Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Dec 23 2008, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Wendy and Yilmaz, we are SOOOOO happy for you! Tebrikler!!! It couldn't have happened to a nicer couple smile.gif

So Awaterlily was right about St. Nick bringing your approval LOL...I guess he even saw fit to drop it off a couple days early tongue.gif

Have a warm and happy holiday, as I'm sure you will now that you know your love is really on his way smile.gif

Tanya & Ozzy

PS: I had more dancing men up there, but got an error message when I tried to post that said "you have posted a message with more emoticons than this board allows" LOL, I didn't know there was a limit on such things blush.gif

Thanks again Tanya and Ozzy!!! That is really funny about the emoticons, and you are too funny!!!

Edited by wendya, 26 December 2008 - 09:44 AM.

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-12-26 09:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (camistanbul @ Dec 23 2008, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wendya @ Dec 23 2008, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh my God!!! Yilmaz got the approval letter for his waiver in the mail today!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

OMG! star_smile.gif That's fantastic news!!! star_smile.gif I'm so happy he was approved!!! Congratulations to both of you!



Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate all the support from everyone!!!

Have a great holiday!!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-12-23 16:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Oh my God!!! Yilmaz got the approval letter for his waiver in the mail today!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Now I think all he has to do is redo his physical and go to Ankara to pick up his visa. Happy, Happy Day!!!!

Thank you so much everyone, especially Tanya and awaterlily, Mina, Deb and John, Julia and Ferno.

You all have been a wonderful support and I could not have gotten through these past 15 months without you. Now I must go and starve myself and exercise until I drop!! (You think I would have used my 15 months wisely!)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year once again to ALL!!!


Wendy and Yilmaz kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-12-23 15:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Dec 19 2008, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wendy! How are you? I hope all is well!

Happy Holidays...


Hi Tanya, Ozzy and Family.

I am good, thanks. Still waiting (15 months and counting!!).

Yilmaz's youngest sister that got married a little over a year ago is pregnant!!

Are you guys ready for Christmas?

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-12-20 09:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Dec 16 2008, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband and I are raising my 3 children (from a previous marriage) together. He is Muslim but not strict. I was raised Christian but no longer choose to "label" myself as such (I am not an athiest...I just don't feel the need to put a denominational label on my belief in God). Obviously, my children were raised in America all their lives so Christmas has just always been a tradition for them, and one that they obviously look forward to and enjoy. We view the Christmas tree and gift giving as a non-religious custom, although obviously it is related to a religious holiday for Christians.

After all, the christmas tree originated as a pagan custom I believe, and my husband loves the fact that Santa Clause himself (though Christian) originated in Anatolia smile.gif (at least according to one legend). My husband celebrates Christmas with us and just considers it a part of the New Year celebration. We also celebrate the Muslim holidays such as Ramadan and Eid.

As far as religion goes, I make every effort to educate my children about different religions, although admittedly, they do have more exposure to Christianity...simply because of where we live and my family, etc. I do feel that one's faith is a personal decision and it's one that I want my children to make based on their own education, experience and just what they feel is the best fit for them.

I'm sure, however, that when/if my husband and I have our own children together, there will be a much more balanced input from his side, and that will be fine with me....even welcomed smile.gif We often discuss moving back to Turkey someday as well.

I believe that children should be exposed to and taught as much as possible about their (and their parents') heritage, history and religion. Those things are an important part of who they are.

QUOTE (internetkafe @ Dec 15 2008, 09:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did not know Debra and John did not have kids together.I posed the question for everyone in this thread.I do not know who has kids and who does not.But thanks for replying. smile.gif

Do you know if Obama was born out of wedlock?

It must be very difficult for the children in similar situations to be able to find their identity. Even after they decide which id they would like to carry as a grown up people will see them as they wish.

Obama's choosing Christianity is a loss for his late-father in my opinion.

I asked the question also to people who do not have kids but planning to have. Just to make them think about it.It is not easy.

By the way, congratulations on your spouse's green card approval, awaterlily.

Well said!! I also liked awaterlily's explanation as well smile.gif

To EVERYONE - Happy times and celebrations with your families and a very Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year!!

Here is to open hearts and minds smile.gif

Julia - Safe and happy travels!!!

Love to ALL!!!

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-12-19 15:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Nov 22 2008, 06:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Nov 21 2008, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So sorry things are taking so long for you guys, and taking such a toll emotionally. It's good that you are able to come to an agreement/compromise about it though, and May is a much more reasonable deadline than the end of January. Here's hoping that the visa comes thru before it even becomes (more of) an issue.

Whether it does or not, just remember that even if things don't turn out exactly the way you wanted, if you find a way to be with your soulmate (whether here or somewhere else), you'll always have everything you need to be happy and fulfilled in life. You two are fortunate in that a "plan B" or even a "plan C" are options for you. Meaning that you have the option of moving to Turkey or somewhere else (I remember you talking about Costa Rica....). For Ozzy and me, if he didn't get his visa, I think it really would have been the end of us because I don't have the (legal) option of moving to another country with my children...and I couldn't have continued to buy plane ticket after plane ticket to go over there to see him on my pitiful salary! But you guys are young and you're obviously well'd do well anywhere you decided to live.

With that said, I think his chances of getting his visa are excellent...I just hope it happens within the time frame of the next few months!! It would be sooo difficult to have gone thru all this waiting and then cancel it and always wonder what if you'd just waited a few more weeks...

Try not to let things get you down...and definitely don't let them take tear your relationship apart. This is just a test. If you can get thru it together, you can get thru anything that the future holds...


Thank you Tanya and Wendy for your encouraging words. I don't know why things have been so hard lately...I guess neither of us imagined that he wouldn't be here by now. I was quite sure we would be spending the holidays together this year here in Ohio. Even after he was put in AP we were thinking 2-3 months. Now that it is going on 4 months and we know of people who have been in AP for over a year, it is hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel. It feels like we are in for the long haul. I do know that someone on VJ whose fiance is from Iran (all Iranian visa applications are processed in Turkey) and was in AP finally finished AP a few weeks ago, after about five and a half months. Maybe that is a sign of how long AP is taking in Turkey right now. Sibel's (miamiwife) husband has been in AP a month longer than Onur, meaning they have been waiting about 5 months now. If they get their visa soon, my hopes will be raised. Although I am fearful that the holidays are going to slow work down at the embassy.

Wendy - I don't think what you read about no decisions being made until Obama is inaugurated is true. The Turkish embassy is updating their security clearance site and adding new case numbers to the clearance list every week. If that were the case, I don't think we would see that happening. And, I have seen several people complete AP in the AP/Waivers forum in the past month. I could be wrong, but from what I've seen visa applicants are being cleared and visas are being issued on a continual basis.

I can't imagine how hard it has been for you to wait 14 months to hear a decision. Onur and I have been waiting four (on top of the 8 months prior to his interview) and it feels like an eternity. I hope we both hear something soon. Sibel too. It will call for a big celebration in the Turkish forum smile.gif

Thanks Julia, I don't know where that person got the information anyway. Have a great night smile.gif
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-11-22 22:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Nov 21 2008, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A week from tomorrow marks four months in AP. It is getting really tough for both Onur and I. We feel so lost and hopeless. He has threatened to cancel the visa if he is still in AP after 6 months, which would be the end of January. We can't wait forever and we are not willing to wait years as we have heard happen to some people. We decided today that if he still doesn't have his visa or word of his visa by May, when I'm done with my graduate program, that we will stop waiting. He'll have to complete his military duty...and continuing to prolong that is just going to make it harder on him.

I feel so sad...I just want to be happy and live my life with my love. I knew this process would be long and difficult, but I never imagined this. It is really starting to affect our relationship. How could this take SO long?

Hi Julie,

I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling down. Believe me, I know. It has been 14 months so far waiting on this waiver. I know that they received the fingerprints they were waiting for on October 10th (Athens finally answered my e-mail), but still no decision and I am really worried. What happens if they deny the waiver?!!!

I finally sent pictures of our new apartment to Yilmaz (I had to rent, purchase furniture and organize myself. Well, I had my family's help - God Bless them, but I really wanted to do this with Yilmaz) I had originally wanted him to be surprised, but thought that I would send him the pictures. Today he tells me that he does not want to look at the pictures until he hears from Athens. In a way I am thinking "He must be worried about the answer and doesn't want to see the apartment if he is unable to come back to the US". This makes me think, what will happen to us if he doesn't get his visa?!!! It almost sounds like it may be the end of the road?!! I don't know?

But Julie, Onur has never been to the US before, right? Our problem is that he was here and overstayed. I am sure that Onur will get his visa. Someone on another website ( said they thought that they heard no decisions were being made until after Obama's inauguration on January 20. I don't know if this is true or not, but that would mean we won't be together over New Year's sad.gif

I have decided not to go to Turkey over my Christmas break. Will you still be going over?

God Bless and I am praying for you and Onur smile.gif


wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-11-21 16:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (miamiwife @ Nov 12 2008, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am still waiting for my husband, but I became an aunt last week! I am going to visit my brother and see my nephew next week. I am very excited--finally someone to spoil!


Tebrikler!!! It is wonderful to be an Aunt and spoil them smile.gif

Have fun and enjoy!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-11-13 17:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Merhaba Everyone smile.gif

Just wanted to say "hi" and see how everyone was doing.

Hope all is well!!

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-11-12 16:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
[quote name='tanyakaraman' date='Nov 1 2008, 07:33 PM' post='2353793']
Lovely pictures Erika! You two do make a very nice couple & looks like you had a wonderful time! smile.gif

And Wendy...sorry you're feeling down & lonely! Good thing you have such a close family to help keep your spirits up...

I'm missing Ozzy today too...he's in NYC for a couple days on business. This guy from Instanbul he used to work for (as an interpreter) is in NY for a few days and he asked Ozzy to come interpret for him while he's here. But he'll be back home tomorrow. It makes me sad too to think of you and Yilmaz being apart for so long....I don't know how you do it, but keep hanging in there!!


Tanya, you are always so kind and sweet. I was telling Erika how much I appreciate all the support and kindness everyone here gives to each other. What a loving group of people. Just like Juila said, I hope that we can all meet some day!

I am glad that Ozzy won't be gone long, but that is great that the guy thought of Ozzy and asked for him to come and work for him for a couple of days. What a big compliment!!

Thanks again!! smile.gif

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-11-02 22:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Nov 1 2008, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (wendya @ Nov 1 2008, 05:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Nov 1 2008, 04:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's those Istanbul pics I have been promising if anyone cares to reminisce smile.gif It's on my Myspace at:


Hope you all enjoy them!

Your pictures are wonderful Erika!! You too make a very cute couple!!

Ah, what memories. The same streets, tramvay and sights. I do love Turkey (and of course my Yilmaz)!!!

What hotel did you stay at? The view was gorgeous! Yilmaz and I stayed at the Ada Hotel in Sultanahmet. The room was big and had a water view. We only stayed there two nights. When I first arrived and the night before my flight. We stayed in Tuzla the rest of the time in a rented villa. It was nice. Too many steep steps walking down to the entrance, but at least it had a washer and dryer, which was nice.

Thank you again for sharing your beautiful photos!!


Thank you! You are very welcome! heart.gif We stayed at the Akdeniz...a small hotel..but comfy. Where is Tuzla? Is Yilmaz in Turkey still (I'm gonna have to cheat and read your profile laughing.gif )? I wish I had a washer/ such luck. I took like 200 pictures...time flies when youre having fun and goes slowwwwwwww when your waiting. I know what you mean about steps...been to Taksim?? OMG!!!!!! Never I don't believe we have ever chatted directly so it is nice to meet you Wendy So how is your weekend going? ClockWatch2.gif I am working on my resume so I can get a 2nd job...exciting
well, talk to ya soon!

Hi Erika,

Yes, Yilmaz is still in Turkey and it has been almost a year since we have seen each other. I was last in Turkey December of 2007. I remember his brother-in-law joking saying, "we will see you again next December". I said, "I hope Yilmaz has his visa by then!!" We knew we were going to have a wait, but this is ridiculous!!

Tuzula is about an hour away from Istanbul on the Asian side. This is where one of his sister's and husband live. Our villa was only 5 minutes from their house and 20 minutes from his parents house in Gebze. It is a nice little town near the water. They have a Naval compound there. Yilmaz has two brother-in-laws that were in the Turkish navy.

Yes, I have been to Taksim too! I love it! Very crowded, but it is fun!

As far as my weekend, I am feeling a little lonely and sad and missing Yilmaz very much!! God bless my family, they try to make me happy and it is great to have them with me, but I do miss my love!!

Great talking to you. Good luck in your job search! (2nd job, wow you are very industrious!!)

Have a great rest of the weekend!!

~Wendy (and Yilmaz) smile.gif
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-11-01 18:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (ErikaAndHamit @ Nov 1 2008, 04:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's those Istanbul pics I have been promising if anyone cares to reminisce smile.gif It's on my Myspace at:


Hope you all enjoy them!

Your pictures are wonderful Erika!! You too make a very cute couple!!

Ah, what memories. The same streets, tramvay and sights. I do love Turkey (and of course my Yilmaz)!!!

What hotel did you stay at? The view was gorgeous! Yilmaz and I stayed at the Ada Hotel in Sultanahmet. The room was big and had a water view. We only stayed there two nights. When I first arrived and the night before my flight. We stayed in Tuzla the rest of the time in a rented villa. It was nice. Too many steep steps walking down to the entrance, but at least it had a washer and dryer, which was nice.

Thank you again for sharing your beautiful photos!!

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-11-01 07:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Did you find anything on Lufthansa for Dec? I haven't checked for that particular month.

I think this promo ends Nov 19th (booking). My husband's has to check with work about vacation time before we make a commitment. I'm thrilled star_smile.gif

Lufthansa was $1,600, unfortunately!! So, if the prices don't come down, I will not be going in December sad.gif

I just hope and pray he will be HERE by then!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-10-31 15:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
[quote name='awaterlily' post='2348251' date='Oct 30 2008, 04:20 PM']in regard to recent chat about good airfare deals - I just got an email from Lufthansa about a current promotion, I did a quick quote and here's example itinerary:

2 adults and 1 infant

Boston (BOS) to Istanbul (IST): Departing: Tue 24 Mar - Returning: Wed 8 Apr

Total Price for all passengers $1388.38

star_smile.gif Great deal! star_smile.gif

Hi Everyone,

Julia, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Onur!! I hope it is not too much longer for you two.

Tanya, what a wonderful sentiment!! It is true, we will all realize the precious gift we have when we get it!!

awaterlily, the airfare is great!! I love Luftahansa! I was thinking of going over in December if Yilmaz hadn't received his visa, but the airfare online went from $780 to over $1,000 and it was airfrance. I was thinking of going to an travel agent to see if they had any deals or had some "blocks" of seats at lower prices. I was even thinking of leaving on Christmas day. I thought that it would be cheaper, but no luck. Well, everything is up in the air anyway. I will see what happens.

Good wishes and love to all,

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-10-30 15:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (kennyandhandan @ Oct 20 2008, 11:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope everyone is doing well. According to 2 pregnancy tests yesterday, there's a bun in our oven!


QUOTE (kennyandhandan @ Oct 20 2008, 11:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope everyone is doing well. According to 2 pregnancy tests yesterday, there's a bun in our oven!

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-10-21 11:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Tanya. I am so glad to hear you, Ozzy and the kids are doing well. Wow, you guys are busy!! I think you are too funny, humming "Hail to the Chief" when Ozzy walks into the room. Kudos to him for his accomplishment!!!

I was just thinking the other day, when Yilmaz gets here, I am not sure about him finding work since he does construction and renovation. Everything has pretty much come to a complete slow down in that area. Maybe I could get him a job in the school district I work for. I think they may have a maintenance position open, but I think it is for the night shift sad.gif Maybe I am getting ahead of myself. Yilmaz tells me not to worry.

Congrats on your upcoming 1 year anniversary!! Hugs to you and Ozzy!!

Julia, try I get weekly e-mails from them. I live closest to the Philadelphia airport and they have Phila. to Istanbul in mid December until early January $731. Like Tanya said, if you fly out on Christmas day, you may be able to get a very good deal. I went last December, right after Christmas and stayed for the New Year. I think it cost me around $900. I was thinking of going in December too if Yilmaz doesn't get his visa by then (hopefully he will).

I purchased my tickets last year through Kayak. I had to fly air France. I don't like the Charles De Gaulle airport, but if I go and it is the only cheap one, I will fly that airline again.

Good Luck in your search!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-10-17 15:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thanks Tanya. I really appreciate how supportive you (and everyone else too) have been.

I know, I was so mad when they told me they asked several months ago!! And, like I said, they only answered because Rome sent them an e-mail. I had e-mailed them twice before with no response!!

How are you and Ozzy? Still very busy I am sure. At least we have been having beautiful weather!! Last night was so clear and warm and the moon so bright and full. It is nights like those that I miss Yilmaz even more (if that is possible).

Thanks again. Take Care.


wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-10-15 15:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi to Debra and John too!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-10-13 15:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Merhaba Everyone.

Mina, so glad to hear that your hubby is back home!! Wonderful news!! I also want to thank you for always being so kind and caring. You are a wonderful person and you just make everyone feel better!!!

Erika, your trip sounds wonderful. Like the other said, it brings back wonderful memories for me too!! I would love to go to Prince's Island next time I visit. I have seen it from the ferry many times.

awaterlily, Your daughter is so beautiful!!! The do grow fast. I remember when my niece was 7 days old and now she is 17!!! Time flies (unless you are waiting on the visa process!!)

Tanya, So glad to hear your clinical classes are going well. I remember when my friends were going through them. They worked very hard!!

Julia, hope you hear an answer soon!! I too often wondered about children, but my time is running out and I am so afraid if I have them now, there may be health issues. Especially since I work with handicapped children and see what their parents have to go through!

Oh, I finally heard from the Athens office. I had written to them 2 times over the past few months with no answer. Then I wrote to Rome and asked if they knew anything regarding our case. Rome forwarded my e-mail to Athens and low and behold, Athens answered. They said that they wanted to finish adjudicating our case, but were waiting on the fingerprint check Yilmaz did from the embassy in Ankara. They said they had asked several months ago with no answer, but would now follow up! What were they waiting for!!! So, more waiting!!

Well, happiness and hugs to everyone!! Take Care smile.gif

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-10-12 13:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Congratulations on your approval Galfeist!!!!

Julia, I know how hard it is. Yilmaz and I have been living apart for 3 years now. Our waiver was submitted over a year ago and still no answer!!

Please keep your hopes up!! It will work out and I will keep you in my prayers!!!

Love to ALL,

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-09-24 15:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Everyone,

Julia, Thank you for the condolences on my little kitty. We got her ashes back the other day.

What wonderful news on your teaching internship!! It sounds wonderful and I wish you the best!!

Awaterlily and Doris, thank you for your sympathy in my loss.

Doris, I wish you a safe and successful trip!!! I am sure you two will be flying home together!
I am excited for you both!!!

Thank you all for all your thoughts and prayers and kind words for me!! I love this group of people and I am so happy I found this site (Thank you Mina!!). I hope one day we can all meet up!! Maybe like Julia suggested and we can take a nice Mediterranean trip together!!!

Love to All,

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-09-03 22:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thank you Tanya. I appreciate the prayers!! You are always so sweet and caring!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-27 10:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Thank you so much Mina!! I do believe that she is with God and all our other beloved pets that have passed before her. You are right, they are the one constant in life. They love unconditionally!!

I too am sorry for your loss of your precious pet.

Thank you again for your prayers and soothing words.
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-27 05:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Tanya - What wonderful news about Ozzy starting college classes!! Best of Luck to him!!
Oh and the BBQ sounded wonderful. It was so nice of you to do that for the students. I am sure Ozzy also enjoyed having some Turkish guests to chat with too!

Yes, I hope to enjoy some Turkish festivals with Yilmaz!

Congratulations Doris on your interview date. Best wishes!!

Unfortunately, I have sad news about my beloved cat. We had to put her to sleep today. She was only 5 years old!! Always healthy. Somehow she got a viral infection. We don't know how, she was a house cat. My sister was hand feeding her for the last several day with special food from the vet. She took a turn for the worse today and my sister rushed her to the doctor. At first the seemed to be optimistic, but then we received a call that said she was in very bad shape and in much pain. She was too a very good girl and much too sweet to suffer. Unfortunately I was at work when all this was going on. My sister, niece and mother were there when the vet had to put her to sleep. It has been very hard for all of us!! It is very hard to lose a pet!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-26 19:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Aug 25 2008, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all-

just wanted to give an update on our VJ, we're still waiting on the approval for the 10 yr GC. It's been an 8+ months wait so far.
By the way things are moving at VSC, when we do get it, we'll be in the 90-day window to apply for citizenship. star_smile.gif

Wow, Congratulations!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-25 20:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Mina76 @ Aug 25 2008, 12:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi again everyone,

I just wanted to share with everyone here an event that I got to experience in my hometown in New York City that made me feel as if I was back in Turkey!

It was the New York Turkish Festival in Central Park and I got to spend my day enoying the
festivities among all the Turkish people there. There were so many things to do and see, there were Arts and Crafts, Folk dancers in Traditional Costumes, Turkish music, Turkish food and tea. The whole festivities started from 10 am to 9 pm. Eventhough I had enjoyed my day in the park, I was also missing my husband and wished that he was there with me too! sad.gif

This is the link to that event........

Well take care always everyone, hugs to all and have a wonderful week!

Wow Mina, that sounds wonderful. I was just thinking the other day of checking to see if there were any upcoming Turkish Festivals. I am always a day late and a dollar short!!!

How I miss the Turkish food and tea and of course my Yilmaz!!!

So glad you had a wonderful time!! I know you were missing your Coskun too, but you will have a lot to tell him and you will both be able to enjoy the next one!!


wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-25 07:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (Mina76 @ Aug 18 2008, 11:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Wendy and Julia,

You are both in my prayers and still hoping to hear goods news from you both and that all this AP and Waiver waiting issues will soon be behind us! rose.gif

Hi Mina,

Happy, Happy Belated Birthday!!! (Dogum Gunun Kutlu Olsun!).

So happy that Coskun will be home soon. I bet you can't wait!!

Love and Hugs,

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-18 23:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (kennyandhandan @ Aug 16 2008, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks, wendya and Julia.

Yes, it's her first time in the US. The long flight was excruciating for her (well, for all of us I guess... flying sucks these days) and then I had to return directly to work. We were able to do some grocery shopping one morning and she loved it in our supermarket. I'll have 2 days off starting tomorrow so we can spend time together. My family has been taking wonderful care of her while I have been working. She's really been having fun and I think we both feel a bit relieved that it's not just way too shocking. There is no Turkish population here, but we have found groceries easy.

The white mexican cheese is an exact substitute for village cheese smile.gif

So good to hear that she has the support of your family while you are at work. I remember when my Uncle married his wife (she is from Tawain), we showed her around and had fun while he was at work.

I have been trying to find other Turkish events and people in our area, so when Yilmaz comes over he will have familiarity. Our local Subway is own by a lovely Turkish couple. When I go in I will say a few words in Turkish to her and she is very sweet to me. She will always ask if Yilmaz is here yet.
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-17 08:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Aug 16 2008, 10:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tanya - I know what you mean, there is so much history in Turkey and in Istanbul especially! When you are there, you feel so connected to something so rich a deep.

Costa Rica is actually one of the countries that Turks can visit without a visa - of course if Onur and I ever decided to move there, he'd have to learn some spanish. But he pretty much taught himself English on his own, and apparently after being fluent in two languages, picking up a third is a lot easier.

My family is pretty multicultural, which we joke about a lot. My brother's wife is a first generation American and she is Turkish too (complete coincidence!) Although, her and her parents have been the most judgmental of my and Onur's relationship. She really doesn't make any attempt to get to know him and my relationship with her did a 180 after I met Onur and moved to Turkey. I don't really understand it. I'm so happy with him and I just don't know why she disapproves or why it bothers her. Sigh. My Dad is the only one who has met Onur in person and he likes him a lot - he always says that he seems so genuine and honest. My dad always jokes, "I never imagined I would end up surrounded by a bunch of Turks!" hehe. My mom was very skeptical at first and even wrote Onur a letter before the first time I went over there telling him very rudely to leave her daughter alone laughing.gif Now she loves Onur and they talk online all the time. She apologized for that letter a long time ago smile.gif Everyone has their own opinions, but the people who truly love me, support me, because they see how happy I am and how I've never been this way with anyone before. I hope that the unbelievers will come around once Onur is here, but I'm not holding my breath!

Kenny & Handan - Congratulations on your marriage! Is this Handan's first time in the states? Let us know how the adjustment goes!

Wendy - any plans to visit Turkey anytime soon? Maybe someday we can all plan seaside vacations along the Mediterranean together - wouldn't that be fun? yes.gif

Ok, time to make my morning coffee! Happy Saturday everyone!

Julia, planning a trip along the Mediterranean sounds like a wonderful idea!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-17 08:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (kennyandhandan @ Aug 16 2008, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope everybody is well. I have just returned from Turkey. I took my mom there so we could bring Handan home and we had an amazing wedding party. Finally we are together. Best of luck to everybody here.

Tebrikler Kenny and Handan!!! Wishing you both all the best as you continue your adventures together!!!

My parents have recently got their passports and I am hoping they will be able to meet Yilmaz's family someday!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-16 04:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Tanya, what a lovely picture of your family!! Your children are so adorable!! They look very happy!!

Julia, I have used mymerhaba and found it a wonderful website too. I wish you best wishes and hope that everything falls into place soon!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-15 20:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
That is encouraging news!! (since Yilmaz and I still haven't heard anything on his waiver yet - 1 year and counting!!)

I really don't want to leave my family, but I am sure he is thinking the same thing!!

I have a very limited Turkish vocabulary. Even though I have taken some classes and had a private teacher (for a very short time) and I even bought the Pimsler CD's, but I am not devoting my full attention to it. So it is strictly my fault!!

Tanya, I know what you mean about being able to talk to his family. Yilmaz and his two brother-in-laws speak English (they were both in the Turkish Navy), but I really want to converse with his mom and sisters better. We do okay with a sort of charades, but I would really love to talk with them!! His mother told him that he needs to talk to me in Turkish more, because she wants to talk to me. I just love her!! His youngest sister is so funny, she will have me laughing and it is all done through pantomime.

Wendy....(((hugs))) to you also... I feel so bad for those of you who are in this position of having to wait to be with the one you love....

Thanks Deb for the virtual hug! I needed that!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-14 19:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Tanya what a wonderful picture!!! Cok Guzel!!

Awaterlily, I love the picture of your little girl. What a beautiful little princess!!!

Mina, so glad to hear from you. Yilmaz and I have been waiting a year just on the waiver alone!! (it has been almost 2 years for this visa process!!) I talked to Yilmaz the other day and it is really getting hard to remain apart for so long!! I e-mailed Athens today to see if there is any word on how much longer. We shall see. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. My whole family and Yilmaz's too have been praying also.

Juliaferno, I hope you hear something soon on your AP!! I do remember all of us that our going through this process in my daily prayers!!

In answer to your question about living in Turkey. I do love Turkey, but I am afraid that I would not be able to get a job that could help support our family. I have a very good job here and great health benefits and belong to a wonderful retirement system! I just think Yilmaz and I would be able to have a better standard of living here in the US. Also, I don't think we would live in an area where there would be many English speaking people and I don't think I would be able to handle that. But of course if this is our only option, I would do it and give up a lot to be with my love!! I was really hoping that he could come here and we could start our life here and save money and eventually have a home in Turkey and split our time between the two countries. Time will tell!!

Best wishes to you all. My love and prayers to everyone!!

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-11 09:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Tanya you are so very sweet and supportive. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful "Turkish family" here on visa journey!! It means a lot to me and I appreciate the thoughts and prayers very, (cok, cok) much!!

Love and thanks,


QUOTE (tanyakaraman @ Aug 7 2008, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi to you too Wendy! Every time I sign on here, the first thing I look for is to see if there is an update for you and Yilmaz. I am hoping & praying your good news will arrive very soon! You two certainly deserve it.


QUOTE (wendya @ Aug 7 2008, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say "hi" and wish Juliaferno best of luck with the AP process. I am sure everything will be okay!!

Hi To awaterlily, tanyakaraman, and Mina. Hope all is going well with you. I haven't see both Debs on here for awhile, I hope all is well with them too!!

How are the "newbies" doing? I hope their visa process is going well. We all know this is a long and arduous journey!! Thank God we have this site and support of others that know exactly what we are going through!!

Take Care everyone and have a wonderful weekend whatever your plans maybe!!

Love and hugs,


wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-07 18:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say "hi" and wish Juliaferno best of luck with the AP process. I am sure everything will be okay!!

Hi To awaterlily, tanyakaraman, and Mina. Hope all is going well with you. I haven't see both Debs on here for awhile, I hope all is well with them too!!

How are the "newbies" doing? I hope their visa process is going well. We all know this is a long and arduous journey!! Thank God we have this site and support of others that know exactly what we are going through!!

Take Care everyone and have a wonderful weekend whatever your plans maybe!!

Love and hugs,

wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-08-07 08:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish


I am also thinking of you and praying that you also hear something soon on Yilmaz's case!!! star_smile.gif
GOD Bless heart.gif

Mina rose.gif


Thank you so much Mina. You are so sweet!!! Still nothing. Just praying everyday, that is all I can do.

How is everything with you?

QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Jul 29 2008, 05:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tears are streaming down my face, and not happy ones cray5ol.gif

We are now in AP hell. Onur said the interview seemed to go fine, except for the fact that he was incredibly nervous, but the CO handed him the green slip which had Administrative Processing checked and told him to check Ankara embassy's website in 15 days for our case number, and when it appears to send in his passport with this refusal sheet.

I am so sad.

I am so sorry!!! We will keep you both in our prayers. Please keep us updated.
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-07-29 05:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Jul 28 2008, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Turks & Turk-lovers smile.gif

Just bumping the thread back to the first page...and counting down the hours until Onur's interview (10 hours and 45 minutes!) whistling.gif

I'll be checking in again soon!

Best wishes biggrin.gif
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-07-28 18:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (mina76 @ Jun 12 2008, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Wendy,
I was just wondering about that too?
Have you contacted the Ankara Embassy recently on the status of your case?

Hi Mina,

I did e-mail Athens (were are waiver is) and they just said the stock answer, " we have your papers. It is taking between 8-10 months and your fiance will receive an answer in writing". Monday was 9 months since we filed our waiver. All I can do is wait and Pray!!!

Thank you for asking.

I hope you are well and things have slowed down a bit at work.

QUOTE (awaterlily @ Jun 16 2008, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope you hear something soon star_smile.gif

QUOTE (wendya @ Jun 12 2008, 07:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, nothing yet. Thank you for asking though. It is nice to be thought of smile.gif

Thank you smile.gif

QUOTE (greeneyednurse @ Jun 12 2008, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone!!

I'm new to VJ and just discovered this Turkish forum...yay!!!!!!! I only hope my days in waiting are not too bad and I won't ever need a shoulder to cry on (although thanks in advance if I do laughing.gif )

I just filed my I-129F for the K-1 visa for my fiancee and have read many of your stories/posts.

Anyhow, just saying hello and hope to make many friends in the process (thanks Mina for introducing yourself on my 1st day here on VJ good.gif (Is your hubby back yet?) sad.gif

Anyway....hope everyone is doing well and good luck and speedy reunions for all!!!!!!


Hos Geldiniz!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-06-18 15:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Jun 11 2008, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm just looking at your siggie timeline...any word on the waiver status?

No, nothing yet. Thank you for asking though. It is nice to be thought of smile.gif
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-06-12 18:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Just Turkish
QUOTE (awaterlily @ Jun 6 2008, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Uhhh, I've now seen it all. unsure.gif

Paris Hilton belly dances at the 2008 Miss Turkey pageant

Thanks for posting awaterlily. It was interesting to watch.

Hope you and your family and precious little one are all well!!!
wendyaFemaleTurkey2008-06-06 23:32:00