Middle East and North AfricaStopped cooking for my husband!
you know I knew that things would be different for me marrying my man.
I tried to think that my life would be the same or that we would be equal but we are not.
We fuss and fight about certain issues because now, that we actually live together, we see the exact expectations
and personality of the other under REAL terms.

I dont mind doing wifely "duties" I had to do wifely duties anyway, I have children and I am not a lazy slob.
I enjoy cooking, I want to have a clean house BUT I was thinking there would be some degree of HELP.

I dont think it is a MENA characteristic. Plenty of men around the world are big babies, who could never accomplish what we women do in one day. But I did notice how the men there would literally not do anything in the home.
I mean sit there and WATCH their poor old mothers slaving over everything.

I mean I work too. It is just that us women here can call our own shots. We are used to doing what we want, when we want and total EQUALITY for everything. My husband just feels certain things are my duty. I dont mind catering to my man but if you are a man then certainly you have 2 hands and 2 legs to do anything that I can do, why is that you work more? or you are more tired?? The work and exhaustion are the same only I have to feel that I have to keep going and going and going........and not really feeling that what you do is acknowledged or appreciated.

I guess I would have nothing to say if all my needs were being met and cooperation was apparent without having to say a word. whistling.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-02 11:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaStopped cooking for my husband!
ok Peanut...i am sure it is not easy to do something like that

#1 for upsetting hubster and #2 you gotta eat too!

BUT what a fine response to his contribution or lack thereof

i think his plan was wacked from the get go, didnt sound fair to me
and you sound like an awesome cook
i agree that cooking good, healthy and ethnic foods do come at a price

i am sure he will get tired of it but in the meantime sit back and enjoy the extra time and money you got on your hands

PROPS GIRL! good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-01-30 16:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Ahmed
Better late than never....HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and what did you guys do??

It looks as if your little guy is turning 1!!!!

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-09 09:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Rajaa!
I DONT KNOW HOW TO POST PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! helpsmilie.gif


i really wanna know how unsure.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-05 12:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Rajaa!
I know you got the best birthday gift ever!

Have a good one Rajaa. rose.gif

what are your plans?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-05 12:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCitizenship Interview
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Doreen, Hi!

It is so nice to see a happy ending!

May God Bless you Both!


Edited by sandrila, 04 February 2009 - 11:31 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-04 11:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Monday
My daughter is home sick today too, one was home Friday and now the other today
must be something goin around.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-09 12:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Monday
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Feb 9 2009, 07:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Monday! My day started off good, kids in a good mood and cooperating and a phone call from my husband saying that he's missing us like crazy.

WOW S and S!!!


So I got my son (who turns 16 tomorrow) and my husband both ready to get the permit.
One is studying the other one is procrastinating...can you guess who?? whistling.gif

We have had the manual sitting here for 2 months now.
Hubby hasnt even picked it up.....He speaks and understands excellent English, though I am not sure what is his delay but I know he definitely wants to get his permit.

MENA Buddies....have a good day
Had a blah weekend and quite frankly I am ready to rip someone's head off at any given moment mad.gif

Edited by sandrila, 09 February 2009 - 09:17 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-09 09:13:00
Middle East and North Africasomeone please help me 221g
it is natural to worry and feel as you do getting this outcome BUT have faith
those of us who received this notice (including my husband and we had AP for nearly 6 months) have had to hang in there, completely in the dark and just WAIT
it is part of the uncertainty and duration of this journey

you will eventually receive what you deserve but you have no control over the process or who you deal with
you can however, do what you can, and others here have posted many threads and links that are very useful
get involved quick
keep calling
get in touch with your congressmen and senators
draw attention to your case, make sure all your things are completed to the letter and PRAY

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-01-21 16:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday Morning Insomniacs Unite
QUOTE (Far2Long @ Feb 10 2009, 05:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds like things are looking up for you Amal. Glad to hear it.

It's 100 days until Waleed and I are reunited! happy.gif

I know you have waited far too long for that Olivia!

At this point that is right around the corner. After all your hardwork and patience you deserve a break and a great big smile on your face biggrin.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-10 11:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday Morning Insomniacs Unite
are the rest of you receiving more than unseasonably warm temps today??

We gotta be near 60 biggrin.gif good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-10 11:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday Morning Insomniacs Unite
A little late my peeps....GOOD AFTERNOON....Hope things are going your way

have a good one
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-10 11:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday Afternoon Funny
hey Staashi, any luck in your part time job search??
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-04 09:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday Afternoon Funny


I love it when people have the balls to speak their minds and dont think 2x about reprocutions.

Now you are calling yourself "retired"??


I am just TIRED headbonk.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-01-13 15:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Jackie!!!
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Feb 5 2009, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
for my pineapple paddlin friends

omg i love pineapple upside down cake
i havent had it or made it in a very long time

think i'll get bakin

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-05 12:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Jackie!!!
I hope your day is as lovely as you are luv.gif

Happy Birthday Jax
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-05 12:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Good Mornin

Wow! Brni..stay safe out there. Do they get tornadoes at all in the middle east?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-11 09:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
is it true that if you marry a man from Morocco that you are automatically an Moroccan citizen?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-12 14:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
QUOTE (charles! @ Feb 12 2009, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bleh more house repairs to do today.

what about the nursery?? is that ready yet? what color are thinking about?

ah the excitement of a new addition luv.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-12 14:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
QUOTE (RonelllovesHamdi @ Feb 12 2009, 08:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone. Happy Thursday to you all! I am in Egypt with my husband. I left a detail of our interview on my timeline. Still need prayers that our paperwork arrives and they will issue the visa soon.

You just popped into mind Ronell....oh good that you had a safe journey....and I know how relaxed and happy you are now.
Prayers for you rose.gif
How long will you stay??

to the other MENA peeps
Late morning salutations and man oh man the wind gusts here are like 50 mph and I swear it sounds like our door will be blown in!

not too cold but with the wind it is chilly!
this weather is so mixed up!

I skipped out of work early 2 hours....I just wanted to leave...I have not in 7 months used a sick day or personal day
i always have appts for me and the kids and I usually use my time by coming in a lil late or leaving early to take care of business
i swear working with kids is not easy, now I know why I stayed home for so long...not many jobs accomodate....sick kids, 1/2 days, conferences....dr. appts....then I dont even make my own appts because by that time I have used up time just for them

celebrated my son's 16th birthday last night with a nice homemade cake
a tradition with me....I always make the cakes and boy those Duncan Hines/Betty Crocker cakes are so scrumptious!

I have been feeling overwhelmed where I feel our job as wife and mother is never ending...just going on and on for everything and everyone else
but no one ever seems to think about MOM....just take easy or just offering GOD sometimes I feel like the energizer bunny...
I just keep going and going and going and going

i know ya'll hear me yes.gif

QUOTE (UmmSqueakster @ Feb 12 2009, 09:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tired and sick. Want to be home, but my coworker is home with her sick kid today and one of us needs to be here. crying.gif

aw rose.gif

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-12 11:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaDual Citizenship Question
i wondered the same thing
is it automatic or what?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2009-02-12 15:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs it already Tuesday?
I have been fighting with my weight and appearance for years.
I had the best figure of my life at age 34
the smallest and leanest

at age 10-13 i was overweight and wearing plus sizes

it wasnt until after the birth of my son 15 1/2 years ago, at age 21 that i started exercising and taking control
of my weight and figure..i did it the right way and was completely disciplined in all areas
even having 3 kids and averaging a size 10 I got to be a size 4
it can be done! good.gif
fitness just became a way of life

i never thought in a million years i'd be a fitness instructor/personal trainer
people coming up to me in denial that i had 3 kids or had a problem with weight in the past

my 15 year old son and 12 year old daughter are as skinny as rails
never having to worry about weight probably their entire life
my youngest at 9 is sadly way overweight, like i was at that age

now this last year has killed me waiting for my husband and being in darkness
i gained so much weight and completely stopped exercising
I have every excuse in the book that my clients always have
it takes a long time to get results but such a short time to lose them

my hubby isnt like any of your "eat all they want and not gain a pound" hubbies
both my husband and I are ready to start working out together
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-09 15:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs it already Tuesday?
Mornin All

I would have rather stayed in bed.

Amal, good luck with your decision, sounds like you got a good prospect.

HG...hang in there dear, you'll hear something soon, I am sure of it! rose.gif

Charles, I'll take DARK KNIGHT, of course, I have been dying to see that flick.

Have a good one guys biggrin.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-09 09:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
wow Rajaa I dont know where I've been, I just see NOW that you got an interview


Where is his interview taking place?

I have never have attended a slumber party yet, and seeing as though my computer is on the fritz, I doubt I can make it, however, I will keep you in my prayers.

S and S, you must be beside yourself, what day is hubby coming?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-08 13:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday-Hump Day!!!

HOW EXCITING!!! It is too long you have waited, I have alot of admiration for you enduring that time apart!!!! good.gif

Good going girl!!!

I wish you both the best rose.gif

and a beautiful holiday together kicking.gif kicking.gif

Edited by sandrila, 10 December 2008 - 11:50 AM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-10 11:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday-Hump Day!!!

we have some real unseasonably warm weather here last night and today, the rain has come today along with it too mad.gif

had a little christmas fun with hubby last night ...nice dinner and christmas shopping
he gets a kick out of Santa whistling.gif

i cant wait for this day to be over already're next good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-10 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Eid Al adaha
Happy EID!!
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-08 13:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat Normal Is Now

I am hoping that God's healing hand and loving arms surround you during the holidays and the new year to come.
I hope that with time you can find peace and happiness again. smile.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-08 13:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmman asked for more information
keeping you in my prayers Jackie rose.gif

Good luck dear!
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-11 14:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy husband is coming!!!
I feel the excitement S and S!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt the same way about getting everything in order and ready for his arrival and then on the day he was coming I exhaled and said, well this is it, i have done all i can, he can take ir or leave it tongue.gif

the place has become a mess anyway since he got here
living in apartment doesnt leave much room, especially when you are used to living alone for the last 3 years.

good luck to you
what port is he coming thru?
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-08 16:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy husband is coming!!!
JOY JOY JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do your dance girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Congratulations good.gif

Happy Holidays!!!
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-11-25 10:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdolilah Visa approved
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

delightful news Rajaa, OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG

what is going to happen next for you once he gets the passport back?

yeah dont open that sealed brown envelope they gave him, it has all the stuff they have been processing for this

GOOD LUCK and what a relief!!!

I wish you both the best for your future cool.gif

finally this consulate is gettin busy!! good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-10 09:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
this is an awfully short thread today

where are all mah girls at ??? biggrin.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-11 14:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Mornin gals and guys

S and S...surprised to see you here, how was the reunion??? whistling.gif devil.gif is pouring rain all day yesterday and today in Pennsylvania mad.gif

I am going to tackle some more mall shopping with hubby tonight. I would rather get out there weeknights than try to do stuff on the is just too crazy and crowded on the streets and in the stores, plus I do like to kick back and relax a little the week of christmas.

I have like 1/3 of my shopping done.

I think I want to bake some cookies and cook some Moroccan food this weekend too.
The only Moroccan dish I made, with hubby's help was Couscous, not done in tagine, I still havent mastered that.

OLIVIA ..good luck with the rest of your school things and i am sure you are quite relieved.
It takes so much time, dedication and hard work to do what you students do. PROPS! good.gif startin to scramble??? wacko.gif and I dont mean eggs laughing.gif

Star light star bright star_smile.gif
one more day sweetie..I cant wait to hear your news...I know it will be good good.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-11 10:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecond interview scheduled....

you're going to be fine

they have been closing DHLs???

I didnt know that unsure.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-08 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecond interview scheduled....
QUOTE (star_dragon @ Dec 5 2008, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, after sending me an email this morning saying nothing further was needed, I just got another one letting me know that they have scheduled a Second interview for Dec 18.


WOW STAR, that is great!!!
this journey sure is a whirlwind
they probably just want those pix.....all will be fine
that was fast...dont worry about a thing
I wish you the best girlfriend rose.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-05 16:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaThank you All that attended my slumber party
tongue.gif biggrin.gif rose.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-10 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe've all been good
i dont have dental insurance and someone once mentioned going to a couple of the colleges and universities

well it takes more of your time but they do a meticulous job I got like 200.00 worth of check up, cleaning and xrays for 30 bucks good.gif

after the new year i am going to schedule hubby for the same he finally get his teeth treated the RIGHT way!
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-12 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe've all been good
Kelz...i am speechless

there is one word to describe those gifts and that would L U C K Y

count your blessings

Edited by sandrila, 12 December 2008 - 03:35 PM.

SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-12 15:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe've all been good
Well as most mothers know Santa goes far and beyond for everyone at Christmas and all
year round....most of us never stop to take time out and think about ourselves.

What would you like Santa to bring for you this year? innocent.gif

If I could have something I would really like to find a great pair of winter boots.
Not dressy knee high boots but something nice, stylish and insulated for if/when that snow comes smile.gif
SandrilaFemaleMorocco2008-12-12 11:00:00