K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures$350 Visa fee with packet 3.5? what the hell is this?

According to the website:

So yes, it is an additional fee anyone going through the K-1 visa process will eventually have to assume (as long as your spouse intends to stay in the US to live and work.

I really cannot believe that they are continuing to ADD costs while the service continues to move at a snail's pace. Apparently the reason for the new cost is to:
Were all these other costs not enough for the workers? It would be lovely to know exactly how all these fees are benefiting MY case.
Ugh..sorry to go off topic but I am so frustrated!! I guess I chose the worst time to meet my soul mate (in another country) and want to marry him... :wacko:

Even if the new fee does not apply, I can't help but agree with you on why they move so slow! OK so it takes money, I would gladly pay more money if they would just move these petitions in a reasonable amount of time. And how are the fee's that are paid and not refundable distributed and broken down? If you figure the fee's multiplied by the amount of petitioners that's a heck of a lot of money. Politics?!?Posted Image
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-02-02 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

Tbone and Bigdog,
You both are respected knowledgable members of VJ. I have never had issues with your responses. I understand you may never heard of these cultural country specific issues, laws or tax. But, that does not mean they do not exist. I am long past the researching part of my journey. But I know these rules exist. I am not 20 years older then my husband so it was never an issue for me so it is not information that I kept.
But just google it and you should find information just like I did.

Thank you for your participation

I did Google, found nothing specific.Posted Image
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-14 00:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

Be careful about whom you believe on here.

My motto in life is listen as much as possible to make the best informed decision, but trust no one. Sad I know, but at the end of the day we are all on our own in this journey.
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-14 00:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

I have researched the visa process and I have found that USCIS will add notes to your petition
These notes tell the CO what issues to question you on.
If they find questionable evidence or odd things (red flags)about your petition then the CO will grill or question you about these issues

The 22 year age gap will be an issue. They cannot deny on age gap alone but they will try and find one other little thing to make the denial possible. Such as, if he was communicating with any other females in the begining of your relationship. If he still communicates with other friends. If he has been looking on the internet for americans to have relationships with. Many many things

Also there are some countries that have a clause (marriage) that say if she is 20 years older then him, they cannot marry. And if the marriage is not allowed in his home country then the fiance visa willnot be approved. I do not know what Algeria laws are

Good Luck

Thank you for the information. I think we are safe and we will win this one way or the other. We met quite by accident and no way would I have ever dreamed it would lead to where we are today. He was not soliciting other females(American or otherwise) nor was I looking for anyone, so that would cover the fact that there is no other communications with other friends. I do realize they can and will look for any other tiny reason which is why I am doing everything I can think of to be prepared. He realizes America is not a heavenly paradise but it is safer for me to live here than it is to live there. He is a proud Algerian in love with an American. I was raised with both grandparents 20 years apart, my grandmother from my father was 20 years older than my grandfather and just the opposite with my mothers parents where my grandfather was 20 years older. so age is not an issue in my family and his family is OK with it...they are not overjoyed but they are OK. I do know we can get married there and as a matter of fact in the worst case scenario that is exactly what we will do.

If you can think of anything I am missing here please help, and thank you again I will take your luck.

sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-12 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

Also there are some countries that have a clause (marriage) that say if she is 20 years older then him, they cannot marry.

For the benefit of everyone here, please name some of these countries.

Yes please, name some of these countries. If this is true then it should be illegal for the US government to take your money knowing you don't stand a chance based on age. That is clearly discrimination.

Edited by sarsorti, 12 March 2013 - 09:45 PM.

sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-12 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

Woman close to twice the age of the male, near the end of her childbearing years is the one obstacle you will have to overcome. The rest looks wonderful.

I know this is true but it's a terrible double standard. No one would bat an eyelash if he were 22 years older than me. I bet Madonna and Jennifer Lopez wouldn't have to prove their case!

Edited by sarsorti, 11 March 2013 - 08:39 PM.

sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-11 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

I have actually created a thread on exactly this very same topic.


If this is indeed true then the interview almost seems like a farce if the decision has already been made. Hopefully this is not the case all the time.


A farce indeed, I can't think of a better word. I too hope this is not he case all the time.

sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-11 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

I don't know if is this true but It make some sense to me. My k1 interview was at Caracas Venezuela. I went with my fiance. They kept us waiting for hours until they called me and asked me for my documents. This lady didn't ask me any question. She told me to go back and have a sit and like an hour later, another lady called the both if us. She asked my now husband, maybe 4 or 5 questions maybe? And WITHOUT asking to see nor a single photo she said "your visa have been approved". I was very happy but I was wondering why they never made me a real interview. 4 or 5 questions to the USC petitioner is not an interview for me and she never request any kind of evidence. I remember when we started our process like 2 years ago, I read a topic about that while you are waiting to be interview, there's a bunch of hidden cameras recording and taping you while you are waiting, so if your waiting with your fiance by your side, they can see the "real relationship" ! I DON'T know if it's true but is not senseless after all. My husband and I are very VERY affectionate, is almost digusting hahahahah...and we were like that even during our waiting time during my interview date. So if you see us for less than 20 min it's pretty obvious we are madly in love with each other. So that's one of our theories that explains why we had such an easyyy interview, but now that you mentioned it, it makes sense...but in the end is all just theories

This too is my theory and why I will attend the interview with him. Anyone who spends five minutes or more in our presence would have to be blind if they could not see how truly madly deeply in love we are, and even then they would have to be deaf and numb as well. It's completely obvious to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention. I will take everything we need for proof but our feelings are out there for the world to see, and how blessed we are to have found this in each other when some people spend their whole life and can't find it. So what if there is 5000 miles between us and a vast ocean, it's still closer than NEVER. I wish nothing but goodness and happiness for everyone in this predicament and I believe it will come to us all, with patience persistence and time.
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-10 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

I do not know the details of your case and whether there are any 'issues'.

You are also going through Algeria.

The only real "issue" or red flag that I can honestly speak of is our age gap, specifically he is 22 years younger than I am. Oh, yes and the other "issue" as you mention, Algeria. The age is not an issue for us and we have all our ducks in a row. As for front loading, well lets see, I plan on attending the interview with him, (yes I have a tourist visa for myself to Algeria), both of our families are well aware of our relationship and our OK with it. I have never had children but am healthy and can still give him a family. He is covered with International health insurance that we purchased ourselves, he already has several job opportunities lined up with certified letters from the potential employers. I live alone in a mortgage free home and have as required a sufficient affidavit of support, and even though I do not need a co-sponsor I have prepared one just in case and will have it with us at the interview. 5 hours a day of communication for 365 days plus two visits in person if this is not proof of an ongoing relationship there is no proof. We spend more time together than a married couple of 10 years under the same roof. And yes, he speaks excellent English (his 3rd language), although my Arabic leaves little to be desired, I am trying. Pictures and plans and hopes and dreams, just like all people in love. Phone logs, chat logs, texts, Skype and email. Am I missing anything here? Please tell me if I am missing something here because we are almost there and I pray we don't have to go through this again, as I know everyone here is praying for the same thing.

sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-10 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

That is consulate specific. For example, Lagos is a high fraud post and K1's don't get an overwhelming number of approvals there and the CO's mind is already made up and it is vital to frontload. Even then it is tough. If he is from Algeria going through Juarez then expect a bit of a tougher road as well. No matter what consulate, it is often the Nationality of the beneficiary that weighs into undergoing AP, getting approval or refusal.
Read your specific consulate reviews and forum for feed back.

We are going through Algeria,the US embassy in El-Biar Algiers, not sure where Juarez is or if it is one and the same. Thank you I did read the reviews and feed back but there are not too many that follow through and none too recent. It looks pretty bleak but I just keep telling myself every case is different and hopefully the CO will leave some room in their mind to allow people to plead their case. My God it sounds like there is no hope and you are on trial for your life, guilty automatically and lucky if you can prove your innocence. It shouldn't be this way.
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-10 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

That is consulate specific. For example, Lagos is a high fraud post and K1's don't get an overwhelming number of approvals there and the CO's mind is already made up and it is vital to frontload. Even then it is tough. If he is from Algeria going through Juarez then expect a bit of a tougher road as well. No matter what consulate, it is often the Nationality of the beneficiary that weighs into undergoing AP, getting approval or refusal.
Read your specific consulate reviews and forum for feed back.

Thank you, I have read them. although there are not a lot of reviews for Algeria and many are CR1. Some are OK, others are incomplete and some are just hard to understand. I guess every cases is different bases on specifics and I just have to believe everything is going to be OK.
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-10 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate: do they already know they'll approve or not?

There is no way they could make a call on a couple of limited questions asked at the "interview " so yes.

So if our case is already at the embassy can or should we send extra information with packet 3 forms and docs? I plan on taking everything but the kitchen sink but if they have already decided are they even going to look at the extra evidence brought to the interview?
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-10 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa denied under Sec 212 A 5a

Hello all
Thank you all for your advice. The consulate sent me the following email after my constant phone calls and emails. We have decided to get married. What do i need to do so that my application for the marriage visa to get approved. Its such a drag and i feel that all this was so unfair. My fiance was nervous and intimidated during the interview and now our lives are on hold. Here's the letter from the consulate:

Case Reason: Hold case/221 G & Refusals/214B
Public Response: Based on the information provided by Ms. XXXXXX at the time of her interview, she was determined to be ineligible for a fiancé visa as she could not present sufficient evidence of a credible relationship with the petitioner. Therefore, Ms. XXXXXXX's petition was returned to the National Visa Center (NVC) Once NVC receives the petition, it will return the petition to the approving office of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). K-petitions (I-129F), unless they are revalidated by the consular officer, are only valid for four months from the date of USCIS action. When USCIS receives an expired I-129F, they will not look into the basis for the return, but will allow it to remain expired and will not reaffirm or reopen the petition. Please direct all future inquiries regarding this case to the approving USCIS office:

So sorry........
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-27 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa denied under Sec 212 A 5a

THank u. My fiance received the letter yesterday. I will call them tonight as its morning out there. Hope its not too late.

If it's at all possible and she gets a 2nd interview it would be a huge help if you could go to the interview with her, worst case she is still denied you will be there and can just get married. Good luck and God's blessings to you both.
sarsortiFemaleAlgeria2013-03-21 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestrying to minimize the delay while we wait for birth certificate
They may ask for her son's birth certificate during her interview as well. It's totally up to you if you want to try and explain the issues with the birth certificate. Also, if she does her interview, depending on the age of her son, then he can automatically follow anytime one year after her interview. You might need to set up an interview for him, but if you put him down as following later on the DS-230, it may be as easy as submitting his passport later and they add the stamp by mail. I don't know the rules in Manila..

It may also depend on his age what they do for him to follow.

In the interest of keeping things going, my experience says you should have the interview and medical done as soon as possible or something else might pop up unexpectedly that delays everyting further. But I wouldn't have the interview unless you are comfortable with whatever questions they might ask, especially in regards to the Birth Cert.

Edited by Waiting234, 10 February 2013 - 10:30 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-10 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSeattle/Washington Attorney
You should check out the immigration guides on this site before signing up with a lawyer, in my opinion. I went that route and he seemed to slow things down even more than USCIS does.

If there are certain things you would like the lawyer to help you with, such as citizenship interview or whatnot, you could always pay the big bucks when you get to something you can't handle.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-12 17:27:00
It's only our fault if we don't voice our opinion. We should be allowed to complain all we want. If we all just abided and ignored the frustratingly long process, then the government would never need to change it! There are clearly some improvements that can be made to the system on a first grade level.

One of the first ones being (as an example), if any unnecessary medical test needs to be run which have an 8 week lead-time for results, we should let everyone get their medical done 8 weeks before the interview, if they so wish to do so! I'd even pay twice for medical if I could get out of this bind I am in. Nobody talks about delays after the interview, so my fiancee and I are naturally upset over this pointless testing (in our case, maybe not pointless in every case).

Edited by Waiting234, 12 February 2013 - 05:54 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-12 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDon't Lose your NOA2! Make copies!

Can never be too careful. The one thing I wasn't able to make a copy of (my medical exam - couldn't open it) is the one thing that got lost and I had to pay to have it re-done. Not fun.

This makes me think of a good idea. We should photocopy the sticker which says "DO NOT OPEN" and have the customs agent sign it and date the photo copy as a receipt.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-13 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAFTER 238 DAYS OF WAITING...I RECIEVE AN RFE!! (Thanks Vermont!!)
I got the same thing. My lawyer missed a check box on my I-129F, so 2 months later than every other March 2012 submitter, I got an RFE asking me to check the box. A month after I sent it back, we got approved. I did, however, call every day/week to see if a response was in the works. Haha.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-12 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help me.

Ofcourse she knew about the paperworks she signed and we already talked about it when i flew back in the philippines last dec2011.and before i came back here in US. we have discussed about the fiancee visa for us to be with each other.we talked about getting married here and i even told her mom our plans in the future.and told my parents too.

This is great. I understand much better now. In my K-1 interview, they asked me about my wedding plans, big or small, when. They asked in front of my fiancée.

And, as I said earlier, good luck. I hope everything works out well for you.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-16 23:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help me.
If you asked her to sign a letter of intent of marriage and she doesn't know what she signed, that can be fraud... I do not think the Embassy would look too kindly on it if they asked your fiancee if she intends on marrying you in the United States and she replies, "I don't know". She is applying for a K-1, which means she needs to be fully aware of the fact that she needs to marry you within 90 days of arriving to the US. This will be the consular's first question of her. I understand the element of surprise you are looking for to make her happy in her engagement, but I think she would have to be aware or she has a very high chance of being rejected at her K-1 visa interview.

I applaud the idea of doing a second proposal... You already made the first proposal in paperwork, but that doesn't mean you can't do it the right way after.

Good luck!

Edited by Waiting234, 16 February 2013 - 08:56 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-16 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
An RFE is not the end of the world. You could always call USCIS and ask, but I do not recommend refiling anything because it might put you at the end of the line again.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-16 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling K-1 and Visitation situation (Please help!)

Of course! I'd never have him overstay. I wouldn't risk our future in such a way, we're doing everything legally.

I'm just trying to figure out at which point he's allowed to stay in the U.S for the rest of the application processing with me.

I would wait 6 or 7 months before starting his 6 month stay with you, or don't tell his parents yet and hope your wait time is shorter. He (and you) will have to return to Canada for his interview, then wait there until getting the k-1 visa stamp in his passport. They may take away his passport (and tourist visa) at the interview until they can update his visa. I don't know how it is in Canada, but in the Dominican Rep, they take your passport from you for a week or so.

Edited by Waiting234, 18 February 2013 - 10:08 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-18 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYet Another I-134 Self-Employed question.

We are planning on getting married in the US, full blown ceremony plus reception here, getting a nice, cheap AZ marriage licence (Marriage licence in Cambodia can be $1500 or more!). We are having a reception there, but will not get legally married as that would disqualify the k-1 fiancee visa. I hear even the appearance of getting married has been cause for consulates to deny a visa, so as long as the consulate doesn't know and we do it after we have visa in-hand, I think we'll be safe.

As for the savings thing, I get what you are saying now. I thought it was an all or nothing, like if you didn't meet the poverty guidelines, (so $15,000) then you had to have 5x the poverty line income in assets, (so $75,000), but it's 5x the DIFFERENCE so in my case, the difference from last years taxes and the poverty requirement is like $4,000, so I would need to have $20,000. Even if I put a hold on paying off my current debts, I don't think I would have quite that much (which I would only need if they were looking at last years taxes and not earnings YTD, which should be well above the poverty guidelines by Sep) Thanks for the clear up though, it's something to think about.

So the question still remains: is a YTD Earnings statement, along with monthly P&Ls and bank statements enough to convince the consulate I can support my wife-to-be?

Nice. I like the idea. Plus, better not to celebrate too soon. Best to celebrate after you get the visa anyway. I am sure you will get it, but to have a celebration with all your family present, just to have to wait another 6 or more months afterwards makes people ask questions. I hate when people ask questions. They should mind their own business! Haha.

Unfortunately, I do not know how to best represent your earnings without a complete tax history. I didn't have that problem. I've heard of some people using future earnings to justify their poverty level, but they also had an employer who could write a letter which states their income. You may want to consult an immigration lawyer about your earnings. 15 minutes with a lawyer shouldn't run you more than $100, but be prepared with everything and even practice your 10 minute presentation about yourself so the lawyer has time to answer your questions.

Edited by Waiting234, 19 February 2013 - 09:49 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-19 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYet Another I-134 Self-Employed question.
Did you say that you will not be getting married legally? Or did you intend to say illegally? You are only having the a reception and ceremony in Cambodia, right (without signing the legal documents)? Then, you will sign the legal paperwork in a courthouse in the United States.

Edited by Waiting234, 18 February 2013 - 09:59 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-18 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYet Another I-134 Self-Employed question.
I don't know 100% about the best way to show your income if you are self employed and do not have a very great history of business. Let's leave that to the next guy. But, I recommend that you consider waiting to pay off your debts until AFTER the petition is approved, unless of course it makes much more financial sense to pay off now AND you know you won't need it to meet poverty guidlines. The I-134 does not ask you what your debts are. If you pay off your debts, then the money cannot be used to help you meet the poverty guidelines. If you save the money, and pay off your debts afterwards, then the savings account with the money can be used to cover any shortcomings of meeting the poverty guidlines. So, if you need 30k per year, but you only earn 26k, then you can use 5k of your savings to make up for every 1k of shortcomings. So, if you are short on the poverty guidlines by 4k, you would need 20k in the bank. 5k, you need 25k in the bank.

Edited by Waiting234, 18 February 2013 - 09:56 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-18 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview tomorrow..
Good Luck! Get some sleep!
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-18 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan an annoyed uscis officer delay your visa application?
I called alot, I tried expediting about 4 times. My fiance had a high risk pregnancy and nobody seemed to care. I couldn't get a doctor in the Dominican Republic to say they couldn't handle her case (as USCIS was asking to approve the expedite), I just had to pay through the roof for it instead of putting her on my insurance here in the States, where it would have cost me nothing. Doctors want their money too ya know... I imagine that my case was set back quite a bit with how often I talked to my Senator and called into USCIS. In the end, we got what we wanted, which is to be together for the rest of our lives. Looking back, 6 months or 12 months is nothing to wait, especially knowing you can be together forever and without needing to be separated. I probably should have tried expediting for financial reasons instead of medical reasons, but I was worried that if I said I couldn't afford something, then they could deny my affidavit of support. That was niave of me, but I was so focused on wanting to be with her for the pregnancy... I wound up not being with her because my son came one week earlier than the doctor originally wanted to have the emergency procedure. I only got two days notice... just the right amount of notice to push airfare up to over $1000 round trip (up from $400 round trip if you buy 2 weeks in advance), so I kept my original trip and hoped all was good from 3,000 miles away.

Edited by Waiting234, 18 February 2013 - 10:32 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-18 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite Effects

But proving financial hardship for the USC, and then turning around and trying to prove the non-USC won't be a public charge is dubious.

That's what I thought, originally. Now, I'm not so sure. I've seen someone get approved for financial hardship for needing to use up vacation time before the end of the year or they lose it and would have to take unpaid leave. If one week's pay is enough to cause financial hardship, then you do not have to make a case that you will be living below the poverty line, just that you're going to lose some money somehow. I wish I knew this because I've lost 1,000s as a result of my baby being born overseas, let alone a week's pay.

It's subjective because one man's financial hardship could be another man's joke. One week pay... I'm sorry, but that is NOT a hardship. You married a foreigner. Everyone on here has lost more than a week pay for this process. Am I right?

Edited by Waiting234, 21 February 2013 - 01:46 AM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-21 01:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite Effects
Trust me, an expedite is not the only way that people get to "cut in line", USCIS does it to everybody. If they kept it all fair, my application would have been reviewed way before anyone else after me was accepted... July filers were getting accepted before me (a March filer).

I think a Financial hardship expedite is the most likely to be accepted... Anything else is too apparent. Financial expedites can at least be a little subjective.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-20 20:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill I get an RFE?
An RFE is not the end of the world. That would be a rejection. Our RFE only delayed us an extra 2 weeks. My RFE was because my lawyer didn't mark a check box on the I-129F. So, they sent my lawyer the RFE letter, asking me to fill it in.

Edited by Waiting234, 16 February 2013 - 01:38 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-16 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am a student wanting to marry my Canadian boyfriend of four years.
If the canadian conulate accepts co-sponsers, then you don't need a job or income, but I think your co-sponser will be obligated to pay for him in the event he qualifies for any US government aid for either 10 years of working or until he becomes a US Citizen, which, once he is married to you and living with you for 3 years, he can apply.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-23 23:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE-need help!

We got our RFE hardcopy today.
They want info preceding our filing of our i129f application. They want primary evidence. (receipts of what we bought, etc)
-I've always stayed at his house, or he at mine, so we have no hotel receipts.
-i've driven to go see him, so no passport stamp (i'm the beneficiary, Canadian, he's the USC)
-I don't keep any receipts, when it comes to things we did together (snowboarding, meals etc) because I didn't think they'd be able to prove that he was with me at that time...
-we have photos together, but they don't have date stamps on it, unless they allow us to write it on the back

So what would they accept as primary evidence??! Has anyone received an RFE like this?
It said that they want proof that we met prior to filing our case, which we have, through photos, and bank statements/visa statements. Will that work?
Basically we are concerned as to what they will accept if we have no receipts. (When my fiance would come to Canada, i'd buy everything, and vise versa!) so that is hard to prove through his cards/my card statements. We do have some, proof as on my credit card statements of gassing up on the drive down, and proof of the odd meal here or there in each others country, but it may not say 'CANADA-FOOD' you know?!
ANy help would be HUGELYYY appreciated!
THanks SOOO much

Did you forget to send in pictures with the original application? I think you only needed one... So now, they want to know if this is real because you forgot to send in a picture. If you sent the photo in with the I-129F filing, then it is obvious that the picture was taken BEFORE your submittal. You'll have to prove the date of the picture by providing evidence that you were in Canada or your significant other in the US, preferrably with a credit card statement showing you were in the same town at the same time, or something. I don't know how you want to present it, but make sure it is clear. You may want to run it by a lawyer if you have any questions. But, go to the lawyer prepared with what you are about to send in or you will pay through the roof! It's cheaper for the lawyer to make changes to your submittal than for him/her to start from scratch. You could get creative and, depending on what your credit card statement says, you could make a map of google maps showing that you bought gas on the way to his town... I'm not saying this will work, but you've got to provide whatever evidence you can or you will have to start over.

Or, run it by a friend for family member to see if they believe you. Make a cover letter describing your case as to why the pictures were taken BEFORE your I-129F submittal and have them review it. Include the cover letter, with an apology for not submitting the photos with your I-129F. Again, good luck!

Edited by Waiting234, 24 February 2013 - 12:00 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-24 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE-need help!

We got our RFE hardcopy today.
They want info preceding our filing of our i129f application. They want primary evidence. (receipts of what we bought, etc)
-I've always stayed at his house, or he at mine, so we have no hotel receipts.
-i've driven to go see him, so no passport stamp (i'm the beneficiary, Canadian, he's the USC)
-I don't keep any receipts, when it comes to things we did together (snowboarding, meals etc) because I didn't think they'd be able to prove that he was with me at that time...
-we have photos together, but they don't have date stamps on it, unless they allow us to write it on the back

So what would they accept as primary evidence??! Has anyone received an RFE like this?
It said that they want proof that we met prior to filing our case, which we have, through photos, and bank statements/visa statements. Will that work?
Basically we are concerned as to what they will accept if we have no receipts. (When my fiance would come to Canada, i'd buy everything, and vise versa!) so that is hard to prove through his cards/my card statements. We do have some, proof as on my credit card statements of gassing up on the drive down, and proof of the odd meal here or there in each others country, but it may not say 'CANADA-FOOD' you know?!
ANy help would be HUGELYYY appreciated!
THanks SOOO much

I would check your credit card statements. If you put gas in your car, it will say the City and State (or country) of where you gased up. Also, you might have gotten foreign transaction fees if you used your credit card in the opposite country. This is a tough one. You could also try sending in letters from parents/friends who might have been with you and on certain dates (who, what, when, where, why). But, send in as much as you can. Take your time and make sure you've found anything you can. You can never have too much proof. Telephone bills are a good one too, proves you were talking. You can call your telephone company and get records if you don't have them on your bills. Text messages (if you kept any) and the dates sent with the content. You might have to organize them on a piece of paper and in date sequence. Photos, definitely. Even if you cannot prove the dates of the photos, if you have dates on telephone bills, texts messaging, internet messeging chats, etc, that can work. If you used your cell phones in each other's country, there should be roaming charges as well, but not sure.

Good luck!

I used UPS to print out a bunch of my stuff.. $10 for 250 pages. Not bad. Don't worry about sending in too much!

Edited by Waiting234, 24 February 2013 - 01:02 AM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-24 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee coming to USA in a month, got a quick question.
Since she has never been to the United States before, you could try visiting any of a number of different places she's never been to before. Since you would like Europe (and not the Carribean), try some of these places: New York, NY; Bar Harbor, ME; Nantuket Island; Poconos, PA; Boston, MA; Charleston, SC; San Fransico, CA; Portland, OR; Las Vegas, NV; Seattle, WA; New Orleans, LA; Washington, DC (Get to know her new capital!)... The list goes on. Just do a search for US Vacation areas on the Internet and see what comes up!

Then, try the European vacation next year or the year after. She can fly anywhere in the USA as long as she has a State Issued ID Card, but no connections out of the country!

Edited by Waiting234, 20 February 2013 - 08:40 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-20 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPutting together an initial K1 Visa packet

Good Luck to you too His karma! I'm very excited knowing my girl could possibly be here in the States by the end of this year to spend Christmas and New Years together.

Don't count on it. You may get dissapointed.. I thought this in February 2012 about December 2012 and they aren't coming until April.. But, there IS a possibility. Good luck!

Paper clips to hold 2 or 3 pages together (or more), and big metal clamp to hold it all together. Or two...

I agree. I like the idea of the big metal clamp. I use those at work on my government job all the time. If I were to receive something like that, I might actually try to process it faster!
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-02-24 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs a K-1 Fiance Visa Lawyer a waste of time?
Some might think a lawyer is good to have, but most of the questions you will have can be answered in this forum or in the Guides. If your case gets complicating and someone here recommends to see a lawyer who would rather not answer your question, you could always go see a lawyer for that particular issue. They would probably only charge you for 15 or 30 minutes if you asked all your questions together.

If you do use a lawyer, be prepared. If the lawyer has to spend hours preparing what you should have done in the first place, then you just wasted hundreds of dollars for things you are going to wind up filling out or researching anyway. Most lawyers do not mind spending 30 minutes with you here and there.

In NJ, lawyers get $400 per hour, so $100 for a 15 minute consultation. In other areas, usually much less.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-03-02 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements

On the I-864, it specifically calls out Adjusted Gross Income. Upon reviewing the instructions for the I-134, I do not see this spelled out anywhere. If it were me, I would put my pre-tax income and then point out that it didn't ask for adjusted gross income, if asked. I would still make sure that my savings account was 5x higher than my adjusted gross income (ie. if you earned 12k adjusted gross and you need 16k to meet the guidelines, then you need 16k-12k = 4k, 4k*5 = 20k required in savings).

You may also want to have a co-sponser ready for backup if you are concerned about not reaching the poverty guidelines. Otherwise, your case will go pending longer or get denied all together.
Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-03-02 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements


I filled out my form i-134 Affidavit of Support and it asks me to include a copy of my federal return for the current year. What number are they looking for that requires me to be above the povery threshold of $16k? Would this be gross revenue? total income? adj gross income? I'm, having difficulty because I'm a self employed contractor and although my earnings are above, after all the deductions and expenses I'm not sure what line are they looking for.


On the I-864, it specifically calls out Adjusted Gross Income. Upon reviewing the instructions for the I-134, I do not see this spelled out anywhere. If it were me, I would put my pre-tax income and then point out that it didn't ask for adjusted gross income, if asked. I would still make sure that my savings account was 5x higher than my adjusted gross income (ie. if you earned 12k adjusted gross and you need 16k to meet the guidelines, then you need 16k-12k = 4k, 4k*5 = 20k required in savings).

Edited by Waiting234, 02 March 2013 - 06:52 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-03-02 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill tourist visa be denied if consular new about K1 process?
They will probably say no, but I guess it couldn't hurt to apply. Just make sure you are prepared to explain why you asked, when you asked, and why you got rejected with the date of rejection. If it goes through for a yes, I don't think you have to explain anything at your interview.

Edited by Waiting234, 20 March 2013 - 08:26 PM.

Waiting234MaleDominican Republic2013-03-20 20:25:00