United KingdomGot IT!!!
Great news Hindocha, congratulations!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-22 14:10:00
United KingdomBrother comes to visit on Friday!
Well... Brother came and went. And he had an excellent time. Was really nice to see given how little he actually wanted to visit the USA before I got married. He liked (most of) the food, bitched that it was a bit cold (he must have brough it, it hit 80 2 days after he left!), loved Busch Gardens, Burlington coat factory etc etc...

Now, interestingly, I surprised him by setting up a trip to the local high school. He is a modern languages teacher just outside Manchester, and does some other admin tasks too like head of year or something, I can't remember what. But the school here rolled out the red carpet for him, he got to meet the principal, staff and quite a lot of the kids too. They even asked him if he would be interested in taking a job for a year to backfill a retiring teacher on the IB program since he can cover Spanish and French. What a proposition! He said he would certainly consider so long as they helped him with the visa part, and that it would be only for a year (he plans to move to migrate to Spain to teach English eventually). So, they will be in touch with each other as the year goes on to see what they can work out. This is great! The school is literally 2 mins walk from my house so he can live with me and the wife, who is fine that that! There is always a strong possibility that there won't be a visa available, or that it would be too much effort and cost to go through with it, but I guess you never know...

Edited by NotworkSte, 24 February 2010 - 12:36 PM.

NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-24 12:34:00
United KingdomBrother comes to visit on Friday!

My husband still hasn't forgiven me, because his first year living in the states and the toon dropped down. He says it's my fault they got religated. Only good part was the tickets were relatively cheap when we went back in Dec and seen Cov vs Toon.

The bloke I shared a house with in Scotland is a big toon fan, so I know all about that pain. Playing well this season though, going up.
Hmm now I am in the mood for a Gregs macaroni cheese pie. MMM PIE!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-11 11:32:00
United KingdomBrother comes to visit on Friday!

new liverpool football shirt :P

oh no! NOT allowed on my thread :P
I support United, used to be a season ticket holder.

Quite a lot of English games shown over here, which is nice.

Edited by NotworkSte, 11 February 2010 - 08:34 AM.

NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-11 08:34:00
United KingdomBrother comes to visit on Friday!
Wow time passes fast!
When we were over in Northern Ireland for Christmas he talked about booking a flight a few weeks after I got here. Give me a little time to settle in and then come over to see my new life. He's never been to the US before so this will be an experience. Really looking forward to him getting here :-)

He has a shopping list already composing of soda bread (for me), Strawberry Ribena (which C loves to mix with soda water) and Kinder eggs for Josie, which are an absolute ripoff over here. Yum!

Going to take him shopping, some theme parks, the usual. Maybe even a beach if it warms up a it.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-10 08:40:00
United KingdomUK Wiki

watching football/rugby/cricket in the US

This suggestion. It's easy to miss the smaller stuff in amongst the whole getting a visa and moving. But I can tell you once here, it was so frustrating having to try to work out from scratch who shows what. I am a bit of a sports nut, and Cindy hates sport so she knew nothing about sports coverage. I love Football (ahem, the foot kind), F1, Cricket and the rest. Getting a lot better at finding who shows what but it was a painful process and a lot of missed matches.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-13 08:10:00
United KingdomUK Wiki
elmcitymaven - since I went through the CR-1 process, happy to help out on that.

May be relevant, may be not, although I went CR-1, we got married over in the UK. Rather than direct people to UK Yankee (which is a great site) might be useful to have information here on the marriage visitor visa for getting married on the UK.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-12 13:04:00
United KingdomFlight cancellations and mispronunciation
I can forgive a lot of pronunciation over here, since I grew up in Ballymena and lived in Dundee for a while. Two of the worst accents, anywhere in the world - Glaswegian is excepted due to Billy Connolly making me laugh.

The letter T, I grew up not saying it! :lol: Jetty becomes Je'ey, Butter, Bu'er with what approximates a guteral stop in there.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-20 10:54:00
United KingdomUpcoming PM elections...
Long post ahead...

I'm not so sure the Lib Dem voters will be too disheartened, especially when they see they can have a real influence in politics. Although I am a Tory, I've always thought the LD had some policies worth serious consideration, and if you look at it in terms of the % that voted for them, they were almost 25%, they deserve a say at this time.

My friend Stephen (who did not get in, for some reason Scotland seems to stick with Labour come hell or high water) wrote a good blog yesterday on Conservative and Lib Dem alignment:

One point I noticed. From Camerons first speech, he was very complimentaty of Brown. Of course, it's only words and not necesarily his true feelings
"Before I talk about that new government, let me say something about the one that has just passed. Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad, and that is something we should all be grateful for.
On behalf of the whole country I'd like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister, for his long record of dedicated public service."

Compare to Brown when he stepped into Blairs shoes:
"I have heard the need for change: change in our NHS; change in our schools; change with affordable housing; change to build trust in government; change to protect and extend the British way of life."
"And this need for change cannot be met by the old politics....And this need for change cannot be met by the old politics"

Brown speech almost sounds like he was leading a new party into office, you'd never guess he was probably the biggest shaper of policies under Blair and kept the rest of the cabinet in line with an iron fist by controlling their funding.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 09:03:00
United KingdomUpcoming PM elections...
Wasn't expecting that today!
I reckon he's been told to go, very firmly, either by the NEC or senior party members, as a way of trying to push through a pact with the Lib Dems. Whatever the reason, good riddance.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-10 12:01:00
United KingdomUpcoming PM elections...
ooo for a lovely cup of Horlicks.
Well I was wrong, it was hung. Brown will probably hang on for as long as possible, I think he's entitled to until a vote of no confidence. Labour could move swiftly here, sack Brown, go a deal with the LD - no overall majority still, but you never know. The LD seems to be cozying up to Cameron though. Interesting times.

I showed C a list of all the parties fielding candidates and she was rather impressed. Of course the majority vote for C/L/LD, but certainly makes for a more interesting and colourful election than Republican v Democrat.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-07 09:00:00
United KingdomUpcoming PM elections...

I certainly don't think the Tories are hot sh!t but it may be time to just try something not Labour. The Lib Dems would be an interesting choice to lead the country but frankly Britain isn't ready for it.

It some serious truth speaking I agree with. I'm a Tory, but, this election is like this years premier league, a poor group of players all round. I reckon LD will make serious gains (and I have a friend standing in Linlithgow for them, go Stephen!). Ultimately I reckon the Tories will win, slightly more than a small majority.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-06 08:48:00
United KingdomUpcoming PM elections...

I would also add that, whatever british persons tell you in retrospect, the country did lose its collective mind when diana died

Oh absolutely. Weird thing is, I can still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard, even though I never really cared too much about it!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-13 08:21:00
United KingdomUpcoming PM elections...
I think the Lib Dems will do well this time around, and although will not take number 2 place, by weight will end up being more of an influence. Not a LD supporter at all (though got a friend who has stood, and is standing as a candidate).
As a member of the Conservatives, I have to say, the Blair government was a breath of fresh air, but the handover to Brown and his subsequent handling (as well as some serious issues i have about the man himself) means I reckon the Tories will get in. The polls are suggesting it will be close, but I think Labour is going to get a pasting.

As mentioned above, and I think this would be the case if Labour get back in, Brown may not last too long, he's a disaster zone hated by a large part of his own party.

Might I just add as well, as good as Blair was, I loved the PMQ battles between him and William Hague where Hague used to sock it to him every time. Hague, misunderstood political genius ;)
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-08 10:43:00
United KingdomDoes your S.O. go on VJ?
C doesn't use this forum at all, though sometimes when we hit problems she asked about other peoples experiences. She is not into the whole forum thing at all, or the Internet really (odd considering she works in IT!). When we started on our journey, I did a lot of research here, and she did a lot of the formal stuff with NVC, USCIS, so we sort of split the load that way.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 08:45:00
United KingdomBeat England

Outside of set piece, DB is absolute #######. Even when he played for united he wasn't even the best midfielder. UK would have been better off trying to lure Giggs into taking English citizenship, at least then you'd have had a quality player.

Disagree completely :)
It would have been hard to be a better midfielder than Paul Scholes so I take that point. But one of Uniteds problems when Beckham left was they never replaced him and took a while to wait for Ronaldo to finally click. Even when United played badly, Beckham had the ability to turn a game with one pass. Scored a lot of important and good goals too. RVN's stunning season a few years back, was in many respects related to Beckham giving him the ball in a position he couldn't miss.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 09:18:00
United KingdomN. Ireland Members
ha ok, small world :)
It is indeed Galgorm castle, we got our wedding pics taken there after getting married. They still bring a tear to my eye, she looked so beautiful, but I digress....

I used to live in Galgorm through my teenage years, after a few years in the infamous DR estate, that was some change.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-24 09:31:00
United KingdomN. Ireland Members
From Ballymena. :) Well, someone has to be!
I did my visa processing via London though because I was living in Scotland. I put London on the list, I probably could have gotten away with doing it at Belfast, I know some people that have gone there. The wait time was a little less, but to be honest, the times fell perfectly for me anyway.

Will it be Orlando you live in when you move?
If you are a Wilson, then we have the same name...

Edited by NotworkSte, 23 June 2010 - 03:41 PM.

NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 15:39:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
8 goals from start to finish to win the competition. Is this the state of modern football? Is this the lowest number of goals ever scored to win the competition? I think so.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-11 18:46:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
For the final

Spain 1 - 2 Netherlands in 90 mins
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-08 11:24:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
What a goal by GvB yesterday. Loved him as a player from his Rangers days, back then could tell he was something special. Has he achieved his potential? I guess so, but back then he was easily the best player in the team at times with a thunderbolt strike.

I got 7 points last round, how did that happen?!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-07 09:12:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo

Germany 3 -0 Spain
Uruguay 0 - 1 Netherlands

Neither will go to ET.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-05 22:17:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
Brazil 3 Holland 1
Uruguay 2 Ghana 2
Argentina 1 Germany 2
Spain 2 Paraguay 1
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-29 16:14:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
I can't even console myself by knowing I am bottom of our league table ;)
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 09:32:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
Pathetic. Utterly pathetic.
Obviously missed Rio AND Beckham, even still. Definitely dispelled the John Terry self styled greatest defender and leader myth too :whistle:

Argentina Germany should be excellent!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-27 15:51:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
Uruguay 1-2 Korea Republic
USA 2-1 Ghana
Germany 0-2 England
Argentina 2-1 Mexico
Netherlands 1-0 Slovakia
Brazil 2-0 Chile
Paraguay 1-1 Japan - Japan after penalties
Spain 2-0 Portugal
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-25 23:22:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
Can't beat lovely cup of tea with the football.
Although, once I made a brew, and I took it through to the livingroom. It was a Champions league night and United were going to go on and hammer Roma, and it was just after goal number 2, by maybe Giggs. Anyway, so I had my tea in one hand, my mum on the phone on the other (we called each other during games, she is a big fan too) and when the goal went in I jump in the air, did some kind of crazy Bruce Lee Kung Fu style flying leap onto the sofa. Landed on my back, neck hit the arm, very hurtey! The sofa collapsed in the middle, totally broke, and yet.. I never spilled a drop of tea! Weird. Priorities I guess ;) Neck was sore for weeks after.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-24 09:39:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo

WHOO GO USA!!!!!!! suck it England! ...yes, I got married yesterday. Yes, David is considering an annulment :lol:

As I am too lazy to check (more interested in uploading pictures of my latest cup of tea to my "nice cup of tea" picture folder if facebook (seriously) ), is it the case since they came from the same group, England and the USA would not meet again to the final, assuming both made it that far?
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 15:45:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
France :o Anyone watching? Are they really bad?!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-22 09:41:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
I'm not last :crying: I tried so hard too.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-21 15:56:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo

I am conscious I have a deadline of today for these -- I'll have them in shortly. As long as I'm still above Rob and Steve at the end of this round, I'll consider my work to be satisfactory. :D

It's my job to make you all look good, and I'm performing admirably!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-21 12:40:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo
I don't think that game will be shown in North Korea any time soon. What a thrashing.
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-21 10:09:00
United KingdomWorld Cup 2010 Footie Prediction Compo

LOL @ France :lol:

I will, and Germany, as soon as England win :)
Able to stream matches from work, they don't care, will be watching today, either that I can slip off to the Irish bar downtown Orlando. Actually, I know which sounds better!
NotworkSteMaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 08:45:00
USCIS Service CentersAddress change AR11

For the question: "I am in the United States As ____________"

I currently have a pending 485. My original status was F-1.
So, Do I select "Other" or do I select "student", because that was my original status.

soniew910Male02009-05-27 02:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Please help!!!Denied I130 sent back to the USCIS
normally you would receive a NOID (notice of intent to deny) letter before they issue an official denial. You will have 30 days to respond with rebuttal.
soniew910Male02009-03-30 16:28:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia service center
Seems like they are counting 5 months from the 129f not the 130.

Edited by MrandMrsE, 10 September 2010 - 07:25 AM.

MrandMrsEMaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-10 07:24:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia service center
Just spoke to uscis. They said California svc center is only just now working on mar 16th applications for k3 spouses. ??? If this is accurate then how come some applications with dates later than mar 16 have approvals??
MrandMrsEMaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-08 10:48:00