K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question
Can anyone help me ?
Question 8 on I-134 : That the following person is dependent upon me for support.... - does my husband need to put my name there as his spouse ? We don't really understand what this question means.

Question 11 : That I intend to make special contributions to the support of the person named in item 3 (that means me, his wife).... Does he need to answer this?

Thanks a lot, I couldn't find any directions on filling out this form.

so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-03-04 04:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI129F extension

I've been in the same situation, my husband is an USC. He has sent a fax to the Embassy in Romania, the Immigrant Visa Unit , requesting the extension . I think you should call them and ask, just to be sure.

The letter was something like this:

Name and address......

March 1st , 2006

Immigrant Visa Section
U.S. Embassy in Romania

ATTN: Head of Immigrant Visa Section Department
Subject: Extending the validity of the I-129F Petition

Dear Sir,
Undersigned ............... US citizen, I am writing you in connection with the I-129F petition that has been approved on July 21st, 2005 and has been forwarded by NVC to the U.S Embassy in Romania. The beneficiary is my wife,........... Romanian citizen and currently living in Romania. She will apply for a K3 visa in July 2006, after she had completed the two–year foreign residence requirement of the J1 visa.

Given the reason presented above, I respectfully ask you to extend the validity of the I-129F petition until my spouse, ..............., will be allowed to apply for a K3 visa at the US Embassy in Romania.


I hope this helps. You should call them , just in case you need to fax them a request.

I wish you luck.

so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-07-11 08:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 8, form ds-156 - complicated

You have used your married name, and I wouldn't be surprised if you've used it at places other than the bank.


You would be surprised, but I haven't used it "at places other than the bank".
But you're right, I have used it and I will put it on the form. That's all I wanted , a simple answer.
so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-07-15 02:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 8, form ds-156 - complicated
Thanks a lot, your answers helped me a lot. My paranoia has an excuse, I've been away from my husband because of a former J1 visa with 2 year residence requirement, I just want to do it right and be back with my honey.
I wish you all the best.

For Yodrak: I haven't used my married name at all, I'm still in my country, you cannot use a name here unless you have an ID (passport or national ID), I had no reason to use it, most of the people here wouldn't know how to spell it and I didn't want to complicate my life. Thanks anyway for the reply.
so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-07-14 12:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 8, form ds-156 - complicated
I have a question about form DS-156 for K3 visa. I will apply on July 19th and I'm really paranoid about filling out the forms.
The question 8: Other names used......

In my case, it's a little complicated. Me and my husband have a bank account in US on both names, my name on this account is my husband's last name, the lady at the bank changed it and asked only for the marriage certificate. All my other documents are on my maiden name, I didn't want to change anything because I was afraid not to mess it up, the petition was on my maiden name and everything else.

Now, should I declare this name from the bank account as "other name used", even if it's not a name shown on any ID?

Tnaks a lot.
so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-07-14 03:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Wow.. camera ia cu emotii.Noi suntem deja casatoriti, deci probabil imi va spune ca trebuie dupa 2 ani sa ridicam conditionarea..
Eu am mai fost de 2 ori si nu am avut probleme cu zborul, sper ca nici acum sa nu nici cu bagajele, la alea am emotii ca am 2 de cala :).
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-07-06 00:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Multumesc :), da stiu ca la POE trebuie sa dau pachetul ala sigilat si probabil o sa imi puna niste intrebari legate de casnicie nu? Intrebarile sunt genul celor de la ambasada?
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-07-05 03:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Buna dimineata.Nu mai e nimeni pe aici? :no:
Eu ma pregatesc de plecare, in mai putin de 12 zile sunt in US!! Sunt asa de entuziasmata!:)
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-06-29 01:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Buna!! FaithInGod eu am mai ramas in tara pentru ca mai am de rezolvat cate ceva cu masterul, sunt an terminal.Mi-am luat biletul in schimb si abia astept sa trec de POE :).Eu nu am primit nici o notificare de la ambasada din Ro, am primit un email de la NVC in care scria ca data interviului este pe 2 aprilie, ora 13 si ce anume au de la mine si ce mai trebuie adus: un fisier in care era o lista de documente si statusul acestora: original, taxa platita, etc.
Si cum am aflat asta am sunat la BioMedica si am programat examenul medical.

Ei comunicau cu noi prin email, de fiecare data cand primeau taxele de la noi, sau lipsea ceva ne scriau..bifasem undeva sa foloseasca adresa de email in detrimentul postei, pentru ca e mult mai rapid.

Legat de posta sau curier, eu cand mi-am primit pasaportul cu pachetul de documente, l-am primit prin curier si am achitat pe loc o taxa de 25 de RON.Deci probabil asa vor proceda si in cazul tau..
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-05-21 06:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Daca te referi la plicul pe care trebuie sa il primesti cu appointment-ul la interviu, eu una nu am primit absolut nimic de la romani, am stiut data interviului de la NVC din SUA, mi-au dat email si apoi mi-am programat eu analizele medicale si m-am pregatit de interviu.:)
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-05-18 10:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Buna.Multumesc mult.Nu, in februarie m-am inregistrat eu pe forum :).Am inceput la mijlocul/sfarsitul lui noiembrie, ar fi durat mai putin daca nu aveam un delay la viza + cateva saptamani in care sotul a fost in Ro cu mine si nu a primit corespondenta de la Usics/NVC, dar e bine si asa.Ma bucur ca s-a terminat si ca nu mai avem problema asta pe cap :no: :thumbs:
Tu esti deja in State?Vad ca esti tot pe CR1/IR1 ca si mine.Mult succes si tie.

Edited by ALE_24, 22 April 2012 - 08:24 AM.

ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-22 08:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Mersiiii mult de sustinere ;)) Pupici
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-20 11:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Ieri am primit viza si au si trimis prin curier! Azi ar trebui sa ajunga la mine pachetelul!! Sunt asa de fericita ca in sfarsit s-a terminat! (L)
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-20 05:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Neata!! Am sunat la ambasada si am vb cu o doamna si a zis ca actele par in regula, trebuie sa le vada si un consul american si dupa aia, in cursul zilei de azi ar trebui sa mi se puna viza, urmand sa trimita maine prin curier..deci la mine ar ajunge cam luni!!!
Oh, Doamne, sper sa fie bine!! :help:
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-19 04:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Buna!:) Pai suntem 3 : joint sponsorul, un dependent child si eu si are 45 de mii pe ultimul an.A pus copie dupa taxele de pe ultimul an doar.Sper sa fie suficient.Ai dreptate, ii voi suna, nu prea am rabdare de felul meu :D.Probabil pe joi cam asa, daca nu dau ei vreun email ceva.
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-17 16:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Adevarat a inviat! Paste fericit tuturor! Sper ca ati petrecut bine ;)).
Vin si eu cu vesti semi-bune!Tocmai mi-a venit noul pachet cu I-864 din SUA, avem alt joint sponsor.L-am trimis urgent spre Bucuresti impreuna cu pasaportul si ajunge maine in jur de ora 10:00.Sper ca de data asta sa fim acceptati si sa iau viza!
Oare ma anunta prin vreun email ceva :D:) asa niste emotii..oare in cate zile aflu..? ~x(
Am impresia ca ei trebuie sa imi trimita un pachet ceva, pentru Port of Entry, cu actele mele:formulare, cazier + examinarea medicala.Ciudat e ca eu am o parte din examinarea medicala acasa si plicul e desfacut de la interviu, probabil restul imi trimit ei intr-un pachet sigilat pe care il arat eu la POE.
Seara buna tuturor!

Acasa am radiografia la plamani.
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-17 15:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Buna dimineata! Deci se poate oare cu contul din banca? Momentan am gasit si vreo 2 persoane, sa vedem acum daca nu se razgandesc..

Eu nu inteleg daca ei se refera la contul sponsorului, joint sponsorului sau la al meu acolo.Si mai zic si ca sursa trebuie sa continue si dupa ce plec in SUA..sunt destul de confuza, daca nu se rezolva cu joint sponsor sun si ii intreb la ambasada.
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-06 00:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
When assets are used, the assets must equal 5 times the difference between the annual income and the
needed 125% of the poverty level, this is because the affidavit is in effect for 5 years. For instance, if you
needed $15,500 income and had an annual income of $13,500, you would need an extra $2,000 of assets for 5
years, or a total of $10,000 in assets in addition to your income. In general, if you are deficient on yearly income
for sponsorship and your assets are somewhat borderline, do not take chances--have a co-sponsor. If you do not
have a job or a steady income from other sources (such as retirement income), you will likely have to get a
co-sponsor for your spouse, even if your assets are adequate. The USCIS looks VERY CLOSELY at current income
and not just the assets.

La asta ma refer..poate pot pune diferenta intr-un cont bancar al meu si demonstrez ca am.De exemplu diferenta la noi e de 15 mii..daca eu as avea 45 de mii in banca oare s-ar rezolva? Undeva vazusem ca pentru "spouse" trebuie de 3 ori diferenta
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-05 12:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Si inca o intrebare: conteaza varsta joint sponsorului? Adica daca e mai in varsta e vreo problema?
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-05 09:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Buna tuturor again! Am avut interviul, a decurs bine..dar doar interviul, deoarece nu am putut lua viza, nu ne calificam la affidavit of support.Sunt atat de suparata, trebuie sa ne gasim alt joint sponsor si sunt foarte stresata.Stie cineva daca as putea contribui si eu cu contul meu din banca?Si cam cat ar trebui sa fie?Se poate aplica chestia aia cu de 3 ori diferenta dintre cat trebuie- cat are joint sponsorul meu?
Multumesc anticipat!
O zi buna tuturor!
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-04-05 09:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Multumesc (F)
In Illinois, in Chicago! Tu?
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-03-28 09:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Deja ma ia cu niste emotii :), stiu ca va fi bine, dar e un pas mare! Abia astept sa se termine tot, bineinteles cu bine!
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-03-28 06:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Felicitari! A durat mult interviul? Eu sunt programata la 13:00 oare pe cand scap?:D:D Nu se da pasaportul pe loc, nu? Citisem ca il trimit ei acasa.

Eu nu, dar iti tin pumnii. Nu te ingrijora, stiu ca nu-s foarte ai dracu' cu noi (decat la vizele turistice se pare)! Succes!

Multumesc! Asa am inteles si eu ca e doar o formalitate.
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-03-27 14:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Buna tuturor! In cateva zile am interviul pentru CR1 Visa. Tot citesc pe forumuri despre posibile intrebari. Cine a mai trecut prin asta si vrea sa mai schimbe pareri cu mine?
Multumesc anticipat
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-03-24 10:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Buna ziua! Mai este cineva pe aici?
ALE_24FemaleRomania2012-02-12 08:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWOOO HOOOOOOOOO
I'm so happy for you 2 :dance:
LV si LC GoeFemaleRomania2007-04-04 09:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Romanian residency
How soon would you get Romanian permanent residency if you marry a Romanian citizen?
catalina10FemaleRomania2008-12-28 04:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmistake on 325a-please help
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 24 2008, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (catalina10 @ Sep 24 2008, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all. We forgot to add one of my wife's jobs to the employment section of the 325a. We realized our mistake after we sent in the I-130. How can this problem be resolved, and how big of a problem will this be for us? Also, should we correct this mistake when we send in the I-129f? Please help us. We are very worried.

Just get it right on the visa applications and any other forms later in the process. G325a is not really critical.

Should we correct it on the I-129F?

QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 24 2008, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (catalina10 @ Sep 24 2008, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all. We forgot to add one of my wife's jobs to the employment section of the 325a. We realized our mistake after we sent in the I-130. How can this problem be resolved, and how big of a problem will this be for us? Also, should we correct this mistake when we send in the I-129f? Please help us. We are very worried.

Just get it right on the visa applications and any other forms later in the process. G325a is not really critical.

Should we correct it on the I-129F?

catalina10FemaleRomania2008-09-26 19:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmistake on 325a-please help
Hi all. We forgot to add one of my wife's jobs to the employment section of the 325a. We realized our mistake after we sent in the I-130. How can this problem be resolved, and how big of a problem will this be for us? Also, should we correct this mistake when we send in the I-129f? Please help us. We are very worried.
catalina10FemaleRomania2008-09-24 17:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresevidence of bonafide marriage
We don't know what should we do because we don't know anything about the CR1 visa....we thought the K3 visa was the best option for us, giving the fact that we have to stay separated for almost a year because of my school.
Can somebody tell us what is the difference between the K3 and the CR1?Can we apply for both in the same time?Or which one is better for our situation?We are very confused.... crying.gif
Thank you so much for your help!

catalina10FemaleRomania2008-10-05 16:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresevidence of bonafide marriage
I am not in the USA anymore...
We met last year in the USA while I was on a work and Travel programe....I didn't know that he wanted to propose this year...we got married on the 5th of Sept but I had to come back to Romania because I have one more year of med-school and I graduate.That is why we decided to apply for the K3 visa...We are going to get married here next summer too,with my family and friends in Romania.
Do you think that we should've sent more proof of our marriage?What should we do now?
catalina10FemaleRomania2008-10-05 10:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresevidence of bonafide marriage
We sent the package for the I-130 2weeks ago and we saw that they allready cashed the check.The only proof that we put in the package was a joint bank account and the copy of our marriage certificate(we got married in the USA).We didn't know that we could've sent pictures and emails and phone bills. sad.gif
Is that enough?And if not,will they send us a RFE for that?What should we do?Shoul we send more proof in the I-129F package?
Thank you so much!
catalina10FemaleRomania2008-10-05 08:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case complete!!!!!!!!
My husband called NVC today and we got woderful news: CASE COMPLETE. The operator said that by Friday we shall have the interview date. We are so happy!!!
Sam & AlinaFemaleRomania2009-05-12 01:27:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)June interviews
Hello everybody!

Our case has been completed on 11 May. The NVC operator first said that this week we could have the interview date. However, yesterday when my husband called NVC, he was told that they were no longer schedulling interviews for June and that we should wait for June to be schedulled in July. Has anyone ele received this answer?


Sam & AlinaFemaleRomania2009-05-14 01:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Cineva din Romania? (L)
Si ca sa nu uitam.........! :D

Hi there. My name is Bogdan and my girlfriend name is Sylvia. I am from Romania. We are not together yet but we are so in love.
She have read your post and told me to reply to you so you see that we all are here.
Good luck and ... WELCOME.
See ya @
bogbogNot TellingRomania2006-02-22 11:53:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBreak Out the Champagne!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Good luck for the rest of the of the journey! kicking.gif
Amoun_ra_07FemaleRomania2009-03-18 12:50:00