K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUK Police check - No live trace - Juvenile shoplifting crime
QUOTE (brlukath @ Sep 30 2009, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To some extent the best route for you depends on how juvenile convictions are treated in England and Wales (??). For many US jurisdictions, for example, you are allowed to answer no to the question "have you ever been convicted...?" if it was a juvenile offence and it happened many years ago (the rules vary). I would find out exactly what the rules are in your jurisdiction. Then, since I assume your police certificate will look different from the average UK applicant, I would prepare a declaration or an affidavit to offer with the police certificate explaining your situation and why you did not disclose initially. Something like:

[Insert general declaration/affidavit opening]

On or about [date], at the age of [age], I was convicted [if they make your record secret (i.e. seal it): of a juvenile offense][if they don't seal it: shoplifting] and sentenced to [whatever your sentence was--what did the conditional discharge involve?]

[If this is true: Under the laws of England and Wales, such offenses are not counted as convictions....][if not: explain why you didn't disclose it before.]

[If this is true, something like: I have never been arrested for, charged with, convicted of, or to my knowledge, investigated with respect to, any other crime, whether felony or misdemeanor. ]

BUT, If your police certificate doesn't look different --check the regional forum for that-- the analysis would change.

For those of you disagreeing... the reason to give this sort of explanation is not that this offense (though shoplifiting could be a crime of moral turpitude depending on the exact language of the law under which you were convicted), commited as 15(?)-year-old, should cause you issues or even send you to AP/waiverland--don't get me wrong it could. But the bigger risk is that, you could get in trouble for misrepresentations or (something I have heard of only once or twice) "quasi-misrepresentations". If you get that verdict, they are saying you lied and there is basically nothing you can do. So DISCLOSE, DISCLOSE, DISCLOSE. Since it is a theft crime, I would avoid giving the details if it is possible (i.e. England and Wales don't require disclosure of juvenile crimes) and force the Consulate to ask you for details if they want them.

Thanks for your quick response. Couple of questions....

I dont send the police certificate to the embassy do i (with the standard forms). The first they see it is when i show them at the embassy. Is this correct?

When i sign the packet 3 forms (i havent done this yet), is says any criminal offense. I assume i say yes and then put juvenile offence with the words you stated in comments box. Should i do this?

The police certificate says "No live Trace". a few people on the forum have had this and had no problems. However, i dont know if they declared it. However, i phoned ACRO and the man said if was an offense i would need to declare it. The form actually says "if your police certificate states 'no live trace' and you have not declared it, you may be asked to explain this outcome which could delay your visa application.

So, answering my own question and with your words about misleading in mind, declare it (and it is moral turpitude - jeez, shoplifting and joy-riding isnt), say it was as a juvenile, say it was a discharge and then go with the consequences.

Cant believe this is haunting me now

paul pMale02009-09-30 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUK Police check - No live trace - Juvenile shoplifting crime
Jeez, u think u r a nice guy and then u do things lie this and past days bite you.

I have recieved my police certificate and it says "no live trace". I didnt know what this was as i have never committed any crimes as an adult except a few traffic offences (points on the license etc.). I phone ACRO up and they are very helpful. Got my file and phoned me back an hour later.

I have a conviction in 1984 for shoplifting. Was given a 12 month conditional discharge at the juvenile court.

So, can anyone think if this will go against me at the interview?

Assume i have to tell them?

Also on other forms i said i didnt have any convictions but i didnt know this was on my record (i thought it only counted as an adult)?

What is peoples advice?


paul pMale02009-09-30 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1- Waiting embassy interview date - but get USCIS update - anything to worry about?
QUOTE (paul p @ Oct 28 2009, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all;

We have sent off packet 3 to London Embassy on Oct 13th and now are awaiting packet 4 (we havent had the interview date yet).

However, the US citizen got an email stating this:

On October 27, 2009, a duplicate notice was mailed to you regarding a decision on this case, or describing how we will process the case if it is still pending. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your case is at our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location. If this I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) is still pending, you will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move and this case is still pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

During the acceptance step USCIS reviews newly received applications and petitions to ensure that they are properly filed (e.g. signed by the applicant, appropriate fees etc.) USCIS issues a receipt number for the application or petition, and sends a receipt notice to the applicant.

Applications and petitions that are not properly filed are rejected with an explanation of why the application is rejected and the corrective action needed.

The status on the USCIS site has also been moved from "Document production or oath ceremony" back to the beginning being "Acceptance".

Is this anything to worry about?
We did have problems with the NOA2 being misdelivered 2 times and this may be a hang-up form that. It is a duplicate notice.

It just worrying that it says its back with CSC. We're in London. Dont want to go back to there.

Did check with DOS about the london case and they told me it was not on the system yet from london (after 2 weeks) but this isnt unusual. Told me to check again next week.

What are peoples thoughts?


It was a duplicate NOA2. Thanks for giving me a non-stress week.
paul pMale02009-11-01 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1- Waiting embassy interview date - but get USCIS update - anything to worry about?
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Oct 28 2009, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds like the USCIS system doesn't know how to properly categorize the status of a case where a duplicate notice has been issued.

Considering that you've gotten NOA2 and there were delivery issues, this is in all likelihood referring to a duplicate NOA2 having been issued. Nothing to worry about. Your case is not back at CSC—there's a different message to indicate that.

I think you have nothing to worry about.

Brilliant quick and concise response as ever.

Really appreciated.

paul pMale02009-10-28 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1- Waiting embassy interview date - but get USCIS update - anything to worry about?
Hi all;

We have sent off packet 3 to London Embassy on Oct 13th and now are awaiting packet 4 (we havent had the interview date yet).

However, the US citizen got an email stating this:

On October 27, 2009, a duplicate notice was mailed to you regarding a decision on this case, or describing how we will process the case if it is still pending. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your case is at our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location. If this I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) is still pending, you will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move and this case is still pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

During the acceptance step USCIS reviews newly received applications and petitions to ensure that they are properly filed (e.g. signed by the applicant, appropriate fees etc.) USCIS issues a receipt number for the application or petition, and sends a receipt notice to the applicant.

Applications and petitions that are not properly filed are rejected with an explanation of why the application is rejected and the corrective action needed.

The status on the USCIS site has also been moved from "Document production or oath ceremony" back to the beginning being "Acceptance".

Is this anything to worry about?
We did have problems with the NOA2 being misdelivered 2 times and this may be a hang-up form that. It is a duplicate notice.

It just worrying that it says its back with CSC. We're in London. Dont want to go back to there.

Did check with DOS about the london case and they told me it was not on the system yet from london (after 2 weeks) but this isnt unusual. Told me to check again next week.

What are peoples thoughts?

paul pMale02009-10-28 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - petitioner got cold feet - final interview Monday (in 3 days in london) - What best to do
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Nov 20 2009, 10:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hadn't seen this thread earlier. I'd like to add something and I hope it won't be misinterpreted by you, Paul.

You say you brought up the discussion about 'stopping the train'. You also state your fiance has had other bad relationships.

Is there any chance she thought you were really ditching her? And that her reaction at this point is "oh great just another guy who is dissing me"?

I mean .......... no you are the one that started the conversation.

I understand your point but im sure not. I think she was relieved and looking for a way out. I gave her an opportunity. I dont know what has happened but i felt i was losing her over the last two months. Not sure why. Life had become hard for in money terms etc. She my be protecting me, or found someone else, or just gone off me. I dont know. She said in the communication (a text) i have had off her in 14 days (we used to contact each other many times every day), that she was "lost for words". That was a week ago. Going to write an update now at the end of this thread.
paul pMale02009-11-22 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - petitioner got cold feet - final interview Monday (in 3 days in london) - What best to do
QUOTE (SunDrop @ Nov 20 2009, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I haven't even started the process yet, but can relate to your situation.

My USC bloke and I have been together for nearly 3 years. We met up for 2 trips of 3 weeks each in 2007, once him here and once me there. Then in May 2008, he came over for what was supposed to be 3 weeks and turned, thankfully, into 5.5 months.

When we first realised we wanted to be together, he was going to move to London. Several reasons, but mainly income, ease of visa acquisition and also issues like having the NHS for having any kids we might want, etc. He was terribly homesick, though. November he flew home and by December 08, back living with his parents and being jobless, he was very depressed. He didn't feel able to say 'I can't move there' and instead withdrew.

I realised that it was make or break. The distance was absolute torture and we weren't going to be seeing each other until Easter this year. I made the decision to get on a plane and called his mom to ask if she'd be willing to pick me up at the airport and for me to stay with them for a couple of days. I wanted to 'surprise' him. I knew if he wasn't expecting me, his reaction to seeing me would be genuine.

Needless to say, I was spot on with my thinking. After a couple of hours together again, he turned to me and said "Coming here was the best thing you could ever have done. I am so excited that you're here, and I don't want to spend my life without you.' We were able to talk through all the issues that were causing him anxiety, and that included not having really lived together before getting married. He's incredibly worried about all the failed marriages he sees around him and desperately doesn't want to end up a statistic. He wants to feel like he can be the best provider he can (which he can't right now) and has to know that life won't be a struggle. He resents the process forcing us to marry.

We've traveled to the US for a total of 9 weeks already this year, and are leaving in just under 3 weeks for another 4 week trip. And on this trip, I am going to have to say to him that it's now or never. I understand his fears, genuinely, but living in limbo like this (granted the complexity of my divorce hasn't speeded up the process!) is too much. It's literally driving my kid insane from anxiety and insecurity and I can't do anything with my life to better myself in the way I want, because it's futile qualifying here as I'd need to retrain over there.

I'm terrified of what he'll say but have to trust that love will prevail. Having said this, and the point to all my rambling about my relationship, is that I honestly think some people just aren't cut out to be in an international relationship. I wish we could press a reassurance button and help our anxious SOs see that while the going is tough when it comes to visas and the demands they make/ force on us, the result is worth the effort. And I do believe that being face to face with you can only help her overcome the anxiety.

Postpone the interview or it you can't, go to the interview and get that blasted K1. Tell yourself that you need to be in the US and then just go as soon as you can. If I were you, I'd be packing all my stuff up right now, getting it into storage and booking a flight for a week on Monday. I'd simply prepare my life here for a 3 -6 month suspension. At best, you'll have to fly back for a couple weeks to sort your stuff out after you've got your AP. At worst, you'll be back in 3 months starting your life up in the UK again.

The only hiccup is if you think she's likely to cancel your petition without telling you.

Thinking of you and wishing you much luck and a happy outcome,

This is what makes this site so wonderful. Thanks for your time and compassion in this reply. You have helped me immensely and as we know, sharing our owns thoughts help us as well. Real thanks

I think contacting mother and jumping on the plane is a really good idea. I am still awaiting a reply from my fiancee and i have tried contacting my fiancee yesterday but nothing. So, i am going to text my fiancee tomorrow, after the time of my interview (i'm not going and will explain to all on another reply) and then i will contact her mom and see if she can shed a little more light. obviously there my be something that i dont know and i get on with her mom. I will do it via email.

If her mom thinks its worth the chance i will go in about 3 weeks time.

God, i so understand your anxiety etc. I felt like i had no enthusiasm for anything for the 8 months i was waiting. Waste of time building for a future here when it may not happen. I so wish you the best. Thanks to you again,

paul pMale02009-11-22 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - petitioner got cold feet - final interview Monday (in 3 days in london) - What best to do
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Nov 20 2009, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Nov 20 2009, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all;

My fiancee is the petitioner in the U.S. We have known each other for 18 months and have been going through the K1 oricess since April. My interview in London is 23rd November.

After 8 months of hard process, and not seeing each other for 5 months i had felt the relationship not as vibrant as once was. We were still speaking every day but i was getting worried so i thought I would ask the question if she want ed to get of this train (metaphor for not beign able to stop a moving train).

She said she had massive anxiety about marrying without living together first. We discussed and in the end she wanted to finish it. No ther reason except anxiety. I have sent her a long email since (like we used to, to woo each other) and i have only had 1 text saying she is lost for words, hard for her too and will write back. That was Monday and still nothing. I did lay out options around me going over after the visa has been processed for a week and staying in a hotel just to meet. Then see how we go. I haven't had a reply except for that text saying "lost for words, hard for her too".

I feel its the pressure of marriage that is getting to her. She has had some bad relationships in her past and life for her is quite hard at the moment. I think i would make it better but maybe she is thinking of me and the damage it could do to my life of going there and it not working. Again, i am guessing. I dont know

So this feels like the end but hope is a good thing (as Shawshank would say). I am giving her time.

so what to do.

I have more or less everything i need for the interview but dont have the heart to do it. I dont want to stop the process because if she changes her mind i cant go through this again. Its 8 months of real heartache.

I want to cancel the meeting and go to the bottom of the queue, maybe 2 - 3 months later , where we can see where we are.

Is this the best idea. How do i do it? I see no numbers and they say in writing? People must get ill an not make these interviews. What happens?

Thoughts please


Some leaglities...

She can stop the process by withdrawing the petition with a letter to the consulate. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't

If you go there and state that you intend to marry this person within 90 days, when she has called it off, it is visa fraud.

Were I you, I would do one of two things...

disconnect the phone, Thank You, goodbye and book a plane ticket to a target rich atmosphere to forget about it


Send her an email, tell her you ARE GOING to the interview and then will be coming to the US to marry her and if she wants to say no, she will tell you to your face. No wussy, wimpy email breakups for a guy who agreed to move across continents for deserve a face to face. Then turn of your email and the next she sees you you are on her doorstep. This way, at least it isn't visa fruad if you tell her you are going to do it and she doesn't put a stop to it.

Either way...YOU grab the knobs and turn. Whatever you do, don't quit your day job. Once you enter the US on a K-1...well if you marry her, who needs the job in England? If you don't, you don't need to worry about protectng status so you can go home.

This is pressure on her and that what worries her. I need to see her without the marriage bit. What i want to do is...

Postpone it and hopefully hear nothing until the new year when i get an interview date in February

Travel over there in the next two to three weeks for a week and see how we get on. Meet her kids again and see how we get on in normal life. There has never been any argument she is just worried what happens if i come over and marry and it goes wrong. This way i cant stay. But the process doesn't go back to zero either. Yes, i do know i could be turned away at the border.

This way i get my face-to-face, with no pressure on her, with a chance to resurrect the process if she agrees

If that doesnt work i have done everything i can and i am going to go somewhere hot to forget it all for a while :0)
paul pMale02009-11-20 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - petitioner got cold feet - final interview Monday (in 3 days in london) - What best to do
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Nov 20 2009, 01:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you don't show up for the interview they will likely consider the application to be abandoned. That doesn't necessarily mean it couldn't be resurrected if you contacted them soon after, but there's no guarantee. The safest bet would be to reschedule. Call the Visa Services unit at the embassy:


If they move you to the back of the line then it should add at least 3 months or so before the interview. In the meantime, you might want to consider going to the US as a visitor as spending some time with your fiancee, possibly even living together for a month or so - no strings attached. At the end of that time, you can both decide if you think it's going to work out.

I don't blame you for not wanting to go to the interview. If it were me, I'd have a hard time convincing a CO that my relationship was sincere if I knew that my fiancee had already pretty much called it off.

This is great advice. I cant see a CO now. Just not up to it.

The visiting is always an issue but if she would agree, a week visit may help and that,s my preference.

I will phone and say i have a personal issue i cant get out of. Hopefully they say back of the queue and inform you late. I think it may have to be done by letter though. Pity its the premium line but its worth it. Might try DOS first as they are always helpful.

Thanks again


QUOTE (TracyTN @ Nov 20 2009, 01:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't believe that an interview will just be rescheduled for a later date if the beneficiary does not show. I cannot be certain (as I've not heard of specific cases), but my assumption is that the consulate would assume that the application is no longer valid.

Personally I'd either try and get it rescheduled (maybe too late at this point), or contact the consulate and tell them that she does not plan to come to the interview and that the relationship is over. I'd even call the DOS stateside and tell them as well.

The only concern I have with that is in the event you all do get back together - then you'll have to start all over again.

FWIW I would have had her go to the interview. Just because she got a visa wouldn't mean she'd have to use it, but now she is painting herself into a corner by essentially terminating the process.

Sorry it wasnt clear but i am the beneficiary. Its my choice. I cannot convince a CO in this state. P$ says it needs to be in writng but as said too late. I will phone them and see what they say.
paul pMale02009-11-20 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - petitioner got cold feet - final interview Monday (in 3 days in london) - What best to do
QUOTE (Gaynto @ Nov 20 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Nov 20 2009, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all;

My fiancee is the petitioner in the U.S. We have known each other for 18 months and have been going through the K1 oricess since April. My interview in London is 23rd November.

After 8 months of hard process, and not seeing each other for 5 months i had felt the relationship not as vibrant as once was. We were still speaking every day but i was getting worried so i thought I would ask the question if she want ed to get of this train (metaphor for not beign able to stop a moving train).

She said she had massive anxiety about marrying without living together first. We discussed and in the end she wanted to finish it. No ther reason except anxiety. I have sent her a long email since (like we used to, to woo each other) and i have only had 1 text saying she is lost for words, hard for her too and will write back. That was Monday and still nothing. I did lay out options around me going over after the visa has been processed for a week and staying in a hotel just to meet. Then see how we go. I haven't had a reply except for that text saying "lost for words, hard for her too".

I feel its the pressure of marriage that is getting to her. She has had some bad relationships in her past and life for her is quite hard at the moment. I think i would make it better but maybe she is thinking of me and the damage it could do to my life of going there and it not working. Again, i am guessing. I dont know

So this feels like the end but hope is a good thing (as Shawshank would say). I am giving her time.

so what to do.

I have more or less everything i need for the interview but dont have the heart to do it. I dont want to stop the process because if she changes her mind i cant go through this again. Its 8 months of real heartache.

I want to cancel the meeting and go to the bottom of the queue, maybe 2 - 3 months later , where we can see where we are.

Is this the best idea. How do i do it? I see no numbers and they say in writing? People must get ill an not make these interviews. What happens?

Thoughts please


Are you in a position to come over and use the 90 days as further confirmation whether to go forward or go home? Like it was stated before you have 6 months before you have to use the visa and 90 days before you would have to wed, can you use this time to see where the two of you are then? I know it wouldn't be easy to come here and then have to go home, but if you are in a position to see, then I would recommend going to the interview.

I have offered the 90 days or even keeping the visa for 6 months to rebuild. She simply hasnt come back to me. Again, i would prefer to put the interview back rather than having something in my hand that i cant use.

If the beneficary fails to turn up for the interview, will they receive an interview date automatically 2 to 3 months later. It must have happened when the party want ed to go through with it. Accidents etc etc.

Thanks for your help so far
paul pMale02009-11-20 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - petitioner got cold feet - final interview Monday (in 3 days in london) - What best to do
Hi all;

My fiancee is the petitioner in the U.S. We have known each other for 18 months and have been going through the K1 oricess since April. My interview in London is 23rd November.

After 8 months of hard process, and not seeing each other for 5 months i had felt the relationship not as vibrant as once was. We were still speaking every day but i was getting worried so i thought I would ask the question if she want ed to get of this train (metaphor for not beign able to stop a moving train).

She said she had massive anxiety about marrying without living together first. We discussed and in the end she wanted to finish it. No ther reason except anxiety. I have sent her a long email since (like we used to, to woo each other) and i have only had 1 text saying she is lost for words, hard for her too and will write back. That was Monday and still nothing. I did lay out options around me going over after the visa has been processed for a week and staying in a hotel just to meet. Then see how we go. I haven't had a reply except for that text saying "lost for words, hard for her too".

I feel its the pressure of marriage that is getting to her. She has had some bad relationships in her past and life for her is quite hard at the moment. I think i would make it better but maybe she is thinking of me and the damage it could do to my life of going there and it not working. Again, i am guessing. I dont know

So this feels like the end but hope is a good thing (as Shawshank would say). I am giving her time.

so what to do.

I have more or less everything i need for the interview but dont have the heart to do it. I dont want to stop the process because if she changes her mind i cant go through this again. Its 8 months of real heartache.

I want to cancel the meeting and go to the bottom of the queue, maybe 2 - 3 months later , where we can see where we are.

Is this the best idea. How do i do it? I see no numbers and they say in writing? People must get ill an not make these interviews. What happens?

Thoughts please

paul pMale02009-11-20 07:37:00
From the lack of replies i assume that no one knows what could be in this package. It could be an RFE or a NOA2. Just need to sit it out i assume. Thanks to all anyway.
paul pMale02009-07-22 05:24:00
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Jul 21 2009, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probably either a NOA2 or an RFE. Curious, though, that the 800 number couldn't tell her that - or did she ask? (Normally those two things show on their system.)

I think she got lost in the 800 options hell. I phoned and had to wrangle it to speak to someone human. They said they couldnt tell e as i am the beneficiary but also said that that kind of infromation will probably not be online. I will get her check later after she finishes work.

I have a horrible feeling its an RFE as apparently a NOA2 has a different message like you have been approved, sending within next 30 days!!! Or something like that

Its really annoying as we knew she was moving and there was a potential #######-up in changing addresss through proces but she went online, did it correctly ages ago, and then this happens. They are telling us it could be a 45 days wait to re-send. THats business days. Thats 9 weeks. And if an RFE add another 2 months.

Wow, my heart is killing me

Thanks for your help by the way. I have reviewed the website for similar but none help. I think no one can realy help. Just need to wait it out
paul pMale02009-07-21 15:27:00

Sorry about the capital, but my fiancee in US (the petitioner) recently moved and even though she updated her name and addrerss online they sent it to her old address.


When she phones up and updates her address they tell her it could be 45 days before it is sent to her new address.

We are in between NOA1 and NOA2 and have currently been waiting about 70+ days.

Does anyone know what this is? Is it an RFE or an NOA2? The UCSIS wouldnt tell her

Thanks from a frantic Paul :0)
paul pMale02009-07-21 14:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Advice Needed
QUOTE (champi @ Jun 14 2009, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wildcat42539 @ Jun 14 2009, 01:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone

I am about to book my flight and would like to know what experiences people have had at immigration.

The reason being is that I will have to have a stopover, and need to know how long roughly to schedule between connecting flights? Is 4hrs long enough?

Any advice and experiences of what I can expect would be greatly appreciated.


hi wildcat,
It mainly depends on what that airport your layover is. But I think, in most cases, 4hours is good enough assuming you don't have anything else going on in those 4 hours except get through immigration and catch the next flight, and maybe lil snack.. smile.gif

PS: My POE was 14 years ago, so my answer may not be so accurate smile.gif

Thanks for the info.

My layover is in Charlotte NC, and from the few reviews that are on this site it doesnt seem to be a bad one so thats something I guess.

Fingers crossed anyway, but heck... missing a connecting flight is the least of my worries after this whole process, I am just going to be happy to finally be on my way home to my wife!!

wildcat42539MaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-14 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Advice Needed
Hello everyone

I am about to book my flight and would like to know what experiences people have had at immigration.

The reason being is that I will have to have a stopover, and need to know how long roughly to schedule between connecting flights? Is 4hrs long enough?

Any advice and experiences of what I can expect would be greatly appreciated.

wildcat42539MaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-14 00:30:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Mar 25 2009, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Moving this thread to the UK sub-forum for more specific advice from UK K-1 folks who have successfully self-sponsored. I know of more than one that has been successful.

Also, if your fiancee has 3 children, the household size will be 5, not 4. If you are self-sponsoring, that means you will need assets of $110,736 (5 people in household at 125% poverty level = $32,237; multiply this times 3 for using assets as sponsorship = $110,736). London has in the past been a little lenient on requiring exactly the 125%, but it has been done. If you have a joint sponsor, remember they will not need to count your fiancee and her children unless they are also part of their household. For example, if the joint sponsor was unmarried and lived alone, they would need only make enough to sponsor two people.

And by the way, Gary and Alla, British women ROCK! tongue.gif

So let me get this right.

Even my fiancee has to show she earns $32,237 a year, or get a co-sponsor who takes her above that

or i need $110K in the bank to show the embassy that we will be ok? I assume that negative equity assets like houses wont go against me (darn credit crunch - what a time to fallinlove with a foreigner smile.gif )

P.S. No idea there was a UK forum and even less idea how to transfer. This is my first thread (and what a great experience it has been)
paul pMale02009-03-25 18:18:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (*julez* @ Mar 25 2009, 11:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Mar 25 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Moving this thread to the UK sub-forum for more specific advice from UK K-1 folks who have successfully self-sponsored. I know of more than one that has been successful.

Also, if your fiancee has 3 children, the household size will be 5, not 4. If you are self-sponsoring, that means you will need assets of $110,736 (5 people in household at 125% poverty level = $32,237; multiply this times 3 for using assets as sponsorship = $110,736). London has in the past been a little lenient on requiring exactly the 125%, but it has been done. If you have a joint sponsor, remember they will not need to count your fiancee and her children unless they are also part of their household. For example, if the joint sponsor was unmarried and lived alone, they would need only make enough to sponsor two people.

And by the way, Gary and Alla, British women ROCK! tongue.gif

Um, well, so do American women, for that matter. innocent.gif

Well being a British man, and living with british woman but marrying an American Lady, all i can say is that i can confidently say that both British and American woman rock in both there unique ways

Can i now get off this fence as the splinters are really chaffing my ####### biggrin.gif
paul pMale02009-03-25 18:14:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Marina-Del @ Mar 25 2009, 02:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Mar 25 2009, 03:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not awatre that London did this. If it is so, then belay my last.

PS, lived in Henley-on-Thames 1993-97. Great place, lots of fun. Ukrainian women are better. laughing.gif

Yep! London does this! smile.gif

As I said, back in 2006, when me and my fiance were trying to get all of our documents in order we ran into the same wall! Half of VJ told us that it wouldn't work because they only look at the USC money (which in most cases is true!) and the other half (who had gone through London) told us that London was one of the few places that they took into account the funds of the non USC. I think we actually found information regarding this on the US embassy website for London -at the time.

I think that they do this because, at least before the world economy went to hell, the British pound was worth LOTS more than the American dollar. For example, back in 2006, it was over 1 GBP to 2.20USD. That was a great exchange rate!! So my fiance making 30 pounds an hour was really making over $60! But that doesn't work in a place like Brazil (where I live now). The minimum monthly wage in Brazil (São Paulo) is R$420.00 (brazilian reais) or roughly $200.00USD. Obviously, that's not a lot of money for Americans! (okay, this stat is slightly incorrect because even though that is the official minimum wage, it's definitely NOT a living wage!).

Anyway, you get the point, I hope! London used to be a pretty rich place...but not as much these days! I'd call the embassy and see what they say!

Thanks again, its looks like you are right. For London. I dont know if they have changed and will need to find out. It seems like Brazillian Woman rock too smile.gif
paul pMale02009-03-25 18:10:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Marina-Del @ Mar 25 2009, 02:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 24 2009, 11:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 24 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Brilliant info Marina-Del. Really apprecaite.

So this affidavit, the I-864, is this required when you first process the I129-F or is it at a later stage. Can i fill in the information now with the G-325A or can it wait?

Also, when do you tell the process about my money and my job. Do i put it in as part of the I129-F or do i wait for my interview.

I do understand that the forum is not 100% sure if i can be my own sponsor but any information from your own experiences will help.

Thanks again and im gald that you got the love you unboutably deserved

Sorry, pardon my ignorance. I have seen that the affadavit form is sent after the NOA2. So the only question is, when did your fiance provide his financial information into the process

No worries. Okay, as you have stated, yes, the affidavit is presented at the interview, not during the initial I-129F (uscis) stage! If I am remembering correctly, we brought the affidavit to the interview when we went and did not send it prior (other more recent Londoners correct me here if I am wrong!). However, I do remember that we did not show them any documents regarding my fiancees finances until THE INTERVIEW. Not before. And again, I had the co sponsor/letter from my sponsor in the bag with me when we went to the interview, but before we had a chance to ask him if he wanted to see it, they said all of our fiances were in order.

There is no need to put any mention of money in the initial packet...just the information that they ask for. You can find some great information on this forum about what types of things you should include in the packet!

You have also said that you think now it would be better for your fiancee to say in the US so that she can make a bit more money. This is, obviously, entirely up to you two!! However, being the romantic that I am (I HATE BEING APART FROM MY SO!), I would tell you not to be discouraged. Your fiancee and you need to show that you have sufficient funds. Many many people do this by using a co-sponsor and this is NOT an issue! Don't be discouraged. Yes, it is maybe more responsible for her to stay in the US and make money for your future....but that's just a decision you have to make! Then again, I don't know your situation -ie. if you have a co-sponsor available. In my case, we were able to use my parents (who don't make that much money, but enough over the poverty line!). But again, they didn't even look at my parents forms, so they didn't even know this! Point being, if you have a co-sponsor who is willing to sign the forms to support you, if needed....then I wouldn't worry about the USC coming to stay with you in the US.

Although, here is another thing to think about. Did you say that she has 3 kids??? This might cause more problems. If she has 3 kids to support and doesn't have the money to support them, they might think twice about adding another person into the picture. It sounds like my fiance was making about the same amount you are making and had about the same amount of money saved...BUT we were just the two of us!

Hope this helps!

Thanks for this. I really appreciate your full and open comments. I find it ironic that she will be better off when i am there, than before but the U.S. may see that another way. I think i need to contact the embassy to find out. I think we could probably get around this. Its a monor hurdle.

Yep, i would love her to have her with me but with kids etc. there is a bit to weigh up. However, a delayt now to spend the rest of our lives together is worth it. I have done 11 months, what is another 8. I am on th ehomeward trek :0). THanks again

paul pMale02009-03-25 18:07:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Mar 25 2009, 02:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marina-Del @ Mar 24 2009, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lived in London throughout the K-1 process with my Australian fiancee. Both of us were in the UK on temporary work visas. As others have stated here, it is no problem for your American fiancee to live in the UK with you while you file. But again, as others have stated, there needs to be a reliable address in the US and she needs to provide an affidavit of support for you at the interview. I was working as a waitress in London while we filed. I submitted my affidavit and had my parents co-sponsor.

HOWEVER, London is one of the only consulates that will let the Non-USC sponsor themselves. My fiancee also works in IT. We showed them his bank account balance, both in London and in Australia and had letters from his employer. They did not even ask to see the affidavit of supports from my parents. They of course took my original affidavit of support, but I had not been employed in the US for 2 years prior to that and wasn't making much in London.

So, the answer to your question about whether they will look at your saved money or consider the fact that you work in IT and should be able to find a job in the US....yes! But again, London is one of the only consualtes that allows you to do this. Also note, that back in 2006 when I did it, there was not a lot of information online about whether they would accept that or not. Some people on VJ said that they had done it, but others said it couldn't be done. Also, again, this was in 2006, so you never know what might have changed.

My advice, have her affidavit AND a co-sponser in the US that meets to guidelines JUST in case they don't accept your own sponsorship. My father has his own company in the US and we prepared a letter stating that he would employ my fiancee when we got to the US and give him this and this amount of money. But, we never showed it to them and they never asked for more. In the interview they only mentioned money once, he said "your funds all seem to be in order" (referring to my fiancees bank balance!). (point being, better to be safe than sorry! Have co sponsors ready, but most likely your saved money and occupation will be fine!)

Good luck!

I am not awatre that London did this. If it is so, then belay my last.

PS, lived in Henley-on-Thames 1993-97. Great place, lots of fun. Ukrainian women are better. laughing.gif

Ukrainian woman are better :0) :0). I will take your word for it as i have never had the privaledge. I once knew a belarussian. She ahd a beard :0) :0).

Seriously, thanks for your help and she is a lucky woman. If that is her picture, you are a luvky man.

paul pMale02009-03-25 17:55:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Mar 25 2009, 01:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 24 2009, 06:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marina-Del @ Mar 24 2009, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lived in London throughout the K-1 process with my Australian fiancee. Both of us were in the UK on temporary work visas. As others have stated here, it is no problem for your American fiancee to live in the UK with you while you file. But again, as others have stated, there needs to be a reliable address in the US and she needs to provide an affidavit of support for you at the interview. I was working as a waitress in London while we filed. I submitted my affidavit and had my parents co-sponsor.

HOWEVER, London is one of the only consulates that will let the Non-USC sponsor themselves. My fiancee also works in IT. We showed them his bank account balance, both in London and in Australia and had letters from his employer. They did not even ask to see the affidavit of supports from my parents. They of course took my original affidavit of support, but I had not been employed in the US for 2 years prior to that and wasn't making much in London.

So, the answer to your question about whether they will look at your saved money or consider the fact that you work in IT and should be able to find a job in the US....yes! But again, London is one of the only consualtes that allows you to do this. Also note, that back in 2006 when I did it, there was not a lot of information online about whether they would accept that or not. Some people on VJ said that they had done it, but others said it couldn't be done. Also, again, this was in 2006, so you never know what might have changed.

My advice, have her affidavit AND a co-sponser in the US that meets to guidelines JUST in case they don't accept your own sponsorship. My father has his own company in the US and we prepared a letter stating that he would employ my fiancee when we got to the US and give him this and this amount of money. But, we never showed it to them and they never asked for more. In the interview they only mentioned money once, he said "your funds all seem to be in order" (referring to my fiancees bank balance!). (point being, better to be safe than sorry! Have co sponsors ready, but most likely your saved money and occupation will be fine!)

Good luck!

Brilliant info Marina-Del. Really apprecaite.

So this affidavit, the I-864, is this required when you first process the I129-F or is it at a later stage. Can i fill in the information now with the G-325A or can it wait?

Also, when do you tell the process about my money and my job. Do i put it in as part of the I129-F or do i wait for my interview.

I do understand that the forum is not 100% sure if i can be my own sponsor but any information from your own experiences will help.

Thanks again and im gald that you got the love you unboutably deserved

Your income and money are not an issue at any point in the process. You can include it in the AOS but it is not required. They will not ask during the I-129f and interview process and there really isn't a "box for that" at this point. You could be a multi-millionaire or Prince William and unless SHE makes enough or has enough liquid assets at the time of the interview to support you and her children, you won't get the visa.

Co-sponsors are acceptable but must be US citizens.

Assets for the I-134 are valued at 3 to 1. $3 assets = $1 income. Cash in the bank is the favored flavor of assets, but others will do. Bank deposits must be in US banks.

Very clear as always adn thanks. I think i will check with the embassy just in case as u never know i may be luck. Co-sponsor is not going to be easy either but we will work through this. Thanks again.

paul pMale02009-03-25 17:53:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Mar 25 2009, 12:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 24 2009, 06:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Mar 24 2009, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 23 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The title says it.

She lives in California. I live in England. We are applying for the USA K1 fiancee visa. We want to end up in california.

Can she stay in england on a 180 day visa whilst the k1 goes through?
Are there any interviews that she needs to go to and therefore would miss?

Can anyone see any problems with this plan?

Weird.. I live in California and my fiance is named Paul and lives in England. Is your fiance's name Jenny? laughing.gif

LOL. No it isn't but Jenny does sound very nice smile.gif

Your journey is interesting as i t may be a template for mine. We met online in May 2008 and have met twice in U.S. She is coming here to "that sacred isle" in April. We are currently filling out the I-129F and in the midst of the land of procrastination Doh! We are gettig through it though.

So it has taken 7 months from NOA1 to NOA2. Is this typical? Did you have any comebacks asking for more information?

Another question, and i dont want t get too personal, so please tell me to bog off if so, but there is something about finances and income that the U.S. citizen has to fill out. Now my fiancee does not earn much and it is my savings that will sustain me (with her) early on and then my job should sustain us all once i get one out there. I am in I.T and yep, i know the job market isnt great in California at the moment, but greens hoots adn all that smile.gif.

So the question is, does her finances have a big impact on whether we get accepted or not, and secondly, is there anywhere i can state our plan of me having a large deposit before i come over to get married? The reason i ask because is this is similar to your circumstances in may be an even better template.

Thanks in advance

And nice to meet you smile.gif

wow, guess May is a great month for American women to meet English Pauls! laughing.gif 7 months is a bit longer then normal. Most people get approved in 4-5 months, but there are always people who wait much shorter or much longer. Impossible to say unfortunately.

I think others answered your Q regarding finances, its up to the US citizen to prove support but she can get a co-sponsor.

smile.gif May is a great month dont you think smile.gif . Yep, planning for about 6 months. Want to be there for october if possible.

Co-sponsor is worrying me slightly. Parents arent that well off either but we will get around this. I mean jeez, not being cocky, but i will be having enough money in my account to support all of us for at least a year.

Thanks for your support and the fact that you have done it is an inspiration to us.

paul pMale02009-03-25 17:49:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 24 2009, 10:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marina-Del @ Mar 24 2009, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lived in London throughout the K-1 process with my Australian fiancee. Both of us were in the UK on temporary work visas. As others have stated here, it is no problem for your American fiancee to live in the UK with you while you file. But again, as others have stated, there needs to be a reliable address in the US and she needs to provide an affidavit of support for you at the interview. I was working as a waitress in London while we filed. I submitted my affidavit and had my parents co-sponsor.

HOWEVER, London is one of the only consulates that will let the Non-USC sponsor themselves. My fiancee also works in IT. We showed them his bank account balance, both in London and in Australia and had letters from his employer. They did not even ask to see the affidavit of supports from my parents. They of course took my original affidavit of support, but I had not been employed in the US for 2 years prior to that and wasn't making much in London.

So, the answer to your question about whether they will look at your saved money or consider the fact that you work in IT and should be able to find a job in the US....yes! But again, London is one of the only consualtes that allows you to do this. Also note, that back in 2006 when I did it, there was not a lot of information online about whether they would accept that or not. Some people on VJ said that they had done it, but others said it couldn't be done. Also, again, this was in 2006, so you never know what might have changed.

My advice, have her affidavit AND a co-sponser in the US that meets to guidelines JUST in case they don't accept your own sponsorship. My father has his own company in the US and we prepared a letter stating that he would employ my fiancee when we got to the US and give him this and this amount of money. But, we never showed it to them and they never asked for more. In the interview they only mentioned money once, he said "your funds all seem to be in order" (referring to my fiancees bank balance!). (point being, better to be safe than sorry! Have co sponsors ready, but most likely your saved money and occupation will be fine!)

Good luck!

Brilliant info Marina-Del. Really apprecaite.

So this affidavit, the I-864, is this required when you first process the I129-F or is it at a later stage. Can i fill in the information now with the G-325A or can it wait?

Also, when do you tell the process about my money and my job. Do i put it in as part of the I129-F or do i wait for my interview.

I do understand that the forum is not 100% sure if i can be my own sponsor but any information from your own experiences will help.

Thanks again and im gald that you got the love you unboutably deserved

Sorry, pardon my ignorance. I have seen that the affadavit form is sent after the NOA2. So the only question is, when did your fiance provide his financial information into the process
paul pMale02009-03-24 17:41:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Marina-Del @ Mar 24 2009, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lived in London throughout the K-1 process with my Australian fiancee. Both of us were in the UK on temporary work visas. As others have stated here, it is no problem for your American fiancee to live in the UK with you while you file. But again, as others have stated, there needs to be a reliable address in the US and she needs to provide an affidavit of support for you at the interview. I was working as a waitress in London while we filed. I submitted my affidavit and had my parents co-sponsor.

HOWEVER, London is one of the only consulates that will let the Non-USC sponsor themselves. My fiancee also works in IT. We showed them his bank account balance, both in London and in Australia and had letters from his employer. They did not even ask to see the affidavit of supports from my parents. They of course took my original affidavit of support, but I had not been employed in the US for 2 years prior to that and wasn't making much in London.

So, the answer to your question about whether they will look at your saved money or consider the fact that you work in IT and should be able to find a job in the US....yes! But again, London is one of the only consualtes that allows you to do this. Also note, that back in 2006 when I did it, there was not a lot of information online about whether they would accept that or not. Some people on VJ said that they had done it, but others said it couldn't be done. Also, again, this was in 2006, so you never know what might have changed.

My advice, have her affidavit AND a co-sponser in the US that meets to guidelines JUST in case they don't accept your own sponsorship. My father has his own company in the US and we prepared a letter stating that he would employ my fiancee when we got to the US and give him this and this amount of money. But, we never showed it to them and they never asked for more. In the interview they only mentioned money once, he said "your funds all seem to be in order" (referring to my fiancees bank balance!). (point being, better to be safe than sorry! Have co sponsors ready, but most likely your saved money and occupation will be fine!)

Good luck!

Brilliant info Marina-Del. Really apprecaite.

So this affidavit, the I-864, is this required when you first process the I129-F or is it at a later stage. Can i fill in the information now with the G-325A or can it wait?

Also, when do you tell the process about my money and my job. Do i put it in as part of the I129-F or do i wait for my interview.

I do understand that the forum is not 100% sure if i can be my own sponsor but any information from your own experiences will help.

Thanks again and im gald that you got the love you unboutably deserved

paul pMale02009-03-24 17:37:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Mar 24 2009, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 23 2009, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The title says it.

She lives in California. I live in England. We are applying for the USA K1 fiancee visa. We want to end up in california.

Can she stay in england on a 180 day visa whilst the k1 goes through?
Are there any interviews that she needs to go to and therefore would miss?

Can anyone see any problems with this plan?

There is no restriction against it on the USA side and if she were allowed to stay as a visitor in UK, why not? BUT, she will have to show an income and means of support in order for you to get a visa, so I suppose if she has an income and can continue to receive it while in the UK, it is OK, other wise, how is she going to show she income to support you?

Gary, I thank your wisdom and i think you hit the nail onthe head. I am marrying her for love not money :0). Good job, she has no flippin monney :0).

So i think you are right, it is better she stays there and still works to get near the poverty line. I think she may be below it and with the recession etc. getting a co-sponsor will be difficult.

I have money and Marina-Del on this thread (what a great forum by the way), said that London will take my money and income into consideration. Now this was in 2006 and could have changed. Suppose i should phone them up to find out.

Do you know anything about this?

Again, great info and help. Really appreciate it
paul pMale02009-03-24 17:10:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Bobby_Umit @ Mar 24 2009, 02:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 24 2009, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (msu17 @ Mar 24 2009, 02:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, she can stay with you. You just need to make sure that someone is getting her mail or USCIS sends things to another's home in case you get an RFE. Also, as someone else mentioned you need to prove income both for the embassy and when you file AOS, so make sure that you have a co-sponsor or this wont effect your finances too much.

This is interesting. I asssume that want to make sure that i wont be a burden on the government or try to work illegally when i first arrive. Do my savings count? It will be around $50K and therefore will sustain us. My fiancee will not have much savings, working or not. She works hard but most goes out on housing, children etc. Will her finances impact our K1 or AOS.


You will have to meet the poverty level needed. The State department requires 100%, however, some embassies/consulates require the level needed for the I-864 (which is 125% of the level).

This is the 2009 poverty level chart I-864P PDF - using that, you will determine the number of people, and then it will show you what you need to make in income to sponsor.

If you use assets, you will have to show 5 times the amount needed to cover the difference between the sponsors income and the required poverty level.

This page is the FAQ for it I-864

You can use that info to determine what you need to do.

If you sponsor/you cannot meet the level, then you will require a co-sponsor that can.

Hmmm again interesting. So, she has 3 young kids, does that mean 3 in her household. I assume so she would have to earn 27K on the chart. Is that correct?

Great thanks for your reply, this is really helping
paul pMale02009-03-24 17:03:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Mar 24 2009, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a site that offers advice on family immigration to USA...for having your fiancee live with you while the K-1 is in process, you'll have to look into visas to the UK. You may try the British Embassy in the USA website for more info.


Thnaks for this. It does make sense to me, but its th eworry of not proving her earning before we go back that is worrying me now. The correspondence should be fine. We will just give th eaddres of a close friend.

Your story is reassuring and inspirational so thanks
paul pMale02009-03-24 08:47:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (msu17 @ Mar 24 2009, 02:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, she can stay with you. You just need to make sure that someone is getting her mail or USCIS sends things to another's home in case you get an RFE. Also, as someone else mentioned you need to prove income both for the embassy and when you file AOS, so make sure that you have a co-sponsor or this wont effect your finances too much.

This is interesting. I asssume that want to make sure that i wont be a burden on the government or try to work illegally when i first arrive. Do my savings count? It will be around $50K and therefore will sustain us. My fiancee will not have much savings, working or not. She works hard but most goes out on housing, children etc. Will her finances impact our K1 or AOS.

paul pMale02009-03-24 08:43:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (PB&JAM @ Mar 24 2009, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 23 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The title says it.

She lives in California. I live in England. We are applying for the USA K1 fiancee visa. We want to end up in california.

Can she stay in england on a 180 day visa whilst the k1 goes through?
Are there any interviews that she needs to go to and therefore would miss?

Can anyone see any problems with this plan?

Weird.. I live in California and my fiance is named Paul and lives in England. Is your fiance's name Jenny? laughing.gif

LOL. No it isn't but Jenny does sound very nice smile.gif

Your journey is interesting as i t may be a template for mine. We met online in May 2008 and have met twice in U.S. She is coming here to "that sacred isle" in April. We are currently filling out the I-129F and in the midst of the land of procrastination Doh! We are gettig through it though.

So it has taken 7 months from NOA1 to NOA2. Is this typical? Did you have any comebacks asking for more information?

Another question, and i dont want t get too personal, so please tell me to bog off if so, but there is something about finances and income that the U.S. citizen has to fill out. Now my fiancee does not earn much and it is my savings that will sustain me (with her) early on and then my job should sustain us all once i get one out there. I am in I.T and yep, i know the job market isnt great in California at the moment, but greens hoots adn all that smile.gif.

So the question is, does her finances have a big impact on whether we get accepted or not, and secondly, is there anywhere i can state our plan of me having a large deposit before i come over to get married? The reason i ask because is this is similar to your circumstances in may be an even better template.

Thanks in advance

And nice to meet you smile.gif
paul pMale02009-03-24 08:38:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
QUOTE (Bobby_Umit @ Mar 24 2009, 12:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Mar 23 2009, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The title says it.

She lives in California. I live in England. We are applying for the USA K1 fiancee visa. We want to end up in california.

Can she stay in england on a 180 day visa whilst the k1 goes through?
Are there any interviews that she needs to go to and therefore would miss?

Can anyone see any problems with this plan?

yes, she can visit you during the process. She would have no interviews to miss.

just make sure she has all paperwork with her needed.

Wow, thanks to you all. Very quick answers. So basically she has no interviews for the K1, jst has to submit the K1 pack with all the required proff, and when it comes over to the UK, i do the interview and medical and wait for approval. Correct?
paul pMale02009-03-23 19:28:00
United KingdomCan my usa citizen fiancee live with me in England during K1 process
The title says it.

She lives in California. I live in England. We are applying for the USA K1 fiancee visa. We want to end up in california.

Can she stay in england on a 180 day visa whilst the k1 goes through?
Are there any interviews that she needs to go to and therefore would miss?

Can anyone see any problems with this plan?

Edited by paul p, 23 March 2009 - 06:56 PM.

paul pMale02009-03-23 18:54:00
United KingdomK1 - best way to contact U.S embassy after exiting NVC
QUOTE (paul p @ Sep 17 2009, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (imaisha @ Sep 17 2009, 05:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Sep 16 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So i have my case number, from NVC and then confirmed from DOS. Does that mean i oculd now simply download the forms and complete them. I beleive there is information on there about booking the medical or is that on the website too? Do you have to take the packet 3 letter to the medical or interview?

Yes you can go ahead and download and send in the checklist. The medical info is here: http://www.usembassy...iv/medexam.html
The forms and certificates requested in packet 3 should be brought to the interview.

I RECEIVED MY PACKET 3 IN THE POST. Sorry to shout but i think it is worth shouting about. :0)

I have one concern (and i may create another topic for this)...

at the bottom it says traveling applicants. It lists me, My son and daughter. It is ONLY ME going. Is this a mistake. I am worried it may impact the affidavit of support as my fiance will have to support another 2 people, basically blowing the affidavit as we are only just ok with me.

Is listing my kids who are not coming to the U.S, as traveling applicant on packet 3 a mistake that i need to rectify with the embassy?

Thanks for this. I have posted another thread to open it up to the forum.

QUOTE (imaisha @ Sep 17 2009, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm. Not sure. The DS-230 specifically asks you to list all your children and then in another question asks you to list only those who will be traveling with you. I think your best bet would be to just include a cover letter when you return the checklist pointing out that it's just you but if you're really concerned you could call the hotline, get the code and email them just to confirm. I'm really not sure just how serious that is.

Thanks for this. I have posted another thread to open it up to the forum. P.s replied to the right one after 2 balls-ups
paul pMale02009-09-17 18:37:00
United KingdomK1 - best way to contact U.S embassy after exiting NVC
QUOTE (paul p @ Sep 17 2009, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (imaisha @ Sep 17 2009, 05:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Sep 16 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So i have my case number, from NVC and then confirmed from DOS. Does that mean i oculd now simply download the forms and complete them. I beleive there is information on there about booking the medical or is that on the website too? Do you have to take the packet 3 letter to the medical or interview?

Yes you can go ahead and download and send in the checklist. The medical info is here: http://www.usembassy...iv/medexam.html
The forms and certificates requested in packet 3 should be brought to the interview.

I RECEIVED MY PACKET 3 IN THE POST. Sorry to shout but i think it is worth shouting about. :0)

I have one concern (and i may create another topic for this)...

at the bottom it says traveling applicants. It lists me, My son and daughter. It is ONLY ME going. Is this a mistake. I am worried it may impact the affidavit of support as my fiance will have to support another 2 people, basically blowing the affidavit as we are only just ok with me.

Is listing my kids who are not coming to the U.S, as traveling applicant on packet 3 a mistake that i need to rectify with the embassy?

Thanks for this. I have posted another thread to open it up to the forum.
paul pMale02009-09-17 14:54:00
United KingdomK1 - best way to contact U.S embassy after exiting NVC
QUOTE (imaisha @ Sep 17 2009, 05:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul p @ Sep 16 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So i have my case number, from NVC and then confirmed from DOS. Does that mean i oculd now simply download the forms and complete them. I beleive there is information on there about booking the medical or is that on the website too? Do you have to take the packet 3 letter to the medical or interview?

Yes you can go ahead and download and send in the checklist. The medical info is here: http://www.usembassy...iv/medexam.html
The forms and certificates requested in packet 3 should be brought to the interview.

I RECEIVED MY PACKET 3 IN THE POST. Sorry to shout but i think it is worth shouting about. :0)

I have one concern (and i may create another topic for this)...

at the bottom it says traveling applicants. It lists me, My son and daughter. It is ONLY ME going. Is this a mistake. I am worried it may impact the affidavit of support as my fiance will have to support another 2 people, basically blowing the affidavit as we are only just ok with me.

Is listing my kids who are not coming to the U.S, as traveling applicant on packet 3 a mistake that i need to rectify with the embassy?
paul pMale02009-09-17 11:53:00
United KingdomK1 - best way to contact U.S embassy after exiting NVC
QUOTE (imaisha @ Sep 16 2009, 10:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lansbury @ Sep 16 2009, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
While you can easily get at the forms and start collating the documents required you do need packet 3 as it has the London case number on the letter does it not.

I assumed that everyone knew that you get your case number by calling NVC and giving the operator your USCIS receipt number...

So i have my case number, from NVC and then confirmed from DOS. Does that mean i oculd now simply download the forms and complete them. I beleive there is information on there about booking the medical or is that on the website too? Do you have to take the packet 3 letter to the medical or interview?

Great help by the way from you all
paul pMale02009-09-16 18:19:00
United KingdomK1 - best way to contact U.S embassy after exiting NVC
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Sep 16 2009, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (imaisha @ Sep 16 2009, 05:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's usually not the best idea to "just wait" with London as they have a dirty little habit of getting things lost in the mail, generating packets and never mailing them, etc.

Don't feel weird about calling the DOS number. It's the price of a regular call and they answer questions like that all day long. If your file got to London three weeks ago it's totally possible your packet 3 has already been generated and you can get moving now.

I agree - I also like to tell people not to go overboard on the calling for status checks, but to limit it to something more reasonable - or only calling when it looks like things are getting late - With that strategy, I only called NVC once - late enough that my packet had just been shipped out, and DOS once - again, late enough to know that packet 3 had been received. Calling too early and too often is as unsatisfying as getting on the scale every morning and evening when you're trying to loose weight. You mostly won't see the results, and feel more discouraged and frustrated every time. Wait until there's a reasonable chance of forward movement.

Great posts and information guys. Really helps. I phoned DOS. Really helpful. My package was sent to me September 10th. I havent received it yet (Sept 16th) which is slightly worrying but im sure it is fine. Post is delayed in UK anyway. I assume it is not signed for a they just put it through the letterbox. Lets hope so. There is no one at home during th eday.

Thanks again. Really appreciated.

p.s. updating my timeline. Yay :0)
paul pMale02009-09-16 14:23:00
United KingdomK1 - best way to contact U.S embassy after exiting NVC
QUOTE (paul p @ Sep 14 2009, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Our case exited NVC late August. I am in the UK so assume it goes to the U.S embassy in London. I want to find out the status (have they received it, have they sent packet 3 etc.) but i have struggled to find a good contact number. THe premimum lines were not helpful and expensive.

What is the best contact number?

Should i use email?

Are there any hints and tips?


Thanks to all for replies.

I think i will wait (like everyone else :0) ).

It was just that i saw that the journey timeline has when embassy received. I thought people contacted the embassy so could fill it in. A lot of items on here say wait a week and then contact the embassy. Didnt realise that its pretty impossible with London
paul pMale02009-09-15 18:10:00
United KingdomK1 - best way to contact U.S embassy after exiting NVC

Our case exited NVC late August. I am in the UK so assume it goes to the U.S embassy in London. I want to find out the status (have they received it, have they sent packet 3 etc.) but i have struggled to find a good contact number. THe premimum lines were not helpful and expensive.

What is the best contact number?

Should i use email?

Are there any hints and tips?

paul pMale02009-09-14 10:57:00
United KingdomLondon Medical Experience - September 2009
QUOTE (n1dom @ Sep 15 2009, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I had my K1 medical at Knightsbridge Doctors yesterday and I just thought that I'd share my experience.


The doctors office is located about a 5-10 minute wander from Bond Street tube station. Exiting the station, I crossed to the north side of Oxford Street and headed west (towards Selfridges) turning right into Gees Court and heading all the way through the pedestrian area to Wigmore Street. Across Wigmore and then into Jason Court and onto Marylebone Lane. Bentinck Street, where the the office is, is a few yards on to the right.

As you turn right in to Bentinck Street, the office is located in the first building on your right (Bentinck Mansions). The building appears to be an apartment block and the office is on the ground floor to the right (Flat 4). You will need to buzz the intercom to get in.


Spoke to the receptionist, who was very polite, and handed over the questionnaire (from the information contained in Packet 3), my passport and a photo. I was asked to go through to the waiting room. The receptionist appeared a few minutes later in the room and handed me an Embassy medical form which I was asked to complete along with an HIV screening authorisation form.

I filled everything out and the receptionist came and collected the forms and told me the nurse would be along shortly. And she wasn't wrong!


After a couple of minutes the nurse came along and took me off to her office. We spoke about vaccinations and she explained about the K1 requirements. I didn't have any records and she told me that I would be able to get the required shots done at my GP for free. I opted to have the shots done there and then as my GP had nicely taken me off their books as I hadn't been for so long!!!

The nurse and I chatted about things and before I knew it first shot was in my arm and done, a blink at the realisation that it had been done and the second was in there and done! This nurse was a first-class professional! It was all administered is a very cheerful and pleasant way.

I was given record of the batch numbers of the shots and the nurse checked to see if the radiographer was free. Bing! Oh yes he was!


This bit was a little odd as it happened so quick and I didn't see anything happen! The radiographer was very cheery and he asked me to strip off my top. He then asked me to turn around and place my chest against a large square plate, place my chin on the top bar. He put my arms behind my back and gave me a, what I guess was a lead sheet to hold in both hands. And we were done before I knew it!

The chap asked me to get dressed again and off I went back to the waiting room where I waited for about ten minutes.

Doctor, Doctor

My name was called and the Doctor introduced herself and led me off to her office. She was very polite and chatty, asking me about my day, my job, where I live etc. She asked me basic health questions about a previous operation and the she was ready for the physical exam.

I popped my shoes off and she checked my weight and height, then she checked my eyesight (with glasses on). She then asked me to sit on the bed and she checked my breathing with her stethoscope, checked my glands and took my blood pressure. Then she took a blood sample which was very painless and asked me lie down on the bed. The doctor then proceeded to prod various organs while chatting away and finally asked to have a quick peek down below.

A couple more questions, one of which was have I ever been in trouble with the police and have I ever been caught for drink driving. I thought they were a bit odd for a medical but then I guess they may reveal underlying problems.

And we were done! 10-15 minutes top with the doctor.


So around 45 minutes after arriving it was back to reception and pay the bill. I feel that I was treated well and everyone I came into contact with was very friendly, but then I should hope so for such an expensive (but necessary) escapade!

If anyone is worried or nervous, I found from my experience that it was quick, painless and not unpleasant at all.

Hope this is helpful!


Hi Dom;

I must congratualte you on a very good post. Obviously designed to make the reader feel relaxed and it definitely did that.


paul pMale02009-10-14 14:14:00