Middle East and North AfricaAny of my MENA peeps had this PM?
no0pb.gif not that one and not on here
in my personal email i get like 5 a day from various scammers think all these people sitting around with bank accounts filled with money and they just picked me whistling.gif
and all their poor families not deserving wacko.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-11 08:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday!!!
shawn mahmoud....congrats !!! what a relief and a great feeling!

Polar Bear...I wish I was in your shoes...CONGRATS and good luck with your preparations!

I cant imagine having to pay for child care. My 2 older ones really should have more structured supervision but they are old enough to stay at home during the summer....thank god

It is hard enough still having to pay for summer camp and holiday camp for my 9 year old.

I remember all too well ONE of the main reasons I was a stay at home mom for 12 1/2 years....could not afford to work and lose all that money in child care... OMG and now it is more expensive than I can imagine!
I made that sacrifice to stay home..I ALWAYS worked part time and did what I could to make a buck BUT it was around the kids....I was always home for them and able to take care of all the child rearing, school issues, errands, and domestic chores that needed to be tackled.. wacko.gif

I feel the effects of not having had a REAL job all those years...I feel the effects of not having had the chance to further myself in a I am in the "real" world and feel like I am just starting has been 1 1/2 years that I have worked a "real" fulltime job and i am isnt easy working from the bottom up. I look forward to my husband coming with a green card and being able to contribute. If/when we have our little arabic angel...I dont know who I would be able to trust.

Good luck to you all

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-11 10:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday!!!
Goodmorning MENA!

Yeah Mondays are a drag but not when your boss is not in for work! he he whistling.gif
Sunday nights are much worse for me...just hate them

Another week and the weeks are flying by
I just keep wondering when we will receive our call.
I cant believe he had his K3 in hand and I let our attorney talk us into waiting for CR1 mad.gif crying.gif
OMG it has been 3 months in AP for that! helpsmilie.gif
I feel myself getting older by the day and just missing out on great times and memories
I dont know where I find the strength

I read a very nice inspirational message on a local church bulletin read

"patience is realizing God knows his own timing" or something along those lines
why this has any effect on my impatience...i dont know but you know what I am leaving it up to GOD
I know he is just, I know he loves me

Have a great day

any of you guys cold around here???

BURRRRRRRR wacko.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-11 10:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWould you live in MENA if you had to?
I certainly find myself asking this question.
My husband and I have discussed it thoroughly and after spending nearly 4 months there on/off
I think there is no other alternative but for us to live here in the good ol US of A.
First of all..I am not, by any means, a well off American. I am lucky to get my bills met every month
and immigration and lawyer costs, travel and basic means of communicating and supporting each other are
not allowing us to get ahead.

I am sure you all know how MOST of our husbands live there.
Being poor in USA and being poor in a 3rd world country...very different way of living.
There is no work for me to be had if he cant find work and I have no work, how can we live?
You either have money or you have nothing there.

Could I, personally, live there and be happy. YES. I would love that opportunity but not living there as he lives there.
You need money. For everything. To have your enjoy, eat, move things...think if you didnt have a dollar in your pocket here, in our own country, for weeks, even months on end...and we all know that you cant really survive on love alone. We all know that money doesnt grow on trees. Lack of money can, and will, break down a relationship. kids are here and they are not young enough to "get used" to life there.
The pollution, language barrier, separation from family, distaste for the food and preconceived ideas of his country and life there would certainly compell me NOT to take them away from their comfortable safe existence here.
I cant force that on them nor can I choose between my husband and my kids.

As it stands..we are waiting. We both know what is best. HERE, no question. When I am there do I miss the comforts, luxuries and conveniences of my pampered American life? YES I do. Can I endure and enjoy a temporary life there with my husband?? I EMBRACE IT...but to burn all bridges of us coming here after working this hard..seems stupid.

I miss him. I truly cant live without him. I worry about him so much. I am living to see the day that he can be freed from the oppression he has endured all of his life. I cant imagine having to live the way he has past and present.
I pray to GOD that he will give us the chance to start our new life together and free us both from this uncertainty.

I love the food, music, culture, landscape and way of life of this place but unless I come into a windfall of money to support us there indefinitely, unless my kids are grown, unless he is given a nice job opportunity there to support us and my kids back home...Living in Morocco would not be a wise choice at all.

Things always look one way when you are just a visitor looking from the outside in but when are a resident looking from the inside out...
unsure.gif helpsmilie.gif headbonk.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-11 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin

Truly you are blessed

you are welcome

good.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-13 12:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in hand
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif


I hope we ALL find ourselves this happy soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-06 09:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdulillah! Marriage is great!
CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!! good.gif heart.gif rose.gif

what can you do next??? lol headbonk.gif
I am sure you guys know exactly what to do

relax and revel in the dream that has finally become a reality
god bless you
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-13 12:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaGreat time!!!
everything in place
baby coming, husband here....good luck and have a happy healthy delivery!
you are lucky for him to be here for you during this time
take care

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-13 13:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHAPPY WEDNESDAY MENA!!!!!!!!!
Happy Wednesday to all...we are getting near the end of yet, another week

I hope all us waiting can hear something soon

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-13 12:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaPray for us my mena family
we too filed CR1 and K3
we got the K3 visa in hand after 12 days of AP on April 10,, 2008 kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
ON THAT VERY SAME HAPPY DAY, we got the interview packet for the CR1 unsure.gif wacko.gif
I never have heard of this in my life

we had to choose
the attorney advised waiting the one month for the interview, so he can come with the green card and avoid AOS here.
we were too unsure and scared to forgo the K3, but we did it
now it has been 3 months waiting in AP for CR1

he should have just come on K3..he could have been here 4 months ago
it is really unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know how long we will wait now. sad.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-15 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan I ask for a favor?
good.gif You got my vote...I wish they could hear my plea too! unsure.gif helpsmilie.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-18 10:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Friday! TGIF MENA :0)
Omg I love Fridays and thank god IT IS FRIDAY!!!

Near lunch good morning and afternoon MENA

Congrats Shawna!!!

I hope all have a great relaxing weekend.

I will have to work at least one day and tackle school shopping. Thank God the critters are going back. The kids will be cramming every little bit of fun and laziness into these next 2 weeks.

I hope this new week brings more visas for us all

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-15 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMONDAY!
Goodmorning MENA

I just want to say it is nice to Ash around us again!

I think the cool weather here on the East Coast is's gonna be a hot one! yes.gif

Praying for us all to hear good news ASAP!!!!!!

Edited by sandrila, 18 August 2008 - 10:14 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-18 10:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWelcome to the world little one!

I cant wait to have my little moroccan babe!

What an adorable husband's cousin named her baby I know how it is spelled.

I thought maybe Elias...anyway good luck to you all

Mabrouk and GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! star_smile.gif luv.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-19 15:00:00
Middle East and North Africais there a difference
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-20 12:51:00
Middle East and North Africais there a difference
blush.gif what is the difference between K1 and CR1?????
blink.gif anyone?? wacko.gif

Edited by sandrila, 20 August 2008 - 09:51 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-20 09:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1
Thanks sweetie!
You have been so helpful.
Now if only I KNEW he was definitely going to get his Visa.
I mean why some get theirs so quick and others just wait I dont know mad.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-20 12:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1
Ok we are 3 months waiting in AP for CR1
but I really need to know what that means.
Does he receive a green card immediately once he comes on a CR1 visa?
can he drive if he brings a driving permit from Maroc?
I just need more details, as I have said, I have a really incompetent lawyer and my hubby thinks he will not be getting his green card, arriving here in US..this is why we are waiting this time now, so when he comes the AOS is finished.
Is this correct?
Anyone recently receiving the CR1 can surely shed some light on what will happen once he gets the call to come get his visa.

what reason, if any, would they DENY him a visa if they already granted him K3

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-20 09:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaLovin the married life :)
The stories are too cute. luv.gif
I always feel like the experience my husband will have here will be through the eyes of a small child.
For him to learn and experience so many things that he hasnt had the opportunity all his I am just going to live through all those fun things again and with so much eagerness and wonder.

I am happy for all of you and the only stories I could add would be at some point if and when I could have the chance to live with my husband.

I am just praying for that innocent.gif

I just love to hear my husband speak...that just puts me on cloud nine...he and his exotic accent BUT
what I love most is when he speaks to me in Arabic around other people, and I pretend like I understand..LOL
but really I dont!
just a little something between us two
I hope I can learn arabic too....when I met my husband 3 years ago, I never realized to what extent he understood english. We met online and it was hard to determine that right away. But looking back, I realize he knew the tiniest bit!
Now I am so proud of myself because he went from the english of 2 (being the lowest level) to a nice 8 as to what he can really understand and speak.
Way to go baby, and you arent even here yet!! good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-19 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaOh come on!!!!!!!! A word of thanks to the MENA girls
I dont know if you are alone, without your hubby or not.
If you are, I know that is a difficult time for you. bittersweet.

I hope all goes well.
Try to relax now, you'll need the strength and energy once your little one arrives


SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-22 11:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaSpotlight on Egypt's marriage crisis
I was out on my own at 17/18 as has made me a stronger person.
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-22 11:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaSpotlight on Egypt's marriage crisis
Let's remember that extended families are not just something that exists in 3rd world countries.

I actually lived with my ex husband's mother and father in a huge home for near 13 years and raised 3 children in that environment. It has its good points and bad. I wouldnt recommend it or, if you had to, keep it as short of a living arrangement as possible. And to think the people over there living in such cramped conditions and under each other's noses and feet. No thank you.

I know, from what my hubby says, that is not accepted too much for a married couple to live in the family's home after marriage. I guess people are considered a burden from the time they are brought into the world, due to poverty. The parents will not support the offspring once they assume their own responsibility in life, once you are of age, you are ON YOUR OWN.

Unless you are rich, of course, that is a different story.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-22 10:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaSpotlight on Egypt's marriage crisis
We surely all can attest how, even in US, for the average person, you need to have 2 incomes to really
live comfortably.

Women here want to work but it is a shame how, because of money, we are not always able
to have the time or stability to just stay home and take care of our children, domestic tasks and our husbands.

We see how frustrating it is to "be" with our loved ones so I can surely understand what huge undertaking it is to be working and waiting all those years just to be in an adequate position to marry the one you love.

Maybe the reason why these girls get married and arranged so young is because, at that age they can be "molded"
and it would make their parents lives "easier" since they would no longer be "financially" responsible. You would think that these kind of standards would yield very hardworking and successful gentlemen, knowing that the only way they can attain the life, most search for (marriage, children, home, acceptance from family, peer and society) is to get crackin young.

But being poor in MENA and being poor here are 2 totally different ways of life. We have opportunity...we have a government, who does help people help themself.

We are also blessed with support, from family and friends.
When everyone around you is poor and has NOTHING and NOTHING to do, what kind of support can they lend?
Having nothing you cant give, even if you want to, and nothing to do can make you feel restless, imcompetent and worthless.

If you cant even ask for help from your own family where would alot of us be?
It is really hardcore over there and I think people need to know that people live this way. No resources, no outlets, no chance.

I am sure the up and coming generations slowly will recognize that you definitely need to KNOW the person you are going to marry and marry for money, marrying just because "it is time" to marry will never be a guarantee for a successful future. I cant even imagine marrying someone I wasnt attracted to or felt love and passion with.

Just rambling

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-22 10:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaSpotlight on Egypt's marriage crisis
Thank you for sharing the article with us.
I like it and i would be interesting in reading her book.
All have made good valid points. It is amazing to see how really different it is living in these countries, with their religion, culture and traditions. Most people who live here and who arent involved with a MENA man cannot understand those expectations and frustrations nor could they live under such restrictions and clarity.
I really do enjoy these topics very much and always interested to see what goes on in the other areas of MENA besides Morocco.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-22 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaDefining haram?
HARAM or not..I cant live without my music
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-22 13:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow do you stay secure in a long distance relationship?
I often wonder if other couples experience this type of despair and frustration.
They must.
I feel we are in that position now and often thinking what if this doesnt happen?

I know the waiting, the uncertainty and hard time is more for my husband there.

It is hard
#1 having a long distance relationship
#2 reassuring our spouses
#3 keeping hope during this long process

I feel it is normal and I agree that you must pray and stay strong
I believe if we make it through all this, we can make it through anything

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-15 10:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaVeil shed for bikini on Egypt's women-only beaches
Conservative, I'll say!! helpsmilie.gif

Is this a way of showing that women are sacred and no men can cast their eyes on them?
Is this a way of keeping SEXUAL things from happening, if you totally shield oneself from the evil eye of men?
I still cant completely understand because I know how my husband is and on one hand it seems so sweet, innocent and respectful but at other times seems harsh, isolating and stifling.
I mean we live with MEN AND WOMEN, how can you escape that reality?
Do most men in MENA think that just because there is any socialization at all between women and men that is always has a sexual overtone?
I mean I am aware that even eye contact can be misconstrued.

I mean anyone should enjoy the beauty and peace of the beach.
And being in those foreign countries is DAMN HOT!
How can someone be expected #1 not to partake of sunbathing and swimming
#2 to have to wear near "winter" gear in summer conditions?

Interesting article
I keep learning more and more.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-22 10:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaANXIOUS
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
waiting?? what waiting??? you are just killing time now...LUCKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
CONGRATS and soon you will encounter what we all are waiting for..the reunion with our SO
good luck, i am sure all will fine
and what a clean peaceful state to be going to...WASHINGTON...huge change from where he is coming from I think
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-08-25 14:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG OMG OMG
QUOTE (Nita&Assaad @ Oct 16 2008, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's great!!!! I am excited for you!!!! I am sure Angie is picking up Abed by now, she told me he was flying today..... kicking.gif

We found a cheap ticket for 11/20 and he is going through Atlanta, isn't that your home town!?!?!? And on Delta...HAHAHA

They told him to pick it up at 3pm on Monday.......I am so excited you dont know... kicking.gif


QUOTE (sweet_peach @ Oct 16 2008, 11:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I knew it.
This is about the same thing the Embassy did to Angie and Abed.
Make sure you tell him to be at the Embassy at 2pm sharp - there will be allot of people there.
When I took Hayz to get his we showed up at 2:04 and there was already 30 people in line.

This is so great. I bet you havent slept all night. kicking.gif

So when is he coming?????? HAYZ WILL BE HERE TOMORROW NIGHT. He is leaving Jordan at noon their time tomorrow....... kicking.gif devil.gif kicking.gif devil.gif kicking.gif

can only imagine
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-20 14:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG OMG OMG
QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 15 2008, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations! Less than a month of AP would love to have your consulate!

Give your husband a welcome to America from all of us!



congrats....hope he should have a safe journey

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-20 14:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP: 1 year today
QUOTE (thepacific @ Oct 4 2008, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 5 2008, 01:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Insha-Allah you will get this visa! Expect a week or two after passport submission, because they may need to do the last final check and review. After that you should be all set.

Alhamdulillah, for getting this call, congratulations!

thank you so much tammy.some people here in morocco say that i can bring my visa with me in this monday.i hope to this dream coming so quickly.
alhamdolilah ala koli chaye

The Pacific...congratulations...keep us posted with some good news! yes.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-13 17:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP: 1 year today
Oh Tammy
I feel you totally!

I cant imagine one year.
We are in AP 5 months now and it is extremely taxing.

Not knowing the duration or outcome of this has left us also in despair.
I KNOW as I have heard all of you say, GOD WILL COME THROUGH FOR US!
I believe it, I only hope my husband continue to withstand the harshness for which his life has been dealt.

Good luck
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-13 17:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I feel like I have just been hit with a ton of bricks :(
still hoping things are making progress on your end rose.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-01-21 16:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I feel like I have just been hit with a ton of bricks :(
I am so sorry for you to have deal with this news.

I hope GOD will give you the strength and resolution you need on your journey.

Although I cant advise much...the pouch number and getting in touch with your Senator and/or Congressman is critical now. Do it quick!

Others can also give you links or sites to gain more info.

Your local congressman or Senator will want a statement about what you are exactly requesting then you will need to fill out a form to give them permission to act on your behalf..if you cant go in them, fax them, email is faster and convenient and totally legit..

GOOD LUCK and prayers to you rose.gif

KEEP UP THAT PMA (positive mental attitude)
all good things come in time and to those who wait

Edited by sandrila, 30 December 2008 - 03:53 PM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-30 15:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After 22 Long Months
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

oh yeah
oh yeah
oh yeah

at this moment I am sure everything has changed
you will now be one busy EXCITED little bee...I mean K!!! :P
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2010-02-04 15:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied

don't give up

see what you can do to get some answers
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-11-19 14:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
SANDRILA.......CR1........MOROCCO............5/15/08.................ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-13 17:43:00
United KingdomApparently missing documents in Packet 3
It wouldnt be the first time any consulate failed to do their job correctly.
My husband, even tho in Morocco, was also NOT given some forms he was SUPPOSED to fill out for K3.
These people just dont give a damn! I am sure mad.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-13 15:42:00
Asia: SouthFebruary & March Visa Interviews (India)
QUOTE (RSA @ Feb 15 2008, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DanielParul @ Feb 15 2008, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think their case got sent to Washington for AP, but they have kept her passport (thats good news). Wishing the best for jeta&preeti rose.gif

oh. Now I know why she is angry. Don't worry Preeti, we are all with you. We all wish that everything works out for you soon.

what is VFS?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco3/20/2008 21:44
Asia: SouthGanesh Chaturthi Day
thanks so much for that article
although i have married an arab muslim man
i have very dear friends over there and i have been very involved and interested in indian culture religion and traditions.
i have travelled there and i have a great affinity for it and it's people
SandrilaFemaleMorocco9/16/2008 14:09