Middle East and North AfricaAR help :)

i will pray with you, and with us too lollll, after his interview they gave him back his passport or they keep it ?

Thanks, we will keep you in our thoughts, and prayers too :) They did not keep his passport, because he was not approved. They put him under administrative review, to further investigate our relationship. Since then they have done a telephonic interview with me, and a telephonic interview with Hamza's father. When I ended my interview, I asked how much longer it might be before we hear thier decision... and they said they are near the end of thier reviewing our case.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-04 04:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAR help :)

It's really just a waiting game and there's not much that can be done to speed things up. I think inquiring(after reasonable amounts of time) can be a good idea though. We waited 3 months for my husband's file to be transferred to Rome because of background checks. Just before the 90 day mark we had our senator make an inquiry and very shortly thereafter Rome confirmed receipt of his waivers. I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or if the Senator really helped. Generally, people say that they can't do anything to speed up AP/AR.

Hey, thanks for the reply. So I guess there is no one else we can contact besides our congressman or senator? Well, I guess we will just keep our fingers crossed, and hope we hear from them sooner, rather then later. I just didnt wanna take any chance I was not doing something I could be doing, to speed things up.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-04 01:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAR help :)
Thanks, we are using his help already... he has given us lots of hope, and patience :) Good luck to you! I hope you don't need to wait much longer!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-03 13:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAR help :)
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to see if I could get some advice here. Hamza and I have been in AR for 78 days now. I know this is not too long, comparativly. Im just wondering is there anyone other then our congressmen that we can get involved at this point to hurry things along. My congressmen has been really good about emailing them, and asking for a status, but she says there is not much more that she can do. Is there anyone else that can help us?

Thanks for any advice

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-03 10:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOW I CAN SAY MONDAY IS MY LUCKY DAY
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-09-28 03:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA November 2010 Chat
Hey everyone. I just had to share our happy news! We got an email today for Hamza to bring his passport, and a new police record....because we are approved! YAY! So excited!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-30 04:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!


I'm so happy the long wait has ended for you guys!!

So --- when's he coming?

:) Malarie

Thank you :) Well, he went today to hand in his current police record, and passport! We are hoping he can be here before Christmas! I'm not sure how long it will take them to get the visa done...but he will go get it as soon as they call him :)
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-12-02 09:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

congratulationnnn im so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for youuu guyssss i swear, now its maaa tiiiiiime for the call from the embassy loll

Thank you!! I hope its your time soon too! Good luck!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-12-02 00:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

Congrats on the good news :dance:

YAY, thank you.We have been waiting for "tommorrow", and I guess "tommorow" finally came !
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-30 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

Nevermind to my question above. I'm glad they said the interviews went well. I hope you get that approval soon.

Thanks for asking about us! We are hoping to get it soon too. Everyday we say, "maybe tomorrow?"....SOOOo... maybe tomorrow... Right ? :P :))

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-24 02:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

how they get his dad phone number ? , and why they did this , and in case his dad dont like the relationship or dont know about it did they will not issue a visa ?

We sent in letters to the Embassy, from friends and family. The letters, all acknowledged our relationship and said they are o kay about it. Each family, and friend put their phone numbers on the letter... so the embassy could call if they had any questions. There might have been an official form we filled out with their numbers on too...(can't remember) I guess family support of the relationship is something they sometimes look for. Maybe they look for this more in the Fraud countries, and countries where family acceptance is very big culturally. Also because we have different religions, they think this is something the family might not agree upon. I think really they are just searching for a reason to deny. If his family didn't like the fact that our religions are different then maybe the embassy would see this as strange, for a muslim man to go against the wishes of his family, and then see it as fraud... and that he is just trying to get to the USA ? I honestly don't know why the embassy does half of what they do....its all a guess. BUT just be honest, and you have nothing to worry about! I hope everything will go smooth for you , in your journey. Good luck !

omg how many quiz all that quiz why they do people like this its realy annoying , just cuse they can it didnt mean they can do people like this it realy make me upset , hope every thing work good with you

Thank you, everything is going o kay. We are still waiting on an answer from the Embassy. DOS has told me that our interviews appeared to go really well, and that it looks like they are just doing background checks now. So hopefully this is true, and we will hear something soon.
It is annoying to be quizzed on personal things, but I think it wasn't too bad. I have heard of interviews, that were much more thorough and lil more scary. They ppl at the embassy that Hamza and I dealt with were actually very nice, for the most part. Hopefully, you will have a more smooth process, with less quizzing. Just try to be calm, and not worry. :)
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-23 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

How many rooms in the hotel!!??!! Holy cow I don't think I could answer that question... who pays attention to such a thing? I wonder what he was looking for with the final question?

What's DOS?

haha Sorry, Not how many rooms in the hotel. How many rooms did we have ? Sometimes I confuse,even myself! Im not sure what he was looking for in the last answer. Maybe to see if Im so serious about the relationship, that I would be willing to move to another country ?

DOS Department Of State.

They can give you information on the status of your visa. Nothing more then what the Embassy would tell you, but its not an international its cheaper!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-12 01:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

What all did they ask you?

This is all I can remember, there may have been a few more questions. The phone call seemed to last forever, but I think it went o kay!

-They asked, How we met ?
-Name of website?
-Who contacted who first ?
-In what Language do we communicate?
-How do we communicate (web cam, chat, text, phone)
-Is hamza's English good ?
-Where did we meet in person?
- When ?
-What hotel?
-How many rooms in the hotel ?
-Did I go to Tunisia alone ?
-Why did my brother go ?
- Did I just stay in the room with my brother , or did I spend time in Hamza room ?
- He asked bout the moments we shared in Tunisia, what did we do ?
-How did we spend our time in the hotel room :P
- Did we have sex ?
-He asked if Hamza had prior relationships, online or not ?
-He asked if I think its strange, a man of Hamza age hasn't really had a prior relationship ?
-He asked about my divorce
-He asked if I was in a relationship with Hamza before my divorce was over?
(i was legally seperated when I met Hamza, and the only reason not divorced, was we had not time to divorce before the ex was deployed.)
-Why did I divorce my ex ? (he was cheating)
-How did I know he was cheating ?
-What do my parents think about Hamza?
-Does my dad have a problem being my co-sponser
-Who paid for my trip to Tunisia
-Who paid for my brother?
-Who paid for hamza?
-He asked if I knew how ppl get married in Tunisia
( I said sure, and explained what I knew... and Im not an expert :P)
-Then he explained how a person can have a religious ceremony, without being legally married.
-Then he asked if I experienced anything like this (no, i didn't)
-He asked what's my religion?
-What's Hamza religion?
-Will you ever convert ?
-Does he talk about converting ?
-Do I want kids?
-How many ?
-What will their religion be ?
-What do hamza parents think about this?
-What do my parents think about this ?
-Do you think hamza parents are very conservative?
-Do I speak with them?
-Do they seem happy with your relationship?
-Do you have children
-How old is she
-Does she live with me , all the time?
-Do I live alone
-Do I own/ rent ?
-Do I think that I will be able to support all three of us, once Hamza gets here?
-What do you expect hamza will do when he comes?
-Where will he find a job ?
-Does he have a degree?
-What do you have in common?
-What do you like about him ?
-Where did Emma stay when I was in Tunisa?
The last question he said . Mam, I have one more question to ask.. and don't become upset, cause this is not the real situation. Its just a question, to know your answer.
-If we denied hamza his Visa Would you come to Algeria to live with him.
I said unfortunatly this can not be an option for me...because i could not take my daughter with me, as he dad would NEVER agree to this.
-So you can not leave the country with your daughter without the permission of her father. (i said thats true)
then I added that surely I would go to visit again, and we would reapply for the visa, and I said but I really hope this will not happen for us.
Then he reassured me again, that his is just a question
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-10 12:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

Did you speak with the nice Algerian man from the embassy? That's who I spoke with .... if things happen for you guys as they did for us it went like this: I received the call on a Thursday. I called the DOS the following day and they told me there was a visa number assigned!! The embassy called my now husband the followin Monday.

Crossing fingers you guys get that call -- did you contact the DOS?


Yes, I did speak with a nice Algerian man. Im planning on calling DOS first thing morrow morning! I really hope it works for us, how it worked for you!! I love hearing things like this!! Thanks !
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-10 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!
Thank you so much !! Hamza and I are praying too!! :)
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-07 21:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

This is great news!!! Sounds like things are definately going in a positive direction!!

Crossing fingers for you guys!

Thank you!! We are getting really excited, and a lil nervous!! Cant wait to have him here.

Finally got a call back from the Embassy today. I bought a landline, so that we would have no problems with being disconnected. I think everything when great! I think it was a long call, but I felt good about it at the end. We are really hoping to hear back soon. Still feel really nervous about it all. Cant wait until its over, and i have him here!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-06 16:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

It sounds like he will get the visa soon.........we had the same experience. The embassy called Ahmed's boss at work to see if he knew about our details, which he did, and then they called me at 3am the same day, even though I attended the interview with my husband a month earlier.

They also called my husband a second time to go over the same interview questions. I guess they just wanted to interview us separately, asking the same questions.

My husband got his visa several weeks later.

Good luck :)

Thats great, I hope it works the same for us. Im really anxious, to get thier return call! I am getting really excited... cause of course I can't wait for Hamza to be here. So Im hoping e wont have any let downs. thank you!

That is great news Danni!!!
I hope he gets the visa soon!!!!:thumbs:

Thanks you!!! We Hope so too!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-05 01:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

Sounds like progress! :thumbs: Good luck to you both!

Jackie (F)

Thanks Jackie! We have hope, we will have his visa soon!!

Danni and Hhamza...I wish you good luck....I hope this is good news for you both. I enjoyed watching your videos....Thanks for sharing!

Thanks !! Im glad you enjoyed our videos too!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-04 19:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!

Awesome!!! that's great news Danni!!!

thank you.. it so good to know they are actually working on our case. We were so worried, they would let is sit for months!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-04 15:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbassy called !!!!
hey everyone,

Some good news... I think! SOOO hamza Dad got a call from teh embassy today. I think it went well. They asked if he knew about me, and hamza and my relationship is. His dad said we are great, and in love, and everyone there knows about this. They asked about the difference in religion, and how his dad thinks about that. His dad said, that its o kay to have a different belief everyone had thier own opinion. They asked dont you want her to be Muslim. His dad said, I cant say no... but no once can force her to do anything, and the quran says this, and says everyone can have thier own belief. They asked about if we had children, and our childrens belife. His dad said they are free to raise them how they want, and I think they have a plan for this. He asked if hamza knows my family, and his dad said yes. They talk to him online,and that he met my brother in Tunisia.

The embassy also called me. UNFORTUNATLY... I got disconected twice !!!! They didnt really have a chance to ask me more, then were we met.. and what language we communicate. :( I called back, but then he was too busy to talk with me. Said he would call in the next couple days.

So good news, is they are working on our case... bad news... my phone service sucks! I hope this dosnt look badly upon me. I was really worried, they would think I was hanging up. :(

I feel a lil nervous... and excited in the same time. Cause I think things will be o kay :)

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-04 10:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved!!!!
Congratulations Mandy!! So SOOOOON, you will be together again!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-21 19:59:00
Middle East and North Africai pick up my passport without the visa
Congratulations!!! This is great! Have a safe trip to your new home!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-12-28 02:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Relationships Poll

I love your montage, you make a lovely couple :)

Thank you Lisamarie, and good luck to you with your CR1 I hope it goes by quickly for you!

I was nosey and checked out your wedding pics. :blush: So beautiful! You two make a lovely couple. :)

Thanks Mirtha, and your not nosey...I put them out there for people to see! Congrats to you and your husband!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-03-26 19:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Relationships Poll
Hello everyone. My husband has been here in the US almost 3 months. So far everything has been very blissful. He does not beat me, except in Bowling (he uses Bumpers). He is always respectful, kind, and patient. Although he can't work yet, Im sure that he will man up, and be responsible in that area of life as well. He does volunteer at the local YMCA regularly, and puts forth good effort there. I'm not sure what would happen if this marriage ended in regards to Dating/marrying another MENA. Im hoping I never have to deal with that situation.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-03-25 00:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP. what can we do!

by the way, i love ur video :) its the best ever :) and he looks handsome ;)

wish u guys be togther for eternity, u look cute couple and ur girl is so cuteee :)

thanks for passing by here :)

Thank you so much, and best of luck to you as well!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-04-13 00:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP. what can we do!
You could have the US petitioner, contact their Congressman to make and inquiry about your case. Im not sure that it really helps. At least its a third party kind of watching over their shoulder, maybe puts a lil pressure on them. Anyway, it doesn't hurt.

Good luck

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-04-12 08:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo Religion Marriage
Hello :)

I'm LDS, and my husband is Muslim! We both let each other practice our own religions, no pressure to convert from either side! we both agree that everyone has to make their own choices, without pressure. We are newly married, and still working out all the kinks, of how we will teach our children. Right now we are planning on attending each others meetings, to show solidarity, support, and respect of each others religions, and choices. We have both agreed to learn more, and as much as we can about each others religions. To have a better understanding of each other. We will celebrate all holidays from both religions, together. Holidays are a time to be happy and celebrate. We both agree that we want to celebrate each others happiness together. So far we have only had the opportunity to share Easter together, and that went great! As you know LDS ppl are big on their family home evenings, and Hamza wants to bring more discussion of God into the home too. SOooooo something new we are going to try to do is an interfaith family home evening. There are many Koran search engines online, and has a scripture search. So we are going to search in both search engines a common theme...Ex. Charity, and take the lessons from both, and share both thoughts, and ideas. The scriptures, and Koran have very similar teachings on basic principles. We have not put this into practice yet, but we are excited to try it.The only thing we really are having a bit of hard time working out, is how to teach any children we might have. We are still trying to work out the best way to share major gosple principles. Other things we are stuck on making a decision about are things like blessings, baptism, sacrament....or confession of faith, and paying tithe(or Alms). We know we will share both religions. Both religions have similar expectations for children as far as dating,family,social,dietary,modesty in dress. So that will be fairly easy. For the most part, we are going to teach our children what we know, raise them to be good ppl, and hope they make the best choices for themselves. Which I think is all anyone can really do.
The following are a couple websites,that entertain the idea of a connection btw LDS,and Muslim people. I really love the Youtube video! If you ever want to chat send me a personal message.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-05-03 10:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Spouses Poll


Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-06-23 01:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone near Pittsburgh, PA ?
Thank you, I will check it out!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-07-10 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone near Pittsburgh, PA ?
Hey everyone,

We are just wondering if there is anyone in the Pittsburgh area, that may know of any Ramadan activities, or Arabic food stores. My husband is really looking forward to cooking some traditional Ramadan food, and it would be nice to find some pre-made cookies too. Pittsburgh is the closest city to were we live by two hours. So we are not to familiar with the area, and don't get there often. Any advice, or suggestions would be great. I have gone to a couple of websites for the mosques in the Pittsburgh area, but they don't offer very much information.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-07-10 11:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion on Islam?

I stumbled upon these links a while back when my Husband and I first discussed going to each others religious meetings. I thought they were both interesting. I don't think that there is anything saying the can or cannot go, and that its all just opinion. My husband agrees its o kay for him to go to my meetings, and I agree to go with him to his. He just says he cant participate in anything that would involve worshiping Jesus, but he bows his head when we say prayers, and is reverent, so not to disrespect us.

Hope this Helps


My link

My link
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-08-16 19:03:00
Middle East and North Africa10 months under 'AP'

I wanted to edit my post, but I was too late. I just read your other post, and you mentioned there that you had tried the congressmen,senator, calling the embassy. Sorry it is taking so long for you. There are others who are waiting in AP too, and some for longer. Try going to the AP section, and posting there. You may find more people like you there, and feel comfort in knowing you are not alone.


You might also want to try AP tracker to see how long others have waiting in AP just to give you an idea.


Here is a link to a spreadsheet that is keeping track of VJ members AP.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-09-28 02:41:00
Middle East and North Africa10 months under 'AP'

Im sure this has been suggested to you before, but have you contacted your congressmen, or senator. They can make an inquiry about your case status to see whats going on. They may not tell them much more then they have told you, but it couldn't hurt... and may put a lil pressure on them to have an extra set of eyes over their shoulder. When my case was in Administrative Review, my congressmen emailed the US embassy in Algeria every other week or so. The embassy always replied to them in a matter of days. I'm not sure if it helped or not, but it made me feel a lil better to know someone was trying to help us. Also I called the embassy every 2-3 weeks too, just to ask how the case was going, and I also called DOS. It at least made me feel better to talk to these ppl about our case, and also know that it hadn't gotten lost somewhere :P. Anyway I wish you good luck! I hope that you will hear good news soon!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-09-28 02:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaIM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAD
Hey, dont worry. Im sure everything will be just fine. You fiance will take good care of you. Goodbyes dont have to be forever, you will see your family again. Be strong, and have an open mind. When one door closes, another opens! Good luck.
As Monica said above, you should let us know what area you will be in. You might have friends from Visajourney close by!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-05 00:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENAs in AP

The embassy wants his passport!
:dance: :dance: :dance:

Thats Great!!! Congratulations. Before you know it, he will be home !
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-29 09:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENAs in AP

Can I ask if you know why you got the AP?
I am more and more convinced ours is a background check.

They wanted to check the validity of our relationship. So they did an interview with me, and also interviewed my fiance's father. I have called DOS and they have told me on two different occasions that it looks like the interviews went well, and that maybe now we are just waiting on background checks... or just for them to give an answer.
If your not sure why your in AP, look at all the questions they asked him in the interview. What kind of questions were they, were they really digging for some information about your relationship ? Was is a fairly simple interview ? Some embassy's simply wont tell you why your in AP. Hopefully it will move fast for you. There are some who have been in AP for...forever. I try not to think about that, cause it makes me sick.... and just feel lucky that so far this is not the case for us, and pray it wont go that way. Good luck.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-28 11:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENAs in AP
Hi Everyone :) Hamza and I have been in AP/AR for 102 days (that's counting the 31st days in Aug, and Oct)I hope everyone has a speedy AP! Good luck to everyone. The best way I have found to pass the time, is to try to forget about it, and keep close with your SO!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-27 10:33:00
Middle East and North Africadifferent religions for K! fiance visa?
Hello again,

My Husband and I dont have children together yet. I do have a daughter, who he helps to father though. As of now we don't have many problems with religion, he does his thing, and I do mine, and my daughter follows my religion...and we do all holidays together. We have talked about how we are going to raise our future children when we have them. We talked aboutthis before we got married, and after, and still now. We know that we are going to try to teach our children both religions, and once they are older let them choose for themselves. I know that this will be our greatest challenge in our relationship, and with our future children... but it is something we will have to work thru, and make comprimises about. Hopefully we can teach them to see the good in both religions, and teach them to be open to learning, and choosing for themselves. I think thats the best we can do, and i think thats all we can do when it comes to our children.... do the best we can, and pray they will make they right choices for themselves. Sometimes I wonder if I had been given an option in religion, or was educated on all religions if I would have choosen something different for myself. Since I was only taught one religion my whole life, it is ingrained in me now and has always made perfect sense...but if I had knowlege, and the option of another choice... would I have chosen the same? Anyway, Im not sure if having two religions will be a gift, or not. Time will tell, but I am sure we will have some bumps in the road. Both religions have so much good in them, so at least we are sure we can teach them good morals, and values.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-10-22 23:49:00
Middle East and North Africadifferent religions for K! fiance visa?

I think that many of us who are married to a muslim, but not muslim ourselves have not had problems about this in geting our visa's. However they will most likley ask your fiance about this at the interview... I know they asked mine, they also did an interview with me over the phone and asked me about this as well (they asked me about alot more then this, too) Here are some of the things that we were asked regarding religion

-They asked what's my religion?
-What's Hamza religion?
-Will you ever convert ?
-Does he talk about converting ?
-Do I want kids?
-How many ?
-What will their religion be ?
-What do hamza parents think about this?
-What do my parents think about this ?
-Do you think hamza parents are very conservative?

They also asked explained how a person can have a religious ceremony, without being legally married.
-Then he asked if I experienced anything like this (no, i didn't)

B/C religion is such a big factor over in MENA countries (Im assuming your SO is from MENA) this plays a big role in relationships, and so the CO is trying to discover any inconsistencies with the cultural norm. Anyway, everything ended well :) Im sure it will for you too!

Good luck

Edited by Danni and Hamza, 22 October 2011 - 01:53 AM.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-10-22 01:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaSudden CHANGE!!! What do I do!?
Hey Emily,

I am sorry to hear things have taken a turn. We have talked a lil back and forth on PM, and you are always such a sweet girl. This is such a good quality, and I am sure you have the sweetest smile to go with that sweet personality.Please don't let him take this away from you. Can you imagine never laughing with male colleagues, or never smiling at a male when you greet them? I know I always smile, without even thinking about it, when I greet anyone. I am assuming that you can read lips, or at least use this as a tool to supplement signing, and other communication techniques you use. I imagine this would be extremely hard for you to no longer look at others while communicating. I am not deaf, and it would be extremely hard for me. There are alot of things that we have to make compromise about in relationships, but this should not be one of them.He needs to be understanding, and supportive of this. Sometimes people think they can take advantage of others who are so nice, but this isn't true! Cause you may be very sweet, but you can take a stand for yourself! I know myself, I have a hard time letting go of relationships. I always see the good in people before the bad, and I am always hoping for the best from them. I am sure that is what you have been hoping for too! From what you have explained above, about his attitude change, and need to control you.... I can't see him changing. I am so sorry. If he is controlling now from 6000 miles away, imagine how it will be when he is in arms reach of you. Whatever you decide, it is your choice, and I hope that your choice will only bring good things for you!
If you decide to not let him go thru with the interview, then call the embassy as soon as possible, and let them know you have had a change of heart. Then contact him, and let him know the interview has been cancelled, or don't. This is what I would do, in your situation. However, this is your choice.
If you decide to still go ahead with the interview, and have him come to the USA... you should consider having a very serious conversation with him, and let him know that his demands are unacceptable, and also consider not getting married right away when he gets here. See how he interacts with you here, how he interacts with family and friends, and how he responds when you go out on your own. Make sure he is who you deserve to marry, and not someone who will try to control you. If you don't marry in the three months, then he will have failed to meet the requirements of the K1, and will either have to leave on his own accord... or become an out of status person, and face deportation. I wish you the best in whatever you decide. Good Luck

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-10-28 01:21:00