Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow often are people called for interviews on I-751
I had an interview for my AOS, to get the greencard,
and I remember I took more evidences with me...But at the time the interview was like 10 minutes
it was so quick...But I guess it is pretty common for AOS>

I had to go down all the way to Philadelphia for that. The interview lasted like 5 to 10 minutes.

This time I put a lot of evidences, everything that is required and even more...

I sure hope I'm not selected for an interview...


yep a couple from Puerto Rico recently got called for an I-751 interview....forget his name though

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-08 10:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhow often are people called for interviews on I-751
I have seen people
getting notices that the card is being printed, that probably mean, no interviews Yuppy....

I have not seen people saying they are called for interviews..

I asked an immigration lawyer how often do they interview...
she said.... very often...

I hope not..LOLOL ...Interviews are not something we are looking foward , are we???

I sent mine to VSC....

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-07 17:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFed-ex to VSC
I sent my by USPS, express, they got mine next day and I got the receipt signed by fax too


The only reason I sent it that way was because my district USPS office closed at 2 on a saturday, and where I work in NYC the only Post Office location is in the Empire State Building, which due to 9/11 doesn't accept mail larger than a christmas card. Otherwise I'd have ended up waiting till the following weekend.

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-10 11:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAlmost there...:)
How about copy of hte marriage certificate????
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-12 23:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNOA received :-)
Congrats Harry! You are all set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm right behind you, hopefully...
I hope mine make it from VSC through all the snow here in Northeast PA...


Here is another update: Got my biometrics letter today.
Things are certainly moving along, which is a good sign!!! :yes:
Thanks all! Hope everybody gets NOAs & Biometrics letter soon!

Jan 22 - Send in I-751 via express mail.
Jan 23 - Received at VSC (according to USPS).
Jan 25 - Two Checks ($205 & $70) cashed by USCIS.
Jan 29 - Received a Blue Receipt for Biometrics ($70)
Feb 12- NOA received
Feb 14 -Biometrics appointment letter received

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-15 14:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionNOA received :-)
That's great news!

so I hope I'm getting my NOA soon..!

wow 2 weeks just to deliver???

anyway, it is great to know that things are moving!

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-13 16:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJust received the NOA and biometrics same day
Hi there,

I just got in the mail
the Notice of Action, wich is the EXTENSION for one year...
Then in the body of the letter they say, if I have NOT already done So,
to submit supporting evidence with the copy of the letter...I guess everyones letters says the same....I already sent I won't send more...

and the biometrics Notice
I'll need to travel 2 or 3 hours toget to the center at 9 AM for my biometrics...

well...I'm anxious...

but, everyone who filled about the same time I did, may be getting their NOAs soon!

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-17 13:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI think I did a mistake on the form....

....just in case anyone were asking that too...

Just now, I've just asked this to an immigration laywer in another forum...and I was lucky enough to get a reply....

she answered: "...You did not have to list your US citizen husband's children on your
I-751 petition, as they are not applying for any immigration benefits with you."....

so I think, my application should be alright....

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-18 15:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI think I did a mistake on the form....

We don't have children together....
so we didn't list my husband's two kids...because we thought that field were for our children or the immigrant children......

My husband's kids doesn't live with us...matter of fact I have never seen them...but we listed them in the K1

Now, I see someone asked this question, and I see we should have listed the step kids...

I hope this is not a problem...but I don't know , if I wanted to make a correction....I have no idea on how to proceed...

should I call the service center??? or just wait???

that sucks...

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-18 12:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow late can you file for removal of CR?

I say, don't wait to fill in the last week...

I did mine one month and 15 days prior...just in the middle.


I have read that the application for removal of conditional residence has to be filed within a 90-day window prior to the expiry of the conditional residence green card. Most folks here seem to be filing their applications as soon as this window opens up. My situation is that my wife is overseas and will not be back in the US until about a month before the expiry of her temporary green card.

So, my questions are as follows:

1. how late can we reasonably file for removal of conditional residence (to the Vermont Service Center)?
2. how quick is VSC in processing these cases?
3. given that we now have an adorable baby from our marriage, how elaborate do we need to be in documenting to USCIS that this is not a fake marriage?
4. what are the restrictions, if any, on travel for my wife from and to the US once she applies for the removal of the conditional residence status and while the application is pending adjudication?

I would appreciate your responses/experiences relative to the above questions. Thank you.


One does not have to be in the USA to file an I-751.

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-01 10:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionany1 turned down?
I think bank accounts, letters, affidavits, photos are going to work just fine..
plus you have a baby on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


well i was just wondering cuz our problem is we dont have bills in our name.. (we live with his parents..)
hubbys credit is really bad and we cant affored a appt right now.. his car payments and his loans are only in hubbys and his dads name..

the only thing WE have is our bank account, letters, emails..etc that shows that we are a couple since 2002.. and that we file our taxes together.. plus our child is due in april.. so we have his birth certificate.. but thats all.. i am just so scared that they turn us down.. :unsure:

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-23 12:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionany1 turned down?
This is something

I think everyone is curious about..but I think that legit couples with evidence of marriage,
end up being approved after all...


i was wondering if someone was turned down for the I-751..??

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-22 17:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiona couple I know asked for interview
here is their history....
they sent in July...two months later they get another letter said INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE TO
SUPPORT BONA FIDE MARRIAGE. so I can only assume that they went for the biometrics ...
after all, we all get called for biometrics a few weeks after we sent the package , right???? not two months...

She tried to call the 800 number when she punch in the Recipt # it said that his case "was not found" ...

well, for instance, when I go on the UCSI website, I log into my account there
my case number works there...I think If I call the 800 number, it should work...
but in her case, that is weird...cozz hers was not found...Not sure if that was a problem..

In another other forum, a lawyer told her to calmdown, because it could be just one of those random audits...

So, I know she was terrified, and I know the interview was last week...Now I can't help being curious
I only know her from a forum...
I will wait a few days to see if she will reply my email...


Hi Meredith,

I hope your friends have had a sucsesful interview.
Could you please let me know if your friend had a biometrics apointment aftersending the I-751?

Thanks and enjoy your weekend!

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-24 13:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiona couple I know asked for interview
Oh well...

They had to go to the interview last week, on Philladelphia...

I already emailed them twice asking how it went...and I haven't got an answer...
so, I don't know what happens to this people....I don't know if they got approved, or not.

I'd like to think that if she had a problem, she would be running to the forums to look for answers...Oh well.


Just a thought, but I wonder if there is such a thing as too much information? If it looks like somebody is overdoing it, maybe this looks suspicious to them?

I've seen lists much longer than this, and they were approved, no interview. I think their lists looks sort of small, but not THAT small. It could just be the quality control, random interview.

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-24 10:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiona couple I know asked for interview
I would think so...
at least, our utility bills are all individual...In my opinioni, as long as the bills are going to the same address, that should be evidence enough that the couple lives together...don't you think>??
but I will try to get them to put in both names...just in case...


Thanks Angel - I will try that approach with our utilities :) Will report back as to my success.

in the meantime, did anyone have their I751 approved who had the individual bills?

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-18 17:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiona couple I know asked for interview
You know something...

my case is just like yours...when I first moved my husband didn't want to put my name on the phone/ electric / water bill/ cable tv...these are bills he has been paying for years and years, and he realized that there was no sense in changing that , and that would be a hassle to I was not working, so I'm not the one who pays the bills anyway LOLOL My husband is the head of the household...
I'm his beneficiary in insurance papers, etc...So I sent affidavits, letters, bank statements , taxes etc,...I tried to send as much as I could...

So I was thinking, they wanted more evidence from her? Maybe they just want to see the couple together to see if it is legit...maybe that is the ultimate proof of marriage for them...I hope they don't separate this couple, I hope that is not a fraud interview, just a regular interview...Anyway, I will be contacting her the day after her interview too see how it went...and I will post it here..


Wow - that is scary but maybe as you said its a random thing, I know I read a long time ago on the USCIS site that there was definitely a certain percentage of couples that had to be interviewed for quality control... did they send joint household bills etc (sure they must have done)?

I'm worried (even though our filing is a long way off) that I can't see to get any utility to put both names on our bills. Like the electric company will only put one, phone bill only has one etc etc. So we've got bills that are individually addressed to both of us - which seems kinda stupid...

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-16 20:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiona couple I know asked for interview

I know of a couple who filled the petition...and they sent in both names the following:
car insurance , health insurance, bank account statements , tax returns
AAA membership , Vacation itinerary and photos .... It looked like enough evidence...don't you think????

She told me that she received a letter saying, 2 months later , INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE TO
She then sent several affidavits, copy of tax return check
jnsurance plan, boarding passes from trip vacation
more photos and holiday cards on both names... and she has to go to the interview on the 20th....

So I was thinking...Well, she sent a lot of evidence the first time ...The second time around, she sent even more...
but she got picked...

I was wondering...maybe this is because they have that quota of couples to call for the interview, and the computer picked her number.....Anyway...she is so terrified.....Nobody likes interviews, eh!

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-16 19:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFiling Separate from Hubby... anyone?
I wish I was a fly on the wall...just to see how they do it..LOLOL


Why would this be a problem if it is filled separately however both filled
with the same address??? I think if you did separetely is not going to be a problem...

if the the returns had different addressess...well that would be a problem.

i think u mis understood me. i said they should be addressed to the same house or there would be a problem...but its ok to file sepretly.

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-28 09:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFiling Separate from Hubby... anyone?
Why would this be a problem if it is filled separately however both filled
with the same address??? I think if you did separetely is not going to be a problem...

if the the returns had different addressess...well that would be a problem..

My husband and I filed our first 2 return taxes as "married filing separately", since it was beneficial for us. This year, we will file "married filing jointly" since I had my full time employment last year and that moves up to higher tax bracket (ouch !). Therefore by filing jointly, we can take advantage for few deductions that are only available for this filing status.
We have not included our tax return as supporting documents when filing for I-751, but we have other documents that hopefully will be enough for the adjudication. Otherwise, if they ask for more proofs, we will just give them this year return tax, benefits statements from our employers that show each other as beneficiary, etc.

The worst case, they will require us for interview. ;) It won't be that bad.

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-27 22:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot biometric's done today! What next?
how long is it taking to get the card notification???? (or interview notice?)

I hope they don't ask for more evidence....I hope my approval goes fine LOL

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-02 15:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuick question
you can check my timeline bellow
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-07 17:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIts been forever since I have been on the boards
Good luck!
Im with Vermonth too!
anxiously waiting!
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-09 11:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 with no passport scans
You are not required to send passport's copies for the I 751...It is not required at all.

By the way, You have a good package of evidences there!

good luck!
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-09 19:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving Conditions

I bought some sheets for photos that are self adhesive, and I assembled the photos and I put some captions...
these self adhesive sheets are pretty cool, and they have a clear overlay...

as I used a O ring binder, so it was perfect...
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-10 15:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiondenied?
this is my opinion and understandign of the process....
If you are a legit couple, and they feel that something is missing,
they will first ask for more evidence and set you for an interview..

if they think it is a fraud, maybe they will interview the couple separatelly...

After that if everything fails, I think the person can still appeal to the decision
and go to the courts...but this is something that I have read on forums ...but I haven't
seen anyone going to court talking about it...

But if you think, Why would they deny a legit couple? there is no reason for it....

Good luck on your process...
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-09 11:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAccount numbers on evidence
well, my hsuband didn't like the idea of sending documents that have bank accounts etc...but
we did send anyway...
I'm afraid if I was to ofuscate the numbers, they wouldn't have liked it...but I don't know...about the other people here.

Thanks all - and I hadn't thought about the $ amounts too.

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-06 16:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiongetting ready to file removal of condition I-751
The affidavits letters don't need to have the SSN !!!
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-12 23:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBlanks on form-
I have read older posts in this forum, I have found people who did mistakes when filling the form
and were approved with no problems...

I think that people do mistakes, errors, I just hope they send the RFE's or just correct by themselves LOL

If I can remember, when we were going trhough the K1 process, years ago, I did send a correction
for a form, I just don't remember what field was wrong...

Now, that I sent the I-751, I have not find any info on how to send corrections...

It would be nice if we had this option....


I still wonder about the scenario below?

Those kinds of missing items have not been cause for a petition to be returned in the past.

Edited by meredith pa, 13 March 2007 - 02:18 PM.

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-13 14:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 just mailed to TSC!
Good luck!
keep us posted!!!!!

Best wishes, and hope to join you soon!

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-06 16:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiontaxes..
When we filled our taxes with the accountant, he made us a copy...That is what I used.

My husband doesn't copy tax return checks either..LOL

So, what I did after I sent the petition...I called the IRS and ordered transcripts...
just in case they request more evidence...

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-12 09:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionaddress change after the I-751 ?
What is the I-865 for?
My husband is the Citizen, I'm the immigrant...

As immigrant I'm not sponsoring nobody, so, I dont think I need to do the I-865? is that correct?
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-15 23:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionaddress change after the I-751 ?
Here I am again...

The US postal service assigned a new permanent address to our property...
it was a Rural Route address, and municipality changed to a "city-style" address for 911 purposes.

I did send my I-751, already went for I think I will need to update the address...

I still live in the same place, they will still mail stuff with the outdated address, but the
USPS requests that we use the new address in all correspondence. So gotta change everything

Oh my....unbelievable...This immigration process is getting the best of me.

what forms do I need to get? Do I need to send another I-751 too? do

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-15 23:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 cost $275 and no photos am I correct?
I will tell you about my experience
I sent a Western Union money order for the full amount

When I got the receipt, the receipt was one for both biometrics and application...
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-17 10:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Evidence list
Huge list!!!!!!!!!!!!!
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-14 18:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestions about filling the AR-11

yes I have a greencard, I'm a conditional permanent resident...just applied for removal of conditions...

that is why I'm confused...
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-17 20:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestions about filling the AR-11

regarding the question

" I am in the United States as a:"

should I answer Permanent Resident?
or other? if it is other, what it is?

then the question

"...If not a Permanent Resident,my stay in the U.S. expires on:(Date - mm/dd/yyyy)..."

how should I answer that? should I leave blank? or use the date onthe Letter of Extension???

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-16 12:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 pending, work question
when I filled mine, soon enough they sent me the Letter of Extension for one year, for my GC!
I'm with Vermont.

So, you can send the employer a copy of that letter...

I would do that.
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-19 12:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat happens if u are scheduled 4Biometric and a week later you received a RFE?
arent you mistaken

Isn't that the extension letter that asks to send evidence in case you haven't done so????

or is this a letter saying insufficient evidence to prove bona fide marriage or something like this???


I think it would be safer to do both things...

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-02-24 13:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen Card Arrived Today
wow wow wow

one month after biometrics you get teh email!

that is reaaaaaaaaaaally fast!

meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-05 21:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat to wear to biometrics appointment?
Wear what you usually wear. No big deal...
They will ask to remove any earrings...but that's all

good luck!
meredith paFemaleBrazil2007-03-20 13:46:00