Middle East and North AfricaEmail from Algeria Embassy, I-134
Hey guys, I have been trying ot get ready for after we get our NOA2. I have read alot on VJ about whats needed for the I-134 affidavit of support. Theres alot of information floating around out there, and everything seems to differ. Alot of posts said that the evidence you need to have, to go along with this form, is different for every embassy. So I decided to go straight to the source. Here is what the email I sent :


My name is Danielle Walton, I am the USC petioner for a K1 fiance visa. This application is still at the Vermont service center, but I am trying to prepare for when it reaches the embassy there in Algeria. To help in making this a more smooth, and fast process. I have a couple questions, I hopt that you can find the time to reply. I realize your very busy there, so I hope this isnt too much of an imposition.
My question is regarding the I-134 affidavit of support. What evidence do you require to support the affidavit ? I will have a co-sponser as well, do they require the same evidence ? I have Tax transcripts, for the last three years, and also pay stubs. Is there more that you require, or would be beneficial to send along ?

Thank you for your time, and response :)


And this is the response I got :

Dear Sir,

Be informed that your last individual income tax 1040, W2 or tax transcript will be enough.


Consular Section

U.S. Embassy, Algiers

I think that I will print this email, and send it along with the I-134, incase they say that they need more then this, once they recieve it. Im also sending the paystubs, just for a lil extra cushion.
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-05-16 02:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaHi from Algeria!
I hope your more happiness in your near future. What kind of work does your husband do... I wish there is a way for him to get a job here in the US that would be comparable to what he has there. Do you have a good work history ? Is there a way that you could secure a job in the US ? Maybe someone would be more willing to co sponser, if they knew you were coming back to a job? idk, Im sure you have thought of absolutley everything under the sun already. I wish you the best of luck, and hope that your situation, finds a solution!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-05-26 01:39:00
Middle East and North Africaschedule interview, before packet 3 ?
Hey everyone,

Hamza and I have almost everything ready for packet 3, and the interview. Im wondering if we have everything we need, can we call the embassy once we know they recieved our package... and schedule an interview, before recieving the packet 3 ? I have read about others doing this, in non mena countries. Just wondering how this goes over in MENA countries, specifically Algeria. Thanks for any replies ahead of time!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-07-08 21:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt feels like the night before Christmas .....
Yay!! SO glad this day is finally here for you. I hope you have a wonderful reunion, and nice weather to go along with it. Let us know how everything goes, and how he is adjusting.I'd have a hard time sleeping too! Hope your night goes by quickly. Congrats !

Yay!! SO glad this day is finally here for you. I hope you have a wonderful reunion, and nice weather to go along with it. Let us know how everything goes, and how he is adjusting.I'd have a hard time sleeping too! Hope your night goes by quickly. Congrats !
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-07-15 23:48:00
Middle East and North Africaalgerian embassy busy ?
Thanks everyone !! I'm thankful to have a place to share this experience with, ppl who have been through the same process!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-03 17:39:00
Middle East and North Africaalgerian embassy busy ?
Thanks everyone, for your replies. They answered the phone this morning!!! We got our interview set for August 17th. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO Excited, and a lil nervous. Not looking forward to AP. I hope we can sneak past it somehow! YAY... and thanks again :dance:

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-03 07:51:00
Middle East and North Africaalgerian embassy busy ?

Hi. It's been years since I contacted them. But at that time, they only answered the phone during certain hours. For that second number you listed, I think it's 1:30 to 4:00pm mon-thurs and Sunday 2pm-4pm. I was able to get through to them back then, but only after several tries during those hours. They always answered my email within a few days, sometimes on the same day. I used the e-mail address you listed except that the letters c and a are capitalized. I have no idea if that makes a difference.

Thanks for the reply. We did try between those hours, quite a few times. Maybe they are just really busy this week. I sent another Email, maybe the last one got lost ? Who knows. We will just keep trying! :) Eventually, someone will answer! I hope. Thanks again
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-02 18:51:00
Middle East and North Africaalgerian embassy busy ?

I always emailed them and received a response very quickly....usually within hours. Only one time did I have to wait a week or so. I'm not sure if they've gotten busier since then. It's possible because it was over a year ago.

I've never tried calling, but the email you posted is the one I used then.

I guess we will just keep trying. :) I just get anxious, ya know :P

I have no info for you but I wanted to say that you and your fiance are super cute and I loved your video montage. :)

Ok back to business...

haha, thank you so much! :D
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-02 18:47:00
Middle East and North Africaalgerian embassy busy ?
Hey everyone,

Hamza and I have been trying to reach the Algerian Embassy for the last few days, with no answer. We call, and the voice recording comes on. We go to the consular section, then another recording, that says, they can not answer the phone. Has anyone else had issues with this? Is there a better way to reach them ? We tried Emailing as well, a couple times now, with no answer... and its been a week. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a more direct way to get a hold of someone there? Has anyone else had similar problems with this embassy ?

0112137 70 08 20 00
0112137 70 08 22 40

These are the two numbers we are calling. The first is for the embassy, and the second for the consular section, at the embassy.
This is the email we are

Thanks for any suggestions

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-02 10:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaLast minute advice for interview?
Hello everyone,

There are a couple of us who have interviews tomorrow at 1:30. I know Hamza and I are a lil nervous, I cant speak for the other couple... but I'm just wondering if there is any tips, or advice you have? Anything that you wish you would have known, before the interview, that you now know looking back? I know something Hamza is a lil nervous about is speaking English for the interview. He is very good in the English language IMO. He is just afraid he will misunderstand something, and make a mistake in an answer. Any way, any advice would be very much appreciated from both of us.


Danni, and Hamza
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-16 17:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview at Algerian Embassy today!
Hey Mandy,

Sorry to hear your troubles. They are really inappropriate there. They asked Hamza similar questions, regarding bedroom practices. Im glad you are getting your senator involved. I think its a good move! Hopefully they will move quickly with the AP, and all will be done soon! Oh I would wait on reporting the CO. Just until he has the visa. Take the advice to write everything down about the interview, then when all is over report!! What did the CO look like ? Hamza got a green slip too. I think it has two options on it, and one is AP and the other AR. Im not sure though. I think, thats how Hamza described it though.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-19 20:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview at Algerian Embassy today!
sorry for that i hope all will be fine
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-12 14:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview at Algerian Embassy today!
good luck
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-12 12:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaProcess...
One thing to keep in mind, is the affidavit of support you will need, when filing for him to come back. I think you will have to prove you can support him, when you move back. So if you will not have an income of your own, you will most likely need a co-sponsor. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I seem to remember a post from another VJ'er who moved to be with there SO, and is unable to move back now due to financial issues, and not having a co-sponser.
I wish you the best of luck !! :)

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-22 18:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP/AR Food for thought
Thanks for the feedback everyone :)
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-23 18:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP/AR Food for thought

“He that can have Patience, can have what he will”

“All good things come to he who waits”

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”

“Patience is the key to paradise”

002.153 Al-Baqara
YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

I was just sitting here, thinking about how horrible it is to wait, and not have a sure date to look forward to :P Because patience is a virtue, i need MUCH more of. Anyway, we all know this is a hard thing to do... wait, and no one likes it. When my daughter complains, about something, or about not having something I play the guilt trip on her...."Emma, you shouldn't complain. Think about children, who do not have anything. You have so much. This usually works on her, b/c she is such a thoughtful lil girl (just needs reminded sometimes) Now, I'm sitting here doing a guilt trip on myself. So, I have to wait for my fiance a lil longer. There are worse things I could be waiting for. There are worse things others are waiting for

- I could be waiting for a loved one to come back from war....will they come back?
- I could be waiting for a heart transplant
- I could be a new mother waiting for her prematurely born baby to breath through her own lungs.
- I could be someone who has survived a natural disaster, waiting for relief
- I could be an Orphan, waiting for someone to adopt me, and make me feel loved
- I could be an abused child, waiting for someone to save me!
- I could be someone with limited financial resources, waiting for the next time they can afford to feed their crying children.

I could be waiting for these things, but I am not. I am waiting for my fiance who loves me, and who I'm sure I will be with, and have a bright future with. I am lucky to be waiting for this! So I am happy, and fortunate to have Hamza to wait for...otherwise there would be nothing I am waiting for... and God might find me something else to wait for, and it might not come in the form of a handsome Algerian.

Good luck to everyone waiting. I just started waiting. SOOOOOO, gimme a couple months I might change my tune :whistle: BUT...I think this thought will jump start my waiting, on a good note :)

Hoping everyone has a short wait!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-23 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...

You've doing great ... you have a great attitude and I commend you for that!!

Now that you have emailed more proof ... did you call the DOS? It would be interesting to see what they had to say. Aside from this, I would suggest giving them some time to read the emails and attachments and work a little on your case (maybe 1 week :)) and then I would make a follow up call or email --- just so they dont forget about ya :whistle:

Keep your spirits up and as I said in the PM ... try to review the questions Hamza was asked and the answers he gave .. I'm sure there will be a follow up interview for either your fiance or yourself or maybe even both.

Sending Good Luck Your Way!!

Hey Malarie,

Thanks for the encouragement!!

I didn't think to call the DOS. Im not sure exactly what they do :P What kind of questions, can I ask them... or what is it they could tell me exactly ? Do you think they would have any information about our case so shortly after the interview? I will give them a call first thing in the morning. Thanks for the Idea :)

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-18 19:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...

lemme tell you something .. (in my opinion ) ..these people don't really care of u love her or not and lets be logic...they aren't her family or anything to worry about her...they just search for a mistake anywhere to reject so you can hardly fight back but if they just rejected u like this ..its gonna be a mess and they would have problems..anyways ...they found a mistake with you and they used it .so try to correct ur mistake before the teacher hold pull's ur paper.


Hey Sam,

Thanks for your reply. Im sure they don't care about me :P I don't care, or need them to care about me :) I just need them to see that Hamza and I have a real relationship. There are a few things I can see that they were concerned about. We are doing our best to address those concerns. I called the embassy today to ask about the Administrative review. All they told me was that "this means nothing" It dosnt meant a deny or approval..."just wait the 60 days, and she will contact you with the result" I asked if I could have the interviewers name, so I could address my fax's to her..."no, we cant do that, and you dont need to send anything... she will contact you if she needs anything".
Well I sent emails anyway :P I scanned letters from my family and sent those. Hamza is faxing letters from his family as well.

These are the things I found that I think we need to address.

A. His parents approval
One concern they had was why all of our letters from family looked the same. Answer.... b/c I made a simple letter for everyone to sign just to say they are approving. To keep it simple for everyone, and to not have extra papers to translate. Apparently, this looked bad ?
They also asked about his approval of my daughter. They, don't mind. They think shes adorable, and ask about her frequently. They tease Hamza about being a daddy for her. Its cute.

B. Difference in religion and how his parents feel about this.
His parents will include this in their letters to the embassy. They don't mind. Everyone has to choose for themselves what is right for them.

C. Why tunisia ?
Maybe they think Hamza was hiding our relationship by meeting me in tunisia. His parents letters will prove he is not hiding me. Also I can send in a letter explaining my fear, and can print out papers of the warnings, highlighting the really scary parts. Although they should know this, as it states in the warning that even US embassy workers are not supposed to go out with out a guard.

I think this is all can be overcome. If they deny us, then they didn't do their research, and ignored our evidence... and there is nothing we can do about that. SOOOOO... here is to praying they do their research, and review our evidence!!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-18 17:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...

Danni, I'm praying for you and Hamza. Ghani goes tomorrow. I think everything will work out for you but it may take a little time. You know any immigration procedure... they like to take their time. I've seen congressman and senators offices help other couples here so maybe they will be able to move things along for you also. I've never been to Algeria either, but I do text message with his mother, talk to several of his siblings and friends via email and MSN messenger, and I have met several of his siblings while in Paris. I hope that makes a difference. There are pictures of me with his siblings also and he is taking those.

Stay strong and remember why you are doing all this and that he's worth it! :)


Hey thanks for the encouraging words! I'm sure that everything will work out as well. I know if they do more research, or go over any of the evidence we have submitted, call his family, my family... they will see everything is on the up and up. I just hope they actually take the time to do this. ANYWAY... Gooooood Luck, for your interview tomorrow. They were nice with Hamza, and I'm sure it will be a good experience for Ghani! Ill keep you guys in my thoughts. Let us all know how it goes !!


I agree. i think it's a big obstacle that you haven't been to his home country and met his family. I went to Algeria last december and had no problems at all.

It may be in obstacle. I had to take seriously the advice of the US govt. not to travel there. Im glad it worked out for you :) I think it just wasn't an option for me. Have you read the warnings ? I don't know, maybe they are a lil exaggerated, but they really scared me. Tunisia was the safer, cheaper, and more convenient option. We weren't trying to hide anything, or do anything wrong. They will see this, and if they don't they are blind... and we will start over again. Thanks for the reply !

I thought it was pretty common to meet in Tunisia :unsure: I've read of several Algerian couples that did this and some that even married in Tunis. Wasn't there a time, not that long ago, when Americans were not even permitted entry?

I really hope that you get some answers soon and that everything works out incha allah

I thought it was common too. hmmm.. maybe not as common as I thought. Thanks for your reply. I hope that we will get some good news before the 60 days is up!


Hang in there and send as much proof as possible. You are doing the right thing by contacting your congressman. I pray that an approval comes out of this-You guys look like the cutest couple!

God bless,


haha! Thank you ! Ya, we are hanging in there. I think everything will be o kay!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-18 17:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...

Well, iam sorry to inform you this bad news...i have some egyptian friend whom had the same , taken to a room and investigated with him , and they were really bad and curse at him and he got refused...but that was in egypt...dun wanna put u down but dun wanna get you shocked too.

Wish best for you both

Hey Sam, Thanks for the concern. Luckily, no one yelled or cursed at Hamza. I cant imagine how stressful that would make the situation, and not to mention nerve wracking. Hopefully we wont see our case sent back to USCIS. We are going to do everything possible to keep this from happening. Thanks again !
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-17 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...

Danni -

If I were you I would be proactive on this!! Contact your congressman --- ask your friends and family members to send emails and/or faxes to the consulate on your behalf acknowledging the relationship etc..

BOMBARD them!!!

I am sending you a PM!!

Hey Malarie,

I contacted my congressman, and his secretary is sending an email first thing in the morning. We are gonna start on the letters ASAP, and keep sending more and more, till they are sick of us... and just approve us :P Wishful thinking ;) I will take a look at your PM. Thanks again

Every case is different .Its not always a bad thing .The USA embassy in Egypt did the same to me .I had 2 interviews .One of them was in a seperate room with 3 people .2 Americans and an Egyptian .All of them were asking me questions .And it was more than an hour interview .
And here im in USA .

Good luck and my best wishes for you .

Thanks for the encouragment :)
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-17 16:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...

I'm sorry to hear this news, Danni. But I dont' think it's necessarily bad. Like others have said, send in more evidence of a relationship including affidavits from Hamza's family proving that they know of your relationship and your child and that they approve of the engagement and future marriage. The fact that you didn't go to Algeria and meet his family could possibly be an issue. I understand why you didn't go there but the CO may not. The CO may think his family doesn't know about you at all. Also, it used to be somewhat acceptable or rather not as questionable when people got engaged fairly quickly (under a year) and filed but I don't think that's the case anymore. Get more evidence esp. from his family. I wish you the best and hope that Hamza is able to get his visa sooner than later.

Thanks for the reply. We did originally send letters from all his family, and mine. We are doing it again, just incase they missed it :P . I guess if you are living in Algeria, then you may not see why someone else would think its dangerous to visit... as they obviously dont see as much risk. Hopefully all the new letters, and the email from the congressmen will help. Cause I seriously doubt another visit in the near future is possible. :(
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-17 16:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...

Why not contact the embassy via email or telephone and ask them what further evidence they would like to see? This shows them that you're being proactive and also gives you an idea of what you can get together to fax and/or mail to them. I really hope that it turns out well for you and that you get some good news soon. :thumbs:

Hey, thanks for the reply. Im calling the Embassy first thing in the morning to ask if theres anything more I can do to help move this in the right direction. My congressmen will be emailing them in the morning and we are working on letters from family, and freinds:)
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-17 16:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...

You could go with Lufhtansa through Algiers and that will be an easy flight. A good attorney will set you back about 750 to 1000 but they know how to do a withdrawal of the first k1 and then refile the second k1 and address the deficiencies in the fist case. You may not have frontloaded enough as far as evidence and they dont want to see cutesie stuff. They need letters from family members, proof of visits, chat logs, call logs, proof his family knows alot about you, etc. Lawyers know how to do that and an experienced k1 attorney can show you how do to this. I dont know enough about how much his family has been involved but they can for sure sway the embassy if they met you. If they dont know who you are, its going to be a problem. Start sending everything you can towards that embassy and dont be destroyed if it falls apart. You can regroup and do this. You just in my opnion, need to take another trip there... and go actually to Algeria....There will be no doubt in their minds if you actually go to his hometown and meet everyone

Hey, thanks for all the advice. I contacted My congressman, and his secretary, is sending an email in the morning. We are starting on letters from friends and family. Although we had these in both our I129f and packet 3 information. Letters from his mom, dad, 2 brothers, and a sister...then letters letters from my mom, dad brother, and friend. We will do this again, and add details of them supporting, our relationship, and not minding the difference in religion.
I don't regret meeting him in Tunisia. I would have loved to get to know his family... but I really felt it wasn't the best option for me. I take seriously the warnings from the US govt. about Algeria. I wont go there until, he and I are married. Just my opinion. I would love to go and visit him again, unfortunatly its not an option right now, or probably any time in the near future. I really lucked out the first time, I got an inheritance from a relative who passed, and was able to afford the trip, and also the timing worked perfectly with my daughters father to have time to take her for the week. So, I am really hoping and praying, that they will not send the petition back to USCIS... Cause it will be a long wait before I can go back again.
I have faith that all this will work out though. I really hope they will investigate further, call our family, friends, and do a home visit, cause all this will support our case.
Hopefully it wont get to the point where we have to refile, and hire a lawyer... But if it does, then we will take it one step at a time. Thanks again. This is all great information. I really appriciate that you took the time to write to me :)
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-17 16:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...
O kay this is what the letter from the Embassy says.

section 221g witch prohibits the issuance of a visa to anyone whose application does not comply with the provisions of the immigration and nationality act or regulations issued pursuant thereto the following remarks apply in your case. Your case is under administrative review.

This is what happened at the interview.

He went through security, left his cell phone and ID card.

He sat in a waiting room, they called him to a window, asked for his packet three papers, and passport. Then had him sit back down
Then called to another window to pay, then back to sitting. Then they took his finger prints. Then he waited more, and he said he saw and over heard a few ppl being denied. Then he was the last one there to be interviewed. They took him to a back room, away from were others were being interviewed.

So he sat down, the CO was an a Black female (only being descriptive b/c there are some CO who I hear you want to avoid at all cost .... blonde lady ?) She had him put his thumb on a red scanner, then said sit down.

Here is there conversation:

-She said: bounjour... Hamza Said: Hello
-She asked do you speak english.....yes
-She asked him to write my name... and he did
-What are you going to do in the USA.....Marry my fiance
-What do you know about her..... He started saying, shes 26, she has a daughter. Then she stopped him.
-How old is the daughter......Emma is 5
-How did you meet your Fiance..... online, a social website, named tagged.
-How did you find her in the website.....I was searching for some friends, and I found her.
-Why her exactly.....I liked her profile, she was beautiful, and cool. We like the same music, and movies, she likes to have fun, and loves her family.
-Then what ?.....We felt good with each other, and starting chatting in yahoo.
-Whats yahoo?......Its a chat program
-Why Yahoo?......Cause its fast, and easy, and have other options too.

She is writing things down during all of this.

-Whats her religion.....Christian
-Whats your religion.......Muslim
-Is she going to convert....No, I think she wont.
-Will you have kids ?.....Yes
-How many.....1 or 2
-What religion will they have..... We will teach them both religions, and when they are old enough to choose, they can choose whats best for them
-Do your parents know about Emma (my daughter)......yes
-Is this a problem........Not at all.
-When did you meet in Tunisia.....march 8th
-Are you sure......Yes ( we met on the 8th, he arrived there on the 7th)
-Who picked Tunisia, and why ?.....Danni picked it, b/c she saw warnings on the US travel website, about algeria, and thought it was safer to meet in Tunisia. He offered to show her the papers we printed from the website, and a letter from me stating why not Algeria... but she refused to see them. Then he said the tickets were also cheaper to TUnisa, then Algeria.
-Who bought your ticket..... I paid for a car to tunisa, with some help from my dad.
-Dont you have work?....No I just finished school this year.
-What did you go to school for........He stated his degree.
-What will you work in USA.......He said he will work in his degree field
-Who bought her ticket...... She paid for it with her credit card, maybe she had some help from her dad too.
-Does your girl live alone ?......yes, with her daughter
-Does she own her she rents from her dad
-Then she asked some questions about our stay in the hotel
-She asked who proposed, and when........Me, on March 11th in the hotel
-Why there......b/c I wanted to do this in person. We talked about marriage before, but I think its better to do it officially.
-Have you ever had a relationship before.......No (I'm his first real relationship...though he has talked to other women online, prior to our relationship.
-Then she asked what his dad does for work..... hes retired from working with petrol.
-Did you ever apply for a greencard
-Did anyone in your family.... yes, but they were denied at the interview. (his dad applied for a family visa for he and his wife and daughter ...a work visa... and his older brother also applied for a visa...tourist visa. They were denied b/c they had no one to support them there.)

Then she just stared at him, gathered his pictures, wrote some things down, stared at him some more. Then said she will give him a paper. It dosn't mean a visa, or denial. That she has to review if our relationship is real, and we will hear from her in a maximum of 60 days.

Then he sent him to the waiting room, then someone called him and gave him the paper.

Long post. Sorry. I just wanted to get everything get the best advice. I think we just wait now. Congressman ??

Thanks Danni
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-17 14:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaI think its bad news...
So I just talked to Hamza, Im waiting to hear more from him. So far I know this much. They did the interview in a seperate room in the back... while everyone else had their interview in the front. They gave him a green slip, and they told him they need to take a closer look to see if our relationship is real, and they will contact us in the next 60 days. Is this a denial? Is this AP ? I will have more information soon. Any thoughts ?

We did have a one worry before the interview. About a month ago, I sent an email requesting an interview. They didnt respond, so I sent another email, about a week later. Then we became impatient, and called for the interview. They gave us a date and time on the phone. Then just a few days ago, they called Hamza to ask if he had an interview, and when is it. Then I recieved an email, in reply to my first email. It said, be informed your fiance has scheduled an interview, for 17th at 1:30.

So Im worried they thought we didnt communicate about the interview. I replied to this email, and said I knew of his interview, and those emails were sent a month ago. I explained we were impatient waiting for an email response, so we called for an interview date instead. Could this have anything to do with anything ?

Thanks for any input

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-17 12:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere do you live in the US ?
Ligonier, PA. About 50 miles east of Pittsburgh. Small town!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-08-04 17:10:00
Middle East and North Africapray for me friends plz
okay look buddy just try to be normal they will start talking in franch with u & if u did not understand franch they will ask u which language that makes u feel better to talk with even if u talk arabic they will bring a translator for you i saw some people who was interviewing in arabic but i think if u talk in english of franch will be more better ...just be honest & don't be nervous its so easy just try to give them the right information & don't care about them english its not hard its an easy english & she talk slow & u can ask them to repeats the question when u don't understand it & believe me i was worried too but when i get there i said this is the moment we was wainting me & my girl since a couple months or years ...& i start i think about all the time i had with my fiance & how much i do love her & how much i want to be with her & i better be strong & be responsible in a positive way which make me have this visa ...i think u know what i mean & believe me all will be just fine

good luck !

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-09-14 20:45:00
Middle East and North Africapray for me friends plz

Good luck for your interview ! Try not to be nervous. Try to think of questions they may ask based on information that you gave them, from any forms you filled out. Talk to your wife, and think about any red flags you may have, that they may ask you about (EX. Age Difference, religious differences, divorces) Most of the information they will ask you, can be found in the information you already sent in, from paper work. Just be honest in your answers, and everything will be Okay. Make sure you get a bite to eat, before you leave for the interview, b/c you may be there for a while. If there is a question you don't understand, make sure you ask them to repeat it.... cause you don't want to give a wrong answer, due to a misunderstanding. If you don't know the answer to a question, you can say you don't know. Its better then making up an answer, and being wrong (in my opinion).

Good luck!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-09-13 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaMY INTERVIEW in 4 DYAS
Good Luck!! Safe travels !!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-09-18 01:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan you believe....?
Sorry to hear he was treated this way. Im glad that he could stand his ground, and get his visa. YAY for getting his visa!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-10-05 01:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Hey everyone,

I like that song too :) !!

Faithful and True, plz don't worry about scaring me. I was just scared for you. Maybe I misunderstood what you were saying, or it sounded darker, to me... then what you intended. I'm just glad that you are okay. Thanks for coming back so quickly, to let us all know you are o kay! I just hate so see anybody feeling so sad... SOOOO, I hope things are getting back on track for you, and you are feeling better :)

I hope everyone else is having a good day to. Good luck in all that you are doing! It was a dark rainy day here, but I work it made for a good sleeping day!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-09-30 15:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0

:help: I am sad, but it's well :crying: ... I haven't ALWAYS been right and have made mistakes.. it's called being human.. I am very sad, but it's well :crying: ... Olivia girl.. God bless you on your new career...I wanna quit my job with the government, but my family will suffer... We are told that whether a person is approved or denied we can't tell them even though we see on the computer the answer.. those pictures i took at the concert, i bought the camera and took it back.. i really wanted to see TFF and remember.. i repent :crying: :unsure: i'm not perfect but i strive for it..BBA, listen to wise counsel.. keep your eyes open as they say... Tamara, i hope and pray you get that house you wanted.. i however am searching for my house not made by human hands... i don't know what happened to annie but God bless you and your family... Andrea, thank you for your words.. not many people wanna talk about death.. but in death you are actually living forever, somewhere.. i want that somewhere for me to be in HEAVEN... i don't know everyone that posts but GOD bless you guys on your journey.. i tried in the political and religious forum to post what i believed.. it was the correct forum, but not the correct "faith" i guess that i professed.. i have never come against anyone's faith, but i have verbally attacked someone in the past but i was because of what i thought was going on and they attacked me first, for no reason.. someone i didn't even know.. no excuse though.. i repent :crying: well these people didn't know today that i wanted to die and have been feeling this way for 5 years for what i have been going through.. i've tried it at my own hand but God kept me from doing it.. i KNOW HE(GOD) is REAL.. i love music.. such a wonderful gift and a myriad of colors, like the fall :crying: i may have joked about things about spirtual things to cover up if you will of what i've experienced.. quite frightening i'm afraid.. maybe some day i will share that.. i've already lost everything... so if i am a laughing stock so be it.. anyway :crying: , i am going to step away for awhile or until God gives me instruction to come back.. i always wanted to encourage someone else no matter what their faith was.. they are GOD's creation.. how can i love God and not love my brother.. i've made friends on here and i enjoy them.. so i am shaking the dust from my feet and moving on for now.. may God bless you and keep you is my prayer.. i am a Christian and i profess JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR!!! GOD BLESS YOU :crying:

Hey, Im not sure what to say... cause I dont really know you. I just want to make sure that you are o kay. This post scares me a bit. If you have been feeling that you want to die, for the last 5 years, it might be a good idea to seek couseling. Maybe you already have.I Hope that life becomes easier for you to handle. Try to disregaurd ppl who are being rude(easier said then done, i know). You are entitled to any belief you'd like! It sounds like you are leaving the site for a while, I do hope that you will let us know you are o kay!

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-09-28 03:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-09-21 22:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Posted Image

Hello, MENA ppl :)

I just thought I would join in, and say hello to everyone. I hope everyone had a good day, and is getting settled in nicely for the night. I also wanted to share a photo that Hamza (My fiance) made for my daughter. He is really good with the photoshopping so he did Emma ( my daughter) as a genie in a lamp! I think its Cute. He bought her this belly dancing outfit, when I went to see him in Tunisia.
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-09-12 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS APPROVED!
YAY!! Congratulations !!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-02 23:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaAR help :)
DOS, actually gave me some sort of useful information today. At least it helps me to feel a lil more calm. They said they wanted to read my notes, and to hold. They were gone for a couple mins and then came back and said that it looks like all the interviews went well, and that now they are just doing some administrative processing. I said, so you mean all they are doing now, are the background checks. She said yes, looks like they are just doing this type of work on your case now.
So I feel relieved that the notes say that our interviews went well. Im feeling like I dont have to worry about us being denied, or that they do not belive in the validity of our relationship. I think now we just have to worry about how long we will be in background checks.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-05 09:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaAR help :)

I suggest that you scan and email them any new evidence you can add. This may be a coincidence but.... I scanned in copies of phone records from the interview date to the current date and also sent them a copy of my Algerian Visa and my flight information for where I'm going to see him later this month. The next day they called him with the approval. We are now waiting on them to call him to pick up this passport. It's been over a week and a half just waiting for that! They certainly don't get in any hurry for ANYTHING!

Hang in there. You are in my prayers.

We are working on things to send them. The most we could send would be a couple weeks of chat logs. The computer I was using previously to talk to Hamza is no longer functioning, so I don't have any conversations saved from his interview till the point the computer broke. (other then the past couple weeks). I could send a phone log of texts sent back and forth. We don't call each other, because using the computer and web cam is financially more logical for us. I'm not able to go to Algeria at this point, so I wont have any visa, or airline tickets purchased to show them. Maybe we can find other things to send. I have called them a few times to ask if there is anything we can show them, to help prove our relationship is real... and they always so NO, if we need something we will call and ask for it. So i don't know. We are trying to come up with some things to send anyway :P

Were you in AP, or AR ? Were they just doing background checks, or were they questioning the validity of your relationship ?
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-04 19:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAR help :)

you did good by contacting your congressman, very often they are so helpful. you can do nothing more than contacting your consulate from time to time and ask about your case, but for sure they `r going to call Hamza.
Best luck to you both.

Thanks for we are hoping the call him soon :) Maybe on Sunday :P
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-04 19:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaAR help :)

i will pray with you, and with us too lollll, after his interview they gave him back his passport or they keep it ?

Thanks, we will keep you in our thoughts, and prayers too :) They did not keep his passport, because he was not approved. They put him under administrative review, to further investigate our relationship. Since then they have done a telephonic interview with me, and a telephonic interview with Hamza's father. When I ended my interview, I asked how much longer it might be before we hear thier decision... and they said they are near the end of thier reviewing our case.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-11-04 04:12:00