Middle East and North AfricaSomething has been on my mind...what do you all think?
I think alot of us are just so strung out and depleted...frustrated, etc

I agree that "trying" to remain unemotional with inquiries and contact with gov't officials is important

I have succumb to the fact that we are just a number, nothing more, even after having paid them as much money as we have for all this

i have resorted to the fact that we have NO CONTROL, we are at the point now that there is nothing more we can do

JUST WAIT....AND PRAY innocent.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-15 10:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSomething has been on my mind...what do you all think?
so you dont think that being separated from your loved one, whether married or engaged, would take it's toll on a relationship?????

I think even the best, most solid of foundations could surely be shaken a little by this kind of turbulence.
We are only humans not super humans
and certainly to go to the extremes that most of us have been forced to persue is too EXHAUSTING and even DEGRADING to a point of having to beg and plead

I think alot is easy to say when you have your loved one with you.

by mistake I just want to correct myself...we submitted all the proof that WAS NOT LOOKED AT by the CO at the time of 2 interviews...I can only assume a marriage certificate is sufficient after an online courtship headbonk.gif

Edited by sandrila, 15 October 2008 - 10:31 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-15 10:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSomething has been on my mind...what do you all think?
Thank you Morocco 4 Ever
definitely struck a nerve here. This is such a pathetic process and like most of you, they looked at the evidence we presented, took the time to carefully gather and spent money making copies and sending that stuff to our SO.
It is truly a desparaging and heartwretching experience. Just relying of faith of GOD and the blind faith of these people who are in control of our future.
I never thought I'd be in this kind of position.
Thank you all here on VJ who help to keep me strong, we will prevail!!!!!!!!!

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-15 10:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaSuspended from Work
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-16 08:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaSuspended from Work

So sorry Polar Bear

I guess more and more we are ALL starting to realize any one of our jobs is expendable, disposable and terminal.

Everyone looking out for themself

I guess some companies dont care as long as you do your work
Some I guess it is just FORBIDDEN to use the phone or talk on it while at work and on their time
HOWEVER, it is really unrealistic to expect people NOT to have to make some phone calls sometimes when they are TRAPPED at work for 8-12 hours a day

appointments..teacher's issues...emergencies..what the ####, we have a life dont we?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-14 08:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaRecieved this email from casa
I also inquired and received a similiar response
At one point they said...some AP takes place in US but when I called Washington DOS, they said his papers are still in Casa...I dont think they really know anything blush.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-15 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA APPROVED!!
Deb, are you also in Delaware??
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-15 10:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA APPROVED!!
CONGRATULATIONS kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I am sure you both are ELATED!!! good.gif

I can only imagine that feeling right now. whistling.gif

RIGHT ON...GOOD LUCK...what a nice early Christmas gift.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-15 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday * I cant believe there isnt one already
QUOTE (sereia @ Oct 16 2008, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Someone come to CA and visit! I need more gfs around here. :/

Its still hot here and I've got a beach near by!!! wink.gif

Cali? Beach??? I'M THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-16 12:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday * I cant believe there isnt one already
QUOTE (ZaidsMommy @ Oct 16 2008, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im off today!!! woohoo.

Gotta take the dog out and feed him and the cats

I am off tomorrow but would be tied up all day at the dentist...WHAT FUN mad.gif

QUOTE (star_dragon @ Oct 16 2008, 10:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey ladies.

I'm still depressed today and even more than usual. I can't seem to shake it. I'm thinking of even calling in sick to my job this afternoon. I'm at my part time job 9-12 this morning. I dont feel like working 12:30-9. Don't think I can make it. I just wanna go home and pull the covers over my head sad.gif

Hey Darlin
I feel like a lot too and that is a long day, sometimes you just gotta do whatcha gots to do!

cheer up! rose.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-16 09:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday * I cant believe there isnt one already
QUOTE (Turia @ Oct 16 2008, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Sweetpeach! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Jess, i pray for you to feel better real soon!

Everyone else, Happy cold Thrusday! i can't beleive it got down in the 40's last night. I told my husband i wished he would hurry up and get his license so he can take himself back and forth to work 3rd shift now that its getting so cold out! No response from him.

Have a wonderful day!

so funny that you have such cold
last night was so humid and warm I had to take off the sweat pants I wore to bed and take off my covers
yesterday was well over 80s and felt great!

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-16 09:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday * I cant believe there isnt one already
My My!!!

Usually by this time we are chock full of replies here.

You should have heard all the ruckus going on about midnight in my city
all around and firecrackers, yelling, horns blarin...we havent made it there since 1993

Sweet Peach..OMG!! wonderful feeling, good luck and congratulations

Jess, I had gall stones and had the dang gall bladder removed...i can totally understand that pain and never want to have something like it again! You had that WHILE pregnant? Usually women get it AFTER the kids...omgosh...good luck and hope you dont suffer anymore
dont they have medicine for that, at least to alleviate it? I felt like I was having a heart attack ..I dont wish it on anyone

Well soon this gorgeous warm weather will be a thing of the past, got to enjoy it while we can

Have a great day all
Catch ya later

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-16 08:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaWould You Move to ME/NA?
Well, I would have no problems living in Rabat, but my husband feels otherwise.

First of all, I have 3 kids. So even if my husband did not get his visa, I would worry about this.
If it were just me, NO PROBLEMS to up and move. I do think our life here is much better. Everything is just so much easier, accessible, comfortable, etc. It is easy for anyone to get a job here, even if it is mediocre.

If my husband had a decent job, making good money. (anyone can live good ANYWHERE, if they have money) If I had the opportunity to find work there myself, if we could support ourselves and send money back as needed...IF IF IF...

I like it there but I know WE would enjoy life more and be more prosperous HERE.
Yes, we talked about the future..having a home...I cant think that far....I dont like "what ifs"

If only we could go back in time, meet when I was young and free...well now...I guess I wouldnt be the person I am now and MAYBE it wouldnt have worked for one reason or another...there is a reason we came into each others life now. THIS TIME...why it has to be so hard, I dont know. I know one thing, I may miss my home in AMERICA after like 6mths - 1 year but I MISS MY BABY more.

I am so lucky to have a sweet soul who respects my responsibility to my kids and accepts and admires that.
However, I feel torn constantly.
I have spent alot of time from my kids already in short trips here and there...the most time spent was 2 months.
That took its toll on them. How can you ever say who is more important??? I mean they both are...but the kids.. unsure.gif they came from me

Someone once told me "you got to have a back up plan" what if???
I guess I am just firm HE IS COMING AND THAT'S IT! yes.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-16 14:19:00
Middle East and North Africapacket3 question.
QUOTE (rachbel @ Oct 20 2008, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi everybody,
few days ago i got the packet 3 from Casablanca, it includes :
- DS-230 part I . just one form page. so where is Part II ?
- DS-157 . just one form page too.
-DS-156 . english version , one form page :Nonimmigrant fiancé(e Visa application.
-DS-156 . French version , two similar pages :Nonimmigrant visa application. so why 2 similar pages ? might be a mistake ?
Question 26 on DS-156:How long do you inend to stay in the US ,? should i put permanently ? Any idea ?
Thanks much for all your helps .

I remember when he got that
it was before the K3 interview
i was with him that time and helped him fill it out precisely
you can submit one of those forms online too, and is beneficial
i think we didnt get ds 230 cuz it was submitted by our attorney at another time so the consulate already had record of it...part 2 definitely came later, not 1 & 2 at same time
we had 2 156..they sent them in french only, which was a drag
even tho he speaks french..he can hold his own..he cant express it written and grammatically that well
we needed help translating the ?s and he just responded in ENGLISH
he interviews in English and responds to all documents in English UNLESS they specify him to use his own language
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-20 10:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaReally Good news
I think it sounds good
and let's hope they have some compassion for us with the holidays coming

i see alot of good things happening around MENA this week

CONGRATS....early star_smile.gif

QUOTE (chasnik @ Oct 20 2008, 10:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok so he went and they kept his passport and said to come back tomorrow at this the visa? The DOS said it looks like it is I think good news!!!!!


SIGNED SEALED DELIVERED good.gif good.gif good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-20 14:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaCock a doodle dooo it's Monday in MENA the Blue Hens shirt good.gif

I have been seeing to see you sometime dear

hope you are fine from your accident

good you had a safe trip back Narles!
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-20 13:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaCock a doodle dooo it's Monday in MENA
QUOTE (Turia @ Oct 20 2008, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning Mena!

Tasha, I pray for your hubby. And I'm glad you feel better.

Amal, I pray for Noor too! Hopefully his pain won't be long!

Sweet Peach, congrats on hubby being home. I think he needs his ssn in order to get his license. At least here you do!

Staashi, have fun at the docs with the ultrasound. They are so much more advanced from when i had my babies.

And finally, today is my and hubby's first aniversery. It is a rainy, cold and dreary day. Which is a far cry from last year. It was in the 70's and beautiful for an outside wedding. I am making him B'stilla and we have a cake we froze that one of the girls at my work made for us. And its also his 39th b-day today. But he don't celebrate birthdays he says.

have a good day everyone!

Congratulations Terry to you and your hubby, Happy Birthday too, but not celebrating or even acknowledging is quite normal over there, so I am told
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-20 10:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaCock a doodle dooo it's Monday in MENA
I am so lucky tho that my husband has been deprived of good food for so long that he will want to eat anything I put in front of him #1...he is actually looking forward to AMERICAN food #2....and usually all the food there is slopped together in one big dish is it any different?? they add some salad, fruit and desert??

Couscous in Rabat for my husband's family is a Friday thing and believe me it is a long process
I could learn it but I need to see it done a few times
Surely I can make INSTANT couscous but that isnt as authentic
I am really into THE REAL THING
and I would like to keep that tradition once a week, on the weekend of course whistling.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-10-20 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow can we help Estadia (Sara)??
I dont know how much advice I can offer but Sara I do hope that there will be some light shed on your case.
I cant imagine how frustrating this all is.
I will offer my prayers and positive thoughts to you and your SO.
I would say if you have exhaused all obvious options, what else can you do? I just feel that all of us are just at the mercy of NVC, USCIS and the consulates. It is just a completely exhausting black hole.

I wanted to add that it was sweet of your sister to post in regards to feelings about you, Sara.
I know exactly how you feel too, waiting and waiting and finally one day, when I really was at the bottom, we really lost hope and were helpless.
I posted here and was crying out....after that we got our call.
If there is anything we can do, I would love to help. I just know how painful, stressful and depressing this all is...keep your chin up girl!

Edited by sandrila, 02 April 2009 - 09:46 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-04-02 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportssome of you have asked for update on us
unfreakin believable



so sorry sweetie rose.gif

I pray that GOD will finally answer your prayers
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-08-18 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSHE GOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic!!! good.gif

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-09-28 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports!!! VISA IN HIS HANDS!!!!
Time to do another dance!! :dance: :dance: :dance:


May you have a blessed life together (F)
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2010-03-17 08:44:00
Middle East and North Africaplz need help from u friend plz
can anyone, having a fiance or spouse IN MOROCCO tell me anything about their interview experience in Casa? We have less than 24hours....I heard Casa is a tough consulate...what does that mean and what "other" evidence do they need to see, if they dont need financial support for the K3 visa?
any info is appreciated...lots of anxiousness here..but excited
in chellah
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-03-26 06:31:00
Middle East and North Africasomeone get me a tissue...
congratulations to you if you finally received your visa
my husband Tarik had his interview on March 27th
we got the infamous white paper for administrative processing
dont know what it all means or if/when they would contact him again
can anyone give any advice, how long the wait is for 221g AP?
from what i am reading i am worried
and I am with all of you who are going thru this black hole
never any concrete answers or end to it all
we have an immigration lawyer from day 1 just goes to show that doesnt have any affect on the situation...they didnt even look at our pix at all
just swooped up emails and paperwork and sent him on his way
is it true that the case gets sent back to united states? should you try to intercept it before it leaves the consulate? would a congressional inquiry help?
what can we do
and where can i get a legitimate phone number for the consulate in Morocco?
please any information is helpful
i cant imagine going thru another month let alone 6 waiting on this
god bless you
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-03-29 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaSafe in the USA
i cant imagine how that must feel to have your husband coming to you in the airport
it is nice to see that dreams really do come true
it seems as tho all of you have been truly blessed
i just hope the same is true for us
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-04 22:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion about Casa interviews
QUOTE (sandrila @ Apr 5 2008, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Virtual wife @ Apr 5 2008, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is it normal for the NVC to schedule the visa interview before sending the case file to Casa. or is that something new? Also, do they need to take money for anything that happens at the interview, like biometrics?


How do you know the consulate doesnt have your case there? I cant imagine how Casa could schedule it if it wasnt in front of them, but who knows in this wacky system.

I am sure you are relieved to finally have your interview.

My husband had his on March 27th...GOOD LUCK TO YOU IN CASA!

I have heard alot of disheartening things about this consulate #1
#2 if, in this process they ask for a certain amount, always be prepared to pay MORE
#3 in the interview packet it states what forms and documents to bring PLUS how much money for the application fee (didnt I already pay this for him in US?) that amount is 131.00, which was increased in January, as were all the fees in this long and draining process.
#4 you should be prepared to pay for copies, in dirhams
#5 if they dont like your passport pix (cuz we went to a legitimate PASSPORT PHOTO LAB, and it didnt give us the proper proportions) they will make you go out and take more
As you will soon find out, nothing is money asked for is the final amount and just count on being in that consulate 3-4 hours.... after that I hope you dont end up like us, 221(g) and in despair

I also wished someone would have responded to my questions as I have just taken time to do for you.
I have a lawyer and believe me, he does anything but reassure me or update me thoroughly..alot of what i found, THAT HELPED, was here, in Visa Journey

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

we got the visa, we got the visa!!!!!!!!!!
toooooooooooooooooo HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got the call 12 days after AP......he went today 1 30..for visa...put off again another day, until tomorrow
who knows why but MY BABY IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you VJ
thank you GOD
I love baby, no more long days and lonely nights
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-09 22:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion about Casa interviews
QUOTE (Virtual wife @ Apr 5 2008, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is it normal for the NVC to schedule the visa interview before sending the case file to Casa. or is that something new? Also, do they need to take money for anything that happens at the interview, like biometrics?


How do you know the consulate doesnt have your case there? I cant imagine how Casa could schedule it if it wasnt in front of them, but who knows in this wacky system.

I am sure you are relieved to finally have your interview.

My husband had his on March 27th...GOOD LUCK TO YOU IN CASA!

I have heard alot of disheartening things about this consulate #1
#2 if, in this process they ask for a certain amount, always be prepared to pay MORE
#3 in the interview packet it states what forms and documents to bring PLUS how much money for the application fee (didnt I already pay this for him in US?) that amount is 131.00, which was increased in January, as were all the fees in this long and draining process.
#4 you should be prepared to pay for copies, in dirhams
#5 if they dont like your passport pix (cuz we went to a legitimate PASSPORT PHOTO LAB, and it didnt give us the proper proportions) they will make you go out and take more
As you will soon find out, nothing is money asked for is the final amount and just count on being in that consulate 3-4 hours.... after that I hope you dont end up like us, 221(g) and in despair

I also wished someone would have responded to my questions as I have just taken time to do for you.
I have a lawyer and believe me, he does anything but reassure me or update me thoroughly..alot of what i found, THAT HELPED, was here, in Visa Journey
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-05 16:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMedical exam: many days b4 interview in Casa?
The doctor we used in Casablanca gave us a copy of the vaccination record, and that was all she gave. I dont even know that she sent anything directly to the cosulate herself.
I know they told him to come 2 weeks before and that should be sufficient enough.
Pay close attention to how much they say to bring for that appointment and bring double that amount.
Be prepared to run around town to get the Xrays, copies of things, vaccinations from pharmacy and your lab work, the lab for us was right there in her building.
It certainly will tie you up for at least 3-4 hours.
Good Luck
Good tip, when you make your appointment ask alot of questions about what EXACTLY you should bring...passport, passport size pix and ID card are a must.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-15 20:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMajor MENA Mojo - Two fer Tuesday
What is Alimaryam??
I'd like to know

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-15 21:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaHamdouallah!! :) We have an interview date
QUOTE (S and S @ Apr 15 2008, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mabrook!!!! That is such great news. I am sure you are both excited. Inshallah the interview will go great and you will be together soon.

My husband has his interview on MAY 15th for CR1
We also have been sticking it out since finding each other in Sept 2005
good luck to you!
Please share your experience once you make it thru!
Any advice is priceless
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-15 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou Need to Sit Down When You Read This
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
all GOOD things come with time, patience and most of all FAITH

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-15 22:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaStick a Fork in Me
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ Apr 18 2008, 09:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-18 21:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoes this sound right?
QUOTE (Ash * Habibati @ Apr 18 2008, 09:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just closed the phone with Jihed... ( closed the phone? wow ####### lol - now i'm talking like him hehe)

Anyway I just got off the phone with him and he called the doctor in Tunis about the medical exam - they told him to come April 28 and be there at 10am and allow about 3-4 hours for everything they'd have to do.. I said do they know your interview is May 5? Is that really enough time? I'm thinking bloodwork takes time to culture and come back right? And he said the girl at the doctor's office told him they can do everything in their building, but the medical exam paper from the Tunis Embassy lists other clinics for the xrays and the blood work -

I'm kinda confused- He accepted all the things that she said and told me not worry about it - that this doctor deals with the Embassy (there are only two panel physicians on the Embassy's list for all of Tunisia) but in my small American mind, that just does not seem right. I would think that an exam like that would take a few days to be 100% complete. The problem is he does not live in Tunis, it's a 2 hour train ride for him, so I"m not sure if he's going to find himself having to go back on Tuesday or Wednesday?

The problem with Jihed and I is that we are total polar opposites- I worry about every small detail and he worries about nothing lol - Hmmm... I guess I have no choice but to let it be for now... She did ask him if he'd had any vaccinations in the last 3 years.. And he told her that he had all the typical Tunisian ones as a child but nothing since like age 15, so no nothing in the last 3 years- She told him he'll have to get a few while he's there - I wonder if he'll have another hole in his arm? hehe ....

They told him the total cost would be between 120 and 130 Tunisian Dinar - 103 to 113 USD....

She asked him at first if he wanted to come in the summer... He said WHAT? My interview is May 5, why would I want to come in the summer? Tunis makes me crazy for these reasons lol ... Never in a hurry to do anything... huh.gif

In regard to the medical exam, and since Tunisia is not far from Morocco, we are dealing with Arab country here, I am sure it is the same process and near same cost.
Yes it is over 100 american dollars, yes it can all be done in same building and if not there, you would run around locally but they would explain to you where to go for xrays and purchasing vaccination medicine at the pharmacy...that is why PLAN TO HAVE MORE MONEY...My husband too is like 2 hour train ride away but lucky for him I was with him for his medical and we rented a car to make it easier and save a little plan for transportation expenses there and back..the fees from the actual doctor, the lab work, the pharmacy, the xrays and of course, he'll be starved really is fine so relax on the exam, at least your guy KNOWS he had some vaccinations in his life, i dont know that Tarik has had any or any recollection of them if he did.
helpsmilie.gif I am just not sure if Tarik needs to re-exam for CR1 after he just had his for K3, 2 months ago.
This whole process has my head spinning wacko.gif and ready to explode.
And I am like you Ash, I fret over any small detail and want to know everything. My lawyer gets annoyed with me, that is too bad, THIS IS OUR LIFE and you only get one chance to do this so DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME, right?
take care
hope this helped..if you want you can see my post on Tarik's experience in my profile. cool.gif

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-19 13:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA
CONGRATULATIONS kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-29 21:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Tuesday!!!!
I THINK THAT SIGN IS HORRENDOUS!!! How can you live in America, a melting pot of a thousand nationalities,cultures, religions and get away with that? But then again, that is why we are called LAND OF THE FREE.
I am getting excited reading all the things you all are doing with your spouses, now that they are here.
I did post a comment on the EXERCISE BLOG but I have to say, lately, and being depressed and preoccupied with all this immigration work, I have been more like BLOB!
Trying to do a little here and there to stay in shape but eating certainly can give the comfort where other things are lackin...IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN whistling.gif innocent.gif

Attached File  MY_ALL_TIME_FAV_PIC.JPG   131.7KB   16 downloads
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-05-06 21:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Tuesday!!!!
QUOTE (amal @ May 6 2008, 08:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have the same exact issue with food in my house. OMG its hard sometimes. If, in fact, urs is like mine... the only way its gonna get better is to have him show u the way he likes things cooked, take notes if u have to, and start cooking stuff u know he'll eat. It's either do that or spend weeks fighting over it. In the end, it was just so much more worth it and made my life easier.

good luck
rose.gif amal rose.gif

oh, and happy Tuesday.

This Tuesday is nice one for me...beautiful weather and the day off from work..I feel so stressed now with my husband's CR1 interview approaching on May 15th. I had alot of panic determining whether or not he needed ANOTHER medical exam for CR1 since he just had his appointment for K3 interview one month back..He did receive K3 VISA...THANK YOU GOD but now waiting it out for the CR1...GOD BE WITH US!!! Just DHL'D all his documents needed from my end and he is just scrambling to get the last of his documents there. What a fuss!
As for cooking. I cant wait for my baby to be here and cook for him...I hope my long days and lonely nights will be over. I love Moroccan food too, any ethnic food really. I am lucky cuz my hubby will eat anything! I know he will be overun with curiosity when he gets here and I already have a list of all the must-go-to eateries here in on the list ..good ol american hamburger, pizza, philly cheesesteak and philadelphia's soft pretzels...i have a feeling he will gain weight here....LOL
no problem, I, as his personal trainer, will whip his arabic butt into shape in no time!
I just long to enjoy and start our life together.
GOOD LUCK TO ALL STILL WAITING and thanks for all the positive vibe and support here!

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-05-06 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview May 7th
GOD BE WITH YOU!!!!![/color]

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Attached Files

Edited by sandrila, 06 May 2008 - 09:54 PM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-05-06 21:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaWoohooo!!!
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ May 5 2008, 07:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations good.gif kicking.gif biggrin.gif

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
I know you still must feel it isnt true!
I am so happy for you and I didnt realize you were so close to his interview.
Thank you for sharing the details and I hope the same happiness comes for me and my baby
on May 15th. This is a CR1 visa we are talking about, right?
I cant believe he had someone so nice.
I just sent my husband all the documents needed from my side today, DHL..unbelievable the cost for a pile of papers! He had his medical again yesterday. So everything is falling into place.
I hope this dream becomes a reality.. I hope we can start our life together soon.
Good luck to you both. Bon Voyage Jihed

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-05-06 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCongratulations!
BON VOYAGE!!!!!!!!!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Edited by sandrila, 13 May 2008 - 09:21 PM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-05-13 21:19:00
Middle East and North Africainterview for K-1
QUOTE (sandrila @ Apr 9 2008, 12:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (abdo @ Apr 8 2008, 06:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i am posting my timeline to help new members to know about the timeline..!!


10-14-2006 : met online
03-03-2007 : met in person
06-15-2007 : I-129F sent
07-02-2007 : I-129F recieved
11-15-2007 : approved at vermont
12-19-2007 : consulate in casa recieved the packet.
12-23-2007 : packet in hand
02-04-2008 : interview for K-1, not approved !!
04-01-2008 : call from the consulat for a second interview
04-17-2008 : second interview at 2.00 pm
------------- insha allah --------------

Hello and I am happy to be here with pure joy in my heart!!! heart.gif
For all of you who have read my last post about Tarik's interview being in AP, I just want to say
WE GOT THE VISA!!!! tongue.gif
I am totally shock...he got the call today, 4/8 from the consulate telling him to come 4/9 with passport for his visa..OMG we are just simply overjoyed!!!
It is a feeling I cannot express
These last 12 days had me really doubting whether any of this was going to work but thank god
Thank you to all of you who responded with your helpful experiences and links...
I know our fight is not quite over yet, as this is the K3
I get a little confused too, we are married we applied for the spousal visa first ........I-130
standard procedure is to file for the I-129F, even if we are already married..we do that to get him here quicker because the I-130 takes so much longer and hopefully when he is here, we can finish for his permanent residence here. is a miracle my baby is free! He is granted the simple respect of being with his wife
and I am so happy!
So, now if I can ask any other veterans here...what happens once we get him ticket?
How long does the K3 last and what is the procedure of going thru the Port of Entry?
Can he enter directly into my city's airport or does the government tell you which airport to fly into?
I think he would be here within a week...GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL, dont discourage

someone help me too please
i cant believe even with a lawyer i cant get K1 or K3 straight
I applied for the permanent residence first....I believe this is K1, which is why I listed that on my profile cuz ultimately that is the ONE we want
BUT..we also filed the K3 right away, which I believe is the Fiancee visa
I KNOW wacko.gif ....I thought it was strange too but it was the advice of the Lawyer..he said it works that way
so i have K1 listed cuz he is my spouse and we are aiming for permanent residence but the visa we just applied for and got was the K3
I think i wont believe he got it until he says it is safe in his hand but in the meantime
I am happy to share anything what I know with all of you
I am sure that the CONGRESSMAN helped!!
I do believe, anything you can do..DO IT and do it quick
I heard that the petitions get sent back to USCIS here in the States but my lawyer said no
and the congressman's secretary, who apparently deals alot with immigrations, told me it is all done electronically and not worry..and see ...I worried for nothing blush.gif
take care all
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-04-09 00:23:00