Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)WAITNG OUT AP IN ANOTHER COUNTRY
well just wanted to let yall know we are still in ap in sweden.a few days and it will be 2 months...i hate the waiting ...They didnt deny his visa at our interview,they just said we had ap for additional background checks.can they still deny you if your background checks come back clean.or our we approved as long as they come back clean. this whole process seems to be a big nightmare so im still so scared something will go wrong.we already both had 2 hr interrigations that they said was a normal interview.I dont think it can get much worse but you never our attorney says we will probably have to interview again once they tranfer his case to iraq.i wonder if we will have to go thru ap again there.they want transfer his case from sweden til our ap is finished there.I guess im just scared.i miss him so much and now hes back in iraq im afraid everyday for him.I pray this ap gets finished soo.plz keep us in your prayers.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-02-06 12:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)WAITNG OUT AP IN ANOTHER COUNTRY

Bridget- I am SOOOOO sorry to hear this. Oh my gosh. I can't even imagine what hell you are going through.
Is the Baghdad embassy up and running? Is his stuff still going through Sweden and he is just waiting out AP in Iraq?

My thoughts and prayers are with you- that this will all have a happy ending soon. (F)

they said his ap must be finished in sweden before they will transfer his case to iraq.Then we may ormaynot have to reinterview in baghdad.they are up and running in baghdad it seems. I just am so afraid for him.He at least hassomeone to stay with there but he is scared.thanks for the prayers they are the only thing that will help at this point.This has given me an stomach ulser i spent 3 nights at the hospital so far
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-02-02 22:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)WAITNG OUT AP IN ANOTHER COUNTRY

Bridget- he was deported? Is he in Iraq now? I will try to find the thread I started a while back about this possibly happening to me and what to do if it did. I will try to find it.. I am so sorry for your hurt. This plain sucks.

Keep in touch.
Baj :mellow:

yes he was deported...he is in baghdad....yes it sucks so bad...hes scared to death there...
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-02-02 15:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)WAITNG OUT AP IN ANOTHER COUNTRY
My fiance was living in Sweden and was deported after his interview back to Iraq.We are in ap in Sweden and they want transfer our case until we are out of ap .Weard i thought..But our whole case in sweden has been a nightmare..So i guess we wait wait wait....
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-01-27 11:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After 22 Long Months are getting your valentine alil late but better late than....i wish you both the best.saying a lil prayer for a smooth entry for you.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-02-15 18:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP under Internal Review?


Our case is still under AP review but when I contacted the USCIS office they informed us, "case is being reviewed internally with the Consular Section, XXXX for visa issuance."

Does anyone know what "internally" means? How long can it take now before the issuance of visa? We have been in AP since 28th March 2010.


We are under the same review.We were told the our visa was granted but we had normal administrative process.They review all the information you gave them and decide if they will give you a visa is what i understand.We have been in ap since Dec. 14th 2009.Four months today.I dont know how long it can last they want give you a time frame.Good luck
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-04-14 10:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Final Approval!!
Congrats im dancing early for you....Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-07 13:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP start from 1st or 2nd interview??

i m still confused that my AP is started from 1st interview or 2nd???

1st interview:- jan 28 2010

2nd interview:- Feb 09 2010

thanks i m waiting ur replay.... :reading:

I think it starts after first interview they they requested 2nd interview for more info from you.Or that is my understanding.good luck i am still praying for you all.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-04-28 03:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP start from 1st or 2nd interview??

hey all did any1 get update from DOS or embassy abt AP.
share wd us...



I hear nothing.And when i call dos i get the same thing AP at embassy level.grrrrr so tired of hearing that. But at least i know one day they will have to give us a visa or some answers.The waiting is just so hard.I get depressed too.But i am starting a new business so that is keeping me busy.I miss my alen .But i had to put this in gods hands because i was making my self sick with worry,since he had to return to Iraq.I will pray for you that god gives you peace and send your visa soon.good luck
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-04-19 21:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP start from 1st or 2nd interview??

Category: FB3
Interview at USEM Isb - 24-3-2010
Put on AP since then
16-4-2010: CAll received from AMEx Karachi to collect passport but for three i.e. my wife and two children.
I hope Inshallah my visa will also arrive soon. Please pray for me.

Congratulations on you wife and childrens visas .Yours should hopefully be not to far behind them.I will pray for your family.God bless you. :dance:
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-04-19 21:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP start from 1st or 2nd interview??

Hi guys,

My fiance had AP after we submitted the documents and once they verified the documents were genuine they called him for a 2nd interview. Then they told him to submit passport with confirmation of our wedding plans. Once he submitted that he got his passport back two weeks with a letter stating that under section 221g our file is incomplete and is ungergoing administrative processing. I know for sure our AP was completed prior to this 2nd interview. But, just a few weeks back I got an email back from the consulate stating that we are undergoing administrative review, and the internal processing has not cleared yet. So, our case is still at the consulate. I just wonder what this internal procesing is now. I mean name checks are done in Washington. It makes me think if our case is just sitting on someones desk and being approved does not mean much.


We are in the same situation.Ap at the embassey.They told us we were approved but we had mandatory ap.This coming from the same people whom called my fiancee in for a second interview a week later, then had him picked up when he arrived at the embassey.I dont know how they got the sweden government to revolk his id card. But they did.So he returned to Iraq.Now it has been 4 months since that day and still no word.They want even transfer his case to Iraq til we are out of ap in sweden.I think they just want to give us hell because Alen is Iraqi.I can understand these people are allow to screw with your life like this.It makes me sad and feel ashamed that this place that is suppose to be a free country can treat its own citizens this way.I dont know what the answer is to fix this problem but it does need to be fixed.I hope you hear something soon about your ap.Good luck and i will continue to keep you all in my prayers.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-04-11 17:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Any good news??????
Nothing new for me. I anting so bad to hear someone get good news.But im praising my god because i know its gonna happen.Heres alil song to make you day alil brighter. It is so uplifting..... Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-20 09:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Any good news??????
Nothing here yet....Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-19 15:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone one got any good news
No news for me.Called the dept. of state and they said the last time ours was time stamped was sometime in january.So are just sitting on a desk at the consulate office.I had my congressman check and they have done no background checks yet.Its been 5 months.I think they just enjoy making it hard on us.Im still praying for them and all of us.Hope someone gets good news tomarrow.Posted Image

bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-18 22:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Happy Memorial Weekend

I cannot beleive my luck I just read where the Embassy is closed the last friday of the month after having monday off for Holy Trinity and now another monday off its no wonder I havent heard from them LOL no one is working. I'm going to try and forget this visa issue until Tuesday well maybe monday nite anyway I am fixing to go to the beach until monday. But I will be wifi connected LOL only a touch away. I hope everyone enjoys the holiday and with alot of luck we will be with our loved one for the next holiday. June has to be alot better than May was. Posted Image

I hope you are enjoying your holiday on the beach.My thoughts are with you and i do continue to pray for you and everyone else on ap.I got together with some internet friends this weekend.It was nice but sad seeing as we had planned to marry while our friends were here from all over the world.Alen was with us via web cam.But i was still alil sad.Watching all the couples together and missing him so much.I know he was sad also watching all us together while he sat there alone. I hope not one more holiday passes without him here with me. And heres to us all hearing good news on Tuesday.......
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-30 21:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa Issued
Congratulations......Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image ....doing the happy dance for you.Glad to hear good news for someone this week....Good luck on your poe.Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-04 10:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa issued after 4 weeks in AP
Congratulations...Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-09 12:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)The visa has been issued !!!!!!!!!!!
Omg......Finally some good newssssssssss.......Thank God.....It is spo wonderful to see you finally will have it in your hands. I am so happy for you both. I pray each night for all of us ap people.And have really been praying alot for you and Whatznext because yall have both been on ap so long. But finally you get good news.Just anting you to know im doing the happy dance for you.Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image This is the best news i have heard in weeks......Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Guess you will be searching for the best ticket prices today.Hope you can find a good flight. Whats your poe? Hope it is smooth.....So excited for you both.Congratulations and Good Luck....
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-31 11:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa in Hand
Congratulations...Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-12 14:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)please help me with changeof interviewing embassy

hello everyone, i am on nvc stage and my case completed on 06/14/2010 and my residence was london before but i moved to india permanantly as i have no visa anymore to stay in uk .i called nvc and they told me that they will schedule my interview for london(as i requested for change of address from uk to india not embassy) and i ask them to change my embassy from london to new delhi. operator asked me for the proof of my residence in india which i sended my e mail tolday now my queastion is how long it take them to update it and to schedule my interview in new delhi

They say it can take 2 months to tranfer a case from one embassey to another . But since your never went to the first embassey you are in good shape. It shouldnt affect you i wouldnt think. Your case should go straight to delhi. Good luck.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-15 23:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)letter to submit your passport

hey woody, how long was your wife on AP?

Can you email the embassey? They should be able to tell you if they just need it to issue her visa.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-15 23:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Background check
I hope you get some good news.....Praying for you..Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-13 11:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Background check

Hey my all dear's i want to share some good news wd all of u.... lol Posted Image
i just called to embassy and the guy he told me hold on after that he came back and ask me for case number then he said wats ur name i replied him....

finally he found in system that ur visa has been approved and ur all documents is clear and fine when i heard that i became froze bz of happiness... Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Alhamdulillah my visa has been approved... now waiting for call from the approved courier...

thanks for ur help and support.... Posted Image

omg that is soooooooooooooo great.God does hear our so happy for u......

Edited by bridget and alen, 14 May 2010 - 11:48 AM.

bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-14 11:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy Emails

That's where congressional inquiries come in - the embassy has to respond to them. Have you contacted your congressman/woman recently?

Whatznext - I feel for you. What's your next step?

Well i called my senators liason 2 weeks ago. He is supose to be checking with them again on what is going on with our case.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-20 12:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy Emails
I think these people love to make us wait. I sent the sweden embassey an inquiry about our case.The first since Dec. 14th when we were interviewed and put on ap. They never responded and it has been 1 week.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-19 00:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)How long was YOUR AP ?
Ours is 6 months and 3 days. Still waiting...
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-17 08:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)How long was YOUR AP ?
almost 6 months and counting.....
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-21 07:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)PLS I NEED ANSWERS !!!!!!!!
I am sorry you are in Ap. Ar is when they are reviewing the information you gave then at the interview and checking all the documents you submitted to them at that time. Ap is when you info is faxed or mailed to washington for background checks.Not you whole file that the embassey has but they send info to diffent agencys in washington whom do background checks. I hope your ar or ap isnt long. Good luck to you.

IMO, you could have gotten your citizenship 3 years later after arriving in USA, then filed for your father (immediate priority date, no waiting)

But - you didn't do that. Perhaps you filed petition (with you as the Petitioner) when you were a Permanent Resident? Instead of USC ?

AP is AP -is not any published timeline - they need to complete namechecks on your father.
Is strange, really, as USC cannot petition for father in law. USC can petition for father, sure, but? Ya, I get it - your husband was some co-sponser on the I-864, but that doesn't matter for why your father is in AP.

more info on namechecks- here - http://www.usaimmigr...tiveReview.html

.You shoulda read her post twice....:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-07-10 11:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Doesn't Anyone Have Good News About Their AP

Mmmmmmmm I am not sure if this is good news or not, time will tell I called DOS today and was told that our case is still under AP but the good news is that the Embassy started working on the case case the day they got it back from NVC. Okay thats the news I got but I did come research and found out that if a year passes after the security checks they have to do an update which can take 4-6 weeks so that means we are at week 3 also i was explaining to the lady at DOS that I have to buy my ticket for Ukraine on thursday she said good call us before you buy it. Gosh I dont know what to do? Should I go or wait and see what happens I can go in September if I dont go now and if he doesnt make it here. She also asked me if I could delay my vacation for a few weeks mmmmmm I wonder if she can see something she isnt telling me. By the way it was Sara she is so nice. Help what should I do.

Wow ,maybe she sees something she couldnt tell you.Hope it is great news for yall soon...
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-04 17:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Doesn't Anyone Have Good News About Their AP

I actually got some news..not great news but not bad news either... They returned all of our evidence and stated that they didnt need any additional evidence from us.Until now we have been "case is pending review by a co the letter says that our case is now undergoing Additional Processing. IMO the good thing is that they know they cant deny us a visa at this point else they would have already with some ficticious reason, they will likely be calling our friends and relatives and neighbors in the coming month to try one last attempt to screw us over.... after that they will issue the visa... likely in the next month or two...

So from the letter we know we are only at a consular level AP and that the case has been 'touched' in the past week... and we know(from the experiences of others) to expect some phone calls...

well our has been at additional processing at the embassey level in sweden for 6 months now.they told us we were approved but under ap.Form our liason at the congressmans office e no they havent done our security checks yet .I dunno wth they are ...torturing us i think.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-03 14:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Doesn't Anyone Have Good News About Their AP
Ok, doesnt anyone hear any good news yet?

bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-03 13:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Wow.....I think I just Got Approved!!!
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-23 22:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it Monday yet

Good Luck on the business
Put your focus on the business and I am sure you will succeed. I know its hard but I am trying to think the system will work it might take a little time Im not really sure when my husbands Ukraine visa will expire or if he will be able to renew it but I asked DOS and I am not sure it the lady knew what she was talking about but she said when my husband got to Iraq he should go to the Embassy and have his case transferred from Ukraine to Iraq did your honey try this. She told me I couldnt do it the Iraqi Embassy would have to request it from Ukraine. But I am hoping it dosent come to this.

Alens had a temp residented card he was denied asylum in sweden. And since he was trying to Immigrate to the Us. They officer in sweden that was in chage of his case told us he would give Alen time to immigrate and not ship him home so he did have a valid id temp resident card at the time of his interview. The embassey check with his officer who says yes he is legal then they tell the officer it may be 6 to 9 months before he gets a visa. So they ask him to return to the embassey after interview . He goes and they call the swedish immigration police when he gets there. And even though his id is valid they take him to deportation center and hold him there. They give him the option to return or they will deport him. So he stays there in deportation jail thru Christmas then decides to return on his own. They release him and he goes home to pack and say his goodbyes then goes to deportation center 2 weeks later they fly him home. So if you guy cant get another visa he is taking a chance. Some embasseys let the person go ahead and immigrate but from all the trouble ya have had i might think about transfering it if they dont call him for an interview soon. Ours happen after the interview so they want transfer our case til our ap is finished in sweden. Then they might transfer it or just sit on it awhile. They were very nasty to us so i can see this happening. I am seriously thinking if we dont hear something soon filing a writ myself. You dont have to have a lawyer to file it. You can do it going to wait it out til arround the end of aug. then decide one way or the other. You do have to contact the Iraq embassey first in order to transfer it they have to send for it. I emailed them and they were very nice. And responded ithin a few minutes of my email to my questions. There was a case in dec. i think where they approve a fiance visa in like 3 days for a male. That was the only one i have seen that was done at the baghdad embassey. Most Iraqis have fled so they file from other countrys. The dos info says they give you an interview date within one day of getting your file in there system and issue visas within one day but that time doesnt include ap. So if you are thinking about transfering your case. Email them first ask questions. Good luck i feel for you and i am still praying for you.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-07-10 12:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it Monday yet
I wanna know why we cant as a group file a writ and sue all of the DOS. I wish there was a way to change this process. My trying to relax today at home but i really need to be out putting flyers on cars for my ne business. I am hoping it does well. I have put alot of money in it . I didnt take out a business loan ,so it has really been hitting my savings hard. Thank god i have my first class on the 19 and will get some return on all i have invested. Hope you all have a good weekend and someone gets some good news next week.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-07-10 10:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it Monday yet
Ok so i did mow the grass last weekend but now it needs it again. I did have a good weekend though playing with my baby horse. Im gonna post a pic of her shes so cute
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-14 09:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it Monday yet
Its sunday and that means tomarrow is Monday.....wooohoooo...Maybe someone will hear good news...
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-06 11:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it Monday yet
Ok.....So here we go again another long weekend.Hopefully no holidays on monday. Guess im going to wash my truck and mabe mow my grass. I need my push mower fixed i like pushing it because it takes my mind off things and takes me longer to mow.Plus its good exercise.Have a good weekend all...Mabe we will all get good new on monday.Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-06-04 21:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it Monday yet
I so ready for some good newssssssss....Please someone tell us something good.....

bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-24 09:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it Monday yet

Well here we go again another weekend with no good news. The bad news I have is that the Embassy is closed monday, another holiday. i guess the worst thing for me is that I cannot decide if I want to make plans to go visit my husband or wait and see if I hear from the Embassy my vacation starts June 9 so time is running out. I keep saying I will book my flight next week. It seems like evrything is up in the air depending on the embassy. I cant go and them turn around and go again for the interview. Oh well is it tuesday yet????

You mean he has to re-interview. Thx sucks...I hear you about the weekends. I dont know how you have stood it 2 yrs is a long time since you applyed. Cant you file a writ? Or you just trying to wait it out? This is so hard on people.I dont understand why they cant seem to make this process quicker. I think they do it on purpose hoping you will give up.It is hard one day im sad the next alen is sad.And i know it is hard on him because he is in a country with no family alone.i hear the guns and police sirens hen we talk on the phone.He bout scared to death.Im just ready for an answer one way or the other.So i will know if im going to have to fly to lebanon and get married.
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-21 20:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it Monday yet

Posted Image Posted Image Just knowing I will not hear any news on the weekends makes me wish the weekend away. I know I will hear something soon so it seems time is at a stand still. I find myself scrubbing my frustrations LOL Maybe I should get a parttime job cleaning on weekends. Posted Image Posted Image

Just wanted to know if you are cleaning yet? Cause my house needs it if you run outta stuff to do. lol.....Have a great weekend....praying hard for you to be next.Posted Image
bridget and alenFemaleIraq2010-05-14 22:08:00