Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
I forgot to speak the first time...

Morning all....
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 09:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

I spoke with her also, as you can see I had an emergency....

Aww MsTee I was joking with yuh no need ta take it serious...
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-01-14 08:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)

Den's Wifey approved!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Sorry it took so long. I had an emergency and had to go pick up my niece from daycare. She is okay....Dang three pages already? Yall can talk lol

Ha mi chat ta her first I beat you!!!! :rofl:
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 16:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 22)
Just heard from Dens and they were.........


Man oonuh must be chatting I came back to see we have a new thread.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-01-13 13:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Evilness! lol

I didn't want to distract you while you were story-telling, but I meant to mention that I should've told you about the towel stinginess, lack of items on the menu, and length of time it takes to get food. I learned never eat there if I was already hungry; go across the street to Sweet Spot. One time my family went there when we were starving. Our food took over 1.5 hrs to arrive & people were getting hungry-angry. After about an hour, Steven excused himself. He returned about 10 minutes later with a plate of food from Sweet Spot. In retrospect, that was hilarious, but at the time we were all mad.

What I like about Fun Holiday is #1 the wireless internet. That makes up for a LOT in my book, but I see you didn't even bring a laptop so that wouldn't have mattered to you. #2 High pressure hot water. That was the first place I stayed in Negril that had hot water with good water pressure. #3 Windows that keep mosquitos out!

Ur right the water pressure was very good and it was hot.

Dats it Sweet Spot. I couldn't remember for the life of me where you told me to go.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 18:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Dada -- I've seen programs on Discovery Health where some women nurse their kids until they're 7 years old (don't ask) -- because I don't understand that myself and they're still producing milk.

:blink: Wow!!!
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 16:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Dada I'm so proud of you for being so strong. I would have caved in by now and answered back just to get my point across. Stick with it! And thanks for sharing your story even though it took you so darn long to tell it!

Girl I'm trying yesterday I had to sit on my hands to stop from calling. It was crazy....

DaDa, great story! Great Ending! You are a stronger woman than me, I would have been weak. But I must say "Negril" had some darn good timing!

Yes he did. I’m thankful he was there or else... Ummm.. well… that story might have ended different.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 16:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Ever since I saw your pictures from there, Sus, I always wanted to go there too. Hubby wants to go to NYC so I was thinking we could join the link up there and he could see the city that never sleeps.

Good afternoon to everyone else and sorry if I missed anything. Oh yea DADA thanks for finally finishing you story. Do you have pics of Negril on FB?

I was about to tell you I'm finally done!!!

Yup em der. Hes a bartender so look fi me at de bar.... LOL

So is der a yardie link up brewing?? It sounds like its going to be big!!! I'm not missing it so can we pick dates soon.




Shemmy and;

Brooke :whistle:

did I forget anyone?

Umm me. :unsure:

Memba Tre I tried to cook brown stew chicken and it turned out to be brownstew soup... I think I used to much wata..

Thompson2 yes she does have pictures on FB and Mr Bartender is in two of them.

LOL!!! Dills....
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 16:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Lucky you....I'd be happy if my child weened him/herself. Hubby says in country, when a baby doesn't want to leave the mom's breast, they use fowl sh**....take up some fresh poop, show the child, rub it on the nipple & after that, the child weens himself. Have you ever heard of that?

This all came about because we were at the park on Sunday & saw our friend who has a 3 1/2 year old son. Well, this kid is pretty spoiled as it is & next thing you know, she's sitting on the grass & he crawls in her lap because he wants to breastfeed. She was sort of apologetic like 'excuse me, he still does this' & that's when Lehi was like, "WHA??" He went on asking how old he was & when she told him he said, "A BIG MON DAT!! The boy need fi come off a di breast!" She was really embarrassed but he was giving it to her straight, honest, Jamaican style. I was on the sidelines laughing my butt off & kinda shrugging when she looked at me but he kept telling her what they do if a child doesn't want to ween after a while in JA. He told the story about the fowl shyt & also told her that if she went to Jamaica & women saw her breastfeeding that big boy, they'd laugh at her. Later on, I laughed even harder because everything he said came back to me. Especially the "BIG MON DAT" part!

I still couldn't believe the story about the fowl poop so he told me to ask a Jamaican friend to see if he was telling the truth.

3.5??? You got to be joking!!!!!!

WTH -- damn I'm not that country -- never heard of that.

DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 16:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

DaDa, I exhaled long & hard at the end of that story. It feels like you took us on that emotional roller coaster ride with you. Oh my!

I tried to Nat.. Sorry. I figured who better to share with. You know my girls back here look at me like Dada please it was a fling move on. They just don’t understand. Hell I wish it was a fling. I used you ladies to vent, share and get it out. I must admit I feel better. Sorry I took so long but I enjoyed keeping you all in suspense…LOL
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 15:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Oh my Dada! I know that had to be emotional for you...has Roc called you since you have been back to the states?

Well the first thing I did when I got back was delete his number from my JA phone. I didn’t want to get weak and end up calling dat fool.

He text me on…. I think it was Friday and told me he really has changed. I deleted the text before the number got stuck in my head and I didn’t reply. He then text me again yesterday. He sent me some fwd which he never normally does. He then sent another text Call me. I deleted and didn’t respond. You know what it is. Now that he sees someone else is interested he wanna come back. What ever.

I would change my number if I could but I have been applying to so many jobs down NC I cant right now. I think I’m finally content on leaving this in the past.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 15:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
He ends up walking right past me. He bumps my shoulder with his but he keeps walking. He never looked back that I noticed.

Whoo.. I let out a whole heap of air. Negril asks was that my brudda too? I laugh and tell him no. After that I’m ready to get on the plane that mess has me rattled. Negril asks me to keep in touch and he walks me to the security check point or what ever it's called. O.k. is he going to ask to marry me now? He gives me a nice tender hug and kisses me on my cheek. Call me when yuh reach he says. I walk through the security he stands there and then he leaves.

As the Jamrock Turns Concludes...

I sit on the plane and just lean back and sigh. For some strange reason my eyes got teary. I think it was from Roc. If it wasn't over before it damn sure is now. I think about the two years we had and think of the good times we shared. We had a lot but you know what we had just as many bad. All the fussing and fighting we did was enuff to make anyone go mad. Star commented she was surprised to see us not fight. Everyone who has been around us know how we get down. We go months without seeing each other just to get together and cuss each other out. I always left JA saying I would never return I hate him to be back down there three months later if not sooner. That was my boy and well I'll always love him but I'm moving on. Our relationship was crazy but I enjoyed it so I guess I'm just as crazy.

Negril was cool and I did enjoy myself with him. I liked how he wasn't pushy or over bearing. He was just cool. I guess we shall see what happens but this time I'm taking it S..L..O...W. The stewardess tells us its time to turn off all electronic devices. I grab my cell phone to shut it down. Right then I see I received a text message. You will always be my woman...

The End...

Edited by DaDa, 02 March 2010 - 03:24 PM.

DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 15:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Oh ish I forgot about Roc. Roc is smirking but his pace becomes slower. I think he sees me talking to Negril and wondering if we’re together or not. My heart starts racing I really hope Roc won’t perform. Negril is trying to get my attention he is wondering why I became distant. I hear him saying you hear me but right now I’m concentrating on what is in front of me. Roc and I had an incident before where I was chatting wid someone and it didn’t end up so good so I’m like oh hell what will happen dis time. Negril follows my stare and sees me staring at Roc. I look at Negril he looks at Roc I look at Roc he’s looking at Negril. Roc walks up to me and stands in front of me. The smirk is now gone. He simply asks me am I good? I think for a minute and then I turn my head to the side like I have attitude. Yeah mi good. I look confident but I’m nervous as heck in the inside. What if he curse me in front of all these people or make a scene. Negril puts his hand on my back. Nice move Negril now we both might get jacked up. Star stops talking and she starts walking over. It’s only the end of the trip before you act concerned. I feel like Roc is staring at me I guess waiting for me to clarify things or jump into his arms like normal. I say nothing. He moves closer to me uh oh here it goes. I’m thinking to myself now if he hits you do you do the windmill on his rass or get into a boxing stance and try to punch him in the nose. He moves closer he’s inches away…
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 15:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
It’s the bartender from Negril. (yup Sus you guessed it) I stopped. I’m shocked. What are you doing here I ask him. Seeing you he replied.. My happiness turns to doubt. Aww damn is this fool about to tell me he cant live without me, he’s fallen in love with me, he couldn’t sleep last night because he missed me you know some of the bull ish lines they feed us. I wait for his next sentence. He was like I came to see you off. We were supposed to link up de next day memba but yuh lef Negril in such a hurry. I’m standing there waiting for the ball to drop. I wish he would just say something crazy and put me out of my misery. I just replied, ”Oh”. Mike looks at me like are you o.k. I give Mike a hug and tell him I’m good. Thanks for the ride. Mike goes to grab my bags but Negril gets to them first. He told Mike he has it. Mike jumps back in the car and pulls off. You know Negril asked me who was that. I laughed. That’s my Jamaican brudda. I explain to Negril how he helped us get to the airport. Negril ended up telling me his manger had something in Mobay he needed to pick up so Negril volunteered to do it for him thinking he could swing past the airport to see if he saw me. He said he was waiting for a ½ hour and he was just about to leave when he spotted me. I asked him didn’t he have to leave I didn’t want him to get in any trouble. He explained everything was cool.

I go inside and get checked in and drop off my bags. I have about 20 minute to spare. Star is out talking to R he showed up too. Negril and I are talking outside when I see him walking towards me.

Mi sick.... Just sick.. Sick of R, Star and Roc...ugh :angry: they working my nerves and so is this story!!! :lol:

I'm almost der!!! Yuh dont want me to finish??
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 14:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
The next day, my last day is always the worst day. Its time to go. Star got in at who knows what time. I heard R come in with her but when I woke he was gone. She was like did you have fun with Roc. I told her Roc didn’t come over. She was shocked like get out. We went to breakfast and I swear it was the best breakfast ever. Probably cuz it was my last JA breakfast for some time. Roc called. I answered. So you leave today ey? Yup. Why you nuh answer last night. I was busy. Oh mi gwaan meet yuh at de airport. I told him no need to I’m good. He said what yuh man going to be there. I told him we already said our good byes that‘s all there is too say. He told me he had some more to say I told him to say it. He told me when he sees me. I replied what ever and hung up.

Why were we taking so long to get ready? Our plane departs at 1:30 and its 12:00 and we are still at the hotel putsing (sp) around. R was supposed to come back and get us but no sign of him so I call my Jamaican brudda Mike to help get us there. He picks us up and drives us to the airport. Funny I love seeing this place when I arrive but I hate seeing it when I’m leaving. I get out the car so Mike and I can take a flick for my girl back home whose in love with him. As we finish taking the pic I notice Mike stops and ask someone can they help them. I turn around. Get the freak out of here!!!
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 14:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Even though I would be smiling in the morning I felt like I would be belittling myself. Like I would be telling him it was o.k. to do what you did I forgive you and I don’t. I don’t forgive him for the simple fact he couldn’t be honest with me. That story was bullcrap and he knows it. He didn’t call me too many times this time. He knew I was either out or avoiding him I guess.

The next day, my last day is always the worst day. Its time to go. Star got in at who knows what time. I heard R come in with her but when I woke he was gone. She was like did you have fun with Roc. I told her Roc didn’t come over. She was shocked like get out. We went to breakfast and I swear it was the best breakfast ever. Probably cuz it was my last JA breakfast for some time. Roc called. I answered. So you leave today ey? Yup. Why you nuh answer last night. I was busy. Oh mi gwaan meet yuh at de airport. I told him no need to I’m good. He said what yuh man going to be there. I told him we already said our good byes that‘s all there is too say. He told me he had some more to say I told him to say it. He told me when he sees me. I replied what ever and hung up.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 14:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

I know I am sick and tired of pressing F5 and seeing no post from her. wey she a nyam so?? :angry:

I'm trying ta catch up!!!
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 14:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

This is one of the most frustrating things to me - No means no and some people just don't get it - Reminds me of a night that I was at Amnesia - this guy kept talking straight in my face so so close, and his breath stank = plus he was too close - I told him that I couldn't hear him screaming right in my face, it was too loud - so he moves to the side of me and tells me he'll talk in my ear - Great, so now your stank breath can blow across my nose instead of straight at it?


I don’t get it if I say I’m cool a 1000X times move on already!!!
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 14:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
He let the phone ring a few times and then he hung up and called back. I wanted to answer so bad. Lord knows Roc and I had some good times rolling in the hay and you know it’s been a while so I’m thinking like phock it do it… I go to call his number back but I just couldn’t. He called again. Answer Dada dyam just answer the phone. Mi pums is like Answa de bloodclout phone but my heart and mind is like girl don’t do it!!!

:whistle: O.k. mi gwaan ta lunch.... Be back!!!!

DaDa please stop giving the story in pieces :angry: :whistle:

Luv??? :rofl:

De girls said my post were too long so I'm trying to break them up....
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 12:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
The whole way back to the hotel Star and R are trying to talk me into going with them. I told him I’ve had enuff of being the third wheel plus I’m tired of his friends and now family trying to seduce me. R tells me he can go grab one of his boys if I like. NO just take me back already.

I jump out of the car and Star tries to run behind me. She can tell I’m upset. I turn around and tell her I think its best she goes with R right now and give me some space. She asks me is it like that. She clearly doesn’t see what she did wrong. I tell her to go. She turns around and heads back to the car. I don’t know about you but I would never ever try to push someone on one of my friends if they weren’t feeling them but maybe that is just me.

I go back to the room and it feels so good to be alone. I don’t even feel myself doze off. The ringing of the phone caught my attention. Its Roc…

Lol, her fingas gone to fall off lol

Yuh see it Ms Tee dey not easy at all!!!!
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 12:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
So Star and R finish up and we were all sitting together when we first came in. Do you know the two of them moved to the other side of the bar away from me? I’m hotter than fish grease as Philly would say why the hell would you leave me with him? His brother is trying to get me to go outside so we can talk. I tell him I can hear you just fine in here. Do you have a man he asks. YES I tell him. Well he’s in the states so it doesn’t matter. I tell him no my boyfriend is here in JA. What he let you out by yourself. I tell him I’m no ones pet I go where I want. Well if you were my woman I wouldn’t let you out by your self. Well guess we won’t have to worry about that I mumble. Weh yuh sey? Nuthin I reply. Why won’t you go sit in my jeep with me? Because I’m a faithful and happy girlfriend who isn’t interested. What should I have told him Tre to go drop dead inna a bush?? Ugh. He’s moving closer. Damn he doesn’t get it. I’m thinking to myself if he touches me it’s on. I’m looking at Star for some help and she is totally ignoring me. I finally pick up my drink and move to where they are. He starts screaming Fluffy where yuh going. Ova der and I keep walking. I whisper to Star ####### you leave me. Oh I thought you wanted to be alone. B#%^& did I look like I wanted to be alone. Oh Dada don’t be that way be nice. Nice?? I am being nice but I’m getting fed up. I told her to take me home. Home? We were going to Moods Star said. Moods the strip club? Oh now really take me home I have seen enough T&A to last me a life time. Next thing I know she is telling R Dada doesn’t want to go with us like he is my father or something. R says Dada come on roll my brother wants to chill wid you. O.k. why do they keep trying to hook me up? Do I look like I need someone? I ask the bartender how much I owe and R says he got it. I told them again I was ready. Star mumbles she probably wanna get back to see Roc. I told her Yup. We finally leave and the brother makes one more attempt. I just look at him and suck my teeth. I tell the rest of the patrons it was nice meeting them and we leave.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 12:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Its R’s brother. He’s screaming Fluffy gyal all across the damn place. I put my head down like if I never hated my size I do now. So he pulls up a chair and starts to talk to me. He looked like he stepped out of a rap video. He has a big diamond earring in his ear with a thick gold chain. He has one pants leg up and one down. He has on Nikey shoes not tied but get this he had to be over 40. He has his jeep and car parked out front. I’m like ok why do you have two vehicles just sitting der? Everyone who walked in he spoke to them so bad. He starts in on telling me how he likes my curves and what not. I’m getting so irritated. What happened to my name is ….your name is…..What happened to the back in the day talking and getting to know one another? The brother tells me to order what ever I want it’s on him. Well if I planned on getting drunk I surely won’t be now. The man wouldn’t stop talking!!! Couldn’t he tell I was getting annoyed? I’m giving Star the eye like would you please get his brother. She laughs. My head goes back in shock. Did I say something funny? Now ladies you know when your girl gives you the look you try and intervene right? WRONG she kept playing pool in her glory.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 12:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
We end driving around for a likkle while and then we park in front of the pool hall. Of course there are a gang of guys outside. I’m starting to get the notion that R is trying to show of his yankee ladies. He ask me am I o.k. with getting out. Sure I anent neva scared but I am not looking forward to all the calls and chants. As soon as Fluffy hits the scene the calls and chants start. I swear it’s like people were sticking der heads out of windows. We go inside and R orders us drinks. He and Star start playing pool. Now picture the scene I have a vodka and cranberry drink, the music is on, the air is warm and the back of the place has no wall so you can see all the houses on the hills. Its starting to get dark so the lights from the houses makes the island look really pretty. I’m in awe. I’m vibing and enjoying myself when the next BIGGEST annoyance approaches :crying: .
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 12:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
I was about to post but then it hit me. Umm I betta finish dis story first ey??

O.k. so we go back to the hotel to get dressed. I hear Star’s friend tell her to wear something sexy. I already have it in my mind that this is my next to last day so I’m going causal and comfy. We get dressed in record time and were out. I tell Star’s friend I’m hungry and he takes us to some trailer to get food. I order brown stew pork and instantly fall in love with it. It’s so good. He then tells us that he needs to run back to his house real quick. I panic cause Flava Flav lives near him and he is always out. He looks at me like don’t worry he wont know your with me. Umm yeah right. We ride back and the whole way I’m starting to sweat I really don’t want to see this man any more. As soon as we pull up BOOM I told you there he is. He starts walking towards the car. R (Star’s friend) jumps out and meets him ½ way .Flava Flav face goes from a smile to a frown. I guess R is telling him I’m not interested. He seems as if he wants to come to the car and say something to me but he ends up turning around and walking away. Thank you GOD. Had that man joined us I was getting out and walking back to the hotel. R runs inside some store and then returns. Were off :thumbs: !
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-02 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

That's okay. I was trying to set up a Philly/VA/MD meetup soon but looks like almost everyone already met.

Hey if you can do Philly then Pit can be added too.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 14:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Gotta love it - Round trip ticket to MBJ, $50.26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Damn that's good!
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 13:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)


I MUST start going to bed earlier.

Dats cuz ur staying up late to keep Steven entertained….LOL
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 09:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Top of the morning Yardies! lol Well what a weekend hubby and I had we met the following people:

my2 and hubby
ThompsonB and hubby
Lady C and hubby
Spoke to Tre and was supposed to meet but somethings came up. Feel better Tre. Im praying :)

What an AWESOME weekend. We drove like mad but had a good time. Brooke's hubby Vaughn is so funny. He made me laugh the most. My2's wedding was very nice. I will post pics on FB tomorrow. Brooke is so laid back which was nice. My2 is a wild child but mad fun. Her and Steve kicked it off nicely. He even confiscated some Jamaican spices from her lol. Ricky is a sweetheart and Im in love with his mom! Really sweet woman. Lady C is CRAZY and her hubby Garfield is a sweetie too. SunRay is funny/crazy! She is a sweetheart too! Poor Steve is in the bed sleeping! Him tyaad! lol...We just had a wonderful time. Im glad the snow didn't stop us! Boy, Ive met alot of Yardies now and its been great. Im headed to bed now.. nite yardies :)

Mi jealous :angry: you met 1/2 de board in one weekend!!
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-03-01 09:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
Shoot I want to finish but I have to go I want to tell you all how Star did me so wrong!!!!
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 16:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

and of course they found a way to blame obama for it!!!!

I was reading them crazy comments and then I stoped cuz they were upsetting me....
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 16:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

there are 328 comments and OF COURSE someone posted something ignorant

I am trying really hard to remain PC and not offend those who are too sensitive for their own good. But, why is it whenever this type of tragedy happens too often the perp (not always) is not from this country and the union is usually inter-racial. Something tells me she was white. I have the same situation next door to me. White woman, black guy. She works two jobs while he does nothing but slap her around until late last year when he finally killed the poor girl. What is it with these "women" and there desire to date, marry outside their race. By the way? I am not by any means trying to be a racist here. Just stating the obvious.


DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 16:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

I believe her. I meant it.....I think she's about to get some in this story. That's why she's so darn cheerful this week.

Yall have me rolling!!!!!!

So instead of going back to the hotel I decided to cross the street and walk dung Dead End Beach.. I really needed a minute again. My feelings were all over the place. I had no idea what to think. I watched the waves crashing and what not and just took a minute out. I know what my heart wanted to do but my head was screaming girl don't do it.... Which one should I listen too. I heard someone screaming my name and it was Star. She was walking towards me. She was holding the phone like here you have call.

Where are you
Who Dis...
He said his name. I've been looking for you all day and I haven't seen you anywhere around
Oh I left this morning I'm back in Mobay
Mobay I thought you were staying in Negril
Well I was but my girl wanted to leave.
You leave tomorrow right
So I guess I won't see u
Too bad I was thinking we could hang out today for your last night
Oh you should have said something
Well I didn't think you would be gone so quickly
We were quiet
Well alright then I guess I'll talk to you later. Can I have your overseas number?
So I gave it to him.
Talk to you later
Yeah Yeah

I hung up the phone and looked at Star. Come on let's get ready my friend is on his way. I stopped," Is he coming alone or with Flava Flav?" She laughed alone. Alright then I'll roll. As I walked back to the hotel I couldn't stop thinking about the call.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 16:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

Roc paid the bartender off to let him to her room - she went and sat outside with him, he gave her a line of BS about things happening, life different in JA,,..... he had to get to work, she walked him out holding hands and kissed him goodbye, made plans with her later

Dang she really summed it up too.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 16:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

girl you are a mess

can someone give me the cliff notes to dada's post please? i just can't anymore!

Bunz I'm trying to not make it long but yuh knoa mi long winded I guess I'm trying to give you all a visual of what was happening...

No Sunny didnt just catch me on FB... Too Funny
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 16:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)
So I follow Roc down the hall way and sure enuff guess who jumps out? The bartender. Whateva happened Roc goes in his pocket and hands her some money. She looks at me like u o.k. I sort of smile and make a mental note to tip her. I feel bad she had purple spots on her blouse. So we walk a little ways and then we sit on some big chairs in a shaded place under a tree. Roc sits in a chair and pats the spot next to him but I decide to sit in a chair across from him. I look at the sky. It sure is beautiful. I put my legs under me and just listen to the wind for a while. Roc is staring at me. You’re still so beautiful. What you think I was going to get ugly over night. I look at him. Speak I say.

I never meant for all this to happen yuh know. Me eidda. Its just that well Dada you don’t understand things in Jamaica and its not all simple over here sometimes things happen and you got to lay low. It’s easy to get killed around her. Why you think I stopped hanging out I don’t hang in bars no more of do parties. Really now I say. I would never know that I haven’t spoke to you. How many times you going to say that he asks me? Until you get tired of hearing it I tell him. So who’s the new man. I started to get up if this is all your going to talk about I’m leaving. He jumps up with me and tells me to sit down he was just asking because he knows there’s someone. He sees I have a glow to me and he knows only a man put it there. I told him its called being happy. He starts to talk about our relationship. Our ups and down. Some of the things he discussed makes me laugh. We have had some crazy times together that is why I thought we were so good together because it wasn’t all sweet we had some ruff patches too. I told Roc I wasn’t mad at him for choosing to move on. Hurt yes mad no. I’m just upset at the way he did it. He was a coward. He told me not to call him a coward anymore. I told him I call it as I see it. He started explaining how our relationship was stressing him out. I wasn’t easy at all in the end he told me. He claims he was under so much stress and I wasn’t being supportive I was adding more to it. I told him how by being concerned? He told me I kept accusing him of things and it was becoming annoying I told him God gave woman the best and worse gift. Woman’s intuition. We know when something’s not right we just chose to ignore it. I wasn’t ignoring mine. Like he would say I smelled a rat. He was starting to act different and I wanted to know why. He was like no you accused me of acting different. Whatever! We continued to talk about likes and dislikes with each other and I must admit the convo was nice. He was the Roc I remembered calm and carefree and I started to notice he was still attractive to me. We were laughing and joking and it was just nice!

He looked at his clock and told me he had to get to work. He needed to there by five. He asked me when was I leaving and I told him tomorrow. Tomorrow he shouted why so short. I told him this was just a weekend getaway nothing too long or big. Oh. He was like I’m scared to ask this but when I get off from work can I come by. For what I asked. So we can continue to talk with out screaming at each other this time or maybe we can go somewhere and hang out.. I looked at him for a minute and I told him yeah he can come by. He was like are you going to be here dis time? I told him who’s to say I wasn’t here before. He told me he knows I wasn’t there he thinks I was at someone’s house. What ever. I walked him to the front and all the staff are looking at us like we are crazy. I’m holding his hand and I’m walking him to the front. He goes to hug me and I let him. He held me so tight it felt so good. So after the hug he ummm well he kind of….. umm how shall I say dis….. Quana’s reading isn’t she?? Ahh heck never mind. He asked me tonight? I told him tonight.
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 15:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 23)

I know we only hear abt him. We want to put a face to the name :thumbs:

I know right!!!

Oops I forgot I wasn't supposed to reply....
DaDaFemaleJamaica2010-02-26 13:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Dec 9 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I broke down today from the stress and went to Panera bread and got a soup bread bowl. I feel soooooo guilty why why why did I do it! dead.gif

But it was so good eb0dfafc.gif helpsmilie.gif

Hey Chica don't beat urself up it happens. Sometimes we have to splurge a little to stay on track. With everything your dealing with I'm glad you ate something instead of drinking or smoking

JQ yuh pickney is too cute!!!

I agree Irie your bed looks so comfy!!!

QUOTE (jamerican @ Dec 9 2009, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mstee @ Dec 9 2009, 01:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I cant believe we are on post 646 already! Man we talk alot lol

speak for yourself.... laughing.gif not me! just noticed I have been a member since 06 and don't even have a heart yet...but I am breaking out of my shell...

AH HA so we were the group that made you feel comfortable I see...LOL
DaDaFemaleJamaica2009-12-09 17:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
QUOTE (dillon @ Dec 9 2009, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
DaDa yes I am very worried and on top of that not sure what to do. My Aunt said she would buy me a ticket to be there but I am really torn. Yes if he does pass I will probably regret it that I wasn't there but at the same time I don't want to go without my family. The reason is, if he gets worse I don't know when I would be back. If he gets better than I want to stay for Christmas because who knows how long he will be around. I am thinking of packing the family up and driving out there. They live in Vegas so it would be some trek! Flying would be way to much for 4 people especially at this time of year. This is one of the times it would be nice to work for an airline so you could just go stand-by. LOL

Yes Dens prayer is very powerful!

Man Dillon I feel for yuh ur caught between a rock and a hard place. Ur right I do want you to go just in case. I'm praying he will see many more Xmas to come but you just neva know. I would hate for u to live with the would of could of should of's. The only thing you can think of is God willing you will have many more Xmas with your family but your dad well you just neva know....

The only hard part about taking your family is that you’ll need to spend mad hours at the hospital. Would the kids drive you crazy because there really isn't much for them to do or is there family who can keep a eye on them?

DaDaFemaleJamaica2009-12-09 16:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
QUOTE (dillon @ Dec 9 2009, 11:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good Morning Yardies...
I am asking for your prayers for my Dad. He is in ICU for internal bleeding. He has sorosis of the liver and is actually on the transplant list (not from drinking) and one of the side effects of the disease is that they viens in the esophagus can bust or seep blood. This has happened to him in the past and they were able to stop it by putting bands around them. Well yesterday when he got up he was very light headed and thought he was going to pass out. He went to the restroom and threw up blood and it came out the other way too. They have not been able to stop the bleeding and even put a scope down his throat and could not determine where it is coming from or how to stop it. They cannot stablize his blood pressure either and it was very low like in the 30's.

I know you guys are powerful with your prayers so if you could send some up for my Dad I would appreciate it.

Aww Dillion ((((hugs to you))))... I hope your dad will be o.k. I know you have to be so worried right now. Right now my prayer is for the doctors. I'm praying that God touches them and a light bulb goes off in one of their heads and they figure out where to look an what to do to get him stablized again. Come on Dillion's Dad hang in there for us...
DaDaFemaleJamaica2009-12-09 11:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin (Part 21)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Dec 9 2009, 11:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
want to know if I can take 1/2 of this vicodin

They make me incredibly sleepy, Tre.

I know I took one last night...but mi back n batti a kill mi

I was araid you were going to feel the after effects. Its like when you fall your o.k. but when you wake up the next day its like damn who ran me ova...
DaDaFemaleJamaica2009-12-09 11:44:00