Caribbeanwhy did the case say ISSUED instead READY again ??????

now on AP again!!!!!!!!!!!!

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-01 12:57:00
Caribbeanwhy did the case say ISSUED instead READY again ??????

NOW the change in the system is different ...BOTH date had change. his daughter case change also from AP to ready and the information is different..


that mean it will be ISSUED in two business day???? ALSO before on the top said IMMIGRANT VISA now it says NONMMIGRANT VISA





U.S. Department of State
Application ID or Case Number: SDOxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Case Creation Date: 01-Jul-2014 Status Updated Date: 01-Jul-2014    
Your case is open and ready for your interview, fingerprints, and required documents. If you have already had your interview, please check your status after two business days. If no interview was required, please check back in two business days for the status of your application.

For more information, please visit U.S. Embassy Santo Domingo.

Your search has returned multiple results. Please select the Case Number to display the status.

Case Number Status


pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-01 09:59:00
Caribbeanwhy did the case say ISSUED instead READY again ??????

hi vj people...

they touched again today JUNE 30 still say READY :shocked:


U.S. Department of State
Immigrant Visa Case Number: SDOXXXXXXXXXXX Case Creation Date: 07-Jan-2014 Status Updated Date: 30-Jun-2014    
Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at:http://travel.state..../info_3731.html

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.

Your search has returned multiple results. Please select the Case Number to display the status.

Case Number Status
SDOXXXXXXXXX Ready SDOXXXXXXXXXXXX Administrative Processing


pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-30 21:18:00
Caribbeanwhy did the case say ISSUED instead READY again ??????

another question..


why the status of his daughter still say AP? when they are together... the guy on the phone didnt say nothing about it.

everything was good for the day of the interview and we sent her passport as the OFFICER on charge that day said.


pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-28 09:38:00
Caribbeanwhy did the case say ISSUED instead READY again ??????

Thanks to all for your replay!!!!


yes.... he got the interview on 04-21.

he was on AP because the medical result wasnt ready that they made to him TB test. NEGATIVE.

the guy on the consulado tol me:

he need to go back for another interview because he need to receive instrution on how to enter to the US...REMEMBER he is still my fiance....we didnt receive nothing any packet....nothing.

i am assuming maybe is true that he has to go. or  they will send home something else than the passport? 


im really frustrated  :shocked:





pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-28 08:56:00
Caribbeanwhy did the case say ISSUED instead READY again ??????

OMG!!!! im getting crazy...this people go to kill me... look this...after AP it came back saying READY for another INTERVIEW...i called the consulado and effectively he needs another INTERVIEW.  :crying:  :crying:  :protest:  :protest:  :clock:


U.S. Department of State
Immigrant Visa Case Number: SDOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Case Creation Date: 07-Jan-2014 Status Updated Date: 27-Jun-2014    


Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at:http://travel.state..../info_3731.html

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-27 16:53:00
CaribbeanVISA ON HAND!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations! i see you will be soon on " ISSUED"

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-14 12:40:00
CaribbeanVISA ON HAND!!!!!!!!!!!

yesssss amiga!!!!.... thanks.


how about you??

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-14 11:21:00
CaribbeanVISA ON HAND!!!!!!!!!!!

hi VJ members VISA ON HAND Saturday 7/12 :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  thanks GOD!!!!!! 

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-14 11:05:00
Caribbeanmy CEA updates after consulate received TB result & issue visa -DR

:idea:  :joy:  :luv:  I tink I wub you for doing this... jijijijiji So sweet!! and Thanks!!

:star:  :star:  :star: 3 Gold Stars for you!!!  :thumbs:  :content:


amiga this was for you and remenber you started... just i updated the days....


thanks amiga for everything you did.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-17 11:26:00
Caribbeanmy CEA updates after consulate received TB result & issue visa -DR

Hi VJ members..


Maybe all this updates can help all people that have had TB test  in DR and the result are NEGATIVE.


TB test =                                                   April 9 /2014

                                                                               April 10

                                                                               April 11


INTERVIEW DATE                                            April 21  /2014



Results back at CDV                                          June 16

Medical Exam Results sent to Embassy              June 17____

Passport sent to Embassy                                 June 18

Medical Exam Received by Embassy                  June _20____

Passport Received by Embassy                          June _23___

Case Processing Resumed Confirmation             June _24___


Case Status Updated                                   June 17                CEAC Status         =  AP

Case Status Updated                                   June _20__           CEAC Status         =  AP

Case Status Updated                                   June _23__           CEAC Status        =  AP

Case Status Updated                                   June _24_             CEAC Status         =  AP

Case Status Updated                                   June 26 -               CEAC Status          = AP

Case Status Updated                                   June 27 -               CEAC Status changed to READY

Case Status Updated                                   June 30 -               CEAC Status = READY

Case Status Updated July 1 (11am EST) - Visa type changed from Immigrant to Non-Immigrant - CEAC Status = READY

Case Status Updated                                   July 1 (2pm EST) - CEAC Status changed to AP


Case Status Updated                                  July _7__ CEAC Status = ISSUED 


                        JULY 12 VISA ON HAND


pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-16 18:55:00
Caribbeanvisa approved in DR iR-1

wowwww i was thinking that when my fiance receive the result from TB we go to have the same process like you...that's not all the office any documents go we have to wait more the time it need just because people dont do good job affecting our lives in all the sense.....


GOD please these people need to be more conscientious that we need our family here if we request then is because we need them...please GOD HELP US...AMEN

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-04 22:22:00
Caribbeanque sinifica???

asi es...yo por aqui he aprendido mucho ...tanto asi que los ultimos papeles que tenia que llevar a la cita no pague ni un centaco a abogado porque por medio de este FORUM lo llene yo sola...el dia que mas sola me siento entro aqui y leo todas las historias de gente que estan esperando como yo su amada (o) companero.


tu solo sigue la guia de lo que tenga que ver contigo...lee todo lo relacionado a tu caso...compara fechas con otros casos similares al tuyo..guiate con todos los que han llenado en el mismo mes que tu...y siguele los pasos... te ayudara mucho a no desepersarte como dice mi amiga IIOVEMYMAN.....este es un espacio en cual todos somos abogados de experiencias no de TITULO lol.....porque vivimos el dia a dia de cada unos de nosotoros....





pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-28 15:39:00
Caribbeanvisa retrival

Immigrant Visa Case Number: KNG2013xxxxxxxx 01 KNG
Case Creation Date: 11-Sep-2013
Status Updated Date: 17-Jul-2014

Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. If you have already scheduled an appointment for an interview, please prepare your documents as directed in your appointment letter and appear at the consulate on the appointed date and time. Otherwise, please wait until you have been notified of your interview appointment. Additional information about how Immigrant Visa interview appointments are scheduled can be found at: http://travel.state..../info_3731.html

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.


dont worry it was the same for me..

if you want read my last post. it is exactly that hapened to my the next couples day it will say issued

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-22 23:03:00
CaribbeanSdo- consulate new adress on june 16

i hope they dont lose any documents of people that are on AP like me. :secret:

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-27 14:20:00
CaribbeanMy Fiance Finally HERE!!!


pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-30 22:04:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2

Yeayyyyy! Ya le llego el passaporte, el martes! A comprar vuelo yaaa! Gracias pro todo el apoyo y informacion proporcionada para hacer pasar este largo proceso!

is your fiance here?

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-30 22:25:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2

felicidades !!!!!


ya nosotros compramos vuelo para el agosto.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-17 11:23:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2

HEY amigos im here... im sorry i was absent for a fews days i was very busy...., but im here again!!!!!!


 thanks GOD visa on hands!!!! this took only 5 days after it say ISSUED. i think Domex is working fast.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-14 11:16:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2

Muchisimas felicidades! Nosotros aun estamos esperando, y eso que los resultados fueron enviados el 29 de mayo a la embajada....


yo llame bastante a se si eso ayuda...

pero dime han hecho any update?

Congratulations on this amazing news!

thanks so much !!!

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-10 06:09:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2



 now i need your help for the next step...please!!! :idea:  :secret:  :reading:

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-08 11:07:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2

Wow que chuuuuuuuulllloooooo, muchas felicidades, que Dios los ilumine y los guie por el camino correcto. ...les deseo lo mejor... yuuupiiiiiii estoy feliz por ustedes.....
Abby cuentame de ti?? Te mande un email....

gracias sind27....ahora te tengo que seguir para que me de instruciones a seguir con la siguiente paso...jjjjjjjjj




thanks Mrtee12!!!!!

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-08 10:59:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2

Waoooooo felicisades, Dios los bendiga en su vida juntos.
Que bueno que ya salieron de la tortura del consulado.


si amiga muchas gracias!!!!!!


espero pronto escuchar que lo tuyo haya cambiado a "READY"


estoy feliz gracias a DIOS y a todos en esta pagina.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-08 10:56:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2


thanks and good luck for you!!!

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-08 10:53:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2

Felicidades!!!  Me emociona mucho que las visas aprovadas a aquellos que esperan meses y meses ! finalmente!


gracias de verdad.....aqui estamos para decirles lo que ya hemos teminado la primera parte que no se deseperen....que todo llega en el momento que DIOS asi lo duro para nosotros como seres humanos soportar una espera.....yo misma quisiera que nadie tuviera que pasar por la situacion de espera tan desesperante que yo pase..



pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-08 10:35:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2



:joy:  :joy: QUUUEEE BBUUEENOOOOO!!!!!!! :joy:  :joy:



So HAPPY for you both!!! Your fiance will pick up the passport and visa?? Or is he having it delivered??   :clock: Please let me know when he has his Visa/Passport En Manos!!!! :clock:


I'm so excited for you!!!!!  :thumbs:  (L)

thanksssss amiga!!!! 


yes he has deliver.


if he doesn't receive  this on july 21 we have to call or visit the consulado...he lives in BONAO.


i think he will receive it before 10 days as they say.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-07 11:58:00
Caribbeanyessssss THANKS GOD visa ISSUED!!!!!!!!!! k1 and k2




After 10 months and 26 days our VISA was ISSUED.. .it took this time because my fiance needed TB examen and it took 9 more weeks on AP. 


VISA APPROVED 4-21-2014 




I have to say thanks to all members of this page for all the help i received...Specially Mrtee12, Enigma10, Predilecta, Ilovemayman sind27 and others members that took their time to give me information that helped me with this process... 


  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy: thanks......thanks



.U.S. Department of State

Application ID or Case Number: SDOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Case Creation Date: 01-Jul-2014 Status Updated Date: 07-Jul-2014    
Your visa is in final processing. If you have not received it in more than 10 working days, please see the webpage for contact information of the embassy or consulate where you submitted your application.

For more information, please visit U.S. Embassy Santo Domingo.

Your search has returned multiple results. Please select the Case Number to display the status.

Case Number Status


pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-07-07 11:03:00

hi and welcome to the vj. i received my NO1 in September and my NOA2 on December 19 and re-afirmed on the 26.

as i could see you are marriage  right?. for a easy way for you follow, you can check the timelines of the members here. that was the way how i didnt get crazy for the waiting time. after you learn how to follow the process it will be funny and interesting  for you  because you go to learn a lto here and make a lots of friend that help us a lot with their experiences and you will notice the days go so fast that you go to have the interview in the day that you less wait.

be patient. and enjoy VJ.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-04-02 22:29:00
CaribbeanDominican Republic Interview, Children supposed to come?

i went to the interview on 04/21

the kid is 7 years old now. i took her to the interview..its not necessary. 

trust me ..its very hard for them because of the long wait that we have to wait. moving here moving there.

just take the documents and thats all.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-08-14 09:13:00
CaribbeanGot our NOA2! what's the current wait time for interview?

it take around 3 months...but as you mentioned maybe a bit more time will be taking because of  moving....hoping that not happen ,,,,i got my NOA2 on December 26 and interview April 21 and embassy in the DR is who schedule the date you can start calling the but give a couples weeks before you start calling...i called the on February and they told me by phone the date so 2 months after the NOA2 i knew the date

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-11 21:01:00
Caribbeanmy fiance is finally here!!!!!!!

thanks to all..


no enigma10 we didnt yet. now we are working on that..very busy lol



IIovemayman thanks for those about you?


pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-09-05 09:59:00
Caribbeanmy fiance is finally here!!!!!!!

hi VJ people finally my fiance is here since august 20th ...i didnt post before my computer get broke; i think it got nervous like me lol



pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-09-04 09:54:00
CaribbeanTuberculosis Screening and Applying for a Visa - SDO

ok....hope you get great new...enjoy your vacations.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-04 21:57:00
CaribbeanTuberculosis Screening and Applying for a Visa - SDO

Do you have the number to call?

hi is everything? did your mother in law get the call?

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-04 21:37:00
CaribbeanTuberculosis Screening and Applying for a Visa - SDO

oh amiga!!!! im so happy im sure also its NEGATIVE because its week 8.

on another hand happy for you because you go to see your fiance soon.

i wish the best for guys too.

im live in NJ but im sure we go to keep in touch all the time because YOU my amiga made my wait time easy.


pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-03 17:40:00
CaribbeanTuberculosis Screening and Applying for a Visa - SDO

4 more days to complete week 8 amiga.. :clock:  :secret:

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-06-02 17:14:00
CaribbeanTuberculosis Screening and Applying for a Visa - SDO

hey amiga!!!!! i know its 3:21 in the morning but i cant sleep thinking of my baby...




pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-31 02:23:00
CaribbeanTuberculosis Screening and Applying for a Visa - SDO



Oh Wow!! I typed out this whole big long reply and accidently hit the CTRL  key and the W and closed the window!!


I was saying.........


Just keep positive and know that the right career move will appear!! If you have resumes or a CV  keep them with you all the time and you'll always be prepared.. "Luck" is as simple as "Preparation" meeting "Opportunity".... I call them blessings.. :yes:


You can always prepare for his arrival in small to medium ways...   :D little projects keep you and keep your mind off the waiting... Een if you only go out an "window shop" for the stuff to do, buy or get together... window shopping is free!! :lol:


But yeah no major moves until Visa en Manos!! 


For us it was more stressful waiting for TB Results because we knew if it was positive it would set us back about 8 months.. so we had a lot of moments like  :crying:  :girlwerewolf2xn:  :clock:  :cry:  :girlwerewolf2xn:






And Thank you!! Ooooh  I just LOVE  my new table!!! Last night I applied TWO coats of clear poly-acrylic sealer!! Tonight I will put one or two more and today my Fabric spray should be delivered so i can also paint the chairs cushions!! By next week I should have my whole dining room set done!! (see that ate up almost a WHOOLLLEEE MONTH!!) Without realizing it!!  


When it's finished I'll post a pic for you to see the end result!! I also think I will send it to the guy who sold it to me and let him see my work!! :joy:


So Excited to serve our first big meal on it after my Baby comes here to live with me!!! He says it's "SUPER Linda" and that he bets it so big we can put a whole pig on it.. lol


hey my friend!


today is the fifth weeks for my fiance waiting for the TB RESULT....we are doing very good!!!! crossing our fingers do not receive any call on the next 2 weeks.

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-16 11:28:00
CaribbeanTuberculosis Screening and Applying for a Visa - SDO

oh my friend! you are spectacular :joy:   im not working yet...still looking for job  :reading:but the idea you are giving me are great! :idea:  but my fiance says he doesn't want  to make any plan until he has passport on hands. because we know we paid DOMEX he wants to be sure everything will be fine because he know me and how sensible i am...


so your fiance will come in august? 


that is the month we are planing also mine will be here. June 6 will be 8 weeks  :clock: we don't know what was more stressful if the waiting for the interview or this waiting...the RESULT OF TB :unsure: 


by the way you are doing very good and your decoration is beautiful...i love it

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-07 21:42:00
CaribbeanTuberculosis Screening and Applying for a Visa - SDO

im now on week 3 so, i have long time to continue waiting  :clock:

pazramFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-04 11:26:00