US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014


CONGRATS :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

All the best on you interview on Monday!  :goofy:

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-05-30 09:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

The oldest said interview was like 10mins


What is the rule of law

What is the name of the flag

What do the 13 stripes on the flag represent

Who does a US Senator represent

What age do you have to be to vote for President

What ocean is on the west side


Second boy


What is the Capital of our State

Who can veto 

What is the supreme law of the land

What is a change to the declaration called

Who did the US fight in WWII

He can't remember the last one.



they asked what is the name of the flag???? As in the US Flag? That's not one of the questions. :-) Did you mean what is the name of the US Anthem?

Also they asked what is the change to the declaration called? As in the Declaration of Independence??? Or did you mean what is a change to the Constitution called?  - as in an amendment for the answer?

Edited by kcoyclay1, 30 May 2014 - 09:42 AM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-05-30 09:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 May 2014 Filers

Congrats to all who got their oath ceremonies scheduled this week. USCIS is moving along. Yipee!

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-10-16 06:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JUNE 2014 Filers

Hey guys I got the yellow letter today, 8/9/14. Hoping to get scheduled soon...

Welcome to the NY wait list. Look at other filers and you will see that we have a long wait. I got my yellow letter since June 12 and I'm still waiting. Called USCIS today as my 90 day was up yesterday and was told that my case is still in Nebraska  :(. the customer rep created a case for me and I hope it doesn't put me to the end of the line

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-08-11 16:39:00
CanadaHow did everyone meet their american/canadian significant others?
My husband Stan and I met through very sad circumstances. We met in an Oncology waiting room; we were both waiting to receive radiation treatment for cancer. Dating was the last thing I had on my mind when I noticed that he was locked into a stare and couldn't take his eyes off me. I really couldn't see what he was seeing because I was really thin but every time I looked across the room he was just staring and staring and staring.

At the cancer treatment clinic everyone are extremely friendly as we all have something in common so we are very courteous and of course have something we can talk about. I didn't talk to him except for hi and hello until three weeks later when our names were both called the get ready for our treatment. I discovered then that he worked in another hospital in which I was a patient three weeks earlier and as destiny would have it I was admitted on the ward that he worked. Lucky for me I was my regular cheerful self at the hospital so his background check on my character was great, everyone loved me (lol). You know you have some nasty patients, who reveal their true character when they are in desperate situations at the hospital right? Well, at the time I was admitted he was on sick leave so our paths didn't cross at that time and the reviews he received about me were all good.

Three weeks after we started conversing we went on an after-treatment date and funny enough we discovered we had more in common than cancer. We were ending each others sentences and we had the same taste in music, shared the same values and religious beliefs to name a few. It was easy for us to converse but he was a gentleman and was never pushy nor overbearing. Once a week when we saw each other we would grab a bite together until we started attending church services together and dating more. As we continued to support each other and share in the ups and downs of cancer we easily flowed into the natural course of falling in love.

We got married after dating for one year and almost nine months. For us a bad situation gave us a chance at love and this April 2009 will be our second wedding anniversary. I am in remission but in Dec of 2007 he was told that the cancer had spread to his bones. I know in my heart that he will be alright. I dedicated last year to getting him through the battle as I prioritize him. We delayed and filed our petition in January of 2009 because of the sickness. He is the most wonderful and loving man I have ever met and my soulmate. That's my story. Sorry it was so long.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-02-08 19:12:00
CanadaHow did everyone meet their american/canadian significant others?
My husband Stan and I met through very sad circumstances. We met in an Oncology waiting room; we were both waiting to receive radiation treatment for cancer. Dating was the last thing I had on my mind when I noticed that he was locked into a stare and couldn't take his eyes off me. I really couldn't see what he was seeing because I was really thin but every time I looked across the room he was just staring and staring and staring.

At the cancer treatment clinic everyone is extremely friendly as we all have something in common so we are very courteous and of course have something we can talk about. I didn't talk to him except for hi and hello until three weeks later when our names were both called the get ready for our treatment. I discovered then that he worked in another hospital in which I was a patient three weeks earlier and as destiny would have it I was admitted on the ward that he worked. Lucky for me I was my regular cheerful self at the hospital so his background check on my character was great, everyone loved me (lol). You know you have some nasty patients, who reveal their true character when they are in desperate situations at the hospital right? Well, at the time I was admitted he was on sick leave so our paths didn't cross at that time and the reviews he received about me were all good.

Three weeks after we started conversing we went on an after-treatment date and funny enough we discovered we had more in common than cancer. We were ending each others sentences and we had the same taste in music, shared the same values and religious beliefs to name a few. It was easy for us to converse but he was a gentleman and was never pushy nor overbearing. Once a week when we saw each other we would grab a bite together until we started attending church services together and dating more. As we continued to support each other and share in the ups and downs of cancer we easily flowed into the natural course of falling in love.

We got married after dating for one year and almost nine months. For us a bad situation gave us a chance at love and this April 2009 will be our second anniversary. I am in remission but in Dec of 2007 he was told that the cancer had spread to his bones. I know in my heart that he will be alright. I dedicated last year to getting him through the battle as I prioritize him. We delayed and filed our petition in January of 2009 because of the sickness. He is the most wonderful and loving man I have ever met and my soulmate. That's my story. Sorry it was so long.

Edited by kcoyclay1, 08 February 2009 - 07:04 PM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-02-08 19:03:00
Canada2008 Taxes Interview on the 24th of April
QUOTE (Reeena @ Mar 31 2009, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After reading the post about the denied interview over taxes I am a little worried.
I have not "filed" my taxes, they are done but we are waiting until we get to Utah and for hubby to get his SSN to file them.

As a military member stationed overseas we are automatically allowed an extension for 2 or 3 months and I also did mail-in the extension paperwork (gives us 6 month extension...), but dont have a copy of it. (I just filled out the form and mailed it out like I did last year) didn't keep a copy, but I guess I can print one again.
I also wanted to wait until the hubby got the SSN because him not having one denies us alot of "credits" on my return...

I am wondering what I should do. I have all my pay stubs and am above the poverty guideline stuff...
What are your thoughts?

Why not file jointly but request an extension?
kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-04-01 11:11:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 17 2009, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Even when you're "over" it, you still go back to it sometimes. It never ever goes away.

I went to a psychologist, and to the poster who said that they put you on drugs - not true. Thats not what a psychologist does. I did learn coping mechanisms and I was able to talk about it and deal with it through regression therapy.

I know some people are against psychologists but you just can't deal with traumatic events on your own. It's like saying someone can get up after getting hit by a car and go on with broken bones yet no medical attention. Emotional and mental trauma is just as bad as physical trauma, people don't always see it that way though because it isn't tangible.

That is so true sprailenes. good.gif What I meant by getting over this is what is happening to her now and the stage that she is presently at. She will have days when she can cope and it will get better. She wont be as scared as she is right now but she will get pass this stage as she learn how to cope

Edited by kcoyclay1, 17 May 2009 - 08:44 PM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-17 20:40:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
Today at church I cried when the pastor spoke about persons who experienced trauma in the past. He went to a forum and heard a psychologist define what happens after a traumatic experience. The psychologist said that after a trauma something happens in the brain that keeps bringing back the event causing the person to relive it over and over. He says that after a while it will appears to go away but as something happens to brings back the memory of the past then the brain starts delivering flash-backs traumatizing the victim all over again. He says that is why soldiers who goes to war have such a hard time adjusting when they return because every day they see these deaths and live in the situation being traumatized over and over again.

He said he noticed however that the chemicals in the brain return to normal when the person raises their hands and feeds on positive thoughts. Some of us might take a longer time to get through the trauma than others. CRH I am proud of you for taking a step to get the help you need. You will get over this. I am still praying for you and I chose to raise my hands with you as you embrace positive thoughts in your therapy sessions.

Be blessed
kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-17 20:20:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (CaptainRubyHeart @ May 16 2009, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kcoyclay1 @ May 15 2009, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ May 15 2009, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fair enough Kathryn. Pertinent note though: when people post intimate and personal details about their lives in a public online forum; it is them who are making their lives a spectacle. kthxbai

Oh Len, regardless of the person making themselves a "spectacle" as you state we should still honor their request and leave out the disrespectful remarks. We have to learn to care. Especially in such a sensitive situation. CRH had a traumatic experience and some do not understand what she is going through yet they make harsh comments. We have to know when to say what and in this case we need to give advice that will help and not make things worst.

I thank you, kcoyclay1, for your sensitivity and understanding.

Well, it is almost time. In a few hours I will be picking up Sean from the airport. It will be the first time we've seen each other in three weeks, and the first time we've spoken to each other in days. I have no idea what is going to happen, but will stay positive and try to work it out until we can't.

I want to thank you all for your advice and help, with the exception of that one person who views this thread as a soap opera and thinks it's fun to ridicule people such as myself. Do not worry. Beginning Wednesday (our first appointment), I plan on keeping any personal or intimate details of my marital relationship between myself and my therapist. I feel that ridiculing me for my "spectacle" is especially uncalled for because I am actually taking the advice offered here and am trying to fix this situation - hence, the therapy appointment and my trying to keep a positive attitude when I see Sean again. I could understand why I would be made fun of if I were just bitching and moaning without taking any action, but that is not the case.

It is rude and incorrect to invariably categorize anyone who posts something that is personal/intimate as some sort of drama queen. Life is unpredictable and full of surprises, and we all need a little help along the way from time to time and to gain a new perspective. And how is one to even understand a situation if no personal details are shared? I imagine I'd have a very hard time reaching out and asking for help without using personal detail to describe my situation to others.

I hope that Sean and I are able to work things out and come out of this with a better understanding of each other and our marriage. Despite it all, I still think that Sean is a really neat guy and I kind of wish you all knew him. Maybe someday he'll sign up for VJ and share some of his experiences immigrating from Canada to the U.S. And who knows? Maybe I'll be in the position one day to be able to help out someone on these forums who is having a rough time with his or her marriage and feels completely lost and hopeless and does not know where to turn.

I plan on making one more post as a follow-up, and then I may actually take a break from VJ for a while. It makes sense, in a practical manner, because Sean and I aren't actually doing any sort of paperwork right now and won't be for almost two years, if we stay together. Plus, I really need to be focusing energy on my self-improvement and our marriage anyway, so I shouldn't spend as much time on the internet as I do, heh.

I look forward to updating you one more time realy soon. Thank you again for your honesty, advice, and compassion.

CRH I will be praying for you guys.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-16 17:35:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (*Len* @ May 15 2009, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fair enough Kathryn. Pertinent note though: when people post intimate and personal details about their lives in a public online forum; it is them who are making their lives a spectacle. kthxbai

Oh Len, regardless of the person making themselves a "spectacle" as you state we should still honor their request and leave out the disrespectful remarks. We have to learn to care. Especially in such a sensitive situation. CRH had a traumatic experience and some do not understand what she is going through yet they make harsh comments. We have to know when to say what and in this case we need to give advice that will help and not make things worst.
kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-15 20:44:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (trailmix @ May 15 2009, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (easytarget @ May 14 2009, 11:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really don't mean to be cruel, but the marriage is over. Sean has made his decision.

I commented earlier that there were other issues...and finally he is telling you what those issues are. He feels trapped, cornered, isn't in love with you, and isn't ready for a long term relationship. Be thankful that you found out now instead of 4 years from now.

Best of luck to you this weekend. I am sure there will be plenty of tears, anger, and resentment. But in the end you can handle it all.

Hopefully Ruby will be too busy preparing for her Husband's homecoming to read what you have written.

You know, i'm all about the honesty thing too - however, as you mentioned in the first line - you don't know her (or him), that is why perhaps it would have been wiser to temper your thoughts a bit.

Now i'm not saying that you shouldn't be able to say what you think - i'm just saying HOW do you know, in this particular case, that your analysis of her Husband is correct? Sure maybe there are signs pointing to him perhaps feeling this way - but you state their marriage is over, i'm just saying that, in my opinion, it is a pretty big jump to make.

A few weeks ago you posted about your own relationship, you got kind and helpful answers. Anyone could have said, at any time - you know - she is just not that in to you. She states you can't afford to support her, she is trying to postpone coming to live with you until AFTER the olympics for heaven's sake!

Initially when I read your story I thought hmm, she doesn't sound too interested - however, I do not know her, many things could have been playing on her mind, moving to another foreign country, homesickness, fear of the unknown - who knows.

The fact is we didn't and don't know your personal relationship - you two talked and you worked it out.

Perhaps Ruby and her Husband will as well.

trailmix apparently Sean spoke with easytarget and gave him the final verdict. Why do people have to come with things like that? Its like telling someone with cancer "oh by the way you are going to die" and they don't know what stage the person is. Sorry easytarget but as I learned 'you cant draw a conclusion without a premise" and right now Sean not wanting to talk with CRH is not enough to say the marriage is over. Come on now sad.gif

Edited by kcoyclay1, 15 May 2009 - 08:06 AM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-15 08:03:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 14 2009, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not upset. Don't worry. Glitter text doesn't upset me, it just makes me cringe. tongue.gif

okay sprailenes got yah. Glad to hear you got over your trauma. I had an incident too that was very very bad. Held up at gun-point with one of the biggest gun I had ever seen at age 17, but thank God I'm alive. For many months I trembled whenever I saw a gun even if it was in the hands of a cop. This PTSD is no joke. CRH needs all the support and encouragement she can get to take her through this time. It is different for everyone but she will bounce back to her old self again. Anyway have a blessed day.
kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-15 07:58:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 14 2009, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CaptainRubyHeart @ May 14 2009, 01:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CRH, you seemed bothered by him leaving well before he left. I am a firm believer in learning to stand on your own before leaning on someone else, and perhaps you haven't quite learned to stand alone yet. I understand you're afraid but surely you could have found another way to deal with it other than be that woman who called him crying and begging for him to come back while he was visiting family that he had just left behind. In a relationship that involves distance there is a strong chance that there will be time apart.

This might just be my irritability and confusion talking, but while I think you have a valid point about learning how to stand on one's own, I also find this comment to be offensive. I was very independent for a long time before marrying my husband, and even afterward. I was able to work two jobs in college, pay for my own car in full, buy my own house after college, and I got scholarships/grants to get through college without taking out loans (and graduated Summa Cum Laude). I'm doing really, really well at work and am an officer in my volunteer public speaking club. It frustrates me to no end that some jerk broke into my house and took my ability to be independent away from me. I don't think it's easy for most people to understand what that feels like.

Whoever it was who said that we can't really judge got it right. Heck, I can't judge and I'm in the situation. I have been very polite and pleasant toward Sean--I made it a point to be after he told me he wants to leave me. I don't think it's productive to be a big jerk when he was so upfront and shared his feelings with me, hurtful as they are. It's too soon to know what I really think of this or to know what to do.

Well I didn't mean to offend you and I wasn't talking about being independent. I mean you just sound very dependent on him right now and he could be feeling smothered. You can't hold him accountable for the way you feel. It seems like you're angry at him for not dropping things to come home to you, it seems like you're angry that he isn't giving you the reaction you desire. All of this stemming from something that he didn't have anything to do with. And what is happening is NORMAL. But you need to go to counselling to deal with that event before you can deal with anything else with a clear mind because you are experiencing so many emotions that stem from that incident.

Sprailenes, I am just joking around so don't get upset when I say I guess CRH would now need some glitter text after........ (smile). Anyway I like your profile pic. Have a blessed day.

Edited by kcoyclay1, 14 May 2009 - 06:21 PM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-14 18:20:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (thetreble @ May 14 2009, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kcoyclay1 @ May 13 2009, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thetreble @ May 13 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
or anything that flashes...
or anything in colours that make your eyes hurt...
or font that takes up the whole page.....

common decency!!!

Why is it affecting you guys? Are you CRH's mouthpiece? I'm just saying... thetreble your signature seriously hurt my eyes. If you would just use another color and bold the lettering I think it would help.

Anyway just remember that this forum is all about CRH and not about anyone else. Its a waste of time for persons who want to follow the thread to see it going in a war of words over something that does not relate to the subject. So can we move on?

Well no one else has a problem with my sig but you, but plenty of people had problems with the glitter pictures so...

Any way. Of course we can move on!

Hi thetreble,

Just hailing you up... Have a nice day ( I won't glitter you out okay) biggrin.gif
kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-14 18:09:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (Emancipation @ May 10 2009, 07:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ May 10 2009, 01:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (paul151 @ May 9 2009, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another thing to consider is that he may be so protective of you , not being able to give you the support you need is very frustrating to him right now. He is probably more frustrated and angry at the situation than at you- it's just manifesting as angry/hurtful words towards you.

Now I'm not a counselor by any stretch of the imagination, but this was one of the first things I thought of! Men think sooooo differently from women..and sometimes, we tend to forget that. Perhaps he's feeling like he let you down. He didn't protect you back then. I'm just grasping at straws...I have NO idea what he's feeling or thinking, but most men that love their wives would do anything to protect them. He's dealing with it in his way, and that may not be how you would. I could be wrong about it, you won't know until you talk with him. Let him finish out his week. He needs time too.

That's what I was thinking of last night as well.. sometimes guys want something they can do... you say something and they want to fix it right now... if there is nothing that they can do to fix it (ie. he's away and unable to really comfort you in a tangible way) that could be frustrating as well, and something he's just not willing to talk about/deal with until he's back in town. He could be just frustrated he can't help you in this situation, in which case he's right, you need to find help outside your relationship and get a counselor to help you work through the experience and find a way to restore your peace. (which is another thing guys try to do - find solutions which can be irritating because sometimes I just want to be HEARD)

Sometimes I remind my hubby that I don't need him to find a solution or FIX anything.. I just want him to listen.. I tell him there's nothing to be DONE, just please hear me out and let me talk and hold me when I cry..

You are right emancipation
kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-13 12:06:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (thetreble @ May 13 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
or anything that flashes...
or anything in colours that make your eyes hurt...
or font that takes up the whole page.....

common decency!!!

Why is it affecting you guys? Are you CRH's mouthpiece? I'm just saying... thetreble your signature seriously hurt my eyes. If you would just use another color and bold the lettering I think it would help.

Anyway just remember that this forum is all about CRH and not about anyone else. Its a waste of time for persons who want to follow the thread to see it going in a war of words over something that does not relate to the subject. So can we move on?

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-13 12:02:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 13 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Friends don't let friends use glitter text.

Ooops sorry, then I am not a friend. So my apologies to CRH. I hope friends don't let friends send postcards either. Is that cheesy too? Cause my postcards were surely viewed by the IO and we had plenty. You should see the IO going through them and guess what they also helped in validating my marriage along with all the other evidence... I got my 10 yr GC kicking.gif (they should remove all these cheesy emoticons..darn)

Sometimes a glitter (postcard) helps. This one's for you. Be blessed

Edited by kcoyclay1, 13 May 2009 - 11:56 AM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-13 11:55:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 13 2009, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yea nothing says 'BE STRONG' like cheesy glitter text.

Sprailenes I think it's nothing says "YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS TIME" like support from people who HAVE BEEN THERE AND EXPERIENCED WORST and also saying "let the light in you shine forth girl, I am here for you" and "remember that the journey to the mountain top is never easy, just focus on the destination and even though you might need the support, you will get there "

I think that CRH has taken the right steps and I am encouraging her to take it a day at a time. She needs to be strong as she goes through this or else she will just give up and never get past PTSD

Cheesy glitter text works sometimes doesn't it? smile.gif

Edited by kcoyclay1, 13 May 2009 - 11:37 AM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-13 11:35:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-13 11:16:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
QUOTE (~Flower~ @ May 10 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It sounds like co-dependency to me and he can't cope with it anymore. So he took a break forcing you to face being alone and independent again. This gives him a break and allows you to find your own solution and judge where you are at since it's apparent to him he can't fix what is psychologically going on with you. You were alone before marriage I assume? I see you are very aware of where you stand internally and that the situation stems from the personal trauma. When a person enters our home that's a violation of privacy and security and when they attempt to attack us that's attacking our personal power. I can see how that is very unsettling and how you wouldn't feel safe again. I am sorry this happened to you but you are strong enough to over come it. Many people have done it before you. There are people qualified to support and aid you out there at outreach facilities such as your local Women's Center. You're on the right track with looking up a counselor but it's really up to you to pick up the thousand pound telephone and do what you have needed to do for yourself since Feb. Once you start doing for yourself your Husband can be back to his position of where he supports you. It will probably be good for him to see his other half getting better again too. All around it would be healthy for the relationship if you take the step to reclaiming your independence yourself and not keep putting this on him to carry so much because truthfully he can't do it for you. No one can. Only friends and family can help so much too and then pretty soon you've blown out your welcome. Counselors are good because you can pay them to listen but even they can only help you so far. Hubby's made it clear he can't do it for you and it's time to pull yourself up by your boot straps and buck up and stop the pity party and move on. At least that's my interpretation of when he said quit milking the situation. I'd hope he'd have a better assessment of you than anyone. Life moves on and I think this is the only way he knows how to help you at this point and in his own way it is supporting you for the better. See the positive side. Take everything in strides. This is just a bump in the road but if you don't help yourself and support yourself the symptoms may get worse and it will show in the deterioration of the marriage.

Flower I really don't think that her husband is trying to force her to be independent again, If that is what he did by leaving, it would be heartless and based on what she said there was no indication of that. We have to be careful how we interpret things and give counsel because that can take her to another level of believing he is just being spiteful and I don't believe that is it. What you are suggesting feels like encouraging someone with a broken leg to get up and walk. He (the broken-foot man in the scenario)has to go through therapy and heal and that is what CaptainRubyHeart has to do and I tell you it isn't easy. Is there anything that you are afraid of? If there is, can you just adjust like that? Get over it and stop the pity party is not the solution. Its like telling a mad man to stop acting crazy and be sane. There are steps that she needs to take but she needs the support in a loving way. The best thing to do is to understand where they are both coming from and respond in a manner that will allow her to see what will work. We cannot address him because he is not the one asking for advice. She made a great suggestion on her own that she has resorted to get counseling and that tells us that she is really not ready to give up on her marriage but is rather feeling alone abandoned and hurt.

I can sense that you are not trying to put her down but just telling it like it is and you have some good advice in there too but we have to try to protect all the other organs so to speak, as we try to repair the damage done to her mind.

Edited by kcoyclay1, 10 May 2009 - 01:49 PM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-10 13:46:00
CanadaContemplating Divorce
Hi Ruby, I'm not from Canada but I am quite concerned about what you are going through. You did the right thing in trying to get counseling. You faced a traumatic experience and it has left you extremely fearful and that is very real.
To your husband it appears as if you are "milking" the situation with the intruder, as he puts it. What he does not understand is how real it is to you and how truly fearful you are of being left alone in the house. It is not fair to you but it is also not fair to him as well so the counseling is the best thing to do to get past this fear as it is ripping you guys apart. He cant understand why it is such a big deal to you and you cant understand why he cannot see that your fear is genuine.
I have gone through a similar experience as yours but mine ended worst than yours. I had to see the doctor and was given tranquillizer to sleep. Everyone has their own way of dealing with things so I found a place in my mind to lock away the anger I felt. It only resurfaces when I hear of similar situations.
You can't blame your husband for feeling as if you are over-needing him because he really doesn't understand what you are going through and the devastation that you feel. He cannot blame you for feeling insecure and abandoned when he leaves but the truth is that he really doesn't understand.

The counseling you suggested should be attended by both of you so that he can see the magnitude of the effect this break-in has on you. Next time you speak to him don't pressure him to come home at once because he is thinking that you are being possessive based on his "milking" statement. You guys should really consider purchasing a security alarm system seeing that you fear being alone so that at nights and when he is not at home you will feel protected. When you speak to him say things like "I really miss you because it makes me feel safer when you are around", or "Honey, I cant wait for you to get back home because it is scary being alone in the house". But do not badger him to cut his trip and come home to you cause he is feeling guilty and maybe mis-interprets what you mean and believe you are trying to have him all to yourself. Remember, men really DO NOT communicate like we do.

Now let me ask you something my friend who is a psychologist asked me once " do you think that he would deliberately not care about your safety and would chose to leave you alone knowing that you truly fear being alone?" If your answer is no then stop thinking about divorce as a way to solve the problem because it doesn't. It wouldn't change the fact that you would be alone in the house. All that would happen is that you would not be expecting anyone to be at home protecting you and find a way around it. If you chose to divorce him, change your living situation and get a housemate that person is not going to stay home to ensure your safety because they have their own life to live. A physical presence doesn't mean that you are safe either. I am just being real here and trying to be as practical as possible. So what is left for you to do to feel safe based on the situation? Suggest the counseling and the alarm system. I think it will help. All the best.
I'm praying for you.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-10 13:24:00
CanadaHow do you get married? Can you just go down to courthouse??
QUOTE (carrieandadrian11 @ Mar 29 2009, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am totally confused on this.

Upon arrival, how do we get married?? I know we go to the courthouse, get a marriage license but then it says "you have 60 days to use it". HUH?? I thought that was it? Use it how?? We aren't having a ceremony because we already did that (non legal a few months ago). Do we still have to get someone to do a ceremony with the legal certificate now????

ANyone have any tips?? I will be in Virginia. I'm so confused!!! I'm also hugely confused on the definitions. What is "marriage" and "married". Is that the CEREMONY???

Married license and married certificate are two different things.The license allows you to be married and the certificate is proof that you are married. Regarding married and marriage, let me use it in a sentence with regards to the question you asked. You get the license so that you can get married and receive the certificate after the marriage.

Edited by kcoyclay1, 26 April 2009 - 07:14 PM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-04-26 19:11:00
Canadaquestion about already having an american social security number
QUOTE (domegirl1978 @ May 24 2009, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone! I don't know if anyone has the answer to this question.

I graduated from college in the U.S. and had a social security number assigned to me when i started school there. I still have this ssn but it is stamped not valid for work.

When I move back do I just have to go down to the social security office and have that condition removed off the card by showing my AOS papers when I file for that?

When some of you have moved down did yours say not valid for work until you got your work permit and then they changed it or was it just the card with the number?

thanks everybody!

Yes you will have to apply to have the restrictions removed when you get your GC. You cannot show AOS papers to get it removed. There are three types of SS Card issued:

(1)The one for school purposes that does not allow you to work in the US (you have that one)
(2)The one legal residents receive while AOS is pending. This is the one you apply for when you get you EAD. In your case you will need to apply so that they change the restrictions allowing you to work, seeing that you already have a SS Card
(3)The one with no restrictions that Citizens and permanent residents receive to work and travel. (For those who received their SS# using their EAD they will have to apply to remove the restrictions)

If you look at my attached timeline you will see that I applied for my SS Card when I received my EAD then applied to remove restrictions after I received my GC. Hope this information helped you.

Edited by kcoyclay1, 24 May 2009 - 09:24 PM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-24 21:23:00
CanadaA Happy Ending
CRH I am so proud of you. You did the right thing in not taking in your friend and I dont mean it in a bad way. A decision like that is not your s alone but your husband's as well and right now as new married couple you need to be spending time getting to know each other. You did not leave her homeless but did the right thing by sending her to her grandmother. You cannot go fixing everyone and neglect your life.

I am very very proud of you. May you and Sean have a long and lasting relationship.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2009-05-24 21:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014


Presumptive updates to the timeline:


Redening and boldening applicants with past oath dates.



N-400: March 2014 Applicants
USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Engineer21.......|04/27/13.|02/24.|03/04.|03/04.|03/28.|04/01.|04/04.|05/13.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
prinambiar.......|--/--/--.|03/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
PacienciayFe.....|10/13/13.|03/03.|03/13.|03/11.|04/10.|04/14.|07/03.|08/06.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY
Math Man.........|02/05/12.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|04/03.|04/07.|04/14.|05/21.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
DanTes ..........|02/25/14.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/09.|04/28.|04/29.|06/02.|--/--/--.| New Orleans, LA
Coqueta..........|03/10/11.|03/03.|MOrdr.|03/06.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/06.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
HJP..............|12/17/12.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/04.|04/08.|05/05.|06/05.|07/31/14.| Jacksonville, FL
Sunshinepretty...|--/--/--.|03/03.|--/--.|03/12.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/01.|07/01/14.| Newark, NJ

Rip_curl.........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/12.|03/26.|05/02.|05/16.|06/21.|06/24/14.| Dallas, TX
Montblanc........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/10.|04/08.|04/10.|05/12.|06/17.|08/01/14.| Philadelphia, PA
*HappyInlove*....|09/20/10.|03/05.|MOrdr.|03/10.|04/07.|04/09.|04/28.|05/27.|08/08/14.| Memphis, TN
JVKn'CVO  .......|01/08/11.|03/07.|03/13.|03/10.|04/02.|--/--.|04/07.|05/15.|07/31/14.| San Antonio, TX
Ontarkieboy1.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
Ontarkieboy2.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|--/--/--.| Memphis, TN
fumes............|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/20.|04/17.|04/22.|05/02.|06/02.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
Tristanz.........|03/09/14.|03/09.|03/11.|03/11.|03/23.|05/06.|07/11.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY 
chantal356.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|03/17.|03/14.|04/15.|04/17.|06/06.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bloomfield.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|--/--.|04/02.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Atlanta, GA
Wise_Hawk........|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|03/20.|04/14.|04/16.|07/11.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY
ByrdNest.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|03/20.|03/20.|04/17.|04/21.|05/27.|07/01.|--/--/--.| Fairfax, VA
Bibi&Beebti......|01/01/14.|03/15.|03/27.|03/27.|05/06.|05/08.|06/22.|07/25.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
starbeam.........|--/--/--.|03/15.|03/20.|03/20.|03/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Houston, TX
CatherineTheGreat|--/--/--.|03/17.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Louisville, KY
Felix01..........|01/06/14.|03/18.|03/27.|03/27.|04/28.|04/30.|06/03.|08/25.|--/--/--.| Hartford, CT
anjp.............|02/17/14.|03/18.|03/25.|03/28.|04/21.|04/22.|04/28.|06/09.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX
DeanRShortland...|03/13/14.|03/19.|04/01.|04/01.|04/29.|05/12.|05/23.|06/30.|07/25/14.| Memphis,TN

ninasan..........|03/08/13.|03/20.|03/27.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|06/07.|07/15.|07/25/14.| Tampa, FL
K96..............|09/--/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/30.|05/02.|--/--.|07/15.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
Mr. & Mrs. S.....|09/02/13.|03/22.|04/01.|03/27.|04/25.|04/29.|08/04.|09/03.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
miggg............|03/22/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/31.|04/24*|05/20.|06/17.|07/24.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
rogue320.........|--/--/--.|03/24.|03/31.|--/--.|02/11.|07/02.|07/15.|07/19.|07/25/14.| Memphis, TN
yomi0518.........|02/13/11.|03/25.|MOrdr.|03/28.|04/29.|05/02.|06/13.|07/15.|--/--/--.| Oakland Park, FL
rosemont.........|--/--/--.|03/25.|03/28.|03/31.|04/30.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bjrichus.........|--/--/--.|03/26.|03/27.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|07/12.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Dallas, TX

kCoyclay1........|--/--/--.|03/28.|04/08.|04/03.|05/08.|05/12.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
Darth Vader Q....|03/30/14.|03/29.|04/04.|03/31.|05/01.|05/29.|06/11.|07/16.|--/--/--.| Miami, FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Kristel..........|--/--/--.|02/26.|03/06.|03/05.|03/28.|04/01.|--/--.|05/23.|06/25/14.| Chula Vista, CA
ChristinePR......|--/--/--.|02/28.|03/06.|03/10.|03/20.|04/02.|04/14.|05/12.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
Suaya415.........|12/18/13.|03/01.|03/07.|03/10.|03/27.|04/04.|04/14.|05/14.|06/19/14.| San Jose, CA
bennobot.........|09/08/13.|03/01.|03/08.|03/03.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/09.|06/14/14.| St. Paul, MN
Need2know........|04/21/10.|03/03.|03/12.|03/12.|04/18.|04/18.|04/18.|05/19.|06/18/14.| St. Paul, MN

lilacvioletiris..|10/04/13.|03/03.|03/12.|03/11.|04/04.|04/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
VP19.............|02/22/14.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|03/31.|04/22.|04/25.|06/02.|07/18/14.| St. Louis, MO
eca31............|--/--/--.|03/04.|--/--.|03/18.|04/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Cleveland, OH
Mistere..........|10/26/91.|03/05.|03/13.|03/12.|04/04.|04/25.|06/12.|07/18.|08/27/14.| San Bernardino, CA
Ju&Ja............|--/--/--.|03/05.|--/--.|03/12.|04/22.|04/24.|05/19.|06/20.|08/27/14.| Oxnard, CA
tom_g............|--/--/--.|03/06.|03/14.|03/11.|04/02.|04/04.|05/10.|06/10.|07/16/14.| Oakland, CA
Abby62...........|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/11.|03/14.|04/01.|04/03.|04/12.|05/12.|06/12/14.| Indianapolis, IN
b_fowler.........|05/03/12.|03/07.|03/26.|03/21.|04/14.|04/23.|04/26.|06/05.|07/10/14.| Kansas City, MO
Np19.............|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/13.|03/11.|04/03.|04/07.|05/12.|--/--.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, MO
mrs_jaz_h........|11/10/11.|03/11.|--/--.|03/14.|04/08.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
lori7734.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|--/--.|03/19.|04/09.|--/--.|--/--.|06/03.|06/19/14.| Milwaukee, WI
KirstyVQT........|--/--/--.|03/13.|--/--.|03/20.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Portland, OR
aneczka..........|12/12/06.|03/14.|03/25.|03/20.|04/02.|04/07.|05/30.|07/01.|07/07/14.| Detroit, MI
BalooSL..........|09/15/13.|03/15.|03/25.|03/21.|04/11.|04/15.|05/08.|06/17.|07/30/14.| San Francisco, CA
yjia0319.........|03/12/14.|03/17.|03/21.|03/26.|04/14.|05/12.|05/12.|06/17.|07/16/14.| Columbus, OH
Chris&Angela.....|03/17/14.|03/19.|03/26.|03/24.|04/14.|05/15.|--/--.|07/02.|07/16/14.| Sacramento, CA
Christi85........|03/09/14.|03/19.|03/27.|03/24.|04/21.|05/07.|06/24.|07/28.|08/27/14.| Chatsworth, CA
Sraj49...........|08/04/13.|03/19.|03/27.|03/31.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/02.|07/16/14.| Sacramento, CA
ez2007...........|10/29/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/22.|04/24.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Seattle, WA
Newoption........|04/04/09.|03/24.|04/01.|04/01.|04/28.|04/30.|07/09.|08/12.|--/--/--.| San Bernardino, CA
missicy..........|03/21/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/21.|05/20.|07/05.|08/04.|--/--/--.| Chatsworth, CA
shikha_and_howard|03/23/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/28.|04/18.|05/20.|07/24.|08/27.|--/--/--.| Phoenix, AZ

KyG..............|04/27/12.|03/24.|04/02.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|05/13.|06/17.|07/22/14.| San Jose, CA
AKKWM............|01/03/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|05/02.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
can702...........|12/18/13.|03/26.|04/02.|04/07.|04/22.|04/24.|05/08.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
Myles2986........|03/25/14.|03/27.|04/02.|04/01.|04/18.|05/23.|06/03.|07/07.|08/04/14.| Saint Paul, MN

eb1gc..........|03/18/14.|03/--.|--/--.|03/20.|04/09.|--/--.|--/--.|06/25.|--/--/--.| Indianapolis, IN


Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Quote" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove the "Quote Coding" at the top and bottom of the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size.[12]
6. Make changes and Add Reply.
7. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!


Still waiting  :clock: .Almost there.

Hi everyone, wondering if someone can please update the chart for me. I'm scared I will completely mess it up. On July 28th, I received an update in which I was scheduled for my intervew (day 91).


The physical interview notice, dated July 29th finally snowed up via snail mail yesterday :joy:. My interview is scheduled for 09/03/14 in Holtsville, NY.


Thanks in advance!!

Congrats again, I didn't know how to do it but I tried. I added it in Darth Vader's last post as seen here.

Edited by kcoyclay1, 06 August 2014 - 06:13 AM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-08-06 06:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

August 8 will be 90 days since we are Inline. What should  be my next step? Should we schedule an Infopass or just patiently wait a bit longer ?  We going through the Atlanta office btw.

Based on May's update, Atlanta's processing time is almost 8 months.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-08-05 15:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014


Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm going to have my interview next week and I've been looking for someone who had theirs at the federal plaza. I hope you get your oath letter soon!

Thank you aurora07. The place was quite empty and there was a huge office with many empty desks. It is obvious that they are short staffed and I guess that is one of the reason our process is taking so long. My ISO was wonderful! She told me to relax after I took the oath and when it was all over we just chatted as she continued to checked off the documents as proof that she asked me all the questions and was adding the interview papers to my file. She told me that all she had to do was to look through my file and make sure that she checked everything and that I would get my oath letter within two months, but she made sure to tell me that it was just protocol and would only be in the event that something unforeseen happened on their end to delay the process. She was very nice. She also gave me the sheet that had a check mark that stated that I passed the interview as well as a check mark at the section that had congratulations, you are approved for citizenship! I hope that yours will be just as easy as mine. Keep me posted and thank you!  

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-25 15:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. S. who became a US Citizen today! You go girl!! :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  Don't forget to update your social security information!




N-400: March 2014 Applicants
USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Engineer21.......|04/27/13.|02/24.|03/04.|03/04.|03/28.|04/01.|04/04.|05/13.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
prinambiar.......|--/--/--.|03/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
PacienciayFe.....|10/13/13.|03/03.|03/13.|03/11.|04/10.|04/14.|07/03.|08/06.|08/19/14.| Queens, NY
Math Man.........|02/05/12.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|04/03.|04/07.|04/14.|05/21.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
DanTes ..........|02/25/14.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/09.|04/28.|04/29.|06/02.|09/11/14.| New Orleans, LA
Coqueta..........|03/10/11.|03/03.|MOrdr.|03/06.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/06.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
HJP..............|12/17/12.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/04.|04/08.|05/05.|06/05.|07/31/14.| Jacksonville, FL
Sunshinepretty...|--/--/--.|03/03.|--/--.|03/12.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/01.|07/01/14.| Newark, NJ

Rip_curl.........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/12.|03/26.|05/02.|05/16.|06/21.|06/24/14.| Dallas, TX
Montblanc........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/10.|04/08.|04/10.|05/12.|06/17.|08/01/14.| Philadelphia, PA
*HappyInlove*....|08/20/10.|03/05.|MOrdr.|03/10.|04/07.|04/09.|04/28.|05/27.|08/08/14.| Memphis, TN
JVKn'CVO  .......|01/08/11.|03/07.|03/13.|03/10.|04/02.|--/--.|04/07.|05/15.|07/31/14.| San Antonio, TX
Ontarkieboy1.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|09/19/14.| Memphis, TN

09/19/14.| Memphis, TN
fumes............|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/20.|04/17.|04/22.|05/02.|06/02.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
Tristanz.........|03/09/14.|03/09.|03/11.|03/11.|03/23.|05/06.|07/11.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY 
chantal356.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|03/17.|03/14.|04/15.|04/17.|08/16.|09/17.|09/24/14.| Baltimore, MD
bloomfield.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|--/--.|04/02.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Atlanta, GA
Wise_Hawk........|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|03/20.|04/14.|04/16.|07/11.|08/12.|08/21/14.| Queens, NY
ByrdNest.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|03/20.|03/20.|04/17.|04/21.|05/27.|07/01.|--/--/--.| Fairfax, VA
Bibi&Beebti......|01/01/14.|03/15.|03/27.|03/27.|05/06.|05/08.|06/22.|07/25.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
starbeam.........|--/--/--.|03/15.|03/20.|03/20.|03/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Houston, TX
CatherineTheGreat|--/--/--.|03/17.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Louisville, KY
Felix01..........|01/06/14.|03/18.|03/27.|03/27.|04/28.|04/30.|06/03.|08/05.|09/17/14.| Springfield, MA
anjp.............|02/17/14.|03/18.|03/25.|03/28.|04/21.|04/22.|04/28.|06/09.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX

Aurelius.........|--/--/--.|03/18.|--/--.|04/01.|04/15.|05/12.|08/06.|09/12.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
DeanRShortland...|03/13/14.|03/19.|04/01.|04/01.|04/29.|05/12.|05/23.|06/30.|07/25/14.| Memphis,TN

ninasan..........|03/08/13.|03/20.|03/27.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|06/07.|07/15.|07/25/14.| Tampa, FL
K96..............|09/--/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/30.|05/02.|--/--.|07/15.|08/29/14.| New York, NY
Mr. & Mrs. S.....|09/02/13.|03/22.|04/01.|03/27.|04/25.|04/29.|08/04.|09/03.|09/25/14.| New York, NY
miggg............|03/22/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/31.|04/24*|05/20.|06/17.|07/24.|09/17/14.| Washington, DC
rogue320.........|--/--/--.|03/24.|03/31.|--/--.|02/11.|07/02.|07/15.|07/19.|07/25/14.| Memphis, TN
yomi0518.........|02/13/11.|03/25.|MOrdr.|03/28.|04/29.|05/02.|06/13.|07/15.|--/--/--.| Oakland Park, FL
rosemont.........|--/--/--.|03/25.|03/28.|03/31.|04/30.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bjrichus.........|--/--/--.|03/26.|03/27.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|07/12.|08/12.|08/12/14.| Dallas, TX

kCoyclay1........|--/--/--.|03/28.|04/08.|04/03.|05/08.|05/12.|08/25.|09/24.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
Darth Vader Rises|03/30/14.|03/29.|04/04.|03/31.|05/01.|05/29.|06/11.|07/16.|08/15/14.| Miami, FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Kristel..........|--/--/--.|02/26.|03/06.|03/05.|03/28.|04/01.|--/--.|05/23.|06/25/14.| Chula Vista, CA
ChristinePR......|--/--/--.|02/28.|03/06.|03/10.|03/20.|04/02.|04/14.|05/12.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
Suaya415.........|12/18/13.|03/01.|03/07.|03/10.|03/27.|04/04.|04/14.|05/14.|06/19/14.| San Jose, CA
bennobot.........|09/08/13.|03/01.|03/08.|03/03.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/09.|06/14/14.| St. Paul, MN
Need2know........|04/21/10.|03/03.|03/12.|03/12.|04/18.|04/18.|04/18.|05/19.|06/18/14.| St. Paul, MN

lilacvioletiris..|10/04/13.|03/03.|03/12.|03/11.|04/04.|04/08.|08/25.|09/24.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
VP19.............|02/22/14.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|03/31.|04/22.|04/25.|06/02.|07/18/14.| St. Louis, MO
eca31............|--/--/--.|03/04.|--/--.|03/18.|04/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Cleveland, OH
Mistere..........|10/26/91.|03/05.|03/13.|03/12.|04/04.|04/25.|06/12.|07/18.|08/27/14.| San Bernardino, CA
Ju&Ja............|--/--/--.|03/05.|--/--.|03/12.|04/22.|04/24.|05/19.|06/20.|08/27/14.| Oxnard, CA

tom_g............|--/--/--.|03/06.|03/14.|03/11.|04/02.|04/04.|05/10.|06/10.|07/16/14.| Oakland, CA
Abby62...........|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/11.|03/14.|04/01.|04/03.|04/12.|05/12.|06/12/14.| Indianapolis, IN
b_fowler.........|05/03/12.|03/07.|03/26.|03/21.|04/14.|04/23.|04/26.|06/05.|07/10/14.| Kansas City, MO
Np19.............|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/13.|03/11.|04/03.|04/07.|05/12.|--/--.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, MO
mrs_jaz_h........|11/10/11.|03/11.|--/--.|03/14.|04/08.|04/10.|08/25.|09/25.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
lori7734.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|--/--.|03/19.|04/09.|--/--.|--/--.|06/03.|06/19/14.| Milwaukee, WI
KirstyVQT........|--/--/--.|03/13.|--/--.|03/20.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|10/21.|--/--/--.| Portland, OR
aneczka..........|12/12/06.|03/14.|03/25.|03/20.|04/02.|04/07.|05/30.|07/01.|07/07/14.| Detroit, MI
BalooSL..........|09/15/13.|03/15.|03/25.|03/21.|04/11.|04/15.|05/08.|06/17.|07/30/14.| San Francisco, CA
yjia0319.........|03/12/14.|03/17.|03/21.|03/26.|04/14.|05/12.|05/12.|06/17.|07/16/14.| Columbus, OH
Chris&Angela.....|03/17/14.|03/19.|03/26.|03/24.|04/14.|05/15.|--/--.|07/02.|07/16/14.| Sacramento, CA
Christi85........|03/09/14.|03/19.|03/27.|03/24.|04/21.|05/07.|06/24.|07/28.|08/27/14.| Chatsworth, CA
Sraj49...........|08/04/13.|03/19.|03/27.|03/31.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/02.|07/16/14.| Sacramento, CA
ez2007...........|10/29/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/22.|04/24.|08/25.|09/30.|--/--/--.| Seattle, WA
Newoption........|04/04/09.|03/24.|04/01.|04/01.|04/28.|04/30.|07/09.|08/12.|08/27/14.| San Bernardino, CA
missicy..........|03/21/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/21.|05/20.|07/05.|08/04.|08/27/14.| Chatsworth, CA

shikha_and_howard|03/23/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/28.|04/18.|05/20.|07/24.|08/27.|--/--/--.| Phoenix, AZ

KyG..............|04/27/12.|03/24.|04/02.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|05/13.|06/17.|07/22/14.| San Jose, CA
AKKWM............|01/03/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|05/02.|06/11.|08/01/14.| Las Vegas, NV
can702...........|12/18/13.|03/26.|04/02.|04/07.|04/22.|04/24.|05/08.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
Myles2986........|03/25/14.|03/27.|04/02.|04/01.|04/18.|05/23.|06/03.|07/07.|08/04/14.| Saint Paul, MN

Eb1gc............|03/18/14.|03/--.|--/--.|03/20.|04/09.|--/--.|--/--.|06/25.|--/--/--.| Indianapolis, IN
G&A..............|10/23/13.|03/03.|03/06.|03/15.|03/27.|04/03.|06/04.|07/08.|09/17/14.| Los Angeles, CA


Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Quote" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove the "Quote Coding" at the top and bottom of the list.
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7. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-25 15:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

I had mine the day before yours. Sept 23,2014 Federal Plaza NYC. let's update each other since we went to the same place :)


kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-25 11:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014
Thanks Guys. Appreciate it

Make me red :)   I had my oath ceremony, its such a good feeling to finally be an American. 


 Congratulations  Kcoylay1! I hope to hear from you since we went to the same place for interview. I am waiting for the oath letter now too. All the best!

Thank you. When did you have your interview?

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-24 23:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

 Hi guys,


I passed my interview today.Yay!


Interview experience:


My interview was scheduled at 26 Federal Plaza for 1:40pm. I got there about 12:40pm and waited until 1:00pm before going through the checkpoint and checking in. There were about 10 persons including 2 lawyers waiting for their interview. At 1:40pm a very pleasant ISO called my number and took me to her office for the interview. She asked me to raise my right hand and she swore me in. Afterward she gave me a piece of paper with three questions and asked me to read the first one - Who Can Vote? I read it and then she told me to write Citizens can vote. She then asked me the six questions below:


(1) What is the highest court in the United States

(2) How many amendments does the Constitution have? 

(3) What is the name of the Vice President of the Untied States?

(4) Why did the colonist fight the British?

(5) Who makes federal laws?

(6) What group of people were taken to America and sold as slaves?


When the question she told me that I passed and she asked me if I wanted to change my name then went on to asked questions from my application and check off my answers and then she had me sign it. She noted that I was in college and as she put my application in order she asked me about my major which is same as hers. She proceeded to talk about college and careers and she encouraged me to try for a job with immigration right after my oath ceremony. She was so pleasant. We had a great talk for about 50 minutes and then she gave me the paper that stated that I had passed and told me that I should get my oath letter soon; however, in the event of any delays it could take up to two months (protocol) but she was sure that everything would be fine as delays are out of the norm.


So, I am just waiting for my oath ceremony update and hope that there will be no delays. All the best to everyone!

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-24 14:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

My Boys are now USC's Updating timeline!
N-400: March 2014 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Engineer21.......|04/27/13.|02/24.|03/04.|03/04.|03/28.|04/01.|04/04.|05/13.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
prinambiar.......|--/--/--.|03/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
PacienciayFe.....|10/13/13.|03/03.|03/13.|03/11.|04/10.|04/14.|07/03.|08/06.|08/19/14.| Queens, NY
Math Man.........|02/05/12.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|04/03.|04/07.|04/14.|05/21.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
DanTes ..........|02/25/14.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/09.|04/28.|04/29.|06/02.|09/11/14.| New Orleans, LA
Coqueta..........|03/10/11.|03/03.|MOrdr.|03/06.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/06.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
HJP..............|12/17/12.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/04.|04/08.|05/05.|06/05.|07/31/14.| Jacksonville, FL
Sunshinepretty...|--/--/--.|03/03.|--/--.|03/12.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/01.|07/01/14.| Newark, NJ

Rip_curl.........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/12.|03/26.|05/02.|05/16.|06/21.|06/24/14.| Dallas, TX
Montblanc........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/10.|04/08.|04/10.|05/12.|06/17.|08/01/14.| Philadelphia, PA
*HappyInlove*....|08/20/10.|03/05.|MOrdr.|03/10.|04/07.|04/09.|04/28.|05/27.|08/08/14.| Memphis, TN
JVKn'CVO  .......|01/08/11.|03/07.|03/13.|03/10.|04/02.|--/--.|04/07.|05/15.|07/31/14.| San Antonio, TX
Ontarkieboy1.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|09/19/14.| Memphis, TN

09/19/14.| Memphis, TN
fumes............|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/20.|04/17.|04/22.|05/02.|06/02.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
Tristanz.........|03/09/14.|03/09.|03/11.|03/11.|03/23.|05/06.|07/11.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY 
chantal356.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|03/17.|03/14.|04/15.|04/17.|08/16.|09/17.|09/24/14.| Baltimore, MD
bloomfield.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|--/--.|04/02.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Atlanta, GA
Wise_Hawk........|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|03/20.|04/14.|04/16.|07/11.|08/12.|08/21/14.| Queens, NY
ByrdNest.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|03/20.|03/20.|04/17.|04/21.|05/27.|07/01.|--/--/--.| Fairfax, VA
Bibi&Beebti......|01/01/14.|03/15.|03/27.|03/27.|05/06.|05/08.|06/22.|07/25.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
starbeam.........|--/--/--.|03/15.|03/20.|03/20.|03/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Houston, TX
CatherineTheGreat|--/--/--.|03/17.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Louisville, KY
Felix01..........|01/06/14.|03/18.|03/27.|03/27.|04/28.|04/30.|06/03.|08/05.|09/17/14.| Springfield, MA
anjp.............|02/17/14.|03/18.|03/25.|03/28.|04/21.|04/22.|04/28.|06/09.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-19 19:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Tomorrow is the big day for my boys, cannot wait for this to be over with. 

i'm sharing your joy  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-18 08:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Finally received my interview letter for 10/21/14 at 7.50AM.

I have a question about the civics test.

Where answers have multiple answers i.e. Q2, Q12 etc, yet it does not specify name one, two etc. Do you need to know all the answers or just one of them? I am sure I am over thinking this but was hoping for some clarification, thank you. 

Also are the oath ceremonies set up automatically for you or do you have to set it up? At what point do you surrender your residency card and have to get a US passport?

Sorry for all the questions! Thanks again.

I asked the same question and  was told from someone who had the interview that questions with multiple answers require only one of those given.  So even though the judiciary branch revises the law, resolves issues, explains the law, and decides if a law goes against the constitution, I was told you only need to give one answer. There is a post following yours in which the VJer stated that he or she did not remember the answer to why did the first colonists came to the US and she receives hints until she remembered one of the answers - religious freedom. Other answers given were freedom, to avoid persecution (imprisonment) etc. but she only needed to give one answer. I am like you - extremely detail oriented - we tend to analyze and over-think things. One thing for sure is that we learn a lot that way  :D. All the best in your interview. Mine is next Wednesday. One tip that I learned from a VJer was to download the CD and listen to the questions. I did that as soon as I got my interview and I listen to it almost everyday. Again, all the best and congrats as you move closer to becoming a citizen of the USA  

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-18 08:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Got my oath ceremony notice in yesterday's mail. I will officially become a US citizen on September 25th at 8:30am. Woo Hoo!!! :dance:


Can someone please update the chart for me? I would hate to make a complete mess of it. Thanks!

Congrats again! I am sooooooo happy for you :joy:  :joy:  :D  :dance:  :dance:  :dance: . Have a great weekend and we will chat soon. 

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-12 20:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

That's what I was thinking also, I will let you know how it turns out, and Good luck on your interview Kcoyclay1.

Thank you Aurelius. The same to you. (I'm 12 days behind you)  :)

Edited by kcoyclay1, 10 September 2014 - 08:36 AM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-10 08:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Hey Kcoyclay 1


Sorry it took me so long... I went out of town. I've been in NYC off and on. I actually work on a cruise ship for 7 to 9 months at a time for the pass five years, and NYC is where I my parents live so I'm back at least 2 months each year. Before I filed my app I was actually out ofo the country for 5.5 months.

They should understand that your job is the factor and not your choice. You are not going on long vacations and I don't think that they can penalize you for living at sea for most of the year. That shouldn't count and should be viewed similarly to those who, because they serve their country, work in another state. They don't live there, they just work there. Should be seen as the same principle regardless of type of service. All the best. Let me know how it goes.

Edited by kcoyclay1, 08 September 2014 - 11:19 PM.

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-08 23:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014

Hi everyone, today I had my interview in Holtsville, NY. For those who are awaiting your interview, here are the details (or as much as I could remember)
We arrived at 12:30 for my 1pm appointment, checked in and sat down for about 10 minutes. There were maybe 15 people in that massive waiting room, but I gathered quite a few of them were for Infopass appointments. at 12:55 a pleasant female IO called my name and we proceeded to her office. Before I sat down she asked me to raise my right hand for the oath, following that she said we will do the test, then go over my N400 application. She asked to see my passport and greencard, then we proceeded  to the 6 questions which are as follows:
1) What movement tried to end racial discrimination?
2) What is one promise you make when you become a US citizen?
3) Where is the Statue of Liberty located?
4) Who was the first president?
5) Name 2 US holidays
6) Who is your state's governor?
I was then asked to read "Who lived here first"
Then write "American Indians lived here first"
We then went over all the yes and no questions, she asked to see my marriage certificate and my husband's birth certificate. She also asked how many children we have, and if they live with us. She asked what I do for a living, and the name of my agency. Keeping in mind, this all happened in a matter of minutes. Then she said those magic words, "You are APPROVED", took out her ink pad and stamp from her draw and stamped that gigantic approved on my application. She gave me a sheet stating that I'm approved and I will receive a notice within a few weeks for my Oath Ceremony.
So at the end of this, I walked in her door at 12:55pm, and walked out at 1:03pm. Total interview time 8 MINUTES! I'm extremely thankful to be one step closer to the end of my journey and for all of you who shared your interview experience. I will update once I receive my oath ceremony notice.

Congrats again my friend! ????????????????????

kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-03 18:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 March 2014


Updating my status. Received the Interview Letter today from the mail. Scheduled on September 30, 2014 at 7:00 A.M. in Seattle Field Office    :star:


N-400: March 2014 Applicants
USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Engineer21.......|04/27/13.|02/24.|03/04.|03/04.|03/28.|04/01.|04/04.|05/13.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
prinambiar.......|--/--/--.|03/02.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
PacienciayFe.....|10/13/13.|03/03.|03/13.|03/11.|04/10.|04/14.|07/03.|08/06.|08/19/14.| Queens, NY
Math Man.........|02/05/12.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|04/03.|04/07.|04/14.|05/21.|07/30/14.| Lawrence, MA
DanTes ..........|02/25/14.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/09.|04/28.|04/29.|06/02.|09/11/14.| New Orleans, LA
Coqueta..........|03/10/11.|03/03.|MOrdr.|03/06.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/06.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
HJP..............|12/17/12.|03/03.|03/11.|03/10.|04/04.|04/08.|05/05.|06/05.|07/31/14.| Jacksonville, FL
Sunshinepretty...|--/--/--.|03/03.|--/--.|03/12.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/01.|07/01/14.| Newark, NJ

Rip_curl.........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/12.|03/26.|05/02.|05/16.|06/21.|06/24/14.| Dallas, TX
Montblanc........|--/--/--.|03/04.|03/11.|03/10.|04/08.|04/10.|05/12.|06/17.|08/01/14.| Philadelphia, PA
*HappyInlove*....|08/20/10.|03/05.|MOrdr.|03/10.|04/07.|04/09.|04/28.|05/27.|08/08/14.| Memphis, TN
JVKn'CVO  .......|01/08/11.|03/07.|03/13.|03/10.|04/02.|--/--.|04/07.|05/15.|07/31/14.| San Antonio, TX
Ontarkieboy1.....|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/19.|04/15.|04/17.|04/28.|05/29.|09/19/14.| Memphis, TN

09/19/14.| Memphis, TN
fumes............|--/--/--.|03/08.|FeeWv.|03/20.|04/17.|04/22.|05/02.|06/02.|07/03/14.| Memphis, TN
Tristanz.........|03/09/14.|03/09.|03/11.|03/11.|03/23.|05/06.|07/11.|08/12.|--/--/--.| Queens, NY 
chantal356.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|03/17.|03/14.|04/15.|04/17.|08/16.|09/17.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bloomfield.......|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|--/--.|04/02.|05/08.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Atlanta, GA
Wise_Hawk........|--/--/--.|03/10.|--/--.|03/20.|04/14.|04/16.|07/11.|08/12.|08/21/14.| Queens, NY
ByrdNest.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|03/20.|03/20.|04/17.|04/21.|05/27.|07/01.|--/--/--.| Fairfax, VA
Bibi&Beebti......|01/01/14.|03/15.|03/27.|03/27.|05/06.|05/08.|06/22.|07/25.|--/--/--.| Washington, DC
starbeam.........|--/--/--.|03/15.|03/20.|03/20.|03/28.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Houston, TX
CatherineTheGreat|--/--/--.|03/17.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Louisville, KY
Felix01..........|01/06/14.|03/18.|03/27.|03/27.|04/28.|04/30.|06/03.|08/05.|09/17/14.| Springfield, MA
anjp.............|02/17/14.|03/18.|03/25.|03/28.|04/21.|04/22.|04/28.|06/09.|--/--/--.| San Antonio, TX

Aurelius.........|--/--/--.|03/18.|--/--.|04/01.|04/15.|05/12.|08/06.|09/12.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
DeanRShortland...|03/13/14.|03/19.|04/01.|04/01.|04/29.|05/12.|05/23.|06/30.|07/25/14.| Memphis,TN

ninasan..........|03/08/13.|03/20.|03/27.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|06/07.|07/15.|07/25/14.| Tampa, FL
K96..............|09/--/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/30.|05/02.|--/--.|07/15.|08/29/14.| New York, NY
Mr. & Mrs. S.....|09/02/13.|03/22.|04/01.|03/27.|04/25.|04/29.|08/04.|09/03.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
miggg............|03/22/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/31.|04/24*|05/20.|06/17.|07/24.|09/17/14.| Washington, DC
rogue320.........|--/--/--.|03/24.|03/31.|--/--.|02/11.|07/02.|07/15.|07/19.|07/25/14.| Memphis, TN
yomi0518.........|02/13/11.|03/25.|MOrdr.|03/28.|04/29.|05/02.|06/13.|07/15.|--/--/--.| Oakland Park, FL
rosemont.........|--/--/--.|03/25.|03/28.|03/31.|04/30.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Baltimore, MD
bjrichus.........|--/--/--.|03/26.|03/27.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|07/12.|08/12.|08/12/14.| Dallas, TX

kCoyclay1........|--/--/--.|03/28.|04/08.|04/03.|05/08.|05/12.|08/25.|09/24.|--/--/--.| New York, NY
Darth Vader Rises|03/30/14.|03/29.|04/04.|03/31.|05/01.|05/29.|06/11.|07/16.|08/15/14.| Miami, FL

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
VJ.UserName......|Eligible.|Sent..|Cashd.|NOA...|BioApp|InLine|IntLtr|IntVw.|Oath.....| Field Office

Kristel..........|--/--/--.|02/26.|03/06.|03/05.|03/28.|04/01.|--/--.|05/23.|06/25/14.| Chula Vista, CA
ChristinePR......|--/--/--.|02/28.|03/06.|03/10.|03/20.|04/02.|04/14.|05/12.|--/--/--.| San Jose, CA
Suaya415.........|12/18/13.|03/01.|03/07.|03/10.|03/27.|04/04.|04/14.|05/14.|06/19/14.| San Jose, CA
bennobot.........|09/08/13.|03/01.|03/08.|03/03.|03/28.|04/01.|04/01.|05/09.|06/14/14.| St. Paul, MN
Need2know........|04/21/10.|03/03.|03/12.|03/12.|04/18.|04/18.|04/18.|05/19.|06/18/14.| St. Paul, MN

lilacvioletiris..|10/04/13.|03/03.|03/12.|03/11.|04/04.|04/08.|08/25.|09/24.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
VP19.............|02/22/14.|03/03.|03/10.|03/07.|03/31.|04/22.|04/25.|06/02.|07/18/14.| St. Louis, MO
eca31............|--/--/--.|03/04.|--/--.|03/18.|04/11.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Cleveland, OH
Mistere..........|10/26/91.|03/05.|03/13.|03/12.|04/04.|04/25.|06/12.|07/18.|08/27/14.| San Bernardino, CA
Ju&Ja............|--/--/--.|03/05.|--/--.|03/12.|04/22.|04/24.|05/19.|06/20.|08/27/14.| Oxnard, CA

tom_g............|--/--/--.|03/06.|03/14.|03/11.|04/02.|04/04.|05/10.|06/10.|07/16/14.| Oakland, CA
Abby62...........|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/11.|03/14.|04/01.|04/03.|04/12.|05/12.|06/12/14.| Indianapolis, IN
b_fowler.........|05/03/12.|03/07.|03/26.|03/21.|04/14.|04/23.|04/26.|06/05.|07/10/14.| Kansas City, MO
Np19.............|--/--/--.|03/07.|03/13.|03/11.|04/03.|04/07.|05/12.|--/--.|--/--/--.| St. Louis, MO
mrs_jaz_h........|11/10/11.|03/11.|--/--.|03/14.|04/08.|04/10.|08/25.|09/25.|--/--/--.| Detroit, MI
lori7734.........|--/--/--.|03/12.|--/--.|03/19.|04/09.|--/--.|--/--.|06/03.|06/19/14.| Milwaukee, WI
KirstyVQT........|--/--/--.|03/13.|--/--.|03/20.|04/10.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--.|--/--/--.| Portland, OR
aneczka..........|12/12/06.|03/14.|03/25.|03/20.|04/02.|04/07.|05/30.|07/01.|07/07/14.| Detroit, MI
BalooSL..........|09/15/13.|03/15.|03/25.|03/21.|04/11.|04/15.|05/08.|06/17.|07/30/14.| San Francisco, CA
yjia0319.........|03/12/14.|03/17.|03/21.|03/26.|04/14.|05/12.|05/12.|06/17.|07/16/14.| Columbus, OH
Chris&Angela.....|03/17/14.|03/19.|03/26.|03/24.|04/14.|05/15.|--/--.|07/02.|07/16/14.| Sacramento, CA
Christi85........|03/09/14.|03/19.|03/27.|03/24.|04/21.|05/07.|06/24.|07/28.|08/27/14.| Chatsworth, CA
Sraj49...........|08/04/13.|03/19.|03/27.|03/31.|04/09.|04/11.|05/30.|07/02.|07/16/14.| Sacramento, CA
ez2007...........|10/29/11.|03/21.|03/26.|03/27.|04/22.|04/24.|08/25.|09/30.|--/--/--.| Seattle, WA
Newoption........|04/04/09.|03/24.|04/01.|04/01.|04/28.|04/30.|07/09.|08/12.|08/27/14.| San Bernardino, CA
missicy..........|03/21/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/21.|05/20.|07/05.|08/04.|08/27/14.| Chatsworth, CA

shikha_and_howard|03/23/14.|03/24.|04/01.|03/28.|04/18.|05/20.|07/24.|08/27.|--/--/--.| Phoenix, AZ

KyG..............|04/27/12.|03/24.|04/02.|04/01.|04/21.|04/23.|05/13.|06/17.|07/22/14.| San Jose, CA
AKKWM............|01/03/14.|03/24.|04/02.|03/31.|04/22.|04/24.|05/02.|06/11.|08/01/14.| Las Vegas, NV
can702...........|12/18/13.|03/26.|04/02.|04/07.|04/22.|04/24.|05/08.|06/11.|--/--/--.| Las Vegas, NV
Myles2986........|03/25/14.|03/27.|04/02.|04/01.|04/18.|05/23.|06/03.|07/07.|08/04/14.| Saint Paul, MN

Eb1gc............|03/18/14.|03/--.|--/--.|03/20.|04/09.|--/--.|--/--.|06/25.|--/--/--.| Indianapolis, IN


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kcoyclay1FemaleJamaica2014-09-02 19:34:00