US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
quick question sandra will arrive in miami dec 9 around 7pm at night how long do you think she will be in immigration for?
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-31 13:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Way to go!

You might want to start making travel plans now. I was looking at fares for early January and was finding $900 one-way and $1100 rt. Luckily using discount carriers and inconvenient airports, it looks as if that cost can be cut in half.

I'm gonna have to try to buy the tickets this friday because they are getting expensive due to the holiday
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-27 11:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Best wishes... Let us know how everything goes..


our thoughts and wishes are with you good luck
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-26 19:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I know that everybody pretty much knows that Ryna is having their interview tomorrow, but I would be remiss in not encouraging everyone else to send best wishes their way. It's a holiday today in Colombia and they must be having a great time relaxing before the big day.

Good luck guys. All our best wishes go with you.

best wishes go out to them. Maybe They relaxing and maybe a few drinks to help them relax
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-18 11:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Does anyone know if Helm bank is supposed to sign, seal, stamp or do whatever to the DS-156 Forms? We paid yesterday and they stuck the receipt on the front of the passport but handed the forms back completely untouched. I thought they were supposed to stamp it or mark it in some way?

Does anyone know? Today is the last business day before our interview and if this is going to be a problem, we have to get it fixed right away.


sandra said yes they do stamp it
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-15 11:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Does anyone know if Helm bank is supposed to sign, seal, stamp or do whatever to the DS-156 Forms? We paid yesterday and they stuck the receipt on the front of the passport but handed the forms back completely untouched. I thought they were supposed to stamp it or mark it in some way?

Does anyone know? Today is the last business day before our interview and if this is going to be a problem, we have to get it fixed right away.


I think that's all they did for Sandra but ill double check when I get home and let you know. About 2 hr
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-15 08:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I hear from Leidys that the interview was still full of questioning just like if you haven't interviewed at the Embassy before!?! Even though Sandra has previously interviewed at the Embassy, it is good that she did not let her guard down for one second. Good going on everything with your Visa Approval. It has been 1 year since we went through the Embassy, and Leidys helped Sandra get your Packet paperwork together in Barranquilla. It will be great visiting with both of you when you get a chance to make it to the LA area. CONGRATULATIONS, AMIGOS!!

wow 1 year finally and in to it . just wanna say thanks for all the help you and liedys given us. also I wanna think everybody on the board for helping us. everybody is wonderful thanks everyone
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-13 20:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Now, get her here as fast as you can before something else happens... :wow:

I agree something always seems to come up. But I think she comes first week of Dec so she can spend time with family. Is very sad she say because no cleave family soon
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-13 20:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Our best wishes go with her to her appointment. Keep us posted, please.

Sandra just called and said its all approved. I am so happy now .thanks for everyones support I really appreciate it .
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-13 10:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

sandra is in thr airport waiting to get at on avianca but they are having plane issue so I told her to buy another ticket with other airlines but they gone home for the day . Maybe maybe she can get to bogota by 6 am or 7am but the appointment is at 7 . someone told her at the airport that she could b a little late to the embassy is that true

update!!! she made it on plane
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-12 21:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
sandra is in thr airport waiting to get at on avianca but they are having plane issue so I told her to buy another ticket with other airlines but they gone home for the day . Maybe maybe she can get to bogota by 6 am or 7am but the appointment is at 7 . someone told her at the airport that she could b a little late to the embassy is that true
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-12 20:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Good luck! Hope everything goes well for you two!

thank you
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-12 14:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
hi all today sandra heads to bogota for appointment at embassy wed should be good but never know
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-12 13:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II



We were out of the Embassy by 11:00 AM and they never asked to see any additional evidence or even asked to speak to me...

Maritza said the only questions she was asked was the dates of my last trip and how we met.. They told her the paperwork all looked correct and that they were approving the VISA...

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

congrats i am glad it went very easy for you
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-12 13:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I would email or call the embassy before you travel to Bogota to verify. They should be able to tell you that information.

Best of luck!

arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-05 10:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
hello everyone just wanted to update what is going on. the doctor said she is all better and she can come to the usa. we called today and made an appointment to go back to the embassy and give them the medical and pay for visa. the only thing i do not like is the doctor kept all the papers and said they will send to the embassy. what happens if when we are there on oct 13 they say doctor no send, call they call and verify? i think everyting will be fine with that but i worry a little bit because i do not want to wait anymore. i hope everyone elses interviews are going fine. best of luck to everyone
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-10-05 09:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Friday, Leaving for Medellin... Interview is Oct 7th... Excited about finally getting this part of the journey behind us, but Scared as can be..

I beleive I am well prepared, but still very nervous.. I know that this is by no means a rubber stamp, so Not sure what to expect.. Everyone, continue to keep us in your prayers...

Anxiety is kind of my nature anyway... :unsure:


I know you'll both do fine. Best wishes. We were nervous whole time its normal and most of the time is just waiting
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-25 15:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Ok everyone I have been away due to wrok and life.

The Son had his interview today and Passed they asked hardly asked any questions. Was expecting maybe a DNA test but nothing. All is good so now I have another son coming to the household.

Woo Hoo :dance:

Congrats is exciting times
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-22 11:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

All I found the comment above on more than 1 Review of Colombia Consulate. Does the USC need a DAS Certificate.. If so, how do I get it?


I also read someone here needed one but can't remember why. They did not ask me. And it shouldn't be a requirement for usc but I guess they can ask for anything they want and we will have to do
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-19 21:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Thanks, you guys!

OK, just booked my flight back to Bogotá for the interview. Does anyone have any hotel suggestions near the embassy? I know my finacee lives here in Bogota, but we don't want any taxi, Transmilenio, or whatever other transportation problems on the day of the interview. We want to be under our own power that morning!

We're ready to book our room now, too! or
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-17 17:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Good luck- it's been a long wait for you guys! My gal had to go back for round two of exams and vaccinations before she came here. Seems like it's always something!


thank you I think and hope everything is smooth this round

Per the Bogota embassy website, our interview is scheduled for October 19th!!!:dance:

Congrats exciting times
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-17 15:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I agree the Vonage adapter works great from Colombia. I left one here with her until we decided that broadband in the apartment wasn't worth it with a one year commitment (back when we thought things would go a little quicker.) Now, I have two Vonage phones at home in the US. lol (and I'm stuck with line #2 for 6 more months... hmm)

Of course, the best part is both can call her landline for free and her cell for $0.05/min. When she wants to call me, she just calls and I don't answer but call her back (cell charges here are ridiculous IMO, even for local calls.) If she's anywhere else or wants to call directly, we use an Orbitel calling card with a reloadable, permanent PIN. Comes in handy for me too when I'm down here or if there are network/Vonage/internet problems when I'm home.

the best thing about magic jack is it cost 19 a year and she can call
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-16 23:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hey guys! my father in law called today from Colombia and he told me that Juan Esteban got some immigration papers from Washington, i told him i didnt think he would get any more mail since the visa was approved and he is already here. I told him to go ahead and open it and tell me what it was he wasnt able to tell me anything really since it was all in english. he said it looked like an appointment later and the rest were a whole bunch of papers. the only thing i could think of is packet 4 but is it really possible for packet four to arrive over A MONTH AFTER the interview. does anyone know what this could be?? :help:

what do you guys use to talk back and forth with? you use calling card or what? i have a couple of suggestions. i have vonage and you can call landlines for free in colombia and 5 cents to cell phones. i sent sandra magic jack and that works excellent and she can call anyone in the usa for free. just some ideas if anyone is interested
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-16 15:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Colombia Club II VJ'ers Harold (Arizreynolds) and Sandra had a date at the Embassy in Bogota today...I haven't heard anything from him, but I suspect things went well... :unsure:
Posted Image

Harold - Clue us in when you get this message!?! :thumbs:

hey ken sorry about the confusion sandra goes back to the embassy doctor on the 27 for 1 week of testing and new vaccinations. i will meet her i will arrive on the 29 and find out if the doctor will give her an all clear. they should since all her test in barranquilla came out clean. then we will call and make an appointment with the embassy to give them the medical and pay for the visa.
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-16 15:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Ken, you are making me really jealous. hahaha. I envy the time that you are now spending together; not in a bad way. Just a little tired of the waiting. Willdefinitely try to head out to LA in the late winter/early Spring. I hope that good adjustment experience is not limited to the California crowd.

jajjaja i second that everytime i see kens picture it makes me also think about the time i will be spending with sandra and it makes it hard to wait
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-07 17:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
This time of year,summer,is really busy for them hang in there
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-04 05:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

We're finally in the US! :dance:

The POE was a little slow. It seemed like over 20 ppl skipped us at the JFK office. It took about 2 hours from the waiting and stuff. No questions asked, and the EAD was stamped without asking.

The interview was on a Monday and we received the visa on a Saturday at the Domesa office.

congrats :D
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-09-02 16:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

I'm always surprised to hear people in Colombia say that Bogotá is pretty cold, even from people who were born and raised there. The average temperature is around 65ºF and at times it can get pretty warm since it's so high up. Last time I was there 3 years ago I was walking around with nothing but jeans and a t-shirt with my sweater wrapped around my waist just in case I needed it. I never used the damned thing. :lol:


I did not think bogota was cold out even during winter but I think that is because Seattle is always cold. Sandra is always cold there even during summer.
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-30 08:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hi Colombia Club i am so excited my love arrives today at the ft lauderdale airport. i will let everyone know how it goes for him! :dance:

Congrats must be very exciting and nervous
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-30 08:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Thanks all! Well, for the first interview, something popped up and I couldn't make it to the interview. I thought I would take the risk since my brother and cousin both were successful in getting approved without them being there. My fiancee told me that basically everyone who went by themselves got denied just for that reason, and everyone who went as a couple got approved. They never looked at any of the evidence, and they also wanted her baptism certificate.

As for the second interview, I was there, and it was really short. Got inside the embassy at 7am and was out by 7:45. We were able to cut line 40 (2nd interview) and it took like 3 minutes to be called up to line 30 to receive all the missing stuff (baptism certificate, evidence of relationship). They told us to come back at 1pm. I came back at 12:30 and there were maybe 6-7 couples there that appeared to be on the same boat as me. I would bet that most of them were on the 2nd interview for my same reason.

At about 1:10 we got called up and the lady asked my fiancee if I came to the 2nd interview and what was my name. The whole 2nd interview, I was basically the only one being interviewed.

I was asked questions such as:

Where are you from?
How did we meet?
What do I do for work?
How many times have I visited Colombia?
Does her family approve?
How was the engagement?
Did I talk to her parents beforehand?
What are our wedding plans?
When will we get married?
What are our future plans?
Do I have any children?
Have I been married before?

The questions weren't on that same order, and I can't remember if any more questions were asked.

We spoke to another couple that got approved, and it was basically the same thing. It was their 2nd interview because the petitioner was not present during the first one. They only interviewed him on the 2nd interview.

Good luck to all!

BTW, does anyone know how long it usually takes to pick up the visa from the Domesa office in Bogota?

congratulations i think i read or heard something maybe 3 days to get visa
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-25 10:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
[quote name='Nystu' timestamp='1282745709' post='4153694'

Hello everyone, my wife's AOS interview went great and approved in about 15 minutes, very happy and now looking forward to see NOA2'a for the kids. Thanks a lot to all of you for your guidance.
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-25 10:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Good luck everyone
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-24 14:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hi all Sandra will be finishing up her 6month medical treatment sept 14 and then we go to see the embassy doctor so they can give us the all clear she is better. i was wondering we call embassy doctor to setup appointment for the monday the 20 and was wondering if we call the embassy with our pin if we can ask them for an appointment the following monday to give them the medical they need and pay for visa?
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-21 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Anyone know, how long does it take to get these 2 documents from DAS...

My Fiancee lives in Medellin

Is an appointment required? How dificult is to make an appointment?
Once the document is requested, how long does it take to receive it?

I wonder if I can send in the 1-134, DS156, DS156K, DS230 now and start the ball rolling on getting our appointment while we wait on these 2 documents.. We have everything else, including all birth certificates, Police Certificate, passports, my financial docs, Tax Returns and Transcripts, Paystubs, Employment Letter... I really would like to get the appointment scheduled, but we don't know if we're jumping the gun waiting for the DAS Documents..

Thanks again all..

you can send the the file now to the embassy and get the ball rolling. from what i remember you do not have to sent i134 with you but someone can correct me if i am wrong. i think it took sandra less than 2 weeks to get the docoment but i do not remember how long.
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-12 23:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

We got a tentative YES, but with a slight technical delay. Officially a 221G, but with assurances that it is only for this one item and the approval will be given as soon as it is corrected. Some of the medical tests had to be redone, and won't be back to the doctor before the weekend. Without the doctor's approved report, they can't officially issue us a final visa approval, but we satisfied every other requirement, and the consular officer at the interview (a very pleasant lady at window #6) assured us that all Vanessa needs to do is come back for a followup appointment on her own, probably next week, to make it official. She has a good friend who lives here in Bogota who she will stay the extra week or so with, and we got her return plane ticket changed for the local equivalent of only about US$9, so all is well. We are already talking wedding plans for the 30th of October as we'd originally planned, and Vanessa is joking about either her dress and/or the wedding cake being orange & black for Halloween, LOL. They were quite happy with everything that we originally submitted and never asked to see any additional papers or photos (though we had thick files of them ready to offer if needed.) The CO didn't even ask to talk to me, but I'm still sure that the fact that I was there at all reinforced her quick (less than 5 minutes) decision. Just waiting now for news from the doctor's office, and a return visit to finish it all up...

congrats hopefully doctor will give you a quick answer. i am going through the same thing now and hope to return to the doctor on sept 20. we have a more serious issue so hopefully vanessa doesnt have anything seriously wrong with her
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-12 23:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Hi Colombia Club! I am back from Medellin, my boyfriend arrives Aug.30th at the Ft. Lauderdale airport. Our interview was super easy we arrived at 6:40am. We got all the paper work ready in the brown folder they gave us. and Juan was called up at about 9:00am to check all the paper work it was a Colombian lady she wasn’t so nice she checked everything and told us to go have a sit on the other side of the room. About an hour later he got called up for fingerprints. And we waited about 45mins until they called him to window 6 for the interview it was an American lady super nice, I went up with him and she asked him who I was he answered. And she asked him when we met, than she asked to talk to me. she asked me in English where I lived, who I lived with she also asked me when we met. Then she told me that we sent a lot of evidence and that she can see that we have more to show her but that she doesn’t want to see it because she believes in our relationship and she can tell we love each other and then she asked to talk to him again. He got on the phone and she said VISA APPROVED YOU MAY GO PAY DOMESA. We kissed and hugged each other and cried everyone around us looked happy for us kept giving us the thumps up because it was seriously like 2 mins. We were super nervous because everyone before us got denied we were the first couple to get approved that day! We left the embassy at 11am. ? thank you everyone for all your help! We wouldn’t of been able to do it without you.

Congrats I am very happy for you
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-09 15:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Good luck
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-08 06:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Right you are! :thumbs:

We're meeting up in Bogota this Sunday for the whole week, with Lab & Medical on Monday & Interview on Thursday. I'm prepared with a two inch thick accordian file that should contain just about anything they could possibly need to see, and a photo album with at least a couple hundred pictures (on removable pages that I think should fit through the pass through slot ok...) We'll have a netbook along on the trip, so if Martha's wi-fi is working, I'll try to let y'all know how it went as soon as we get back from the embassy. :clock:

good luck i am sure everything will be fine
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-06 15:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

Help with obtaining DS-156 print: My fiancee is attempting to obtain her electronically answered DS-156 with bar code. Each time (after what appears to be the usual multi-hour answer entry troubles), after seeing the satisfactory entries for all questions, that she clicks on the "Continue" button, she gets this message: "an error ocurred on the server when processing the URL. please contact the system administrator."

Has anyone else experience this block? How did you actually solve it? Could it be she's "timing out"? She believe the computer she is using conforms to the instructed minimum requirements.

My fiancee has minimal computer skills and is in Colombia while I'mm still in USA. I have not been able to help her with this problem. Her interview is on August 25.


not sure why its not working for her but i tried this one and when i click continue i can print it hope this link works for you. when sandra went to the bank the had the forms there and she can just fill it out there also
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-08-06 15:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

That is great news! Leidys was surprised that it only took you one minute! :wacko:
I stood in front of the CO for about 15 minutes, and the AOS interview lasted a cool 50 minutes. :bonk:

If your Embassy interview was that short, I would estimate that your AOS meeting will be just as easy. Congrats! :dance:

hey ken mine was less than 3 min. The whole process was waiting to talk to someone
arizreynoldsMaleColombia2010-07-28 00:04:00