K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Sep 3 2008, 05:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No worries Aubrey! we all have bad days! i'm flown into a couple rages before! i'm real sad today too, sooo lonely...just want my life with him to begin!
(Sorry about ur kitty, hope he gets better! i have 3 myself, love them to bits!)

Hang in there! we all understand...its real hard to deal with! really hard and painful! But hey, you found the love of your life! If this is what you have to go through to be with him, isnt it worth it?
I have hard days where i thought, forget it, its too hard! i'll just be single and call this all off!
But I cant live without him! He's my best friend and my love, if this is what i must endure, i will!
Be strong!!! You'll get your happy day too soon! *HUGS*

I'm right there with you. I've gotten pretty sad the past couple of weeks but I spoke with my fiance on the phone last night. It made me feel better. It's hard to start planning your life together, to get so excited about it, but still knowing that its so far away. Atleast my fiance and I will have a short visit together around Thanksgiving. I'm going to buy my tickets soon. smile.gif
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-09-03 19:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Aug 26 2008, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's the form you can use to request free tax transcripts:

I'd just order them to make it simple and avoid any problems. smile.gif

Instead of turning in a form I just called the IRS -- at 7:30pm at night. I was shocked that they were still answering phone calls that late. Anyhoos, I called, spoke to a nice lady and the transcripts arrived a week or so later. I'm not sure which number I called. It was a few weeks ago but here is the IRS "Contact Us" page:,00.html

(goodness, how to you insert a hyperlink in posts???)
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-26 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Koakland @ Aug 26 2008, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Naglfar @ Aug 26 2008, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for your responses, everybody!

Now, when it comes to tax forms, I understand that tax transcripts are not really required and can be substituted with your 1040 form. I don't know if different embassies have different requirements, but it is stated clearly on American Embassy's in Russia site that you can submit "most recent year tax returns (form 1040) or tax transcripts from IRS". My only concern is that I did my taxes online with HR block, so there is a big COPY, DO NOT FILE statement on the form and, obviously, it doesn't have my signature on it since it was done electronically. Also, notice that they only ask for your last year's tax return, although I see a lot of people saying you need last 3. Any thoughts on whether the kind of copy of the tax form that I have would suffice?

My understanding is that you only need the most recent tax return but returns or transcripts for the past 3 years is recommended to avoid any RFEs. As for the tax return, I also e-filed my taxes and have the same "DO NOT FILE" written across it but I don't see how this can be a problem. You could just get a tax transcript for 2007 as well.

I just reread the instructions on the uscis website and tax returns/transcripts are only required if you are self employed BUT I'll be sending all that info anyway because I don't wany any problems.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-26 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Naglfar @ Aug 26 2008, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for your responses, everybody!

Now, when it comes to tax forms, I understand that tax transcripts are not really required and can be substituted with your 1040 form. I don't know if different embassies have different requirements, but it is stated clearly on American Embassy's in Russia site that you can submit "most recent year tax returns (form 1040) or tax transcripts from IRS". My only concern is that I did my taxes online with HR block, so there is a big COPY, DO NOT FILE statement on the form and, obviously, it doesn't have my signature on it since it was done electronically. Also, notice that they only ask for your last year's tax return, although I see a lot of people saying you need last 3. Any thoughts on whether the kind of copy of the tax form that I have would suffice?

My understanding is that you only need the most recent tax return but returns or transcripts for the past 3 years is recommended to avoid any RFEs. As for the tax return, I also e-filed my taxes and have the same "DO NOT FILE" written across it but I don't see how this can be a problem. You could just get a tax transcript for 2007 as well.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-26 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Aug 26 2008, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Naglfar @ Aug 26 2008, 09:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was wondering if anybody started putting their I-134 together yet? I was going to do it right away, but now I'm thinking that maybe I should wait until we know the interview date. Does anybody know how long I-134 is good for? I've been searching for that information high and low, but the only reference I found on this Forum or elsewhere is that it shouldn't be older than 1 year. However, this is unofficial info and I don't know if we would run into any problems if all my financial paperwork is dated August and the interview takes place in, say, December. Called USCIS customer service and they said they didn't know the answer because my question was 'too specific'. huh.gif

Since I'm not expecting NOA2 until at least the end of November, I won't start gathering this stuff for awhile. Everything I've read on the board indicates they like the paperwork with the I-134 to be quite recent, such as paystubs up to a few weeks before the interview. I figured I would gather tax documents at the beginning of November, the letters of employment at the end of November, and bank statements and paystubs once I receive NOA2. It takes most people a month or more between NOA2 and the interview date, so that's plenty of time to get those documents.

I'm like you - I like to be ahead of everything on this process. But I don't want to do this stuff twice, either. I'd hold off for a little bit, because the whole point of the I-134 is to show you can support your fiancé at the time of the interview. Outdated documents won't do that.

Hang in there, we'll make it!

Agreed. Although I have gathered my tax documents already. I just called the IRS and ordered tax transcripts. They arrived about a week later. Best thing, it's free! Can't hurt to get this early and it made me feel good to do something during this loooooooooong waiting period.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-26 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Aug 20 2008, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Koakland @ Aug 20 2008, 11:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance has worked for the past few years as an IT engineer in France. I live in the Bay Area, very close to Silicon Valley, so I don't think that he will have a lot of trouble finding work once he gets an EAD (or whatever it is smile.gif). Until he finds that type of work he's thinking about tutoring French or math or science or maybe he'll just taking some IT classes at a community college so he can learn English IT lingo. We've also talked about all the housework he can do (hehehehe).

I spoke to my mom (who is an HR manager in a company that hires lots of foreign nationals) and she said to make sure my fiance brings official transcripts from his school. Once he gets here he has to hire a service to translate them and verify them...I'm sure there is a thread somewhere on VJ about this. I'll search around.

The one good thing about the long wait from NOA1 to NOA2 is having lots of time to get together all the random documents...

Aubrey, what is A+ certification? It is very cool that you and your fiance are spending so much time together. I am very jealous. smile.gif Lately, I've been missing my SO so so so much. If he doesn't call me or text me or email me fast enough I get really annoyed. But I know it's not his fault. It's just me missing him. I need to relax smile.gif Yesterday, we talked about all the things we have to do when he moves here and he was really excited. That made me feel much better. Ahhhh, the wonderful world of immigration.

Yeah, there's several threads on translating/verifying overseas credentials. I bookedmarked the two sites I saw recommended a couple times:

In the IT world, certifications are pretty desirable. A+ is sort of the basic cert for hardware and software knowledge and maintenance. Lots of IT people have it in addition to other certifications that branch off from there - like Network+, Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator, etc. We're just starting Andreas with the A+ since it's good for a PC Tech job which has good availability and pay (something like 30K I've read). Besides, the 1000 page book he's study is enough for him to manage to complete in the next few weeks! His job will need to be flexible since we don't know where we're going to end up moving to for my more specialized field next year (graphic design).

And yeah, I'm fortunate my SO was able to come for such a long stay. He was job hunting and after the student visa route failed (too expensive!), I knew we had a long wait ahead of us that I couldn't handle. It's hard financially... but I'd give my last dime to be with him. I still dread when he leaves next month and hope we can somehow afford another visit, even if it's short.

Aubrey, you are so well educated on all this stuff. I read your post and freaked but apparently my fiance knows about it. Guess he has it figured out...Thanks for the info.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-20 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Aug 20 2008, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ChuckandOlga @ Aug 19 2008, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone and I wish for your visas to come in quickly.

Myself being new to this site and learning more and more every day I have pondered upon something. All of us have lacked patients from time to time during our endeavor to be with the people we love the most ; ) Something I do not understand is the Mexicans that come across the border illegally into So. Cal. AZ, NM, and Texas they are given free health care, shelter at times, send their children to school and they walk down our streets laughing at the American public that they can live here without charge. We have a sheriff Joe Arpiao “America’s Toughest Sheriff," good.gif is trying to take all of the illegals off of our streets. But the Governor of Arizona and the Mayer of the city of Phoenix takes money away from Sheriff Joe because they want Phoenix to be a safe haven for Illegals to live and play at "our Tax Dollars". But yet I miss my soon to be wife very much! I ask myself why she cannot be here also. We all on this forum do the correct and just thing to protect America and each and every one of us are helping Homeland Security in traveling down our paths responsibly and doing things correctly to bring our loved ones to America for a new life together. I wonder if USICS has ever taken thought of this length of time we are to endure to be separate from our loved ones. So we shall have to wait and wait and wait even more? The USICS has recently hired in 1500 new employees? But yet they are even more back logged? "Laughing" about government employees... they make how much money?
Chief, Transformation Program Office... Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services, $114,468.00+
SPACE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST... Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services, $77,670.00+
COMMUNITY RELATIONS OFFICER... Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services, $82,961.00+
Now I know why this will take several months

Ok, I am now done with my ranting and raving headbonk.gif

Having lived in a border state myself for most of my life (I only moved to Idaho from Texas 2 years ago), I understand your frustration with the Mexican illegals. But honestly, I don't think that interferes that much with our SO's process and time length. The Mexican illegals thing is its own ugly problem. unsure.gif I don't want to derail this thread with my rant on this topic... I could go on and on!

Und guten morgen, Corinthians and everyone else! My German is ... well, not good! smile.gif Glad my SO's English is great!

I found a couple more Las Vegas wedding sites that look promising, too. His parents and one grandma at least want to fly in to see us married, and it's so expensive to fly to Moscow, Idaho... so a destination seems the best for us. Ruled out most of the strip hotels because they want too much money.
The Flamingo
Vegas Weddings
Cupid's receptions

I can't narrow anything down too much until I know what our financial situation will be when he arrives. And that depends on what sort of job he lands when he returns home next month (and my finances are pretty horrible 'til I finish my 2nd degree in May). The job market in his hometown hasn't been great (not that it's so hot in the US at the moment either!). I've got him studying for A+ certification while he's here so he has a better shot at job hunting here and back in Germany. He's got a Vordiplom which has no US equivalent (it's like a 3 year degree but all credits in computer science), and the credit didn't transfer well when we looked into him finishing a 4th year for a BA. That certification should help him land a decent job here until we can sort out the rest.

Have the rest of you talked about what your SOs will do for work in the US?

My fiance has worked for the past few years as an IT engineer in France. I live in the Bay Area, very close to Silicon Valley, so I don't think that he will have a lot of trouble finding work once he gets an EAD (or whatever it is smile.gif). Until he finds that type of work he's thinking about tutoring French or math or science or maybe he'll just taking some IT classes at a community college so he can learn English IT lingo. We've also talked about all the housework he can do (hehehehe).

I spoke to my mom (who is an HR manager in a company that hires lots of foreign nationals) and she said to make sure my fiance brings official transcripts from his school. Once he gets here he has to hire a service to translate them and verify them...I'm sure there is a thread somewhere on VJ about this. I'll search around.

The one good thing about the long wait from NOA1 to NOA2 is having lots of time to get together all the random documents...

Aubrey, what is A+ certification? It is very cool that you and your fiance are spending so much time together. I am very jealous. smile.gif Lately, I've been missing my SO so so so much. If he doesn't call me or text me or email me fast enough I get really annoyed. But I know it's not his fault. It's just me missing him. I need to relax smile.gif Yesterday, we talked about all the things we have to do when he moves here and he was really excited. That made me feel much better. Ahhhh, the wonderful world of immigration.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-20 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (subguy812 @ Aug 18 2008, 06:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any of the California Service Center July filers receive anything other than NOA1 as of yet?

smile.gif If only.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-18 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Aug 12 2008, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Koakland @ Aug 12 2008, 04:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance and I aren't planning a wedding until he's here with a job. I just think that it's too much stress on us, especially for him, to plan a wedding on top of our immigration stuff, his employment situation, our living situation, getting used to being together all the time etc. I want to focus on getting our marriage settled before I plan a wedding. But a lot of my friends want us to plan a wedding right away. I'm also focused on saving money for the months he'll be unemployed while waiting for EAD. I can't spend money on a wedding and try to save for the EAD waiting process.

In other news smile.gif My fiance and I have begun to make plans to see each other during the Thanksgiving holiday smile.gif That's less just a little over 3 months from now. We're trying to decide if he's going to come to the US or if we'll go to Canada - to avoid any drama with US customs officials. Any thoughts on that? Is anyone planning on visiting the US during the K1 process?

I guess that means you're counting on getting an EAD stamp from an airport? Otherwise you have to get married before he works, because K1 isn't authorized to work without an EAD stamp. He'd have to wait until he gets EAD when you apply to adjust status.

Or am I misunderstanding?

Yeah, I'm not counting on the EAD stamp from the airport. It's only good until we get married when the K1 expires (my understanding). I thinking about the EAD when we adjust ststus which I think can take 3+ months. After we wait for that it can take awhile to find a good job. I don't want to go into that period in debt from a wedding. I'm not looking to have a wedding until super late 2009, somewhere into 2010. I just want us to be in the US, together, finally. Once we get married and get life settled, I'll focus on a wedding.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-13 00:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Aubrey @ Aug 12 2008, 04:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Same here, not setting a date until the visa is in his hand.

With the 90 day window, what sort of wedding ideas are you all thinking? Andreas and I are talking about doing a Vegas wedding since there's so many packages and it's not so expensive. I've planned a wedding before and 90 days isn't much without major stress or an all-inclusive package.

A couple sites I found that look appealing for a Vegas wedding:
Chapel of the Flowers
Treasure Island hotel
A Special Memory Chapel
Imperial Palace hotel
Tropicana Hotel

Still looking, though. My folks want us to do the wedding in Houston, but... eh. My dad's a hotel manager, so they're talking about discounts and stuff for hotel guests and a reception. Not sure that I want to rely on them anymore, but even if I did -- I haven't found ceremony packages there.

Am I the only crazy one that has started looking into all this? luv.gif I get very excited thinking about it all!

I love Las Vegas and support any vacation plans, nupital or otherwise that happen in Las Vegas smile.gif
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-12 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
My fiance and I aren't planning a wedding until he's here with a job. I just think that it's too much stress on us, especially for him, to plan a wedding on top of our immigration stuff, his employment situation, our living situation, getting used to being together all the time etc. I want to focus on getting our marriage settled before I plan a wedding. But a lot of my friends want us to plan a wedding right away. I'm also focused on saving money for the months he'll be unemployed while waiting for EAD. I can't spend money on a wedding and try to save for the EAD waiting process.

In other news smile.gif My fiance and I have begun to make plans to see each other during the Thanksgiving holiday smile.gif That's less just a little over 3 months from now. We're trying to decide if he's going to come to the US or if we'll go to Canada - to avoid any drama with US customs officials. Any thoughts on that? Is anyone planning on visiting the US during the K1 process?

Edited by Koakland, 12 August 2008 - 06:42 PM.

KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-12 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (MichelleN @ Aug 7 2008, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I made a thread in the main forum but I'll post it here too. I found out why my check still hadn't been cashed. Because they mailed the entire packet out to me. Apparently the check my mom wrote (I don't have a checking account) was written out "Four hundred 55/100" instead of "four hundred and fifty-five and 00/100"
=_= So yeah...getting a money order and mailing it out AGAIN tomorrow.

sad.gif well atleast you know why it took so long for them to cash it. Back on the road again now.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-07 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (FaisalShirin4eva @ Aug 4 2008, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Koakland @ Aug 4 2008, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cdneh @ Aug 3 2008, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (FaisalShirin4eva @ Aug 4 2008, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dgk3188 @ Aug 3 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
anybody else still waiting for their NOA1? sad.gif starting to get worried...its going to be 2 weeks since i sent out my I129f...

I wouldn't worry about it as long as I know they received your petition. You sent yours on the 25th, so you still have to wait a week or two.

BTW, did anybody from Vermont got touched today??

I wish! no0pb.gif

How can you tell if you've been touched? hahahaha. but seriously? You sign up for email notifications and are sent an email each time your package is scanned???

No, they will not send you an email everytime they scan your package lol. The only time you will get an email from them is when you register or you get approved.. If you check your protfolio on the USCIS website, it will have a LAST UPDATE date. Wheneva they change your date dat means you are getting touch or getting looked at! Wheneva I signed up, I had 8/1 date in my protfolio.... After couple of days, they changed my date to 8/3....that means I got touched...Simple as that. smile.gif

aha. thanks. i figured i had to check it to know. im obsessed enough to check everyday.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-04 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (cdneh @ Aug 3 2008, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (FaisalShirin4eva @ Aug 4 2008, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dgk3188 @ Aug 3 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
anybody else still waiting for their NOA1? sad.gif starting to get worried...its going to be 2 weeks since i sent out my I129f...

I wouldn't worry about it as long as I know they received your petition. You sent yours on the 25th, so you still have to wait a week or two.

BTW, did anybody from Vermont got touched today??

I wish! no0pb.gif

How can you tell if you've been touched? hahahaha. but seriously? You sign up for email notifications and are sent an email each time your package is scanned???
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-04 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (cdneh @ Aug 3 2008, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dgk3188 @ Aug 4 2008, 06:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
anybody else still waiting for their NOA1? sad.gif starting to get worried...its going to be 2 weeks since i sent out my I129f...

Ours took 25 days to arrive...but we got it in the end.

My NOA1 arrived yesterday smile.gif So yours will probably show up any day now.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-03 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (HY020 @ Jul 31 2008, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah.. there are a lot of numbers on the back of the check. It was really hard for me to read them. So, I printed the check out with my printer and the number is clearly printed out.

Print out the check to read the number, if you can't see it clearly on the screen.

What do the numbers on the back of the check mean? Where do I register them and what does it tell me???
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-01 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (MichelleN @ Jul 31 2008, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Koakland @ Jul 31 2008, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I filed last Friday and I was soooo excited!!! Light at the end of the tunnel. Now I'm a bit obsessed, checking my bank account everyday to see if the check has been cashed, looking at forms, setting up savings accounts for the future. I even called the IRS last night to order tax transcripts even though I know that I won't need it for months and months. I guess I'm excited and anxious! smile.gif

Hey look at that smile.gif We both mailed our forms the same day and got the delivery confirmation the same day. We're Same Day Buddies! wink.gif

Very Cool smile.gif My check was cashed yesterday! Check on yours.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-01 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
I filed last Friday and I was soooo excited!!! Light at the end of the tunnel. Now I'm a bit obsessed, checking my bank account everyday to see if the check has been cashed, looking at forms, setting up savings accounts for the future. I even called the IRS last night to order tax transcripts even though I know that I won't need it for months and months. I guess I'm excited and anxious! smile.gif
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-07-31 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMistake on G325A
I just sent in the I129F a few days ago and while showing it to my family I realized that I made a mistake with the dates on the G325a. I wrote thatI worked for a past employer for about 3.5 years, but I forgot until just now that I quit and then went back 8 months later. So I should have 8 month employment gap in my job history. I really did not remember until today. Is this going to be a big deal and cause a big problem? Should I call the California Service Center to explain? Please, please help!!!
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-07-27 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresa little confused
QUOTE (heavyeyes @ Aug 5 2008, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh and i forgot i had one more question:

What to send to your fiance(e) once the I-129F is approved (Receive NOA2):
2. Send all originals of the documentary proof that you submitted for the I-129F to your fiance(e) for their interview at the embassy.

does question 2. mean i need to send the actual originals of the copies i provided for proof of the ongoing relationship??? i can't send the copies again like i did for the I-129F petition? or does it mean something altogether different?

I take that to me the actual originals and not copies. If you sent copies in your I129f then the embassy already has copies that were forwarded from the service center. They can request to see originals of everything you've submitted (birth cert etc.). I did read somewhere that you don't have to send your passport but I'm not sure if that's true and I don't want to take any chances at the interview stage so I'm going to send my passport to my fiance as well (since I included copies of my passport as evidence).

hope that was helpful.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-06 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresa little confused
QUOTE (gensdad515 @ Aug 5 2008, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (heavyeyes @ Aug 5 2008, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i've been getting my k-1 packet ready and filling out all the necessary forms. i'm confused on a couple of things. anybody have any ideas?

I-129 F Petition
Under Part B. Information about your alien fiance (non American), question 11 asks "Has your fiance ever been in the U.S? Now is that a question for me the u.s. citizen or is it a question for my fiance to answer?? i'm not clear on that one. my fiance has never been in the u.s. on any kind of visa, so do i check NO and forget the rest of the question? or does my fiance answer YES (i mean i live here so the question seems silly to me). and question 12 then confuses me as it asking me if i've arrived at his country??? is any of this making sense because it isn't to me even though i'm writing it!?! helpsmilie.gif

G-325A, Biographic Information
For the section where it asks for a person's mother and father information, i have a question about the country of birth. when my parents were born the name of their country is different than it is now. because the country split up. which country name do i use, 1) what it was at the time of their birth or 2) what the name is today, present time?

I-134 Affadavit of Support
Does this form (original or copy) need to be included in the I-129 Packet? or do we save the original for when we send the packet to our fiance in their country?

hmmmmmmm.....what else??? um i have tons of proof that provides information of an ongoing relationship and how we met in the last two years. is too much information really too much information.....or is it better to keep it simple? just wondering. i dont want that to hurt me in any way.

thanks a bunch!! look forward to the answers! smile.gif

From what I understood of question 11 was if your fiancee had ever been in the US. (you to answer for your fiancee that is outside of the US) She had been on a visitor visa, so that was what I answered. Question 12 is just asking if your fiancee is currently in the US. It then gives you choices of how they got into the US and the date that the entered. Again to be answered by you for your fiancee.

For the G-325 question I would use the name of the country of birth now. Maybe in parenthesis put the former name ?

I understood that the I-134 affidavit of support was to be presented later, not with the original presentation. This would be after the approval, when presenting documentation for the interview.

As far as proof of a continuing relationship I remitted airline tickets that we had seen each other, pictures of us together (5) and about 15 some odd emails of us communicating. With the copy of the passports showing the entrance stamp to each others country I though this would be enough.

I've not heard anything from them till now except for the NOA1 so I hope that everything is OK.

Good Luck!!!! J.

i just turned in my i129f for myself and my fiance and as far as proof of an ongoing relationship and of having met once in the past 2 yrs I included airline receipts, plane ticket stubs, copies of my passport stamps and his passport when he came to see me, pictures of us together. I separated everything by the date of the trip. I put the pictures in plastic sheets (about 2-4 of each trip to see each other) and labelled each sheet with the date and place. I also included one email from each year that we've been together although I think I should have included more. I also included copies of holiday cards: birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas etc., the engagement ring receipt and a speech that my fiance wrote and sent to my friends for my surprise engagement party.

I think that the more legitimate evidence you have the better. From my understanding pictures of you two together are the most important, airline receipts, hotel receipts. I've heard people say that you're supposed to send tons and tons of evidence but I'm not sure about that. If you don't turn in enough evidence then the worst to happen is an RFE which will delay you but I don't think that its the worst thing in the world (being denied a visa is the worst thing to me). I say turn in as much as you think is appropriate and accurately reflects your relationship and how you feel about each other. I'm only at the NOA1 stage so that's all the advice I can offer. I say follow the guide and include what you think is appropriate.

Best of luck and welcome to the club! smile.gif
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-08-05 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I send my passport as the original for supporting documentation?
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Nov 14 2008, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Koakland @ Nov 14 2008, 08:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks to everyone for your advice. I haven't been divorced but "divorce decree" was included in the K1 guide so I thought it could help make things clearer. maybe not tongue.gif I won't give my SO my passport. I didn't want to anyways wink.gif Thanks again!

Not just to nit-pik but clear communication is critical to understanding. You cannot "give" your passport to your fiancee unless you are present in person. If you're there in person, of course, give the passport to your fiancee to show the Consular Officer. What you do not do it mail your passport internationally.

It's not like you can leave it behind. You need it to travel home to begin with and you may need it to travel to the interview city if certain problems come up.

My fiance is coming to the US in a week so I was going to "give" him my passport, in person, then if it was necessary along with a complete copy of the 129F packet I sent to USCIS. Thanks to everyone's advice, I won't be doing that. I understand that clear communication is critical to understanding but this process can be confusing and questions do arise. I am new to this process and sometimes I don't understand everything. I am not new to international travel so I know that I'd need my passport to return to the US if I were going to France to visit him.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-11-14 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I send my passport as the original for supporting documentation?
Thanks to everyone for your advice. I haven't been divorced but "divorce decree" was included in the K1 guide so I thought it could help make things clearer. maybe not tongue.gif I won't give my SO my passport. I didn't want to anyways wink.gif Thanks again!
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-11-14 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I send my passport as the original for supporting documentation?
I also posted in the July 08 filers but decided to post here as well for others who don't look at that thread. Any help is appreciated.

Next Saturday I'm going to see my SO. In the K1 guide its says to send your SO a complete copy of the packet with originals of all supporting documents. So when I see my SO, I plan on giving him the complete copy of our 129F packet. As supporting evidence of our relationship, I included copies of my passport stamps - proof that I'd been to France to see him. Do I really need to give my SO my passport just in case the CO asks for it? Does "originals of supporting evidence" refer to documents that establish identity like a birth certificate or a passport, if used as evidence of US citizenship? Or maybe the original of a divorce decree? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
12 Nov 200
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-11-13 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Visited My K-1 Fiancee in the US! All Went Well!
My fiance just went back to France after visiting me for a week. He didn't have any problems with the customs officer. He said he was here to visit. The customs officer asked him if it was for business. He said no. And then the customs guy stamped his passport. I told him to avoid the word fiance. worked great.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-12-02 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresskeptical friends and family
My family has always been really supportive of my relationship as they have met my fiance and he has come to visit me several times in the US. On the other hand, some of my friends have voiced concerns over my LDR and our decision to go the K1 route. They didn't think that my fiance was trying to scam me but they thought that we were getting married prematurely because we were tired of traveling back and forth. After some explaining I basically left it at, "This is none of your business and the matter is no longer up for discussion." I got tired of my friends asking me "are you sure that you're ready? what if it doesn't work out? you've never lived together before." Really this is your life and your decision to make. You need all the support you can get from friends and family right now. Some of your friends and family may really be concerned about your well-being while others just want to share their opinions on something they know nothing about. That was my experience.

I can be very forward and frank with people especially when I think they are being rude. So this is what I have done:

Close Friends - I love my fiance. He loves me. This is not an easy process. I need your support. I know that you will love my fiance as much as I do. We will have a wonderful marriage. I know that you are concerned about me but your questions are insulting. I have answered your questions. Do not ask me about this again.

Friends & Acquaintances - My fiance and I are getting married because we love each other. You do not know my fiance and your assumptions are insulting and inappropriate. Do not ask me about this again.

Complete Strangers - You do not know me or my fiance. And you are very rude.

That's how I deal with it. blush.gif

Edited by Koakland, 15 December 2008 - 01:47 AM.

KoaklandFemaleFrance2008-12-15 01:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it allowed to apply for different US visas ?
My fiance applied for the diversity lottery in late 2007. We then applied for the k1 in the summer of 2008. We didn't get a green card from the lottery but it hasn't had any effect on the k1 process so far.

Edited by Koakland, 07 January 2009 - 12:06 PM.

KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-01-07 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeath of Fiancee
Please accept my condolences. I am very sorry for your loss.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-02-05 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDidn't return i94w form. Can I apply for K1 visa?
I've seen this discussed before on VJ and I think it's not as easy as just applying for the K1. I think you have to return the 1-94w and prove that you did not overstay in the US. Others should chime in for sure but I think it's a bit more complicated than simplying applying for the K1.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-02-07 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCurrent K1 filers-How soon will you get married / Previous filers-what would you do differently?
We just set a date today! smile.gif 2 weeks after he arrives. We're going to do a civil ceremony and then a dinner or some such party right after. We're thinking we'll do a big-ish wedding in the summer of 2010 so his french friends and family can attend. We're both pretty low-key so I don't think it'll be a huge wedding bridezilla drama. We also want to apply for AOS/AP/EAD as soon as possible. I also didn't want to get married in June. Doesn't sound pretty - silly I know. My sister and I decided that May 29, 09 sounds nice. I know it's silly but smile.gif

Interesting comments on the prenup issue. We briefly discussed it and decided it wasn't necessary. Our assets etc are pretty similar. Plus we're getting married in California which is a community property state and I hear that prenups are routinely thrown out in divorce proceedings in CA.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-02-12 02:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for other visa while K1 in process
As far as I know, it's all about intent in terms of coming to the US on non-K1 or K3 visa and then marrying and adjusting status. It seems like your intent is to come to the US to marry and live with your fiance even if you also have a J1 visa. If you come on a J1, marry your fiance and then adjust, you may have some problems with the appearance of fraud. Not sure though, just my opinion. How long is your J1 valid? Does your J1 have the 2 year residency requirement? If I was in your situation, I'd continue with the K1 so you can adjust status later without any speculation. It could take 6 - 8 months until you get your visa but once you got it, presumably you'd have no problems adjusting status from a K1.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-02-11 12:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMake copies of petition packet??
QUOTE (JoshP @ Feb 13 2009, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a supplementary question this and I am assuming the answer is "no" but.. does this mean that the assembly of the copied i-129f packet has to be identical as well?
i.e: would i have to use the same sort of folder dividers ect.. or will it be adequate to just organize the copied i-129f packet with binder clips and stuff it in a big envelope?

It's up to you but I made exact identical duplicate original copies. Everything was the same: dividers, signatures, folders, flags, post-it notes. Everything was in the same order, paper clipped the same...I made 3 exact original duplicate copies and sent one to USCIS. At the least, I say make copies. To be safe, make original duplicate copies. To be incredibly prepared/safe/CYA - use the same everything. Of course you don't have to do this but this is what I did just to make sure I'd have a back up in case USCIS, NVC, the Embassy, UPS, DHL - anyone lost my package.

Another word of advice, to those starting the K1 phase. Anytime I had a question about something, "do I really need to do this???" I followed the guides exactly. Err on the side of caution. Sure it takes a bit more effort or $$ to do some of these things but if something goes wrong and you have to wait months and months to fix it, you'll be upset with yourself if its something you could have prevented or better prepared for. My 2 cents.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-02-13 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMake copies of petition packet??
QUOTE (BowieChick @ Feb 11 2009, 10:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is what happens when I don't look ahead. Once I read it I just stopped, stupid.
I just realized it says that LATER I have to send him a copy of all of it.

Well, now that I'm on the subject and answered THAT question (though I am still wondering about copying check)...
Do I have to also copy (again) my birth certificate and all the evidence (photos, etc.)?

When I sent in my I129f packet I made 2 exact duplicate copies of the packet. That means 3 separate but identical packets = g325a w/ original signatures, photos, airline tickets, receipts, original letters of intent, everything. All the post-it notes, labels etc. I made exact copies. There is no rule that you have to do this. It's only to protect yourself, just in case something happens to the packet you send in, you won't be scrambling for copies. You'll already have an exact copy of what you sent in. I gave my fiance an exact copy of the packet for his own reference and just in case something happened at the embassy stage. I also sent my fiance originals of all the evidence I sent to USCIS. It took awhile to make 3 exact packets but it's best to prepared with this immigration stuff. I hope that was helpful and not too confusing. Best of Luck!

Edited by Koakland, 12 February 2009 - 01:29 AM.

KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-02-12 01:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresha they found my case
YAY!!! Sara I am so happy for you. Please, please let this be the end of the wait for you!
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-02-12 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
When do you think you or your honey will be in the US? Do you plan on having a traditional wedding, a civil ceremony or both? What's your biggest worry about coming here/your SO coming here?

for me:
-end of April/beg of May tongue.gif (his job wants 3 months notice and my SO will give notice when he has the visa in hand)
-no traditional wedding until 2010, if we do have one. I'm not sure that I want a wedding. Civil ceremony at city hall when he gets here
-my biggest worry is that he'll be bored out of his mind before he gets the EAD and that once he gets the EAD he'll have a hard time finding a job that he likes -- especially with the challenging economy. hopefully it'll be better by the fall.

KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-01-05 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (heatherTR @ Jan 2 2009, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, I'm a lurker, never posting. However, I did want to let everyone know that we finally got approved. We sent the application on July 22 (received July 24) and have an NOA1 of Aug. 7. The only touch we ever got was 12-29 and the message didn't change. I didn't know until my attorney called today that we had been approved. I hope this is helpful for those in July and August who are still waiting.

Also, we were about 86 on Igor's list and our approval was within the VJ timeline estimate.

Congrats HeatherTR smile.gif
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-01-03 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Jan 2 2009, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WOW thanks ladies and gents, there's some really cool pictures there. Who are we missing..... AH Cdneh, Rob and Dawn, Corinthians, Jokalu, c'mon we wanna see ya!!!

Koakland, if you use upload the picture and choose what size you want it IE avatar size,email etc etc, wait for it to finish uploading then cut and paste the BBcode tag line it gives you....... Hope that helps??

Thanks! I'll give it a try next time.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-01-02 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
One more hehehe - Reims, France - i think May 2007

Someone please teach me how to reduce my pics. Like yours, reduced and then larger when you click on them.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-01-02 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
July 08 in Marrakech

KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-01-01 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
QUOTE (Shannon ? Nick @ Jan 1 2009, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Terri and Seb @ Jan 1 2009, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the embassy info. So at the top of the medical checklist, where it says "visa appointment date", what did you put? January 16th? Or did you leave that bit blank and answer January 16th on another form? Just a bit confused smile.gif. Thanks in advance!

sorry, on the medical form leave it blank, then on the checklist form put down the date you have planned to travel/marry.

QUOTE (Koakland @ Jan 1 2009, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi friends - i have some questions about ds-230 and ds-2001.

i posted this question in the foreign embassy forum:
ds-230 - question 10 & 11 - asks for permanent residence in the US and where the green card should be mailed. i'll be moving in april/may. should we put unknown or should we put my current address and update uscis later in both cases?

another question:
on ds 2001- it asks for a case number. i assume that theyre asking for the case number we got from nvc and not the case number from uscis. the nvc case number starts with "prs" and the uscis case number starts with a "wac".

please help. thanks.

I would put ya current address and update it later, leaving it blank may delay things a little?
Yep they want the NVC case number good.gif

awesome thanks for the advice.
KoaklandFemaleFrance2009-01-01 20:06:00