K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1...DIY?
We did it ourselves using the guides here at VJ and following the advice of the awesome members here. Don't waste your money on an attorney unless there is something outside the norm in your case. Make sure you ask for plenty of help/advice here. Don't be afraid to ask questions before you send in your documents!
Our process took 6 months from Noa1 to visa approval, & he should have his visa in hand Mon or Tues this week.

Good luck! I hope your processes is as fast as it can possibly be.
AvalarFemaleBrazil2009-06-21 07:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnline Minister?

If they're legally authorized to marry folks in whatever state - then it's legal (for all purposes).

I'm an ordained pastor through ULC and I've done a couple weddings - none for immigrant couples, but for friends of mine. As long as the person is registered with the state (and the state recognized ULC - check to make sure, not all do!), you should be fine :)
ScooterMacFemaleCanada2010-03-29 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about intial K-1 packet

I was just wondering how most of you packaged all your information to send. What I mean is, I purchase a thin binder and I was going to put all the papers and proof and label everything. Will this be acceptable?

I was also reading that someone mentioned about overstaying their visitor visa and when they applied for the K-1 they told of this occurance and they didn't have any problem getting everything passed. If anyone has had to put this same sort of information regarding overstaying a visa on the K-1, I would love to hear about it. Also, if you could include how long you overstayed and what red flags this may have triggered in the process and how you handled them.

Thank you all in advance. This is a great site and I am enjoying reading and learning from other's experiences.

wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-02-19 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease include me in your prayers and Wish me LUCK!
you will both be in my prayers and thoughts on the 23rd. Best wishes!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-02-18 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnotarized / certified translation ?
Yilmaz feels the same way!!!! and let me tell you, I think I might be leaning in that direction, time will tell.
wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-02-20 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnotarized / certified translation ?

You should be just fine...

Well thank you so much! With some haggling OMer got the price down to approximately $100.00 USD, and even that is outrageous!

If he takes it to a regular translator- he should be able to do it for under $20.00 USD, and then the notary shouldn't be that much more.

You all have been so helpful! Uggh, to think this is only the beginning!

Hi Christine,

Yilmaz went to a translator and was originally quoted $250 but went somewhere else and paid $ 80. I told him he did not have to do this as his brother-in-law is fluent in English, but he said he would feel better doing it this way, so I let him go.

Good Luck!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-02-20 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust mailed my I-129F!!!!
Congratulations Christine! I still haven't received Yilmaz's 325's in the mail and I talked to him today and he sent it express, so I don't know what happend.

Glad that leg of the journey is over for you. Best Wishes!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-03-02 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 - got it !!!!!
Congratulations!!! I hope to send mine out this week. I wish a very speedy process for you!!! :)
wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-03-06 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWOOOWWWW!!! NOA2!!!
Congratulations Christine!!! I am so happy for you and Omer!!! :thumbs:
wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-03-15 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone had this similar situation?
Hi Everyone,

I posted this same question on the Middle East forum, but noticed that there were some topics regarding Turkey, so I thought I would ask the same question on this thread.

My fiance is from Turkey and while I was gathering everything for our I-129F form, I have some complicated issues with his G-325A form.

While he was in the U.S., he overstayed his visa by 1 year 8 months. (He did leave on his own, no one from the government even approached him about leaving). To only complicate things more, while he was here, he got a driver's license, and he also worked (I am sure without an AED), but to even complicate things more (if that is at all possible) he paid Income Tax, mind you, he did not have a social security number.

So when he filled out his G-324A form and it asked for his address within the past 5 years, he only wrote his Turkish address. So we talked and it was decided that I should have his addresses in the U.S. with the dates. Now this is only going to show that he was here for almost 3 years. Then I was thinking when it asked for jobs within the last 5 years, we are probably going to have to put his U.S. jobs down since he went and paid Income Tax and the U.S. addresses show that he was here for almost 3 years and if they don't see any U.S. jobs listed that may be odd.

I am just so confused, very disheartened, and I feel that our case is hopeless. Has anyone had anything even slightly similar?

Thank you,

wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-03-21 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner

Welcome and Thank you, Thank you!!

Of course I have a question too. You mentioned earlier on about "red flags" and of course an over-stay of a visa was one of them. Even though it is a "red flag" can the petitioner still have a chance of obtaining a visa? How long is too long of an over-stay?

These questions are of course for a "friend."

Every situation is different. I am not up on the regulations as I used to be as I haven't been with them for awhile. So I would only be guessing if I told you.

My best adice is to do a Google search on 8 CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) which, again is the regulatory guidance for immigration issues. You can find the complete CFR online somewhere.

Flip through the index and see what part applies to your specific question. Its fairly easy to understand once you re-read it a couple times.

This is good for anyone have a procedural or legal question regarding how immigration laws/policy is applied with regards to your various petitions. Its all there in 8 CFR.

Thank you very much for the information. I will check this out. :thumbs: :star:
wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-02-23 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner
Welcome and Thank you, Thank you!!

Of course I have a question too. You mentioned earlier on about "red flags" and of course an over-stay of a visa was one of them. Even though it is a "red flag" can the petitioner still have a chance of obtaining a visa? How long is too long of an over-stay?

These questions are of course for a "friend."
wendyaFemaleTurkey2007-02-22 23:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbank letter of deposits or tax returns
they want tax return to show adjusted gross income, someone could deposit, withdraw and re-deposit same $ to show higher deposits.
highlander08MaleUkraine2012-04-17 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F How we met question
So is there a difference with how people are treated by uscis or any other problems with immigration based on meeting through a marriage broker versus a chat site, ect...
highlander08MaleUkraine2012-06-26 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfacebook messages
I would think it would be better to print the pages with the facebook header and date / time showing. as copying to wordpad only shows what you printed and no actual proof that was real facebook time. as anyone could write a bunch of letters, ect on wordpad and say it was from facebook. they would want real proof.
highlander08MaleUkraine2012-12-04 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfused and angry
I thought they all had to be apostilled within last six months for Ukraine. ?
highlander08MaleUkraine2012-10-16 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help I need to know current fees

Hi everyone. I know the different applications cost different amounts. Has anyone recently gone through the K-1 and K-2 visa process recently. It will be my Fiance and her 11 year old daughter. I know the fees are always going up. I hope to get a good idea as to all the fees and any hidden costs.

Thank you. It will be Kiev consulate in Ukraine.

thanks everyone...

highlander08MaleUkraine2014-04-06 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC letter recieved
hey guys i am sorry to hear that ,but i think we still have a big chance and now when we really need to be more strong and fast..., so i think that the co had a doubt that u guys are already married and they think you was wrong cause you applied in the k1 Instead of k3? Hanni what did they asked you and what happened in the interview like what was the questions from the beginning till the end ,just to make sure like this we can really understand what did happened buddy !!?

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2010-12-14 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntimate photos/ having sex while Fiance

Algeria IS a high fraud consulate. My guess is that they have no interest whatever in your personal life but it is the type of question that could have conflicting answers. Conflicting answers is a waving red flag of fraud. I have heard of interviews where they ask the applicants to draw a picture of their bedroom or their apartment or ask what side of the bed they sleep on. They don't care and it is not relevent to issuing a visa, the are checking for fraud.

The important thing is for both people to be honest. IF they ask about sex and you are not having sex, then say "No". There is no requirement to have sex before a visa is issued.

Hello, I totally agree. Honesty is the Answer. They dont care what the answer is, just as long as its honest, and not conflicting with your answer...if they happened to ask you. They are just looking for fraud.I agree that they have no interest in anyones personal life, they are just trying to connect all the dots, to make a decision. :)

Thanks! I've never heard of a follow up phone interview. I am drafting my second letter of intent to marry for my fiance to bring to the interview and I'm going to put in explicit details of our first meeting (no dirty stuff!) and continued meetings, our continued intent to marry, and a request for them to call me with further questions because of the DOS travel warning in Haiti. How long of a letter do you think they will reasonably read at the interview?

The issue was not explicit photos of us doing the deed, rather even kissing photos seems like asking a bit much. I do have photos of us kissing, of us swimming together, etc. Phone records, stamped passport, you name it! I just want the interview to go well for my fiance. He's terrified as it is.

I appreciate the humor with which many of you approach this topic, however these issue do come up and have come up. As to them not asking sex questions of K1 visa applications, the link that I provided was one such interview. i didn't think they did "stokes" interviews except for CR1 and married folks who have more to prove when it comes to a marital relationship. We don't live together yet so I have no idea what side of the bed he sleeps on, nor the color of his toothbrush, etc.

They can't interrogate one man by himself so perhaps its better if I *don't* show up for the interview? Its hard to figure out how to play this game. I can't likely be there for the current interview date because I have very strong obligations with my work until mid-May and I naturally need to keep my job!

In the end if they delay the visa and make me travel there for a second interview I'll be mad! But of course i'll do it.. just another frustrating delay.

Thanks for all the input!

Hi again. For the letter of intent. I would keep it very short and simple. They have a sample of this under example forms I belive. For the timeline of your relationship. I would keep to the basics with that too. You dont want to give them something more to question you about. The more information you give them, will just give them more ammo for questioning. In my opinion anway. Just Short, sweet, and to the point. Make sure your Fiance has reviewed your timeline as well, so that you are not giving confilicting answers. We did a timeline with dates, and then gave a brief history about how we met, and how the relationship evolved. We did not go into much detail.

Hope this helps!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-03-13 23:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntimate photos/ having sex while Fiance
In Algeria, they asked my fiance if we had a sexual relationship. They did a follow up interview with me over the telephone, and asked me the same thing. This was for a K1 fiance visa. They never asked about photos of this though. I think that asking for pictures of this definitely crosses the line. We did have pictures of us kissing, or being affectionate.

Good luck to you in your Journey!
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-03-13 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA

What a beautiful video!!! And look how skinny you got for the wedding! Wow!!! How did you lose all that weight?

Hi Zoletta. Thank you!! I did lose a little weight, I was taking a spinning class at the time. Unfortunately any weight I had lost, i have gained back.... eh. I really need to lose my sweet tooth.

I love your video. You guys look so good together... (L) and extremely happy!!! (L)

Hello, Rascalcat. Thank you!. We have been very fortunate, and happy together. We have been married 2 years and 1 month, and hoping for many more.

Wait I'm confused. Your timeline says you interviewed almost 2 years ago and were approved. What's up with that?

Hello, Sarah and Adnan. This thread is a couple years old. So the OP has interviewed and apparently was approved around that same time frame
Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2013-03-24 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA
Hey Moonlight,

No one really knows what the Consular or Embassy will think, or what the result of your interview will be. It could go anyway at all. Many ppl here will tell you that it seemed the Consular Officer already had their decision made, before you even had the interview. The really important thing is that you are honest, and that you provide the proof to back up your honesty. Letters from your family would be good. Just let things with your fiance, evolve naturally. If he is planning on converting, and does so before the interview... good. If he does not feel ready, or does not want to convert, before the interview... good too. Cause really, I think it doesn't matter. They will look at the information you have given them, and form it in their mind however they want to. For good or for bad. So i think its best just to let it happen naturally, and at least that way you will both feel comfortable with your choices, and comfortable giving honest answers at the interview. Just be prepared to be questioned about this, only because as other ppl have mentioned, its not the cultural/religious norm.
Hamza is a Muslim man, and I am a christian by cultural and religious standards its permissible for him to marry me. BUT they still questioned (really grilled him on this) him about this at the interview. They also called his father and questioned him about this, and they also called me and questioned me too... but we were all honest, and we eventually got his visa, after some AP time. If I had converted, just to make it easier to marry, or to look better for immigration, I would have been very uncomfortable answering the Embassy's questions, and I think it would have been obvious. SO as always let things happen naturally, and honestly. Good luck.

Danni and HamzaFemaleAlgeria2011-04-11 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIndia Police Certificates
QUOTE (franseth @ Dec 26 2007, 06:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To follow up...

He went on Monday. Turns out because his most recent passport was issued to him while he was here in the United States (from the Indian Embassy) they will have to go back through the entire process of police clearance certificate. They told him it will be another 2 weeks and then he can go to the PCC for his other clearance... all the while they are holding his passport.... and time is ticking away for us to have an interview.

From what we can tell he's getting the full work up of investigation. It's being sent to the Indian equal of the FBI.

Well if we aren't already squeeky clean... we will be once this is all over!

well I dont think u need to go the commisioner's office. how i did. i went to the local police station typed application on my own that there is no case pending in this police station and his character is good. the inspector signed and stamped . i did the smart thing i typed in hindi and english in a same page, and it worked i got the visa also with o hassel.
DC SparrowFemaleIndia2008-01-03 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance mailing address is different than physical
Not a problem ! I used my home address everywhere on my paper while I was living in the same country but in differant city.
DC SparrowFemaleIndia2009-03-15 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some help please...
will do ! smile.gif
JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some help please...
Ok thanks alot folks =)
JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some help please...
Wow thank you both so much for your fast responses !

I have just spoken to her and she says that because she doesn't make enough money ill need a co-sponsor which she says will be her father. Will he have to fill in one of those forms and provide the supporting documents? (as well as my fiance or instead of?)

JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some help please...
Sorry I have another question sad.gif

What exactly is the document for?

Is it to show what income etc my fiance has coming in?

JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some help please...
Ok thanks !

I will get her to fill it out and send it to me ASAP


Edited by JMR, 15 December 2009 - 09:35 AM.

JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some help please...
Hello everyone!

I live in Liverpool UK and my fiance lives in the USA we are currently going through the process for us to get married and for me to move to the USA to live together.

I am currently completing my documents ready for the interview and medical exam. On the notification of applicant readiness document, amongst the check list, it says evidence of support. I am just not 100% sure what this is, is it something to do with the i-134 form? Does she have to get someone on her side to fill one out and send it to me ready for my interview?

Im confused and so nervous about this whole thing i dont want to make any mistakes !!!

I am new to this website and i would be so grateful for some help happy.gif

Thanks so much,


P.s sorry if this topic is in the wrong section
JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust sent away for my interview date
Hello there!

Today I just sent off my checklist to finally get my interview date (hooray!) and ive got my medical booked for the 12th of feb! Im just wondering how long it takes them to get back to you with your date after you send your letter and what the average time is for the interview from sending your letter (if that makes sense! :P)

Thanks for the help


*edit* Im from England an my embassy is going to be London

Edited by JMR, 29 January 2010 - 09:44 PM.

JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-29 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-129f petition expiration date
To be more clearer on my i-797, notice of action form that my fiance sent me the expiration date is 1st march
JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-29 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-129f petition expiration date
Hello there!

My i-129f petition expires 1st march '10 and i have only just booked my medical and sent away for my interview today (medical is 12th feb). Should i phone up and ask for an extension or something i dont know what to do and im starting to panic !

Please help :(
JMRMaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-29 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI need advice please!
Hey Everyone,

I need some advice on a situation that is happening right now. My boyfriend lives in England while I reside in America. He was visiting me this summer for two weeks and I plan on going to England in April. He will then be back in July until the end of August. We have known each other since we were 14, now 26, and just started dating again a little over 6.5 months. We dated from ages 15-17 too but broke up because the distance was too much for such a young age.

I work at a job with high-risk teenage girls who are very violent. Recently, I got hurt at work due to this. I had a concussion, later post concussion syndrome, along with a cervical strain. This has caused me to be out of work for about a month and to receive workers comp.

Meanwhile, my work has decided to close because of all of the staff getting hurt. There were 5 different workers comp cases within a month because of all of the violence. The workers comp adjustor is a real piece of work and is very frustrated with all of the cases from the same place. The workers comp lady even had someone hacked my computer and found out about the visa stuff. I told no one but my parents. She even threatened me for fraud if I were to file saying I had a job. We didn’t even fill out any paper work yet so I was really freaked out that she even knew about it.

To get me off of workers comp the adjustor had my work create a job for me to do. She is pushing me to get laid off like most of the other staff though. She said that if I did not take the unemployment and severance check that she will deny my claim. I definitely do not want to be unemployed so I need some advice. It’s very hard to find a job around here and I don’t think I can live on my savings for very long.

We were plan on getting engaged when I went to visit in April 12 and then filing soon after that. I know that your not suppose to be on any government funded programs so here are my questions.

1. Is workers comp considered government funded and did it hurt our chances of being approved?

2. Will being denied my workers comp claim hurt our chances since it can be placed on my record?

3. Can the denial cause me to not be able to enter another country?

4. I am going to avoid unemployment if at all possible but if I can’t find a job right away will being on unemployment for a short time hurt our case too? Even if I find a job way before we file?

5. Should I hire a lawyer if it is going to be this complicated?

Thank you all for your help. If you have any advice at all please let me know. I wish I could go back in time a few months so none of these complications would be happening :(
~*Amber*~FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-07 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmployer Sample Letter

I was looking at the next step of the visa process, no noa2 yet :(, and I clearly remember there use to be a "example" for what the work what suppose to fill out. I cannot find it anywhere. Any ideas because my boss is going on vacation soon for 11 days and I want her to fill it out before she leaves. 

~*Amber*~FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-22 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me! I have no idea where to starttt!!! (Egyptian/US relationship)
I graduated from university a year ago and wanted too move to the US ASAP to be with my (now) fiancée. Needless to say, I just received my K1 Visa a couple of weeks ago.

We know the system should work quicker but the simple fact is that it doesn't. You really need to be looking at a realistic timeline of a year from beginning the paperwork until all the paper work is done and dusted. Yes, it sucks, but it's reality.

Sorry to be so blunt and I wish you good luck.

buster2209MaleEngland2009-06-07 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne-Way Tickets on a K1 Visa
I got a return ticket only because it was cheaper than a one way!!

Edited by buster2209, 13 June 2009 - 08:13 AM.

buster2209MaleEngland2009-06-13 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelated or not ?
BUT what? :)
MajuMalePeru2007-07-21 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelated or not ?
I want to marry my maternal Uncle's(mother's brother) wife's niece. My fiancée would not be considered related to me. Right?
Thank you
MajuMalePeru2007-07-21 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline Question
QUOTE (Drew and Tik @ Nov 10 2007, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK, thanks, I'll use the date on the letter, I was using the date it came to me in the mail.

Where you fill in your noa1 date for your timeline, there is link at the end of the line showing what date you should use and where you can find it. It's says to use the notice date.
MajuMalePeru2007-11-10 18:55:00