Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat to do

I disagree with providing details. The rule with USCIS is always to provide ONLY what they ask for, and nothing more. In this case USCIS isn't even asking for a letter, so if you really do feel the need to send one, be short and concise. Don't say that she hid things, don't indicate why the relationship fell apart. Just say that the relationship has ended and you will not be marrying her. If they want details, let them ask. (but they won't)

I agree I will just provide the statement that the relationship ended and we will not marry. I wont worry about anything else, I will not file another fiancee visa, I figure a lesson learned. If it is pssible I would like this topic closed, thank you all.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2010-03-18 17:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat to do
The relationship is over with and yes I had talked to them about the issue, and his mother comes up with the excuses that he is so busy he has no time to clean. I just really was checking into if I had to notify anyone and I have found out on here.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2010-03-17 12:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat to do

You might want to write a letter to USCIS, but it's not required. If you do write a letter, all you really need to do is reference the case number, and say that due to changes in your relationship you no longer intend to marry this woman. It's not strictly necessary, but may come in handy if you ever intend to file in the future. There's no need to go into any kind of detail though, just keep it short and sweet.

But as far as the visa is concerned, she's been issued a K1 visa, and is legal to enter the country with the intent to marry you within 90 days or leave. This is her decision, but if she decides to come over for an 89 day vacation, you're obviously not obligated to buy her a plane ticket, pick her up at the airport, or house her. Chances are she's just going to let the visa expire without traveling.

Sorry it didn't work out for you. If it's any consolation, at least you found out now rather than after she got here.

Thats the way I feel. I was really upset ans surprised about the circumstances
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2010-03-16 19:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat to do

All the issues aside - does she still intend to travel to the US? (I'm assuming she is still there.)

She has not said if she will do that, but I dont believe she will her son will be in school till the end of June.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2010-03-16 19:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhat to do
First I want to say thank you for the help everyone gave me on questios for the K-1 Visa. I have one more question.
We had just got approved at the Kiev Embassy last month well after the Visa was approved my fiancee ended up telling me that she was going to take contol of the money because I was not sure if I would be able to fly back to get them and bring them back, I was not happy about this comment. Then there is a issue about her son I had told her that he neede to have some responsibilty in the house likie cleaning his room, while I was ther for 87 days I was the one cleaning house taking out trash. I ended up having issues of losing the trust in my fiancee after finding out she lied about a few things. Well I told her that I could not deal with a person I cannot trust. So what I need to do is find out if I need to notify anyone and what I need to tell them.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2010-03-16 16:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKiev questions

Um....if I wasn't clear: I submitted an inquiry through the website and got a response (1 day turnaround) TODAY which said: we are ready to schedule an interview, phone a call-center.

So I did. But they said they don't have the information yet and probably won't have it until Tuesday (holiday Monday), since they are going to get updates Friday night.

So that's that.

Glad to hear you got a response already from the email good luck
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2010-04-02 07:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKiev questions
If you got in contact with NVC and have the KEV number they assigned then you can go to the embassy website and check on status (then they email you back) that was the way I found out that they had the packet from NVC.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2010-03-27 11:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 Affadavit of Support Question
[quote name='maggieb' timestamp='1297275984' post='4465471']
I have been following this topic, as I have the same question. My fiance is on full navy pension, and he received a notice of adjustment for his benefits starting March 2011, there gonna take out some more taxes. It's from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, US Military Retirement Pay. We're also going to include approx 6 months worth of bank statements to back this up, will this be enough or does he need to contact Pension Dept. to get a letter. Please let me know, thanks. Maggi

Is he retired from navy and gets retirement pay then he would also be filing tax papers, so as a added benefit to the tax forms sending a copy of the adjustment and 6 months worth of bank statements is good.
Now for me let me explain more I was discharged from the Army and receive 80% disability which is not taxable, so I had a letter from the Veterans Administration saying what I receive monthly, then bank statements since I have direct deposit. Just yesterday I received a letter stating I would receive more because of adding my wife to my papars so I will take a copy of that to the interview tomorrow to show the added amount.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2011-02-09 14:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-134 Affadavit of Support Question
I also collect VA Disability. I submitted mt letter showing disability benefits and amount I received each month also included bank statements showing this was the correct amount. I have done it this way for both the K-1 Visa and now using it for AOS (conditional) which she has interview tomorrow. Should you have time you may also do what I did and call the VA Call Center and ask if they could send you a letter with recent date showing your benefit amount (I had a letter that was 3 years old and it worked but just wanted the up to date proof which is always GOOD.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2011-02-09 11:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny Ideas
Well assuming the responses I have been given there is only one way to do this is to allow them to always speak russian and have their privacy 24-7, because it seems by some of the responses that it is the same with every one that 24-7 is okay in every home, guess it is time for me to change. Thanks everyone.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2011-04-09 11:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny Ideas
Thanks for the response I will just let them speak russian. I am also tired of being told I start scandel, so better to keep my mouth shut. They are also in the US and there is no requirement for them to speak english my mistake.

Sorry to bother any of you.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2011-04-09 10:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny Ideas
For the ones that have meantioned about learning russian I have tried to learn from them but cannot even pronounce one word, sorry but I have problems speaking some english words, I have had that problem since grade school and even had to take special classes for it, and to this day I have to be corrected on prenuciation. I have also asked them to translate after they talk for 15 to 20 minutes and in translation takes about 4 minutes. She also calls to her sister and one of her friends at least 2 times a month, and emails regulary and my stepson talks on skycap and yahoo everyday which was exactly what he did at home and both times I was ther it was for at least 85 days and was the same routine for him each and everyday as he does here. I also do not tell them everyday not to speak russian, but from the time they wake up till they go to bed it is russian I also agree that they need to talk russian to keep their language fluent, but my mother was German and lived in the US for 45 years and was still very fluent in german and I dont believe after 49 years my wife would forget russian and for my stepson he is 18 he has a option of also going to a International Group were there are russian speaking students, but he is not interested in making friend but wants to learn another language. I do not try to change them they try to change me and I have adjusted a lot and she has told me that she will not change and I have told her not too, but also in marriage both have to adjust not one and I am sure many of you have been in the same situation (having to adjust for each other not one sided.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2011-04-09 10:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny Ideas

I agree that 99.5% are very friendly and helpful, and like I said I am not trying to offend anyone but from some previous post I had some of those people respond, I am asking for responses that can help from friendly and helpful people, and your right I should have not started that way. I apologize.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2011-04-09 10:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny Ideas
Well first off I am not trying to offend anyone, but if all you can do is give rude comments and to put me down in anyway don't respond. I had this problem before in this forum. To start with a year ago I had posted a problem about catching my fiancee in a lie, which really wasn't her fault it was mine, by looking into her personal papers which I had no right so I am guilty. Well everything was worked out about that and we finally got married after she arrived her with her son. In the beginning there was some problems that they felt they had to speak russian all the time. I finally made a comment that it was not right to speak russian all the time since I do not understand it. Well they continued for awhile. It finally came to the point that I was angry enough that I told them that I had enough and I wanted it stopped all together, they did stop. Finally they did, but here were the result of this stopping though both would speak english to me but her son started yelling at her and told her that he never loved her and that she ruined his life. Well of course after they started speaking russian to each other again it was like nothing ever happened about his comment to her.
Now it is back to the russian speaking and hardly any english at all, after trying to get them to start speaking more english again it is like it goes in one ear and goes right back out the other when I talk to them seperate it is english. I notice she is the one that starts most of their conversations, starts with her after he gets back from state university, so naturally he starts speaking it too, then would you believe she tells him to speak english. She of courses goes right back to speaking russian, and when she does I tell her to speak english too (doesn't last long for either of them). I also meantioned that he is attending state university and takes 5 subjects and in all these classes he has received all A's in his classes so I know he can speak english and understands it very well.
I love my wife and my stepson but I am at wits end about this issue, because of having to repeat this all the time (speak english). I get angry about it but instead of arguing everyday and listening to it I just go to the bedroom, since they will not respect me about this. The next response from her after I do this she will come to the room and tell me not to worry about it just be happy (I don't know how to do this with this continous issue), the next response from her is "Let me be happy". If anyone has any idea of what I may try to do PLEASE HELP, counseling will not work because all of a sudden it's like they don't understand english well. I don't wnat this marriage to end. I just don't have any ideas now.
Nadiia and EricMaleUkraine2011-04-09 09:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife In Ap Islamabad Since July 12th/ New AP tracker
Naw bro. However they finally changed the CEAC status from READY to AP on Aug 11th. What about you?
JBossMalePakistan2013-08-12 18:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife In Ap Islamabad Since July 12th/ New AP tracker

I know it makes a difference when a man is placed in AP unfortunately :/
But my husband has been placed in AP since July 17th 2013 (which is his interview date)
and there has been no updates eversince...
Everytime I check the status at CEAC, they say its under process...
Im dreading this shinanigan :(

So your status on CEAC is "Administrative Processing" or just "Processing"?? Was he VERBALLY told by CO that he is going under AP? Was any time frame given?

JBossMalePakistan2013-08-04 14:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife In Ap Islamabad Since July 12th/ New AP tracker

Usman, did they tell your wife that she will get her visa and passport in x-x days? To most of the interviewers they didn't clearly tell "congrats, you are approved" They simply said your respective AmEx will call you in 7-10, or 8 days, or in 2 weeks to collect your stuff.


I dont believe these oldies DoS ladies man. They dont know sh*t! One of them told me "Dont sweat, ALL CR1 category goes through this AP" I think they are holding either because of security concerns or ship all July visas at once. Lets see what happens this coming week. InshaAllah ALL of us will hear a good news :)

JBossMalePakistan2013-08-04 01:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife In Ap Islamabad Since July 12th/ New AP tracker
For some reason I don't think our wives are in real AP because of two things.

1- They were VERBALLY told they are approved OR they will get their passport and package in x-x days.
2- Our CEAC status shows READY. If in AP it should have said AP.

I tried to punch other random ISL case numbers on CEAC and I saw people with status "Administrative Processing" Ours show READY. That tells me they are simply holding back our cases for oh who know what "security" concerns... Maybe?? We saw embassies closing, Ramadan is ending, etc... Man you know these gora people high on security sh*t Or they will simply aggregate ALL July interviewers and ship their stuff all at once?? Idk guys, I'm thinking to STOP thinking about this ordeal and just sit back, relax, and wait n watch.

Edited by JBoss, 03 August 2013 - 06:57 PM.

JBossMalePakistan2013-08-03 18:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife In Ap Islamabad Since July 12th/ New AP tracker
Interview date July 11th. Green sheet 221 G was given. Was told she will get her visa and passport in 7-10 days. CEAC status as of Aug 3rd shows READY(Last Updated on Aug 2nd)
JBossMalePakistan2013-08-03 18:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)ANYONE who was in AP but finally got the VISA please REPLY

Hi fellow VJers,


Wana roll this thread to see how long it took you to get out of AP. Doesn't matter which country you belong to. Please respond how many days or months or years it took you to get out of AP.



JBossMalePakistan2013-08-23 01:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K 1 vissa
Welcome to the AP club! :-D yes it happens to 8 out of 10 people in Islamabad. Sad but true :-( my spouse is also stuck in AP and it's been 1 1/2 months already. InshaAllah it will come through. Just wait and pray.

What does the CEAC status show? Check it out at

Edited by JBoss, 22 August 2013 - 04:17 PM.

JBossMalePakistan2013-08-22 16:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)First time my last updated status changed on its own!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so happy.

hey JBoss now its your turn bro !!!! keep praying

:-) InshaAllah

JBossMalePakistan2013-09-12 15:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)First time my last updated status changed on its own!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so happy.
Congrats Usman!!!
JBossMalePakistan2013-09-12 12:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)First time my last updated status changed on its own!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so happy.
MERCS550, congrats bro!!!!!
JBossMalePakistan2013-09-11 15:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is this the dreaded ISL AP?
It can take somewhere between 2 weeks to 3 months or more. I'm still in AP and it has been 2 months....
JBossMalePakistan2013-09-12 20:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife's case Issued after 2 months of AP!
What time frame are you getting? 1-2 weeks?
JBossMalePakistan2013-09-13 12:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife's case Issued after 2 months of AP!
Alhamdulillah, visa ISSUED!!
JBossMalePakistan2013-09-13 12:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife's case Issued after 2 months of AP!

It says Ready to interview.

JBossMalePakistan2013-09-13 05:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife's case Issued after 2 months of AP!
Yes it said Ready for just 1 day. Then today it is saying AP again.
JBossMalePakistan2013-09-13 03:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wife's case Issued after 2 months of AP!

Usman, please keep us posted as to when you get the call to pick up the visa. My status just changed few hours ago and went back to AP. InshaAllah Im hoping that it will be Issued in a day or two.

JBossMalePakistan2013-09-13 00:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP Finished in 37 days and now visa has been issued !!

Finally a long journey has come to an end.. Here is my story to share with u guys !!


NOA1 --- 17 April 2012

NOA2 --- 5 january 2013


Had an interview at Islamabad embassy on 6 August 2013 and as usual they put me in AP..


Beneficiary is Male and category is CR1.. They retained my passport and give my all original docs back to me.. Even CO didn't ask for the wedding pictures.. Which is very strange for me on that moment.


Yesterday my status updated and changed to Ready from AP on 12 sept 2013.

Today morning it changed to AP and now in evening it changed to issued on the same day means 13 sept 2013... YAYYYYYY Finally a moment of JOY and Happiness smile.pngsmile.png ... i am so excited right now and thought to share my story here on great VJ forum which really help me a lot through all my journey..


Hope everyone get out of this AP soon.. !! 


Thanks !!



JBossMalePakistan2013-09-13 23:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)when status is issued on CEAC, how many days it takes to get a call from american express to pickup the visa
Shan bhai Mubarak ho. Array itnay basabray kyun hota ho aa jay gi call AmEx sa within 2 weeks mein. Sab sa bara masla tha visa issue hona jo Allah na karva dia :-)
JBossMalePakistan2013-09-14 06:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-
Bro I ain't going to speed up the AP process. I don't even that in my wildest dream! I don't know how you read that in my previous comments. In fact no one I know who's going or planning on going have that in their mind :-) I'm just going to meet my wife. I pray that your AP finished soon InshaAllah. And thanks for your comment bro.
JBossMalePakistan2013-08-17 17:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

Not sure but I will decide on the 12th of next month. if idont hear anything by then i wil give my job a 2 weeks notice so prolly by the end of sept. 
why wassup?

Man I'm planning to wait until the end of next month if I don't hear anything then ima drop my 2 weeks. I'm planing to go there for atleast 4 months. Man I had only spent 3 weeks with my wife! That's crazy. InshaAllah we might hear good news before our flight :-)

JBossMalePakistan2013-08-17 15:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

Usman bhai when are you flying to Pakistan?

JBossMalePakistan2013-08-16 23:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-
Alhamdulillah most of us have co sponsors. Are you planning to go soon or you gonna wait until Eid? Around that time it will be 3 months. InshaAllah it might come before that time so we don't even have to take any risks...
JBossMalePakistan2013-08-16 15:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-
That's true. It's really hard but the truth is we can't do shi* about it. The only thing we can do is visit our significant ones during this time period. May Allah help us get out of this delima soon.
JBossMalePakistan2013-08-16 05:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-
You can email them whenever you desire. However they reply very late. In my case it took them 2 weeks to reply! Yeh it seems they do update the case date when they reply to you. But I have seen case date updates without them replying so it updates both ways.
JBossMalePakistan2013-08-16 05:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

BTW does your CEAC status show AP or does it say READY?


Did the CO tell your hubby upfront on the interview day that he is going in AP or did he say just 7-10 days or something along those lines?

JBossMalePakistan2013-08-16 03:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)E-mailed Embassy for AP - They got annoyed -_-

There are few other individuals (including me) whose spouses' were interviewed in July. We were all approved (even told by CO that we should expect to get a call from AmEx to pick the visa package+passport) but yet they put us all in AP!!!


I also emailed them like 8 times and they replied to me only 3 times :D but they weren't mad or anything :D I guess the guy who replied to you the second time was having a bad day :-/ :D Whatever, I don't know at this time. Im confused and sad too. I am thinking to go back for a visit on the next Eid InshaAllah and stay there until they issue the visa. I cant take it anymore....

JBossMalePakistan2013-08-16 03:42:00