K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT K-3 Any APPROVALS week of FEB 17, 2009
hello everyone! I won't read back what happened while i was absent, I won't ask u how was yr valentines, because I only want to hear good news. my valentines was blue enough, our anniversary will be monday and on skype, so I couldnt take more sad stories these days. sorry. hope everyone is doing well, hope patience that we all learned during this journey still keeps everyone's chins up, it will be over soon. a lil more time and we'll be chiling in the forums at the bottom of the page, on random topics and the visa will be just a nightmare we left behind. not long from now I will be foruming with your spouses about how to spend time while our better half is at work and how to fight missing home, where to start searching for jobs, etc. those will be great times of boredom, when u wait yr lover for dinner.

anyways, I will be around more, I missed u and good winds for everyone sailing in here. the shore is close.

enjoy life,
andreeaFemaleRomania2009-02-19 17:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 Weekend Party
yes, weekend pity party for me indeed. monday is our anniversary, my husband is out for a lab retreat this weekend, so i am at my mother's to get an envelope i received from embassy. i was sure is the interview directions envelope. neahhh

so...for all those who have been informed the K3 will fly way faster than CR1 after NOA2, here's my experience. CR1 case complete in january, interview sheduled for 30th of march (why so late, i have no idea), and the envelope i just recieved this week is the K3 envelope. late, no? so the K3 that goes so fast, I should just start it now according to their processing. guess I'll pass the k3 offer for now and forever. this was such a joke for us. K3...pfffft

have fun ladies and gentlemen, Andreea is off to bed. preffer dreaming to waiting for tonight. but u keep the party going!

enjoy life,
andreeaFemaleRomania2009-02-21 21:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDust Collectors Spreadsheet
I bet on early april
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-12-17 13:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDust Collectors Spreadsheet
Soooooooo, that time of the month is close. any bets on what timelines VSC will post this time?

I know I am out of it, but I look for my K3 family.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-12-17 12:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDust Collectors Spreadsheet
we have a champion in the family. CJ-Vasani completed his case at NVC in 13 days. record. brings hope that after the long VSC wait, the time left until the visa will fly
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-12-17 11:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDust Collectors Spreadsheet
QUOTE (~Dream Love~ @ Nov 18 2008, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Appreciate you sharing your story. Umm...are you already on the valium or you think we will all need it come next year when we are still waiting on VSC workers to stop eating bologna sandwiches and potato chips all day instead of workng on our files? blush.gif

Haha. not on valium, just increased smoking for now. I get on laptop and search and look into other's experiences, and see oh, more waiting, and winter holidays r coming (with last visits of my husband I sent a lot of my winter wardrobe with him, because I was sure wont be here this winter, and seems now he has to bring some of it back...hilarious, no?).and what can I say?is not fun. is not fun because my life is in stand by. Is a weird feeling. makes no sense to move here, to evolve at my job, to buy anything I like for now because would just add to the bags when I am going, and so on. I cant start anything here because I have no idea for how long Ill be here, and also we cant make any plans for there, because again, who knows when Ill get there...and we are both tired of computers, and skype, and trips, and airports and good-byes and such. but I bet all of u already know this. as for now, I think I can already make Christmas and new Years plans for here (again). next hope is to be together for our wedding aniversary there. but again, who knows?
I think I'll write a letter to Santa asking for a visa this year. and for those who dont believe in that, I'd just say is probably not less delusional than trying to contact USCIS.

good luck to everyone.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-18 09:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDust Collectors Spreadsheet
Hello everyone,seems we are all in same boat. I am looking in these forums since a while, ever since the 6 months VSC promised are over and nothing happened with our case. I started to be nervous about and started to google timelines, personal experiences and such. maybe is selfish to say so, but not being alone in this situation helps. if others can be patient, so can I, I guess. so what I really think is that they r giving some rough timelines on that messed up USCIS site, and if u call them , is the same. after many atempts, my husband got someone to talk to there. and woman said they were working on the files from 4th march. this was like a week ago. honestly I think she didnt even check. I think they tell u a date that isnt too far from yrs so u dont lose hope and think yr case will get in their lazy hands soon, and also not too close to yrs so u dont call them everyday when u realize nothing moves. I bet if we call again, someone will say they r at 5th or 3rd of march. just some dust in eyes, to pretend they do their best. it cant be that an officer there knows instant what files they r processing, but their site never updates with real data. what I think is everything depends on the officer u get assigned to, of how they wake up in the morning, of their headaches or distractions and so on. but hang on in there, everything comes to an end. this long wait will too. yes, well all be older and on valium, but we'll make it.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-17 12:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGot Aprroved!
Mahitab, great news! u r one of those lucky ones. aren't u happy now that u didn't cancel yr petition? this is a sign u have made the right decision then. and what a good reason to celebrate now, when u r visiting yr lover soon. seems 2009 started perfect for u 2. wish will go on the same, and u'l have a speedy process with NVC.

enjoy life,
andreeaFemaleRomania2009-01-13 07:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRequest of further evidence
We have finally received the Request for Evidence letter from USCIS. My husband called RFE line on Monday and explained that USCIS sent us a RFE letter of the 22nd of April, but it never arrived. The officer who he talked to said " I will fax the letter today". So she did , and we finally got it. Actually the lawyer we hired to help us got it and he did not even bother to call and anounce us that he received it.
Anyway, their request was for G325a ( both for my husband and me) , passport photos, and a copy of my birth certificate. Looks like we really have an inconmpetent lawyer who send the i130 file without these documents. We have prepared these docs and are ready to send them to USCIS. The thing is we have a problem. The lawyer did send some G325As, but in the i129f file. Those forms have mistakes on them and i'm afraid once they receive the new files they'll notice those mistakes and will drop our 129f, and only approve the i130.
The lawyer told my husband that we shouldn't send new, corrected G325As forms for the i129f as well, as those mistakes are minor and there are 2 different persons processing the files, so they won't notice. I do not trust that at all!!!
My husband called again RFE line and the lady he talked to said we should submit new g325a for the i129f file as well and attach a cover letter in which we explain why are we re-submitting them.
We are really mad at the lawyer right now. He did huge mistakes that delayed our process a lot. We hired him to help and we got more help from USCIS officers.
cris.luizaNot TellingRomania2008-05-07 05:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe know waiting is a b*tch...but what are you grateful for?
I hated the period that I had to wait apart from my husband for almost 4 years..but in all this period I learned so many things that helped me grow up.

I learned that I am a strog woman, I can do so many things all by myself,I learned to be patient , to realize the beauty of the moment.
I learned to be optimist and enjoy every single day, even the worse ones, I learned how to manage my own feelings of anger and frustraition.

I guess I 've become more confident , I got to knew myself better...I was almost alone through 2 pregnancies...I raised my 2 kids almost alone...did everytihng by myself..all this made be feel a strong woman.
But my husbadnd was alawys "there " for me.
I was alone only physically...but spiritually...he was always in my my heart..

I learned to feel good even though my husband was not with me all the time...I got pleasure even in Walking on the beach..driving...watching tv...listening to music...or just go shopping..reading a magazine...etc
I learned to appreciate simple things that make life beautiful.

I always wanted to be proud of me for this would have been worthless to have only days of sorrw and frustration instead of good memories...memories that would make me look back in time with lots of nostalgia.

I also had many many many bad days..days that life seemed useless...But I hated when I felt like that, I hated when I was being weak and When It seemed for me to loose all hope in our love, in our future and our plans...

...It was evident that those feelings made our time more difficult and it only brought conflicts in our relationship.
So if I feel good ..he feels good...and if he feels good ,I feel good too. Good and strong!

I hated the goodbye moments at the airport crying.gif ...But as much That I hated those moments..I loooooved the moments when his plane landed..and I wolud wait for him at the gate... heart.gif

For all this I am grateful ...for my husband, for our children star_smile.gif star_smile.gif ..for life ...I am grateful to God ...for all of us being healthy ..for the love that we feel for eachother..for so many things...

I am grateful for all the time that I get to talk with my husband on the phone, when I can hear his voice, see him on the web cam ..I am grateful for the internet...for the technology...for mobile phones...for camers ..I am grateful that I can send him lots of photos with me and kids...that he sends photos too.

I am grateful that only by hearing his voice , or seeing him in the web cam I know how he is feeling..and he knows me too. I am grateful that we can't stay mad with eachother for more than 10 min good.gif ....that we always found ways with dealing with this looong distance relationship.

I am grateful for my in-laws( living in US) that always supported and encouraged us. kicking.gif

I am grateful that he became an American citizen..finally....
I am grateful that he can now apply for his family to come and live there with him good.gif
I am grateful for all the time when I am optimist and overcome my blues.

IoanaFemaleRomania2009-01-17 08:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresthank God and visajourney
I'm happy for you! Congratulations! I know you are too excited to post more details about how the interview went, but one day when you have more time please tell us about how the interview went at the Bucharest Embassy. I wish you nothing else but happiness from now on.
Amoun_ra_07FemaleRomania2009-03-13 09:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Visa Approved in Kiev!
Congratz Brad and Vika! and best is u r together right now to celebrate in person. I think it feels as good as the marriage itself.

enjoy life,
andreeaFemaleRomania2009-01-13 13:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
found u! anyone around here still waiting for NOA2? in barca mea, adica...
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-12-14 05:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLatest update from VSC
M&J, simple answer is u dont know. u sit and wait. what USCIS updates on site is a joke, the touches on yr case dont mean anything, u simply sit and wait. get hope sometimes when u see someone with timeleine close to yrs get appoved, get frustrated when u see someone who filed later gets aproved, get scarred when u see others waiting since 2007. there is no rule. just faith in yr luck.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-18 21:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS objectives - are they acceptable?
I am not defending nor accussing anyone. not even those people who work at VSC. I cant even be mad at them. every officer there handles daily files worthing hundreds or thousands dollars from the fees we pay. and yet, at the end of the month they go home with minimum wage I think. awful work, little paid, not many beneffits. I thik there is as much frustration in those offices as it is here. I somehow understand them not being motivated. I only blame the system.that is designed poorly. and has many gaps, and is not consistent.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-19 11:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS objectives - are they acceptable?
everyone could have picked the K3 or the K1 route. was a matter of choice. I know I didnt pick the K1 because only difference would have been the long step Id wait there and not here. is one entry visa, and I was trying to think on long term. yes, is awful not to be with my lover, the skype, the trips and the airports I hate them, but I didnt want to be trapped there until the change of status on a K1. what if something would happen home, with my family or something, and Id have to say sorry, my status didnt changed yet, I am traped on the other side of the ocean, I cant come. as I see things, is a difficult prcess for everyone. every type of visa has pluses and minuses. we pick what we think we can handle better. what I dont think is fair is that USCIS advices u to file a I129-F after the I130, as a way to be approved faster. but from what Ive seen here, seems that those who filed a I130 only had a faster process. so the problem isnt K3 against K1 or even athlets or other things Ive seen in here. problem is to be informed right at the beginning to make the right choice for yrself.
keep faith in yr luck
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-19 09:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS objectives - are they acceptable?
yes, but I think for a K1, the local embassy/consulate looks more into yr case than USCIS. Is not immigration visa, thats why is faster. K3 isnt immigration either, but offers more beneffits once u get it. like mutiple entries. with K1 u get there, get married, and come back home to start the I130 process, or u r stuck there until u change yr status. eitherway, the k1 waiting is just one step from more waiting, and u r stuck home or there. I might be wrong, but I think is like this, as far as I remember since we considered it too at first.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-18 20:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS objectives - are they acceptable?
the visa might be a privilege, but when u decide to file for a visa, u start with some informations. and u pay yr fees, and u start the wating, and then accept yr life to be digged in, and yr intentions questioned, and so on, but u are aware of this from the beginning. what u r not aware of is how the process will go on from filing. because u r told one thing, and u get yr number to check yr case on the site, and u think oh, how nice, organized and civilized everything is. but in the end u discover there is no real rule, the site is a joke, the phone officers just tell u what crosses their minds when u call and so on. and Id say if the visa it is a privilege, to be treated during the process as u have been told at the beginning of it, is yr right. if we knew would be so long and chaotic, would have considered my husband changing his job for one in Europe as an option, for example.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-18 20:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS objectives - are they acceptable?
daboyz, thats funny. I was just talking to my husband (over skype, ofc, what did u think?and with the 7 hours difference) about this. about how Vermont is tiny, has like 650.000 ppl living there, at least half in school or old, then the housewives, the residents who are not citizens, and so on, not many there who can be hired at VSC. he said to place the center there was probably some favor for a senator or something, to create jobs. and I think it might be right. but really, affects us, and is us who create their jobs in fact, no? no immigration, no centers, I'd say. no fees, no employes. I am being mean, maybe? I was much nicer before this process, unsure.gif
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-18 19:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS objectives - are they acceptable?
let him breath, CM, his case is pending since over a year. that can make anyone crazy. brokenhearted, i really think u should start being agressive with VSC. like be on the phone and get infopass or how they call it every day. that is too long. maybe they lost it or something. is really too long even for them,I think. and is also scarry for the rest of us.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-18 19:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC NO approvals and NO touches for the week of November 17th
rob, as far as I know, anyone involved in a document can get an apostile on it. an apostile is in fact an international recognized way to notarize documents. because these documents r not standard everywhere in the world, to prove they r legal documents issued by officials and not some photoshop documents, they need to get an apostile from the country where they have been issued. here that is made by a notary, or there r official translation offices for documents which also have the right to issue appostiles on documents they translate.
as for cigator, thats funny. to be ignored that way. here the court specificaly requires for an authorized translator if one involved in the wedding isnt romanian citizen and not romanian speaker. even if would be clear for everyone who gets in front of a marriage officer is a civil wedding, and they sign a marriage document at the end, I think they want to make sure that all those involved are aware of what they r doing. so our civil ceremony was in both romanian and english, and the marriage certificate was issued in romanian and english too. thats why we didnt have to translate it for USCIS, and also why we didnt put an apostile on it. now I am getting a lil nervous about this apostile thing, but I hope there will be no problem. because if they ask for apostile will slow us down a lot. my husband to send the documents here, me to go get the apostile and mail them back. ufffff, hope wont be the case. id like to hear from those who got their NOA2 if they had apostiles.ty
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-18 10:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC NO approvals and NO touches for the week of November 17th
yes, I wanted to ask about that. but didnt see anyone else mentioning any apostile yet, so I thought is not a big deal. I know that when we got married here, my husband needed all his pappers with an apostile to be recognized for marriage here. but then our marriage certificate, and my birthcertificate, they r in romanian, english and french, so didnt need translation, so we only sent copies without apostile. you guys have appostiles on yr papers? and as for submitting church certificate without civil one, I dont think USCIS will be happy with that. I'd say have yrs in the first Fedex ship from India, otherwise u might have waited all this time in vain. church certificate works for church, wont work for USCIS. and also id advice to get affidavits from people who wouldnt have anything to gain from saying one thing or another. if is family, is clear family will say is bonafide marriage by default. we took affidavits from my husband's boss and co-worker, and from my room-mate I had at the time he visited here first times. I dont know, I might be wrong, but is how we thought. that should have affidavits from people who wouldnt lie for us because they are family or close friends, to be moe credible. anyways, good luck to us all.
PS. any reply concerning the apostile will be deeply apreciated. also if u know from experience if papers that we have to send in future packages need apostile
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-17 18:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Update
is unreal. only thing that those dates they post prove is that there is life in Vermont. cant even be sure there is life at VSC , u only know the IT ppl work once a month on the site. because if u notice, there r filers from before 26th of february /7th of march who never heard a word from them. and another thing, I am assuming that every officer there gets a number of cases, and is imposible all of them are at the 7th march files. thats dust in the eyes. I dont even bother look at their site, i only get some hope when I see someone with timelines close o mine get approved. but even tha isnt sure, because Ive seen some who filed later and got aproved. so is really no way to predict it.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-18 18:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdditional Requirements
Paia, the NOA2 is just the first step of the process. yr case will be sent to NVC and then after completed there to consulate in the beneficiary's contry. can find a guide for the NVC process here- http://www.visajourn...he_NVC_ShortCut
there u see what pappers u need to get ready for NVC, after u get yr NOA2. also Id advice u to have those ready, so u dont slow the process yrself gathering all papers after the NOA2. at the embassy the beneficiary will attend an interview, where basicaly shell have to convince the interviewer that yr marriage is in good will and not only for visa purposes. any document to support that will help. they will never tell u what to bring for that, but is good to bring everything u guys can come up with (travelling prooves if u visited her, prooves u met in person, pics, letters, phone bills that u comunicate, anything that would show yr relationship is genuine). this was to make it short. also take time to look in forums here, u will find out other's experiences, and is very helpfl.becase can discover a problem that u didnt think of or find advice. good lck and smooth trip throgh the process
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-25 22:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCongressman Update
is just me, or this week is very slow, and is getting slower? sorry, just frustration typed out loud. have a lovely week everyone. i know, out of topic, but this is the only topic spinning in my head. approvals or no approvals. to be or not to be approved.

Edited by antiwaiting, 25 November 2008 - 10:31 PM.

andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-25 22:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCongressman Update
I have no idea what those toches mean. I, for example, have a touch on the I130 on july 1st, and on I129f on 15th of may. nothing before, nothing after. but what I've noticed in other cases is that those with I130 and I129 at a big distance, tend to wait more. what I dont understand is why are we adviced to file for a K3, as faster route, if they process them together anyways? it seems only thing k3 does is slowering the process. seems like they wait on eachother. and why do they also say u have to wait for I130 NOA1 to come before sending I129f ? I've seen ppl here who sent them at same time, and seems they got approved faster. seems is in yr interest to not follow their advices. which is plain abnormal.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-25 17:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI want to be with my wife
I think for 2008 the poverty level is somth like 15000$ a year. and u should have at least 20000 a year to prove u can support yr fiance/wife once she gets there. my husband checked this somewhere on the internet, so might be not the official poverty level, but anyways is close to that. at least for u to get an idea about it.
andreeaFemaleRomania2008-11-29 05:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresplz i need some information
start by posting yr timeline. read the guides. take a look in the wiki. search topics related to yrs

Edited by antiwaiting, 01 December 2008 - 03:27 PM.

andreeaFemaleRomania2008-12-01 15:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)extras de casatorie?
Trebuie sa-mi inregistrez casatoria de aici in regsitrele romanesti.

O sa imputernicesc pe mama mea sa faca asta pt mine.
Imi puteti spune ce este acela un extras dupa certificatul de casatorie?Ca se accepta si acela apostilat,in loc sa trimit certificatul original apostilat.

multumesc mult!

citlembikFemale02009-08-12 13:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Noi suntem Roman! Where are my Romanians?
QUOTE (Natan @ Oct 4 2008, 12:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Craiova aici wink.gif sunt din facut liceul in Craiova si fac in Buc...In ce stat esti?

Eu sunt in LA.imi caut job..abia mi-am luat green cardul
si ma gandeamj dc pot lucra ca translator undeva..n-am nici o certificare dar ma gandeam ca e vreo firma care cauta romani ...anyway..dc auzi sau stii ceva de genu...adresa mea e

citlembikFemale02009-08-04 13:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)transfer american m.certificate in washington+change name in passport

Buna, ti-am trimis reply in August - iti trimit din nou e-mail-ul pe care l-am primit de la un consular oficial al ambasadei Romaniei in NY - sper sa te ajute - eu am urmat pas cu pas e-mail-ul si in decurs de 2 sapt am primit noul pasaport.

"Stimata doamna,

Inainte de a face demersurile pentru obtinerea unui nou pasaport romanesc, este necesar sa solicitati transcrierea certificatului de casatorie american in registrele de stare civila romanesti si sa obtineti un certificat de casatorie romanesc. Pentru acest lucru trebuie sa va prezentati personal la Consulat, in orele de program cu publicul, avand la dumneavoastra urmatoarele documente:
- un duplicat al certificatului de casatorie american cu apostila secretarului de stat din statul in care a fost incheiata casatoria (conform Conventiei de la Haga din 1961). Este necesar sa obtineti un duplicat deoarece certificatul american cu apostila pe care il aduceti la noi in vederea transcrierii se retine si se trimite in tara. Daca incheierea casatoriei a avut loc la New York, puteti obtine informatii despre obtinerea apostilei consultand link-ul: http://www.dos.state...p/apostile.htm; daca v-ati casatorit in alt stat, consulatati link-ul: http://travel.state....stomer_312.html.

- o traducere foarte exacta si completa in limba romana a duplicatului actului de casatorie american (nu a apostilei), respectandu-se atat forma cat si continutul. Va putem recomanda un traducator: Lucia Prohor, tel. (718) 930 0259, e-mail:;

- cate doua copii ale certificatelor de nastere al dumneavoastra si al sotului (daca certificatul de nastere al sotului este redactat intr-o alta limba decat engleza, este necesara si o traducere in limba romana);

- originalul si doua copii ale pasaportului dumneavoastra romanesc valabil (ar trebui sa solicitati transcrierea casatoriei inainte sa va expire pasaportul, pentru ca nu se poate face transcrierea daca nu aveti un document de identitate romanesc valabil);

- doua copii ale green cardului dumneavoastra;

- doua copii ale pasaportului sotului;

- daca dumneavoastra sau sotul ati mai avut casatorii anterioare sunt necesare cate doua copii ale sentintei/sentintelor de divort (in cazul dumneavoastra trebuie sa fie sentinta romaneasca, iar in cazul sotului sentinta trebuie certificata cu apostila conform conventiei de la Haga;).

Certificatul de casatorie romanesc se elibereaza in aceeasi zi in care va prezentati la Consulat cu toate documentele. Taxa consulara este de 135 dolari SUA, platibili in numerar sau money order.

In aceeasi zi puteti depune aplicatia pentru un nou pasaport. Actele necesare:

- trei fotografii tip pasaport cu numele dumenavoastra pe verso;
- formularul nr. 5 (anexat) completat in doua exemplare cu pix sau cerneala de culoare neagra;

- doua copii ale pasaportului romanesc (primele patru pagini, incepand de la pagina cu fotografia);
- doua copii ale green cardului (numele din green card trebuie sa fie complet si corect);
- doua copii ale certificatului de nastere;
- doua copii ale certificatului de casatorie - le vom anexa la Consulat, dupa ce va eliberam certificatul;
Actele de stare civila trebuie sa fie romanesti. Trebuie sa fie copii ale actelor originale (nu se accepta copii dupa copii legalizate)
Taxa consulara este 80 dolari SUA (numerar sau money order).
Timpul de procesare variaza intre 3 si 6 luni, pasaportul fiind emis de catre Directia de Pasapoarte din localitatea in care ati avut ultimul domiciliu in Romania. In momentul in care pasaportul dumneavoastra nou soseste la Consulat, numele dumneavoastra va aparea pe website-ul nostru la rubrica “Cereri solutionate” ( -> Consular Services for Romanians -> Cereri Solutionate).

Pentru a ridica noul pasaport va fi necesar sa va prezentati personal la Consulat, avand la dumneavoastra pasaportul vechi si buletinul/cartea de identitate, sau sa ne transmiteti aceste documente prin posta impreuna cu un plic autoadresat, certified mail si timbrat corespunzator pentru greutatea a doua pasapoarte, pentru a va expedia pasaportul vechi anulat impreuna cu pasaportul nou. Buletinul/cartea de identitate se retine si se expediaza in tara autoritatii emitente."

buna scuze ca nu am vazut mesajul.multumesc mult pt informatii

am obtinut deja certific de casat romanesc(prin imputernicit in Romania).l-am trimis la ambasada din washington impreuna cu alte documente cerute.mi-au spus ca ei trimit actele la bucuresti la dir generala pt pasapoarte si aceia emit noul pasaport.

toate actele le-am trimis prin posta la ambasada.sper ca-mi vor trimite noul pasaport tot prin posta.anybody knows about this?

si diferenta este ca eu am trimis copie dupa vechiul nu inteleg cum mi-l vor trimis buletinul in original,dar pt pasapo mi-au cerut copie.

mai este cineva in situatia mea?cat a durat in cazul vostru?mie mi-au spus 6 luni...ceea ce e cam mult ca vreau sa-mi iau bilete de avion.deja am fixat nunta in Romania pe 5 iunie.

mersi muult!
citlembikFemale02010-01-05 19:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)transfer american m.certificate in washington+change name in passport
After trying to register my marriage in Romania,through my mother..with no results,because they say the m.certificate from here is not original,I am trying to do it through the Romanian Embasy in Washington D.C.

Is anybody here who did that?Do you have a list with all the necessary papers that we need?I checked the web-site but I want to make sure that I have everything right before I get there.

How long did it take?

I also want to apply for a name change in my passport?How long does this take,in reality?They say on their web..up to 6 months.

Do you need to be in person again at the embasy after a couple of months when the passport is ready?

How much does all this costs?I already have the translations made and legalize by romanian notaries.

Thanks a bunch!

citlembikFemale02009-10-18 18:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)flight from Romania to US
Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I haven't ask for your help.Since I got all my papers staright, we are planning to visit Romania this summer.
We were looking at some tickets and the cheapest one(British Airlines) is $1,400...this is not what I expected.I have two q 4 you guys.Is it cheaper to buy tickets through a travel agency or online?

And second...since I a conditional perm resident , not a US I need to fly back through Washington or New York?Does ut matter what customs?I found one that it has the first stop in US, in Dallas.

citlembikFemale02010-02-21 16:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)translatori romani in louisiana
Buna fratilor!

Eu abia mi=am luat green cardul

De cand mi=am luat autorizatia de munca si pana acum imi tot caut de degree in finance de la ASE,Buc,,,dar nu mi-am gasit nimic pana acum...

De fapt m-am gandit sa ma fac profa de mate pana la urma.Am inteles ca se in ziarul de ieri am vazut ca ii cam dau afara...A incercat cineva ceva de genul?

E cineva pe aici din zona New Orleans care ma poate ajuta cu niste sfaturi.

Daca stiti ceva firme care cauta traducatori(Ro-Engleza)..Nu am certificari..dar sunt fluent in English...Aveti idee?

ms mult!

citlembikFemale02009-08-04 13:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
QUOTE (gabby4ever @ Mar 1 2006, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
buna dimineata din louisiana smile.gif voi in ce stat sunteti?
ati avut interviul deja??


Hei si eu in louisiana...slidell..close to new orleans.Tocmai mi-am luat greed cardul
De cat timp esti pe aici?Ai idee de vreo firma.web angajeaza translatori...nativi Romanian...n-am certificare..dar ma gandesc ca nu-s prea multi romani pe aici oricum...

ai idee despre asa ceva?

citlembikFemale02009-08-04 13:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSponsorship

Right now I am teaching English in China, but I want to go back to the states for a Masters degree and want to bring my wife with me. My income is around 600 dollars per month right now (converting RMB to dollars) and when I get to the US I will be a student. Do I have to get a sponsor for her K-3 visa? If so, I can probably ask my parents. If that is the case, do they each have to file one separately or together? I don't know what the minimum income that is necessary to claim sponsorship so I don't know if just one of my parents could cover it alone. Could anyone summarize the whole sponsorship process for me? Thanks for the help.

EDIT: I will be working in the US if I don't get enough in scholarships and school loans to cover our living.

Yeah you will have to get sponsership from your parents . . . That is unless you can cover the missing amount by showing you have 3 times that much in your bank account.

U have to have 125% of the poverty rate. Assuming you are filing with 1 parent yourself and your wife I believe the minimum income is 16,500 USD. And with both parents its something like 20k or 21k.

Keep in mind you add your income with whoever it is thats sponsoring you.

With regard to 1 or 2 parents filing . . . well this depends on if you wil be living with 1 or both. If your parents are divorced then you can only really put one parent down otherwise you put both down.

FofireMaleRomania2007-02-04 04:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresadvice

Thanks again,

I have no state i am going to try and file jointly with me and my wife.

can you tell me if this is what i need to include with USCIS??

(cover letter...stating i want to apply for a k3)
1. I-130
2. copy of my birth cert.
3. copy of my marriage cert.japanese and english translation
4. my g-325 4 pages
5. one (MY)passport photo in a bag
6. spouse g-325 4 pages
7. one (spouse )passport photo in a bag
of course the fee...
Is there anything else???

I dont know how it is in Japan but at Embassy in Bucharest since they have Romanian Staff they are willing to accept untranslated Romanian documents. (assuming DCF goes back up).

Also dont forget to have proof of relationship . . .pics, phones calls whatever you wanna show.
Anyhow here is a list of Documents copied from the US Embassy in Buchaest stating everything you need.

Here's the website if you prefer to visit it


1. Documents needed by the petitioner for filing the visa petition
(both petitioner and spouse must be present at the interview)
* U.S. Passport or Naturalization Certificate for the petitioner (and photocopy);
* marriage certificate (original and photocopy);
* Romanian citizen's birth certificate (original and photocopy);
* Romanian citizen's passport (original and photocopy);
* certified copies of divorce decrees, if previously married (or death certificates if it is the case);
* form I-130, provided by the Consulate;
* two forms G-325A provided by the Consulate, one for the beneficiary and one for the petitioner;
* 2 colored pictures, 5 cm x 5 cm, one for the beneficiary and one for the petitioner, see photo requirements (Adobe Acrobat (25 Kb) or Microsoft Word (112 Kb) - for specifications);
* proof of relationship (correspondence, e-mails, telephone bills, pictures, etc.)

2. Documents needed by the beneficiary for the issuance of an immigrant visa
(after the petition was filed and approved)
* a valid passport;
* birth certificate, marriage certificate and divorce decrees (originals and photocopies);
* police certificate;
* court and prison records (if applicable, originals, photocopies and translations);
* military record;
* 1 front colored picture, 5 cm x 5 cm; see photo requirements (Adobe Acrobat (25 Kb) or Microsoft Word (112 Kb) - for specifications),
* Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) filled out by the petitioner together with copy of his/her federal income tax returns for the most recent tax year;
* medical examination.

Note: A packet of forms and detailed instructions will be mailed to the beneficiary after the petition is approved.

back to top ^

Fee for filing a visa petition: US$ 190.00.
Fee for the application and issuance of the immigrant visa: US$ 335.00
As of March 8, 2005 all immigrant visa applicants are required to pay an Immigrant Visa Security Surcharge of US$ 45.00.
FofireMaleRomania2007-02-11 08:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K3 while living in UK with husband. Please help.

I've just seen the post now about DCF. Wow. I'm glad we aren't still counting on that route!

Actually that problem doesnt apply to you. The thing is that London happens to be a USCIS center and you can actually apply there. Its the other countries that dont have USCIS centers that suffer.

Overall your best bet is still to file DCF. You take a look and you will see that K3's take something like 6-12 months and DCF's take something like 2months (depending on the country of course)
FofireMaleRomania2007-02-02 11:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I send in as proof of meeting for the I-129F?

Hello. I have heard of people bringing in affidavits from friends who were there the day/night that you first met. It also helps if those friends are US citizens with SS numbers.

Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure what proof (to show we have meet within 2 yrs of filing) I need to send in with the I-129F petition that I will be filing if and when I receive an NOA1 on the I-130 petition.
Do I send in the same documents as with the I-130, or other documents like e-ticket stubs, picture etc. Please advise me on this.

Thanks in advance for all help.


Pictures (printed out not on a CD), phone records. IM messages or emails. Ticket stubs would probably also work. Basically anything that would show that you 2 were at the same place at the same time. Just makes sure that if you use tickets or anything like that that its obvious he would also be there. Like if you met up in Paris try to get his tickets as well as yours etc.

FofireMaleRomania2007-02-12 04:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureseligilibility for K3

hey.. don't be mean.. :D but I am sure their advice is right.. you should try to meet at least 2 times before the 3rd time you plan to marry her.. that way it will seem like it is a real marriage.. instead of the government thinking that she just wants to get green card from you..

They are right. You need to have met with her WITHIN the last 2 yearsnot having known thm for more than 2 years.

There's no clear law that says you have to see her 3 times or what ever. It just has to be enough to show that you are truly in love and not in it just toget a green card.

Honestly I think it would be smarter to go see her at her house and then if you are happy apply for a K1 (which has the same restriction on meeting as the K3) so you can at least "test out your relationship for a while. . .

Contrary to popular belief she may not actually like it in America . .. .Keep in mind she will be away from her family the culture may be completely different to what she is used to. She may not like having to drive everywhere . . . I think you need o think everything through before you go an further.
FofireMaleRomania2007-02-14 11:13:00