K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshmm what if.... we let the date to get married pass by?
Goodness that's what i get for mentioning saved lol i knew i shouldn't have

For the last time we are 28 and close enough that WE DECIDED to start the process

our lives are not a kick in the teeth of anyone, if we DON'T get married people will be happy here i guess and say "ha that's what you get" big deal won't make me lose sleep

I'm not gonna apologize for having a different religion than the people here being "outraged" at my decision. I know what i'm doing in regards to what MY religion says. between my pastor and this forum I'll listen to my pastor cause if it was this forum i'd be all the religions in the world lol so where would i go from there? this is why my question was NOOOOOOOOT about religion OOOOOOOOOR about our decision. Did anyone notice that? man only a small portion did! Even though i wrote it several times!

Why do you make up stuff in your head, second time i see something about complaining, who here is complaining, you don't know me from adam but you tell me what to do already? don't come complaining? go grab a coke and chill you don't know me like that

I am just asking how can i try to delay it just like anyone that had a sick parent, a problem with a house or a work issue would . that's a kick at anyone? I did not ask for advice on my life, no one thought they were rude here when i absolutely didn't ask about that? Do people think I'm 12? or were born yesterday? or thought maybe id read answers and go "oh wow i didn't see it like that, you are sooooooo right!!! let me change my whole religion now that you've typed on a computer and told me what was right and what wasn't!!!!" we're in the K1 process forum not the relationship forum

No one said i was going to throw it away, if you had read me i said we just might go ahead IF the timing is right enough for us. which would be? yes ! OUR DECISION What now you guys are gonna decide whether we fit your standards enough to start the process or not? and if not, we're not welcome here? what kind of deal is that? and people think i didn't think of it ? look at the date i first came here, when i registered may 07 2 years ago ! i did think of it before, don't get it twisted. But you guys lived your life and i lived mine.

Now i'd like to thank all the ones that either sympathised or answered my questions, offered help about what i really asked, or offered other advice politely and humbly which shows they were obvioulsy comfortable enough in their own lives to not be offended or threatened or envious at my situation.

For the rest i can't help you if you think you're influencial enough that i'll live my life through your advice

To answer your question Msu 17 For us being saved is more of a whole way of life with proofs of change than just a personal decision and we dont see it as random.

and to answer yours Marnaam we thought of that too but it would be too complicated for us since we can't live together before we're married and i heard that could be a problem for the authorities thinking it was a fake marriage but thank you for your help and not judging that was a good idea.
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-04 01:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshmm what if.... we let the date to get married pass by?
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Jul 3 2009, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ioukta @ Jul 3 2009, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok please dear kind people

let's focus here

I'm not asking for advice on my plans or reasons lol I have them and we ARE well aware of the waste of time or money... but this is NOT what i asked

i asked how would i go about either pushing the date on the same visa or redoing the same thing over again, if the fact we were accepted before counts or not

had it been any other reason like a sick relative or moving problem no one would have said anything lol the first part is not what i need help with, that's between me and my fiance lol

now that this is clear

i keep hearing about the interview, i don't even know how that comes about? a letter? a phone call? I have the choice of the date to an extent? that could be good

It's kind of a consulate specific thing. Some consulates give you a date a couple of months out. If you don't like it, you can ask for a different date, and they'll give you one a couple of months later. If you still don't like it, they'll tell you tough luck - only one reschedule.

Other consulates are much more flexible, and will pretty much let you pick any date that works for you. Your best bet is to post the question in the regional forum for Europe and see what other people say about your consulate.

One of the toughest parts about this whole process is that you're at the mercy of the government's schedule, so it's really difficult to make any concrete plans. At any point along the way they can throw up another roadblock - RFE, AP, whatever - that will throw off the timing once again. It's doubly difficult in your case because you're trying to coordinate two floating windows of time. This is why people are recommending you at least get one of these two windows nailed down and taken care of first.

Good luck!

Thank you very much that's a good idea

It's all just in case, like i said we might just go along with the visa and follow our plans later, decide to be together first... we're not getting any younger lol
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-03 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshmm what if.... we let the date to get married pass by?
Ok please dear kind people

let's focus here

I'm not asking for advice on my plans or reasons lol I have them and we ARE well aware of the waste of time or money... but this is NOT what i asked

i asked how would i go about either pushing the date on the same visa or redoing the same thing over again, if the fact we were accepted before counts or not

had it been any other reason like a sick relative or moving problem no one would have said anything lol the first part is not what i need help with, that's between me and my fiance lol

now that this is clear

i keep hearing about the interview, i don't even know how that comes about? a letter? a phone call? I have the choice of the date to an extent? that could be good

iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-03 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshmm what if.... we let the date to get married pass by?
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Jul 3 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, well, whatever. Sounds like a tough choice. "Saved" or not, the visa expires 6 months from issuance so decide what is more important to you and go with it. If you choose your religious convictions over the visa process then be a good Christian soldier and don't whine about it.

um who's whining?

i only asked questions on how to go about it a second time around, just like anyone who would have missed their date for any other reasons.

Thank u for answering mine partially. u mentioned postponing the interview, how would i do that? can you tell me?

@ JimVaPhuong hehe u never know I just might ask for that once everything else is clear lol
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-03 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshmm what if.... we let the date to get married pass by?
QUOTE (D&R @ Jul 3 2009, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm no expert, but I'd say wait until you've been 'saved' and then start the process. (I'm not quite sure what the heck that means though? Can you enlighten me/us?) I'd figure if you're not at a stage in your life where you want to/can get married... wait until you're there, then start the process rather than second guessing timing. Saying that you "think" you'll "probably" be saved by then just sounds a little risky to me.

I'm very much like you... I plan ahead for anything and everything. I just think the best plan would be to wait until you're 'saved' and then go for it... that way you won't have any nagging doubts in the back of your mind and would minimise any chance of problems down the line.

We've thought of that, but we are at a point in our lives when we can't wait to get married, both 28 together for almost 4 years. we might get married before getting saved we don't know for sure yet, i just want to make sure we know our choices.

I really mean 90% sure we'll be fine. (Being saved for us is having the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, basically we follow scriptures)
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-03 10:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshmm what if.... we let the date to get married pass by?
QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Jul 3 2009, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From the date of petition is filing, to issuance of visa takes about seven months...isn't that enough time to be saved? unsure.gif

Once you have the visa in hand, you have 6 months to use it (move to the US) and once here, 90 days to marry...i don't think there's a way to extend the 6 month visa validity. Your option may be to postpone the date of the visa interview, if you're not ready, or postpone the issuance of the visa. Both of these are issues which you should discuss with the visa issuing consulate.

Oh we're 90% sure it'll be enough, but i'm a big time worrier and planner and personal assistant extraordinaire looool i just want to make sure i know what to do in case of virtually anything

I need to know the what ifs

so u mention postpone the interview ? how can i do thaT? or the insuance, i'm sorry i'm very new, how would i do that? write to someone? at my embassy in Paris we can't ask questions on the phone, well we can but it costs 15 Euros or for free u need an appointment, u suggest i do thaT? or wait until i'm contacted for the interview? or somehting?
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-03 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshmm what if.... we let the date to get married pass by?

We're this close to send the package, I'd say few weeks a month tops.

I was wondering, I'm the French fiancee and i know i have 6 months to move to the US from the time i have the visa.... what if... I don't go in 6 months?

*If i let the date pass by what happens? and how do i go about trying to get another visa with the same person? or can i ask for more time?

Here's the deal, my fiance and i want to get married, but we believe in being saved before getting married. Not only that, but we believe in receiving the Holy Ghost to get saved. And that will be all God's timing.

Now on the practical side : what happens if we're not both saved yet when the date to move comes? We want to try now cause it takes so much time for the papers anyway that we think we'll probably be saved by then. But if not, and since we want to get married together we'll try again another fiance visa...

*the fact we petitioned already does it change anything for the second time around?
*the fact it's cause of dates and timeframes instead of being denied the visa does it change something?

So yeah there are my questions with the (*).

Of course this is not an open debate on religion lool just looking for practical answers
Thank you so much for your help everybody, i love this forum it's a gold mine

iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-03 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship and Blackberry
QUOTE (Nik+Heather @ Sep 28 2009, 10:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Read the reviews for France (and if you aren't native French, also the reviews for the country you are from) and see what others have been asked for in terms of relationship evidence. For many western countries a couple of photos is more than they ask for. Many times they ask for nothing.

Bring along your recent phone bills to the interview, and your pictures and I'd bet that you wouldn't even have to go into all this blackberry stuff. I highly doubt that they look hard enough to do a trend analysis on your talk times to even ask!

Also, I hope it's not a surprise, but you'll have to spend a further $1010 on the AOS fee, so you may want to be sure that you've got a plan to save for that in time...


man i bust my butt for all these proofs and finally France (my country) helps me in the matter

lol @ trend anallysis u make me sound so foolishly paranoid lool but yall are probably right

nono it's no surprise it's jjust it's his own company he started it a couple years ago and we're now just starting to get out of the red, it's like the big bubble that gets bigger and bigger with backed up payments, and it's been poked so it's all coming now, we'll be more than fine in a couple months

Thank God the money talk is only for the interview lol and current money making is more important than last year's

thank you for your replies everybody i can go back to BB chatting !!
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-09-28 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship and Blackberry
QUOTE (Holliday @ Sep 28 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Assuming you're using BlackBerry Messenger you shuold be able to easily copy the conversations and email them to yourself and print them out. I don't know if all BlackBerry models have the same options... I'm only familiar with mine, but if you press the "menu" button while you're in the conversation, there should be a "copy history" option. Then you can just paste it to an email and then print it out.

well i tried but it has not date, no time, no real name just IDs, no begining or end since it's like one huge convo, and it has too many words for the email so it's a chunk of convo with no date

iouktaFemaleFrance2009-09-28 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship and Blackberry
QUOTE (Haole @ Sep 28 2009, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Depends on how much other evidence you have. LOTS of pictures. Having met multiple times? Letters, emails etc.

some pictures, met like 7 times, no letters, some emails yeah (tons of emails work related to this day) and countless chats but way less since mid 2009

they'll see chats like everyday until 2009 then they'll see no chats for a week on yahoo or msn, then like a couple chats on msn in a month lol
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-09-28 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship and Blackberry
Gary and Alla : when u say begin communicating, you don't seem to get the package includes phone bills of around 48 hours a month to the US for several years. and since I'll be bringing a copy of the package to the interview they will see that in 2008 and begining 2009 it was like that. I'm worried about the decrease to just 30 hours a month since begining and mid 2009
It also includes tons of chats but they date from several years til like may 2009... which they will see also at the interview.

is the decrease that started like mid 2009 gonna look suspicious? is 30 or 20 hours a month on the phone not enough to prove there's a rlp? are the chats and emails that important if there's phone?

I have tons of emails everyday to this day but work related with him, not very romantic... chats way less computer based

Estadia : that includes messenger historics? i can't even find it on the BB itself, and i've never seen a file that looks like something printable (?????)

QUOTE (baron555 @ Sep 28 2009, 06:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
all he had to do was sign the forls, scan his signed pages and send them to me.

All documents that need a signature, need to have original signatures in ink. Scanned versions will most likely result in a rejection of the entire petition or RFEs for almost sure.

nono the scans were for my copy here for the interview

i sent him the originals for him to sign and send in the package

Edited by ioukta, 28 September 2009 - 11:39 AM.

iouktaFemaleFrance2009-09-28 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship and Blackberry
Hello everybody,

I'm the french citizen, i sent the package to my american fiance because i'm an assistant and better at these things lol so all he had to do was sign the forls, scan his signed pages and send them to me.
Anyway, i sent that like a few months ago, and since then, we've been waiting for 500$ to be available to send the package.
We're almost there, should be sent next month but now i'm thinking :

- the fact the forms are dated a few months back is that a big problem? it wouldn't be too hard to send them again real quick,

- BUT i'm going to be adding to the relationship proofs, MY PROBLEM IS: ever since i got a blackberry to be like him (lol) we chat on it ALL THE TIME, and i mean all the time, only problem is it made my phone bill decrease. (I get unlimited calls so i was always the one calling), and the bills i sent USED to show around 40 something hours a month of phone to his number, it's now around 20 or 30. you think it's still enough? or will the decrease make them wonder too much?

It has also made the computer (msn yahoo) chats decrease dramatically. We don't get on cam much anymore for and do'nt even like chatting on the cpu anymore since we have the Blackberry now.

the only thing i have to show is my cell phone/blackberry bill which shows a number in octets for internet use which counts the time i spend surfing on that thing too.

I was thinking of writing (or him writing) a small note or letter pinned to the last phone bill to explain why it has decreased that much.

Ill have one new trip under my belt for the time of interview but not to add to the package.

So am i paranoid? will it still be enough ? even if suddenly there are waaaaaaaaay less computer chats? and half the phone convos? He's also been working extra hard which helped decrease the whole thing.

are THEY gonna be paranoid about it u think?

Ugh i may be thinking too much...

please just tell me what you think
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-09-28 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHe is coming... will it be a probem for the K1 process?
Hey Juliette!
Merci beaucoup wink.gif Thank you for your reply!

I'm just stressing too much smile.gif I should just sit down, grab a tea and calm down to wait for the next 4 to 6 months while looking for a co-sponsor:)

It's just that we've tried aaaaany kind of possible way to be together that if this doesn't work i'll have a nervous breakdown smile.gif
Thank you again! and if you have any other advice/comment/recommendation (even if it is only to keep myself calm smile.gif) I would really really appreciate!
Have a wonderful week!
AlohaFemaleFrance2009-02-02 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHe is coming... will it be a probem for the K1 process?
Hello everyone! I'm new to the site and as i couldn't find the answer for my question here i am posting... blush.gif

After 5.5 loooong years of long distance relationship we finally posted the I129F on 01/2009 (yeah!!). But my little American decided that he could no longer be far from me and took a 6 months leave of absence from his work in the US to come be with me here in europe and learn some of my language. He is getting in next week, i'm so excited but i can't help but wonder...

-Will the USCIS mailing be forwarded or are they non forwardable mails?
-If I get called to the interview when he is still here he won't have any "pay check" for all the months he will be here...can my parents provide the proof of support? can he use his older paychecks to prove support?
- As he will be here... with me everyday...( kicking.gif ) no more gigantic phone bills! no more hours online with the webcam and looooong instant messenger history... will his presence here be enough to prove ongoing relationship? can he come with me to the interview?

Well... we are only at the begining of the process... just got the NOA1 but i can't help but wonder...

Thank you so much for any kind of help (it will help me sleep better at night! biggrin.gif )
AlohaFemaleFrance2009-02-01 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy the U.S.?
QUOTE (SamM223 @ Feb 4 2009, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honestly, I wonder how many less of these petitions would be clogging up the system if there was no choice to come to America, but the American had to move to where the person lived.

Wild guess - a whole lot, especially from many of the third-world countries (Phillipines/South American/Asia).

Just my opinion, but I suspect many people feel this in their hearts, but will not admit it on the board.

Did you mean by that that not many americans would have the courage to move out of america, even if they are in love and so they'd give up on the relationship instead of moving?

Otherwise : He wants me to go there because he know how much I love 24h grocery stores and crazy all you can eat buffets biggrin.gif
AlohaFemaleFrance2009-02-04 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslil lost


If you get to contact the american embassy let me know because I've been paying 15 euros per call to get no useful information biggrin.gif

We got the packet 3 from the american embassy about 3 weeks after the NOA2 was approved (which was mid april). Then they ask you to gather all the information and send them the "coupon" saying that you are ready so that they can send you the list of the doctors for the medical and the date for the interview... Unfortunately we haven't gotten to that yet because we are struggling to get the packet 3 documents completed...

Good luck!
AlohaFemaleFrance2009-06-07 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa rejected, have 90 days to show proof, affidavit, both of us are unemployed, what to do?
Hi there,

Im kinda worried bout co-sponsor i'm from France (still waiting for NOA2) my american fiancé is actually looking for a job. We have a co-sponsor but does France accept it?
florence2311FemaleFrance2012-12-26 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC processing times
Hello y'all.

I just noticed Vermont Service Center processing times for K1 Visa went from 6.1 months to 5 months. Yes, I'm one of those waiting for the NOA2, and before starting to higher my expectations and daydreaming, I have a few questions :

- is that information correct? I mean how much credit shall we give to that update?
- 5 months starting when? The last update was 31 January. Having filed for K1 in February, should I expect my average processing times to be 5 months?
- could this have something to do with this : http://www.visajourn...service-center/ ?

I have answers for these questions, but just to make sure (since I'm new to all this), some approval or not will be nice.

Edited by shakas, 27 March 2013 - 05:20 AM.

shakasNot Telling02013-03-27 05:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes it matter how to date forms?

Thanks! ??

If I were you, if possible, i'll make him/her send it back again correctly filled. A RFE can delay your NOA2 for a month, you might want to have anything in order before filing.

My 2 Cents.
shakasNot Telling02013-03-27 05:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa QUESTIONS - Newbie

I've already collected all my proofs and everything.. that was a lot of work :rofl:
but totally worth it.. Anyway, on the G-325 A form (petitioner), there's a FILE NUMBER space on the upper right hand corner of the form and an ALIEN REGISTRATION NUMBER on the right lower corner of the form. Are those the same as my USCIS alien registration number when I first applied for US citizenship? I was just naturalized last sept 2012. So am wondering if I still need to write down my A number there (if that's what it means) ?? I've looked at samples and everyone's been writing NONE but that could be because they were naturally American citizens already??, so I don't know. Thanks guys.. :help:

I don't think you do. Check the Example Forms section, maybe it'll help.
shakasNot Telling02013-03-27 05:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestravel during k1 visa process
you can find a lot of opinions here

dutchfrenchNot TellingFrance2010-02-27 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
Initially filing for K3, now in process for an IR1.

I visited my wife for 1.5 week last april in LA. (after having visited at xmas, see post 19th january)

Was a bit less nervous than last time.

I booked a direct flight Paris - Los Angeles (LAX).
I had the following documents with me:
- last paycheck (in french)
- letter from employer that i was expected to return (english)
- last two appartment rent slips (french)
- last two bank statements (french)
- signed holiday demand from work (in french) + my business card
- some work , to show i was really working...
- NOA2 of I 129 and I 130

I had one medium suit case, plus a shoulder bag with me.

The officer asked me just a few questions :

- how long you're going to stay ?
- what are you going to do ?
cant remember if he asked me who i am going to see...anyway, it went well and I did not have to show any of the paper work again.

next visit hopefully with my IR1 !

good luck to everyone
dutchfrenchNot TellingFrance2010-05-16 05:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I want to share my experience with you. We got married in october, and my wife almost immediately left to start her new job in Los Angeles. Of course we started gathering our information for the K3 filing. Because I had a lot more holiday days and in need of good weather, we decided I should be the one coming over. Not seeing each other for half a year was no option for us...I was however aware of the risks thanks to this forum and other sources, and it did take a while before we really said : lets do it!.

I booked a direct flight Paris - Los Angeles, just before xmas.
I had the following documents with me:
- last paycheck (in french)
- letter from landlord stating that i had not given notice up till then (french and english)
- last two appartment rent slips (french)
- last two bank statements (french)
- signed holiday demand from work (in french) + my business card
- some work (construction drawings and tender documents issued the day before), to show i was really working...
- almost final version of our I 129, G 325 and I 130 filled out
Had a fancy hotel reservation for one night, so i wouldn't lie saying we would stay in a hotel. After that we of course would stay at my wife's place...
I had one medium suit case, plus a shoulder bag with me, which did not make it easier for the xmas presents! At the travel date we had not filed our K3 yet.

The plane arrived around 17h local time, LAX airport. The passport area is tiny compared to JFK, Houston or Chicago. I did not get to chose which immigration officer would take care of me, and I was quite nervous....

- Purpose of your visist ?
= vacation
- hm, how long are you staying for ?
= i'm flying back in two and a half week
- leafs through my passport "what are you going to do ?"
= euhhh, staying in hollywood
- no, what are you going to visit ?
= oh, stuff, (pffff) desert and a bit of san diego (again not a lie)
- who are you going with ?
= my wife
- ok, enjoy your stay

I Made it !!!!! that seemed easy, and i had the feeling i was way too nervous.

Picked up my luggage from the belt up to the customs officer ( i had declared some feminin articles that i would in the US : presents). He was in a really good mood.
- These are presents ?
- Yes they are
xxxx cant remember other question xxxxx
- So your wife lives here ?
- Yes, we're going to spend xmas together and these are her presents.
-Ok, enjoy!

And finally I saw my love again after 2,5 month! Did not need any of the documents.
dutchfrenchNot TellingFrance2010-01-19 16:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Help DS-230

Q32: In what occupation do you intend to work in the US?

I am a Commerce graduate with Accounting related work experience. However, I also went back to school after working for quiet a while since i got bored in counting other people's money. I took up Nursing and currently, Im a US Registered Nurse (NCLEX PASSER). Should I write there "Nursing Related Jobs &/or Accounting Related Jobs?".. Does it matter?

Please advise. Thanks!

I wrote 2 choices, but I guess what matters is that you have already working plans.
Good luck Posted Image
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-04 08:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC case complete and now ?

Hi guys,

I'm like many of you out there. Waiting for my wife to get here.
I'm a U.s citizen and filed for her IR-1 back in January 2011. I was under the impression that things will go faster and she will be here by June/july.
We have only spent few weeks together since the wedding and this long distance marriage brings its own share of stress which i'm sure most of you can relate too.

My question is : NVC automated voice staus finally changed saying my case was approved on July 14th and please wait 8 weeks for further instructions.I've a lawyer/agent who is doing things on my behalf. i want to know how long from now can i expect her to get her interview date. My indian consulate will be in Delhi since my wife lifes there.
If i'm correct, i don't have to worry about any prority date issue since she is my spouse and i'm a u.s citizen filing for her.

Any words of encouragement ? It has been a long 7 months that's for sure.


Hi there, you should post your question at the India thread, or the January Filers.

My advice, be patient and keep the faith
Good luckPosted Image

Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-16 11:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresthe choice of agent form

Hi lidia...i see ur and ur daughters case numbers came at diffrent dates ...did you send the AOS and package 4 documents together or seprately for each one of you ?

They were sent together, but USCIS separated the cases, it had also happened at NVC. We had to struggle several times to have their mistakes repaired.

Edited by Lidia & JB, 31 July 2011 - 12:52 PM.

Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-31 12:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresthe choice of agent form

Thank u again sister I really appreciate ur advice!! I'm not sure abt the letters part cos my family don't talk English and even they write it in French or Arabic it wont help but we gonna send pics and emails and skype calls. Have a safe trip and now the real journey will began :) so I wish u a joyful life with ur husband!! Bon voyage et bonne chance (L)

Merci beaucoup!!! I can't wait to take back the control of my life and live with my taylormade husband. Posted Image
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-31 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresthe choice of agent form

Hi thank u so much for posting this!!! it's really a great help cos I was kinda confused. Congratulation on ur visa approval :dance:

Thanks!! Posted Image
One more advice : be sure to sending evidences of bonafide of your marriage like pictures, letters of your family and your common friends,etc...
In my case, although we met at work here in Paris, had the same boss and co-workers, we had a tremendous RFE regarding bonafide marriage. Be patient, be positive, and keep the faith.

Good luck!!!
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-31 11:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresthe choice of agent form

Hello everybody, my question may sound stupid but I would appreciate any help. So my question is how I'm supposed to email the choice of agent form the DS-3032 cos it should be signed so am I supposed to print it out then filled and signed that scanned or what? Thank u all in advance!!

BTW here's a copy of the email I sent to NVC. Please make sure to write your case number to the email subject

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is XXXXXXX, born in xxxxxx on xxxxxx. My visa case number is xxxxxxx. Per the DS-3032 (Choice
of Agent and Address for Immigrant Visa Application), I appoint xxxxxxxx, born in xxxxx, US, xxxxxxx, phone xxxx
, email xxxxx as my agent to receive mail about my application.
Mail from the U.S. Department of State concerning my
immigrant visa application should be sent to:




Please let me know if you need additional information. Thank you for
your help. My contact information is provided below:

Phone:xxxxxx Email: xxxxxx

Sincerely yours,


Edited by Lidia & JB, 31 July 2011 - 05:45 AM.

Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-31 05:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresthe choice of agent form

Hello everybody, my question may sound stupid but I would appreciate any help. So my question is how I'm supposed to email the choice of agent form the DS-3032 cos it should be signed so am I supposed to print it out then filled and signed that scanned or what? Thank u all in advance!!

Hi there there,

You can do it by email, you don't need to attach a form to it, just type the email.

Good luck
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-31 05:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS and IV fee related question

Two days ago we received letter from NVC they have given us

1. Choice of agent and address form
2. Assigned NVC number
3. Invoice identification number

Tomorrow we will send them choice of agent and address form.

When i login to the following website using NVC case number and IIN

After login i see they generated only 88$ to pay i read out the following wiki and it is mention that we also need to pay them for IV which is 404$ but they are asking only for 88$ is it like this ?

The IV fee will show up once you send the Choice of Agent and it's been accepted

Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-31 13:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan i use k1 a# on a cr1

My wife got a k1 visa came to the US we got married then we decided to move to Japan. We are now applying for a cr1 my question is do I use the A # they gave her for the k1 when we apply for the cr1? Thanks for your help

You don't need to mention the K1, they have it on their records. Just follow the CR1 steps and forget the K1.
Good luck
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-08-01 02:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS NVC Tax say single
My husband filed single, we got married on April 2010 and I've got my visa in hand....we will amend this year.
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-08-03 03:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS NVC Tax say single
My husband filed single, we got married on April 2010 and I've got my visa in hand....we will amend this year.
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-08-03 03:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOnly given 2 weeks for interview in Italy!

We got our SIF and case complete in 2 weeks after sending in the last set of forms to NVC.
We figured it will take a while to hear back, so I"m in Iran visiting my wife for 2 weeks when just 3 days ago we got an email from NVC.
The email says our case is completed at NVC and we are scheduled for interview on Aug 2nd in Naples Italy.
The interview date is exactly 2 weeks from the email date that was sent from NVC. :thumbs:

At first we were so happy to hear we got an interview already. We were shocked with joy!!!
But, then the reality hit us... She needs to get a visa for travel to Italy from Iran. To get her visa the Italian embassy requires we first get airline tickets, hotel reservations and get in a 2 day waiting list just to get inside the Italian embassy in Tehran to apply for her visa. It seems impossible in this short amount of time. Not sure how long it takes for them to get her visa. They also require the letter for interview at US embassy in Italy for this, so we can't just get her visa in advance.

The airline tickets are also twice as expensive (because of short notice) and non-refundable so if for some reason the visa for Italy takes more than 3-4 days to get, we loose lots of money.
Now, although I hate to do this I have to ask to reschedule the interview date. :crying:

The letter from NVC didn't say anything about medical exam or how to schedule for one either, just says you're scheduled for interview on Aug 2, 2011 at Naples, Italy.
Not very helpful at all, so I spent hours on the internet trying to figure out how or where we would need to go for medical exam.
We're still not sure if we can just show up or we have to make an appointment.

Anyway, does anyone know where / who we need to contact for interview rescheduling?
The letter from NVC doesn't give any specific information on that either. It says some embassies schedule their own and others utilize outside service. It gives some direction to go to NVC site to determine this, but going there doesn't give much more info either.

We are bumbed that we couldn't stay with Aug 2nd date, but don't have much choice to get thing done in time. :angry:

If anybody knows where / how to contact for re-scheduling and anymore info on medical requirements please let us know.

Call the Embassy Monday 1st thing in the morning, they are the only ones who can really help you. All you'll get from here are speculations, each visa process case is unique.
And you know what? You've been through the hardest part of the process, keep the faith, everything will be ok.

Good luck Posted Image
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-23 09:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

She never replied to me and I thought she didn't care either then I got approved still! She probably looks at our cases or talks to the officer. When she realizes that it's going to be approved VERY soon she probably blows it off and spends more time with cases like Wade's or waitingontheLord.

I know it's hard but it'll all be over soon. Just imagine fighting with the spouse about taking out the trash and say "okay I can wait a little bit more"

BON COURAGE A TOUS! (doesn't translate well in English)

Merci Sarah, moi je commence à déséspérer...I'm Pis*****
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-11 15:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

You missed a lot. I hope you get better soon. In a nutshell, around 20-30 people have been approved since last week. TSC made a statement admitting the screw up. Some files are being transferred back to California and they are promising to adjudicate everyone by March 1.

edit: And we all get an escorted ride to NVC.

Just checked Saylin spreadsheet, it is amazing, I'm so happy for you all.
Please feel free to writing me to my personal email box :

Wishing you all the best :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-11 14:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Hi TSC refugees,
I've been quite sick since last week, didn't log in to check the updates.
Can someone update me on the later news?
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-11 13:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Congrats to all who got approved.

Sarah Félititations!!!
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-10 13:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

For those of you getting email alerts whenever a post in this thread, I can hear you know, "Damn that SqdnGuns, not again!!"

Well, my persistence paid off, I just got an email from the Director of the Texas Service Center, this is a reply to one that I sent to her 20 minutes before getting this reply.

Mr. Grant,

Thank you for your email. I had received one over the weekend from you and your case was approved this morning. You should be able to see it on the case status online tomorrow or Wednesday. I would have to agree with you that the process was temporarily broken, but we have taken steps to correct this and we will have all cases processed within the next weeks. Hopefully your future experiences with USCIS and with TSC will be more positive. My apologies for your wait, and I hope that your son recovers soon and fully.


Angela K. Barrows

I truly hope that hey have fixed their errors for the sake of the rest of you. I am waiting to hear back from her whether our case will be expedited @ NVC and the Embassy.

God I'm so happy for you :dance: :dance: :dance:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-08 04:34:00