Africa: Sub-SaharanHow do you Pronounce your name?
Mugumya----my fiance's family name pronounce----Ma-goo-mee-ya it's means comfort

My Luganda nick name is Sanyu, which means happy/joy
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-14 17:28:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanphone cards?
Thanks for your help everyone! I guess I didn't read far enough back star_smile.gif blush.gif
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-28 16:36:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanphone cards?
Hi all :-)
I am sure none of us are strangers to the fact that it is EXSPENSIVE to call Africa. So, i have been using phone cards, but now I have realised I won't have a record of phone calls to show as proof of continuing relationship. Has anyone found a cheep way to call and still have a phone record of it? THANKS!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-28 16:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCoincidence or ????
QUOTE (Asante Maroon @ Jul 30 2008, 10:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LovinLiberia @ Jul 30 2008, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Asante.... rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

u are soooo wrong laughing.gif on so many levels laughing.gif

QUOTE (Soon~tobe~Mugumya @ Jul 30 2008, 11:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am glad I am not the only one who didn't know what 419 was, I was going to ask this morning if it wasn't explained yet. blush.gif whistling.gif

Thank you STBM! At least we have each other rofl.gif

Yup, it is always nice not to be alone in the clueless category. Though, at least we were brave enough to admit it. good.gif
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-30 12:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCoincidence or ????
I am glad I am not the only one who didn't know what 419 was, I was going to ask this morning if it wasn't explained yet. blush.gif whistling.gif

Edited by Soon~tobe~Mugumya, 30 July 2008 - 10:22 AM.

soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-30 10:19:00
Africa: Sub-Saharansmall victory
okay, I know this isn't a big deal but I figure in this process you have to celebrate the small stuff.

I have been waiting for Allan's G-325 and intent to marry in the mail FOREVER. He sent it once in June, and I still haven’t got it, so I made him go send it again EMS (express mail service)...which is supposed to take 3 days. Well after 2 weeks of not having it I was ready to start throwing things! Well my friend just call and said it arrived at my house and she signed for it!!!!!! YIPPIE!!!

It has perfect timing as today I am meeting with a lawyer, and I will have my whole packet together now. I am nervous about meeting with the lawyer because I really didn't want to use a lawyer but because of Allan's past legal issues I think I need some advise. I just don't want the lawyer to "scare" me into using him for more then I need, there for taking more money from me.

Well provided everything goes well I will send in my petition tomorrow!!!!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-30 11:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOMG!!!! Called to the Embassy!!!!
CONGRATS!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-30 09:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow much does your SO miss home!
QUOTE (Asante Maroon @ Jul 30 2008, 10:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Jul 29 2008, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My SO is not really happy here in this country, the truth is I dont know if he ever has been. He is here because of me and that is the ONLY reason, he knows I cant go anywhere else because of my kids. So here we are, sometimes I think it will tear my marriage apart, but we are still together, not easy not easy, hense my resent absence. I can really relate to this topic, because I live it, often.

heart.gif P

P, I don't know how long your hubby has been here but I can tell you that most of the immigrants that I have come across through out my life time are excited to come here, but soon after getting here they miss home. They end up hating the very place they were dying to come to. I had so many family members that went through it. BUT it gets better with time.

Time may not eradicate the feeling but it does improve it. This is a whole knew world to them. As they adjust they feel better.

Black immigrants especially have a hard time here because they have never faced racism until coming here. Of course they may have been exposed to classism or prejudice relating to their skin color or the area from which they stem in their home countries, but they have never faced the many issues our country still deals with in regards to race. I speak of race specifically because of your prior posts.

I just want to tell you and everyone else to hang in there. There is still a long road after our SO's get here. It is not easy to see your once happy and optimistic SO go through depression and homesickness. It definitely takes away from the relationship that both parties have worked so hard on to build.

Try to hang in there guys. We all are or have gone through this in some shape or fashion.

If there is any a time to pray and stay strong, now is the time....this is the foundation.

Love you all luv.gif .... Hang in there, P. I say a prayer for all of you every night because we are truly each others support system rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif

I do worry about the racist issue in America, and worry about how it will effect Allan. (and of course all African-Americans, it's just up close and personal now) Ugandan's are so nice to all foreign visitors, I feel bad for him coming to a country that can be so hostile to immigrants (regardless of race). I will be a HUGE adjustment for him that is for sure!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-30 12:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIts Finally My Turn

you might want to check with

I have used them a couple times, including me being in america and buying a ticket for a 3rd party in Uganda. They always seemed willing to work with me.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-31 12:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe Africa they never show you
It's been a very slow friday at work, so I have been lurcking around VJ all day.

WOW this pictures make me miss Uganda so much!!! I know there are differances in all the African countries but the pictures sure have a lot of similarities to my Uganda. I miss is it so much!!!! I have only been away from Uganda for 3 months now, but it is so had. It's more then just missing my fiance, which I do very much. It is like my whole bpdy aches to be back there. It is sad but I don't think I have ever been home sick for America like I am homesick for Uganda.

it is a good thing I am poor right now or I think I would be on a plane back right now....Hopefully in Dec................
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-07-11 17:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Consulate?
since we are talking Nairobi embassy does anyone know if Ugandans have to travel to Kenya for the medical exam? I know they used to but there is now a civil doctor in Uganda (he does the medical exams for adoption visas). So I am wondering if they can be done in Uganda....any one have a clue about this?
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-11-04 00:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Consulate?
It is nice to see the several people going through the Kenyan Embassy. :-) I kept wondering why it wasn't on the list also.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-10-28 20:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone is sub-saharan interested in meeting ?
I think sadly I am going to have to pass. I really wanted to come, but i need to get a second job (retail for holidays) so that I can save enough to go to Ugandan for my SO's interview.
If you do one after the holidays my temp job will be over and I should be able to come.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-11-02 09:16:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnyone is sub-saharan interested in meeting ?
I am not very active in this form, but I would enjoy meeting you all. :-) Pretty sure I could make it that weekend (provided i don't get a sencond job, which I am looking into)
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-10-21 11:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat to pack?
oh I like to bring wet wipes and pocket size tissue. you will be able to buy both there, but they are much more expensive. The tissue is good to keep in your pocket at all times because a lot of public restrooms don't have TP...And when adjusting to food in a new country you don't want to be caught without it. The wet wipes come in handy when in areas w/o running water, again this depends on if you are in a big city or rural area.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-11-06 11:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat to pack?
I always pack lots of skirts when going to Africa. I have never been to Nigeria, but in the rural areas I have been to in east africa skirts are always more acceptable, and almost always worn by local women (lagos, being a big city will be different). Also skirts are easier to hand wash, they dry quicker and they are much cooler then jeans.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-11-06 07:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHalt!
If that is what your heart is telling you, then do wait. I can't imagine going through this very long frustrating process if I was not sure he was THE man I wanted to be with. I think it is a good thing that something that is a red flag for you showed up early and you can wait. Good luck in everything!!!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-08-11 09:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHalt!
I think Asante's response was really well put. I know we don't know the whole story. But I know that God can guide you into the truth when you rely on him.

Also will be paying for most of the process. I lived in Uganda for the last year with my SO, while I was doing aid work. He has a job he loves which barley makes enough money to cover his expenses, plus helping his younger brother and sister. So I just know at this point in life I am the one making more money, and he is worth the effort. But He knows we are a team, eventually he will be the with the majority of the burden to support me and our family. Life isn't always 50/50, sometimes one party has to give more. I know right now I will give more financially, but I feel he brings more into my life in other, and he knows in the future he will be the one expected to give more financially.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-08-11 02:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHow Long Have You Been Away From Your Spouse?
117 long days with out my baby. I just got my NOA1, so only another 8 long months *fingers crossed* I am going to the interview with him, so hoping to be AT LEAST at interview stage by then.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2008-08-14 12:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEmails as evidence
I would print each email individually, if you copy and paste them you can not see the e-mails they were sent from, and it could look like they could be faked, just a conversation typed on paper, it doesn't show proof of e-mail. Because Nigeria is so difficult you don't want to leave any questions about anything. Good luck!!!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-03-23 20:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanReceived letter from NVC case will be fowarded to Nairobi consulate in a week
If I were you I would look as the Nairobi embassy thread becasue there are a lot of great tips there. Also, you can call and schedual your medical (I would do this right away). You can also pick up your packet 3/4 from the embassy as soon as they have recived your case from the NVC. You can download most of the papers online and fill them out, but you will need to get your medical forms from the embassy. You can schedual your interview apt. online, you will need to schedual it about 2 weeks after your medical. Nairobi, can move pretty quickly, but they most likely will not send you any notification, you will have to do it all yourself, so you can make the process go quick or slow.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-06-18 08:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnother question about what happens next....
If you filed for AP with AOS, is there a chance you will get an AP document before temp. green card. I heard that getting a green card can be a very long process. We are hoping to travel with our family at Christmas, so I am hoping we will get AP before than.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-07-24 08:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWe are almost ready to schedule interview in Nairobi
My husband is from Uganda, but of course had to go through Nairobi for his K1. He had never been to Nairobi but found it pretty easy to Navigate and didn't have any problems. Most people with fiances going through Kenya probably never had their fiance visit the states, and there for were not asked about meeting the in-laws. There is a Nairobi embassy thread (a couple pages back) which will have the experiences of most of us who wen t through Nairobi in the last year. It is one of the easier African consulates to deal with. Good luck!!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-11-08 17:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHappy Endings In Sub Sarahan
I thought I would add our happy "middle" (because it's not an end). My husband and I have been married for two years now. Our first two years of marriage have been relatively easy. I was braced for it to be HARD, because I remember how hard culture shock was for me when I first lived in Africa, and expected it to be as hard for him, with the added struggles of adjusting to be newly married. Allan got a job as soon as he could, and has actively made choices to become the provider for the family, he recently decided to join the army, which scares me a little, but I am still very proud of the decision.
Of course every marriage has it's rough days, but over all I still feel so very blessed to have him in my life.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2011-05-15 23:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
I also, didn't make much in 2007, because I was in Uganda most of the year, but I think they just looked at my current salary. I had my parents fill out all the paperwork to co-sponsor just in-case, but told Allan to first just give my information and then give my parents only if they said I didn't qualify to sponsor. The interviewer just went off my information and we didn't have any problems.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-11-11 19:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
I just had an empolyer letter, my two most recent pay stubs, and I think my pay stub at the end of the year (the last one in Dec., which I would recommend for you, as in January it won't show much earned) We didn't have any problems. Also, I kind of fill the lady who interviewed Allan had her decision pretty much made up before he interviewed... she really read through the packet. I would recommend turing in everything you can before the interview....better to have more then to think they will ask for more evidence but for them not to.

Good luck!!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-11-10 22:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Thanks gals! I think we are really blessed to be going to Kenya, seems to be one of the easiest african consulates. I am amazed at how quick everything went (even if it didn't seem fast at the time)
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-10-01 17:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Our thread is dying....

Also Allan got his green card in the mail today!!!!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-09-26 12:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

I kind of fell off the face of the earth for a while. It has been SOOO nice to have my Allan here! he is adjusting pretty well. I think he is starting to get annoyed with not having a job. But, over all transition has been a lot smoother than I expected. Still trying to find foods he loves. We cook african meals one to two nights a week.

He has been playing lots of volleyball and soccer, which I am glad. It has given him an outlet to meet people. I am pretty new to the area we live in also, so neither of us really know anyone.

Over all it is just SO AMAZING to have him here!!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-08-05 14:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hey guys,

Just letting you all know we are approved kicking.gif

the interviewer was a woman, Allan said she seemed pretty strict.

The first question she asked was , when did you get married? Allan said WHAT? I am not married
She asked him to explain in detail:
how we met.
how you proposed
Did you you buy a engagment ring

She also asked him what kind of shirt I bought him...which she must have found out about from e-mail long we submitted. He happened to be wearing the shirt, so that was pretty funny.

Allan said he was asked a couple other questions but was too nervouse and he dosn't remeber what they were now, but he said nothing was too difficult.

She would let him pick up his visa the next day but said he could pick it up on friday.

soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-03-19 10:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
thanks guys for the well wishes...this is still just so hard to sit here and just wait. Hopefully I will know with in the next 8 hours or so.....still don't think I am going to get much sleep tonight.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-03-17 21:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
thanks, I have lots of people praying, so I am sure it will be fine, can't help being a little nervose about it though.

QUOTE (shefellfromheaven @ Mar 17 2009, 08:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
All is fine Soon to be . I think thats for the diversity visa's. Dont freak out all will be well. The visa fee is supposed to be paid at Commercial Bank of Africa.

He will pass the interview. We wil lput you in prayers.

soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-03-17 11:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hi All,
Well I have officially hit freak out mode. Allan's interview is tomorrow morning (late tonight for me). I talked to Allan this morning after he went to pick up his medical results. He said someone told him he should not have paid the 131 visa to the bank of Africa, but instead paid a fee at the embassy. I don't think I have read anything like that, but I just want to make sure he was supposed to pay the 131 to the Commercial bank of Africa. I am assuming whoever told him this was talking about a different type of visa. But Allan didn't receive any payment information when he picked up his medical forms. I am beginning to think he didn't pick up packet 3, but just somehow ended up with medical forms. Does anyone think this will be a problem?

I am sure I am probably just overacting and freaking out. Hopefully tomorrow morning at this time life will be better.

soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-03-17 09:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
they told me the same thing when I called two weeks ago, but I couldn't I couldn't figure out the online system, makes me wonder if it is a new thing they are doing
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-03-09 09:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hey All,
So allan is in Kenya right now, he just picked up the forms for his medical and tried to schedule the interview but they told him he could only schedule it online. Did anyone else run into this??

soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-03-09 01:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hey all,

so I am looking at buying Allan's ticket for April 1st. Yes, I know I am CRAZY, but it is a refundable ticket, and I think it will still end up cheaper than buying just a ticket with just a couple days advance notice. But it is almost impossible to get a ticket from Uganda without going through a EU country. I am looking at having him fly through Amsterdam. I found a website that said he should not need a visa if he has a visa for America (he's not leaving the airport). But, I had a friend who had trouble going through the UK from Uganda even with an American visa, I was wondering if any of you faced any of these difficulties, or if your European transfers were trouble free.

Also, thanks for all your support while I was stuck at NVC. It helped keep me from going INSANE. It feels so good to have things moving again.

soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-02-26 19:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
My petition has been send to Kenya!! Yippie! Allan has his medical set for March 10th now, and I am going to try to call and set the interview for March 18th. I am still praying, but things are looking up.
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-02-25 19:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
I called the NVC... after 9 weeks and 3 days my case has FINALLY reached the NVC!!!!!!!!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-02-23 16:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Well, I don't know, I got a letter from the lady at the USCIS who was assigned to look into my case after I contacted my congressman. I think that it ment that it was found, but I am not totally sure, I didn't really understand the letter. They did say it could take up to 30 days for it to reach the NVC. I figure if it reaches the NVC this week we can still push and have the wedding on the planned date of April 25th. But, if it doesn't show up I will have to push the wedding date back. I am okay with it, I guess. At this point I could really careless about the wedding I just want Allan to be here!
soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-02-22 18:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
CONGRATS!!! I am sooo happy for you!!

It is great that everything at the Kenyan Embassy is going so easy!

soon~tobeFemaleUganda2009-02-20 12:01:00