PhilippinesReceived MNL Case Number... What's next?
Hello Everyone. I also received my MNL# but was told that it is in additional processing. Should I wait till additional processing is over or should I ignore and just schedule the appointments? Thanks.
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-08-01 13:42:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

All is good!! Congrats!! :dance: :dance:

Here this may help you track your passport/visa:


Here is a link for requirements for receiving your passport with the visa, there are also options for tracking the status of your visa/passport is currently. You can also change delivery options.



2Go customer service hotline (+632) 5287-136 is available Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.


http://supplychain.2...trace/index.asp Enter your MNL number or passport number

Hello there and thank you so much for this info.. We'll do this tomorrow.. They said to update on Wednesday but Ill call 2GO tom. coz if they have my visa already, it only means they approved it! YEHEY!! Hoping for the BEST but im preparing myself for the worst..

Edited by karlaortiz0103, 24 September 2012 - 09:58 AM.

karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-24 09:56:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

That's good news. :star:

You certainly earned your visa!!! :thumbs:

Hi.. We'll know that on Wednesday (09-26-2012)... I just really hope its "approve" (cross fingers!) :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-24 09:52:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

happy to know that sis! hang on and keep the faith :) God knows what you have been through :) we'll be praying for you! (F)

THANKS SOOOO MUCH Nikki! Though we're hoping for the BEST, our insights are still open for negative results.. We just dont wanna feel the same disappointment we had when my interview didnt go well.. I believe God will grant it to us in His precious right time! :D :innocent:
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-24 09:50:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked
Hello everybody! Just an update about our case.. I called USEM information hotline and THANK GOD its out of the Fraud Prevention Unit already.. The girl I was talking on the phone said its already on "Final Processing" meaning its in the American Consul and to follow-up on Wednesday (09/26/2012) and that's when I will know if its approved and they will instruct me what to do next.. :dance: :dance: :dance: Me and my fiance are(somehow) happy coz its out of the unit where they think our case is just effin fraud. THANK GOD! But I still need your prayers guys.. Please pray for us that the consul will approve my visa so that I can be with my love.. (L)
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-24 03:15:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

Sorry if you think we are so judgmental...we didn't mean to hurt your feelings :bonk: :bonk: please accept our apology!!

You know yourself better than us all here....dear I really wish u guys a good luck

Oh no! None taken.. Im sorry... This AP thing is just really stressing us out causing me to have all the dramas.. lol.. I just really thought you guys should know the whole story behind the Fraud Prevention Unit investigating our case.. Thank you so much! Really hope this will end sooner than 2mos (coz that's what most VJers were saying) but of course, an "approved" result is still the best thing no matter how long it'L take..
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-21 13:51:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

How did you meet your fiancé? Was it through family?

Is there a large age gap between you and your fiancé?

Here is some food for thought. I hope it helps:

Thread #1.

Thread #2.

Thread #3.

Thread #4.

Thread #5.

Thread #6.

Hello.. :thumbs: OMG! These threads really is a big thing!!! Holy ####! Now, we, somehow understants it.. I can relate to thread#2 and thread#3.. We got introduced by my fiance's Auntie... Probably that's why.. Thank you so much! Really appreciate your effort in sending us the ff threads... And glad that in threads 2 and 3, they got their visa approved but took them 2months.. But happy to see good result still.. (L)
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-21 13:46:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

I hope that you would receive your visa soon. I just think probably the embassy received negative information about you or someone has provided confusing information to the embassy, it could be anybody of your friends, family, relatives or maybe from the side of your Fiance. As you know, in this life, there are people who have crab mentality -- they wanna see you down or frustrated. They are jealous. I hope I was wrong, but just be careful. You don't need to worry too much as long you are telling the truth. Truth comes out. Good luck and God bless!

--> That's what i'am telling my fiance, let them do their whole research/investigation thing coz the truth will set us free.. None taken.. Really wish it wont take too long before they find out that our relationship is genuine.. we're thinking that maybe, it is because we got introduced by a relative that put us into "red flag" or "Fraud Prevention Unit"..
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-21 13:30:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

How did you meet your fiancé? Was it through family?

Is there a large age gap between you and your fiancé?

Here is some food for thought. I hope it helps:

Thread #1.

Thread #2.

Thread #3.

Thread #4.

Thread #5.

Thread #6.

Thank you for the reply. After more research, the 221g might be due to us being introduced by my aunt. I read the first thread on your reply and it appears that it might be the reason. But our ages are not far apart. 7 years. Not sure if that counts as a large gap or not. Thanks again for the reply it helps shed some light on the situation.
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-21 12:56:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked
Hello everyone. Just saw all your posts and comments or should I say "help" for my fiance's questions.. We really need your help but not the judgement. But I do understand. No offense taken. Anyway, I can give you the exact question and answer story coz I was the one who got interrogated by the Filipino guy who wears an NBI ID. Im not sure if he is an NBI but Im pretty sure that the USEM wont allow him to wear a badge if he's not. And so the interrogation started.. He reminded me that if im telling a lie or some of my documents are fake, I'll be black listed and wont be able to get in the States for the rest of my life. And so I said, Yes! Im definitely telling the truth and all my documents are not fake. And then the first question was "Who's your bf?" I gave him my fiance's full name.. and then he said "No! I mean your other bf.." I said There's no other boyfriend.. Im engaged with him and we've been together for two years.. And then he said tell me how did you meet him.. And so I told him starting from the very first day I met him til the day before my interview.. And he asked me about any pictures.. I gave him all the pictures I have (More than 100pcs), receipts, facebook chats, airline tickets, copy of his ATM Card.. long story short, before the investigation/interrogation/interview ends(not sure what to call it anymore), I asked him "Sir, obviously my case is not the same as what other K1 visa applicants have because of all of these questionings,etc, I hope you dont mind, Is there a problem with my application?" He answered, "No! Dont use the term "problem" coz there's no problem. American Consules have limited time to interview an applicant. If he didnt get satisfied or still need more information about the whole relationship, they pass it to us. Coz obviously Ive been asking you for an hour already. Anyway, goodluck and If you know there's nothing wrong with your case, you have nothing to worry about. We just really need more information." I asked him "How long will it take?" He said "No definite time. I'll do my research then just tell the consul about everything you told me then the consul will still decide for your case. Just wait for our call! Goodluck! (Smiling at me!).. I still said Thank you and I really hope everything's gonna be ok." He said "Say Hi to Rolan for me! (my fiance)". I said I really wish you can personally talk to him so that you would know how we really love each other. He said just by talking to you and hearing your story, I somehow know you and your fiance... It started bad but ended ok.. And to answer all your concern about me cheating, NO! I NEVER CHEATED ON HIM! NEVER! I EVEN GAVE THE NBI INTERVIEWER ALL MY FRIENDS' NAME, NEIGHBORS AND RELATIVES WHOM HE CAN ASK WHATEVER HE NEEDS TO HELP THE WHOLE INVESTIGATION. I just wanna personally thank those VJers who simply helped my bf and not stressed him out more through judging me.. I just think I need to post this not to get more judgement but to get help from those who have any idea about Administrative Process/Review.. Thanks a lot and May God bless us all!
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-21 07:45:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

I don't think it has anything to do with your divorce. I was in a situation like yours with my ex and didn't even file for divorce until after I had been to the philippines to meet my fiancee. Didn't have any problems at all. Now it is not normal for an NBI rep to be there and ask questions. For whatever reason, the NBI thinks that your fiancee has had a regular boyfriend, besides you. The fact is that at this time, you don't know if she has or not, I know you don't want to hear that, but it's the same for all of us, just some won't admit it. We were not there when our fiancees were waiting. The embassy will probably do a thorough investigation, then make a decision.

I don't seem to understand how the NBI could accuse a person of infidelity just by looking at visa paperwork, unless they had a investigator on her at every moment and I know they wouldn't do that. I'm not taking any offense to your comments but I am Filipino and grew up in the culture. Filipina's are normally very monogamous when it comes to relationships. Anyway, I appreciate the reply.
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-18 23:34:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

Your fiancée did not have a routine interview. Something is very wrong, and you have every right to be worried.

However, keeping a cool head and getting the facts may help your case.

My questions:

> How did she know it was the NBI who questioned her?

> Was it only the NBI who questioned her?

> Did any other Embassy personnel question her?

> Was she taken to another room to be questioned?

> How long did the questioning last?

> Has anyone else ever petitioned her?

> Have you seen her CENOMAR?

> Exactly what questions did they ask her?

I doubt if your separation and divorce had anything to do with what happened at her interview.

How did she know it was the NBI who questioned her? - Individual was wearing an NBI badge.

Was it only the NBI who questioned her? - CO questioned first then noted the close range of my divorce and K1 Visa petition.

Did any other Embassy personnel question her? - Yes, see question above.

Was she taken to another room to be questioned? - Unsure, she did mention she felt like she was being interrogated.

How long did the questioning last? - 15 - 20 min

Has anyone else ever petitioned her? - negative

Have you seen her CENOMAR? - negative but one was issued. All her paperwork was accepted. The 221g only had the "Wait until you hear from us" box checked.

Exactly what questions did they ask her? - Standard questions from the CO. When the NBI individual stepped in the boyfriend questions kept coming up.
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-18 13:16:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

that's kind of weird??

why they ask for her bf??

isn't she's your FIANCE?? i mean for me using those two words bf and fiance are waaaaaaaayyyy different...embassy usually used the word "FIANCE" but not bf.

now make me wonder they probably read that somewhere your chat log/text/letter/conversation that you guys submitted w/them?? did you guys have that issue before...maybe you guys didn't delete or forgot to delete it.

my fiance he was there yesterday too...but they were nice to him :blush:

hopefully they kept her passport...

Not sure. To give more of a back story...I am a divorcee and the CO noted the fact that the divorce and petition were in close proximity to each other. Divorced Nov 2011...Petitioned Jan 2012. Again as a note I have been seperated from my ex since 2009 and my fiance and I met in 2010. I hate to sound defensive but I wouldn't have petitioned her if any sort of cheating had occured. During the relationship. I'm concerned that they are treating this visa application as fraud.
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-18 13:09:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked

You said "forcing her to admit to a boyfriend" so does that mean she agreed?

Negative. What I meant was they were very persistent and the questions was continously brought up.
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-18 13:03:00
PhilippinesReceived 221g only "Wait Until You Hear From Us" checked
Hello VJers! My Fiance just came from US Embassy Manila and she received a 221g with "Wait until you hear from us" box checked and nothing else. They took all her documents and supporting documents she had with her and her passport. Also, NO 2GO form was filled out. So here is where the confusion starts. During her interview she was interrogated by an NBI representative that asked her about information on me THEN asked the name of her current boyfriend. After saying my name again, the NBI rep says "no, your other boyfriend." Basically accusing her of cheating on me or implying that the relationship isn't valid. The interviewer continues harrassing her and forcing her to admit to a boyfriend.

After researching, I've noticed a few post pointing to "red flags." Apparently, my recent divorce in 2011 (but seperated since 2009) is flagging the process. They think, again this is speculation, my fiance didn't receive and verbal confirmation with them, the future marraige is a sham. I'm just looking for someone whose had the same experience. If you have, please advise me on the actions I should take. Thank you for all replys.
karlaortiz0103FemalePhilippines2012-09-18 12:07:00