Australia and New Zealandlength of validity for police check australia

had fingerprint and name police check done dated 7 November 2013 when the first package was sent. The fingerprint cost was $120 that including name as well.


as it is now 6 months later, will the nvc require just a name check or will another full one be required? I have had no luck in getting through on the number in the US and thought perhaps someone else would have in the past few months gone through the process.


razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-06 16:54:00
USCIS Service CentersShould we file a class action lawsuit like Kaplan vs. Chertoff?

am really enjoying reading this, glad to see it is being moderated

"you are just one person"........... in my lifetime I have seen just one person do amazing things! One of my favourite terms is in every CAN'T is a CAN, I started saying it about a year ago.  Imagine if all the people on vj told their story of the wait, the hardship, the cost (not just financial but huge affect of family), the PAPERWORK, etc...

seems it doesn't discriminate at all, country of origin you all MUST WAIT.

I think most Americans, be it by birth or naturalization have NO CLUE on this whole process unless they know someone affected. For those that have worked by email phone call etc..good on you for staying on it. I wonder why has DCF closed or stopped in many locations?  What is the overall budget for legal immigration vs defense spending? etc...

For those living in the US now, do any of the major newspapers or tv programs ever do anything? 20/20, fox news, new York times etc...(not saying a preference for any show or paper lol ha ha)

healthy debate without personal attack terrific stuff!

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2013-12-15 17:26:00
USCIS Service CentersInsufferably incompetent

ha learnt FIFO in 10th grade math class dancin5hr.gif

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-01-10 01:27:00
USCIS Service CentersDo all I-130s filed from abroad go to CSC now?

we filed dec Nebraska, mate filed early April Nebraska

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-08 08:24:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

the urban dictionary was mentioned as it was claimed that it was never used to be offensive, only one source of many. It was put on the post as it was indicated that it is not an offensive term, or has not been used to be offensive, that claim is absolutely false. It wasn't mentioned to instruct a Pom, but to show the readers what I had indicated that for some it is offensive, many Americans do not like it seppo or septic.


some are offended to be called wetback others not

some offended to be called redneck others not

some offended to be called seppo/septic others not

so some argue, well it doesn't bother me, why does it bother you? Geez why don't we use the n word? By that logic, if it doesn't offend me I should be able to use it right?



 I am Australian and we don't use much Pom slang to offend others, especially from penal colony days of hundreds of years ago,  oh and the move to become a republic continues :)  As history has shown, Britain is not the power it used to be so those that use terms outdated and offensive words go for it, every success wished in going into a restaurant in the USA and asking what is your best septic grub? Maybe that cook or waitress will know what many of us do, and the food served will not be fish and chips with vinegar but some other special sauce. Even better if order is done on the 4th of July LOL



For those out there that are moving to the USA on visa journey, every success and happiness! 











razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-04-18 01:46:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

Wrongheaded? I have lived out of the usa for too long perhaps, pig headed, two headed, wrong headed???? thanks for the laugh LOL


in all seriousness, I am glad you have not had the term used at you in a racially negative way. that has not been my experience with my African American mate, she was called a seppo ***. That is completely unacceptable and she was most offended.


I didn't create the urban dictionary, it was put on so readers that want to look can see that YES it has been used to be racially negative towards Americans.

I have been overseas for many years and attended functions with Australians and americans and if you were to use that term at the function the room would go silent. In fact, one person was in a pub fight because he was called a septic by Britian.


To see you post being called a septic tank in a "loving way", perhaps one could explain that, being that it must be a term that is ALWAYS used with fuzzy hearts and cuddles of love LOL, Imagine the queen mother herself visiting pres Obama and calling him a seppo/septic, or go to the emergency room and say nurse, hey nurse, yes you septic....and she has been to Australia and Britain and heard that insult before, you may end up in the hospital with a SEPTIC condition LOL


As this is a site for those moving to the usa, in my view it is important to share experiences both good and bad.

Septic/Seppo/Septic tank can be viewed by many as hugely offensive. www.urbandictionary is just one site that is of that view, others are not. Perhaps when in doubt keep mouth shut? open mouth insert foot kind of thing? LOL

My Mexican mate is the one that said seppo and wetback are one in the same. Racial slurs, or ignorance of words, whatever you want to call it, the effect can often be to insult, cause anger, incite hatred, etc...

history is full of those stories.....

moving on to mince pies, pints, and crickets

oh no my other half just said they will tell the usa immigration officer hello seppo, oh well so much for being admitted, green card DENIED LOL!!

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-04-05 04:44:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

I am stating what it means

see also search word seppo


I don't make personal attacks to other member for their opinions and comments, and do not appreciate being called an imbecile, again disappointing that people can't make a point without making irrational emotional attacks


the point is just as many Americans see it, septic tank, full of shi***, it isn't wooden plank or something else, no point in deflecting

and I can comment that it is a slur as I am an American  :joy: born in the USA



Edited by razspaz13, 05 April 2014 - 02:21 AM.

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-04-05 02:15:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

not with those that I know, but maybe it goes to education,  background, attitude, etc....

had a bbq a few years ago with a mix of all races and backgrounds about 40 or so

100% said it was offensive, all the Aussies were ashamed of it


 mate once said yeah it's like saying you are full of shi****, you come from shi****


it's interesting what words and terms are considered acceptable or not, maybe it's in the truth of the origin, how it's said, why it's said, etc....

have family and mates in England one married to a yank and they too say the term seppo and septic tank are used to be offensive, hence not used by them

do people say slimey limey? setback wetback? raw squaw? ####### mick? two head inbred?

 find that so many of us have no idea if something is offensive, I educated someone once that there are differences in the deaf community and the hearing with words and hand gestures, but by no means ever intentionally use language or terms that are used to demean a group of people

crossing your leg has a meaning in one culture, flipping your middle finger upright another, shaking hands with the right hand, it goes on and on.......


maybe it is like using words/stories in a pub versus the same in a church or a primary school?

Last year I witnessed police escort a man from a sporting event in Australia when the man yelled out "bunch of two-head inbreds", now was that comment used in WA or TAS, and why would it be more significant in one place vs other?


























razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-04-04 18:16:00
United KingdomWhat Septic Grub Have You Found That You Really Like?

for those that may not be aware, septic, septic tank, and seppo are used to be offensive towards americans

as you smell like a septic tank, your food is foul like a septic tank

it's the same as calling an  aboriginal an "abbo", or using the "N' word, wetback for a Mexican, and sadly the list goes on

offensive racial slur, there is a company I am aware of in Australia that is being sued for using the term in print

disappointing to see it being used in 2014





razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-04-04 17:05:00
United KingdomAnyone flown via Boston before?



yes you will have to re-check your baggage.........


I teach travel workshops....... I would not leave only 1 hr and 20 minutes, you'd be better with 2 hrs....


you will have to clear customs, immigration, etc...

what airline are you thinking of connecting with? are you prepared if there is a delay or issue to be stuck in Boston? what day of the week are you looking at flying into Boston?


I have flown into Pittsburgh hundreds of times, message me if I can give you more detailed info on the airport there car rental bag pick up etc...

cheers mate

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-06-13 04:03:00
United KingdomWhat parts of English culture will you/do you miss?

loving reading this

have Irish, Aussie, and USA citizenship


ahh, the boxing day holiday, the sales, the heat (if down under), the mince pies marked down LOL

I think the cool thing about moving to USA, is that there are heaps of ex pats, and heaps of web sites that do speciality foods and such


we love having a go with my family in usa that one in particular thinks an aussie accent sounds like a pom

I can laugh as originally I could not hear the difference between kiwi and aussie accent LOL

Canada does Boxing day so thinking maybe you could spend a Christmas there and be in pure joy with Boxing day

I think the things you will miss only endear that place to your heart all the more

great reading on a Christmas eve, I hope to get some decent Christmas crackers with the BOXING day sale!!, I heard of someone stateside that made them with old toilet paper rolls and they came out really nice, what a ripper of an idea LOL




razspaz13FemaleAustralia2013-12-24 01:47:00
ChinaAs a courtesy, then I'm done

LOL, big oops on hitting the quote thing for all of what was written


as the person has indicated they will not checking for responses, I will respond on something I take very seriously and find it offensive that my relationship would be have less value than any other.


the state dept may not believe I found my "soulmate" online, so what? I DID and I am married 14 years to that soulmate. Sounds pretty fair dinkum and legit, it is. Relationships happen online often.


As far as folks like you making the process so difficult for those of us who are in real relationships......... perhaps you should not judge the entire world based on opinion

my marriage came after many many many months of online messages, phone calls, etc that does not mean it has less value than someone that meets someone at a bar, at church, though a friend, blind date, in the supermarket etc....

for some online is a real relationship, welcome to the 21st century when there are THOUSANDS of success stories from people finding each other ONLINE. My online beginnings gave me a solid foundation of friendship, and my marriage has survived longer than those that have met in other ways.


so whilst preaching to the audience on here perhaps consider how you have judged.

in a democratic world people can offer advise, sound or not LOL, and most of us have an opinion right wrong other etc....


congrats on your journey ending and best of luck



razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-03-20 21:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Emailing NVC

don't you love the recording

we will be with you momentarily...


please stay on the line.......

rang twice from overseas had 55 minutes hold  each call


your call is important to us         :rofl:

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-29 04:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)funny for the NVC lovers....ha ha

received in post a few days ago mail from nvc


date of letter 23 may

on outside of the envelope a stamp






oh.... if  that is not funny, would have been better to stamp it "flown by pigeon"!!


I want to frame it :rofl:     :rofl:

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-07-21 09:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionupdate info for medical dr no longer doing exams

thanks heaps for that link!...., there is also a place on here where it lists the dr that I have noted, I believe the info update was from 2012 and a captain ewok if that makes sense?


razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-03-23 00:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionupdate info for medical dr no longer doing exams

I have put this post up but was not sure to put it under regional or here so hope it is in the right place. I was looking at information for medical doctors in Australia and can confirm that one of the doctors no longer does exams. I have the written reply to that effect. His name is Dr John Banks, based in Tasmania. I saw his name was listed on vj and contacted him via snail mail recently.

Just thought I would share this and if you need a copy of the letter please let me know and maybe his name can be deleted from the vj info.



razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-03-22 23:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhelp please! US embassy/consulate has accepted case for expedite

no one has any experience with this?

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-24 04:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionhelp please! US embassy/consulate has accepted case for expedite

received email from nvc that the us embassy/consulate has accepted our case for expedite, we went from nvc saying we had to wait 6 weeks for case number to getting this email


have no idea what to do now, it has been sent to Sydney

do we get a letter in the mail or do we try and email someone?

I have no idea if we should look at trying to book in a medical as we live in another state and will have to pay for airfares and medical and accommodation as we think it best to have medical and interview not on same day in case of any issues.........


we are thinking it might be a good idea to put our  house on the market in one month now as once approved we only have six months to get stateside......



any help is greaty appreciated, thank you so much!!

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-23 16:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCEAC website says update?

we could come up with some better abbreviations for ceac............ hehehhehehehehe :devil:




razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-06-03 06:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCEAC website says update?

Lizzie thanks for the link......... ah more possibilities LOL :rofl:


I suppose with all the things we have to do, file, fill out, police checks, ring, don't ring, email, don't email, pay, don't pay yet, tier one, tier two, tier 89, get ready but don't be ready, oh my........ :devil: .

can't say have any obsession over any of it other than... it would be nice to have a "consistent general idea" of how it will play out ha LOL, I suppose to if we miss a detail it can mean more delay etc...


5 months, 3 months, 18 months uscis

1 week, 3 weeks, 7 weeks nvc           etc.......

it's like going to the airport and going through security, pat down, no pat down, shoes off, shoes on, coat on, not coat allowed, every airport different, every security check different


to think my grandmother just got on a boat and sailed off for America, would sure like to chat with her about this if she were still with us (F)







razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-06-01 09:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCEAC website says update?

LOL Jamie I remember the flying back and forth, it is expensive

then when you are together you will say wow we have all this money LOL :joy:

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-06-01 01:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCEAC website says update?

LOL g'day Jamie

I mean to buy tickets to get to the interview as we live in another state and will have to fly from our place to their place


wish I could say it was something exciting like buy tickets for a great concert, or beer and wine and cheese festival LOL

ok, maybe it will be exciting, but the waiting is not.............. LOL  :rofl:


esp...... don't think there is any way faster, oh wait you could get it faster if you were engaged, that is 3 months LOL, once you get married you go in the much longer process which makes so little sense, hmmmm....I wonder if the bridal places have some kind of deal with uncle sam? LOL :devil:

we went into thinking it will be 12 months from start to finish, that way if it happened faster we would be surprised, and if longer.......... well those that have that wait could probably answer you better

good luck mate

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-31 20:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCEAC website says update?

karam I think we are in same boat

first it said in transit, now it says ready yet consulate has not sent any interview date


doesn't ready mean ahhhhhhhhhhhh READY!!! lol :rofl:  would be good to have some time to buy tickets for interview LOL

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-31 05:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy interview experience at the Philadelphia field office (February 2014)

well done shub thanks for sharing

some tough questions many in the US couldn't answer LOL



razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-02-08 17:10:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHelp! Please

you can have a passport in two different names I do and it is legal and travel with both (along with valid reason for name change)


it is not legal if you are trying to commit fraud, identity theft etc....


if you have lived your entire life in Mexico, I would guess you would need to establish some sort of domicile in the USA, work, job, family etc...


am not following how you have new name, he would be your step dad, I think in some instances a step parent may adopt and then name change?

sorry not up on how it is done in Mexico, but I would contact your consulate and probably to make it easier decide one name to go with unless you are happy to be questioned all the time crossing the border, just a thought and if you want dual citizenship keep it

social security number is not meant to be used for proof of identity, or so "they" say, having the birth certificate should be all you need






razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-07-21 10:15:00
CanadaNow the real work begins... moving!

moving........ makes me think yes I like the idea of inflatable furniture LOL :rofl:

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-12 01:36:00
CanadaNow the real work begins... moving!

lights......... love your post

yes stress stress stress........... dealing with immigration, selling stuff, selling house, selling cars, real estate agents, stress.....

did this all years ago when I moved overseas, now have to do it all over again and had ALOT less stuff then as I was s I n g l e ........ LOL   :rofl:


selling a house ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ahhhhhh   even less certain than uscis maybe? LOL

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-11 05:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhere Can I get Free Living will and Health power of atty?

not sure if you are looking for the service in the Philippines or usa?

many countries have free legal services, there are books you can often loan from the library, and some law schools will offer free legal advice with newly graduated students

good luck


razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-03-20 21:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat Is considered a normal processing time for a I 130

well done on keeping it all going whilst being apart. it is interesting to see the different processes each country has for immigration.


we know we are on very limited time with mom, it would be worth my checking to see if we can have anything done after already sending it off. my poor dad is doing such a great job as a caretaker and always asks "how long do you think you'll have to wait"? we just had to put our dog of 13 yrs down last week and I think that is why I am not thinking too clearly on the whole immigration processing!! I even forgot to make copies of our application and hope that doesn't come back to bite us in the bum!


really feel for all that are apart, must be a better way!!


when you say stuck in AP, what is that? still learning all the terms LOL

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2013-12-12 21:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat Is considered a normal processing time for a I 130

question...where do people get their info from? one day I read that something takes 7.4 months, then the next 1 year, or 14 months, etc..



I really really feel for those that are apart from their spouses, I hope it makes your relationship stronger. I told my parents (married 56 yrs) what some people have to do to come into the country legally and they get really irate, with my dad pointing out the 9 million illegals plus. I have told them that we will have to wait our turn too, maybe even longer as we are already married. My mom overseas has terminal cancer and I wonder now if I should have tried dcf. I hope that we don't have longer than 7-9 months.


 I think I will lobby harder on immigration when I am actually back in the USA.

My coming to Australia was much much easier than my husband going to the USA. Ah the good old days LOL dancin5hr.gif

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2013-12-12 03:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsdoes length of marriage........

make any difference in processing?


am just wondering if those that are married 3 months have a shorter or faster processing than those married 5,10, yrs plus??


I supposed if a minimum, it would at least show that 5, 10 yrs plus have a "proof of time together" LOL

not jail time, just married time ha ha


have a fantastic Christmas everyone and hope that all have a great speedy outcome to the big wait in 2014!!!!!!  dancin5hr.gif

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2013-12-24 01:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune filer approved!!!!!!!!

fantastic news congrats

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2013-12-23 16:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNebraska Service Center

have done a search and could not find, often there is a 1 800 number given which does not work for many countries overseas, is there a toll number for neb serv center?


Edited by razspaz13, 21 March 2014 - 10:43 PM.

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-03-21 22:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshelp, non toll free number for nebraska service center

have only been able to find a number for the directors office


it's nearly 5 am here and I am hoping someone can post a number that is toll as I don't live stateside


thank you so much!!!

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-04-02 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI think post decision activity means it's approved!! teacup rocks

I had no idea that if you live OUTSIDE of the USA, you can still call the toll free number, you just have to pay, THANK YOU TO TeaCup for letting me know this!


the day after I called, I got a notice that I had changed my address (which I had NOT done)

and then a second notice of approval and a notice has been mailed out!!

will update my timeline was 5 months exactly this week


hope the other filers at Nebraska can be a bit more hopeful now, I never expected anything before 6 months.


razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-04-30 04:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshardcopy NOA2 it's so pretty

wow, had no idea the noa2 would be so pretty LOL, the email was nice but the hard copy makes it seem fair dinkum!!

yeah very happy with it! a pretty piece of paper for part of the $420 LOL


razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-08 05:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLets give our self a break!!!!!!

he he spell check, not sherrif, it's sheriff LOL from the spelling police... not all that are on here have English as their first language

cheers happy momma, mumsy, mom, mothers, etcc day LOL :rofl:


razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-11 05:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa at hand after 2yrs and 4 weeks

ADM huge congrats and hope you enjoy your life in America, patience may be a virtue but this process sorta tests that cliché!!

good luck!!

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-31 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

so happy went from total dejection in believing that stage iv cancer was not valid enough for expedite and run around at nvc to getting notification expedite approved and no waiting six weeks for case number, whomever out there that is doing the good vibes and realising we all only have limited time on this planet, thank you for paying it forward and the warm wishes, am absolutely in tears and today is my birthday :joy:

thank you to all on vj with help and advice so far and hang in there all my December filers!!! and to new mates that I have made on here

we will have a beer or cuppa in usa this year!!!

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-23 16:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

thanks mobar am aware of someone that had case shipped same day as me to nvc as has case number so in some instances they must be past april

razspaz13FemaleAustralia2014-05-17 00:28:00