Middle East and North AfricaHello MENA
Congrats on the new place Staashi good.gif

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 14:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello MENA
QUOTE (Henna Rose @ Nov 12 2009, 02:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mending Fences

We build fences in every relationship, Some stronger than the rest. Sometimes the fences wear and tear, but can still be repaired. Others burn down before they are mended. We must mend our fences as they break, Not doing so could be a grave mistake. What a shame sacrificing a relationship over misunderstanding, each waiting for the other to explain. What becomes of death when there is yet a fence to mend?

rose.gif Monica

Henna that is so true and you know I have been thinking those exact thoughts myself lately.
As I am getting older and tired of holding old grudges or hostility toward people.
It sure takes alot out of someone to be angry and hateful.
So I am going to take a different stance this holiday season and go out of my way to mend some fences that have been long overdue.
Forgiveness really does wonders to repair your heart, mind and soul and it really says alot to the person who needs forgiving.

Hope you are fine Henna and congrats on your weight loss good.gif

Edited by Sandrila, 12 November 2009 - 11:18 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-12 11:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY, The 13th
"just got paid...friday hopping....feeling right" kicking.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 15:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY, The 13th
How ya feeling Donna?

Dang Kelz you got right in and started weeding people right out wink.gif no0pb.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 14:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY, The 13th
Hey Parisheart how ya holding up?

Rosie good luck braving the cold weather for your game.

they are calling for, you got it..MORE RAIN! mad.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 11:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY, The 13th
Morning Peeps

My favorite day of the week kicking.gif
Sooooooo looking forward to kiddies today and tomorrow for hubby and me kicking.gif
second we are having some company tonight and hubby is cooking them a real authentic Moroccan dinner good.gif
He should be up and at em already
yes.gif as you know couscous can become nearly an all day affair.
So much props to you baby!

I did my and cleaned my butt off till real late last night so now it is all the hubster.

I bought some pumpkin pie pudding/pie filling from Kozy Shack...I can't wait to try it.

The next couple of weeks I got some things going on and then holiday season will be in full swing.
Good God, not ready for that at all.
I will know by tonight if I will continue with a New Year's wedding celebration or Valentine's Day.
I think Valentine's better cuz we would have more time to prepare.

Although the weather has been teh svcks I am not letting anything ruin this day.
It has been one day since hubby stepped off the plane and I am so thankful to have him here with me heart.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 10:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvise on how to handle the separation?
Karima I would never suggest losing each other over it.
If it is meant to be it will be, right?
I just wanted to let you know I understand how you feel and at times it is easy to jump right in
and if you aren't familiar with "real" life living as a housewife in Morocco you may be in for a surprise.
Of course every man is different as to what he will or will not allow his wife to do.
He is different as to what he expects from his wife.
Surely there are situations where the husband is working a very good job, self sufficient and easy going.
There are also the families of our husbands who are comfortable and/or well off and in that case your life
would be more easy going and less oppressive (i.e. financially and or culturally).
I know that I learned more and more about how life is there and about who my husband is and what he expects more and more each time I went there. A total of 4 times before he arrived to the US. I love the country too and the culture and food and all that but I knew that we would live a better life here. I don't think I could continue to live life the way I that I know it and feel more comfortable had I had to and live there permanently. There really is a difference living there on vacation and living there indefinitely. There is also a difference too in anyone's relationship once you get past the long distance and you start to live face to face.

I am not trying to sway you either way but in hindsight I just wanted to say I hope you come to some ressolution as to what you want to do so that you can be with your sweetheart. Be wary of abandoning ship too quickly.
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 14:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvise on how to handle the separation?
QUOTE (Vanessa1 @ Nov 12 2009, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I really am not trying to make this more difficult than it has to be. I had been planning a trip to see him during my school's winter break. Now, due to his work, I cannot. You see he had to quit his job to marry me. The process took over 5 weeks to get all the paperwork done there this summer. He's been looking for work and has found it. I am very happy for him as I know this was very important to him but it means that while he works in another city, there's no possibility of a visit. It was the thing that was getting me through all of this and now I'm struggling with the idea that I don't know when I will see him again. Then to read that we might have more delays in Casa and I just became so overwhelmed and don't know if I made the right choice to come back here, even though it's what we had planned for so it really was the only choice because I have a job here and not there.

I may be getting too personal here, but I do appreciate the advise shared. I'm just going to have to keep busy. Thanks again everyone.

It really isn't easy (or quick) getting married over there mad.gif
What a pain the #######...and sorry he had to leave his job for that rose.gif
I used to burdened with wondering if or how I would come up with the money to go and you know what
GOD always came thru...the most we spent away from each other was something like 10 1/2 months.
It is good you have a good family who know your situation, understands and supports you.
Thank God again for that good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 11:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvise on how to handle the separation?
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Nov 12 2009, 05:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is sad to see that nasty spirit of fear overtaking you. What I have learned is that this spirit of fear actually blocks the blessings that G-d has in store for you. Your words:
I have read lots of stories here that scare me about the Moroccan embassy and how they send applications back to start over. I think that's what ended up sending me over into this mood. I feel so out of control of my own life and I'm not used to that. I mean we took our time getting to know each other, making sure there was a good, solid friendship first and we fell in love and decided to marry. I just don't understand why everything has to be so complicated.
Please understand that every case is different. Don't start reading into other people's cases and letting their difficulties overwhelm you. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Stand on the Word of G-d, ask for an increase of faith as well as asking Him to remove your fear, and put your complete trust in Him if you have not done so already.

Oh Nagi that was so brillantly put good.gif luv.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 11:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvise on how to handle the separation?
QUOTE (KarimaG @ Nov 13 2009, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want to stay here too... and Im sure Vanessa does too... life is much easlier here. But if he cant come here, I will move to Morocco to be with him. My whole life has been sh!t and I am not wasting another minute being without him. I want happiness finally... and if I have to leave everything here to be with him, then I will with no regrets.

I do think about the great things we have here. Good insurance, good doctors... etc... lol I want to get pregnant again, and I know if I move there then I will not be able to since I almost died from my last pregnancy. I just think it would be too risky to be pregnant here, let alone there. I also love reading other ppls sucess stories, and everyday I get on visa praying to read another story to help me keep my chin up and to give me hope to try to make it through another day alone.

Its easier to hang on when you have support. And Im glad u have that support Vanessa that you need! In the meantime, I'm tallying up what I would possible get for everything I own in my house to go there.... hhhhh is easy to feel desperate at times like these especially with very long and seemingly never ending wait times.

I also was at a point in my life where I felt I had nothing to lose. Nothing going right for me here.

Life seemingly relaxed and easy going over there. But believe me in Morocco nothing EASY about it.

I too had to consider what I would do if he couldn't come to the US or how long it would be and could we withstand that.
There were times I didn't care to consider anything else but just being there with him, as if life would be so grande.
I had no qualms leaving the US but permanently? I didn't care about money...but having none, nothing and no one around me I could talk to or the freedom to go out alone. Work, I am his wife, that would have been my work.
But as hard as it was to dream about it being that easy, as relieved as I thought I would be just "being" with him I had to snap out of that quick and be sensible. I didn't have a job I could just up and leave and come back to. I didn't have family or children who would necessarily understand or justify my absence. I didn't have the funds to support he and I back in Morocco. If I didn't have stability here, how could we even have a chance here? What if I didn't like being there endlessly with no hope of coming back to see my kids or restarting my life?
I believe in love and I believe that love can make you do foolish things so my comment is just about playing the smart card. Think before you leap. Have patience...sometimes GOD has greater things in store.
The best way is to keep taking care of yourself. I wouldn't recommend you giving up everything, burning your bridges and making your life harder for the sake of love better take your time and do the responsible thing and what will in turn help and better your relationship in the future with your husband (fiancee).

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 11:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvise on how to handle the separation?
Your post sounds alot like how I used to feel as well Vanessa.

It is a hard, very trying time. The worst part is all you can do is wait and waiting not knowing what is going on.
We too went thru Casa Consulate and all I can say is you have to wait it out, be patient and strong although at times you feel very alone and don't have others close to you who can relate to you and what you are going thru. Turn to God and pray, he will hear you and get you thru this despairing time.

Don't think of it as you are not deserving of your chance.
Think of it as waiting for your chance to start.

You will have a chance and unfortunately in this journey we are all but a number. We wait for our number to come up, hear something, breathe a little. Then when the number comes up, we may have delays or AP but you wait on it, then you breathe a little more. Finally in the end, and it will end, you will get to EXHALE.

Everyone's situation and relationship is so unique so there is no definite outcome until the you get that visa in your hand.
I will tell you that it may seem like you can't bear anymore but you will get thru it and before you know it it will be a thing of the past and you will come to realize it was worth the wait and that your life together is the real journey.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-13 11:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday!
it's actually nice around my way today sister Nagi

oh hubby and I are planning for a Valentine's wedding ceremony.
New Year's Eve is off b/c his best man can't make it that night due to work so I figured it will give us
more time to save and do something nice.
I am excited kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
finally we are going to do this!
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-16 16:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday!
Mornin MENA,

We had such nice warm weather both Saturday and Sunday.
Once that Noreaster and all it's rain finally came thru..we had some nice sunshine!

Weekend went well, busy.
Hubby made his Moroccan dinner. So proud of him!
The rest of the weekend was just spent relaxing with my family.

Today I got a bunch of things I gotta do.
Already can't wait for the day to be over.
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-16 11:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaPersonal Attacks: Reminder from the Admin
I know many little time
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-11 11:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaPersonal Attacks: Reminder from the Admin
very nicely put EWOK
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-10 13:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Tamara...for you and your friend Jennifer(F)

Annie...get better girl...what does a family of twins do when Mommy gets sick unsure.gif
Thinking of you rose.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-17 14:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
Jax I did hear from hubby too about the warm oil in da ear

I am so excited for you long until Ibrahim comes??? kicking.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-18 15:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
I am with Maureen

just living for that 4 day weekend! good.gif

Nagi, did you mention snow???
shhhhhhhh....I don't want any parts of it unsure.gif

Amanda GREAT NEWS!!! kicking.gif good.gif

Edited by Sandrila, 18 November 2009 - 11:50 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-18 11:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaVJ-MENA meetup in Las Vegas?
QUOTE (Staashi @ Sep 2 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kenza @ Sep 2 2009, 07:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, well let me know where you stay. I want it to be a romantic weekend with a jacuzzi in the hotel room inshallah...ok you get the point lol...I've also never been to Las Vegas before.

Awwwww, Kenza - that's so sweet and so much fun. I know I shouldn't go there, but I will...that's where you wind up with the hijab spinning around on the ceiling fan. blush.gif devil.gif You know I luvz ya, honey! good.gif

ohmy.gif LOL


QUOTE (~Flower~ @ Sep 3 2009, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well maybe it's for the better. He wasn't for the amount of money I was willing to spend on it anyways but now that he's making independent choices behind my back I feel like taking some personal liberties. On the other hand sensible Flower is feeling like turning inward and taking a sabatical from the world for awhile to nurture myself.

nothing wrong with that dear rose.gif

QUOTE (sereia @ Sep 4 2009, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I came back to check the boards (do this every few months or so now) and saw this. OMG THANK YOU for posting this, Olivia!!!!!!!! I would have been so sad if I missed out on seeing Khaled and Assala in Vegas!

I'm definitely going and would love to meet up with whoever goes. I will book this weekend for sure! Yay! Glad I logged in today biggrin.gif

Hey girl!! How's life treating you?

still heading to Vegas?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-02 16:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaVJ-MENA meetup in Las Vegas?
QUOTE (amysaid @ Sep 1 2009, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wish i could! i liked vegas a lot when i went there before, but i don't think A would appreciate all the gambling/drinking/general debauchery. sad.gif

I feel a little bit the same about my hubby going there.
Sort of out of our league.... tongue.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-02 16:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaVJ-MENA meetup in Las Vegas?
I would love to go!!!

What's that you say? Khaled??? OMG I would be soooooooo there! good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-02 16:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaGot Interview Date :)

Good Luck it is right around the corner!
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-17 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaT.G.I.F!
well there's a stranger!

How ya doing Ash?
I see you are coming along in your pregnancy...last leg right?
Oh good luck with everything, you are in the final stretch! good.gif
Now in the midst of the holidays I think you will find the time flies right by.

Miss ya round here luv.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-20 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaT.G.I.F!
New Beginnings HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! rose.gif

OH NO SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! unsure.gif

I am glad for

1. I don't have to shovel

2. as much as I love Christmas lights, I don't have to put them up on my house

3. If I did have a house I would be doing it this weekend when it is still snow free and calling for mild temps

YES 4 day weekend coming up!!! kicking.gif
I so need that. I used to be real gung ho about the BLACK FRIDAY shopping but since my kids are older and not needing those hard to get items I don't stress as much BUT there may be a chance, since I am off on Friday, I may venture out and just see whats out there. I hate shopping without a list for people. I don't like to guess.

Chances are I won't shop cuz hubby doesn't like to, unless it is for him and we are going to finally have a whole day and night together. Still deciding what to do.

Edited by Sandrila, 20 November 2009 - 11:07 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-20 11:07:00
Middle East and North Africaso mad , no pink at the moment
the waiting game whistling.gif , but at least you 2 are getting it kicking.gif

GOOD LUCK for getting it quickly good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-19 16:29:00
Middle East and North Africaso mad , no pink at the moment
Awww Sinad

I guess don't start worrying yet until they get your things and they say to you what is next.
I know EID is coming and maybe you still have a chance to get here soon.

When does EID start?
Why is the consulate closed tomorrow?? what holiday is that?

I am happy your case is moving along and you are quite more near than you think.

GOOD LUCK, I'll keep you in my prayers!

When you get your visas where will you be arriving in the states?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-17 11:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed your prayers please !!!
You and your son most certainly have my prayers Henna rose.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-20 13:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Monday!!!
Hey Peeps

certainly feeling the holiday spirit in the air

hope you all have time to get all your things done
i have a chop filled busy week ahead

I am also cooking our dinner but for Wed night
Ex and I take turns so this year it is HIS Thanksgiving with the kids

Good to see you Staashi smile.gif


Parisheart......keeping you in my prayers girlfriend rose.gif

I am with you major meal or cooking planned for the actual holiday, Thanksgiving
Just chillin and taking out good.gif

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-23 14:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaDHL Confusion
Hi Aya....good luck with your things

keep your chin up rose.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-19 16:29:00
Middle East and North Africawhat is the different between pending Ap and AP
how you holding up HG???

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-24 16:31:00
Middle East and North Africawhat is the different between pending Ap and AP
it just means you are delayed because you are still in AP.

the decision is not decided yet due to AP process.

Still waiting crying.gif
good luck rose.gif

Edited by Sandrila, 24 November 2009 - 11:03 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-24 11:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
QUOTE (Kenza @ Nov 24 2009, 12:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Eid al adha here in the states is on Friday. It's the holiday where you slaughter the sheep in remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail. But it's not only one day, this is Dhul al Hajj where the pilgrims are doing the Hajj rituals. The last day of the Hajj rituals is slaughtering the sheep, which we also take part in.

oh thanks for that info Kenza blush.gif
I thought EID was last week huh.gif
I know about the sacrifice and all. I didn't know they do Hajj this time too.
So they do Hajj 2x a year or just whenever they can go?
So the last day of the Hajj is when people slaughter the sheep?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-24 14:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
QUOTE (Berber Mama @ Nov 24 2009, 09:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been getting those feelings a little more often lately too Amoon. It's been almost 3 years since I've visited my husband's country.
I hope that we get to go visit Morocco next year after the baby is born. My husband's family hasn't even got to meet our first child yet. sad.gif

I didn't know you were expecting...congrats

boy our MENA folks sure do "get busy" devil.gif

What's doing Sara, long time girlfriend biggrin.gif

you deserve a break, have a happy thanksgiving

oh Annie you are the party queen, surely you can handle it.
I find Thanksgiving to be one of the easiest holidays for cooking.
You just need to cook alot.
That spinach casserole Tamara posted looks yummy, you gonna make that?

Edited by Sandrila, 24 November 2009 - 02:31 PM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-24 14:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday

anyone here with an Eyptian SO know what holiday is coming up in NOV 27, 28 and 29th?

EID is passed, no?

QUOTE (ya falaha! @ Nov 24 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Healthy breakfast you say?

Believe it or not, I did hit the gym at 6am this morning. I was feeling....ambitious.

QUOTE (me_4_musa @ Nov 24 2009, 10:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I woke up with a smile on my face this morning, did my jumping jacks and a healthy breakfast. Hope everyone has a good day!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

you go girl!! good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-24 11:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
I still have trouble buying medicine Maureen.
You would think by now I have one brand I tend to stick to, but not necessarily.
What i like for me isn't always what the kids will stomach.
I hope your little girl gets better by Thursday.

What's up peeps?
Just making my list of what needs to be done today.
My turkey dinner is tomorrow night with my hubby, sister and kids.
Mom is out of town and well Thursday sis and I are doing a very untraditional Thanksgiving that entails...a whole lot of relaxin and a little of nothing kicking.gif

enjoy the day

I am having a 'missing Jordan' moment everyday too.
that is because I miss my boy, my son Jordan crying.gif

I haven't been to Maroc since March 2008.
Hubby plans on going back in April/May of this year. Not looking like I can join him, but we'll have to see sad.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-24 11:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving today for final interview!!
positive vibes and prayers rose.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-20 11:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaWEDNESDAY
QUOTE (Henna Rose @ Nov 25 2009, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nawal @ Nov 25 2009, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YAY! It's Wednesday! rose.gif

Wish me luck on my fooking turkey cooking skillzzz devil.gif If I post this weekend about pizza rolls...ya'll will know what happened! tongue.gif

Laterzzz!!! kicking.gif

Hey Mena~ Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving eve ! I'll be stopping after work to pick up the hot-buttered rum fixins. I buy this gourmet mix every year made with real ice cream then add the Captain Morgan's spiced Rum good.gif

Annie ~ Tips for the turkey. Slather the breast liberally with olive oil then a little butter. This will give you awesome basting juices a flavorful gravy base. Call me if you need help...

I didn't know about the butter
but I definitely rubbed the bird with some oil devil.gif

i also used a new combo of herbs which I hadn't before

i cant wait to get home and taste it! good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-25 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaWEDNESDAY
QUOTE (ya falaha! @ Nov 25 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Woot! Yay for short weeks! I also got up and did my exercises...did me some Gilad on FitTV bright and early. Not such a bright sunshiney day here but I feel great! dancin5hr.gif

Hey M4M....did you finish up that knitting project you were working on?

GILAD is da man!!! good.gif
I started out my healthy lifestyle with Gilad.
I worked out at home for a few years after my first born before I decided to hit the gym

ok peeps the dinner is on for the normal time kicking.gif
I just can't wait to get the heck outta here

Henna Rose, howz the boy doing?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-25 13:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaWEDNESDAY
QUOTE (JeanneVictoria @ Nov 25 2009, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning! Happy happy Wednesday to all!! We are very thankful it's finally Wednesday!

Mornin' Maureen, Nagi, Amanda and Rosie!

I am ready for Thanksgiving. No more out the door for odds and ends. If we don't have it, then
it's considered an "end"! laughing.gif

Wael is certainly looking forward to a couple extra hours of sleep. He still has 4 more
papers due next month. Happy he has the time these 4 days to work on them.

It's going to be our pizza night tonight! Relax, have some pizza and maybe a movie.

Maureen, I had to laugh when you said your lights weren't working. All I could imagine was
Chevy Chase and his lights from A Christmas Vacation! Hope you get them working well
for the holidays!

Sure hope everyone has a beautiful day. Take care and stay safe!!

Happy Thanksgiving ladies!

Jeanne I was doing my last minute stuff yesterday at lunch and hoped that I had finally had it all and didn't have to venture back out. Thank God everything went as planned and once I was home I stayed there getting prepared.
Our dinner is tonight at my house.
Poor hubby has to work and my kids going with their Dad tomorrow.

Unfortunately just as my sister is ready to travel up our way she is having car problems
so now we have to figure out how to get her here and all that with me working all day today wacko.gif

Amanda consider yourself lucky.
I hope my boss has a streak of goodness in his heart and lets us go home a little early.
Bird is already cooking, I don't want to over do it.

Rosie enjoy your holiday.

Edited by Sandrila, 25 November 2009 - 11:46 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-25 11:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday

and a massage both sound very good! good.gif

Nags if you need to learn the mantra I can teach you

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-19 16:31:00