IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Yay, awesome good.gif


And I didn't think you could expedite until you had case numbers. You can always call NVC up and ask!

I think we could expedite without case number..

I asked this info to NvC this morning and they told me to email all below information to them.


1) MSC number.

2) Beneficiary and petitionary name, Address and birthdate  

3) Reason for expedite and attach all available proof.


if your expedite get approve than you will have your case numbers quickly.

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-20 17:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


let me know 


Non Resident Alien.

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-20 17:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Hi Saylin,


On my tax return. I told my accountant to put NRA however he put down "Applied for". he said he called the IRS and that's what they told him to put. I hope he didn't screw up anything.......grrrrrrr


Are you feeling Joint or separate tax return ?


My accountant did same thing ..

I put my tax return on hold until I do not find correct answer for it.

But I was thinking to put NRA in stead of Applied for.

Edited by Deep35472, 19 March 2014 - 06:24 PM.

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-19 18:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


We did ours with the 'NRA' option.  I could not find a way to electronically file it.  We had to file the hardcopy, via USPS.  This will take longer. 


Also, if you file as MFJ, you both have to sign the return.  If you have power of attorney for your spouse, you can sign for both.  My option was to email a pdf version to my husband.  He printed and signed it, included it with other original papers we need for the NVC.  


When you submit it to the IRS, use USPS Priority mailing option and get the Certified green, return card option as well (should cost about $11.60 per mailing; federal and state tax offices).  Then, make an account on the site and you can track the progress of when they receive the federal tax and when it is processed.  There are also apps for the iPhone, for the tracking.  If you have the time, you can do it this way. 


Hope this can help you.


Oh Thank you so much..

you made my day..

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-19 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Hi, I have question to saylin and also other friends..


Do you guys see anyone in VJ before who filled tax return as Married filling jointly without putting ITIN number and just did as NRA.

I know ITIN number is required but my accountant told me that he did many tax return as MFJ with NRA ( no ITIN)


I do not have enough time to apply for ITIN and sign papers to my wife.

Also, If I do as MFS than I owe IRS to 28000$ and MFJ only 21,000$.


So I was thinking to take a risk at this point.


Any ideasssssssssss?idea9dv.gif idea9dv.gif

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-18 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


You misunderstand me.  You said they do not want to be on VJ anymore.  So that means they are not here to update the rest of their information; simply having the received date doesn't help the spreadsheet, in my opinion.  The purpose of the spreadsheet, isn't to track how fast the NVC receives a file from a USCIS service center but to track how fast people can get through the NVC process.  If they will continue to update and give Saylin the rest of their dates, then the information is beneficial.  If they don't, it's not. 


But opinions are like elbows, everyone has a few, and their's are not any better than anyone else's.  

good.gif rose.gif rose.gifrose.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif  good.gif good.gif

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-16 18:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

If the person is not here to update the information I'm also unsure why... but it's her spreadsheet.

 You guys make my Super Mario crying now. cray5ol.gif cray5ol.gifcray5ol.gif  


All that people are here and posting and checking NVC thread everyday.

Also, they gave Noa2 date and NVC received date to Saylin themselves,


Might they forgot to tell about service centers coz they were so happy that time with their Noa2 approval.

That's why I just corrected it..


why you guys having problem with that?wow.gif

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-16 16:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


we dont get it - why are you updating the NVC sheet for someone who is not interested in putting data into it 


they left after i-130 approval - meaning they will not give you or saylin any useful NVC data.


i dont think its a good idea to add OTHER people's information without them doing it

and without them updating their timelines for the rest of us deep


Also, what is the purpose of adding JUST the service center - are you on the hook for getting their NVC data somehow ?


can you explain why Saylin ought to do this work ?

First of all, you mean by "we don't get is " means what?

who other people included in your "we"?


Real fact they do not give their data to saylin coz they do not find nvc thread useful at all..( first two pages perfect).

Saylin is nice but why other people interrupt here without any reason.. they interrupt people and talk with them like they are admin for the VJ. 


I do not have to explain you about Why saylin ought to do this work..

She is nice and I do not think so she has any problem to change service center if it's incorrect.


Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-16 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

okay, Saylin..

I got it dear..


Good night for now..

I'll catch you later goofy.gif

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-15 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Tell everyone on there to adjust their timelines then. smile.png

I already told them..

as we knew that many people left Vj after they get approval from USCIS.

out of 78 approval from august sheet, I just saw only 6 to 7 people here in the NVC sheet.


I do not know why they left but if we have all their data than we have more clear picture about NVC timeframe. ( but it's impossible task).

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-15 20:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Please update..


Deep35472 NVC received 3/11/2014

Lisa y Miguel,, NVC received 3/4/2014 and case# assigned 3/7/2014.  



Sorry lol..

But I have reasonability to update August sheet, and I saw many things incorrect in your NVC sheet.

So I just tagged you so u can change asap..

sorry again..    


Here is more changes about centers. all are my friends..

Missing My Amor from TSC

ArthurandMarcela from CSC

Couplebrazil from CSC

Fatimaalzahara from CsC


Ryan and johna from CSC


Sorry for doing all this correction..


Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-15 20:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Not sure. I know for Canada, a fingerprint check is only needed if you've been convicted, but I don't know if it's the same for Australia.


Please update..


Deep35472 NVC received 3/11/2014

Lisa y Miguel,, NVC received 3/4/2014 and case# assigned 3/7/2014.  


Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-15 19:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014




MFJ requires an ITIN or SSN.  MFS only requires NRA in the SSN spot.  BOTH require you to postal mail the return. 

What about her signature in MFJ and MFS? 

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-14 18:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


Congrats! And updated; you just moved on up wink.png

questions for you saylin..


1) If I want to file tax return as MFJ than Do I need ITIN number or I can just put NRA on it. And any other requirement from wife to fill as MFJ....


2) how about MFS.. what's requirement from my wife , sign or ITIN number , anything ?


I do not have much time to sign any kind paper from my wife who lives in India.

I was to finish tax return quick and a good way.


Edited by Deep35472, 14 March 2014 - 06:47 PM.

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-14 18:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Getting the case number assigned won't be quicker, but once assigned you'll save a good amount of time. When case# is assigned you can pay both AOS and IV bills. So if you are ready to send those packages out quickly after the bills are paid the only waiting you'll have is to get the case# assigned initially and them reviewing your submitted docs.

Thanks bro..

I totally do not knew about this..

and you r from August too..

Keep in touch with us at August thread if you can coz u r the one who ahead of us...star_smile.gif

it ll help other people too.

Deep35472MaleIndia2014-03-09 15:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

Your timeline saying that you paid you AOS bill at Fevruary 8th.Thay didnot invoice your iv bill yet?Its allready almost 1 mounth now.I just paid my AOS bill online.Do you know how long its going to take them to invoice 1v bill.

ya right but i completed ds261 on february 14
2 weeks after i recieved invoice IV bill

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-03-01 02:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
Mrs. saylin did you create March NVC filers if so can you please give us the link

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-28 13:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

Yeah - same thing for me.  Hoping it will be actually avail to actually pay later today.  I keep checking because I am being obsessive about it. lol
I think the site is going offline tonight/tomorrow for maintenance.

oh no!!!
we cant wait anymore to pay this fees. I hope we can pay this fees in few hours before site going to offline
thank you for your response!!
also let me know if you pay the fees. your time very similar to my timeline

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-28 10:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

me too!!!! makes me happy to see progress :)

can you pay the fees because i cant

IV Application Processing Fees
Applicant Name Birth Year Relation Fee Amount Payment Status Select
Total Amount Selected: $0.00

when click pay it show this

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-28 10:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
today nvc invoice IV fees!!!!
its became not available to not paid but cant pay the fees when i click fees there no amounts to pay so i think i have to wait 1/2 days more.
but i am sooo happy !!!!

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-28 06:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

Thanks for the missing dates! :)
Merci, added!
1. Definitely not. An ITIN is only for tax purposes. It's not a SSN.
2. It's up to you whether you send them or not. As it states in the form, the other 2 years are optional.
Added! When did you complete the DS-260?
I already added you, but you didn't exactly ask to be added. You just quoted me and wrote dates.
Yes, that's what that means. Could be a shorter time frame, could be a longer time frame. It's just their boilerplate time frame.
And added!

Thank You Saylin

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-21 20:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
NVC has received the Agent of Choice Letter. Please allow 2-4 weeks for
this form to be processed. The Immigrant Visa Fee bill will then be sent
to the designated agent.

what that mean again i have to wait 2-4 weeks for IV fees after they already received ds261??

i emailed them yesterday and i got this reply

please add me to the spreadsheet
I130 send 05/08/2012
NOA1 05/13/2013
NOA2 12/18/2013
nvc received 01/13/2014
got case number 02/03/2014

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-21 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

If you're the beneficiary, you don't have to do anything with the I864 form, that is for the petitioner.
The petitioner can pull up the form online here:

i am petitioner and live in abroad

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-14 02:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

No, NVC doesn't send you the forms. They'll send you a link to the forms, but you can do that yourself. Just go to USCIS's website and find the I-864 forms. Please go back and read posts 1 and 2 as you've obviously missed valuable information.

thank you Saylin
i told my father to go lawyer office and tell him to find I864 form and they have to send this form to me in bangladesh than i will sign and send them back so it will take little time


sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-13 15:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

I am really surprised that at this stage of your petition almost going to complete, you are asking such basic question,
What did your write in your I130, passport clearly will specify which is surname and family name, if you don't have family name leave it blank, the answers to your question is in your passport,
Please don't mess it up . At this stage of processing.

i got this answer already but i didnt have his passport and didnt have any paper on my hand at that time so i cant make sure what to put so i just ask this to be make sure and later i got his passsport and did this already
any way thank you

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-13 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

From the looks of it,

First Name / Given Name: MD Amirul
Last Name / Surname: Haq

wow after i look on his passport everything is same as you wrote
Given Name: MD Amirul
Surname: Haq

thank you very much

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-13 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
will nvc send affidavit support forms or i need to download them from online?

because i got cover sheet for AOS and waiting for I864 forms?

what paper i need for AOS package?

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-13 09:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

When I applied for my husband I put his given name as the last name. His name is Mohammad Shumon, although in Bangladesh a lot of people do not really have "family" names or surnames. All my husband's relatives have different last names. I just put Mohammad as first name and given name as last or surname and added a note that in Bangladesh they do not really follow this system of surnames. I also added that my father-in-law and my husband's brothers have Mohammad in their name for similar purposes as a "family" name.
Hope this helped!

thank you so much for your help i just fill it up same as you said and i got his new passport with surname and given name

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-13 07:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
can anyone please tell me what Surnames and Given Names will be his name is MD Amirul Haq
so given name is Haq than should i put MD Amirul as a surname or just MD

because he's passport didnt wrote name separetly they wrote full name MD Amirul Haq
so please anyone can answer?

my AOS is paid now what next ??

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-12 14:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
can anyone please tell me what Surnames and Given Names will be his name is MD Amirul Haq
so given name is Haq than should i put MD Amirul as a surname or just MD

because he's passport didnt wrote name separetly they wrote full name MD Amirul Haq
so please anyone can answer?

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-12 11:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

The AOS says "not available" so I think we'll have to wait two or three days more for the invoiced. When we log in at the ceac site, I try to click on ds261 and it says there "please contact NVC if you request to change your agent/representative/lawyer" that's why I think our lawyer has filled it out for us already. But on the bottom where it says AOS and IV, it says "not available". I think you should ask your lawyer if he/she signed the ds261 already. We didn't ask our lawyer because when we checked ceac, it seemed that our lawyer completed the form for us.

but for me its different when i click ds261 its came form to fill up and i just fill it up but didnt send save it not sure should i send or dont?

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-11 10:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

If you have a lawyer attached to the case, then they're automatically selected as agent, thus no need for the DS-261. DO NOT FILL IT OUT.
Because a DS-261 isn't needed in your case, the IV bill should have been invoiced at the same time as the AOS bill.'.

i fill it out few minutes a ago but didnt send it i saved them. just leave it fill out will be any problem??
can nvc see i started ds261 and complete but didnt send?

and can you please tell me what to put on country of region on ds261 form usa or bangladesh?
my country is bangladesh but i am us citizen its didnt ask country of birth so should i put usa? or not?

If you have a lawyer attached to the case, then they're automatically selected as agent, thus no need for the DS-261. DO NOT FILL IT OUT.
Because a DS-261 isn't needed in your case, the IV bill should have been invoiced at the same time as the AOS bill.'.

i fill it out few minutes a ago but didnt send it i saved them. just leave it fill out will be any problem??
can nvc see i started ds261 and complete but didnt send?

and can you please tell me what to put on country of region on ds261 form usa or bangladesh?
my country is bangladesh but i am us citizen its didnt ask country of birth so should i put usa? or not?

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-11 10:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

If you have a lawyer attached to the case, then they're automatically selected as agent, thus no need for the DS-261. DO NOT FILL IT OUT.
Because a DS-261 isn't needed in your case, the IV bill should have been invoiced at the same time as the AOS bill.'.

i fill it out few minutes a ago but didnt send it i saved them. just leave it fill out will be any problem??
can nvc see i started ds261 and complete but didnt send?

and can you please tell me what to put on country of region on ds261 form usa or bangladesh?
my country is bangladesh but i am us citizen its didnt ask country of birth so should i put usa? or not?

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-11 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

I think we're in the same situation. We didn't fill out the DS261 too, I would guess our lawyer already did this for us.

did you pay the AOS fees? i dont know if my lawyer did this too but when i login to ceac website its say ds261 not started

i dont know what will happen if i dont fill up this form anyone can answer please reply

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-11 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

I don't know what will happen if you won't send ds-261. But yes you can fill out ds-261 form by yourself. These are the questions.
Principal Applicants Information (Surnames:Enter all surnames as listed in your passport or travel documentation. If only one name is listed, enter that as your surname.) (Given Names: If your passport or travel documentation does not include a given name, please enter 'FNU' in Given Names.)
Email Address
Have you already legally immigrated to the U.S. and no longer need to apply for an immigrant visa? 
Do you wish to appoint an agent or attorney to receive mail about your visa application?
Correspondence from the U.S. Department of State regarding your visa application will be sent to:
Preparer Information
That's all. good luck smile.png

does travel documentation need for petitioner if i live in abroad?
and 261 just need name and address for Principal Applicants or any other question?
and what that mean session timed out on ceac website when i try to login?

thank you for your reply!!

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-11 03:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
my lawyer paid AOS fees but he said that we dont need fill up and submit 261 form
now what should we do?
will be there any problem if we dont sumit 261?
or should i do it by myself and its say if i fill up anything wrong my case will be reject

can anyone tell me what question they ask 261 forms ?
is they ask lot of questions?

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-11 02:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
Agent/Attorney Name and Address Information:
Not Started Start
Affidavit of Support (AOS) Fees:
Not Available Pay
IV Application Processing Fees:
Not Available Pay
Number of IV Fees: 1
Paid: 0 In Process: 0 Not Paid: 0
Not Applicable: 0

should i start ds261 or wait for AOS bill to be available and start both ??

and do i have to print receipt of AOS bill and IV bill an also print 261 and 260 and send to NVC?

or if i submit it online it will be in my case file in NVC?

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-06 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

hitting the submit button is like the signature.

so no hand written signature is required.

thank you very much now i am feeling relax and tension free because i am abroad cant sign any paper if they give

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-04 05:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

u fill in the forms online and hit the submit button. its as simple as that.

you tell me to fill up forms and submit is there no signature need???

u fill in the forms online and hit the submit button. its as simple as that.

you tell me to fill up forms and submit is there no signature need???

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-04 03:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
if i fill up online forms like 260 and 261 how can i signature to that paper if any sign need
or there no signature need it

please dont think i am stupid dont know anything
i am just new to immagration proccessing and confuse how to do this

sadia_sharminNot TellingBangladesh2014-02-04 02:03:00