IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2


Thanks so much for thinking of us. I had to make a quick NEW profile because I could not sign on to our old one for some reason. Everything is going well except for Gary's darn police report. That is what is holding us up....we have all the NVC paperwork ready to go and the lawyer is JUST waiting on that. I just called NVC and asked if we could send all the paperwork except that and mail that as soon as our lawyer gets it but they said no, it all has to come at once. Gary is in London right now getting his medical so it's going to be a long day for him. Hope everyone is doing well and progressing!! I was with Gary for 3 weeks and it was brutal leaving him and coming back home. He should be coming home with me.


Hi Val, so nice to have news from you guys :dance:
Indeed I missed you around :blush:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-17 09:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2
My Baby girl is out of TSC! got her case #:dance: :dance: :dance:

One more Survivor!!!
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-17 08:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2

Oh, it's definitely worth a try! I wish you luck and hope the expedite is accepted!

Thanks Dear, I also hope Lara is still around and she can help me sorting this out...
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-16 15:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2

Hmm, not too sure about a child's case. Umm, perhaps you can send the email, put in your daughter's info, and then select to have your husband as the agent. I'm actually not too sure how the process goes for a child's case. Maybe calling an operator up and asking would be the best bet.

Yep, anyways we are planning to call them as soon as we have her case#, because we are planning to ask to expedite the case to France. I expect them to accept due to the TSC mess. I think it's worth giving it a try :blush:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-16 15:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2
Larareyes, Can you please tell me how you did the choice of agent for your baby's case? The email addresses you sent were yours and your husband's?
Saylin maybe you can help me too :unsure:

Many thanks,
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-16 15:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2

thanks,, than I might get an e-mail today or tomorrow

crossing all fingers for you
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-15 13:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2

Did you get an e-mail that your daughter's file was shipped to NVC? The only thing that I had so far was a touch the day after my approval. I believe I got the approval the day after your daughter's approval.

Hi there,

Yes I did, it was sent yesterday 8pm EST, 1am Paris time today
Yours should be on its way :thumbs:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-15 13:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2

Congrats on the recent approvals!

Yay Taylormadecouple, CaliforniaGuy, and ceyhunihal. Sorry if I missed anyone else, I've just skimmed over all the posts I've missed in these last few days.

I'm so happy for you guys!! :dance: :dance:

Thuy.Hien hang in wont be long now. We will all get out of this hole and on our way!!

Unless, I missed any posts...where the heck is Val and Gary????

Thanks Dear.

I'm almost there :dance: :dance:

I miss Val & Gary too :(
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-15 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2

Don't lose hope! I was approved over two months ago and I haven't gotten anywhere yet, so I know how you feel!

Hi Jenny,

Still no case N° for you????:o :o :o
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-15 08:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2

:thumbs: All we can do.

Yes we can :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-15 06:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia to Texas & Texas to California - Part 2

Still nothing from USCIS for me. And I can't believe there are still people from June and July on the spreadsheet who haven't gotten approved yet.

We've tried emailing people at TSC (no response) and contacted Mike's congressman, but his caseworker says that since our petition is "under review" there's nothing they can do about it. I'm at the point where I wish my friends and family would quit asking if we've had any progress because it just makes me upset whenever I think about it. I was so excited about the rapid response plan in February that I told my friends and family about it, but I guess I shouldn't have, because people want to know why there still hasn't been any progress and I have nothing to say. There's no reason this is taking so long for us. We didn't do anything wrong. As far as we know we submitted everything properly with enough evidence, though of course someone at USCIS would actually have to LOOK at it to see if we need an RFE.

I want to think the best about everyone and I still want to believe they're doing the best they can at USCIS but it's hard not to feel disillusioned when they miss their deadlines over and over and either refuse to communicate or tell us something different every time. In the last message we got on March 2nd when they told us our petition is still at TSC they ended the email with, "We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused." I feel like if they really cared about the inconvenience of putting my life on hold they'd actually do something about it, not send me an email and then sit on their thumbs for another two weeks without doing anything. I just feel so frustrated and powerless.

I'm sure soon you'll get your approval. My daughter's case was approved last week after 7 months and 1/2. keep the faith :thumbs:

My daughter's file was shipped to NVC yesterday, I hope I'll have her case# by Friday :dance:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-03-15 00:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJULY FILER
I am too, we recieved NOA1 on July 3rd, sooooo long!!!
florence2311FemaleFrance2012-12-26 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThank You!!!!!!!!!
Got my NOA2 today as well. And it's even better cause i'm actually visiting my fiancé in the US, so we had a nice surprised when we got up this morning we are so happy :D
florence2311FemaleFrance2013-02-06 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats, enjoy!
shakasNot Telling02013-03-27 05:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSS I129F
What about calling and asking to speak to a supervisor?
If your application does take more time than indicated in their processing times, don't hesitate to bother them by calling as much as possible. This may sound bad but I've seen lots of cases where perseverance paid at the end.

My 2 cents.
shakasNot Telling02013-03-27 05:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Salut !

Je reviens de mon entretien à l'ambassade : 1H26 chrono.
Entrée 12h51, sortie (heure de rallumage du portable) : 14he17.

Je suis allé 3 fois au guichet. Première fois pour donner ma convoc', 2ème fois pour la paperasse et la 3ème pour l'entretien avec la vice consul.

Elle m'a embêté sur le fait que ma copine ne travaillait pas depuis 5-6 ans (elle a pris ce temps pour élever sa fille) - on a mis le paquet sur ses assets - et qu'elle s'étonnait du remplissage de son compte épargne (5 ans au World Financial Center l'a plutôt pas mal surpris). Ca m'a mis un bon coup de pression mais bon...elle a fini sur le "you should receive your visa within 2 weeks, time needed for verifications".
Je pense donc que ca l'a fait...mais je ne serai relax qu'une fois le paquet reçu.
Je pense partir le 23 juillet direction l'Idaho (et ouais, je vais dans le fin-fond des US, près de Yellowstone), j'attends la réception du visa pour prendre mon billet.
Ma copine habite dans la ville la plus conservatrice des US et le lien principal c'est l'Eglise.... C'est aussi le pays de la pomme de terre et de l'hiver interminable.
Je commence à bien connaitre le terrain, ça devrait malgré tout le faire et on prévoit de bouger quand j'aurai un taf.

Sinon, je vais me présenter vite fait. J'ai 28 ans, j'étais prof de CP à Nanterre jusqu'à vendredi..J'ai obtenu ma dispo pour l'année prochaine.
J'ai rencontré ma copine sur un jeu en ligne (Aventuriers du rail/Ticket to Ride) il y a 2 ans. 7 voyages à nous 2 depuis.

Je me suis mis au baseball(à la TV) pour occuper mes longues journées : pratique, matches tous les jours, durée 3h30. (avec un beau frère pro en MLB pas trop le choix).

Comme vous, j'ai rencontré les petits pb avec la bouffe : le cheese bowl des dernières vacances à Noël m'en a fait voir de toutes les couleurs.
Le pire reste, la clim et l'air conditionné. Surtout à Salt Lake avec 40° à l'hôtel. Ma copine ne peut pas vivre sans, il lui a fallu du temps pour qu'elle se rende compte que je ne faisais pas du cinéma (visites aux wc toutes les nuits, sympa !). Du coup, je vais passer mes derniers jours en France avec un ventilo, pour m'entraîner ;).

J'ai lu les 100 dernières pages du thread, j'aurai grand'plaisir à me joindre à votre petite communauté.


Félicitations et mes "Best wishes" pour la suite.

Moi pareil, le dépaysement total, je vais partir de 23 ans de la ville lumière ( + 22 ans dans la belle capitale du Portugal) au fin fond de l'Alabama, là bas ce n'est pas le froid que je craint, mais plutôt l'humidité Posted Image
Mais je suis prête Posted Image


...on se marie aujourd'hui a la courthouse!
et apres petit resto a deux (c'est difficile de trouver un bon resto ici)

Bonne journee a tous

Tous mes voeux de bonheur!!!
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-07-05 10:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

En fait je suis obligee d'avoir un SSN pour me marier. C'est ce que j'ai lu sur le site internet de la courthouse de la ville de mon compagnon.
Je dirais meme 4 changements de carte de SS alors, puisque une fois marier, je vais prendre son nom... :blink:

C'est curieux, appelle la courthouse pour en être sûr. Je me suis marié à Madison, au fin fond de l'Alabama et là bas ils n'en demandent pas de carte de SS.
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-06-28 19:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Salut !

Je m'appelle Julien et j'ai ma demande de visa K1 en cours. La procédure touche à sa fin, mon entretien a lieu le 5 juillet, ma visite médicale le 4 (with fireworks maybe B-) ).

Je ne pensais pas avoir mon entretien aussi rapidement, je m'imagine donc rejoindre ma copine vers la fin juillet, dans l'Idaho (l'automne va être long en attendant l'autorisation de travail :D). On bougera sûrement quand j'aurais fini par avoir un taf.

Merci en tout cas pour toutes les infos, elles m'ont bien aidé dernièrement. J'essaie d'y voir plus clair dans l'AoS et l'EAD, mais tout ça reste un sacré charabia quand on n'est pas encore concerné - comme la paperasse du K1 quand on commence à y penser !

A bientôt !

Bonne chance pour l'entretien.
Pour la suite, lis bien les guide de chaque étape, et de toute façon il y aura toujours un VJ member pour t'aider.

Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-06-22 12:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Bien arrivée et dans les bras de mon chéri :)

Enjoy it, et tout mes voeux de bohneur !!!
Pour moi encore quelques semaines de torturePosted Image
Tu es basée où?
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-06-19 11:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite and visa ?

As ive written b4 i filed a i130 and i129f... i dont remember the exact wording on the forms but if i wrote in k3 will i still be ok as far as when it is approved and sent to the nvc to get and ir1 i think? we will be married over 2 years. Also, ive read a couple people on here getting an expedite and while i tried to with mine it got declined and while i am happy for someone who sent theres in in march and already has everything done i hate you at the same time. :( Im missing out on a big important part of my sons life and i just hate this whole thing!

Your case is already at NVC, is that correct?
If so, go ahead , ask for expedite, it's the Embassy who approves it or not. And yes hardship may not kill but causes tons of damages.

Good luck
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-05-05 07:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)For France : et les impôts ??!!
I was wondering about that : after the big move, how does it work with taxes?

i remember when i tried to move a few years ago to miami i asked around and apprently we don't have to do anything different, we send everythign to our tax center and tell them and our treasury center (?) our new situation and address and the tax center will send it to the non resident tax center... IS THAT STILL TRUE??

i'd like to hear stories or info people have, would be useful to know how and what happens regarding French taxes (since they are a year in retrospect, which is a huge pain!)

Love and blessings

PS i asked that by email to my tax center a few years ago and got this adress :

T S A 39 203
75094 PARIS CEDEX 02

Réception du Lundi au Vendredi
- sans rendez-vous tous les matins de 9H à 12H (no appt)
- sur rendez-vous l'après-midi (appt afternoons)

Cellule d'Accueil et d'Information
Tél : 01 44 76 19 00
Fax : 01 44 76 19 90
E-mail : (<--- that's who i asked)
iouktaFemaleFrance2007-05-15 07:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French interview date and self employed USC
bump please
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-05 11:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French interview date and self employed USC

i was sent here basically to ask, how did you get your interview date?

do you chose it? is it imposed? How does Paris handle this? you receive a letter? a phone call? can you move the date further? has anyone tried to call them? last time i did it cost 15 euros to ask a question lool


who has a self employed USC? what did you give? has anyone got a self employed USC that hasn't made enough money in the past and just started making it ?

my USC is a self employed insurance agent although he's paid by the commission i guess he can have letters from the companies that pay him...

can I hear experiences with that?

This self employed thing is so nerve racking, cause we don't want to ask his parents to be sponsors, at 28 way to cut off his balls when they haven't been supportive of his carreer

Edited by ioukta, 03 July 2009 - 02:07 PM.

iouktaFemaleFrance2009-07-03 14:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French Embassy in Paris
ha funny

well this IS a forum about AMERICAN VISAS

that embassy is full of french people therefore french

and situated in PARIS

iouktaFemaleFrance2010-04-19 03:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French Embassy in Paris

Tous les infos sur l'ambassade parisienne sont ici

Bon Courage!

Oh merci j'avais oublié qu'il y avait tout ça

bon ben apparement ils sont toujours aussi relou !! et toujours aussi greedy

quelqu'un avec une anecdote? une histoire? quelqu'un qui a vraiment envoyé un fax lool ?

Je serais intéressée
iouktaFemaleFrance2010-03-22 11:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French Embassy in Paris
Hey french comrades (salut les poteaux lol)

Une question j'espère pas encore répondue, j'ai cherché mais pas trouvé promis craché, je lis beaucoup qu'au moment après le NOA2 et avant l'interview pour par exemple reschedule une interview on peut appeler notre ambassade.

Ma question c'est, grâce à des expériences passées je me souviens qu'il faut payer 15 euros par carte bancaire pour avoir quelqu'un au téléphone.

Est-ce toujours le cas? Est-ce qu'ils donnent un numéro direct sur un courrier ou email à un moment? Vous avez fait comment vous pour communiquer avec l'ambassade à Concorde?

Basically, I remember the french Emabssy in Paris charges 15 euros by phone call if you want to ask a question. And i see people on here writing that they call their embassy or consulate to get info or reschedule their interview.
Do we get a direct number on a letter or email to bypass that stupid greedy answering machine that tells us we'll be asked for our credit card number in a second (tchiiip)

Merci de votre aide bcp bcp bcp
iouktaFemaleFrance2010-03-22 11:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (lucie&damon @ Oct 21 2009, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SabrinaFrance @ Oct 21 2009, 12:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks a lot for your feedback on the medical exam! It looks like you did it last summer.
Do you happen to remember which "embassy" doctor you went to see? Cuz I called Dr Slattery and asked if I could come with all the exams done already and his secretary told me it wasnt possible.

No. I dont remember his name, but I do remember where it was. It was on one of the street across Trocadero.
I hope it helps. Let me know! wink.gif

Hmmm that IS good news, thanks for the info

hope it all went well
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-10-26 09:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
ooops sorry i forgot, he speaks a lil french i know it, he understands some, but he won't speak it, he's still shy about it lol he knows i'll go aww and aaah on him lol

i'm pretty much bilingual, i miss technical vocabulary though, like i won't be able to hold a conversation about spare plugs cars, machines, and stuff like that, and i need to brush up on my vegetables and fruits lol
iouktaFemaleFrance2007-05-15 06:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
bonjour, salut, coucou

let me introduce myself I'm Aurelie, 27 from Paris, the french half of the couple. Meiyoko, (no he's not japanese, his parents were just very original, he's dominican and greek) 27 from NJ, and i met on a cousin website of wemetonline. I saw he saw my profile without talking, so i wrote "of course, cute ones never talk, i only get the ugly ones" he replied saying he had wrote but i hadn't replied (i checked, and never found his tag lool)
till this day we chatted everyday... it's been two years now lol. Feelings developped to our amazement... there was some talk about marriage already, i flew to NY for an interview in Feb. I stayed with a friend of mine, we met twice, it was better than anything both ever imagined. the interview didn't work out but it's probably for the best.

Now i'm only here to gather information, we have no set date, he's starting his own company, which is going very well, he wants to be able to provide for me first, and make it so i don't need to work if i don't want to... i do'nt mind waiting (specially if it means us moving directly into a big big house in NJ hihi, my dream as a parisian lol) and maybe trying the stay at home mom thing...??

I am myself half cuban-american half french. My dad was not a citizen when i was born in France, my mom lleft before getting any paper done, and both never thought i'd want to be american, so here i am cussing at them because all this could have been avoided soooooo easily UGH!! i started Lawful Permanent Resident papers with my dad as a sponsor begining of 2005, chances are i'll get married before they're ready lol (they are now looking at petitions sent in 2001 or something lol)

anyway, this is my story, it does feel extremely good to see i'm not alone, congratulations to the couples that made it, and to the ones waiting lots of love and compasison from me, i know how it is

Love and Blessings
iouktaFemaleFrance2007-05-15 05:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
QUOTE (Lona.C. @ Nov 3 2009, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
first i like to say am so sorry to hear about your mom rebecca

now to the op ok you say it is against your belives and you have to keep your body pure ,
so you meen to say you never had sex or went to a public bathroom ( where you can catch a desease )
or you dont go to the mall or grocery shopping cose someone might caugh on you and give you a cold ,
all this to keep your body pure ,lol.
so gotha wonder if your fiancee is as pure as you claim to be
and if she had her vaccinations as a child arent you scared ,that some of her so called poison will enter your so called pure body when you get married and have sex ?
no offence to your religion but I agrea with len if you want to stay pure why even make the effort on trying to come here ,
one question do you drink water or take a bath ?, please look at the ingrediance there are chemicals in water that will enter your pure body when you get in contact with it ,
you are still early in your process , so if you want to keep your so called pure body free of any chemicals , my advice is talk to your fiance and see if she is as pure as you and see if you can live in a bubble when you move to the states ,
we breath chemicals just by taking a walk ( what you think comes out of a cars exaust pipe ? ) lol
garfield great post smile.gif

wow im impressed u must be a beast in debate class huh, so many great points

honestly dont know what to answer to ... all... that... ... . u understand so much about religion and purity wow so so smart u are, im gonna change my religion and be just like u, the dream of a lifetime just came true


Edited by ioukta, 03 November 2009 - 10:10 AM.

iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-03 10:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
Estadia - that doesnt hold and you know it, my decision is the decision of millions of tourists that come every year to the US and are not required to get vaccinated, when u know 3 months is more than enough to get a whole lot of people sick, just like all the americans that come back sick to the states after a trip abroad

so no my decision doesnt affect that many people, not more than what the gvt already allows, no reaction in motion from me OR the millions that dont get vaccinated inside the US already, we would know if unvaccinated people were a threat, the gvt would have set something in motion.

Im sorry no.

their right to live, u crack me up lol
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-03 04:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
there is pro life, there is pro choice, there is pro vaccine there is pro choice

its very rare that one is convinced by the other specially on a forum thread where there is very little respect

apparently VJ has a very little amount of people that use natural remedies. That's my bad, i didnt know VJ was not representative of the whole population

Thanks to that thread i was insulted, told i didnt like the answer, told im USED to not like the answers... thanks to this post i learned about waivers which i didnt know, AND that i could not NEED them, ill see with the doctor.

as i had found on the site someone nicely posted on here that i found on my own while the debate was going on, waivrs are absolutely not typically denied. just no one has done it here or was denied for other reasons since the waiver is not just for vaccines but also for criminal records etc.... and like the person said in his post, when u mention a vaccination lawyer it goes suddenly faster...

I have time to think about it, but i have read about a natural way to de-vaccinate myself after shots... would be certainly faster than a waiver... i will look more into it.

for some info or bullcrap as you maybe think it is (im in fast reply sorry)

Im very sorry that one cannot state what they believe in without having a 100 long thread telling them they are wrong and should just do what the gvt says. I am not taking anyone's place since there's no yearly quota on K1s, what i do with my process is not offending, its my business.

that's my last post on the subject

thank you for the informative replies
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-03 02:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Nov 3 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The thread you cite involves nursing mothers or women trying to get pregnant. I didn't see you mention a pregnancy. A panel physician or civil surgeon can waive vaccine requirements for women in a 'delicate condition'.

It really doesn't matter that a lot of US citizens are not taking a vaccine insofar as you are concerned. At this point in time, the US government requires YOU to be vaccinated if you want to live here. If you don't want to be vaccinated, you have to file a waiver; pay the fee; wait out the additional several months it will add to your case processing; and live with whatever the decision of the waiver might be.

You may prevail and in that case you can move to the US vaccine free. You may not prevail and then have to decide if you wish to violate your principles in order to come live here.

You never did answer if you figured out a way to delay processing of your fiance visa should it be approved but you and fiance are not both saved yet. Or - is this it?

ha i didnt notice she was breastfeeding

i merely went with the person saying they didnt get one and it was fine, so maybe all of them wouldnt be a problem

i read it real fast.

it adds months? to the case? after the interview? i didnt know that. Wow i thought id get the waiver at the doctor's, the lady at the embassy sees it and says yes or no on the spot

iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-02 19:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
oh god there we go

we can send stories back and forth all day

some think its poison some dont

if u want to do that you can go in the off topic forum

as for the delay that thread reminded me i had the 6 months to move which i will probably use at least 4 of it since ill be working and need to give 3 months notice for my appartment and gave me tips on the sending of the packets. For my situation that's pretty much all i can do.
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-02 18:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
yeah it was one of the three doctors,

and as for Len in his first reply i see the word waiver nowhere, but stuff like dont come, VJ wont lose a breathe over it and USCIS doesnt give a ####### etc...

my question was about people experiencing or the law

he answered neither

but i found this


he says she didnt get them in the philippines and some people say they didnt get them or not all of them for the AOS and it worked fine

so *shrug* maybe it does work? and its fairly recent

what do yall think?

and with this new vaccine out i know a lot of people IN THE US not taking it, and looking into avoiding vaccines alltogether
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-02 18:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Nov 2 2009, 11:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
First blush of the website for Paris indicates K1's are processed out of the immigrant visa unit, rather than the non-immigrant. If such is the case, the panel physician may require vaccinations prior to clearing the beneficiary for visa issuance.

If such is the case, the waiver would have to be filed overseas. Before the couple is reunited in the US.

well i called the doc and she said : i COULD say no, and something about the embassy COULD require it. but she didnt say when. i mean if the medical is the day before the interview, would they make me go back after the interview? i dont know

and yeah from what i get id need two waivers one for the interview one for the AOS

so 1000$ extra ooouch lol
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-02 18:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated

whatever Len

my only other question regarding the visa was how to delay it i said nothing about it being wrong

make me a favor and dont reply to my threads if its to say useless stuff and not answer any of my questions

please leave and stay away

thank uuuu
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-02 17:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
Im gonna try to ask a question at my embassy

boy that aint gonna be easy !!

the doctor can say what they want but in the end its the lady in the interview room

ill see what they tell me on the phone

headache ahead lol
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-02 16:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
QUOTE (SMR @ Nov 2 2009, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, not that I agree with the situation or that I don't sympathize, but I'll play devil's advocate for a second on this one. The US constitution gives Congress the power to regulate requirements for immigration.

Not that I think it's right, but if you intend to immigrate, you'll soon find out that as a foreign national in the US, you have less rights than a US Citizen and the rights you had in your home country are basically irrelevant for computing your rights here.

sure but in any case where a law goes against the constitution, the constitution wins, and here we're talking about the gvt forcing an individual to take something for his own health, cause vaccines are not to cure and therefore avoid contamination, it's to avoid contimanation for the individual that gets the vaccine

What does the Constitution say about your right to religion? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or PROHIBITING the free exercise thereof.

The U.S. Constitution is the Supreme law of the land and any other law that contradicts or goes against the Constitution is null and void: any Thing in the Constitution or Laws (i.e. statutes) of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. Article 6, Section 2, U.S. Constitution. Plain and simple
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-02 15:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone here refused to get vaccinated
of course i meant you all

thank u all for the experiences
iouktaFemaleFrance2009-11-02 15:18:00