K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I have NO IDEA where to get married! I was going to at this current house (long story but I own it with my EX GF but economy and a builder that stole 200k has us stuck till court is done and we get money back....then we can leave! EX wife suggested we marry at her house (stop laughing)! We do make better friends than spouses and my fiancee gets along (since we've got kids, why fight? She's happily remarried and happy for my Thai sweetie and I).... off handed it's weird....I don't like the EX & her BF being here (it's a big house tho-we both thought we'd be done with court and economy would let us sell by stuck for now) so not sure if a JP wedding is better or a small park....

Not sure whether to do Buddhist (find a monk here) or Christian? Decisions decisions (she doesn't care at all...can't dig an answer from her)! We've got traditional Thai dress for her, me and our kids for the ceremony but that's all the planning we've done. $ and no job for me means we gotta be careful.

Any suggestions? I liked the cave wedding idea (no caves here...but it's original)....... I'm all ears!

Edited by HYENA, 15 August 2009 - 09:03 PM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-08-15 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Aug 14 2009, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HYENA @ Aug 14 2009, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We finally got here! 28 hours...POE was san fransisco; took a whopping 3 minutes. He kept the brown packet (not sure if they were supposed to or not)...they didn't even check our bags (airport destroyed 2 was completely opened when it came on the carousel...her pills were gone so we just got back from the health department. I understand we need to wait 2 weeks for apply for the SS card then get marriage license, etc then AOS?

Hope everyone's doing well! I'm still not at 100% piggy flu is a nasty thing to get!

Congrats on making back. I was wondering when you were arriving. You may not need the SSN to get the Marriage License. We didn't we got married, I filed AOS, and then went a few weeks later and got her SSN. When we went to our AOS interview, the interviewer asked if we got our SSN yet, I said yes, handed him the card, he wrote it down and that was it. I mainly did it that way, cause she was changing her name, and I didn't want to change it after we got married with SS, and then also it would have delayed our sending of AOS for a month.

OK...I'll take this to heart.... So you're suggesting 1. Marry (name change comes with that?) 2. File AOS, 3. SSN then AOS interview (with ssn card by then)?

Just wanting to make sure we don't waste any time to avoid a civil surgeon
HYENAMaleThailand2009-08-15 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
We finally got here! 28 hours...POE was san fransisco; took a whopping 3 minutes. He kept the brown packet (not sure if they were supposed to or not)...they didn't even check our bags (airport destroyed 2 was completely opened when it came on the carousel...her pills were gone so we just got back from the health department. I understand we need to wait 2 weeks for apply for the SS card then get marriage license, etc then AOS?

Hope everyone's doing well! I'm still not at 100% piggy flu is a nasty thing to get!
HYENAMaleThailand2009-08-14 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
If you're heading here, WEAR A MASK NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO! I've been bedridden for 4 days straight and can't even find a corrupt cop to buy me some Tamiflu. ALl the hospitals want to see me and the hell if I'm getting controlled by the US or Thai government for travel (just in case) so I'm riding it out. I suspect it's the piggy flu 'cause it's a doozie!

4 games of pool at a bar and next day that was it for me.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-30 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (daboyz @ Jul 29 2009, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bonobo @ Jul 29 2009, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

For the past four years, I've been sporadically traveling back and forth to Thailand (first to study monkeys, but then after that to visit the woman who is now my fiance). Now that my fiance has been approved at her K1 visa interview (which happened yesterday), I really need to figure out some deal where I can earn flight miles for buying plane tickets to go back and forth to Thailand for the next ~50 years. Has anybody here got some advice for how to do this/ which airline to approach about it?? I plan to buy my fiance's plane ticket this week.

Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you very much.

The best way is to fly same the same airline every time. Keep in mind the sorry a$$ airlines have instituted an expiration program so that if you dont fly their airline at least once every 18 months, or have some type of activity, your miles will expire. Korean Air seems to have been the cheapest for me the last few trips. I see you live in Syracuse (sorry to hear that) Korean Air flys out of JFK, one stop, and the service is excellent. All the American based airlines that I have flown to Asia have been SORRY. Terrible service.

I agree with that completely; the USA owned airlines are Kee; pure keeneow. Having said that, NWA was the cheapest so I used them but I'm flying out of BWI. 3 planes to get there, 4 to get back but overall, the travel time is about a day. I can't get used to the Korean air food but it's better than any US airlines hands down (minus smaller carriers like Jet Blue). I noticed the suitcase size restrictions now won't handle my monster 1000 baht suitcase I bought here last year (was going to bring 4 back for her belongings when we come home). Most people tend to fly whatever airlines are most convinient (and there fore cheaper) from their local airport. It was a bummer when THai discontinued it's JFK straight shot. I loved their food and service.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-30 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I'm just rolling it up and packing it all just in case. It's kinda big but if it doesn't fit then i'll just shove it in the overhead.

Every once in a while I ask myself what in the heck am I doing on the other side of the world????

I'm considering digging straight down to get back home; it may be faster. 4 airplanes to get back home...i don't look forward to that!

It's off to get the visa tomorrow and once it's in our paws, on to Isaan (and motorcycling alll over....just because I can)!

Thank you Aaron for the tips...I'll get married and send AOS asap when I get back

Edited by HYENA, 27 July 2009 - 04:06 AM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-27 04:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (thongd4me @ Jul 25 2009, 08:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HYENA @ Jul 25 2009, 02:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for all your replies and help; I really appreciate it.

It's suddenly feeling all to real (no more fantasy bride) LOL! We'll get through it any marriage you start out "perfect" then work on things for a good, stable trusting partnership. She wants to crank out a kid but I told her she hasn't a clue how expensive they are in the states. You can't just dump them at mom's house and go on with your life in the USA. Little things like that (that could become big things) worry me. She wants one later but I tell her any kids has directly to do with money and future earning potential so we gotta get cracking in a bad economy. UGH!

She also doesn't seem to grasp I can't just come live here with my kids or our kid at a whim...that Thai laws are highly xenophobic. It's the ignorance how difficult it really is to reside in Thailand (retirement) she'll also have to learn (I don't have the income or bank baht to stay yet). Just a bit of english and internet savvy, she'll be able to research all this since most of her learning is by word of mouth not having had the opportunity for much education here (I'm in BKK now).

We're heading up to Roi Et so she can see her house and family, then fly to maybe Phuket? not sure where a cheap, safe beach place would be to go and bring mom (she's never been on a plane or had any vacation all her life so anything I can do to create numerous firsts for her would thrill us both).

Any beach suggestions? We were thinking of Chang Mai but it's just another Roi et (prettier) from what I gather. I think getting her up on water skis would have me smiling for the next year! I gotta try! (Imagine..old farm rice paddy lady on water skis). Crossing my fingers for that photo op!

Moving right along...I'll dive into her birth cert papers and see what vaccinations she's had and see if she can get more. She had everything a month or two ago so I gotta see what's due if anything right now if we can...

Forgot my sis is a shrink but legally can get us the vaccine and paper. I hear civil surgeon prices vary wildly so anything to save before seeing one (if needed).... I'll have to check AOS to see what's required since I've done no research past this part yet.

Congratulations to those of you who have also made your next step fulfilling your dreams and thanks again for your responses.


You don't need to spend big bucks to truck the tribe down to Phuket or Samui, Krabi, etc.
Very near to BKK is Koh Samet - I've been there 3 times and we ONLY stayed at the Silversand Resort.
Don't reserve in advance - you will pay the full farang penalty for sure.
ONLY go on weekdays - it can get very crowded on weekends because it is so close to BKK.
Have your better half negotiate the price; we stayed there for peanuts.
If you want party they have party, but the bungalows are set back far enough from the beach that
you won't be bothered by music at night if your inclination is to sleep.
The units are small, simple, air conditioned good.gif and pest-free (at least in 2008). kicking.gif
You might have a gekko or two, but I'm sure you can handle that.
We had a snake in our room in a resort owned by her schoolmate in Chiang Rai.


General on Koh Samet:
I'm over 50 yrs old butI enjoyed off-road motorbiking on Koh Samet
(hint - you can to that on ANY road).
I suggest touring the entire island by motorbike and you may even find
something cheaper or more to your liking. I've never been on one in the
States but when in Thailand I don't hesitate to do as the locals do.
It's only roads are all unpaved and in terrible shape, so if you're on a budget
you know the super-rich a-holes won't be flocking to this paradise. It's a favorite
among Thais so your Thai family won't feel they've stepped into a farang world.

Happy trails.

Thank you very much for that suggestion! I think I'll talk to her about it tonight. I've seen the cabanas in movies and videos (likely many places have em) but being so close and tourism is down 40% I think our chances are pretty good.

I was just wanting to throw mom on a plane once for kicks...I think it's 800 baht each way anywhere in thailand from air asia; some recession special.

I gotta remember to smile more...has repercussions when i worry about work and recession back home and I don't smile enough (kind of amusing). I guess I carry my worries with me too much; something I haven't had the knack to learn live for today over here. I told her worrying and planning is part of our culture...not sure how to smack that out of my brain for now. Maybe a beach and some motorcycle rides will be the cure.

I do a lot of motorbiking in Roi Et (dirt roads galore) a few baht to a neighbor and off I go; return with a full tank and they're thrilled.

We went swimming in a large fast flowing river last time with little cabanas you can rent for a couple dollars a day and inner tube and walk back up; cool local water spot (except when the egoes get to big and the teenagers start their own muay thai in the middle of the road, it's relaxing).

I so wish I knew more of the language but she's just not motivated to teaching me like I teach her English. I'd love to be able to sit down with her family and chit chat.

I've never seen a speak isaan cd or book anywhere; would love to find one.

thanks again..i'll do some research while we're waiting to pick up the visa. I have 2 weeks after that to play then come home to doom and gloom economy and get cracking looking for employment.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-25 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
do we need the police cert (embassy kept it) or original vaccinations (they gave her a copy)

we'll try to get what we can back when we pick up the visa on the 28th. the birth cert looks good (Siam legal did a pretty good job on that)
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-25 01:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Thank you for all your replies and help; I really appreciate it.

It's suddenly feeling all to real (no more fantasy bride) LOL! We'll get through it any marriage you start out "perfect" then work on things for a good, stable trusting partnership. She wants to crank out a kid but I told her she hasn't a clue how expensive they are in the states. You can't just dump them at mom's house and go on with your life in the USA. Little things like that (that could become big things) worry me. She wants one later but I tell her any kids has directly to do with money and future earning potential so we gotta get cracking in a bad economy. UGH!

She also doesn't seem to grasp I can't just come live here with my kids or our kid at a whim...that Thai laws are highly xenophobic. It's the ignorance how difficult it really is to reside in Thailand (retirement) she'll also have to learn (I don't have the income or bank baht to stay yet). Just a bit of english and internet savvy, she'll be able to research all this since most of her learning is by word of mouth not having had the opportunity for much education here (I'm in BKK now).

We're heading up to Roi Et so she can see her house and family, then fly to maybe Phuket? not sure where a cheap, safe beach place would be to go and bring mom (she's never been on a plane or had any vacation all her life so anything I can do to create numerous firsts for her would thrill us both).

Any beach suggestions? We were thinking of Chang Mai but it's just another Roi et (prettier) from what I gather. I think getting her up on water skis would have me smiling for the next year! I gotta try! (Imagine..old farm rice paddy lady on water skis). Crossing my fingers for that photo op!

Moving right along...I'll dive into her birth cert papers and see what vaccinations she's had and see if she can get more. She had everything a month or two ago so I gotta see what's due if anything right now if we can...

Forgot my sis is a shrink but legally can get us the vaccine and paper. I hear civil surgeon prices vary wildly so anything to save before seeing one (if needed).... I'll have to check AOS to see what's required since I've done no research past this part yet.

Congratulations to those of you who have also made your next step fulfilling your dreams and thanks again for your responses.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-25 01:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Jul 23 2009, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rsn @ Jul 23 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (GeneT @ Jul 23 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dude! You got married! good.gif Congrats to you and Kat, now you guys are official! Awesome, Ray! biggrin.gif

Guilty, as charged. Thanks for the congrats! Now, only 2 receptions left to plan (1 in Chicago & 1 in Thailand).

QUOTE (AaronLV @ Jul 23 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We just got our email that our Card Production was ordered. No more paperwork or worries for 2 Years!!

A nice USCIS-free vacation for you and your wife, eh? good.gif

Congrats on the marriage. Now get your AOS paperwork in and get it out of your way smile.gif I had most of the AOS paperwork complete before we got back from Thailand.

Is there anything you can think of I can do while we're here to save a little baht? Translating, civil surgeon anything...? I haven't checked into the aos stuff at all but once stateside I dont want to regret blowing big bucks for something I can do here for a few baht since my income screetched to a halt till i get a job
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-23 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (thongd4me @ Jul 23 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NillandNan @ Jul 17 2009, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (John & Nan @ Jul 17 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
any one shop at this place on the internet for Thai food and supplies ?


Not yet. I would like to know this as well...

How many Nan's do we have in this thread?

I haven't thought about how to get Thai food (because she isn't in NY yet)
but I'm lucky to have sriracha sauce at the cafeteria where I work.

If often put it on anything I get - ham & eggs, chiken, shrunken heads... innocent.gif

It's a staple there and very popular.
They go through about a half dozen bottles a day.

You'd be amazed at the availability of thai food. Try any local chinese grocer. I think based on what's near me, I can make do with one 90 minute trip every few months for 25-50 pounds of rice and the 20 min trip to the chinese grocer that has the fish sauces and chilis. look for all the ethnic grocers...stuff we normally avoid. A friend of mine has an India wife and he clued me in to some of the mini grocers that have the spicy booty and swag.

We're packing her bamboo stuff and mortar and pestle but even they're available at some of the asian markets. most cities have a chinatown which is sort of close.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-23 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (Niels Bohr @ Jul 13 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lov Papaya Salad. Yummy!

I love it, too and I have NO IDEA WHY! It tastes like rotten bacteria fish with evil spices but every time I see it, I crawl over to the plate (of course you know you're in Thailand if you're eating from plates on the floor)! Haaahahahaha!
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-13 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
misunderstood the earlier question....I'm sure you know about the papaya salad.

the drug i was referring to was spicy hot stuff, that's all. Sorry to confuse, just excited to be going back again to bring her here (Buddha willing)
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-12 23:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
You can buy the bamboo rice cookers online. ebay (I hate ebay) has sellers all over but the prices are bad. I think we'll bring a few back. you can also make your own without much effort.

Come on...the mortar and pestle hot peppers with the beaten crab thrown in is tom macoom (tom yam? I can't remember the Thai word). Papaya salad...shredded green papaya, noodles, a handful of bitchin hot spicy's and a fresh water crab thrown in for flavor. They also put that bacteria fish sauce in while beating it all together (I can always hear them making it over the phone when i call her in the background and I ask "who's cooking?").

Actually I've never had any intestinal problems completely...only for an hour then it seems to go away but your body does adapt really fast to super super spicy food; you'd be surprised. By the end of a week, you can dip right in to the same stuff they're eating. I think it gives you an endorphin high or something. I have bad cravings for super spicy. I know she gets cranky if she doesn't get her fix, as well (nothing new; I've read about this all over the place).
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-12 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (shawndoc @ Jul 11 2009, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just FYI, a mortar and pestal can be purchased for under $10 at Ikea of all places. It is rather small, but it works.

Yes, I've got small brass ones-antique apothecary or small spice but for some reason they relish beating the ####### out of the peppers and that unfortunate crab they throw in there mid smash with a nice big stick! It's amusing watching them make it. Call it insanity but each time I visit, I try my best to fit in which includes eating large quantities of that. After a couple days of intestinal protest, my body adapts and I've actually gotten cravings for it (like right now; I've wanted some so badly for a long time). Hard to explain but it is like an endorphin drug or something. I guess it's like beer. My first beer I barfed at 9 or 10 years old then you learn. In all honesty beer doesn't REALLY taste good but I crave it (I just don't give in much nowadays-too much trouble). Same with this tom macoom. I crave it like mad but it tastes like hell. I figured if they eat it then let's see how long it takes my body to stop rejecting it and it's surprisingly a short time. I eat it, sweat, tear, burns coming out and two rounds of that two days I'm all better and can eat about half the portions they do with no ill effects (except blowing the air to cool down your mouth while eating it).

Tabasco on eggs or 4 packs of hot sauce from taco hell doesn't compare...I need my spicy; I'm hooked! I learned most grocery stores are devoid of this drug and it's nightmarish!

This economy is horrible though. We're praying to our deities to help us find jobs so she can stay (I think I need to show finances again at some point AOS?). Only a week ago I lost my venue to sell old stuff from over there for a nice profit. I' really worried now.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-12 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I agree, you need to be specific and if someone "failed" the medical then they failed the medical. Get it addressed or cured/treated and move along. Have you had an interview? Is it HIV? Hepatitis? Depending on the disease will depend on the advice from well meaning members. Things happen but you can't try to go around the system and just keep testing until she "passes". You can only go to the hospitals on the approved list (money talks in too many other places).
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-11 10:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Yes, she'll bring her rice cooker and mortar and pestle. I told her she'd definitely need those (her bamboo cooker, that is) for sticky rice. They sell tons of the regular cookers all over the place for a few dollars.
I planted some hot pepper plants but the vermin destroyed them.

I'm feeling too lazy to research what we need to do next once she gets here. I've adapted her thinking; i'll believe it when we're getting on the plane!

So nice to see we're diversifying our country with beautiful people!
HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-10 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Interview in 2 weeks. My plane leaves in 5 days (I can't wait to eat some REAL food over there...been having such withdrawals)!

I'll have to find again where the interview reviews are to see how it's going so far.....

so this will round out a full year since we applied for K-1

HYENAMaleThailand2009-07-10 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
so confusing (Thai and Sawasdee thread since both are so active).

Our interview is finally scheduled. Got packet 4 by email this evening...361 days from when we first handed over our K-1 application.

Relieved it's almost over but nervous cause it's really (finally) happening! Been waiting and let down so many times, I almost don't know what to do when success comes!

The airline tickets are insanely expensive right now! I can't find anything under $1800!!! I was thinking Korean air to Dulles (I live in the Baltimore/DC area) but they're over $2100).

I'm having the toughest time! I'd like to stay about a month and also be there for her interview. I dont' really want to waste too much time there once visa is in hand so that makes impossible possibilities since the interview is less than a month away on the 23rd! I really need a couple weeks to get things together here so even going out July 14, tickets are closer to $2k. My problem is getting hers comign back and having flexibility in case there's a delay with both our tickets.

Thank you to others posting your interview experiences. THat's quite reassuring! i think airline tickets now will be the most difficult part.

Looking at leaving July 14 or 20 or so, coming back 3-4 weeks later....ugh! Prices are insane! My first trip to BKK was $935

Edited by HYENA, 29 June 2009 - 01:05 AM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-06-29 01:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (wasabi @ Jun 8 2009, 04:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today I went to the USA embassy. It was very difficult to get them to even let me in but when I finally did I explained I had emailed repeatedly without reply and simply wanted to know if they had my Fiance's packet 3 or not. A 2 minute check revealed they did and I was on my way. Now I just have to wait for her to get a date but at least I know the clock is ticking.

Home stretch! Must feel great after all this time! Congratulations to everyone who's moving along. To those who have snags. my heart goes out to you! This is a very strenuous process, indeed! I'm actually getting a bit nervous! After this long wait; difficult to believe it's coming to a close (all this insane waiting, hoping, waiting)....
HYENAMaleThailand2009-06-08 04:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (will92104 @ Jun 6 2009, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HYENA @ Jun 6 2009, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (will92104 @ Jun 6 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HYENA, Have you been in touch with NVC? Have you been notified that your case has been forwarded to the embassy? If so i would just download packet 3 from the embassy website and send it in.

I'm nusing Siam Legal and they're saying we have to wait. I don't know why that is but the second her police report is back (supposd to be on the 7th), i'll press them for that.

Is there some place I can call the embassy to see if they even have it? I emailed but get referred to another email because they don't handle k-1's and the other doesn't answer (old trick since I was 3 mommy-daddy)! LOL!

I heard you can just send it in. I am eager to get her here! Amazing some who applied in JANUARY already have packet 3 and nothing on my end. Have no idea why mine is so lengthy

NVC is all done (aren't they)?, they sent it to BKK from what I understand over a month ago. (on my timeline--nothing from consulate yet)

You can try to call the citizens service center in the embassy and see if they can help find out if the consulate has recieved your petition (66) (2) 205-4049.. I think your "lawyer" is slowing you down. alot of people have not waited for the packet to come in the mail and have downloaded it and sent it in.

Better yet, I emailed them Sunday and got a response first thing in the morning (Thai time) before I could even call telling me they had already sent packet 3 out to her address (correct address in email) so either it hasn't gotten there yet (Thai mail) or the evil apartment manager took it (which would not be a surprise, either). Soooo, I called the lawyer's office and they had just picked up her police report so (hopefully 3rd request monday will see the correct documents from my bank) I'm self employed, reported over 125% but with dependents, etc I wanted to be sure there was no possible way for a financial "no").

Unfortunately they're saying it's about a month on average to get the interview date set and a month to get the interview. That'll make a square year of waiting for our K-1. Better late than never! We were already getting everything we needed anyway but I'm glad we don't have to wait for packet 3 (I read on the embassy website in big letters not to send before packet 3 is received)....all that's behind us now...on to the express mailing Monday and (fingers crossed)! It's sooo nice to be on the home stretch!

Edited by HYENA, 08 June 2009 - 04:18 AM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-06-08 04:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (will92104 @ Jun 6 2009, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HYENA @ Jun 6 2009, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (will92104 @ Jun 6 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HYENA, Have you been in touch with NVC? Have you been notified that your case has been forwarded to the embassy? If so i would just download packet 3 from the embassy website and send it in.

I'm nusing Siam Legal and they're saying we have to wait. I don't know why that is but the second her police report is back (supposd to be on the 7th), i'll press them for that.

Is there some place I can call the embassy to see if they even have it? I emailed but get referred to another email because they don't handle k-1's and the other doesn't answer (old trick since I was 3 mommy-daddy)! LOL!

I heard you can just send it in. I am eager to get her here! Amazing some who applied in JANUARY already have packet 3 and nothing on my end. Have no idea why mine is so lengthy

NVC is all done (aren't they)?, they sent it to BKK from what I understand over a month ago. (on my timeline--nothing from consulate yet)

You can try to call the citizens service center in the embassy and see if they can help find out if the consulate has recieved your petition (66) (2) 205-4049.. I think your "lawyer" is slowing you down. alot of people have not waited for the packet to come in the mail and have downloaded it and sent it in.

Thank you kindly for your advice. yes, our "lawyer" held us up a few weeks at the beginning as it is but on the other end, the assistant "Beer" has been a godsend once he took over our case (there was another assistant I don't believe she liked her job or answering questions but I won't go into that...I'm grateful to the man with the cool name there; he's proven to be well worth my trust and he knows each interviewer's quirks which he'll review with her when the time comes. Apparently the tough fella there is still there and typically initially denies or RFE's everyone..nearly everyone he said. I'm praying we don't get him! Sounds like in the wave of new applicants they may have gotten more/new help! I'm really really hoping to get one of the nice ladies!
HYENAMaleThailand2009-06-07 04:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (uscandual @ Jun 7 2009, 12:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A little update on the subject of travel plans... I know all of us who are having our interviews this month are starting to schedule flights. Some of the guys are flying to Thailand and returning with your SOs - that's great!
However some of us (myself included) don't have that luxury. I can't take the vacation days at work now, since I need them for a trip to Brazil to visit my kids later in July.

So our dilemma was about whether to buy Thanti's ticket now, or wait till she gets her visa officially approved post-interview. Obviously the safe thing to do is wait. But her interview is on Monday June 29 and if at all possible we were hoping for her to be here with me for 4th of July. That means she would need to get the visa approved on the Monday, and have it ready to be picked up in her passport no later than the Thursday, since Friday July 3 the embassy will be closed. If we wait till that week to buy the ticket we were afraid there may not be any seats available, or at least none at a good fare.

So in the end we went ahead. I booked her a one-way fare BKK-Seoul-ORD on Delta (operated by Korean Airlines). It leaves Thursday night, arrives in Chicago Friday morning. So if she gets the visa in time, we'll be together for the 4th. If not... it's a $250 change fee to rebook the ticket to a later date, and it's valid for a year. So worst case, I'm out $250 but now we have a real shot at getting her here asap after interview. The ticket itself was $981, booked on Expedia. All the roundtrip fares I saw were even higher, so the oneway made the most sense. Needless to say, we're entirely psyched!

Good luck to all..............

I'm so happy for you! I'm getting psyched waiting for that big day! Nearly a friggin year of waiting and finally (hopefully) we'll get our interview and she'll be here. I need her here soooooo badly! My kids are looking forward to her coming and she LOVES kids! We've been preparing for her family to take over shipping stuff here for us to sell since technically she can't work here for I guess about a year.

My dream, her dream will soon come true. I only with I knew the rhyme or reason it's taken so long.

Thai airways didn't charge me a cent but then again they don't fly to JFK anymore mad.gif
My first time meeting her, I tacked on 2 more weeks to get to know this young princess (in my eyes). I'm so glad I did. I remember all the mutual mistrust and international misunderstandings that made it so difficult I imagine many of us go through embarking on a serious relationship with limited time physically together (most of us who have not had the luxury to live together for more than a month at a time). That's all over and I think we mesh well and have gotten to know each other's quirks...lots more to learn but in my eyes that's half the fun of it. I can't wait to have a full blooded Thai living with me (technically no one is full blooded Thai but I won't get into that). I'm a bonafide mutt; who am I to speak! Anywayzzz.....I'm so happy for everyone that's coming right along; confused why people are passing our application at a startling clip and pleased the dream day is looming in the near future! I can't wait to see my own country through Thai eyes, learning what works for authentic northern Thai cooking here (I plantedflat beans, yardlong beans, hot chilis, thai and holy basil for a welcoming garden we can play in when she arrives. She doesn't want me to fuss over her at all but it's part of my "missu" therapy, ya know!

I won't know what to do having to go to bed at a decent hour anymore! I'm used to staying up all night chatting away, webcamming and just keeping each other company hours on the phone. That'll be nice to have someone here who can slap me upside da head when i need it, too! I'm jsut plain looking forward to this magical date and nervous as hell at the same time. I nearly forgot the wedding plans we gotta make once she arrives. It'll be small by the pond out back with close family in Thai with ny nun kaben and she in her Isaan princess outfit! I think we match well, too...close in age and we are both kind hearted to a fault. OH and driving! I can't wait to get her on the roads here! It will be such an awesome journey extending the newness of any marriage by at least a couple years, I'd think!

So....congratulations to those struggling with little things like plane tickets at this point at the end of your visajourney, beginning your AOS jouneys!
HYENAMaleThailand2009-06-07 04:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Jun 6 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HYENA @ Jun 6 2009, 08:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (will92104 @ Jun 6 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HYENA, Have you been in touch with NVC? Have you been notified that your case has been forwarded to the embassy? If so i would just download packet 3 from the embassy website and send it in.

I'm nusing Siam Legal and they're saying we have to wait. I don't know why that is but the second her police report is back (supposd to be on the 7th), i'll press them for that.

Is there some place I can call the embassy to see if they even have it? I emailed but get referred to another email because they don't handle k-1's and the other doesn't answer (old trick since I was 3 mommy-daddy)! LOL!

I heard you can just send it in. I am eager to get her here! Amazing some who applied in JANUARY already have packet 3 and nothing on my end. Have no idea why mine is so lengthy

NVC is all done (aren't they)?, they sent it to BKK from what I understand over a month ago.

Did you get your BNK number and verify it was delivered?

I have BNK number but embassy isn't replying and does this "different department" thing. Not sure how to verify if they got it. I hit a dead end there.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-06-06 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (will92104 @ Jun 6 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HYENA, Have you been in touch with NVC? Have you been notified that your case has been forwarded to the embassy? If so i would just download packet 3 from the embassy website and send it in.

I'm nusing Siam Legal and they're saying we have to wait. I don't know why that is but the second her police report is back (supposd to be on the 7th), i'll press them for that.

Is there some place I can call the embassy to see if they even have it? I emailed but get referred to another email because they don't handle k-1's and the other doesn't answer (old trick since I was 3 mommy-daddy)! LOL!

I heard you can just send it in. I am eager to get her here! Amazing some who applied in JANUARY already have packet 3 and nothing on my end. Have no idea why mine is so lengthy

NVC is all done (aren't they)?, they sent it to BKK from what I understand over a month ago. (on my timeline--nothing from consulate yet)

Edited by HYENA, 06 June 2009 - 10:24 PM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-06-06 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (GeneT @ May 12 2009, 11:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AaronLV @ May 4 2009, 12:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All in all, process is moving ahead smoothly. Looks like some people have gotten the physical started before receiving the packet 4 and interview date?

You need to have the physical done prior to sending in Packet3.

The guy who did ours and a couple others charged 200THB! So being an american I wanted to raise a stink but figured we'd never see the report. Has other people been charged for this service?

Looks like they figured out a way to make a few baht. I would still press for a receipt. I have receipts for everything we did as part of the process.

Ok, now I am confused. The medical is not listed on the document checklist, but else where in the packet 3? I am back home now and don't have the package... I looked as to what has been posted here for the document checklist and it does not have the medical listed. Someone straighten me out here, please.

My Thailand trip was great, Krabi was very nice, did the Island tour, hiking tour and a nice Sea kayak tour as well. Of course getting to see Nan was the best part!

Nan is going back up north to get her verification of non-married status next week, hopefully that will go smooth.

Thanks for your help!

I'm still wondering rhyme or reason to the timelines. Sent paperwork July last year and a month ago they sent it to the embassy but still no packet 3. Looks like this will be an even year before we get her visa.

I don't know how to get anything happening faster. she got her medical, police and single cert in anticipation. I've got my bank statements from my banks...just waiting for packet 3 to come to submit. I really hope it won't be long. We've waited sooo long already just for a k1. it'll be nice to have this behind us.

I did the mistake last month of paying some fee to talk to the embassy...turns out the man who answered (thai) said "we no do k-1, wrong number" but I got the number off some website embassy link. Oh well, my one harmed.

I can hardly wait but I wish it would happen sonner than later......
HYENAMaleThailand2009-06-06 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Make sure everyone writes in their review for the interview; I didn't see many recently (I'll have to see if I searved in a different place here since I recall seeing more reviews on another area).
HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-07 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I mean don't smell the roses (spell?) ugh my typos! Good for the ####### folk to teach tolerance (you know who you are who can't stand missmelled words)!

Edited by HYENA, 07 May 2009 - 07:34 AM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-07 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (Danny and Chada @ May 7 2009, 07:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
MarkNAan thanks for the great post! I got a real laugh out of it. While I have not encountered anything like that it fits the pattern for sure. What is it about our culture that drives us to get things done? Are we just a unique sampling of individuals on this forum that have the research DIY gene?

We are the hardest working nation apparently (heard it, can't prove it) but we are task oriented and don't spell the roses (can be good and bad) likely forgetting friends and family along the way? I've traveled to a lot of countries and if it's not a 2 hour siesta or dozens of holidays, we spend a lot of our lives getting things done. I would suspect Germans are ####### enough to get er dun as well, but who knows. I have noticed a decreased amount of leisure time our culture spends... These are reckless blanket statements; not to take into consideration my fiancee used to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week in a BKK sweat shop and her friends 10, 20+ years later (they started when they were 12) are still is 42, another is 30...that's a lot of time. They're just looking for a ticket out. One got a ticket (unfortunately my friend is terribly socially inept BUT once she's here she can move along and be happy).

My fiancee does get on the stick and when I'm tired of walking and walking, she's jsut warming up. Some taxi rides (the 2 hour ones) will do me in..not sure if it's monoxide or what but terrible headache and sick as hell but she's determined quite a bit but that's usually if it's money oriented she's take no prisoners about making money!

Edited by HYENA, 07 May 2009 - 07:29 AM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-07 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (AaronLV @ May 1 2009, 03:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(like a Taxi swearing he knew where we were going, then drops us off at some remote temple just to get a fare)

You have got to be the unluckiest person in the world. On two occasions I had a taxi problem, one was the guy had a brand new cab with a nice stereo and he turned up the music and we were having a great time, and he missed the turn which meant he had to take us further down and around, instead of a 45 baht ride it was 60. Then we were coming back from MBK we decided to take a taxi, and the meter was spinning to fast, the wife made us get out and get another cab. She gets pissed off when ever anyone tried to rip us off. So we caught another cab and cost me close to 100 baht for the two cab rides where as the crooked one would have probably cost me 75, but it was principal tongue.gif

On learning Thai, I took the easy route and learned to count. I figured numbers were quite important, which turns out they are. I have problems when I reach 10K, but anything before that I am good at. It made it much easier when buying stuff, and getting places. As for other words, I can understand a lot more then I can speak.

Not me, my sweetheart! LOL! The taxi was taking her to a jewelry manufacturing market last week and she said it was near xxx temple...he said "sure i know right where that market is" next thing i got a phone call saying she was at the temple and 3 hours of looking and no one knowing anything (no one is on the internet and the phone book is sparse) she came back to her apartment.

I told her we'd never have these issues once she comes get a map and go and make no mistakes or you look on the net and call ahead (or phonebook) but there's no master lists of all these vendors and everything seems to be word of mouth (one advantage to the gossip culture, I suppose)

The crazy cab trips - i don't know if she doesn't communicate effectively or its the taxi end. This happens A LOT where people don't understand her and she's speaking thai not isaan. I told her BKK was the first place where it's up to the taxi if they want to take you somewhere and your destination is sometimes up to them. That's extremely frustrating cause my Thai is poor. For me (in English) I communicate so there's no other way they could misunderstand but then again I don't take taxis much or have to instruct people hardly at all here. I started to think maybe it's a crude language that thai doesn't have succinct communication capabilities like "turn right immediately after the family mart" but they always take the second right...not sure if they have "immediately first road after.." narrowing down in their language or not. One taxi ride had us go back and forth on a freeway 4 times to hit the right exit. I knew where it was but no one was speaking to me so I couldn't ask "do you know this round the right exit?". could see the building but I'd been there before...4 passes and on the 5th (and 25 min later) we made it. I need to learn the basics and figure how they construct their sentences. I really need to take thai 101 in a class or something (beyond conversational) so I can help with the communication also asking "are you positive you know exactly where the market is and you'll take us directly there?" so they can't do the goose chase thing thinking they know....or it could be the incometent taxi thing...that I'm not sure is up to debate (and my learning curve)

Edited by HYENA, 02 May 2009 - 12:24 AM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-02 00:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (shawndoc @ May 2 2009, 12:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd also like to suggest a laptop and Rosetta Stone English. The newest version is leaps and bounds above the previous versions. It is super configurable in setting up lesson plans, and teaches reading, listening and even helps with testing their accent (using a microphone and saying words in).

they have this thai to english?
i heard rosetta stone is more "the dog walked across the street" and pimsleur (from what I read) was coversational and gets you speaking day to day quickly BUT pimsleur has no thai to english version and doesn't do reading and writing

she can speak (get he points across) really well by selecting alternative words (pigeon English)which when i'm in a hurry i speak to her using words i know she uses. i need to speak "up" towards her more, definitely. I've been doing it more and more but often when i ask a question using proper English, she says "uh huh" not realizing it's a question also making me realize her response is more cultural politeness not true understanding.

so loading rosetta and using it helps spelling and sounding out words, too?

Thanks everyone! Much appreciated!!! yes.gif

Edited by HYENA, 02 May 2009 - 12:12 AM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-02 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (AaronLV @ May 1 2009, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She found many places but i need one to help her sound out words, etc. we tried computer class places and after 3 turns out the norm is sitting her down, opening an email then they go outside and talk with their buddies (expensive internet cafe, minimal instruction).

I'm leery of british english (she learned on that and was using quite a few weird english words and seemed confused when I didn't know). Like bobby-police, bollocks (BS), bonnet (trunk), cheeky, fortnight, I can't recall all of them but I guess it depends on if they teach dialect or common usage (with her accent, i'd have no idea what she was saying). Not a big deal but I guess it depends on where the instructor is from. She had an engish thai book but i went through telling her we don't use that, don't say it like that, etc leaving her frustrated. Canadian or American or maybe a rounded UK or AUS would work OK. The book she'd been using would set up sentences in strange ways and she wants to speak conversational English really badly.

...but if it helped your sweetheart, I'll look into it and give them a hollar since it sounds like a larger (not mom and pop shop) establishment.

Basically she has go in and they give her a test to place her in a class. They are all British teachers and going through their books, you do get the occasional strange British word, but for the most part is not bad. From what you are saying she is probably going to start in the beginning class and that would be beneficial learning the language. She may want to speak conversational English, however I think it would be much more of a benefit for her to read then to be able to speak as much. Wait til she goes to the store here, she will be lost if she can't read english.

You also should not be so down on her when it comes to saying stuff about learning english from the thai book. It might be that we don't speak that way, however we may actually write/read that way. Any bit of english whether it is UK/American/AUS is going to be a tremendous benefit to her when she gets here. If she thinks Isann people are treated bad, wait until she goes to the grocery store and someone is frustrated cause she can't read or understand something. She will hate the USA.

I think the test for BC was 600 baht, and then the classes were 7800 baht for 5 weeks, 3 hours a day.

I agree with you. I'm not down on her' she pulled it out and wanted me to go through which one's were brit only and which one's we use. Some pages had lots of brit stuff but for the most part it was OK. She was asking (I'm not one to criticize since any learning on her part I support 100%). I do know she needs to take some classes badly but she opted for the driving class. i told her she has to pass the written test at some point so I'm gonna see if I can get her to school...she needs that most of all since it seems she's losing her foundation. My last visit, her accent was heavier and I had the toughest time understanding her. I'm not sure if it's talking to family or friends, not enough with english speakers or what. If she'd learn english the computer and the net (which she's eager to learn) i tell her would be easier but she wants to learn it all....seems to be avoiding english school but at some point she'll have to go back and get more under her belt since everythign will be a mountain without that base.

Yeah I saw the placement is 600...couldn't find how much the class was. There's a school near her house (she can walk). I wonder if they focus on reading and writiing.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-01 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (AaronLV @ May 1 2009, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We can't find a school (or she can't) but I really need her to grasp our alphabet and how to sound out words spoken and read.

This is where I sent Nam while we were waiting for her Visa. She was already good at reading and writing, and not bad at speaking, but just needed work on Grammar. There program was great, she improved dramatically, before I met her, she had bought a book on learning english, that explains it in Thai.

They also had an English language school in the Times Square Building where the Lawyer is, on the third floor by the elevators.

If she can't find a place to take her money and teach her english in Bangkok, she is not looking very hard. I saw a places almost everywhere.

She found many places but i need one to help her sound out words, etc. we tried computer class places and after 3 turns out the norm is sitting her down, opening an email then they go outside and talk with their buddies (expensive internet cafe, minimal instruction).

I'm leery of british english (she learned on that and was using quite a few weird english words and seemed confused when I didn't know). Like bobby-police, bollocks (BS), bonnet (trunk), cheeky, fortnight, I can't recall all of them but I guess it depends on if they teach dialect or common usage (with her accent, i'd have no idea what she was saying). Not a big deal but I guess it depends on where the instructor is from. She had an engish thai book but i went through telling her we don't use that, don't say it like that, etc leaving her frustrated. Canadian or American or maybe a rounded UK or AUS would work OK. The book she'd been using would set up sentences in strange ways and she wants to speak conversational English really badly.

...but if it helped your sweetheart, I'll look into it and give them a hollar since it sounds like a larger (not mom and pop shop) establishment.

Edited by HYENA, 01 May 2009 - 08:38 PM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-01 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (daboyz @ May 1 2009, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HYENA @ May 1 2009, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ThaitoUSA @ May 1 2009, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kow jai would literally be translated as "It enters my heart." To understand something requires that it enters one's heart, which is synonymous with mind (jit jai). Heart is one of the most used Thai words, especially for expressing emotions. Practically every single pop song shall contain the word 'jai.'
For naughtier stuff, I would prefer sending that privately. A book that serves as an excellent resource for that is called "Thai for Lovers." I had had a copy, but it got swiped by a deranged Thai lady.

I would be happy to help anyone with Thai language lessons. My knowledge and ability were greatly facilitated through language emersion. It got to the point where I was speaking Thai 90% and English 10% of the time. I used index cards to memorize large chunks of vocabulary and had native speakers help me with pronunciation and listening comprehension. Anyone can learn, it just takes thewillingness, patience, and commitment.

That's how I picked up Spanish. Best thing I did was take a semester of it then it got easier (I spoke a fair amount before that)...but my learning curve changed and the last trip I realized I could listen to the radio, chit chat with locals and read the paper without a second thought. The letters are what kills me about Thai. Once I figure out the principals (how it makes sense--or make it make sense to me), I hope to hit that curve but for now I'm a basic needs with a few words on top, name dishes, all the mushy love stuff and how's your family kinda guy. Every time I call abroad, if I know the Thai or Isaan word (I'd prefer to speak Isaan) I speak it instead of English and I try to add a new word each day (not easy). Pimsleur's Thai helped a lot too...put that in my phone - 29 or so lessons and they get you speaking fast and paying attention to your sounds while you do so. Someone told me that was the best deal (If anyone needs a copy, I've got the full set).

Latin languages are super simple...just a matter of time to learn the words but this is a new animal and deserves some time and attention. Also if she doesn't want to teach me (because she wants me to teach her) and I keep speaking it incorrectly eventually she'll correct me and I can move to the next word. Right now we're dealing with her having atm machine problems (I'm certain she's pressing savings rather than checking...called my bank and they can see her attempts and she's saying it wont work so I'm sure it's the choices before you choose the amount that's fudging it all. Stuff like that frustrates me because she doesn't know the words and she doesn't know how to sound out words (if I said a word, she cannot spell it by sound). We can't find a school (or she can't) but I really need her to grasp our alphabet and how to sound out words spoken and read. For the atm...nothing I can do. If she wants money she'll have to calm down and take time to listen and try to learn 3 new words checking, savings, current/gift but for now if she can't slow down enough to listen...she's busy talking so I'll just kick back and when she wants to listen, I can teach her (she gets stressed and can't hear anything, does everything too fast and it becomes a interpretation nightmare).

I get very frustrated at impass moments and the many misunderstandings because she's spoken english for years and only knows certain words. I don't know how she can hit that curve. I stay there a month and it's no better than when i met her; as a matter of fact she's forgotten a lot of her english since I met her. Any suggestions?

I went through this same exact thing with the checking/savings. She needs to select "Current"

Checking= ????????????????
Current = ???? ????

Thank you so much for the translation! You're da bomb! LOL! I really appreciate that.

Yes, I was telling her use current/gift or just current. i'll email those words to her.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-01 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (ThaitoUSA @ May 1 2009, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kow jai would literally be translated as "It enters my heart." To understand something requires that it enters one's heart, which is synonymous with mind (jit jai). Heart is one of the most used Thai words, especially for expressing emotions. Practically every single pop song shall contain the word 'jai.'
For naughtier stuff, I would prefer sending that privately. A book that serves as an excellent resource for that is called "Thai for Lovers." I had had a copy, but it got swiped by a deranged Thai lady.

I would be happy to help anyone with Thai language lessons. My knowledge and ability were greatly facilitated through language emersion. It got to the point where I was speaking Thai 90% and English 10% of the time. I used index cards to memorize large chunks of vocabulary and had native speakers help me with pronunciation and listening comprehension. Anyone can learn, it just takes thewillingness, patience, and commitment.

That's how I picked up Spanish. Best thing I did was take a semester of it then it got easier (I spoke a fair amount before that)...but my learning curve changed and the last trip I realized I could listen to the radio, chit chat with locals and read the paper without a second thought. The letters are what kills me about Thai. Once I figure out the principals (how it makes sense--or make it make sense to me), I hope to hit that curve but for now I'm a basic needs with a few words on top, name dishes, all the mushy love stuff and how's your family kinda guy. Every time I call abroad, if I know the Thai or Isaan word (I'd prefer to speak Isaan) I speak it instead of English and I try to add a new word each day (not easy). Pimsleur's Thai helped a lot too...put that in my phone - 29 or so lessons and they get you speaking fast and paying attention to your sounds while you do so. Someone told me that was the best deal (If anyone needs a copy, I've got the full set).

Latin languages are super simple...just a matter of time to learn the words but this is a new animal and deserves some time and attention. Also if she doesn't want to teach me (because she wants me to teach her) and I keep speaking it incorrectly eventually she'll correct me and I can move to the next word. Right now we're dealing with her having atm machine problems (I'm certain she's pressing savings rather than checking...called my bank and they can see her attempts and she's saying it wont work so I'm sure it's the choices before you choose the amount that's fudging it all. Stuff like that frustrates me because she doesn't know the words and she doesn't know how to sound out words (if I said a word, she cannot spell it by sound). We can't find a school (or she can't) but I really need her to grasp our alphabet and how to sound out words spoken and read. For the atm...nothing I can do. If she wants money she'll have to calm down and take time to listen and try to learn 3 new words checking, savings, current/gift but for now if she can't slow down enough to listen...she's busy talking so I'll just kick back and when she wants to listen, I can teach her (she gets stressed and can't hear anything, does everything too fast and it becomes a interpretation nightmare).

I get very frustrated at impass moments and the many misunderstandings because she's spoken english for years and only knows certain words. I don't know how she can hit that curve. I stay there a month and it's no better than when i met her; as a matter of fact she's forgotten a lot of her english since I met her. Any suggestions?

Edited by HYENA, 01 May 2009 - 05:46 PM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-01 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
naughty bits...just add kee in front of anything. hack is also to vomit...boomboom is, you know....and manoi is puppy, ma is dog, kin is eat (that's a good start). I started getting good (and joking around) forgetting people eavesdrop too much....for example if someone does something completely idiotic (like a Taxi swearing he knew where we were going, then drops us off at some remote temple just to get a fare); I usually say something under my breath about him being a vomit head or a ###### for brains (in thai) but apparently those are fighting words over there (after the taxi is long gone just for a "thanks Kuhn shithead" as he drives far enough to have 0 chance of hearing) i gotta use my sarcasm humor carefully (taxi's long gone but anyone hears that and they come around and think you want to fight when over here, someone would glance laugh and keep on walking). No exactly the spiritually correct reaction but it's fun learning naughty words just for reaction. i did enjoy calling my friend (who screwed up terribly on his visit) keeneow (cheap ######) and keelee (###### ugly) since he threw his Thai out the window doing all this "I'm American, why do I have to speak Thai" and trampled on any social graces and proper courting behavior (complete embarassement-you wouldn't believe it if I told you...if anything worse could have been done, he did). She did have a fun time telling him off (we both did) in Thai since he was absolutely not interested in learning the simplest of phrases but yet he wanted a Thai wife.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-01 06:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (Danny and Chada @ Apr 30 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Birch-Beer I want to thank you for your post.

I have very minor issues with Chada. That said one of the things is she just doesn't get things done or make things a priority. Its that love / hate thing I have with the Thai culture. I love my girl for how laid back and calm she is but hate how difficult it is to get things done or done right the first time. It makes me feel so much better to hear I might have that in common with everyone else (I get frequent PM's from others telling the same story) So anyway I wish you the very best of luck!

If we could all get our girls to be a little like Magic Girl (USCANDAUL's) girl we would be in heaven. She needs to go in the visa consulting business. Chada and I got to meet her on my list visit and that girl has GOT IT TOGETHER!

LOL mine is a type C personality except when it comes to me screwing up. 6 times trying to use the atm and i told her to SLOW DOWN and READ TO ME WHAT THE MACHINE SAYS because she's pushing "savings w/d" not checking (and that diff machines have different prompts--she doesn't get that..she presses #1 option lightening speed)....her English isn't up to mar what i'd like but go to class? no...."you teach me" but well, you know how that goes.

On the other hand, her qualities are wonderful and we think a lot alike. Sometimes she gets stuck and frustrated (so do I) and depending on who's reacting the other is trying to calm the other down. Can't wait to get her here, life has such a more predictable pace and things seem EASY to do here. Make a phone call, do it online and done. No taxi here and there and up to the taxi where they want to take you....and all this Thai speaking Thai to a Thai but for some rason major miscommunications occur all the time. I look forward to that being finished!

Edited by HYENA, 01 May 2009 - 06:02 AM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-05-01 06:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (afisher @ Apr 30 2009, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What does everyone think about showing Western Union/Moneygram receipts? Good or bad?

They're evidence. Bring your side and make sure she has her side so they match. It's evidence of sending money-one of the items they want to see.
HYENAMaleThailand2009-04-30 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
will my tax returns do or do i need tax transcripts from the irs? Just clarifying (wanting to follow suit with others who have been approved). This is exciting...3 of us coming down to the home stretch!
HYENAMaleThailand2009-04-30 14:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I received this email from the lawyer's office. I need to know what you think about the bank officer part (seems this is standard response for all countries (at least that's what we needed for US government mortgages...copies of bank statements no bank officer involvement necessary). What have you all done?

"Please also begin to compile the following documents, which will be submitted with your Affidavit of Support. A draft of your Affidavit of Support will be forthcoming.
A. Statement from an officer of the bank or other financial institutions where you have deposits, identifying the following details regarding your account:
1. Date account opened;
2. Total amount deposited for the past year;
3. Present balance.
B. Statement of your employer on business stationery revealing:
1. Date and nature of employment;
2. Salary paid;
3. Whether the position is temporary or permanent.
C. If self-employed:
1. Copy of last income tax return filed; or
2. Report of commercial rating concern.
D. List containing serial numbers and denominations of bonds, stocks, and certificates of deposit, name of record owner(s), and value(s).
You should receive a notice from the National Visa Center notifying you that your petition will be sent to the US Embassy Bangkok. The notice should also include a case number starting with ?BNK.? Please be looking for this notice and send me a copy via e-mail upon your receipt. Thank you.

I switched to Schwab (still have BOA) because 2 people here suggested it for the no atm fees in BKK and no nickel and diming...and they give the real exchange rate (BOA gets you coming and going, skewing the forex rate, as well). Just to change money here, it costs $45-$55 to change $1000....insanity! I've been using Schwab and taken the money access worries away (thanks for that valuable suggestion; now she uses one card, I have one) biggrin.gif

Edited by HYENA, 30 April 2009 - 02:22 PM.

HYENAMaleThailand2009-04-30 14:19:00