IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

For those of you getting email alerts whenever a post in this thread, I can hear you know, "Damn that SqdnGuns, not again!!"

Well, my persistence paid off, I just got an email from the Director of the Texas Service Center, this is a reply to one that I sent to her 20 minutes before getting this reply.

Mr. Grant,

Thank you for your email. I had received one over the weekend from you and your case was approved this morning. You should be able to see it on the case status online tomorrow or Wednesday. I would have to agree with you that the process was temporarily broken, but we have taken steps to correct this and we will have all cases processed within the next weeks. Hopefully your future experiences with USCIS and with TSC will be more positive. My apologies for your wait, and I hope that your son recovers soon and fully.


Angela K. Barrows

I truly hope that hey have fixed their errors for the sake of the rest of you. I am waiting to hear back from her whether our case will be expedited @ NVC and the Embassy.

God I'm so happy for you :dance: :dance: :dance:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-08 04:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Yay- I'm officially a senior member! :thumbs:

Don't tell me you're expecting us to congrat for for being senior member???:unsure: I hope l'll be in my hubby's arms before I turned Senior member of this thread :angry:

Just joking!!! :lol:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 09:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Yeah, I hear ya- but even if it's cold, Federal workers should be working. If of course the temp gets exceedingly cold where water pipes are bursting all over the place, then we'll be out of luck for a few days more.

shoooo Celldoc!!! Don't say that, they may make it happen just to screw us up a little bit more!!!
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 08:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Aahh- ok I hadn't seen that :)

I'm still praying for an approvals storm though, and more importantly, for the health of Wade's son :)

Rainy... windy... how dreadful- look at the bright side Gary, before you know it you'll be working on your tan in Orlando :thumbs:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My tan is OK but still I need some blue sky of "Sweet Home Alabama":P
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 08:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Hello from warm and sunny Miami my VJ fam B-)

I just tried logging on to the USCIS site and I get the following error:

Server is currently unavailable or down for maintenance

I wonder if it's weather related... :huh:

What about an approvals storm???? :)

Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Lucky you, married to a Jarhead!! It's hard to be humble when you're the World's Finest!!

Tell your hubby Semper Fi for me........

I will :thumbs:
And yes I am very lucky :yes:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 08:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Nope, got to get it done. I am on a roll and don't want to get writers block!! Also, I have someone who is one of the TOP "Tweeters", I think she was in the top 100 and has over 87,000 followers and has been featured many time in different media. I want to get this done so she can get a "Tweet" out going to the blog ASAP.

OK, you know what? I'm married to a USMC, I know how you guys are...
Good luck my friend
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 07:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Damn, this blog is like write "War and Peace", literally and figuratively!!

Haven't been to bed yet..........

Wade you need to get some sleep. Preserve yourself for the big day which I wish will soon happen
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 07:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

If you're on Facebook, I would appreciate if some of you would make a comment on my post (Wade Grant) here:

Somebody has to listen. Even if the Embassy cannot do anything directly, they can make some inquiries, if they have a heart.


No problem zoe, I am being realistic and have become a bit cynical with this fiasco.

Added my comment too
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 05:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Just commented for you Wade. Hope it helps. Posted Image

Added mine too
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 05:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

2 weeks...............2 - 4 weeks...................what the hell is it. More dis-information.

Good Morning from Paris

So no more approvals during my sleep??
But well I see that TSC now knows how to say 2, 4 weeks, Before I went to bed they could start counting from 30 days, now it went down to 2 weeks, rather good news :rofl:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-05 00:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

We are going to hit 300 pages tonight. What a sad stat!

TSC Refugee Camp must be the longest thread in VJ :(
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 18:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

LAFFIN here..... Posted Image

We'll all get thru.....just hoping by that time we'll just not be grey, toothless and incontinent....THAT IS A JOKE!! Posted Image

As long as we don't go brainless with this waiting :bonk:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 17:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Chicago KNOWS how to handle snow.....Texas does not.....UNFORTUNATELY!!!

Texas only know how to say : 30, 60, 90, 120, 180...
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 17:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I was not planning it to be this fast after all the delay. Im a late August flier, so I figured to wait my turn behind all of you. Im so sorry for everyone here. Please forgive my excitement. Im still hoping and praying for you all.

We are all happy for you :thumbs:

Thursday, I am praying I get an approval before that. I will go if i dont have one.

You are going to have your approval before Thursday, Think positive.

Good luck
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 17:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Im a girl.. RACHEL SHarma :)

Hey Girl, when is your appointment? :)
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 16:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

HOLY COW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just checked the USCIS site.
We were approved Feb 3!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you GOD!!!!
And thanks to all my VJ family. Thanks for getting me thru this mess.
Now I want to see the rest of my VJ family approved.
Good Luck everyone. Im praying for you !!!!!!!!!

Congrats VJ Bro!!! Fast trip to NVC!!!

Good luck
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 16:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I really don't know how you are holding your anger on this. I can only imagine the pain and frustration you're going through. I swear this IS a test - all of it.


CLOSED = no hope. WORKING = a very SLIGHT hope. Posted Image

My Husband anger is enough for 2, one of us gotta keep cool. Anger is negative energy and loss of strengh. I'vve been to very bad days due to health problems, can't afford being furious, I'm in a "whatevers" mood. TSC is behaving like if they all suffer from autism, their world is not ours, but at the time being ours depend upon theirs
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 15:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
The funny thing in the RFE, if I can call it funny, is that they don't mention my daughter's expired passport. So we are going to add the new one to the new package :innocent:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 15:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Bills?? Proves of wedding?? The certificate is not enough?!! It proves the fact that your wedding actually took place. What bills have to do with this fact? What if there are no bills? What is the wedding was very informal (my case)?? What's the connection here? I can't believe that, that's too much. The marriage certificate needs some supporting evidence in the form of bills... wow... speechless...

I guess they are testing us. They wait 6 months to tell us they don't agree with our wedding, like if we had to have their approval to get married. Last year they approved a fiancé visa, today they don't approve a spouse visa, :bonk:
But, well we've got to provide them with documents they already have. The bad thing is that my hubby is so furious that he doesn't want to send anything and here I am praying for him to put his mind in its place and fedex the docs asap.
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 14:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

This is just beyond everything. You're not from a country with a lot of fraudulent activity. Your marriage took place in the States and I assume you submitted a certified copy of your marriage license but they didnt' loose that. They're 3 months behind on our petitions and they still have time for this bullshit. Basically this means instead of approving my petition they're wasting time on meaningless RFEs.

It's to keep us waiting...what else??? (Sounds like Nespresso :rofl:) Sorry but this whole process is so ridiculous
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 08:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Goooooooood morning from Miiiiiami! B-)

Are you SERIOUS? It took them THIS LONG to request proof of your wedding? AFTER you had already sent it?!?!?!? ####### does that have anything to do with security background checks anyway? I ask that because I thought that was why our cases are being delayed- supposedly our petitions are undergoing some sort of security checks.

Unbelievable. :no:

It doesn't have anything to do with background checks...I don't even try to understand...It's a complete nonsense RFE. We are going to give them ONCE AGAIN what they already have and that's it.
BTW, My inlaw, my Hubby's 75 years old Mom, took a flight from NY all the way down to AL (2h layover in ATL) just to be there and see his son happiness. So...#######???:angry:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 08:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Good morning VJ,

Got the RFE hardcopy, Them want proves of our wedding, affidavits of guests and bills. Things that were sent when we filed, which they probably lost :angry: My husband is pissed off.
So all we have to do is feed their lack of common sense, send the stuff, wait & see :wacko: :bonk:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-04 01:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I know that this is a public forum, I believe that anything that I post is not illegal nor should be held against me in order to hold all parties responsible for poor communication, 20 different versions of WHY our cases are delayed by USCIS, etc.............

Is it possible to add more insult to injury??

Got a reply from the Congressman's office in DC:

Dear SSgt. Grant,

My email was in response to the email you sent to us through our website. I have been in brief contact with the District office and this is what they have sent me:

Since this is a city issue, not a federal issue, it is outside of our jurisdiction. I looked on the HBPD website and found the following information that may be helpful to him (copied from attached pdf):


If the complainant believes that the investigation was not thoroughly investigated and believes

that justice was not served, he or she has several recourses. In most instances, the

complainant's dissatisfaction may be remedied by contacting the Professional Standards Unit,

who can answer questions regarding the investigation. If the complainant is still dissatisfied

with the investigation results, he or she is encouraged to contact the Chief of Police. If the

complainant seeks further redress, they may contact the Huntington Beach City Council, The

City Administrator, or in some cases, the Orange County District Attorney's Office or the

Grand Jury.


I replied with this:

Hi Ms. Preston,

I am really confused right now. My concern and compliant is with USCIS and the handling of my wife's I-130 petition and the subsequent approval to expedite the petition due to my son's health problems.

Why would this be a city issue?

Please clarify.

And then this:

SSgt. Grant,

I apologize for the confusion. The email I sent you was actually meant for another constituent that I have been emailing today – I have called the District Office about your case and was told that they have been sending information to Tony Capitelli.

Again, I'm sorry about the confusion, but if I do receive anything regarding your specific case, I will let you know – hopefully you will hear from the District Office before me.

WOW, loosing faith quite rapidly that this will be handled properly. It seems like a comedy of errors all around..............

There should be no doubt in anybody's mind why I am teetering on the edge on sanity.

Guys please tell that US is not like this all the time, I'm kind of scared/confused with US public administration
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 16:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I suggest you go through these pages and welcome to Alcatraz B-)

It's worse than Alcatraz, at Alcatraz some know when thy'll be out of there, and they can try to escape from there, We're locked with no views from the outside
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 15:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Just emailed to Oprah, all writen in French, and as I'm from Paris, maybe she will take a look...I could have writen in English, but some strategy won't make any harm :blush:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 15:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Well, I'm going to say that I'm frustrated. TSC has managed to put this off to almost the last minute. As you all know, my wife and I were blessed on my last visit to see her with a child. She's now into her 2nd Tri-Mester. I know that TSC is also aware of the fact that my wife is now pregnant, as they have congratulated me on a few occasions when I have spoken to them. But now I'm starting to do the math, and the days are quickly ticking away for the approval. With the way TSC has been moving cases to the NVC, as I watch both threads.. I'm going to have to plan a trip back to be with my wife for the birth of our child. If I would have known then, what I know now.. I might have just done the paperwork to stay with my wife. So I could have been there for all the wonderful things that go with having a baby. I had faith that things would move quickly.... yah... I should have known.

So, even if we get approved and receive the NOA-2 in the next 10 days, it might not be possible for her to travel. As we're dealing with all the extras that go with this entire journey. So, it's now my plan to begin to plan the trip to be with my wife when the baby is born. I have no more faith in the system that is supposed to move quickly thru applications and make everything right with the family. I'll let you all know when we receive the NOA-2, and get the approval.. but it's probably not going to come quick enough. We're now at Day 200+ since we filed.. and nothing from them at all. No help from Senator Udall of Colorado, and nothing more from TSC at all. SO.. TSC.. you won.. I give up, as I want to be with my wife for the birth of our child. I will say that I've learned something from this process.. and I want to thank you all for your support, and I will continue to support you all, and pray for you all as well. But reality for me, is back to be with my wife, so I won't miss anything in regards to our baby being born.


Thomas, we are adrifting in the same boat, don't abandon us...:(
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 14:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

what do you mean? i am just giving info since I live in dallas and close to Mckinney where the TSC is actually.

:rofl: I was talking about TSC, not you, I would never dare to talk that way to anyone in here. But well at least you made me laugh, it's been a while I hadn't laughed :rofl:
I said that because some of us called today and had the same old BS answers
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

oh and I forgot on top of the coldest temps today and ice on the roads there is energy emergency placed in th state of TX. Rolling energy blackouts because they are having a hard time keeping up with energy demands

I'ts not a reason to lie to people who paid for a service :angry: :angry: :angry:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 12:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

On part 1d.1 is says the fee for I-130 is $130.

Well maybe this SOP was created in "Stone Age", I only hope that they have already discovered fire :blink:Posted Image
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Here is an interesting document about I-130 entire process
at least this doc explaines what the "review" is and what is going on there step by step... i mean what is supposed to be...

So 1) TSC was not really familiar with i130 2) they had to learn this SOP 3) we're in deep sh****, I only read up to step 2.11 and I got sick :blink: :bonk:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center


That'd be nice but I don't think this agency is under his jurisdiction. In fact USCIS (formally INS) is apart of President Bush's new Department of Homeland Security, which he created to keep us "safe" by putting already existing agencies under this one large branch and restructuring the former institutions. It's now ran by Janet Napolitano.
Her email is impossible to find but if it follows the template of other dhs emails it should be and this is supposedly a fax 703.235.0854. Then there is this information but a lot of you already contacated the ombudsman with no help but there info is here too.

What about H. Clinton she's responsible for USA diplomacy maybe she can give us a hand...
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 09:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Thanks! What is this exactly?

You can ask for the Governor assistance...who knows???
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 08:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Is there any way to call TSC??? There should be some phone number somewhere... someone needs to be responsible or explain at least why people are not being approved at TSC and why those approved have to wait 2 months to get to NVC! What is going on with them????????

Hi Skynaut, try this, I'll do it myself once I sort out my RFE

Good luck
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 08:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

newbie just signing in, im in the same boat as a lot of you, mailed i-130 in way back in july, it was sent off to csc, transfered to tsc. have called uscis 6 times over the last month, keep getting told someone is looking into our case, but has not even ben touched since dec 8th, so just sitting here bored and waiting to see the wife for the first time this year, not knowing when is getting up my nose...

Welcome to TSC Refugee Camp
Have you emailed them? Put a service request? If not, you should do it, both.

Good luck
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 06:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Have you got your RFE letter with explanations?

Hi Timosha, my husband was on a business trip, back home last night, I should know today if we got it.
BTW I'm the one in Paris, my hubby USC in Alabama
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 04:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
Good Morning TSC Refugee Camp, so the weather is not not on our side :( Well maybe today they will double or triple the approvals...Let's hope it :thumbs:
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-02 03:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
1am Paris time, bed time.
Good luck everyone!!

I wish there will be an avalanche of approvals while I'll be sleeping!!!
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-01 19:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Who thinks that TSC is reading this thread?

TSC don't read, they only say 30, 60, 90 or 120
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-01 17:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Just received my invoice from NVC and paid it a trillionth of a millisecond later. So far so good at the NVC. My wife received an email from the NVC with the Choice of Agent (I was copied on it), then a few minutes later I received the invoice for the AOS (my wife was copied). Paid it online (need bank routing number and account number, no credit cards) and then had my wife email NVC her choice of agent. I'm basically following this guide:


I'll keep you all posted. So far it seems that the NVC actually does something with the case once they get it unlike some people in the lone star state!


Excellent!!!! :dance: :dance:

Things are finally back to least for you Mike!
Lidia & JBFemaleFrance2011-02-01 17:53:00