K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureseligilibility for K3

hey.. don't be mean.. :D but I am sure their advice is right.. you should try to meet at least 2 times before the 3rd time you plan to marry her.. that way it will seem like it is a real marriage.. instead of the government thinking that she just wants to get green card from you..

They are right. You need to have met with her WITHIN the last 2 yearsnot having known thm for more than 2 years.

There's no clear law that says you have to see her 3 times or what ever. It just has to be enough to show that you are truly in love and not in it just toget a green card.

Honestly I think it would be smarter to go see her at her house and then if you are happy apply for a K1 (which has the same restriction on meeting as the K3) so you can at least "test out your relationship for a while. . .

Contrary to popular belief she may not actually like it in America . .. .Keep in mind she will be away from her family the culture may be completely different to what she is used to. She may not like having to drive everywhere . . . I think you need o think everything through before you go an further.
FofireMaleRomania2007-02-14 11:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquick question....

Here is the link for 2007 Federal Poverty Guidelines. You, or your father must meet or exceed the requirements in order to qualified as sponsors. You may submit more than one form I-134 if you wish. However, you are still a long way from the timeline to get the form I-134.

Aside from all of that other info the amount of money U need to have in the BANK (not wages) is 3 times the amount you lack.

for instance if you lack 15k to meet the guideline that applies to you u need to have 45k in the bank.

Im not sure if its written anywhere but thats what a consualr officer at the local embassy told me.

But overall its probably easier to meet it if you get your parents to sponser you.

FofireMaleRomania2007-03-08 11:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUS Citizen, Filipina Fiancee

Make sure you have plenty of evidence to show that you aren't really getting married, however, you don't want to jeopardize your K1 application.

Well, as far as money goes, thank God for student loans! I'm traveling to the Philippines in July, I could only probably plan one more trip after that (to pick her up when she gets her visa!)

So, yeah, I'd like to do the wedding ceremony without the legal marriage in the Philippines so I can get jump started on the K-1 Visa as soon as she gets her brith certificate corrected so she can get her passport. But even at that rate, the time difference between the K-1 and the K-3 is only a matter of a couple of months or so, so I may want to do it by the book so I dont risk scrutiny, right?

What kind of evidence do you mean? Not calling each other husband and wife in customs? Not wearing the wedding rings? Stuff like that?

I agree wtih everyone else has been saying but in my original explanation I recommended going with the K1 because he could go ahead and apply for it like right now as opposed to waiting ,planning and then marrying her for the k3.

yes they both take about the same but going through the whole process ill be faster with the K1.

FofireMaleRomania2007-03-08 02:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUS Citizen, Filipina Fiancee

I never would have thought! Anyway, I'll be on here a lot, so I'll give you a little history of my relationship. 27 year old business student here in the States (citizen, born and raised). My father worked with a 22 year old nursing student in the Philippines last July on a missions trip. He gave me her email. We fell in love (yes I've seen pictures and talked with her on the phone). A couple of weeks ago I went out there and met her. I proposed to her.

She is a registared nurse, starting work at her home soon. We want to marry in July 2007 in the Philippines for her family's sake and start the process. I wanted to start a fiancee (K-1) visa as soon as she got her passport, marry her in July, and whenever the fiancee visa is approved, get her and bring her back to the US. But then I found that once I marry her, she cant use the fiancee visa. So we cant start the Spouse visa application until we marry in July and she will have to wait even longer than expected. about 6 months or even longer, right?

Anyway, I'll be asking alot of questions from here on out. Believe me, I am also going to all the web sites: US Department of State, US Embassy in Manila, Philippines. One question that's popped up

Whats the difference between a I-30 and an I-130? Are they both petitions for a spouse visa? Or is one the petition and the other the visa? They looked like they're being used interchangebly.

Any other heads up would be appreciated.

OR- should I just get her over to the US on a work visa and wait to marry once she's here and then return to the Philippines to marry there?


Chris and Kristine

Bottom line: I want to marry her in July in the Philippines

Well I think the I-30 is just a typo first of all. Here is a link to USCIS it will tell you all of the forms you could possibly ever need with regards to immigration.

Im not really sure why you really want to marry her over here unless you are just doing it for the sake of speeding up the process. It seems like an awful lot of money and time to be spent just to get her here to marry her to speed up the process. Besides then you are kinda entering a grey area with regards to coming over here to work and with the intention of getting married. on top of that unless you know someone personally that would hire her work visa's arent the easiest thing in the world to get contrary to popular belief . . . Especially since she's not in a NAFTA country.

My best advice is to either do the fiancee thing here
get her over here and she will be even be able to work and such (unless they have changed it recently and I know that they did have that on their agenda but I dont know if it went through or not). regardless you should get her over here on the Fiancee then mary her get her working papers (should take about 6 weeks after the mariage) and then do it all over again in the Phillipines. But you cant do both marriages right after each other though it will take some time for her travel papers to come through. Somebody else will have to comment on that. I think it takes like 3 months for that to come through but thats just a guess.

Otherwise for the longer route you could do it as you mentioned before.Get married there and then file for a K3. But it would be at least 6 month to (usually) 1 year maybe even (rarely) 18 months before you would be together.

FofireMaleRomania2007-03-07 18:10:00
USCIS Service CentersFinding out if your I-751 has been "touched"?


God, if that's true, our I-751 hasn't been touched since 08/16/2012, 2 days after USCIS received it and almost a full year ago!


Since then, we have received an RFE, responded to it, and have been transferred from the VSC to the Newark, NJ Field Office, but still have no resolution. For some people, the "Last Update Date" does not seem to be updated regularly, and from what I've read on these forums, the online case status and e-mail and text updates are not reliable either.

It worked for me so far,Did you call and ask for your case?One year for roc is kinda long!!Good luck!!

Mr&Mrs.BooFemaleRomania2013-08-09 07:17:00
USCIS Service CentersFinding out if your I-751 has been "touched"?

yes touch is the  Last Update Date.

Mr&Mrs.BooFemaleRomania2013-08-06 11:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Sunt fericita pt ALEXANDRA ea a fost cea care mereu ne dadea speranta si putere pana si cand am luat rfe ea a zis lasa ca e bn ca macar se uita la dosar.Felicitari pt viza si multa putere pt a merge mai depare, de aici totul e un pic mai simplu pt ca l ai pe iubitul tau langa tine.Asa cum zicea si Elena cand cineva ia viza parca lucrurile merg mai repede.Iti doresc numai fericire si noroc si sa sti ca Dumnezeu binecuvanteaza iubirea adevarata.
Mr&Mrs.BooFemaleRomania2010-08-17 16:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNO approvals and NO touches for the week of November 24th
QUOTE (antiwaiting @ Dec 2 2008, 04:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Let's all hope it will be a slow or static week at VSC. lets all hope they didnt get over the long weekend and they will be lazy. I loved seeing my relatives over skype for thxgiving and I sure hope to repeat the lovely experience again for Christmas. I dont want to be there to join them, I like being on a webcam like a news reporter. and having thxgiving dinner only on my screen and not sharing dinner with my family there really keeps me in shape. so VSC ppl, pls, dont spoil my Christmas. an approval now would make me spend Christmas doing NVC, and I really want to spend it on skype, with no paperwork trouble.

Haha .U funny!
Adrian01MaleRomania2008-12-02 04:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F (K-3 Visa) Cancelled
QUOTE (Nita&Assaad @ Jan 25 2008, 02:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am so upset, I just got off the phone with USCIS used the RFE line and they advise me that because of the new guidelines as of July 30, 2008, K-3 visas are no longer being worked on, they are being cancelled. Just 1-130 and that is being held up because of additional security check =( I started to cry because I think it can take up to additional 6 months more for my husband to come…They advise me that it won’t take that long and they would call me, they even asked for my phone number.. But I just don’t believe it anymore. I am so depress and so angry with the system. It doesn’t make sense at all.. Can I ask if this has happen to anyone before? And if so how did you Proceeded??? How long did you wait for approval of I-130 ... I can't take this stress any longer

crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif

HELP helpsmilie.gif

Hi! i am sorry! what do you mean however by july 30 2008. We're in january 2008. Was it a typo? Did u mean july 2007?

Attached Files

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-01-25 07:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 No longer a valid visa!!!!!!
QUOTE (dadiss @ Feb 12 2008, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am soooo angry right now but would like to share the info. In deed, at least for the Vermont center, they are canceling the I129F petition and moving only the I130. I just talk to an officer via the RFE trick, and he confirmed the I129F cancelation and refused to give me the status off my I 130 ?? stating some internal regulationon prohibiting that (weird as i head a lot got this info throught the Phone)

I don't know what to do else, invlove a congressman/senator to revive this 129 F (if there is a chance) or jsut absorb my anger and get in the waiting line for a long CR1 Visa track? please any idea in that regard?

thanks VJs

Did you ask why are they canceling it? And will they send a formal letter to announce you that?
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-02-12 12:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting 228 days for I130

sad.gif I am confused too..... As far as our day count is, as follows I-130 - 451 days! Since we submitted back in November 2006, it still counts like being in line and USCIS also confirmed that our petition is past processing days by 271 days crying.gif mad.gif crying.gif Big Screwed-up!!!
And I can't get anyone to help me speed it up.. My sentator keeps telling me next week, next week!! It's been now 1 month since I contacted them crying.gif

It's awful, they should at least have an explanation. Hopefully everything will be solved soon. And you'll forget about this period of your lives.

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-02-25 14:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting 228 days for I130
QUOTE (gogo @ Feb 25 2008, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
don't really know actually.. haha.. don't know which one they approved.. I was too nervous for my local office interview.. they were suspicious of my case.. but lucky I brought my parents too.. (you can read up on that other post I did).. but the letter was for the I-130, so whatever one works.. but the guy did say he would "forward my approval directly to the Guangzhou Consulate in China".. so I don't know if I get to jump over the NVC?? haha, I wish.. kicking.gif


don't want to take the topic away.. so just keep fighting!! don't let USCIS control your life.. ok?? If you followed my posts, I had faxed an "angry" letter to lots of senators, congressmen, white house (, and others and keep sending it to them.. have a list about 50+ people and even my senator told me to stop.. hehe.. they received 9 faxes in just the last week.. due to faxing to them, and other senators fowarding to them..

we kind of did that too, already. ALthough 180 days have not passed since i130 approval. But i read a lot of posts on vj and got scared. our congressman made an inquiry and he got a letter in which uscis stated that our i130 will be adjudicated with the i129f. Hopefully that's what will happen.
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-02-25 13:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting 228 days for I130
QUOTE (gogo @ Feb 25 2008, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
don't quit just yet!! good.gif I got approved at 311 days...

Hi gogo,

congrats on your approval. Saw that you filed i129f too. what happened to that?
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-02-25 13:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting 228 days for I130
QUOTE (Nita&Assaad @ Feb 25 2008, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jonbless @ Feb 25 2008, 09:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nita&Assaad @ Feb 25 2008, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are in the same vote, but we been waiting longer!!! So hang in there!!! Try writing letters to everyone you can think of!!! I did, I am not sure if it helped but at least you are doing something... Good Luck!


Wow....sorry nita & assaad.
I knew that there are others who have been waiting longer than I, and I was hoping that this post would bring us all together.
I'm gonna hang in there, and you guys do the same.
Praying everyday.

Jon Bless

Thanks Jon... I been praying a lot as well!!!!! There must be a reason why this is happening to all of us in July!!!!..They Screwed-up with us!!!! mad.gif But at least we have a place to vent and support each other.
At least I know that in the end my marriage will be the strongest and our love will keep growing and growing more. Nothing can take that alway from us!!!


Hi Nita,
I've been reading your posts... sorry about what's happening to you guys. I really don't understad what the h### is going on. why on earth they closed your i129f. You really should not let them get away with it! They had NO reason to close it. My husband called USCIS and they said they "might" close our i129f as well if they approve the i130 first. It's still stupid ... I'm really confused about all this...

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-02-25 12:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 dates
QUOTE (calamitka @ Mar 6 2008, 10:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cris.luiza @ Mar 6 2008, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On my 797 the received date is Aug,24 2007, but on the USCIS web site it says "On October 1, 2007, we received this I130".
Which one would be the received date?

The one on HARDCOPY.
If your NOA1(707)says received Aug.24 this is the date.
Good luck cris.luiza so called August filler wink.gif

Thanks Calamitka,
Good luck yo you as well!!!
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-03-06 16:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 dates
On my i797 the received date is Aug,24 2007, but on the USCIS web site it says "On October 1, 2007, we received this I130".
Which one would be the received date?
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-03-06 14:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAugust CSC K-3 filers
QUOTE (bosanskasnaha @ Feb 18 2008, 08:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mohgli @ Feb 18 2008, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bosanskasnaha @ Feb 9 2008, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone, I wanted to see if anyone has received their NOA2. It has been 24 weeks since my I-130 was received at CSC. Does anyone know if CSC is processing the petitions together? I am worried they will process the I-129F much later since it was received in October. I was hoping to see both petitions approved soon.

nothing here

waiting for the new february processing dates from the California service center to turn the heat on them

Oh yes. I am waiting too. I am getting excited I cannot wait to get the ball rolling on this. Everyone lets keep each other posted on our progress.

I guess i'm an august filler as well, although got noa1 in october. As I understood uscis is still processing files with noa1 around july 15 sad.gif. So gotta wait a lil bit more. Just hope they don't cancel the 129f.
good luck to all!
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-02-18 15:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresk3 visa
Hi VCM, congrats on the approval.
Can you post your timeline please? It would help us get an idea where they are wink.gif
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-03-13 02:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE TRICK
Thank you for your help.
My husbad wanted to call using RFE trick because he called customer service twice already and the answer was that we are only by 12 days out of the processing time so should wait until the next post (another month) until we're 30 days out of the processing time. And THEN we can do an inquiry and leave them 90 days to work on that.
This is outrageous, this would be another 4 months (that's if at the next post they'll have any progress in processing dates). It's been already 7 months since we filed. I see people that filed after us being approved and nothing for us!
We are still thinking about whether to call using RFE trick or not. There are posts pros and cons, some people got help and for some it did bad.
We really don't know what to do....
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-16 16:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE TRICK
Can someone help me with instructions on how i should call RFE trick?
Thanks a lot!
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-16 15:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130/K3 August/September 2007 NOA2???
we're august fillers
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-17 14:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAm I the only one? (confused August filer)
QUOTE (mohamadan @ Apr 17 2008, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (memyselfandi @ Apr 17 2008, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
O.K. so here I am a little puzzled and in need of some advice. I filed in August and I finally got my NOA1 in LATE January. It's April now and I have not heard anything else about my case. I didnt go ahead and file the 129F, I just kept things this way but am I the only one who hasn't recieved updates or letters, emails? Nada! Thanks for listening!!!!!!! I'm sure i'm not the only one who hasn't seen her hubby in 8 months sad.gif

you're not the only one. We're there too. Still freaking pending .....
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-17 14:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew processing dates
QUOTE (hyd617 @ Apr 21 2008, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jeca @ Apr 21 2008, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I see it says April 15.At first I thought that my eyes were deceiving me and I checked it again and there it was April 15.

LOL maybe my eyes r deceiving me too.. i dont see it i keep refreshin it it says march 15 too me.. how weird! but they r at aug now? ya i caled 2 wweks ago to VSC and offcier said they r processin aug 19 now they caught bak up to aug ha!?

but im sure they r past that since we saw DEC filers,, and me also from OCT get approved..

You spoke to an officer? How did you do that? I spoke to two customer service people today, one just did not know what she was talking about, she just read the computer screen like a robot. The next one (after I hung up on the first one) said that they process files by the recieved date and mine is Aug 24 07, so if they are up to Aug 19 two weeks ago... why is mine not done yet??? Gee I wonder.... mad.gif sad.gif I served this country 5 years in the military and.... well like they say, no good deed goes unpunished...
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-21 21:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE time line
QUOTE (Catt @ Apr 25 2008, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cris, the good thing is that you are at the California Center. They seem to have been approving both I-130 and I-129F together lately. >I'm also a newbie on this site so I might be mistaken, but check out people's timelines and recent CSC approvals (e.g. Columbianogringo; there are several others), and see for yourself.

Vermont on the contrary, seems to only be approving the I-130 so far, even if folks have also submitted an I-129F appl. for K-3 (I'm really hoping that will change soon since we're at Vermont and we want a K-3 visa dammit whistling.gif ).

You know I thought all the K3 stuff was being taken cared of at the CSC. At least thats what luiza told me. It would suck if that happened to you (not to have the K3 approved) I would write my congressman with this question and ask to see where your K3 paperwork is. That should at least give you an idea of where your file is in the process. We had this worry too a while back about only our I130 being approved without the K3 so Luiza had me ask my lawyer to look into it and he found out that they were looking (administratively) into the K3 being dropped thing. Shortly after they stopped dropong them at CSC. Do you have a lawyer? If you do ask him to look into it for you at the VSC. Thats all I can think of.

Edited by cris.luiza, 25 April 2008 - 09:04 AM.

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-25 09:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE time line
Cris, the good thing is that you are at the California Center. They seem to have been approving both I-130 and I-129F together lately. >I'm also a newbie on this site so I might be mistaken, but check out people's timelines and recent CSC approvals (e.g. Columbianogringo; there are several others), and see for yourself.

Vermont on the contrary, seems to only be approving the I-130 so far, even if folks have also submitted an I-129F appl. for K-3 (I'm really hoping that will change soon since we're at Vermont and we want a K-3 visa dammit whistling.gif ).


You know I thought all the K3 stuff was being taken cared of at the CSC. At least thats what luiza told me. It would suck if that happened to you (not to have the K3 approved) I would write my congressman with this question and aks to see where your K3 paperwork is. That should at least give you an idea of where your file is in the process. We had this worry too a while back about only our I130 being approved without the K3 so Luiza had me ask my lawyer to look into it and he found out that they were looking (administratively) into the K3 being dropped thing. Shortly after they stopped dropping them at CSC. Do you have a lawyer? If you do ask him to look into it for you at the VSC. Thats all I can think of.

Edited by cris.luiza, 25 April 2008 - 09:02 AM.

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-25 09:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE time line
QUOTE (Urge To Race @ Apr 24 2008, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Cris,
Its great if they already sent it. The USPS is not the bottleneck, it only takes a few days at most to get the actual letter when its sent no matter where you live. The problem is in USCIS actually sending the letter, usually they order the letter to be sent when your case status is updated, and it leaves the mail room 10 days later.

Paying a lawyer usually does not help make the process any smoother. VJ is filled with people who had success filing for themselves, as well as people who regret having used a lawyer (costs $, they can get sloppy, are probably slower in responding and sending things out than you would be because they are not as vested in your process because lets face it he has got lots of clients, you have one wife). This is a frequent VJ topic.

Anyways, best of luck you. I really do hope its something minor so you can zip off exactly what they need without delay. I doubt it is for phone bills etc., that is evidence your wife might need at the interview, not now. (and there are plenty of cases where they don't even look at phone bills at the interview). Evidence of the relationship is usually not the issue unless you have a long running relationship. Then if you can't provide evidence, it would be troubling.

Well they have touched our file everyday since Monday. So hopefully they are doing something constructive with it like doing everything they need to so that when they get to evidence they can approve it right away. Also there is something kind of worrying luiza and I, I hope its nothing but they have not touched our I129F (K3), does this mean they are not working on them together? Or is it that they just want the evidence to approve the I130 so they can approve the I129 along with it??? Does anyone know? Thanks for the info Urge to race.

Edited by cris.luiza, 24 April 2008 - 08:55 PM.

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-24 20:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE time line
QUOTE (Urge To Race @ Apr 23 2008, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your lawyer may still be an idiot, but he was correct about the evidence for a bona fide marriage relationship. For newly weds who have never lived together, most people have scant evidence to provide. On VJ, the affidavit from a couple of friends/relatives, etc has proven popular among the approved as well as wedding photos. We submitted no affidavits, pretty much ignoring the requirement since we had nothing else to show and in my opinion the affidavits would prove nothing other than maybe some people saw us taking our wedding vows.

The RFE could be for anything (passport photos background color, missing document like a birth cert, etc.). Don't stress yet, just wait to get it in the mail in about 10-14 days. Then give them what they want.

I know it could be about small stuff like what you said but, I used a lawyer... I thought a professional who has been doing this foe 12 years would know exactly waht was needed.... When I spoke to him this morning he said that for the last two years RFEs have increased from 5% to 10% of the time to 75% of the time. I am hoping it will not take 10-14 days but only a couple since I am close to the CSC. The officer I talked to this morning told me it was already sent out to me. Wish us luck! Thanks to you all for your support and helpful answers.

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-23 21:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE time line
QUOTE (Catt @ Apr 23 2008, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cris.luiza @ Apr 23 2008, 06:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone, we got a touch today but it was a bad touch! It was a request for more evidence. My idiot lawyer assured me that the couple of phone bills and 6 whole pictures, two letters from two wittnesses at our wedding, my passport full of visa stampes in and out of RO and all the official marriage paperwork would be enough evidence and now its not. I am so pissed off!!!!!!!!! headbonk.gif

Has anyone here been through one of these? What do they usualy ask for? How long does it take to get the RFE and how long after you send what they ask for will they strat working on your case? I know this is a lot of info I'm asking for, but I will not be able to sleep until I get the RFE and see what they want. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!! Thanks.

Hi Luiza,

Sorry you got that RFE. I also doubt whether it's because of lack of evidence about bona fide marriage.

Why don't you just call the Service Center, via the RFE line (see how to do that in other links). You wouldn't be abusing the line, i'd say, since you actually got an RFE. Maybe they can already tell you what the problem is, so that you can already prepare the extra info/documents needed (and maybe already have them overnighted from where your wife/husband lives) and be ready to send it all off again once you receive the RFE letter.

Won't be long now! (At least getting an RFE means someone actually took a look at your application and you're out of the longest waiting line.)

Actualy I'm cris, I did call and they told me I had to wait for the letter. As soon as I get it I will post what they wanted and keep you all up to date on how long the process will take.
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-23 20:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE time line
QUOTE (Madie @ Apr 23 2008, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, did you get the RFE notice from USCIS by mail? What does it say? Do they ask for more evidence that your relationship is a bona fide one? I don't think this is what the RFE is about. The evidence that you sent already should be enough to prove that in this stage. Probably it has something to do with the way you filled out the forms.

For instance we got an RFE because my visa photo had a darker background than bright white and the dimensions weren't exaclty the size they requested and because on the G-325A form under question "list the names of former spouses" we put N/A instead of none,so we had to refill that form.

We got the RFE on March 17th (we saw that on line), we got it in the mail on March 21st. We sent the response on March 25th. On April 7th we received a notice on line that they got our response and that the processing of our case was resumed and they gave us a 60 day deadline for them to make a decision in our case. But we were lucky and on April 15th we got approved!! But the RFE sure caused an one month delay. sad.gif

Good luck!

I have not gotten the actual letter yet. I just saw that one was sent on the 22 of April. I can't wait to see what they want because we went to a lawyer to make sure everything was as it should be. Maybe we did not provide enough stuff like phone bills or something like that. I live in L.A. so I am pretty close to Laguna Niguel, about a 2 hour drive. So the letter should not take more than 2 or 3 days to get to the lawyer. He promised me he would call me as soon as he gets it, I will surely call him anyway. Then I will overnight it to CSC. I called the RFE line this morning and spoke to an officer. He would not tell me what they want. He said I had to wait for the letter. Then I asked him if they would start working on our case as soon as they get the evidence they requested, he said yes and that the officer working on our case keeps our case until evidence is received. I hope to get them their evidence ASAP, and that the delay will not be too long.

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-23 20:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE time line
Hi everyone, we got a touch today but it was a bad touch! It was a request for more evidence. My idiot lawyer assured me that the couple of phone bills and 6 whole pictures, two letters from two wittnesses at our wedding, my passport full of visa stampes in and out of RO and all the official marriage paperwork would be enough evidence and now its not. I am so pissed off!!!!!!!!! headbonk.gif

Has anyone here been through one of these? What do they usualy ask for? How long does it take to get the RFE and how long after you send what they ask for will they strat working on your case? I know this is a lot of info I'm asking for, but I will not be able to sleep until I get the RFE and see what they want. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!!!! Thanks.
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-22 23:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAUGUST 2007 FILERS AT NVC
me either sad.gif
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-15 11:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiring the lawyer
Does anyone know if firing the lawyer will slow down our process?
All corespondence goes to him, but he's a jerk.

Edited by cris.luiza, 08 May 2008 - 01:46 PM.

cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-05-08 13:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAUGUST/SEPTEMEBER 2007
QUOTE (Elbereth @ Apr 18 2008, 03:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They sent us back to the mail room because of our I-129F date. Idiots

I'm not letting my hopes go up for these next days. I've done enouth counting on USCIS not f*king up, They always do.

Hi Elbereth,
we're kind of in the same situation. Only my husband did not call RFE but customer service. Instead he made a congressional inquiry. The answer from USCIS was that they received our i130 on Oct. 1. So he made another one with proof (copy of NOA1) that they received August 24. We got a touch yesterday too. Hopefully we'll both have good news these days!!!
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-04-18 07:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresk 3 visa
QUOTE (fwaguy @ May 30 2008, 03:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (cris.luiza @ May 29 2008, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ds230 or ds156 ??
i 864 or i134 ??

Does anyone know which form is requested for the k3 visa?
Thanks a lot!

Each consulate is different but typically DS-156 and possibly DS-230 Part I

I-134 for "K" visas... I-864 for immigrant visas

Thanks a lot!!!
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-05-29 19:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresk 3 visa
ds230 or ds156 ??
i 864 or i134 ??

Does anyone know which form is requested for the k3 visa?
Thanks a lot!
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-05-29 19:29:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdesperate situation, need help, confusing info on K3
Thanks a lot, guys. I've called the Embassy again and I've found out what I need, if I get a B visa, I need to come back for the K3, that's not good, also, the time spent in US will count against me, my husband said I shouldn't, we've waited for 1 year and 8 months, we're so close to the end of this, I guess there's nothing else left to do than wait and hope for the best with his surgery. It makes me sad and I was afraid that something like that might happen, but that's life. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know.

Thanks for all the support.

so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-02-14 23:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdesperate situation, need help, confusing info on K3
Thank you so much for your replies, it's a crazy situation, it's hard to believe they would grant me a visitor visa, since the first requirement is non-immigration intent, I don't really know what to do. If they would deny the visitor visa, it might look bad when applying for the K3, I mean, why would someone apply for a visa knowing it's almost impossible to get it? It's a mess and I'm this close to go crazy.

Thanks again, you're very nice people.
so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-02-13 12:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdesperate situation, need help, confusing info on K3
I've presented my situation long time ago, but now it's really bad: I'm in Romania, waiting for my J1 foreign residence requirement to be over, I have 5 more months to wait, my I-129f has been approved.
My husband has just left Romania, he's in US now, he came here to be with me for a little while.
The bad news now: his daughter needs a kidney transplant, he will be the donor. I want to be there for him. He's called the Embassy, they've told him I should apply for a visitor visa , see what happens.

My questions:
- how can I get a visitor visa while I'm waiting to apply for an immigrant visa? Is this possible?
- if I get a visitor visa (theoretically), do I have to come back to Romania and apply for K3? Will the time spent in US count against me?

Please, help me. I'm lost.

Thank you
so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-02-13 11:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question
Thanks a lot, Yodrak, your answer really helps, we are a little paranoid about this paper stuff. :wacko:
so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-03-09 02:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question
Can anyone help me ?
Question 8 on I-134 : That the following person is dependent upon me for support.... - does my husband need to put my name there as his spouse ? We don't really understand what this question means.

Question 11 : That I intend to make special contributions to the support of the person named in item 3 (that means me, his wife).... Does he need to answer this?

Thanks a lot, I couldn't find any directions on filling out this form.

so_confusedNot TellingRomania2006-03-04 04:53:00