US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWorried But Confident... Interview Materials!

I think we have like 120 pictures or so of us spanning from December 2012 to when I just visited there in June 2014.  The whole time she has been in Thailand, I only got to visit 1 time due to my work...  But we have lots of pics together, and some with HER family.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2014-09-09 00:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWorried But Confident... Interview Materials!

Thanks Ning.  Your awesome!

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2014-09-08 22:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWorried But Confident... Interview Materials!

My wife has FINALLY been scheduled for her CR-1 Interview next month in Bangkok on October 14.  I am assembling all the stuff I think she might need for the interview.  I am getting mixed answers and suggestions from friends that have also gone through the process, both CR-1 and K-1.  My friend with the CR-1 (wife from Korea) had their interviews in the US, so both were interviewed, and showed little proof, and passed.  The 2 K-1's I know, were in Bangkok, showed moderate to a lot of proof, and passed.


I will list the stuff we are bringing, along with 3 things *** that I am hesitant or questionable.


J-1 Waiver of 2 Year Home Residency Requirement


Bank Account Statements - Shared for over a year and showing proof I help my wife with anything she needs


Insurance Policies - Auto and Life


***Pictures from early 2013, to now...  Not many occasions, but we managed to get quite a few between then, and now since I visited her, had a week 'honeymoon', and then spent a week with her family.  Pictures of all the gifts I sent her, and all the times I sent flowers to her.  She even saved all the cards that came with them.  Also have studio pictures that we had done that we wanted special for ourselves in Thai wedding attire. (We did a quick wedding here in US, and in our excitement, never took pictures.  We planned on doing a full blown Thai wedding for her family in a year or 2 later).  We have no pics of MY family, or my kids with her because I travel too much for work (work for navy contractor), not see them much, and the pics on my last phone were all lost!  Is this going to be a problem?  I understand the interview is about me and her, but I do not live with my 2 kids so I don't see them as much as I want.


Calling logs from LINE - States the times we called, and how long.


Plane tickets showing I visited, and our trip to Railey Island.  Even the ticket from when we visited the temple.


***Chat logs...  My wife wanted me to print it in it's entirety...  Its over 500 pages...  I cut it down to 1 week from every month since June 2013, and it's still 107 pages long.  She recommends I leave her in the chat with her nickname, instead of using her real name.  Good idea?  With the stupidity that we have encountered so far, I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't figure out she has a nickname we use most often, and might question it.  Also, there is some...  X-rated talk in there...  I was just going to cut it out, or skip those specific dates, but my wife said to leave it, she doesn't care, not shy.  She thinks maybe it shows REAL.  That we talk about our feelings in all aspects...  But I am quite hesitant...  Now she said it is up to me.  Filtering through 500 pages is not easy...  I mean, do they REALLY read through the chat log at the interview...?  Or copy it or anything?  It's quite a bit of reading...


***Tax Statements we shared - We filed jointly last year, but every year prior to that, I claimed my ex, and our 2 kids.  Mainly because I was sending her money, and helping her out because she was jobless.  Even last year, me and my wife claimed jointly, and my 2 kids, AND my ex because she still didn't have a job, because she was fresh out of school/training.  I'm worried they might question that...?  But it was purely for tax reasons, since we pretty much supported her.  We only claimed what was owed, because I always pay 100% for everything for my kids, and also give child support.  Are they going to question this, or are they just looking for numbers in money?  I make almost twice the amount needed for a family of 5.


Everyone tells me we have too much proof showing we are real, but we really don't want any snags, since we waited for almost 15 months!

Edited by Serpent Dragon ZX, 08 September 2014 - 07:41 PM.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2014-09-08 19:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsChanging Names...

I have assembled 2 separate packets to send to USCIS for CR-1.  Everything is in order, FINALLY.  One packet has my wife listed with her new name, and the other simply has her without any name changes.  That includes the G-325A, and the I-130.  She planned on getting her name changed later, but we thought we would just skip some steps if possible for later.  Some people are saying you can just fill out the forms using her new married name, since it will be accompanying with the marriage certificate to prove we are married and list her maiden name in the "Other names used" section.  But my friend who had done the same with his Korean wife said the USCIS sent his papers back about 2 months later to re-do since they basically said the new married woman on his forms does't exist.  Kinda got me scared.  Hence the reason for making 2 packets.  Should I try to change her name later, or not worry about it?  Also, we are trying to keep the fact we are married kinda hush hush from her family who she will be staying with when she returns to Thailand while the CR-1 process is over, since we planned on a more traditional wedding next year after all the green card mess is over with.  We did what we did to get the 2 HHR waiver, and the visa rolling.  Jump start to say.  And no, we won't need an I-485 cause her J-1 is about to drop in 2 months, and she will not be remaining in the US to adjust status.  She will be returning home until the CR-1 is approved, and come back.


What EXACTLY are the requirements to change your name on the forms, and which ones should I be changing her new name on?  We are a little bit lost.  Only thing she is worried about, is when she goes back to finish school, she wants to be able to use her maiden name, cause that's how she started.  Is this going to be a problem?

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2013-05-04 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Can you tell me what number you are calling?  Thanks so much!

Call the main line...  National Customer Service Center (NCSC): 1-800-375-5283  The Tier 2 Immigration Officer also called me back from that number.  I think they are transferred between departments to mask their actual number, to prevent people from calling them directly...  I could have stayed on hold, and waited in line, but decided to choose the call back option, and see if a different number popped up when they called...  Nope.  Same one.  Hah!  So much for thinking I could be sneaky...

Edited by Serpent Dragon ZX, 16 September 2013 - 09:48 PM.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2013-09-16 21:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Ah, got ya.  I see.  Thats why I planned for after the holidays.  Closer to a date me and my wife can be sure of, plan more things out (I plan to be there with her for 2 weeks to a month, between plane, hotel, and food), and I also need to be here for my kids during christmas.  All my wife cares about is being together in the end...  This waiting has done nothing but make our feelings stronger.  I can't wait to get off the plane, and touch her.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2013-09-16 20:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Well, this is for the I-130 to get accepted, and processed.  The next stage is supposed to be the NVC, or National Visa Center step...  Thats where you get the next requirements ready, and get ready for the interview in the next 3 or so months.  But don't forget, it could take a few months to get process completely at the NVC too, but not nearly as long as this first step, getting the I-130 approved.  Go, see your husband, have your trip, have fun.  You still have a little time.  I'm planning on going to Thailand to be with my wife after Christmas.  Maybe around Valentine's Day.  If it's close to her date to come back, or interview, I'll just hold out, and go meet her, and travel back together.  We lived together for almost 7 months before she left...  Every morning, every day, and every night spent together, constant physical and emotional contact...  We can't wait to be together again too.  I can't wait to meet her family also.  This lady on the phone, just gave me such hope.  On top of getting our no objection letter submitted, I can't be happier right now.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2013-09-16 17:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

They also told me to call every 2-3 weeks or so, to get updates.  She said keep calling, and DON'T wait for status updates through e-mail and text.  She put some service request in on my file also to be processed or something.  Not sure what it was all about, but she said keep calling about my I-130, and wished me luck for me, and my wife.  Much better then the ####### that hung up on me a few days ago for no reason.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2013-09-16 17:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Just got off the phone with the nicest woman...  She gave me information...


1.)  If your going to call ANY Tier 2 Immigration Officers, don't call Monday, or Tuesdays.  It's very busy, and long wait times.  Call around Thursday-Friday.


2.)  Processing times for I-130 (CR-1) Applications and Petitions, is 6-8 months at the NBC.  But they are slowly starting to get through them quicker, and quicker.


3.)  As of now, if your wife is outside the U.S., and if you submitted sometime in March, your application should be processed in this next month or so.  For me it was May, and she said since my wife is not adjusting status, or in the U.S., it looks like around November, early December by her computer.


4.)  When questioned about getting transferred to a field office...  She said that she wasn't sure who relayed the information, it's not correct, but if your wife/husband is outside the U.S., it's staying right at the NBC, and getting processed there, but should go quicker once it's at that point.  If your spouse is here, it could possibly be transferred to a field office, but it's at their decision.  Shouldn't delay it too much, since they would try to keep it within processing times.  She was mainly referring to my case, and said she couldn't directly speak for other's applications and petitions.


My wife and I applied in May, and she is currently outside the U.S.

Was given a processing time of around November - December...  Then, it's off to the NVC stage if accepted, which seems like everything is in order anyways.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2013-09-16 16:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I have called multiple times, and each time they say to wait the normal processing time for anything to happen.  When I explain there is NO processing time posted anywhere for NBC, they act completely stupid about it, and tell me MAYBE it's LIKE 6 months.  Not sure what kind of answer that is.


I also never received a hard copy of NOA1.  When I told the woman on the phone about that, she said she would send me another copy since I never received the first...  Back in March.  So she issued another to be sent.  Double checked the address, asked me other pointless information about me, when she had my case status open on her screen in front of her, and never not once, asked any info on my wife...  It seemed odd.  She said I would receive it in about 1-2 weeks.  Here I am over a month later.  I call in to question about this, even with my special ticket receipt number in hand for this NOA1 copy to be sent, the guy on the phone, asks me how he can help in a very rude manner, I explain to him as nicely as possible, and I was cut short by him sighing, and hanging up on me.


I'm not understanding how things like this can take so long...  We have 2 friends that did the K-1 Visa route, and already approved, and sent to NVC...  Me, and my WIFE are still waiting for anything past a damn NOA1 that we seem to not even receive.  We even got a waiver for her 2YHRR from the Embassy. (Took 3 months).  Everyone keeps asking us why we have not made progress...  It's very frustrating.  My wife is very upset, and angry, and me...  I'm at the point I want to go to the nearest office, and just start a verbal riot on the first person that asks me how they can help me.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2013-09-15 09:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I e-mailed also.

Serpent Dragon ZXMaleThailand2013-09-18 01:52:00