Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWalk in Biometrics at Baltimore (I-751 petition)
Hi Friends,

I am scheduled for biometrics appointment at Baltimore for the 11th of June. But I am shifting on the 10th. I am going to attempt a walk in next Friday. Please let me know if it will work. Has anybody been sucessful with walk in at Baltimore?
VigneshMale02012-05-22 14:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionStatus of Service Request
Hi every one,

I thanks you all in advance for taking time to help me.

I mailed my I-751 petition on the 16th of April 2012 to the vermont center. My application was received on the 19th April and I received NOA on the 23rd of April dated 19th April. Then I almost waited a month for bio letter. Since I am planning to shift my family soon, I called the USCIS on the 15th of May 2012 requesting information about the biometrics appointment. They registered a service request for me. I did not request one honestly. Even though it was within 1 month time line they registered one because they said they did not see an attempt for scheduling one yet.

On the 21st of May I received bio letter dated the 18th and appointment date for the 11th of June. But on the 23rd I received another letter from USCIS also dated the 18th of May, stating that "Our records indicate that we recently requested that you go one of our ASC for biometrics. Your case is currently in suspense until you complete this process".

I am just worried with what they mean my "in suspense". Is this a usual letter or do they mean anything else.

Please let me know
VigneshMale02012-05-25 13:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hi Everyone,

First of all I sincerely thank each and everyone in this forum for all your support and guidance. I have not been active in this forum for the last 4 months.

I am happy to inform you all that my I-751 was approved on the 8th of January 2012 (I received a message in my cell phone and an email from USCIS) and today (10th of January 2012) I received another message similarly saying that my card has been mailed.

I request one of you to please update my information. My name is Vignesh, I applied at the Vermont Center.

But I could not see a USPS tracking number though. Please let me know how to find it,

Many thanks again for all your help and guidance.

Congrats to everyone approved and good luck for those waiting.
VigneshMale02013-01-10 15:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hi Everyone,

I am happy to inform all of you that I received my biometrics appointment letter today (21st May 2012) which was dated the 18th of May 2012. My appointment date is the 11th of June 2012. As I had already mentioned, I had given my mailing address different from my house address. My NOA 1 got delivered to my house address and my ASC appointment got delivered to my mailing address.

Thanks to all of you. You all have been a great support thus far. I understand there is still a long long way to go!!!

I hate to wait but I am having to wait for all most everything in life. But I understand there are other friends in this forum who are waiting much much longer than me.
VigneshMale02012-05-21 14:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hi Every one,

I am an April filer. I am already on the list of April 2012 filers.

I mailed my ROC packet on the 16th of April,
Packet delivered on the 18th April,
NOA 1 dated 19th April,
Noa received on the 23rd April.

I am awaiting the Biometrics appointment letter. I am worried due to 2 reasons. I request your opinions and suggestions.

1) In my I-751 packet I had mentioned a mailing address different from my home address. I did not think my home address was not as safe and hence I gave a more secure mailing address. But the NAO that I received was sent to my home address and not to my mailing address. Hence I am worried to which address are they going to send my biometrics letter. Shoudl I call them to find out as to which address they have on file.
2) Others who had filed the same day as me have already received their biometrics letter. I will be scheduled at the Baltimore center. I am worried if I am getting delayed or this is normal and I am still within the normal range. Should I call USCIS to find out? will they tell me or will they ask me to call back after 1 month?
3) I am shifting to Penssylvania by end of June. I wish I can complete my biometrics before this. If I do shift before biometrics will I still have my biometrics in Baltimore? or will I have it in PA? when should I inform USCIS about address change? will this delay my biometrics? and my I-751 processing? both Baltimore and PA come under vermont center.

Please help me with these questions. I thank you all for your help and time
VigneshMale02012-05-07 10:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hi everyone,

I just learnt from the bank that my money order was cashed on the 23rd of April. I applied on the 16th and received my NOA 1 on 23rd (dated 19th). I wish I could happily post that I received my bio letter. I havent yet received my bio letter. I will have my bio at the Baltimore center, maryland. Any thoughts about how soon they schedule bio? anybody else at baltimore?

Edited by Vignesh, 04 May 2012 - 02:38 PM.

VigneshMale02012-05-04 14:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hi otta,

I called USCIS 3 days after i mailed my I-751 packet and asked them if they received it. i had called to clarify my question on Tax Transcripts and casually asked if they received my packet and when I can expect NOA1. For NOA 1 they said I can call them in 10 days and they will not answer before 10 days. This is not for NOA 2 (biometrics appointment). They said they can track with A-number but only after 10 days.
VigneshMale02012-04-26 11:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
I had previously called USCIS. They said I have to call them if it has been 10 days since you mailed your I-751 packet. They will then let you know if your packet was received using your A-number. So give them a call
VigneshMale02012-04-25 13:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hi everyone,

I received my NOA yesterday. My time line is as follows:

04/16/12: mailed I-751 packet by USPS priority mail.
04/18/12: Packet delivered.
04/19/12: date NAO issued.
04/23/12: date NOA received.

One funny thing is I had given my work address as mailing address but I received NOA at my home address. I dont know this confusion happened. Should I contact them and confirm the mailing address? please let me know your thoughts.
VigneshMale02012-04-24 12:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hi everyone I just updated my NOA information

Adding dpds to CSC list :)

Adding DaveTX to VSC list :)

California Service Center (15 applicants)

VJName.............I-751 Sent.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved......GC Received..
TOKYO LOVERS........04/05/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....
KEN Y LEIDYS........04/07/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....
MATTHEW G...........04/09/12.......04/10/12.......05/18/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....
YA HAYAT ALBY ?.....04/13/12.......04/16/12.......--/--/--.......--/--/--.......--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center (12 applicants)

VJName.............I-751 Sent.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved......GC Received..



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I-751 Sent = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved which is the date on your approval letter
GC Received = The Date you get your card in the mail, NOT the date on the letter

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VigneshMale02012-04-24 12:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
I am in the same boat. I sent my packet to Vermont center and it reached there on the 18th. Since mine too was > 13 ounces I had to send it as a priority mail. I did not send a check but a money order. I am scared.
VigneshMale02012-04-23 14:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum. I joined today. I am a from India and my wife is an American Citizen. I mailed my I-751 petition on the 16th of April 2012 through USPS priority mail. I saw in the USPS website that the mail has been delivered yesterday at 12:15 PM (18th April 2012). There are the documents I have submitted with my application.
1) house lease cosigned by me and my wife
2) birth certificates of 2 babies born to us in these 2 years
3) Bank certified letter saying we have a joint account since 2009.
4) copies of E-filed joint tax returns for 2010 and 2011.
5) Insurance cards copies showing my wife and children as beneficieries.
6) dental insurance certified letter
7) renters insurance letter
8) 4 affidavits from friends.
9) our marriage invitation card
10) photos of us, our daughters for the last 3-4 years (25 photos)
11) mails addressed to both of us.
12) emails addressed to both of us.
13) email interactions between us.
14) 5 research papers where we had worked and published together in the lasy 5 years.

I request your opinions on 2 of my questions:
1) Are e-filed tax return copies enough or do I have to send tax transcripts. I just ordered but will have them in 1 week time.
2) If tax transcripts are essential can I mail them to vermont center once I receive them or will I wait for them to ask for evidence.
Please let me know your thoughts
VigneshMale02012-04-19 13:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)nvc new procedure wants to know


Yes you are wasting time. Why wouldn't you and the lawyer already have your AOS and IV package completed b  this time to send in.


NVC sends no forms all they send is the link for you to go get the forms yourself. You need to be doing that now.


Also you should go to the NVC filers thread and read Post #1. New procedures at NVC now with Electronic forms.




why every one else write on thier time line that AOS package recived and then AOS package express mailed.

So does this means that we have to wait for NVC to send any AOS package.

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-09-15 00:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)nvc new procedure wants to know

hi vj members i have an attorney for my case he received  email about payment of AOS and L4 visa fee , which he forwarded to me and i paid both the fees online using new system.

even the status of payment is now paid, but my lawyer said that he is waiting for the instructions form NVC to process further.

i dont knw whether he is waiting for any package to receive or any emails bcoz i saw many vj members send I-864 as soon as AOS fee is paid.

dont knw whts going on and whts the new procedure and what to do.

as i dont want to waste my time.

please let me knw thank you and imp tht is mine is IR1 caterogery.

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-09-11 06:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE asked

Sorry to hear that you have to submit docs again. If you got married in India, how did you got your marriage certificate in english? isn't it in your native lang?


Talk to supervisor, might get lucky otherwise you have no choice but to send that again. I am bit worried seeing you guys getting RFE for documents you have already submitted. My IV yet to get reviewed. 


i am from mumbai(bombay) and certificate is in both english as well as native language with our photos, stamp and signature of registrar.

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-07-04 01:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE asked

I called too. Let me know what they are going to tell you please. 

They told me (although they already have all necessary information) that they are not going to open the file back up until I send them the stuff they requested. It will take about another 3 weeks for them to recheck your case!!!!

I was wondering why they do not open up the file immidiately to check and see that they have everything but they did not care.


yaa same here just getting everything delayed

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-07-04 01:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE asked

We have the same problem. They require documents that they already have?!

Did you call them?


i just recieved it yesterday so do i have to call them or just send the 2 things they asked for?

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-07-03 06:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE asked

they sent me RFE that they need my Marriage Certificate and Passport style Photos when i had already submitted my photos (as per their reqiurments) and my marriage certificate which is in English and have date of mariiage and registartion and evrerything.

so why they asked again and what to do little confused that how this gonna effect my case.

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-07-03 01:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal experience

I'm thankful for the immigrant lawyer we got online..we paid him $900.he replies quick even though i'm asking him everyday.(part of his job) He sends reminders,tips and advice,he always remind us what we papers need to get.,with his help we processed our cr1 visa and got it in just (7) seven months ,It should be six months  but we are the one who late in giving documents.The Immigrant lawyer and the applicants must work together,they will just check and prepare the documents you sent to him/her.Before hiring Immigrant lawyer try to read reviews bout them  online..If he/she still sleeping remind  that you are paying him/her and never give 100% payment until you're not in USA.  

Yes the correct and best thing said "Work Together".

In your case you got lucky that your lawyer was active and i can say PreActive that he lets you know in advance what papers needed.

anyways congrats man.

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-09-21 23:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal experience


I totally agree with this post.  I also have a lawyer due to mitigating circumstances that I personally would rather have a lawyer deal with.  However this does not mean one should not double check everything the lawyer submits on your behalf such as forms or question the process.  I verified the entire I-130 package before the lawyer submitted it and I caught an error; they are human.  My lawyer didn't take it personally and was impressed that I am taking such an active role in the process.


This is my and my husband's future on line so I better be actively involved.

I read up on all the requirements for each stage and ensure we submit everything properly to avoid any potential RFE's.  So could I have done this on my own without a lawyer?  You bet!  But when your case isn't a straightforward one and your visa approval hinges on a waiver approval, I will pay money to hire someone who is successful with those types of cases.


No lawyer should promise any client that they can guarantee a faster processing...that is highly irresponsible of them!

Also, don't just hire the first lawyer you consult with.  Research them, see if they have been sanctioned or even disbarred, and consult with at least two or three before selecting your lawyer.

I understand that we have to be active and that is the same thing i am doing. But the problem is there is not enough communications, reply or any positive answers.

Only assistant answers the call and says that lawyer has file and he will guide you further.

My case was approved a month ago and now they are asking for I-864 required documents.

So this is the problem why he waited 1 month. Instead i would have sent all my documents month ago as soon as my case was approved and he got the email of invoice. He should have emailed me that same time about the required documents.

Even to file I-130 he took 4 months.

Just slow ,lazy, dont care type and time wasteing.

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-09-21 23:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal experience

Thank you all and lets pray everything gets fine.

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-09-21 05:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPersonal experience

Hello everyone here thought just to let everyone know here that please beware of certain laywers.

I am going to share my person experience here so in future no body gets fooled like me.


I appointed a lawyer named MICHAEL PHULWANI from New Jersey one of the best immigration lawyer So that my wife can get here at its earliest. I paid $3200 for my case.

He is one of the slowest lawyer, never communicate properly and if you ask for the status always gives you negative reply.

I see many members here get thier spouse quickly then me, even people who had filed after me getting thier visa.

NVC sent lawyer my Case number on Aug 6th and asked for futher processing. I called NVC on 4th and already got my case number and asked lawyer to email me the requirements of AOS, he said he have everything nothing required.

Now on 21st Aug he emailed me the required AOS documents. He is lazy and just delaying my case and always did such kind of thing throughout my whole process of case. Its been around 2 years since i filled.

I made a mistake of hiring him and paid my hard earned money just to get this sort of delays.

Now i feel like crying why i did that mistake.

So everyone here just letting you know that unless there is no problem in your case dont waste your hard earned money and god gifted time by hiring such lawyers.


miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-09-21 01:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 August 2012 Filers

mrs.rai congrats finally u got NOA2 approved.dancin5hr.gif


I dont knw how they are gonna process my case. Still waitingcray5ol.gif

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-06-25 01:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 August 2012 Filers

I filled in august 2012 then in may 2013 i became citizen. so i called them and they emailed me that your category had beed updated to IR1 on 14 june, 2013.

so is there any advantage of filling earlier or how they gonna process.

As on thier site its showing they are working on october 2012. And i havent yet recived NOA2.

its frustating now as some people are getting thier NOA2 in like 3 to 4 mths.


miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-06-24 06:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 August 2012 Filers

Wow! Congrats Treva!
I know you've been waiting for this for so long too!
Any advice on what else you've done or waiting is the only option?

It seems I am the only one left here from August filers who hasn't got the NOA2 yet, sad.png

By the way, it's exactly 10 MONTHS since my hubby filed the petition.

no my friend i m also august filler but yet waiting for NOA2

i m getting frustate now.

miteshpatelNot TellingIndia2013-06-23 07:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Suddenly Confused_ Help & Advice Please

Thanks for the info Queen Penguin and Wuhan Rocks! The Guam activation option had crossed my mind, but it is good to have it confirmed by a knowledgeable poster. I'm not sure if I will need it, but it is good to know the option is there (it is only a $500 RT flight from Korea). Thanks again everyone!

SuddenlyConfusedNot TellingThailand2013-05-29 21:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Suddenly Confused_ Help & Advice Please

Thanks for the replies. Apparently, when issued in Korea, the validity of the visa (entering the US) is six months after the medical check - not six months after the appointment as in most countries. Just wanted to pass this on. Also, my father said he spoke with the immigration Bureau in Philadelphia and the women he spoke with said if I present my school contract to the immigration officer he/she would extend the validity of the visa (entering US) to February when my contract expires. I spoke with the Seoul embassy today and they could not confirm or deny this.


I have a feeling the lady my father spoke with is incorrect. Does anyone else have experience with this? I am under the impression it is a strict six months after the medical check in Korea. Thanks again.

SuddenlyConfusedNot TellingThailand2013-05-29 09:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Suddenly Confused_ Help & Advice Please

I just spoke with the Seoul embassy, and they said it would not be a problem to push the interview date back to August or September. She did mention background checks do expire, but she couldn't give me a time frame. Does anyone know how long background checks are valid for? Getting a new Korean background check is easy, but a Thai one takes work; we got my wife's Thai background check at the end of Feb.


So, it seems we're going to push back the interview and hopefully enter the US in Feb. With the option of staying, or returning abroad and formally handing in my wife's green card and applying for a tourist visa. I did read there is a specific form for formally handing in a green card and applying for a tourist visa at the same time..


Anyway, thanks for the advice so far! It really is helping in many ways.


SuddenlyConfusedNot TellingThailand2013-05-27 20:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Suddenly Confused_ Help & Advice Please
Thanks for the quick reply Penguin_ie. Your info helps alot. If, during the interview, I mention our situation . . or the interviewer asks. Is it possible they would give my wife a tourist visa instead of the IR-1? I can't help but thinking how simple things would have been if my wife initially got a tourist visa.
SuddenlyConfusedNot TellingThailand2013-05-27 05:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Suddenly Confused_ Help & Advice Please
Hi everyone. My wife's IR-1 appointment has been scheduled at the embassy in Seoul for June 18th. We have gotten this far without needing to post. However, things have quickly become very confusing. First, due to work, we are suddenly unable to travel to the US until Dec or Feb. As I recently learned, if my receives the IR-1 she has 6 months to enter the US. I am assuming I can push back the interview date by contacting the embassy in Seoul (I tried today, but they were closed for Memorial Day).

Second, seemingly the more important issue, we don't plan to live in the US for another 3 or 4 years. I recently learned it is important for my wife to stay in the US for more than six months of the year - is this correct? We want to use the visa to allow her to come and go freely for the time being.

We originally tried to get a tourist visa (about a year ago), but were denied. So, we went this route. We actually applied for a K3 visa, but, at some point, it was changed to the IR-1 (which was confusing to figure out).

I am an international school teacher and my wife is Thai. We have been married for about two and a half years and don't have any children yet.

If I get the interview date pushed back and we get the IR-1, will we have problems if we only visit the US for a few weeks a year? Thanks in advance.

Suddenly Confused

SuddenlyConfusedNot TellingThailand2013-05-27 05:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresActivating IR-1 in Guam

Thanks for the replies. I did not know an extension could be possible; I will contact the embassy asap to check. If not, it looks like we're headed to Guam for a weekend. Thanks again!

SuddenlyConfusedNot TellingThailand2013-10-24 10:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresActivating IR-1 in Guam

Hi everyone. My wife received her IR-1 in June, but plans changed a bit and we are not going to the US until February. As the visa will expire in December, we plan to fly to Guam for a weekend to activate her visa (we currently live in Korea). I did significant research about flying to Guam a few months ago, but just wanted to double-check to see if I should be worried about anything. Also, when we go through immigration and enter Guam, is there a specific place she needs to go? Does she just go through with me? Thanks in advance. Everyone who replied to my first post several months ago was extremely helpful.

Edited by SuddenlyConfused, 22 October 2013 - 07:30 AM.

SuddenlyConfusedNot TellingThailand2013-10-22 07:29:00