order and the ppl at the Embassy were very impressed at how organized I was. file folder

Attached Files

raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-01-25 00:20:00
CanadaThat "Word" EVERYONE Thinks we all Say! ARGH!!!!!!!
You know the one I'm talking about! I dunno if its even an actual word but EVERYBODY teases me about it. If I meet someone new that finds out I'm Canadian, the first thing out of their mouth is" Oh your Canadian "EH" " Geez!!! Then after that, every single thing they say they end with "EH" so that I may understand them better. :angry:

I don't nor have I ever said "EH" after anysentence and I'm not about to start!
What is with people here in the states thinking we all say "EH" at the end of every sentence?
In fact living in Vancouver I never once heard any of my family or friends say it!

This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine.

There's this one guy that I work with. He works out of one of our other offices but works from ours twice a month. Everytime he calls and I answer the phone he starts singing "Oh Canada" :wacko: Then when he comes in the office he tells everyone to make sure they're saying "EH" after eaqch sentence so the "Canadian" in the room can understand! SIGHS! :huh:
Anyone else have this problem ?!
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-02-12 11:14:00
CanadaCulture shock for Canadians in the US
I was watching a documentary on Elvis the other day ( I have no idea why, I don't even like him) , anyway, the guy was talking about Elvis when he was in the Army and that he had to go to Germany. How Germany was so hard for him because he had never been to another foreign country before, except Canada but thats not a foreign country! What!!!!? Canada isn't a foreign country??? :unsure:

I couldn't believe that!

I've been here almost 2 yrs in June and I am still trying to adjust to this place. It is so unfriendly. I haven't made a single friend here. I live in a prodominetly Mormon town much smaller then what I'm used to. ( grew up in Vancouver, BC) Unless you're Mormon, people won't give you the time of day.

I get teased constantly at work. Always with the Canada "EH" #######. So much so, that I'm almost ready to quit my job and go home. I am not liking this place at all. :cry:
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-04-23 19:48:00
CanadaDid you get yours? I got mine!
I sure miss playing the lottery 649 and the scratch & wins.
No gambling is allowed here period. not even Bingo. :(
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-06-09 17:32:00
CanadaPassport for minor
Are you sure she has SOLE Legal Custody and not Joint custody and her being the primary caregiver?
I ask because I have joint custody of my daughter and was the primary caregiver before I moved here. I wanted her to visit the states many times before we even put in for a visa So she needed a passport. Both her father and I had to sign for the passport because we had JOINT Custody.

He was all for my daughter moving to the states until just before the Interview (2 weeks) and recinded his letter of consent to let her move. Because of this, she wasn't allowed to move here with me. She had to stay behind with him. In Canadian Federal Law, once the child is 12 yrs of age, they can decide whom she wants to live with. My daughter turns 12 next year and has already made her desires known to both my exhusband and myself.
She comes here every summer( she's arriving Sunday), Spring break, American T Giving & Christmas. Once she moves here, the court will let her determine how often she wants to see her biological dad.

BTW, my ex said the only reason he wanted my daughter & recinded the consent, was because he knew how much my hubby & I wanted her to live with us. He never bothered to think of what was best for our daughter. :angry:
Oh Well, Karma's a Biotch and he'll get whats coming to him!

Edited by raphael7546, 25 June 2007 - 09:00 PM.

raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-06-25 20:58:00
CanadaTrying again after entry refusal

I had a pretty bad experience the second time I went to visit my USC husband when I was going through Toronto/Pearson. I was pulled into secondary when I informed him that I had met my husband on the internet (we met in an online game, hehe) and I think the internet word is what rang bells and got me sent away to be interrogated.

Anyways the lady in secondary was horribly rude and I really thought I wasn't going to be granted entry. Scariest experience of my life. However, the only evidence I had with me that I was coming back was paystubs, and for some reason, that seemed to satify her. If I got through with only that with the rude lady from Hell, I think you'll be fine with your 10 lbs of evidence :thumbs:

I had a terrible experience Just read it in my profile under "Our Story"
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-07-15 21:20:00
CanadaSon to attend school during K1/K2 Process

Thank you everyone. My son won't attend school - it's too bad as the opportunity to get established would likely make for a smoother transition, however we don't want to ruin a good thing, nor leave the impression that we're messing with the system, of course which is never the intent.

I think after my next trip (if they allow me in) I won't return until we have our visas in hand. This is a heart breaker.

Well I crossed many times with my daughter and never had a problem until one time. It was the worst day of my life. I was refused entry and the customs guy was a complete asswipe! I was told by immigration that it was completly legal to visit and even marry as long as you had NO intentions of moving there immediatly. Unfortunatly the idot customs guy didn't understand this bit of law and refused me. I then was told I couldnt enter the states until I had my K-1 visa. I had to wait almost 2 and a half years before I could see my hubby. They basically screwed up 2 yrs of my life. The officer at my interview knew about the problem with the asswipe customs guy and said that he was very sorry I was treated so badly. It didn't have any effect on my Visa and I was granted the visa no problem.
Hope you get things sorted out! Good Luck!
(If you want to know the whole story, click on my name on the left and read it in my profile. )
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-07-22 17:35:00
CanadaI want to go back
to me, Yoohoo tastes like watered down chocolate milk. Yuck!
And I agree with the milk thing. I hate the milk here. it sours within a day. I'm always pouring it out after a day and my hubby just looks at me and rolls his eyes and says the milk is fine! he just bought it.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-08-11 01:50:00
CanadaI want to go back

Unfortunately it isn't an option in my case.

Mel has a young son that he shares 50/50 custody with.

This is why Joel is here with me. My daughter (she's more Joel's than she is her father's) will be of legal age in 10 years. Yeah, that's a long time, but unless something happens to where we could move sooner, we're here until she's 18. We feel very certain that when the time comes she'll want to move with us. Sometimes joint custody least in my case it does.

So Your child is American right? I wonder if they have the same law in the states as they do in Canada? See, My daughter( she's Canadian) is 11 yrs old and once she turns 12, she is legal allowed to choose whom she wants to live with. He bio dad as we call him in Canada OR my husband & me in the States. We have joint custody and this is written up in the agreement. Canadian Federal family law states that the courts feel the child at the age of 12 has an understanding of the circumstances and is mature enough to decide for themself where they want to live.
Maybe you could look into whether or not this same law applies to your child?
I would Love to go back to Canada, but we both have good jobs here.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-08-05 00:56:00
CanadaI thought I was going to melt.
It's hot here in Utah too. Been in the triple digits for 3 months now! Buit... I Love it!!!
My Husband always puts the AC on while were having dinner and I'm always freezing! I usually go put a sweater on as he rolls his eyes! :wacko: He thinks I'm strange. But when my little comes to visit, she doesn't like the AC on either. In fact, as soon as my hubby leaves for work we turn it off! :whistle:
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-08-15 22:06:00
CanadaThe "Where are they?" thread
Anyone else remember Serenity & MishyBC ? Haven't heard from them in ages! Mishy had that cool site where she was selling all kinds of Canuck stuff! Bears, T Shirts etc...
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-08-15 22:01:00
CanadaGetting permission for son to immigrate from ex-boyfriend
You need to have a signed affidavit stating the bio-logical parent will allow the child to leave the country and live in the states. Just a passport isn't sufficiant. You'll need this letter when you go for your interview.
Especially if the parent has joint custody, you'll need the letter. If you have sole custody without any visitations rights I don't think you need the letter. But if the fathers name is on the birth certificate, be prepared to be asked questions at your interview such as , "Does the parent know your moving this child to the states?"
I had a verbal agreement with my daughter's bio dad and he had said when the time came, he would sign the paper to allow her to move. We had joint custody but my daughter had lived with me and saw her bio dad every other weekend.
Unfortunatley we went thru a rather nasty divorce and when it came time to sign the letter to let her move, he refused. This was less then 2 weeks before my interview. I contacted my lawyers but they said it would have taken almost a year to get a court date and less then a 50% chance that the judge would allow her to move.The bio-dad had a well known father's rights lawyer and had tons of money to fight. Her Bio-dad said that he didn't really want her but since I wanted her so bad that he would teach me a lesson for divorcing him and not allow her to go. (Thats ok, Karma will get him!)
In BC Canada, once a child reaches the age of 12 they are allowed to choose whom they want to live with. My child was 10 at the time. I did manage to get a court document that states that when she turns 12 she can move here if she chooses.

I had to leave her with her bio-dad and move without her. sad.gif
Luckily, She has been able to come down here and visit often. She comes every Christmas, spring break, summer and thanksgiving.

She turns 12 next February and has already chosen to move here. (I knew she would!) We'll start gathering everything for my husband to apply for her visa in January. Hopefully She can finish out her school year in Canada and move here in Summer 2008.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-08-26 03:07:00