CanadaGetting permission for son to immigrate from ex-boyfriend
You need to have a signed affidavit stating the bio-logical parent will allow the child to leave the country and live in the states. Just a passport isn't sufficiant. You'll need this letter when you go for your interview.
Especially if the parent has joint custody, you'll need the letter. If you have sole custody without any visitations rights I don't think you need the letter. But if the fathers name is on the birth certificate, be prepared to be asked questions at your interview such as , "Does the parent know your moving this child to the states?"
I had a verbal agreement with my daughter's bio dad and he had said when the time came, he would sign the paper to allow her to move. We had joint custody but my daughter had lived with me and saw her bio dad every other weekend.
Unfortunatley we went thru a rather nasty divorce and when it came time to sign the letter to let her move, he refused. This was less then 2 weeks before my interview. I contacted my lawyers but they said it would have taken almost a year to get a court date and less then a 50% chance that the judge would allow her to move.The bio-dad had a well known father's rights lawyer and had tons of money to fight. Her Bio-dad said that he didn't really want her but since I wanted her so bad that he would teach me a lesson for divorcing him and not allow her to go. (Thats ok, Karma will get him!)
In BC Canada, once a child reaches the age of 12 they are allowed to choose whom they want to live with. My child was 10 at the time. I did manage to get a court document that states that when she turns 12 she can move here if she chooses.

I had to leave her with her bio-dad and move without her. sad.gif
Luckily, She has been able to come down here and visit often. She comes every Christmas, spring break, summer and thanksgiving.

She turns 12 next February and has already chosen to move here. (I knew she would!) We'll start gathering everything for my husband to apply for her visa in January. Hopefully She can finish out her school year in Canada and move here in Summer 2008.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-08-26 03:07:00
I flew both of my cats with me in Coach. They were each in there own travel kennel. Not sedated (Airlines prefer you don't sedate them cuz the cabin pressure and sedation meds can cause death.
I had a vets letter stating they were spayed/nuetured, had all shots, microchipped & in good health. I had their vet imunization xards and spay certs with me as well.
The only time anyone looked at them was when we were going thru the luggage exray. They had to be taken out of their kennels while the kennel went thru the exray machine. Then I put them back in and away we went. There was no problem on the flight here and they adjusted really well to my hubby's 3 cats.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-09-19 20:31:00
CanadaPrepaid cell phones
I use Tracfone
its only 10c a minute in the U.S. & Canada.
You can buy minutes in stores or online. You can buy the phones in Walgreens, shopko Kmart, Target etc....
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-09-22 18:53:00
Canadalanded immigrant wants to visit the states
I have a friend in Canada who is a landed immigrant. He is originally from Argentina. He used to live with me when he was an exchange student back in 2000.
He finished school is fluent in 4 languages ( english) Has a BA, is Teachers Assistant at Simon Fraser University. He left Canada to study in France, came back to Canada and got his masters. He is planning to become a Canadian citizen.
I was wondering if he can legally come to Utah to visit me? How can he do this? Does he need a visa?He doesn't think he can.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-09-23 14:53:00
CanadaWhy does a flight that cost me 544.00 cost me 1800.00 a week later?
Welcome to Travelocity

Sorry, we cannot ticket travelers under age 15 flying alone.

Unaccompanied Minors
You must contact the airline directly before purchasing a ticket for an unaccompanied minor. Most airlines allow unaccompanied minors to travel on their flights, but have special restrictions, so please check with the airline to confirm specific policies. Age restrictions vary by airline. In general, children under the age of 5 may never travel alone. Most airlines require unaccompanied minors services for children ages 5-14, and some require it through age 17. Additional fees apply (approximately $25-100 each way) and can be paid at check-in. For security reasons, most airlines do not allow unaccompanied minors to travel on the last connecting flight of the day. Some carriers require unaccompanied minors to travel on non-stop flights only. The specific flights required vary by airline, so check directly with them prior to making a reservation.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-11-03 02:06:00
CanadaWhy does a flight that cost me 544.00 cost me 1800.00 a week later?
See the problem is, we can't be flexible with dates for her flight or time!
becuz she's an unaccompanied minor, she can't fly on the last flight going to SLC or from.
She also has to fly non stop.
We always used to fly out of Seattle with Southwest Airlines . It was always way cheaper then delta. but, my ex won't drive her to seattle to get on a cheaper flight.
I did find a flight from bellingham which isn't too far from my ex's place but the flight leaves at 6am. He'll have a fit if he has to be at the airport at that time in the morning! Plus the return flight might be the last flight of the day. It doesn't say on the website.
Usually if you try to book a flight online thats not on an actual airline website (expedia) It will ask the age of the child. If you just click on child and not adult, it won't allow you to buy the ticket. Red lettering will come up that says you must purchase an adult fare with the child. It won't let you buy just 1 child fare.

If the return flight out of bellingham isn't the last flight and she can use this flight I'll probably buy it. I'll offer to pay for a hotel for my ex & my daughter so that they can drive to Bellingham the day before so that my ex won't complain about driving all the way to bellingham for a 6am flight. ( I can be sure he'll complain cuz thats what he does. He loves to make my life miserable!)
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-11-03 01:54:00
CanadaWhy does a flight that cost me 544.00 cost me 1800.00 a week later?
I usually book her flight about a month in advance.
The problem is, You can't book an unaccompanied minors flight on a cheap website. (Expedia, cheaptickets, etc...) They always say they need at least one adult fare.
Also, an unaccompanied minor can't be booked on the last flight of the day as they have no way of looking after the child if there's a problem and its overbooked, mechanical failure, snowed in etc...

The wife of one of the guys I work with is a travel agent and she is trying to find me a deal somehow.
The other problem is that I can't change the dates of flight. It has to be Dec 22 and Jan 6th

Bloodsucking airlines! UGH!
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-11-02 22:12:00
CanadaWhy does a flight that cost me 544.00 cost me 1800.00 a week later?
My daughter flys (unaccompanied minor) on Delta Airlines all the time. The fare usually costs me around 500.00 us round trip from Vancouver, BC to SLC Utah. So I decided to book her flight for Christmas. She gets to spend a long Christmas vaction with us this year.
Last year she arrived Dec 16th & left the 21st.
This time, her school doesn't let out until Dec 21st. So she will be coming Dec 22 to Jan 6th.
I went online to book her flight and was shock to see that the price has tripled since I last booked a trip! This is the exact Air Line, & plane that she always flies. She was last here this past summer. Her American T Giving Trip for November is only 499.00 so why 1800.00 for a month later?!
They can't say fuel charges have increased that much! And yes, I know it's Christmas, but I paid 500 last Christmas (a week earlier) ?! #######??!
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-11-02 19:56:00
CanadaCanadian winters are killing me...ok not really but
I never had dry skin when I lived in BC Canada, but living here in Utah has totally dried out my skin.
I have tried Everything but nothing seems to work that well. I'm using the gold Bond lotion right now but my skin is still pretty dry and itchy. I can't believe how dry it is here~
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-11-16 19:02:00
CanadaThis CDN Craigs List Ad Cracked Me Up
My little Nephew, Now 15 yrs old , loved Canadian Tire money! In fact, all our family members would always save it up for him and put stacks of it in with his birthday presents. He actually liked the Canadian Tire Money more than the presents! LOL !
I found a 50 Cent CT Bill in one of my boxes the other day! I threw it in my nephews christmas present as a joke!
raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-12-20 19:44:00
CanadaSharing Christmas Pictures
Just wanted to share a few pictures of Shelby. She came here Dec 22nd. and leaves to go back Jan 5th.
She will be turning 12 in February and at that time will be allowed to finally move here without my exe's ( her Bio dad's permission) Yay!!

This was from family portraits we had done.

Shelby visits with Santa

Our Kittens Ziggy & Peepers Visit with Santa.

raphael7546FemaleCanada2007-12-29 14:54:00
CanadaThinking of doing it in the US ...
QUOTE (Reba @ Jan 12 2008, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As someone else already mentioned, you cannot work in the US unless you have an EAD. That includes working for a Canadian company via internet or physically commuting. Once you have the EAD, you're dandy. This could take a few months. If your business can live without you for that long, great, if not, you may want to re-think your plans.

Once you're here and have applied for AOS, you also can't leave until you have AP or your green card in hand (some will even say you shouldn't leave the country even with AP if you're adjusting from tourist status, but that depends on who you ask). Which can also take a few months or longer. If your business partners can't survive without you working and without you being able to show your face occasionally you may want to re-think your plans.

There are lots of pros and cons to staying to adjust status, its not just a matter of being with your spouse.

Check out my story on my profile by clicking on my name on the left.
You'll get an understanding of what COULD happen if you move forward with what your planning.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-01-12 21:32:00
CanadaI-130 Canadian 12 yr old moving here
Can the child still visit while the I130 is processing? My daughter wants to move here ( she is 12) I am the LPR. I understand my husband can file for the I130. But I heard it's taking a long time for this to process. During this time can she come visit us . She visits us 4 times a year. ( she's from canada).
Also, once the I130 is approved do you have 6 months to use it like the K-1 or is there no time limit? I really don't want to pull her out of school part way thru the year.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-02-27 14:01:00
CanadaCan you live in the USA while waiting for visa
QUOTE (MarilynP @ Feb 20 2008, 03:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Feb 20 2008, 11:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (maritimer @ Feb 20 2008, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all, just wondering, if you apply for the K1 visa can you live in the USA while its getting processed. I know I can't work and I would have to go back to Canada after 6 months or when the interview is which ever comes first. What about if we applied for a K3 visa if I got married down there could I stay there and apply or would I have to come home and wait.

I know you can visit if you prove enough ties to Canada; but I don't think it's too wise an idea to do it for 6 months ---- how would you prove ties to Canada otherwise?

If you go into the US with the intent of getting married, it's considered visa fraud. Check out the K-3 forum and also guides6ly.gif they are quite helpful.

Peace, L.

i just wanted to point out that getting married in the US is not visa fraud...

going to the US with the intent of getting married there and then applying for adjustment of status is visa fraud...

Yes, and trying to explain it to the border guy that your marrying and not staying is pointless as they have no idea what your talking about. Read what happened to me by clicking on my profile and clicking on "My Story" He wasted 2 & a half years of my life.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-02-28 20:18:00
Canadame so happy......
Have a wonderful time back home! You're so lucky! Wish I could go visit. Its been 2 yrs since I've seen my family.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-12 10:25:00
CanadaMy little girl is coming to visit!
QUOTE (raymaga @ Mar 12 2008, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Enjoy your couple of weeks together!!!!

Is she coming down permanently soon? She'll be 12 soon, won't she?

You must be SOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!

She turned 12 on Feb 8th. She is now allowed by law to decide where she wants to live without her Dad telling her what she can do. Were hoping to file the paperwork soon, but I hear it's taking up to a year before she will be approved to move here. My hubby Jim will be applying for her as they say it doesn't take as long. I just hate to have to pull her out of school halfway thru the year. So it might not be until Summer 2009 that she will be moving here for good.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-12 10:24:00
CanadaMy little girl is coming to visit!
My little girl is arriving on Saturday the 15th for a visit while she is on Spring break/Easter break from school! I am so excited! I haven't seen her since Christmas.
She'll be here till the 28th.
Attached File  n612970564_1995125_9954.jpg   38.87KB   16 downloads
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-12 10:03:00
CanadaMedical question
QUOTE (shawna7 @ Mar 14 2008, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Emily,

I was like you..all wierded out about the medical! laughing.gif its not a big deal though, the medical questions, eye test,blood test, check your vaccination papers..and oh yes..the quick peek under the hood! all in all no big deal(unless you're my 15 year old daughter) she was mortified that the first person under her skirt was an old guy!! laughing.gif laughing.gif and then of course the x-rays..but obviously not if you're expecting.. hope that helps


Wow ! I had my Exam with Dr Morgan and she only asked some questions, the exam was basically looked at my stomach ( had stomach cancer and was very scarred up from that. felt my ankles for edema and that was it. Had an Eye Exam, got weighed, had chest exray & a small sample of blood taken.
It really was no big deal. I was scared I would be denied because of the previous cancer but wasn't. Don't worry! You'll do fine!
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-14 17:22:00
Canadapetitoning child of lpr
just bumpin!
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-04-02 12:13:00
Canadapetitoning child of lpr
QUOTE (BH45 @ Mar 22 2008, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sorry to read your dilema.

It looks like what I'll be dealing with as well. I've not yet activated my K-1 yet as I am still hoping that my ex will give me the letter I need.

My daughter is 14 and the Consulate Officer told us that until she is 16 we still require her father's permission to come to the States. I have a year from Feb 4 to get the letter and activate our visas. I will be activating mine late in May with the hope that I get that letter. My daughter will need to make a very tough choice of living with me or her dad. If she chooses me, she will need to convince her dad to give us the clearance to move.

It's going to be very hard for her - leaving all she has known. It will be hard for me as well cause I have never lived anywhere but where I was born and raised.

I'm going to be interested in reading about your story and how this all works out for you. Which I hope is for the very best.

Hi Thanks for the warm wishes.
Have you checked with a lawyer in regards to the age the child can make the decision.
The age of 12 was what age my lawyer stated the legal age to do this was. I have a binding letter signed by a judge that states that once my daughter turned 12, she could decide where she wanted to live.

It's been very hard living here without her. She lived with me all her life up until I moved here.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-22 20:35:00
Canadapetitoning child of lpr
Just bumping this up, cuz I would really like to know the answers to my questions.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-22 14:43:00
Canadapetitoning child of lpr
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Mar 21 2008, 01:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (raphael7546 @ Mar 21 2008, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Mar 21 2008, 08:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wonder if you would have more success posting this in the "Bringing Family Members" forum? Would you like me to move it, Raphael, or would you prefer it remain here?

I had it in there and they told me to move it here blink.gif unsure.gif


Silly wabbits. It's almost like dealing with a government body, isn't it? laughing.gif

lol Yep!! whistling.gif ( worked for the Canadian Federal Government for 15 yrs so I know that all too well! LOL
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-21 12:33:00
Canadapetitoning child of lpr
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Mar 21 2008, 08:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wonder if you would have more success posting this in the "Bringing Family Members" forum? Would you like me to move it, Raphael, or would you prefer it remain here?

I had it in there and they told me to move it here blink.gif unsure.gif
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-21 12:05:00
Canadapetitoning child of lpr
I came here on a K-1 . My daughter was supposed to come with me, but her Bio donor decided at the last minute that she couldn't come. I had to leave her behind until she turned 12 ( Legal age in Canada for her to decide herself where she wants to live)
She has now turned 12 .
I had written to USICS to remove her from my K1 at that time. When I went to my K-1 interview I gave the lady a copy of the letter I wrote to remove her from the K1-k2 . The lady said she wouldn't do it because she found in most cases the father has a change of heart and lets the child follow a few months later. My ex doesn't have a heart, hence he didn't change it. mad.gif
I am in the process of having the conditions removed off my greencard.
I understand it will be faster for her to come if my hubby ( stepfather) applies for her, rather then me. I have a few questions though..

Can the child still visit while the I130 is processing? My daughter wants to move here ( she is 12) I am the LPR. I understand my husband can file for the I130. But I heard it's taking a long time for this to process. During this time can she come visit us . She visits us 4 times a year. ( she's from canada).
Also, once the I130 is approved do you have 6 months to use it like the K-1 or is there no time limit? I really don't want to pull her out of school part way thru the year.
Can she wait here while its processing? Will the documents all go to my ex? I am scared he will " misplace them" on purpose. He did this with our divorce.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
raphael7546FemaleCanada2008-03-20 17:34:00