VietnamContact HCMC Consulate
Sent email to HCMC consulate Jan 12 2012 receive reply Feb 6, 2012. Sent email Feb 16 10am re: address change got auto response 2pm Feb 16, as of Mar 4 I have gotten no reply.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-03-04 22:18:00
Vietnamjust got word from the interview!

i cant believe im saying this but pink is my new favorite color!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shes got pink after a 3 hour wait they took her passport and made her pay and gave her a pink :thumbs:

Congratulations, it looks like the HCM momentum is building. May you soon be together.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-03-06 20:42:00
Vietnamjust got the call
Long time coming, that pink paper. Damn near 3am here in the US but it feels much later than that.
I been rode hard and put away wet for about 3 1/2 years now, God I hope this works.
Funny how it all works out... a couple weeks to know your hai trong mot...three plus years to get the opportunity to live like it.
I gotta say I'm scared that little bit of pink could be snatched away...some technicality...more reviews...hell I don't know. I'll be walking on egg shells until we've cleared customs and are on the freeway. A full tank of gas and an open road have alway cured all my ills.
Since I got the news I've been shaking a little, crying a little, dreaming a little, trying to compose my thoughts but I can't...tired...the last few years have worn us down. We just want to move forward with our life together.
I don't want to jinx it, but the consulate had her leave her passport and they put it with a pink paper.
We could be together by the end of July. I don't want to leave her crying at the airport anymore. I just want her to get on the plane with me, to calm her as she leaves the only home she has ever known, to give her all she needs, to give her all I need, to hold her deep into the night. I'm ready, she's ready.
Long time coming that pink paper, please come to us...all of us who are waiting...please come to us soon.

"and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep"
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-07-03 06:07:00
VietnamLeaving Vietnam, POE and marriage
152 pounds, 69kg, that is the weight of her life. Neatly folded, stacked and packed into three red Samsonite knock offs freshly purchased at Cho Ben Thanh. Of course the weight of all our hopes, dreams and fears adds considerably more, although its not reflected on the scale. 152 lbs? I know I couldn't whittle my life down to that. Hell I can barely clean out my garage, and when I do, it mainly involves moving stuff from one box to another. I gotta hand it to all those who give up so much on the visa journey. 152 pounds plopped on the scale, tossed on a conveyer at the airport and gone out of sight. We are all in now.

We had a decent flight. Got to LAX on a weeknight. Not much of a line to enter the US, we were asked a few questions about how we met, where we will live and when we will marry. They opened our brown envelope, it had our consulate case stuff and medical paperwork. They never asked for our x-ray stuff. They took finger prints and we were on our way. Reasonably fast and painless. We picked up our bags and hit the freeway. It felt great.

We got married at the courthouse, knocked that out in about 30 minutes. It would have been faster than that if their computer was working well. We have about a ten day wait to pick up the marriage certificate. After the ceremony we hit the Social Security office. That took about an hour and fifteen minutes. Filled out a form then waited for our name to be called. The card should be in our mailbox in about a week. We will probably go back to get the married name put on it. I wanted to get the number ASAP, didn't want to wait for the marriage cert to come in. It may be easier to westernize her name in the long run. The name order thing gets very confusing for the form filler out people, who in turn confuse me. Last middle first to first middle last is quite the shell game. Almost as fun as the month day year to day month year game.

Anyway thats our story so far, things are going well. We are happy to be together. Soon as we find a new place to live we can settle in and begin the AOS process in earnest. Looking forward to it.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-08-11 14:37:00
VietnamWe made it
We finally did it, got on the plane together and made it to our new home. Now the real work can begin, crafting a new life together, day by day, minute by minute, moment by moment, memory by memory. We are relieved to put the K1/AP process behind us and look to the future. We are so lucky to have been granted the opportunity to succeed in our new life. It hasn't been easy, it didn't go as we had planned, but it all worked out somehow. We will take a deep breath, reflect on the first part of our journey, give thanks and begin the first steps towards our future hopes and dreams.

I thought the airport would be a less emotional place this time. I was wrong. We did not have to part ways with each other, we had no long hug and kiss goodbye, we didn't have that moment you never want to end, the moment where I thought if I held her tight enough and long enough we would somehow make time and distance cease to exist. I didn't have to struggle with every step..."don't turn around"..."don't look back"...only to fail and look back every time, resorting to that pitiful wave farewell, the wave meant to look strong and carefree as if I'm just stepping out to check the mailbox. No, I didn't have to face these things this time...but her family did. Her Father, Brother, Sister and best friend all reduced to tears. So there we stood...all of us crying, hugging and trying to be brave, trying to let go, trying so hard, so hard. We take a chance not many other couples do. Two lives, two families from different worlds, our lives tread a path less taken, a path many would not...could not take. A leap of faith many do not understand. I never want to forget the sacrifice...the emotion of that moment. I never want to forget the families we leave behind, for as the reward can be wonderful, it does not come without a price. Here's to all the families and friends of our spouse's we leave behind. Here's to the home's our loved ones leave. And here is to the new life we will share together. Thank you, thank you all. And I give my word, while I may take my wife from Vietnam, I will never take her from her family.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-08-11 13:02:00
VietnamVietnam VisaJourney Members

A list of VJ member traveling to Vietnam"
Please post your name and date if you are in, going to, or thinking about traveling to Vietnam...
Please DO NOT post interview dates--leave those for your timeline/signature...

Mr. Saigon..........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
Ralph&Hanh........................................Living In Vietnam (HCMC)
ksoh08..............................................December 5,2009 - March 4, 2010
Huong and Phung...............................December 30, 2009 - January 30, 2010

Ronnie&Hang.....................................January 16, 2010 - February 21, 2010 (revised)
Matt_Steven......................................January 16, 2010 - February 8, 2010
Icarus...............................................Mid-January 2010 - Mid-March 2010
hniHnitsuJ (aka Loi and Suong)............February 2010 for Tet
b_weeks............................................February 2010 for Tet
Mike n Huong.....................................February 2010 for Tet
Kevin and Tuyen................................Will be going for the interview, Jan-Feb (?)
Greg & Lien.......................................March 30, 2010 - April 13, 2010

James & Nicole.......................May 21?-31 2010
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-14 21:29:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call
2 1/2 years in AP is over, visa in hand. Finally got it. Submitted updated medical July 3. Emailed consulate July 12 re: no news from consulate or EMS. July 13 consulate reply; visa approved, wait for EMS. July 18 10am VN time SMS delivered visa. And its a good thing too because I was just clearing customs at the airport in HCM at the time. She was at the airport to meet me and got the call. Yeah, I know, "don't make travel plans until you have the visa" but I rolled the dice & got lucky. Serendipity happens. This time we get on the airplane together. I guess I better start reading up on POE stories. Thank you all for your support. We are so happy, hanh phuc to be together at last.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-07-18 18:14:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

I'm glad WeatherEmperor got out of AP. My case is now 255 days in AP. WeatherEmperor got called in beginning of February but we didn't get a call or anything even though we are in AP only a few days apart (I'm ahead of a few days in AP). A recent call to DoS and the status didn't change. DoS stated that the last event was a Congressional inquiry on my behalf in January.
When the Consulate said they did the case in order, they must meant doing in the order of the cases handle by the individual CO. I goot Congressman involved, and tried faxing the requested info from my senator, but the senator office has not response. Crazy waiting!!!

DON'T GIVE UP...NEVER SURRENDER. IT CAN BE DONE. KISMET, DESTINY, FULFILL. Who knows the outcome? Who cares? Go all in, no regrets, let the chips fall where they may. You will never question your intentions if your heart is resolute and pure.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-03-06 00:46:00
VietnamHCMC Interview roll call

VJ Members currently in AP at HCMC:

  • Vi&Art__________________8/5/2009 K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Frank And Duyen (effjaye)___10/20/2009 CR1 Visa - First Blue RFE: Timeline
James & Nicole_________________12/4/09 Blue-timeline, ex-wifes address, medical results from Cho Ray
1/4/10 White/AP medical results from Cho Ray
VJ Members who made it out of AP & results:
  • Lindal24 ________________7/8/2009 - 10/7/2009 - 91 days in AP - APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & List of Relatives
  • FrednDaoHoney__________1/17/2009 - 10/15/2009 - 271 days in AP - APPROVED
  • JohnCali9 _______________8/6/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 76 days in AP - APPROVED
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation & Timeline
  • MichaelAndKha___________8/15/2009 - 10/21/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
    Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent photos, 2.No engagement ceremony, 3.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Andy (not a VJ member)____8/17/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 67 days in AP - Denied
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • Minh&Nhan (not a VJ member)__09/07/2009 - 10/23/2009 - 46 days in AP - APPROVED
  • Huong and Phung _________9/8/2009 - 10/27/2009 - 49 days in AP - Denied :crying:
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • JeromeBinh______________8/20/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 69 days in AP - Denied :crying:
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Ex-wife's situation, Timeline & List of Relatives
    Reasons for Denial: 1.Inconsistent Photos, 2.Communiciation not credible, 3.One visit, 4.Small engagement, 5.Engagement shortly after meeting, 6.B has 3 relatives in US, but only listed 2; P lived close to B's relatives, 7.Lack of marriage ceremony details
  • Ly Trinh _________________8/21/2009 - 10/28/2009 - 68 days in AP - Denied (?) :crying:
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Timeline
  • Ituan __________________8/10/2009 - 09/15/2009 - 36 days in AP - Denied Additional interview granted for 11/11 2nd denial
    K1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline
  • ToanTien________________8/20/2009 - days in AP APPROVED
    CR1 Visa - First blue RFE: Proof of Bona fide Relationship & Timeline-- co-sponsor... yes I said co-sponsor

james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-14 21:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP can anyone decipher what DOS is saying???

We had our interview june 15th.. knowing to expect AP and of cos we have it... ive inquired a lot of info lately but just trying to decode (and maybe I can't) what DOS says to us

In the beginning we were told its pending so many times.. then in september the answers seemed to change some.. we had last update as August which would co incide with name checks being complete (not sure because they won't say)

Did find out we never got sent to name checks in washington and recently we have been told the next update should be that our visa has been issued.. the last few times we have been told its at the embassy and they are working on it and yesterday we heard it was in processing at embassy...

Asked if we were in final review and he said he couldnt disclose that info.. (ok of cos i know just tried to see if he would answer :( )

Can ANYBODY shed any light on the changes in our DOS answers? or is it hopeless to try? it will be 4 months on the 15th and 90 business days soon after...

I know ap has no time frame but of cos we are just searching for anything that tells us we are getting close..

and btw we have emailed the embassy but they dont seem to want to reply... ive tried calling as well but can't get thru

I'm a little out of my depth on this one. My AP is totally different. I've been to the Vietnam consulate in Saigon many times. They have a US citizens hour Tuesday and Wednesday from 4 to 5pm. If you are a USC you talk to a CO. They are notoriously tight lipped about case info. The info is on the countries embassy/consulate website. Don't know if you could try that there. The catch is you have to be a USC and in country. It can be a tough wait when the end seems so near. Keep the faith..don't lose hope.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-10-05 22:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTB test Positive???

Ya, she said they did the both the skin test and also chest x-ray.

I'm looking at her vaccination card from home and I don't see any BCG vacines. am I missing something? Is there a specific name for some of these BCG vaccinations that I should look for in her vaccination card?

1/3 of the worlds population has been exposed to tb. Its common in Asia and Africa. She may be what they call type b. Latent tb, been exposed but not active. They may give her antibiotics for a few months. Get a good Doctor and make sure she is treated if necessary. If caught early the outcome is good. If its a false positive then no worries at all.

On the bright side she is here. If she would have shown a positive two weeks ago in her home country, she would need treatment in Ghana.

I wish the best for you.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-27 21:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiontuberculosis
Copy that Scott, I was thinking along those lines myself. Figured it would move, I used tuberculosis and tb in the title hoping people who search for the subject would get a hit with either entry. I'm guessing the search function will be the main path to this. It being kind of a niche topic here.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-06-07 13:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiontuberculosis
I'm posting this here as I feel it relevant to all K-1 filers. If your significant other has active tb, positive sputum culture or possible active tuberculosis please consider having 'drug susceptibility testing' (DST) done.

DST testing determines which drugs the tb bacteria are resistant to. By the same token it will determine which drugs will work. It is very important to get a jump on the treatment protocol. In our case my fiancee spent one year taking drugs that didn't work. She lost a year of treatment time, gave the tb one extra year to grow and incurred a year of liver damage taking drugs that were ineffective.

If possible talk to you Doctor early and often about getting the DST testing. It won't hurt and could possibly make an important difference in treatment.

If you are currently in treatment please check into it. Treatment is long and difficult. Additionally, I have spoken to folks at the WHO, IOM, Pham Ngoc Thach Hospital, Cho Ray Hospital, two county health agencies in the US and three US Doctors and none of them has mentioned or addressed the behavioral and mental aspects of tb treatment. This is a long term debilitating illness with a potentially fatal outcome. In my opinion the mental and emotional strain on the patients and their families is significant. This appears to be a weak link in the treatment of tb. A strong support group for those involved is essential.

Faith, love , hope, science, drugs, prayer, resolve, courage, etc. Pick the ones (or all) you need. Pack a lunch it could be a long trip. Please give all the support you can to your loved one, they will need it.

DST, check it out.

My experience is in Vietnam and I hope this doesn't get moved as I feel it applies worldwide. Some of my our backstory is posted in the Vietnam regional forum on the dates of Jan 8, Jan 15, June 29 and July 1 of 2010.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-06-07 12:42:00
PhilippinesWhat % people have to do sputnum test

Hello, this is how it happened for us. This is the Cliffs notes version-we meet in Dec 08, she is just starting to be sick. She goes to her hospital in HCMC and they start her on meds. We are both nieve to the gravity of the situation. Her docs don't provide much info, just pills and off you go. I Google the meds and find out they are for TB. Ok I've heard of that, growing up in the US it has never been a concern to me however...kind of like polio, malaria, cholera. TB is curable, she taking meds, under a doctors care, all is well. I of course am a dumbass (not judging). She, as many people do has faith in her doctor and just follows orders. Never questioning the doctors knowledge. She is given the standard protocol for regular TB, isoniazid (inh), rifampin (rif), ethambutol (emb) and pyrazinamide (pza).

I start the k-1 process about June 09. Six month wait for interview. She is getting sicker, by Nov she is coughing up blood, I tell her to get a second opinion, she has no concept of what a second opinion is. In her world the doctor is not questioned, they are educated, they are right. I have experience with misdiagnosis. My ex almost died from one. You know the old joke, "what do they call the person who graduates last in their class at medical school? They call them Doctor. Just because you are one doesn't mean you are a good one. Question authority. She get a second opinion and X-ray, the results are not good. Nov of 09 I contact the WHO they put me in contact with pham ngoc thach (pnt) hospital in HCMC. Astonishingly her District hospital in HCMC clears her, as far as they care she is go.

Since she is now a k-1, and as such must be attended to under US CDC protocol and mandate for entry into the US, cho ray hospital in hcm gets involved. We get lucky. The US has a different standard of treatment. If we never meet and decide to marry, there is no review of treatment and she most likely does not do well. Cho Ray starts sputum testing in earnest. They determine her TB is resistant to the some of meds she has been taking, there has been no improvement in her symptoms so far. After almost a year if treatment she still has active TB.

Jan of 2010-Cho Ray changes her meds. She now.gets ofloxacin and amikacin injections 5x weekly. emb and pza are continued. INH, RIF and streptomycin don't work. The TB is.resistant to them. At this time the treatment must last for 18 more months as long as her sputum results are negative. She will need to give sputum every month during this period.
Batter dying on phone must file the now

Cell phone charger dead I'm on car battery now.

Sept 2010-Cho ray determines her TB is resistant to Oflo they remove it from regimen and add para-amino salicilic acid (PAS) and prothionamide (PTH). Sputum still good. 12 months to go with treatment then Oct 2010-side effect- PTH Cases liver hepatitis and must be discontinued. Nov 2010-sputum now positive again--the clock starts anew. You must have 18 months of consecutive good sputum results to get medical clearance. They docs are now worried about adding more.meds due to fallout from the side effects.

2011-so far so good, sputum tests monthly and ok. Side effects managable. So.far. Can't type more this phone making me crazy.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-10-12 21:33:00
PhilippinesWhat % people have to do sputnum test

Did your fiance show symtoms of TB before she got the test?

Hope God intervenes for you and your wait period is less than expected. :-)

Hello, this is how it happened for us. This is the Cliffs notes version-we meet in Dec 08, she is just starting to be sick. She goes to her hospital in HCMC and they start her on meds. We are both nieve to the gravity of the situation. Her docs don't provide much info, just pills and off you go. I Google the meds and find out they are for TB. Ok I've heard of that, growing up in the US it has never been a concern to me however...kind of like polio, malaria, cholera. TB is curable, she taking meds, under a doctors care, all is well. I of course am a dumbass (not judging). She, as many people do has faith in her doctor and just follows orders. Never questioning the doctors knowledge. She is given the standard protocol for regular TB, isoniazid (inh), rifampin (rif), ethambutol (emb) and pyrazinamide (pza).

I start the k-1 process about June 09. Six month wait for interview. She is getting sicker, by Nov she is coughing up blood, I tell her to get a second opinion, she has no concept of what a second opinion is. In her world the doctor is not questioned, they are educated, they are right. I have experience with misdiagnosis. My ex almost died from one. You know the old joke, "what do they call the person who graduates last in their class at medical school? They call them Doctor. Just because you are one doesn't mean you are a good one. Question authority. She get a second opinion and X-ray, the results are not good. Nov of 09 I contact the WHO they put me in contact with pham ngoc thach (pnt) hospital in HCMC. Astonishingly her District hospital in HCMC clears her, as far as they care she is go.

Since she is now a k-1, and as such must be attended to under US CDC protocol and mandate for entry into the US, cho ray hospital in hcm gets involved. We get lucky. The US has a different standard of treatment. If we never meet and decide to marry, there is no review of treatment and she most likely does not do well. Cho Ray starts sputum testing in earnest. They determine her TB is resistant to the some of meds she has been taking, there has been no improvement in her symptoms so far. After almost a year if treatment she still has active TB.

Jan of 2010-Cho Ray changes her meds. She now.gets ofloxacin and amikacin injections 5x weekly. emb and pza are continued. INH, RIF and streptomycin don't work. The TB is.resistant to them. At this time the treatment must last for 18 more months as long as her sputum results are negative. She will need to give sputum every month during this period.
Batter dying on phone must file the now
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-10-12 20:56:00
PhilippinesWhat % people have to do sputnum test
We have had a positive result after the 6 month treatment period. In fact after over a year treatment we were positive. If you have case of multi drug resistant TB it can take 18 to 24 months of treatment or more. If possible get drug susceptibility treatment done ASAP.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-10-10 23:18:00
PhilippinesWhat % people have to do sputnum test
Don't know what %. But with a positive skin test and lung X-ray with signs of TB pretty much everyone will need the sputum test. That is a 4-6 week wait for results. If the sputum is negative you may be in the clear. If sputum positive then most likely a 6-8 month treatment period. If someone needs treatment please look into drug susceptibility testing (dst). My understanding is for any country visa all use US govt CDC protocol. See my other posts for more info or search for TB+james&nicole.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-10-07 20:29:00
PhilippinesLooking For Others On AP At Embassy Manila
I'm not from the phils but its generally good when they keep the passport. They often need it to attach the visa inside. Good luck to all in AP in the phils. You will get it done. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

This is why I started this post. Good news for us if we have MikelanNida case. More painful if we are stuck in AP hell for 3 months like jameugiekaxavilon. I will be praying for you jameugiekaxavilon and hoping I see it in the next few weeks.

james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-10-05 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere's the Happiness???
My top ten since starting the k-1 process.
10--can now speak conversational governmentformanese.

9----now have plastic airline flatware service for 17, which complements my lawn chair and folding card table furniture perfectly.

8----have sung karaoke and actually enjoyed it.

7----anti depressent medicine costs waaaay down.

6----understand the metric system actually exists.

5----liver has lost 3 dress sizes, now down to size 18.

4----old love letters make excellent kindling.

3----have seen the inside of church for the first time since Sunday school. Somehow it seemed smaller than I remember.

2----finally achieved phone card and calling plan merit badge.

1----since paring down erotic "art" collection to only recent additions can park car in garage again.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-10-07 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAP poll, how many of you..
I have been in AP about 2 years on a medical. It's not fun. At some point it seems time to make plans to leave the US. It can be a difficult Solomon's choice. Not to leave....but what to leave behind.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2011-10-10 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsonly 4 or 5 months of AP to go

Wishing you both luck and good health!!

Thank you so much. I wish the best for you as well.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-03-05 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsonly 4 or 5 months of AP to go

Wow. How is she doing? Is she staying strong with the meds? I hope so and I hope you are together soon. She has been being treated for over 2 years? Jan 2010? Or when did treatment start. You are both very patient!!
I hope to hear good news from you soon

It has been 3 years actually. 2009 was spent taking medicine that the TB was resistant to. Drug susceptibility (DST) testing was not done until we filed our k1. After the k1 was filed the USA/CDC took over the treatment protocols. If she didn't meet me in late 08 and we don't decide to marry, she might not be alive today. The local hospital in Vietnam would not have covered advanced treatment. If I don't cover the increased cost, she doesn't get 2nd line meds. We both have been lucky in many ways. She is strong with the meds, goes to the hospital 5 times a week. The side effects are not pleasant, stomach problems, pimples and boils, ringing in the ears, loss of clear vision, juandice, hopefully nothing permanent but there is no guarantee of that. This is no joke. I know many on VJ badmouth the TB/sputum testing process and for most with good reason. In our case, in my heart I believe it saved her life. I am grateful for that. Difficult yes, impossible no. Lucky for sure. My advice is to embrace the medical exam, it my keep your loved one alive. One in a thousand, one in a million, without it, I would have lost everything.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-03-05 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsonly 4 or 5 months of AP to go
The doctors have spoken. If all goes well the TB meds will be discontinued in mid April. Hopefully the last sputum test is negative (we could know by June), then the hospital sends the info to the consulate and in about a month we could have a decision on the visa. We had to update the police certificate, as it had expired but with any luck we could be together this summer. I won't really be able to believe it until we have cleared the airport and are in my car on the freeway. It has been a long process and we aren't in the clear yet but I'll take the maybe. I'm hoping, praying and imagining for the best. Our love isn't going away, its just a matter of where we will manifest it. I think I see a faint light up ahead. I better check it out.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-03-05 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved

Just got visa approved. Watch for review later. Yeah!!!!!!!

Congratulations, VN seems to be doing well lately
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-03-07 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa in hand
It's been a long haul but we finally got our visa. The last years have been truly an emotional roller coaster. Many smiles, many tears but we are all smiles today. Keep the faith and it can be done. I have learned much from you all here. Thank you. AOS forums her we come
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-07-18 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting evidence for K-1 petition
Eric, in our case after filing the initial 129f we got an RFE asking for proof of ongoing relationship three months later. I used it to submit evidence of two additional trips to VN and a brief update of our circumstances of meeting. Getting an RFE is not guaranteed so you can't bank on it but my attorney said it is not uncommon.

After reading many posts here I think the "frontloading" concept has merit. If I could do it all over again I would give them all the info I had at every opportunity. In my case they asked for a narrative/timeline of our relationship on three occasions. With the initial filing, with the RFE and again when we got the blue slip at the interview.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-11 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting evidence for K-1 petition

Greetings to everyone on this forum from a first time poster! I find myself both nervous and excited as I begin the process that I hope will unite me with my fiancee here in the United States. I'm particularly appreciative for all of the good information posted here by "veterans" of the K-1 process.

I don't expect any major issues with our initial filing, but I gather that the big hurdle will be the determination by the consulate in Ho Chi Minh City. My primary question right now is whether and when we will have the opportunity to submit additional supporting material between the time of our initial I129-F filing and the actual interview.

I feel like this could be very important to our case. For example, we (actually her terrific family!) organized our Dinh Hon celebration on short notice after I proposed to her on my most recent visit to Vietnam in November, and none of my family could be in attendance. My parents are eager to meet her and her family but will not be able to travel until my father recovers from surgery scheduled for later this month. If they are able to go in the near future, I would hope to be able to get that evidence in front of the consular officer.

My current thought is to strive for a relatively short, well organized initial package, but this depends on whether we will indeed have a chance to provide a more complete and current set of evidence later that will be fully considered before she goes in for the interview.

Thanks much,


Edited by james&nicole, 11 January 2010 - 01:37 PM.

james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-11 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvolution of Relationship Letter

My Fiancee's interview is scheduled in Guangzhou for March 23rd, 2010. I'm really nervous, and I can't be with her even though I really want to, so I prepared this letter on my behalf.

I'm looking for feedback. Thanks!


Dear Consulate:

My name is Phillip R. Bxxxxx and I am Feifei Fxxxx Fiance and I-129F petitioner. I really wanted to be here today to support Feifei during her interview, but I have used up all my vacation time visiting her two times in Beijing in 2009 and taking off more time to host her and her dad on a 17 day trip the US just this past February 2010.

I met Feifei Fxxxx on a casual chat site called It is NOT a dating site and neither Feifei or myself where looking for a love interest. I’ll never forget that day: May 28th, 2009--Dragon Boat Festival Day in China. Feifei told me she was from China. I had never talked to anyone from China before so this peaked my interest. I asked Feifei for her picture and we exchanged emails (I sent her my picture as well) because I wanted to know who I was talking to. At first we had some problems with the email and I thought she had seen my picture but didn’t like me. Looking back on it now it’s very funny, because as it turns out I met the love of my life that day.

After our pictures where exchanged Feifei suggested that we should do a live video chat. We both had Skype so we each started that up and connected. Wow! I was live chatting with a Chinese girl living in mainland China. When I first saw her on video that day I knew she was a kind, loving and romantic person. The first night we chatted for five (5) hours! The next day I counted the hours until I could connect with her again. We video chatted again, this time for six hours (6) hours. I found her fascinating, and couldn’t bring myself to end the video chat--neither could she. The second told I told her I felt a magic connection and typed my first (of many) chinese words to her: love.

She felt perplexed about this and didn’t know what to do or say to me. She didn’t outright reject me, but told me she needed more time and wanted to see how she felt. I’ll be honest and tell you I was pretty hurt. Here I found what I thought was the love of my life and she was telling me “no.” I told her I had to get to leave for work and rather abruptly ended the video chat. I didn’t know it at the time, but later she told me that night she felt very sad and came to realize that when I left our video chat she felt regret and realized she felt something more for me than just friends.

The next day we talked on video again and both agreed that we wanted to be closer with each other. We exchanged phone numbers and physical addresses. From that point on we have spoken to each other by phone, QQ instant messenger or Skype video chat EVERY DAY (sometimes two (2) times a day)!

At first Feifei’s family was very skeptical of me. After all, I lived half a world away and we met on the internet. Who would believe this could be true love? The next milestone was when I gave Feifei a call at her sister Jie Mei’s house. She couldn’t believe I was actually calling her! Her mom and sister where both there and they kept yelling at Feifei to get off the phone and not to talk to me. We didn’t let this discourage us. We kept talking everyday by phone, video and instant messenger. A few weeks later I gave Feifei a call at her Dad’s place of business. Her dad and I talked on the phone and Feifei assisted with translation. After about 15 minutes of chatting with her dad he was laughing and gave his initial approval of our relationship.

A few more weeks passed and Feifei was chatting with me on Skype as we did daily when her mom poked her head into the video frame. At first her mom was very shy and didn’t want to talk to me. Eventually she relaxed and Feifei assisted with a translation between her mom and me. After chatting a while her mom also gave her initial approval of our relationship. It was time to plan my trip to China.

I got my China visa and booked my plane tickets. I arrived in China on August 10th, 2009. Feifei, her mom and dad met me at the airport. When I saw her smiling face at the arrivals gate I knew the long trip had been worth it. She called my name “Phillip … Phillip…” I’ll never forget that day. I dropped all my things and ran over to hug her. I never felt so much love from another human being as I did that day. We spent 14 wonderful days in Beijing together. I got to know her, her family and more about China. The warm feelings I felt for her and her family told me this was the girl I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with. The last weekend I was there (August 22nd, 2009) I took Feifei and her parents to The Great Wall. We climbed the wall, and once at the top I asked Feifei to marry me. She said yes! The next day her dad had an impromptu engagement party and about 20 or so of the family and closest friends where there. I returned to the US with a Fiancee and started the I-129F petition.

Feifei and I continued to talk by phone and video every day. As each day passed I felt very sad she and I weren’t together. I decided I would return to China again in November 2009. I arrived in China again on October 31, 2009. Feifei was still going to school so Feifei’s mom and I spent a lot of time together. My Mandarin Chinese really got a boost from speaking it everyday with her Mom. Her mom and I also cemented our relationship which I need feel is very strong (even better than the one I have with my mom). On November 10th, 2009 we said our sad goodbyes at Beijing International and I again returned to the US.

We began planning our next meeting: this time it would be in the US on January 31, 2010. Feifei and her dad got their B2 tourist visas and arrived in the US as scheduled. My dad and I met them at the airport. When we saw each other we embraced so tight.

While in the US Feifei and her Dad met my family and friends. My mom, dad, and sister all loved Feifei and approved of our relationship. I showed her and her dad the sights and exposed them to American culture.

What I want is to be with Feifei permanently and all I ask is you grant her a K1 visa so we can start our life together and won’t have to part ever again, my heart can’t bare the distance!

Thank you!

Phillip R. Bxxxx

I think it sounds pretty good. It gives enough hard info to provide proof of relationship and shows you have feelings for each others families. I would provide all the ticket stubs, pics, phone records etc. to coincide with the visits and I think you have a solid baseline.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-03-01 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp, I need suggestions and advice

This a very hard and overwhelming process. Can someone offer any suggestions as to what to do and what visa to apply for if me and my intended have yet to see each other face to face? We Skype constantly etc, but we have yet to visit one another. Due to my work schedule etc it is difficult for me to travel to see him. Please can someone give me insight as to what route we should go so that we can betogether?

Many here have your back, overwhelming yes, hard yes, take your time, you must meet. Preferably more than once, Skype, chat, etc, are not enough, take care, go slow. There is no rush. If you push to hard, to fast, you can get burned. Take easy, go nice. Best of luck to you, keep a level head. Be open minded but don't let your brain fall out.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2012-03-06 01:13:00
VietnamActive tb case with 18 to 24 month treatment period

When Thuy was in the hospital for H1N1, she had to share the bed with another girl the whole week she was there... yep, two people in 1 bed...her mother holding her hand and praying on one side of the bed and the other girls mother doing the same on the other side of the bed... when it comes to sanitary conditions and preventing the spread of things... some folks over there just dont understand... We are hoping for the best for your wife and Linh's brothers...

Thank you.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-07 22:12:00
VietnamActive tb case with 18 to 24 month treatment period

Some years ago I had a young Lieutenant Platoon Leader who spent time in the Alaska National Guard. Most of his unit was in "bush" Alaska. He was always tired and constantly dragging #### and just generally not doing the job, so like a good Platoon Sergeant I fired him then got knee deep in his behind. He told me TB is fairly common in the bush and he had it. His medicines were doing a number on him. I felt bad for him after that. He pulled through OK and the last I heard he moved to the Little 48 and is doing well. Due diligence is the key to managing any sickness.

Having gone to the pregnancy hospital a couple of times with Linh, I can totally believe the snot rocket doctor. Those hospitals are like farms.

I got some sort of creepin crud (put me out of commission but good and I don't mean maybe) on a visit in May 08 and Linh took me to Columbia in District 1. They seemed to be spot on there and the doctors actually talk to the patient unlike the farms. Maybe that can be a option.

We are all pulling for you.

PS. I let the kid have the Platoon back but had to fire him several more times over the course of his time here. Young Lieutenants. What are you gonna do?

Farms is about what they are, the tb section is like a cattle pen, I mean it was a real eye opener. But honestly when I think a little deeper about it....I'm damn glad it's there. There is medicine (not sure of the quality), there are Doctors (ahem), and with the treatment process there is hope. With what I've seen so far with the way tb works, if you've got tb you are going to need a lot of hope to get through it. It looks miserable, sounds painful and the treatment takes so long. And your right, the due diligence is especially important. With the direct observed therapy (DOT) you have to go to the hospital every day to get the meds. It was a 20 to 30 minute ride to the hospital each way, five days a week. They are telling her to do this for the next 18 to 24 months. And that room was packed with people from all over town doing the same thing. I heard folks will often get an apartment close to the hospital to cut down on the commute.

I'll check into the Columbia in District one. And thanks for the kind words.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-07 22:08:00
VietnamActive tb case with 18 to 24 month treatment period

I agree, my brothers in law both have the drug resistent strain. They got it because the first brother was diagnosed and started treatment but didn't see it through to the end. So it came back and the other brother came down with it too.

The treatment is really tough. My wife is heading home to VN this weekend to see her family and to try and get some more/better info regarding treatment as well.

If you'd like, let's share info about this and we can get our families through this mess.

I would be happy to share the info I have. It's difficult to get it all together from 15,000 miles away but I'll keep chipping away. I've got some Docs names, e-mail address's and phone #'s from PNT. I'll PM you, maybe you are dealing with them already.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-07 21:30:00
VietnamActive tb case with 18 to 24 month treatment period

PNT is the hospital for TB and such. My brothers in law have been going there for their treatment.

Does your fiance(e) have "regular" TB or one of the drug resistent strains?

She has a drug resistent form of tb. She has taken the 1st line meds from Feb 09 to Nov 09. Her hospital in District 4 cleared her in Nov 09 but when she went to Cho Ray they started her up again on the 1st line meds. Which was supposed to go for 6 more months. Two weeks later they called to get to the hospital and start the 2nd line drugs. She now gets two different injections, two pills and vitamin B6 five days a week. They also started charging her $80 a month for the injections. This is to continue for the next 18 months.

I went to Cho Ray with her one day and watched one of the Doctors in the DOT medicine cage blow his nose into the sink, wipe it off with his bare hand, rinse it with plain water for about a second then put on a new mask and go back to work. He did not wash his hands with soap or clean up the sink. Mind you this is a room were they hand out tb medicine to all the people with tb who come to Cho Ray.

So we are dealing with a misdiagnosis from her District 4 hospital and a complete disregard for sanitary standards at Cho Ray. I've been in contact with a Doctor at PNT to get a second opinion. Not for the tb, we know she has that, but for the treatment protocol. The side effects are brutal.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-06 17:12:00
VietnamActive tb case with 18 to 24 month treatment period
Does anyone have any experience with a long term treatment of tuberculosis? I'm pretty sure we will time out of our K1 visa period and have to start all over again. We filed K1 June 09 and had interview Dec 09. Now white slipped since we can't submit medical clearance until the treatment period is over. Which right now appears to be July 2011 assuming all goes well.

We are out of Ho Chi Minh City. If any one has any experience with any good Doctors there I would be interested in hearing your thoughts/ideas. Cho Ray has our case now. I'm also in contact with PNT (Pham Ngoc Thanh Hospital).
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-05 22:06:00
VietnamHow long can we remain in AP?

If you are in AP they extend the case until a decision is made... unless they put the burden on you asking for something from you that you dont produce (usually documentation of some sort).. in which case they would consider it abandoned or deny it... I assume the beneficiary potentially tested positive for TB and they just need Cho ray to sign off on the health cert? depending on the treatment/tests it could be a few months (like Ronnie and Hang or Joseph) or a year or more in some cases before the Dr's will give a clearance...

Yes that is the case. Cho Ray is telling us it will be 18 months from Jan 2010 until they consider signing off on the health certificate. At the bottom of the white slip it says if we fail to provide additional evidence within one year of our interview date (which was 12/4/09) section 203 (g) requires the application to be cancelled.

Since we won't have an approved medical certificate by 12/4/10. I asked the consulate do we wait around a year, get cancelled and then start the k1 process all over again? They replied as long as we come in every 6 months and notify them she is undergoing treatment they will keep the case active and the file in open status.

BTW I sent my e-mail to the consulate 1/6/10 and got the response 1/13/10 about a 7 day turnaround.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-15 12:32:00
VietnamHow long can we remain in AP?
I just got an answer from the HCMC consulate. This is a direct quote "In case the case is pending due to the beneficiary's treatment for tuberculosis, the case is still active until the beneficiary completes the treatment provided she contacts us every 6 months notifying us that she is under treatment to keep the file in open status"

I don't know if this is for all AP cases, but if you are going to be stuck in AP for extended periods you may not have to re-file your intial petition.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-14 21:58:00
VietnamVisa in Hand
Hey Bryon, if you are from ND we spent some time talking on those sweet metal bench chairs down at the consulate Dec. 23. I was number 6012 or so. Good to hear you got the visa. Best of luck to you and Tran.
james&nicoleMaleVietnam2010-01-08 15:00:00