K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresemail from senator leahy
your welcome everyone.....this post went a little better than my last :thumbs:
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-11 07:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresemail from senator leahy

sigh at least this somehow is good news. we know something is being done and i hope we all get our RFE's ... so weird... we all hope and pray that we dont get RFE's when we initially submitted our petitions and now that's almost what we are all waiting for... ironic...

billsgirl good to have you here to let us know what is going on. i appreciate it and im sure all of us do appreciate any information that can shed some light to this whole ordeal.

billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-10 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresemail from senator leahy
this is the reply bill recieved in email this morning..

Dear Mr. Hall:

I just wanted to share the recent update I received on the new I 129F petition form which was pending at the Office of Management and Budget. USCIS has informed us that the new form should be approved by the OMB office this week. Once the form is approved, you will be required to either file a new Form I 129F, or a Request for Evidence will be sent out, in order to collect the required data in compliance with IMBRA. USCIS hopes to have the guidance prepared and sent to the Service Centers in the coming weeks. I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any questions, please give me a call in the Senator’s Burlington office at 863-2525.


Kathleen Bolduc

Casework Coordinator for Senator Leahy
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-10 05:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome Fairly GOOD IMBRA News from My Senators Office!
good news i hope...bills senator sent the same notice....good luck to all (F)
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-13 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION

I think your story gained some national attention and made USCIS mooooove...what a great and courageous thing you guys did!!! Thank you...


To all you I-D-I-O-T-S who gave "billsgirl" ####### in this post and suggested that they were doing this for fame and to be "so careful" because this was going to affect your little petition and gave them sh!t because they filed in deserve to have your application thrown the the bottom of the pile......people like you make me incredibly disgusted on this guys know who you are....... :yes:

For everyone else that gave "billsgirl" support...I hope your application finds it ways to the top of the pile.....we need to support each other and some of you folks that were sooooo negative about "billsgirl" doing the article are down-right evil...... :diablo: :diablo:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

THANK YOU BILLSGIRL!!! was all bills doing...all he wanted was for someone out there to see and know what was happening to everyone.
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-13 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION

I for one know you´re not looking for attention but only looking for information like myself. Your timeline is close to mine and I know you´re on the exact same boat going through Vermont and all. I totally understand what you guys did and remember that when your fiance talked to the press everyone was telling everyone else to do something about this, and you guys had the guts to go do it.

Only thing is that maybe you ought to to tell the reporter to speak in general lines and not just about your case especifically, especially about those recalled cases that lost so much more than we did.

that is exactly what bill told her, that this is NOT about us, but all of us. she replied that she did visit this site, and she would like to speak to others, that are going throu this, so that they may tell their stories. i do have her contact number...thank you for understanding where we are truely coming from.
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION
first thing i want to i am sorry i even posted this....i didnt know it would ruffle so many feathers. 2nd of all, everyone that bill has ever spoke with regarding the ki visa and the effects it would have on the processing times, and how the government failed to implement the new law in time, we had informed them that our case was still young, and was in a 2 month period. like others on this site, we would like to know some idea on how long the process is going to take, since the government couldnt tell us, and no one seemed to know, he took it upon himself to call the associated press to see if they could find out what was going on. she informed me today, they are a week or 2 from having the paperwork ready.this reporter covers homeland security in washington, dc. i also explained to her that other people had it far far worse than us., and how peoples final interviews were cxled. she understood that cause homeland security told her that it was effecting 10,000 people. i am sorry if you think its wrong to let the rest of the nation know how the government messed up implementing a law in a timely fashion. i feel it is better to bring this to light, and how it is affecting 1000's of americans and their fiances lives. if any of you are interested, in telling your story, and how this new law is affecting your life, just pm me and i will give you the contact number...

MAN OF ACTION: you apparently didnt read the whole thread, because if you did, you be able to comprehend that we were not looking for attention and notarity. we are not going to have our pics taken, just wanted other members opinions.,and every conversation that bill has had with the reporter, he has stressed that there are many more people worse off than us..we just wanted answeres like most here.
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION

First names only and separate pics? What's wrong with that?

If you want it seen by millions, it needs pictures. People flip through newspapers quickly. A picture catches the eye.

I personally hope the article is about MORE than IMBRA. I hope it's about the debacles that have been going on for many years with this process.....not just this new problem.

i do understand what you are saying, but i dont want this centered on us....yes we are caught up on this imbra thing, however there are sooo many people who are much deeper in this than we long as the story is based on all of as a whole....i wish they could do this with a whole bunch of pictures.
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION

Do you think they'll actually take the time to check it out? That's what I was referring to......

Well i think if USCIS sees an article with example of couples they'll be curious to know who are they, and it's easy, i'm sure they have all on a computer system they can just check: beneficiary: bill, petitioner: debby from montreal canada. Easy.
I think they shouldn't worry about USCIS tho, if they want to talk to the press do it, i wouldn't give my real name nor my pictures, i wouldn't want the hassle. But that's me.

i think that will be the way we will pics, and if we can use other names(as they do in montreal) way or the other...they really want to do this story whether the pics are there or not.....oh and another thing, bill has a buddy, and didnt know that his wife works for immigration here in vermont, but in the accounting dept....she is going to make some phone calls....if anything comes up...will post....thanks nessaandcharles and everyone that answered the post....feeling a whole lot better now
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION

I think you should do the story and demand that they only use your first names (or different names like they do in a lot of news and magazine stories where the people involved don't want their real names used). That way, the pictures couldn't do any harm. Sometimes a story has a lot more "punch" when people can put a "face" to the situation.

How did they get your name and number in the first place?

when everyone was calling their congressmen and senators, bill also called the associated press,that was about 2 weeks ago....they called him back today and want very much to do a story on this imbra stuff.
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION

Unfortunately, you have no idea how the Writer and Editor will spin your story. While they're giving you the impression now that it will show you in a good light, you'll never know until it's in print. You may want to tell the story from the point-of-view of people doing things the right way, but they're in the business of selling newspapers and will tell whatever story they want.

I wouldn't be worried about your photograph, but about allowing yourselves to be used without having any veto power over the text. If you want to ensure the story is what you intend, write a Letter to the Editor and include your photos if you want.

(Disclosure: I'm a Writer. I understand how flattered and flustered you feel right now.)

just found out they want a pic of him here in the us....and one of me in canada.....however i think i just answered my own question(not that u guys were not helpful, you were)...this is not solely about us, it is about everyone...and how it affects EVERYONE. so the pics will more than likely ruled out as far as i am concerned...i just want the story out there.
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION
this is about imbra only, and what it is doing to people, this is not about us, standing out. it would be about everyone in general. this whole piece of #######, is all. everyone is devastated, and people want answeres. so this just might help in some sort of way.
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION

I highly doubt anyone would be singled out by USCIS for a newspaper article so I wouldn't worry.

More importantly, when and where is it going to be published?

billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNEED PEOPLES OPINION
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-09 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS NEW PROCESSING DATES!
mine didnt work either :(
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-13 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you "billsgirl"-Read Post "Need Peoples Opinion"

Congrats on the nice article. I just read it and it seems to be well written and higlights many good points. :)

thanks captain
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-14 05:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you "billsgirl"-Read Post "Need Peoples Opinion"
i just wanna thank you are real sweet...i did try to get other people to tell their story, but got no pm's......i still say this is the best place to be, sooo much support, and kindness. i love you guys, and bill and i wish you all the best of luck as we push forward. (F)
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-13 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa via mail from Frankfurt
congrats on receiving your visa...yeehaa :D
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-12 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTOUCHED
congrats...........thats what we wanna see (F)
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-15 06:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 4! Got it!!!!!!
good for you nane...all the best luck on the rest of journey (F)
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-16 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy visa is here too!!
congrats jaylen.....all the best on the rest of your journey!!!!! (F)
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-16 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 !
congrats...all the best on the rest of your journey.. (F)
billsgirlFemaleCanada2006-06-17 18:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures10 Months?? Seriously?
I think that table on the USCIS website is, as somebody else said, a CYA worst case scenario thing. When I filed my K1 petition for my fiance in January of this year, the table said they were processing K1 petitions received in July of 2007, ie a six month wait time. My petition was approved in six weeks. I have a friend who filed for a K1 in January of '06. They were saying six months at that time too and her petition was approved in three. While I was waiting, I watched the dates on the tables change from month to month and there was no variation. I think they just have a script that they run that automatically bumps up each date by a month.

Bigangrytexan, I noticed on your signature something along the lines of "Let the nightmare begin." Your sign-in name clearly states you're angry. I've said this before but I'll say it again, the power of positive thinking is amazing. If all of your energy is negative and angry then this wait will be much more painful for you. You cannot do anything to speed this up, you can only change your outlook. Try to think about the things you are thankful for.

I know this is so much more easily said than done. I've been waiting 8 months so far, we've been on AP for security clearance for 5 months and they won't tell us how much longer it will take. I cry a lot and I know my fiance is sad too, but every night we talk about something that is good.

Change your signature to say something good, change your angry sign-in name, and put some positive energy into the air. It will come back to you. Just think, there are people in the world who never find true love or worse are 'trapped' in unhappy marriages... be happy you've found love. Have faith, this will all unfold as it is meant to be.
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-09-19 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you open a joint bank account when living in different countries???

Hi guys,

My darling Eric and I got married in Edinburgh on the 25th,I dropped him at Manchester airport today and to be honest I feel awful,I'm so angry with this whole process,that we have to live apart for goodness knows how long whilst the CR1 is completed,I know you all must have felt or feel the same way:-(

Aaaaanyway,I have a question, we recieved a few cheques as wedding gifts in our married name,yet we haven't got a joint bank account yet seeing as he's in the US and I'm in the there anyway we can open one whilst being so far apart? Or will I have to get the kind folks that sent us the cheques to redo them just in my name?

Also any tips in coping on having your spouse on the other side of the world would be greatly appreciated :blush:

I agree with several other posts here. Stay busy! Skype. Write letters. Exercise, see family. I used to email a picture of something I was doing each day. We weren't able to spend a whole lot of time chatting each day since he started a pretty intense new job when he moved back over after being in Scotland for 3 years, and I was working too. I recommend spending time seeing all the family you can before you leave, I'm so glad I did that. I saw great aunts, uncles, second cousins twice removed, everyone who would see me! Now I have lots of connections that I may have lost. Most of the people hadn't seen me since I was a child.

We didn't have a lot of time apart, but we didn't know it would be so quick when we did it. (and I 'visited' for 89 days right after we filed our K1.) Our situation was different since we'd been living in the UK for a while. But It's the same for you. Expect a long time, but be prepared. And by that I mean make sure you know what you need for the next stage of the process, VJ will help a lot with that!

Best of luck! Congratulations on your wedding! This will be a distant memory soon. Even though it doesn't feel like it now. :)

Edited by Helen Louise, 29 July 2012 - 11:27 PM.

HelenBradleyFemaleScotland2012-07-29 23:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI864 HELP!!

I do charity jobs not for money :blush:
he's my husband he has to support me not the opposite :bonk:

No. As the US citizen you have to support your husband if you want to move him here.

I do charity jobs, not for money. I also work. I also go to school.

I believe that in marriage you are supposed to support each other.

Anyway, back to the point. I guess just write a letter explaining your financial situation when you return your I-864.

Best of luck.
HelenBradleyFemaleScotland2012-08-01 06:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI864 HELP!!

I was asked to fill an affidavit of support I864 cuz I'm a petitioner but I Never been employed in my life
I dont go to school or do anything I know I got no life :whistle:

anyway I dont know how what should I do???

put 0.00 on everything???

please any small info will help alot

You can use assets and savings on the I-864 also.

But I'm curious, why don't you go and get a job? It will make supporting your husband easier when he comes. What do you live on? I guess writing up and including reasons why you don't work in your I-864 would be good, and make sure he knows the reasons in case they ask him questions about it at his interview.

Best of luck.
HelenBradleyFemaleScotland2012-07-31 19:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-i complete as of 12-19-06!
WOOO HOOO!!! Thank You RabbitNYC!!!! I just called the number and my husband's interview is scheduled for Feb 6 @ 9am!!!! Now I need pointers for the interview. The woman said if he has sufficient documentation that it was not necessary for me to be present. Do you think this process will be quick? He is nervous about what questions they will ask but he does not need to be because he will know all the right answers/

:dance:Thanks for your reply, this does help! Congrats to you also. Are you planning to attend the interview with your spouse? I am assuming you are here and your spouse is there. that is the situation for us.


Hey there and Congrats on the Case Completion!!

Well we're almost on the same timeline and that's why I'm answering your question. My case was sent to the embassy (Bogota, Colombia) on Dec. 19 and it was recieved at the embassy on the 24. I called on Wed. Jan. 3 and they gave me the interview date for Feb. 2.

So I guess the best bet is you call the embassy in Lima or call this number Mon thru Fri from 9 - 5: 202-663-1541... you'll here sum guy talking, just cut him off by pressing 0 and they'll transfer you to the nexyt available rep. and you can ask him/her on the status of your case at the embassy!!!

Hope this helps!!

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-08 13:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-i complete as of 12-19-06!
:dance:Thanks for your reply, this does help! Congrats to you also. Are you planning to attend the interview with your spouse? I am assuming you are here and your spouse is there. that is the situation for us.


Hey there and Congrats on the Case Completion!!

Well we're almost on the same timeline and that's why I'm answering your question. My case was sent to the embassy (Bogota, Colombia) on Dec. 19 and it was recieved at the embassy on the 24. I called on Wed. Jan. 3 and they gave me the interview date for Feb. 2.

So I guess the best bet is you call the embassy in Lima or call this number Mon thru Fri from 9 - 5: 202-663-1541... you'll here sum guy talking, just cut him off by pressing 0 and they'll transfer you to the nexyt available rep. and you can ask him/her on the status of your case at the embassy!!!

Hope this helps!!

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-08 13:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-i complete as of 12-19-06!
I am so happy to have found this forum! I have been looking for people to talk to about our process! I married my husband in Peru in march of last year, the application was completed and sent to the embassy on 12-28-06. How long should it take to get to Lima? When will he receive the letter with his interview date? What kinds of questions should we expect? As you can see I could use some :help: !

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-07 13:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
my husband would say, "tomorrow we can take (make) the decision"!

LOL! :lol:

Ok, now it is just too funny! I just finished IMing with Luis! He told me you were at work and the two of you were going to dinner! I told him I'd try to connect with you by IM tomorrow! He is so polite! He reminded me of Raul!

As far as the Embassy in Peru, it is recommended that the USC attend the interview with the beneficiary.

We have many mediums in which to correspond....pretty funny :D

Maybe we should pick one....eenie meenie miney moe....

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-19 20:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
LOL! :lol:

Ok, now it is just too funny! I just finished IMing with Luis! He told me you were at work and the two of you were going to dinner! I told him I'd try to connect with you by IM tomorrow! He is so polite! He reminded me of Raul!

As far as the Embassy in Peru, it is recommended that the USC attend the interview with the beneficiary.

We have many mediums in which to correspond....pretty funny :D

Maybe we should pick one....eenie meenie miney moe....

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-19 20:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
I wish you and your husband all the best.

[quote name='chicacuellar2002' post='671958' date='Jan 19 2007, 11:56 AM'][quote name='starsearcher2' post='670462' date='Jan 18 2007, 03:59 PM']I am not familiar with the ban you are referring it specific to Mexico?


[quote name='chicacuellar2002' post='669870' date='Jan 18 2007, 11:55 AM'][quote name='knowledge' post='669153' date='Jan 17 2007, 10:51 PM'][quote name='starsearcher2' post='668846' date='Jan 17 2007, 08:08 PM']
Thank you, your reply is very helpful! My husband and I will make the final decision tomorrow. I think I should go...

My pleasure! glad it helps! and please don't worry, all is done now and will be fine!!![/quote]

Well I happy you both are going to make the decisison husband and i have decided not to go to the final interview do to the fact we will have the 3 to 10 year ban. good luck to you both

No the 3 to 10 year ban is for any country where the Alien has enter the US without insepection and stayed long then 180 days. it states this in the law 212 (a)(9)(B)(2) so we are just going to write the embassy and tried to send a wavior and get it removed
starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-19 19:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
Ok, now it is just too funny! I just finished IMing with Luis! He told me you were at work and the two of you were going to dinner! I told him I'd try to connect with you by IM tomorrow! He is so polite! He reminded me of Raul!

As far as the Embassy in Peru, it is recommended that the USC attend the interview with the beneficiary.

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-19 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
I am not familiar with the ban you are referring it specific to Mexico?


[quote name='chicacuellar2002' post='669870' date='Jan 18 2007, 11:55 AM'][quote name='knowledge' post='669153' date='Jan 17 2007, 10:51 PM'][quote name='starsearcher2' post='668846' date='Jan 17 2007, 08:08 PM']
Thank you, your reply is very helpful! My husband and I will make the final decision tomorrow. I think I should go...

My pleasure! glad it helps! and please don't worry, all is done now and will be fine!!![/quote]

Well I happy you both are going to make the decisison husband and i have decided not to go to the final interview do to the fact we will have the 3 to 10 year ban. good luck to you both
starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-18 15:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
Thank you, your reply is very helpful! My husband and I will make the final decision tomorrow. I think I should go...


I guess there is no particular "fear", I just want to do the best possible thing for our future together. I am aware that my presence won't make the approval definite, that was an exaggeration in a moment of desperation. I have two weeks to book and confirm a flight otherwise it will be too late any way becasuse the appt is on Feb 6. I am torn between staying home and saving money that we will need to start out or going and starting out with a lot less when we return. I love my husband and I miss him so much, it would be nice to go, but I also want to be practical about it. There are no doubts or needs for explanation, everything is documented and complete. Just getting feed back from people (in Lima) that I should be there. I'm confused with too many opinions and not enough evidence based facts!

If I go to the interview is it definite that the visa will be approved? I am DESPERATE! I want to do the right thing, because I cannot live with a denial of the visa because I don't go! :help:


What makes you think that you will be denied if you don't go to the interview of your partner?...we don't know your case to guarantee you that the visa will be approved or not...If you have doubts or think some elements in your petition might need some explanation, it's better to be there with the beneficiary...On the other hand, i have read interview reviews and some beneficiaries went alone and got their visas...Thus, it depends of more than one factor!...If you need more psychological support, you may tell us here what are you afraid of...that we can see if we can help!...or good luck with whatever you'll do!...

Oh you're a lady (i'm too lol) I understand, the unknown is the best anxiolitic drive lol...I don't know how it goes in Peru, but if in any ambiguous state, i'll finish by following ultimately my intuition, my heart. At 1st sight for me an interview like that is an important moment; if i would afford, even if after i would have a tight budget, to consider for howlong, and if it's ok, I would do it; but it's only my opinion. Money comes and goes...being there, if needed, it's supportive and the heart and love stays warm!...I really can not decide for you, it's so personal decision!...only sending you good thoughts for the interveiw, whatever the decision you'll make! (F)

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-17 20:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
They allow it and according to the embassy info on this website it is recommended for spouses to attend. It won't make it a "sure thing", but I am trying to figure out the pros and cons of attending. If it is not necessary I can save the money so we will have more to start with when my husband arrives but if it will help to be present I will spend the money with no problem, I want him here ASAP because we have been apart for ten months and I miss him so much!

Why not start with finding out whether or not the consulate in Peru would even allow you to attend the interview? Many, many consulates do not allow anyone but the benficiary . . .

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-17 19:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

What about his attendence made the difference? Did he contribute information during the interview or was it more the support of him being there for you?

I definetely think it husband attended my interview and I absolutely believe that it helped us.

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-17 19:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

I guess there is no particular "fear", I just want to do the best possible thing for our future together. I am aware that my presence won't make the approval definite, that was an exaggeration in a moment of desperation. I have two weeks to book and confirm a flight otherwise it will be too late any way becasuse the appt is on Feb 6. I am torn between staying home and saving money that we will need to start out or going and starting out with a lot less when we return. I love my husband and I miss him so much, it would be nice to go, but I also want to be practical about it. There are no doubts or needs for explanation, everything is documented and complete. Just getting feed back from people (in Lima) that I should be there. I'm confused with too many opinions and not enough evidence based facts!

If I go to the interview is it definite that the visa will be approved? I am DESPERATE! I want to do the right thing, because I cannot live with a denial of the visa because I don't go! :help:


What makes you think that you will be denied if you don't go to the interview of your partner?...we don't know your case to guarantee you that the visa will be approved or not...If you have doubts or think some elements in your petition might need some explanation, it's better to be there with the beneficiary...On the other hand, i have read interview reviews and some beneficiaries went alone and got their visas...Thus, it depends of more than one factor!...If you need more psychological support, you may tell us here what are you afraid of...that we can see if we can help!...or good luck with whatever you'll do!...

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-17 19:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
If I go to the interview is it definite that the visa will be approved? I am DESPERATE! I want to do the right thing, because I cannot live with a denial of the visa because I don't go! :help:

starsearcher2FemalePeru2007-01-16 20:33:00