United Kingdom4 weeks and still not rec'd at embassy?!
Ok, an update: he DID send the packet to the right address, so there shouldn't be any reason why they haven't gotten it. I think we're going to send it again, just incase, and send it recorded delivery this time just to ease my frantic mind...wink.gif

In the original packet, he sent the checklist along with ALL the forms we had downloaded and filled out (some signed, some not, as per the directions). He did NOT send the police certificate, his birth certificate, or any of the I-129F materials. Was this all correct, or is there something else we should be sending / not sending? The info on the actual embassy website is kind of unclear, and he's nervous that sending in the wrong things will delay the processing.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-07 11:36:00
United Kingdom4 weeks and still not rec'd at embassy?!
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jul 6 2009, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not unheard of for it to take more than 4 weeks to enter the system, especially during the summer when there always seems to be a slowdown. However, if you are really concerned, you might consider resubmitting P3. It is completely possible to send it back Royal Mail with tracking -- I sent mine special delivery which was trackable.

WAIT WAIT WAIT -- I just read he sent it to a PO Box address? What address was that? As far as I know, it should have been sent to the Immigrant Visa Unit, which is at Upper Grosvenor Street. Could this be the problem?

I'll have to double-check with him what address he sent it to. If he sent it to the wrong address...oh, boy.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-06 15:26:00
United Kingdom4 weeks and still not rec'd at embassy?!
I'm so frustrated. Mark sent his packet 3 stuff in to the Embassy 4 weeks ago on Friday, and DOS is telling me, as of today, that there is still no indication that the Embassy has received it. I'm not even asking for an interview date...I'm literally just asking them to acknowledge that they've received our stuff and we're in the queue for a date. I was told today that we should have shipped it to the Embassy in a manner that could be tracked, but Mark says that it's not possible to ship recorded delivery to a PO Box in the UK? I'm so fed up with trying to get info out of the DOS about what's going on 3000 miles away. If I cough up the $16 to call and get an email code so that I can email the embassy, will they even be able to tell me whether or not his stuff has been received?

Sorry to tread already-worn paths...I'm just at my wit's end. I don't dare to go through with any more wedding plans until Mark gets his interview date, and I'm getting tons of pressure from my family to get the wedding planned and ready to go. I just wish information were more accessible.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-06 14:56:00
United KingdomPacket 3 Postage
QUOTE (Justchillin @ Jul 21 2009, 06:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I posted my Packet 3 to the address provided on the checklist and got this message ...'Your item with reference SCXXXXXXXXXGB was delivered before 07:23 on 21/07/09. As the item was redirected, it will have taken longer than usual. Please ensure the correct address is used for future mailings'.

Can anyone who has sent special or recorded delivery tell me if they got this same message please?

Thank you for your help in advance.

Mine said the same thing, but it got there just fine. smile.gif

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-21 15:24:00
United KingdomExceptionally long wait for an interview? Who do i contact?
QUOTE (watkinson.m.a @ Aug 12 2009, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ealachan @ Aug 12 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (watkinson.m.a @ Aug 11 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi again All,

It has been 8 weeks since I send in my notice that I was ready for an interview and I have heard nothing back at all from the embassy, should I be worried? Whats the best way to contact them for an update: I called there £1.20/min info line once before and was charged a small fortune and didnt even get to speak to a real person so i dont fancy that again, Ive already emailed them at both and What else can i do? The wedding is now 15 weeks away and Im getting nervous about having my interview in time!



I'm in the same boat, except our wedding is only 8 weeks away. I can't get any info from DOS other than that we're "in the system", and my fiance hasn't had any mail through from the Embassy at all on his end. All my emails have been bounced back saying they don't accept email enquiries! If you find anything out, please let me know as I'm in panic mode at this point, too.

Whats this about DOS? How do we find out about that? Sorry to hear you're date is closer than ours, I wish you the best of luck in getting your interview in time.

There is a number you can call from the States - 202-663-1225, Opt 1, Opt 0 - that is the Dept of State visa hotline. You give them your case number and they look it up and tell you what they see. Unfortunately, they don't usually have much info. It sounds like you called the premium number first - did they give you an email access code? I just got mine and emailed yesterday, so I have no idea if they'll be able to tell me anything more via email or not, but at this point I'm willing to try anything.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-13 09:09:00
United KingdomExceptionally long wait for an interview? Who do i contact?
QUOTE (watkinson.m.a @ Aug 11 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi again All,

It has been 8 weeks since I send in my notice that I was ready for an interview and I have heard nothing back at all from the embassy, should I be worried? Whats the best way to contact them for an update: I called there £1.20/min info line once before and was charged a small fortune and didnt even get to speak to a real person so i dont fancy that again, Ive already emailed them at both and What else can i do? The wedding is now 15 weeks away and Im getting nervous about having my interview in time!



I'm in the same boat, except our wedding is only 8 weeks away. I can't get any info from DOS other than that we're "in the system", and my fiance hasn't had any mail through from the Embassy at all on his end. All my emails have been bounced back saying they don't accept email enquiries! If you find anything out, please let me know as I'm in panic mode at this point, too.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-12 10:38:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (*Len* @ Aug 19 2009, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YAY!!!! kicking.gif

Now we all need invites to the wedding.... just sayin' tongue.gif

LOL...sure, come on up!

Sorry I spazzed on you the other day. The stress of all this was really getting to me. I fully realize that it's stress I brought on myself, but if anything that makes it worse, you know? This morning when I got that email, it was literally a feeling like 200lbs being lifted off my chest and shoulders all at once. So, again...I'm sorry for jumping off the deep end on ya! blush.gif
ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-19 11:42:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Aug 19 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ealachan @ Aug 19 2009, 06:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We've been scheduled for an interview Sept 11th at 9:30am.

Whew! Back on track then.

Yes! Much relief this
ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-19 10:48:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
We've been scheduled for an interview Sept 11th at 9:30am.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-19 08:57:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (*Len* @ Aug 17 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ealachan @ Aug 17 2009, 07:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not denying that we jumped the gun, however that's not a reflection on either my or my fiance's personal character or morals as was implied by the "kosher" remark. I'm not here to fight with anyone about symantics, regardless. We're in this situation and we're doing everything we can to get out of it, and I appreciate any constructive comments or suggestions anyone has.

Relax. I did not attack YOUR morals, but I did put into question any "minister" that would be willing to perform a fake wedding. They are supposed to respond to a higher standard. In any case, I wish you the best of luck; but like *julez* said, no one here is going to tell you "oh sure, go ahead and do the fake wedding, it's all a-o-k".

Seems to me you are upset because you are not getting the responses you want. Too bad.

No, I'm upset at the fact that you basically called myself, my fiance, and the person marrying us all bad people because we're trying to make the best of a crappy situation. You might not have INTENDED to make it sound that way, but you did.

Let's move on, shall we? I'm assuming we're all adults here.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-17 12:18:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (*julez* @ Aug 17 2009, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Having read this entire thread, it seems that you want someone to tell you that if you go ahead with the fake wedding (worst case scenario, of course) that you guys will be OK come interview time at the embassy. There is no way any of us here can give you that assurance. Others have done what you propose successfully, while others have failed. It is a gamble.

Your best bet, IMO, is to tryto get the embassy moving on getting an interview scheduled. You still have a good chunk of time left to make that happen.

Good luck to you guys. star_smile.gif

I actually emailed my Congressman on Thursday and his office contacted me on Friday. I just got another email from the woman I spoke with, and she said that the Embassy is claiming they're missing paperwork from us, but they haven't said what, and they've never notified us that anything was missing. So...she's going to dig a little deeper and see what the story is.
ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-17 11:10:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (baron555 @ Aug 17 2009, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ealachan @ Aug 17 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Aug 13 2009, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The OP mentioned having an arrangement with a minister to perform the actual ceremony but not sign the certificate until after the visa is granted. That is not too kosher, either on the part of the "minister" (hello ethics) and the OP.

The Embassies are quite clear when they ask you specifically NOT to make any plans until you have your visa. I know how much the whole process svcks, is unfair, bla bla; but it is pretty clear.

FIRST of all - don't judge me on whether or not I'm "kosher" when you don't even know me, and you didn't take the time to actually understand the situation.

I think I understand yoiu perfectly. You jumped the gun, going against what everyone has been telling you and also would have told you if you had asked prior to making all these plans.

You have four options as I see it:

1. Hope the interview happens before the wedding. Then all is good.
2. If interview is after the date, Cancel the wedding and make the visa process your top priority.
3. If interview is after the date, proceed with the fake wedding and pray to God that the Embassy does not find out and grants you the K-1.
4. If interview is after the date, proceed with the fake wedding and if the Embassy does find out and denies you the K-1. Then you refile for the CR-1 and all is well.

I'm not denying that we jumped the gun, however that's not a reflection on either my or my fiance's personal character or morals as was implied by the "kosher" remark. I'm not here to fight with anyone about symantics, regardless. We're in this situation and we're doing everything we can to get out of it, and I appreciate any constructive comments or suggestions anyone has.
ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-17 10:16:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (Damian&Kelly @ Aug 14 2009, 03:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't understand, maybe it's just the wedding ceremony they are having, and that's what she means by not sign any papers, I've seen this before, but I may be wrong?

Yes, that's what I was asking about doing, and no one seems to have gotten that I was asking in a WORST CASE SCENARIO context. I don't WANT to do it that way, by any means...but if it comes down to doing it that way vs. having my family be out thousands of dollars for a wedding that we've already put deposits down on, yeah...I'm going to choose the "fake" wedding ceremony.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-17 09:28:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (*Len* @ Aug 13 2009, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The OP mentioned having an arrangement with a minister to perform the actual ceremony but not sign the certificate until after the visa is granted. That is not too kosher, either on the part of the "minister" (hello ethics) and the OP.

The Embassies are quite clear when they ask you specifically NOT to make any plans until you have your visa. I know how much the whole process svcks, is unfair, bla bla; but it is pretty clear.

FIRST of all - don't judge me on whether or not I'm "kosher" when you don't even know me, and you didn't take the time to actually understand the situation.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-17 09:26:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (imaisha @ Aug 12 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Aug 12 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I should also add that it was only because it was UNDIAGNOSED high blood pressure that it was a problem. If you wanted to head any problems off at the pass without going down to London, have him get a full checkup with his local GP now, so that anything like that can be an "Oh, I know about it, and I'm getting treatment".

Yep- and get the letter from the doc ahead of time as well! Totally helped us.

You only need a letter from the GP if you have something you're diagnosed with, right? Mark was just at the GP a couple weeks ago and has a clean bill of health...does he need a letter stating that?

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-12 15:15:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Aug 12 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ealachan @ Aug 12 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (imaisha @ Aug 12 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ealachan @ Aug 12 2009, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can anybody tell me if there'd be any point in writing a letter to my Congressperson about the situation at this point? Or is there nothing they can do about it once it gets to the Dept of State?

You can ask them to make an inquiry but likely the only response you'll get is that they're backed up. It might get someone to actually look at your file though. What travel date did you list? Maybe that's why they're holding off on scheduling you?

If it's possible you should really reconsider holding off on the medical. If the embassy has everything they need at the interview they might issue the visa the next day and you'd have it the next day. They say 5 business days but it's usually quicker. If they've got to wait for the medical results you'll be pushing everything back by a week. Not the end of the world but if you're really in a crunch I wouldn't put anything off. Also (and I hope this doesn't happen) if something goes wrong the day of the medical, even something that seems like no big deal like slightly elevated blood pressure, you'll want time to be able to deal with that before the interview.

elevated blood pressure will keep them from clearing him for a visa?! Seriously?

Yes. It happened to us, and another couple this summer.

It delays the approval of the medical. In our case, about a month. If he went to his NHS doctor within a week and then started medication right away, probably only two weeks, but Nik elected to take a "monitor before medicate" approach. It's very easy to take care of, BUT it will cost you time.

I think the problem was spotted when you said you had sent in packet 3 in two parts? Do you mean the forms, and then later, the checklist? batch of forms and then later another form etc? Maybe you should send in the entire packet response (complete with your wedding and desired travel dates!!) again.

Also, check again with your vendors. Call them and make sure you can't reschedule (not cancel). We are still nearly 60 days away, so that reschedule window is closing...It was pretty standard for me when I asked that they accepted a reschedule and would even refund a certain amount if we canceled before 60 days.

We didn't send the packet 3 in two parts, no...we sent it complete once, but not recorded delivery. After 6 weeks of them saying they still hadn't rec'd anything from us, we sent it again recorded delivery. Three days after the recorded delivery one was signed for, the DOS was telling me that we were now in the system. Whether it was the first packet that was just making its way in, or the second one, I have no idea, and they can't tell me of course. They just say now that our Packet 3 was received in on July 14th and no interview date has been issued at this time. We did send a letter with the second packet 3, stating that we've planned an Oct 10th wedding and that Mark would like to be able to leave the country by Oct 3rd, but I don't know as it's done us any good.

As for vendors for the wedding - they'll happily reschedule, but any deposits we've paid are lost and we'd have to pay them again to secure new dates.

QUOTE (*Len* @ Aug 12 2009, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TayRivers @ Aug 12 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Contacting a congressman will do you no good, London will just tell you and the congressman that you shound NOT have made any plans until the visa was issued. To organize and book your wedding that can not be changed is very fool hardy.

Lets all hope that everything gets sorted out in time. I would not wait until the interview date to have the medical as this will delay the issue of the visa. Spend the extra it will cost for the trip south for the medical at least a week before the interview date.

True. In the interview letter they usually state precisely that. Do not make plans until your visa has been approved.

But you have to admit that plenty of people do it on a regular basis and it works out fine. I read about them on here every day.

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-12 15:12:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
QUOTE (imaisha @ Aug 12 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ealachan @ Aug 12 2009, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can anybody tell me if there'd be any point in writing a letter to my Congressperson about the situation at this point? Or is there nothing they can do about it once it gets to the Dept of State?

You can ask them to make an inquiry but likely the only response you'll get is that they're backed up. It might get someone to actually look at your file though. What travel date did you list? Maybe that's why they're holding off on scheduling you?

If it's possible you should really reconsider holding off on the medical. If the embassy has everything they need at the interview they might issue the visa the next day and you'd have it the next day. They say 5 business days but it's usually quicker. If they've got to wait for the medical results you'll be pushing everything back by a week. Not the end of the world but if you're really in a crunch I wouldn't put anything off. Also (and I hope this doesn't happen) if something goes wrong the day of the medical, even something that seems like no big deal like slightly elevated blood pressure, you'll want time to be able to deal with that before the interview.

elevated blood pressure will keep them from clearing him for a visa?! Seriously?

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-12 13:24:00
United Kingdomworst case scenario - help!
Can anybody tell me if there'd be any point in writing a letter to my Congressperson about the situation at this point? Or is there nothing they can do about it once it gets to the Dept of State?

ealachanFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-12 12:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Letter from employer
It should be short and simple and include the information requested in the instructions.

'Supporting Evidence', 'B'

Best of luck.
HelenBradleyFemaleScotland2012-07-22 07:37:00
United KingdomUK Police Record
Thanks for all your help! :thumbs:
JayandmarsFemaleJamaica2006-08-15 19:18:00
United KingdomUK Police Record

Does anyone know how to obtain a British police record/report? I lived there for over a year and I understand I'll need one for my interview. I'm in Jamaica now.

Any help will be appreciated.

JayandmarsFemaleJamaica2006-08-14 07:24:00
United Kingdom40 days and 40 nights
Thanks a mil, guys. At least I now know what I am working with. This site and its members are the best resource ever! Good luck to all of you.
JayandmarsFemaleJamaica2006-10-02 07:15:00
United Kingdom40 days and 40 nights
Thanks. All the best to you. :thumbs:
JayandmarsFemaleJamaica2006-09-30 12:18:00
United Kingdom40 days and 40 nights

Can anyone say (from personal experience) that the London Met. Police actually stick to their 40-day policy on mailing out police reports? That's all we need now to schedule our interview in Kingston, Jamaica. Guess we're just getting nervous all over again.

Does anyone care to share?

JayandmarsFemaleJamaica2006-09-30 11:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I hate the weekends!
QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 12 2008, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ellieandwill @ Oct 12 2008, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 12 2008, 01:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WonTanNara @ Oct 11 2008, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Me too! I sleep until 10am then draaaaaag my butt out of bed to MAKE myself go to my Guinean dance class because it's the only thing keeping me going now. I come home, shower, then look around like... ok now what? I have so many things I could be doing, so many things I used to love doing, and now I have absolutely no motivation to do them because I want my honey here with me! My friends are all giving me a hard time saying 'you're not getting out of the house enough.' I don't wanna! This has been the longest nine months EVER.

I'm also tired of having to explain this. Why did I fall in love with somebody overseas? Can't tell y'all how many times I've been asked that one. Well who the heck can ever control who they fall in love with? Somebody actually said to me today, with a face that made me want to just shake her, "Well I HOPE it works out for you." I wanted to say you suck. Why would you say that? Of course it's going to work out, but one million people are applying for visas every year so we have to wait and wait and wait... Her response was (with that same face) "Well they all can't come here." Yeah actually, if it's family, then can, unless they've had previous problems, we just have to wait, so bite me. I didn't say bite me but I wanted to! Hahaha. The kicker is that her partner is also Guinean, but SHE didn't have to bring him here, he was already here. They didn't have to do the work, and I will say this, the two of them don't appreciate each other. They fight constantly. I hope when our men get here we can all appreciate each other and never forget what we've been through. Never take each other for granted. I know my honey and I will succeed because of what we're going through.

People are so narrowed minded and they just don't get it. Why can't ya fall in love with a good ol' American homeboy? No offense to the truly good American men out there, but guess what, been tryin' that all my life and it hasn't worked out so well. I found my fiance when I wasn't even looking and I'll wait as long as it takes!

Insh-Allah may we all be reunited very soon!

GIRLLLL don't even give ear to those bliotches I'm telling you no one can even FATHOM love the way we found it. It's like totally out of their heads how it could possibly happen. I had a girl ask me similar things I since then I don't bother to delve into conversations with other people about this except for you guys.

Love you, yes Insha-Allah soon.

hi, i totally agree with you, how can any other person understand this unless you go through it yourself, i have waited all of my adult life for this man i am 48 years old and with him is the most wonderful thing ever. love has no rules no countries, no religion it is just two people , LOVE and GODS will for them to be together, good luck on your journey and hope you are with your love one very soon

Beautiful Ellie!

And Beautiful Tammy too! heart.gif
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-12 14:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I hate the weekends!
Me too! I sleep until 10am then draaaaaag my butt out of bed to MAKE myself go to my Guinean dance class because it's the only thing keeping me going now. I come home, shower, then look around like... ok now what? I have so many things I could be doing, so many things I used to love doing, and now I have absolutely no motivation to do them because I want my honey here with me! My friends are all giving me a hard time saying 'you're not getting out of the house enough.' I don't wanna! This has been the longest nine months EVER.

I'm also tired of having to explain this. Why did I fall in love with somebody overseas? Can't tell y'all how many times I've been asked that one. Well who the heck can ever control who they fall in love with? Somebody actually said to me today, with a face that made me want to just shake her, "Well I HOPE it works out for you." I wanted to say you suck. Why would you say that? Of course it's going to work out, but one million people are applying for visas every year so we have to wait and wait and wait... Her response was (with that same face) "Well they all can't come here." Yeah actually, if it's family, then can, unless they've had previous problems, we just have to wait, so bite me. I didn't say bite me but I wanted to! Hahaha. The kicker is that her partner is also Guinean, but SHE didn't have to bring him here, he was already here. They didn't have to do the work, and I will say this, the two of them don't appreciate each other. They fight constantly. I hope when our men get here we can all appreciate each other and never forget what we've been through. Never take each other for granted. I know my honey and I will succeed because of what we're going through.

People are so narrowed minded and they just don't get it. Why can't ya fall in love with a good ol' American homeboy? No offense to the truly good American men out there, but guess what, been tryin' that all my life and it hasn't worked out so well. I found my fiance when I wasn't even looking and I'll wait as long as it takes!

Insh-Allah may we all be reunited very soon!
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-11 13:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS UPDATE
QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 11 2008, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Oct 11 2008, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 11 2008, 03:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Haole @ Oct 11 2008, 02:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 10 2008, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called Dos yesterday coz i was free and had nothing to do , so i thought calling DOS would be some thing good , i was thinking this time they will say case is again in AP but surprisingly they said same thing case is under administrative review in embassy but visa specialist also said that ,"passport Requested". i asked her again what indeed is there in your computer can u please tell me she told me again , all i can see about your case in my computer is that " it is under administrative review and they need your new passport coz your passport has been expired " honestly this is true my passport was expired last month and i have made new passport already "

I asked her then when they will contact me she said , this up to embassy when they will contact you we can not force them to contact u but she told me soon they will contact you via phone or sending u letter to submit your passport . she was very nice lady and thanks to her ... her name was ANNA OR MONA i forget that but sounds like Anna i guess i hope some one know her here

but i need to know some stuff , do they need my passport coz my passport is expired or they will need passport coz they will issue me visa whistling.gif

any one has any idea about that , or any experience

thanks in advance

They will need a valid PP to put the visa in!!!

i know that brother , but i am confused about one thing that what lady told me saying "PASSPOR REQUESTED" she did say they need your new passport coz it is expired , but what is in my mind they need passport to issue me visa after long wait of 19 months or they will put again in some sort of ####### processing ,,,, as far as i know whoever called by embassy especially in Pakistan to submit their passport they get their visa with in 5 working days and recently happened with one of my friend that is now in usa ,

alot of people told me Ar is good thing they review case to check everything and then issue visa on that , any one has any idea about that

I don't know, but it sounds like good news to me! If they weren't ready to issue the visa, why would they need the passport? At least you know they are actively reviewing your case. Hopefully it means they are ready to give the visa. Looks like you will know very soon! Have you tried calling the embassy? I'd call and tell them what DOS told you.

well you are right about that , if they were not interested it would never come in DOS computers saying "Passport requested"l today is Sunday or i would call them , DOS lady told me same thing contact them for further updates , tomorrow they will be open and i will call them and will tell them what DOS told me , hopefully i will call them tomorrow ,inshallah it will be good news ........

That is good news! Best of luck to you this week!!
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-11 13:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)home visits during ap
QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 15 2008, 09:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WonTanNara @ Oct 14 2008, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 14 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... what if an illiterate man comes to interview , he will not know what they need during interivew what will he do ........ he will be completely messed up during interview , when it can happen to me and i thought of my self being very smart lolzzz.........

Ohhh chaingang you hit home with that one because you are so right. My fiance was not fortunate enough to have an education in Guinea and he can't read or write (YET). I prepared all of his paperwork and traveled to Senegal for the interview. The officer tried to speak to him in English and in French but his primary language is Susu. She was clearly frustrated and rude to him. At one point she actually said to him "Well I don't know how we're going to do this if you can't understand me." mad.gif I was sitting there listening to her speak to him like he was a native English speaker and my heart was sinking! I knew he knew the answers to her questions but he didn't understand what she was asking. I finally walked up to the window and asked her if she could please use very simple grammar. She was able to do it but I could see the scorn in her demeanor. It made me very mad because my fiance is so sweet and very smart. This is probably a little offtopic45vn.gif but you hit home with me. I don't believe an illiterate man would be able to make it through our embassies without serious help. I wish the Americans working overseas were all open-minded, compassionate individuals!

WonTanNara ,,,,,, when my case was transferred from NVC to embassy i went there personally coz they didnt send me packet 3.5 i was keep on sending them emails and they told me if u cant wait come to embassy and get it , i went there and i met one guy who was completely uneducated , all he has nvc paper stating your case transferred to embassy of islamabad pakistan , he was showing that paper to different people and no one was willing to help him , we all were waiting in a queue , problem in embassy no one will talk seriously i was getting nuts where i am stuck , and i was thinking i am trapped in bunch of a******H*****
and that guy was asking from people there , and no one was willing to answer him , it was funny too that every one was saying i dont know ask in embassy ,the problem was no one was willing to help him , what would happen if u help some one , if u help some one Allah will help you , so i told him come here read his paper and i told him congrats u r case is here , he told me what to do next i told him , just follow me and u dont need to do anything i will do whatever u need , our destination is same , he was with me , and i got packet 3.5 for him and for my self , when we got out of embassy he didnt know what to do with that , i gave him check list what to do , guide him to do medical check up showed him address told him get your wife to send u wtos with I864 , get photos and also fill up the forum by some educated man in your area

he requested me to gave him my phone number i gave him my phone number and he was in contiuous contact with me and i was guiding him , finally he got his interview letter , he was approved and got his visa with in 2 months , he was in ap for 2 months ,

he was talking to me when he didnt get his visa but when he got visa until this day i never heard back from him whistling.gif

he was going to newyork i am happy for him atleast some one issue is resolved smile.gif

if i was him i was in this kind of trouble and some one would help me atleast , atleast i would call that person and would say thanks to him kicking.gif anyways my parents says , do good and forget about it , and don't expect some thing from some one ....

i was just telling u story coz of one reason that there are thousands of applicants coming there , do they care ? no they don't nor we care as applicants nor visa consular care , no one care if some one is in trouble he has to fix his problem by himself no one will take care of his trouble , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

in this brazen world no one care about any one its all about need , world is selfish so are we , indeed world is not selfish its us we are selfish that has made this world selfish


You are so right, most people are very selfish. I think what you did to help him was wonderful. He might not have had the courtesy to thank you, but I believe your good deed will not go unnoticed.
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-15 08:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)home visits during ap
QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 14 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
... what if an illiterate man comes to interview , he will not know what they need during interivew what will he do ........ he will be completely messed up during interview , when it can happen to me and i thought of my self being very smart lolzzz.........

Ohhh chaingang you hit home with that one because you are so right. My fiance was not fortunate enough to have an education in Guinea and he can't read or write (YET). I prepared all of his paperwork and traveled to Senegal for the interview. The officer tried to speak to him in English and in French but his primary language is Susu. She was clearly frustrated and rude to him. At one point she actually said to him "Well I don't know how we're going to do this if you can't understand me." mad.gif I was sitting there listening to her speak to him like he was a native English speaker and my heart was sinking! I knew he knew the answers to her questions but he didn't understand what she was asking. I finally walked up to the window and asked her if she could please use very simple grammar. She was able to do it but I could see the scorn in her demeanor. It made me very mad because my fiance is so sweet and very smart. This is probably a little offtopic45vn.gif but you hit home with me. I don't believe an illiterate man would be able to make it through our embassies without serious help. I wish the Americans working overseas were all open-minded, compassionate individuals!
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-14 16:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS says case is approved
QUOTE (jpost @ Oct 15 2008, 11:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (liberal @ Oct 15 2008, 03:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (2ond journey @ Oct 15 2008, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations I hope you hear something real soon. rose.gif

YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH i got the call today at 1:30pm from U.S. embassy guy said ur visa is ready send ur passport as soon as possible.....

I prey for all on AP to get thier visas soon.




202-663-1225 option 1 then 0
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-15 10:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I want to finally have a family.
QUOTE (estadia @ Oct 14 2008, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ur both in my prayers i hope ur reunited soon with ur s/o

Thank you Sara. xoxoxox
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-14 22:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I want to finally have a family.
QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 14 2008, 10:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know that when a person files a petition for a visa for their spouse/fiance, it is taking a risk as a visa into a country like U.S is said to be a privilege, not a right. As a law-abiding and productive citizen, I feel that I have done more than I could do. My husband, who has been nothing short of patient, sweet and supportive during this process, has done his part. After all of this, and 2 years of being alone after marriage, I feel that the part of me that is human and not a machine wants a family now more than ever.

I do hope the Dhaka embassy goes through with their processes and gives my husband his visa so that he may come here, to his wife, and his home.

Waiting with my full hopes and hoping that good news will come.


Me too. All my life I've never really had an interest in having children and now I'm clocking my cycle and constantly thinking about getting pregnant.

I'm praying for you and your husband, for me and my fiance, and everybody else out there stuck in this AP hole.

Insh-Allah may we all be reunited soon.
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-14 22:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Marriage on AP
QUOTE (Nita&Assaad @ Oct 22 2008, 04:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am sorry this is happening to you!!!

sad.gif Hope you hear something soon!! Hang in there!!

Nita rose.gif

Aww thanks Nita, that is very sweet. heart.gif We're hangin' in there and trying to look at the blessings that have come out of this. The stress of this wait has really brought us so much closer together. We were talking about this today in fact, that in April at our interview we really did not know each other as welll as we do now. We've talked about never taking each other for granted because of what we've had to go through to be together, and I think in many ways this wait has saved us... Insh-Allah he will come home to me soon and we'll make BABIES!
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-22 19:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Marriage on AP
QUOTE (Omoba @ Oct 21 2008, 10:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree with Taurean and have first hand experience with this dilemma.

Dakar is a tough embassy and they look for reasons to deny. I would do an engagement party but not a non legal wedding ceremony.
Even if you just wait for security clearance and everything else was said to be in order, you just may find that they are doing a last minute field investigation in your SO's neighborhood and ask family and friends about your relationship.
It takes only one guest to say oh yeah they had a marriage ceremony and the food was great etc........when interviewed by the investigating CO and there goes your approval down the drain.
My non legal, non registered, no signature rendered ceremony was obtained by the CO without my knowledge and we were shown photos of it
and firmly questioned. I said, it was not a legal ceremony, I was told by the CO " I do not believe that !".........but ok I will let that one slip.....don't assume anything and be very careful.

Thanks for the candid responses. The embassy has told me several times that he does not need a second interview but hey, ya never know.

It's no longer an issue anyway because he decided that until he has that envelope in his hand, we are not setting foot in Guinea. Those of you that have SOs from W. African countries know that sorcery is very real to them and it's especially prevalent in Guinea. He's afraid if he goes back without that envelope then somebody will do something to sabotage him and he'll never have his visa. If we don't get a call in the next two weeks then I'm buying my ticket to go back Dec 17th. However, no visa, no Guinea crying.gif and we'll just hang out in N'Gor for a month (thank God for my Guinean dance teacher livin' in N'Gor). If we have the envelope by then Insh-Allah, we'll be done with the embassy and we are going to proceed with the non-legal ceremony with his family in Guinea before returning to the U.S.

First the gov't steals my money to give to irresponsible bank CEOs and now they have to steal my TIME too? AP sucks.
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-22 14:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Marriage on AP
QUOTE (miamiwife @ Oct 14 2008, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WonTanNara--I think it would be something you could look forward to, and be something to celebrate instead of agonizing "When?" every day. I've been dealing with the reverse--I got officially married in my husband's country without my family or friends and have been waiting for 15 months for my turn. Now I wonder if it will ever happen. I wish I did what you want to do--have the unofficial ceremony there, and the official one here. I regret this so much.

You're right, though I would much rather he have his visa before the middle of December, planning something in Guinea gives me something to look forward to and daydream about when I feel like crying (which is pretty much every day).

You need to hang in there miamiwife, it will happen. I think you're waiting for security clearance, too? I've been trying to look at it like this... the hard part is over. The paperwork is verified, the relationship is verified, and the interview is complete. I know my fiance has no sort of criminal record anywhere, so it's just a matter of time before he is cleared. It's just a matter of time for your husband, too. Fifteen months is a long time to wait, but it's just a blip in time compared to the many years you have ahead of you. Pretty soon you'll be sitting at the table together eating dinner saying "Remember when..."

WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-14 19:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Marriage on AP
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Oct 14 2008, 04:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WonTanNara @ Oct 14 2008, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Oct 14 2008, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Plain and simple, marriage outside the USA while K-1 is pending will invalidated the K-1, you WILL need to then file I-130 for a spousal visa.

K-1 is ONLY for Fiancees NOT spouses.

This is a FAQ: http://www.visajourn...ation.html#4.11 4.11)...My alien fiancee has been issued a K-1 visa. Can we get married abroad and then come back together to the US with the K-1?

Thanks for the link, it says:

4.11)...My alien fiancee has been issued a K-1 visa. Can we get married abroad and then come back together to the US with the K-1?
A...No. The alien must NOT be married when s/he enters the US on a K-1 visa. Also, if using the K-1, the couple must marry in the US within 90 days of the alien entering on the K-1.
(FAQ Note: Some couples arrange to have a non legal ceremony prior to the fiance(e) leaving their home country, in order to satisfy the wishes of family, or to have a celebration if the family is unable to travel to the US for a wedding.

That little note, a non-legal ceremony, is exactly what we want. So the answer isn't so plain and simple it would seem...
Yep, a religious ceremony is fine as long as the local government does not treat this a s a legal marriage. In our case we had a nice engagement party for friends and family in China celebrating our future legal marriage in the USA.

Yeah that is exactly what we want, the non-legal religious ceremony (and Guinean Doundounba) mainly to celebrate with his family since we're not sure when we'll be able to go back together, or even when he'll be here for that matter! Thanks for the info!
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-14 15:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Marriage on AP
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Oct 14 2008, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Plain and simple, marriage outside the USA while K-1 is pending will invalidated the K-1, you WILL need to then file I-130 for a spousal visa.

K-1 is ONLY for Fiancees NOT spouses.

This is a FAQ: http://www.visajourn...ation.html#4.11 4.11)...My alien fiancee has been issued a K-1 visa. Can we get married abroad and then come back together to the US with the K-1?

Thanks for the link, it says:

4.11)...My alien fiancee has been issued a K-1 visa. Can we get married abroad and then come back together to the US with the K-1?
A...No. The alien must NOT be married when s/he enters the US on a K-1 visa. Also, if using the K-1, the couple must marry in the US within 90 days of the alien entering on the K-1.
(FAQ Note: Some couples arrange to have a non legal ceremony prior to the fiance(e) leaving their home country, in order to satisfy the wishes of family, or to have a celebration if the family is unable to travel to the US for a wedding.

That little note, a non-legal ceremony, is exactly what we want. So the answer isn't so plain and simple it would seem...
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-14 15:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Marriage on AP
QUOTE (Jomo @ Oct 14 2008, 04:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have seen this question all the time on this board. As long as the ceremony is NOT official in any way shape or form, it's fine. However, it's not a marriage then. With the K-1, you MUST be engaged when you he steps foot in the US. Otherwise, it's visa fraud and the penalties are stiff.

I have heard of people who have been denied at interview and POE because pictures looked too much like official wedding pictures.

I always suggest just waiting it out. It's not easy on anyone. But, most make it through the paperwork and the wait. I would never suggest risking it for any reason.

Yeah... I mostly agree with everything you said. I say mostly because it seems like nothing in the U.S. is official without the papers to say so, and in this case we don't care about the papers. It's the ceremony, under God, that's the important thing for us. Would the U.S. gov't recognize that as a marriage without the papers? Guinea is nuts when it comes to documentation anyway. I'll have to do some official research. wacko.gif
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-14 15:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Marriage on AP
Hi everyone,

I'm sure there will be lots of different opinions on this, but I'm wondering if anyone has the facts.

My fiance is stuck in AP for security clearance and we've been waiting almost six months. If he's not here by the middle of November, I'm buying a ticket to go visit him in December/January. We would really like to have our marriage ceremony in Guinea but I do not want to file again for another visa. Our K1 visa is conditionally approved, ie our relationship is verified, all our paperwork is verified, and we are simply waiting for clearance.

Guinea isn't exactly like the U.S. when it comes to documentation. When you to the ministry for a birth certificate, you tell them what information you want on it. The same is true for a passport. Eh, if we'd known this we probably would have chosen a very uncommon name for his documentation! whistling.gif This ceremony would be for us, not for the gov't, and we wouldn't be filing any papers. We have always planned to have a ceremony in Guinea, but the original plan was to go back and do it after he gets his greencard. Who knows how long that will take and we'd like to do it while I'm there and we have the opportunity. By that time it will have been almost a year since I filed the original petition. cray5ol.gif

I'm curious to know if anybody has any experience with this scenario.
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-14 15:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP: 1 year today
QUOTE (sandrila @ Oct 13 2008, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh Tammy
I feel you totally!

I cant imagine one year.
We are in AP 5 months now and it is extremely taxing.

Not knowing the duration or outcome of this has left us also in despair.
I KNOW as I have heard all of you say, GOD WILL COME THROUGH FOR US!
I believe it, I only hope my husband continue to withstand the harshness for which his life has been dealt.

Good luck

I think our men are probably a lot tougher than we give them credit for. We worry so much because we love them and it's natural, but the sad reality is that this harsh life is normal for them. My fiance laughs at me when I get all wigged out about Malaria. For him it's just a common cold.

Your husband will withstand. Have faith in him, too.
WonTanNaraFemaleGuinea2008-10-13 20:22:00