Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (nana_356 @ May 31 2008, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The evil eye is a folk belief that the envy elicited by the good luck of fortunate people may result in their misfortune, whether it is envy of material possessions including livestock, or of beauty, health, or offspring. The perception of the nature of the phenomenon, its causes, and possible protective measures, varies between different cultures.

Belief in the evil eye is found in Islamic doctrine, based upon the verse of the Qur'an, "And from the evil of the envier when he envies," [Chapter al-Falaq, verse 5][1] and the statement of Prophet Muhammad, "The influence of an evil eye is a fact..." [Sahih Muslim, Book 26, Number 5427][2]. Authentic practices of warding off the evil eye are also commonly practiced by Muslims: rather than directly expressing appreciation of, for example, a child's beauty, it is customary to say Masha'Allah, that is, "God has willed it", or invoking God's blessings upon the object or person that is being admired. [3] Aside from beliefs based upon authentic Islamic texts, a number of unsubstantiated beliefs about the evil eye are found in folk religion, typically revolving around the use of amulets or talismans as a means of protection.

Don't forget that even if the evil eye exists, nothing will befall you unless Allah swt allows it to. So I wouldn't be so much afraid of the evil eye as I would be afraid of Allah swt Himself. And I like to think that if you yourself say masha'Allah and tabarakallah to people, then Allah will reward you for giving Him props. And whenever people are like ooooh wow for whatever and all they say is wow, I myself say alhamdulillah and masha'Allah and hope that that will suffice with Allah, and usually they pick up on it too and repeat it after me. I like the hand necklace, what they call "lkhemsa", but I wouldn't necessarily use it in a religious way because that just might fall into the category of bid3a. I like the keychains and decorations with it because it's pretty, but not because I believe in its powers, I don't believe it has any powers, only Allah swt can protect me from the evil eye.
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-31 14:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Rajaa @ May 29 2008, 04:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok ok.. I watched that movie Arranged on netflix!!!!!! Great movie..... not too serious but nice from an entertaining aspect and interesting at the same time.

Heeeeeeeey you got your NOA1! Contrats masha'Allah! Mabrook 3lek. So are you one of those who checks the USCIS website every day to see if they touched it again? I am... biggrin.gif

Yeah my in-laws were trying to teach me classical Arabic when I first moved here and I was like slow down a minute! I wanted to learn darija first, because there are similarities but then sometimes the words are totally different. But I did learn one word: dajajatoon! LOL My BIL's wife is from Nador so her whole family only speaks shilha (the Berber language, although they are not Berbers) but she also speaks darija and classical Arabic because she went to school.

Btw, my darija from the northeast is very different from darija in Casa or Agadir or Marrakech, because we share a lot of words common to the Algerian dialect because we're on the border. Like in Casa they say "komira" for baguette, but out here we just say baguette! They say couscous in Casa but we say ta'3am out here like the Algerians. In Casa they say zweena, we say goes on and on. But I like knowing both. But forget trying to watch Egyptian soap operas, they are so good but they speak way too fast! I need subs!
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-29 06:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Rajaa @ May 28 2008, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ May 28 2008, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rajaa @ May 28 2008, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need to get away from my computer..... going for a run lol yep in hijab!!! only second day so can use the support.

second day of what? if for hijab then i ask Allah to support u and increase ur faith biggrin.gif if for running ... YOU GO GURL U CAN DO ITTTT !!!! lol

lol sorry not clear there... yes running. And I am doing it in hijab. But I did it whooo hoooo wanna surprise my hunny when we see eachother again insha'allah

Surprise him with what? You're already zweeeeeeeeeena bazaf! Since we're sharing how parents reacted to our converting, my mom too thought I only wanted to become Muslim because she thought I was in love with my Lebanese Muslim college professor (whose class I took was The World of Islam but I had already had an interest) It had to take her meeting him to understand how cool he was in a non-romantic way and that I did genuinely want to convert. I didn't realize how hard it was to convince someone that you ARE NOT in love with X person! Geez. Yeah the whole drugs/sex thing, it would've been easier to believe. Kind of hard for my mom to believe that I wanted to become religious. (I wasn't that bad before! It's like "hey Mom what are you tryin to say!")
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-28 15:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Alhamdulillah @ May 27 2008, 11:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (April and Mohamed @ May 27 2008, 05:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, that's the same exact thing I heard from other sisters who took the pic with hijab. Also, I had legally changed my name on my SS card but not for my passport and I went to Quebec and they didn't sweat me at all, but if you're not going anywhere then you won't have a problem changing it, but it takes a while these days I've heard!

If you just changed your last name for marriage it may be different but I changed my entire name (except my surname) so they'd probably give me a little harder time.

Oh ok. Well that's different.

Hey btw I just watched the whole movie "Arranged" and it's great! I totally recommend it, thanks to whoever mentioned it, sorry I forgot and don't want to go back looking through the posts, but it was a wonderful movie! I'm gonna watch it with my mom when I go back so she can see how cool both traditions are and how similar! (I've always been educating her on other religions...I like to quiz her on the names of the houses of worship for each major religion)
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-27 19:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Alhamdulillah @ May 27 2008, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rajaa @ May 27 2008, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question!!! Going in to change my name to my married name for my passport... but my pic should it be in hijab since that is what I wear and will they let me???

They have to let you. I didn't know my rights when I got mine and they made me sign a paper stating I wore a scarf for religious reasons and then still made me take the big scarf off and only allowed me to leave the underscarf, exposing my neck/ears/etc exposed. I found out later that they CAN'T make you do that and have had no problems getting my other ID with my hijab on without moving it back by telling the ppl when they asked me to that I have the right to religious freedom and they can't force me to remove it.... they just make you sign the paper after that.
I have to have my name changed on my passport because I had my legal name changed this year and now my passport doesn't match but I doubt I'll be going anywhere outside of the US anytime soon anyway, unless some rich person out there wants to sponsor me for a much needed vacation idea9dv.gif Anyway, when I do I'll have to submit a new photo and I'm going to make sure they know I know my rights this time wink.gif

Yeah, that's the same exact thing I heard from other sisters who took the pic with hijab. Also, I had legally changed my name on my SS card but not for my passport and I went to Quebec and they didn't sweat me at all, but if you're not going anywhere then you won't have a problem changing it, but it takes a while these days I've heard!
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-27 16:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Hey guys I found a site where you can watch movies for free if you want to see "Arranged", it looks good so far! The only downside is that you can't make it full-screen, but who cares, it's free! Enjoy!
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-27 11:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (sereia @ May 27 2008, 04:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

To solve that problem...


A topic for Muslims to discuss Islam and its many wonders kicking.gif
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-27 06:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ May 26 2008, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (April and Mohamed @ May 26 2008, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ May 26 2008, 11:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well my goodness. You act like it is all our fault that we read what you wrote the wrong way.
Noobs. Sheesh!

Nobody's blaming anyone for anything. Looks like you're getting a little defensive.



Aww thanks, that's so nice of you! biggrin.gif
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-26 18:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ May 26 2008, 11:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well my goodness. You act like it is all our fault that we read what you wrote the wrong way.
Noobs. Sheesh!

Nobody's blaming anyone for anything. Looks like you're getting a little defensive.
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-26 18:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (julianna @ May 26 2008, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (April and Mohamed @ May 26 2008, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ May 26 2008, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
God, silly people trying to pick on others who don't put their words together just right drive me crazy. I chose not to let people continue harrassing her when it is clear she is not trying to be hateful. You don't get it and its obvious. There are plenty of other threads to harrass people, why don't you go there.

Thanks S and S. This is all just very hilarious reading all of the follow-up comments, especially the husband who mocked getting popped by a jinn, I would've paid to see that! Lol. But yeah, gosh, I guess forgetting to put one word in a sentence is just a crime these days, I should be publicly flogged. If I MAY redeem myself and insert the one word that I so shamefully forgot, here it goes, the forgotten word in bold: "But I'm not saying to forgive the GUILTY Israelis and to look the other way, absolutely not." Make more sense this time? If not, too bad. laughing.gif

Whose BIL was it that had that conspiracy theory that all Americans and Jews and all Americans being Jews in disguise were plotting etc.? Sounds like you sat in on a conversation with MY husband's family and took notes seriously! Glad to know I'm not the only one. But hey, it's not like our fellow Americans don't have their own conspiracy theories against the "militant Islamists" as they say in the papers. Hey, wasn't it just a couple decades ago that Americans weren't the biggest fans of Jews? And now they're so apologetic for WWII etc. etc. It's like paying reparations for slavery, uh, nobody alive today has been a slave in the south so why do they deserve reparations? That'd be like me demanding a check for my Apache great-grandfather getting his land stolen. It was him, not me, and he's dead now, so move on. I'm just a realist, sorry if that insults anybody.

That would be my Dh's BIL, the same DH who thought the jinn story was hilarious. If you do not really want actual replies by anyone to your question about what people thought about it, then I wouldn't ask. Sorry my reply was offensive to you and S and S.

Where was the sarcastic part of my comment? I was serious, literally saying that I would've paid to see him imitating being jumped by a jinn because I, too, think it's ridiculous! That's why I said "Lol" It IS funny! So yeah, I did want real replies, and I thank you for yours, and that lets me know that it must be a regional thing, North African. And my Dh's brother has the same conspiracy theories and I just smile and nod whenever he talks about them. Your reply wasn't offensive, I don't know why you thought that. (?)
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-26 18:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ May 26 2008, 10:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (April and Mohamed @ May 26 2008, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ May 26 2008, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
God, silly people trying to pick on others who don't put their words together just right drive me crazy. I chose not to let people continue harrassing her when it is clear she is not trying to be hateful. You don't get it and its obvious. There are plenty of other threads to harrass people, why don't you go there.

Thanks S and S. This is all just very hilarious reading all of the follow-up comments, especially the husband who mocked getting popped by a jinn, I would've paid to see that! Lol. But yeah, gosh, I guess forgetting to put one word in a sentence is just a crime these days, I should be publicly flogged. If I MAY redeem myself and insert the one word that I so shamefully forgot, here it goes, the forgotten word in bold: "But I'm not saying to forgive the GUILTY Israelis and to look the other way, absolutely not." Make more sense this time? If not, too bad. laughing.gif

Whose BIL was it that had that conspiracy theory that all Americans and Jews and all Americans being Jews in disguise were plotting etc.? Sounds like you sat in on a conversation with MY husband's family and took notes seriously! Glad to know I'm not the only one. But hey, it's not like our fellow Americans don't have their own conspiracy theories against the "militant Islamists" as they say in the papers. Hey, wasn't it just a couple decades ago that Americans weren't the biggest fans of Jews? And now they're so apologetic for WWII etc. etc. It's like paying reparations for slavery, uh, nobody alive today has been a slave in the south so why do they deserve reparations? That'd be like me demanding a check for my Apache great-grandfather getting his land stolen. It was him, not me, and he's dead now, so move on. I'm just a realist, sorry if that insults anybody.

imagine that, leaving out a word changes the whole meaning.....

Yeah, my mind works faster than my hands can type. It's kind of hard too when I'm having a conversation with my dh in Arabic at the same time. Code switching is hard, how well do you do?
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-26 17:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (S and S @ May 26 2008, 10:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
God, silly people trying to pick on others who don't put their words together just right drive me crazy. I chose not to let people continue harrassing her when it is clear she is not trying to be hateful. You don't get it and its obvious. There are plenty of other threads to harrass people, why don't you go there.

Thanks S and S. This is all just very hilarious reading all of the follow-up comments, especially the husband who mocked getting popped by a jinn, I would've paid to see that! Lol. But yeah, gosh, I guess forgetting to put one word in a sentence is just a crime these days, I should be publicly flogged. If I MAY redeem myself and insert the one word that I so shamefully forgot, here it goes, the forgotten word in bold: "But I'm not saying to forgive the GUILTY Israelis and to look the other way, absolutely not." Make more sense this time? If not, too bad. laughing.gif

Whose BIL was it that had that conspiracy theory that all Americans and Jews and all Americans being Jews in disguise were plotting etc.? Sounds like you sat in on a conversation with MY husband's family and took notes seriously! Glad to know I'm not the only one. But hey, it's not like our fellow Americans don't have their own conspiracy theories against the "militant Islamists" as they say in the papers. Hey, wasn't it just a couple decades ago that Americans weren't the biggest fans of Jews? And now they're so apologetic for WWII etc. etc. It's like paying reparations for slavery, uh, nobody alive today has been a slave in the south so why do they deserve reparations? That'd be like me demanding a check for my Apache great-grandfather getting his land stolen. It was him, not me, and he's dead now, so move on. I'm just a realist, sorry if that insults anybody.
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-26 17:44:00
Middle East and North Africaneeding someone to guide us - MOROCCO -
good evening all and salamo alaikum

we're a couple just got married recently and we're wiling to fill out for the RC-1 and we would appreciate some of help about the fees it will need us to pay for the whole journey and i hope someone here can help us by telling in few details the fees will need to pay starting from filling the I-130 til the interview date and any other informations and help during the process would be so much helpfull thank you all for your help and may allah bless you all, salam

ammwMaleMorocco2011-01-05 16:48:00
Middle East and North Africahow much month my wife can stay with me in morocco
3 months, you can just go to the police office they will add for her another 3 months and she must bring with her that paper that the police gave her to the airport when she wants to travel back home.
My wife lived with me one year in morocco. If your wife would like to stay more than 6 moths i think there are some cheap flight ticket to madrid and in this way she will get another 3 months and enjoy spain.
Wish you good luck
laliloMaleMorocco2011-06-13 05:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed a co sponsor

Do you own any property in your country? If you did you could sell it and claim the money from the sale as assets on the affidavit. You would need 3 times the difference between the 125% of the poverty line for your household size and your husband's income.

Does your husband make any income at all? Any chance he could change jobs and get one with a higher salary that would qualify? Does he get any other income, even non work-related? Pension, public benefits, disability benefits? Does any of you have any savings in the bank that could be used to supplement his income on the affidavit (the 3x rule mentioned above applies to any assets used). Also, keep in mind that you could use up to two joint sponsors in addition to your husband. However it seems to me that their income/assets need to qualify by themselves and can't be added to each other to qualify (can someone confirm this please?), unless one of them is a household member. In the latter case, their income/assets can be combined with those of your husband's through form I-864A.

Don't despair and keep trying and thinking through your options. Remember that if YOU have any income, it can also be used on the adffidavit, as long as it continues from the same source after you move to the US. Same goes for any assets YOU may own. The I-864 is quite flexible in terms of requirements, and there are many options to get around it.

When we talk assets here they put savings and what one has in the bank I have $5000 in my bank now my husband can send me another $5000 and I can borrow another $5000, but that's it.
My sister owns an apartment here in Morocco she won't say no if I asked her to put on paper that she is willing to support me; but is that even doable? And if it is then what do they mean by "assets that can be liquidated in 12 months"? Does that mean the apart has to be sold?
Nadia kFemale02011-02-03 04:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed a co sponsor

Unfortunately you are not going to find any strangers on the internet willing to be a co-sponsor. You do realize how much of a responsibility that is, correct?

I know they would look at it that way.. But I also know once my husband has someone to take care of the kids with him he will be more than able to take care of me.. it is just a formality but yeah I know I won't find any I just needed some venting.
Nadia kFemale02011-02-02 11:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed a co sponsor
I am new to this forum .. I know that most likely I won't find someone to help but it is just I need to get things out my chest.. I met my husband online.. fell in love got married in march 2008.. After he went back home he asked his cousin (a lawyer) to file for my visa. And we just sat waiting for an answer and two years later we still got none.
Last year when my husband went to the mosque he met a lawyer; he seemed to be a nice guy, so he asked him if he could work with his cousin who still got nothing done. So the new lawyer asked for the receipt number. The cousin started fidgeting and after avoidinf my husband for more than a month he ended up telling him that well sorry but I didn't file for your visa. And he gave him just $1600.00 back from the total money he paid him. We were so angry but then OK what can we do? It's how God wanted it to be.
The new lawyer filed for the visa.. All went well until now. Cause we need a co sponsor, and we find none. My mother-in-law and sisters-in-law don't make enough money. My husband's friend also said yes but he doesn't make enough money. So we reached a dead end. 'Cause there is just no one.. We considered living here, but then my husband has two kids.. It is just an impossible situation. I just wish there was some easy solution. I wish we knew someone but there is just none :(
Nadia kFemale02011-02-02 11:14:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
i went with my mother to casablanca Dec 22nd in the morning then we took Ibis hotel, we woke up next day at 5:30 am, there was so much traffic no taxi wants to stop to get us!! finally we found one so we were in front of the consulate at 7:45 am, i left my mother at a cafe across the street and i was in the middle of the queu for security check, most of the applicants was students visa and business visa and lottery but when i got in, the waiting room was full and i found like 10 k1 visa applicants,i paid visa fee 1245 dh after that i had a seat where i was talking to the k1 applicants they all were wondering about the big folders i brought with me and we were exchanging informations...then a moroccan consluar officer called my name at 10 am for guichet number 2 , he wanted the forms i handed it to him then asked me to have a seat until they call me again, he called me at 11:30 am at the guichet number 7 he asked me alot of questions that i found easy and expected, the interview was in english, he told me u got everything huh! i said of course he said very good! then he told me have a american consular officer will call me again for more questions i said ok thank you. the consular officer called me at 1:30 pm i had a headache and hungry, but i said hello goodafternoon how are you? she said i am good thank you she smiled then asked me to verify my finger prints then she started asking me , how did u met ? why you put ur profile in the marriage website ? she said your english is way too good have u ever been to the us? said never she said where did u learn american language? you speak very well!!! i said i learned some in the school and the rest because i talk everyday to my fiance and that helped me to improve it!! she said do u have a degree i said yes and i told her i have two baccalaureat and i m computer technicien and i am business management specialized technicien, then she said you r very educated madam and your english going to help u in the US then she started asking me again, when did you met? when he came to morocco? did he come again? how do u communicate? for how long then she looked at my folders that was on top of the guichet and said the fact that you carry big folders showed that you guys talk daily! i said yes and i gave her the big plastic folder which contains phone calls and text messages folders, i wanted to hand her the other biggest folder but the guichet was way too small then she told me "u can give it to me through the door" i said its ok i am going to hand u one by one underneath the guichet she took yahoo (two folders) skype (two folders) msn (i gave her just one i forgot to give her the other one wacko.gif , emails, mail and western union! she put everything behind her on the ground then said one second! she took everything to another office,when she came she was asking me if i know about my fiances criminal background i said yes i have a copy then she said she must go through every charge i said ok ! then i explained to her every charge and i said i am totally ok with that i know he has made some mistakes in the past and was involved with some bad friends but now he is really good man and he doesnt have those friends anymore and he is good worker he is a surperviser at the company he works for then she said i just wanna make sure for the second time your not making wrong decision to marry him and do u feel safe to marry him i said absolutely yes i love him very much and he is good man! then said Ok with big smile then typed somthing on the computer then handed me my passport and a paper telling me your case requires additional administrative processing we will contact you when we are able to proceed with your case then she said everything looks ok they going to call me withing two weeks for visa then i said thank you very much madam, happy holidays and merry christmas! she said thanks alot! then i left happy very happy!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
today my fiance called there to make sure when they are going to give me the visa,a moroccan guy there answered the phone and said they want more evidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my fiance said we brought everything you guys need!!! we brought the biggest folders ever as the consular officer said to me!!! then the guy asked my sweetheart to wait a sec ...after he checked my application he said oooooooooook they just going to review your communication they r going to call you next week!!
my fiance said i think this guy doesnt know anything about my application!! my stomack hurts i don't know what does that means?????????????? help!!!!!!!!!!!!! wacko.gif
the paper they gave me says
- further consideration will be given to your visa application after you obtain and present the documents listed above and/ or the following : *your case requires additional administrative processing we will call you when we are able to proceed with your case.
WOOOOHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO my fiance just called me he said just called the consluate again and he talked to a moroccan lady who said i am approved and its normal this waiting time!!!!! they reviewed my communications and everything looks perfect !! OHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDD i was really worriedddd i thought there is something wrong!!!!!!!!!!!
Alhamdulillah kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
thanks everyone for the support luv.gif rose.gif heart.gif

PS : she never asked me for photos or affidavit of support!!!
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-24 12:00:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
hey girls are you waiting to hear some good news from US Consulate of Casablanca??
yes...yes...yesssssssss!! good.gif
I M APPROVED alhamdulillahhhhhhhhhhh i am jumping of joy i still can't believe it was that easy alhamdulillah
jest.gif kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Edited by Herolmounia, 23 December 2008 - 07:39 PM.

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-23 19:37:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
QUOTE (star_dragon @ Dec 20 2008, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Herolmounia @ Dec 20 2008, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alhamdulillah now you can go ahead on your futur plans star_smile.gif
Clatita i dont know when u should start ur AOS!! maybe u can do it right away!!
i can't hide from you girls i feel so worried and nervious!! i need Allah and i need your prayers too!!
thank you!!

Don't be worried or nervous good.gif

unfortunately thats how i feel wacko.gif wacko.gif wacko.gif i m not prepared enough!!!! blink.gif

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-20 12:32:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
Alhamdulillah now you can go ahead on your futur plans star_smile.gif
Clatita i dont know when u should start ur AOS!! maybe u can do it right away!!
i can't hide from you girls i feel so worried and nervious!! i need Allah and i need your prayers too!!
thank you!!
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-20 12:17:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
what was the questions they asked your hubby star dragon?
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-19 18:32:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
good luck Star dragon and Clatita tomorow its big day good.gif be confident and rely on Allah!!
hope everything will be easy for u both ameen!
oh yes its very cold in here and cant feel my toes it hurts and it starts to be red ! blink.gif

Edited by Herolmounia, 17 December 2008 - 07:48 PM.

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-17 19:47:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
thats not making any sense!!! i think they lost ur proof of relationship, thats why they asked u for more!!!
next tuesday ?? we ll met there then!!
hang in there!
may Allah be with all of you and make it easy for all of us ameen ya rabi
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-16 14:55:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
Waiting some good news from Skyzo today good.gif !!!
parying for you Skyzo may Allah help you! whistling.gif innocent.gif
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-15 12:04:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Dec 10 2008, 06:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well my husband currently is in his interview and has been for 1 hour 41 min.... still waiting for any kind of news.

At his medical they gave him some forms in a sealed envelope and he had two shots and a chest x ray all of which he had to take with him to the interview today

Big CONGRATULATIONS to you Rajaa_Reda this is the best news this week!
finally alhamdulillah you will be with your husband i am so happy for you
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-10 14:17:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Dec 6 2008, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Herolmounia @ Dec 5 2008, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks Rajaa_reda hope things go well for both of you too inshallah good.gif
hey i forgot to ask how much cost to translate the birth certificate? because the translator told me 200dh and that's shocked me out!! because i heard it costs 120 dh each paper except for marriage certificate!!! am i right?

we didn't pay that much we met someone that had a certified sworn translator he worked with it was half that... are you in Casa?

i payed her half and the rest when i get the papers done, by the way she took the originals!
no i am not from Casa i am from khenifra!
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-06 11:48:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
thanks Rajaa_reda hope things go well for both of you too inshallah good.gif
hey i forgot to ask how much cost to translate the birth certificate? because the translator told me 200dh and that's shocked me out!! because i heard it costs 120 dh each paper except for marriage certificate!!! am i right?

Edited by Herolmounia, 05 December 2008 - 07:05 PM.

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-05 19:02:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Dec 4 2008, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Herolmounia @ Dec 3 2008, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks meryem, i just don't understand why it is not necessary to translate passport?! indeed it is in french and arabic that's why we should translate it to english!!

does anyone of you have translated the passport?

Star_dragon the police clearance is the same as the police report that should say "Nothing"
thanks so much for the quick answers!

we didn't need to translate the passport i think they're just looking at the exp date... and that's easy to read good luck good.gif

Thank you Rajaa_Reda good.gif i ve just came back home i gave my docs to the translator this morning, she didnt take my passport, she said it is not necessary to be translated!
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-04 17:39:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
QUOTE (star_dragon @ Dec 3 2008, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just called him...hes on the road to Casa now. He's like "why are you trying to make me crazy!!!!" headbonk.gif

Hey, if I go crazy, then he goes crazy too! for better or worse right!! wacko.gif

Good luck on the interview tomorow inshallah
my prayers with you; may Allah make it easy for your fiance innocent.gif

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-03 16:34:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
Thanks meryem, i just don't understand why it is not necessary to translate passport?! indeed it is in french and arabic that's why we should translate it to english!!

does anyone of you have translated the passport?

Star_dragon the police clearance is the same as the police report that should say "Nothing"
thanks so much for the quick answers!

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-03 16:28:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
Does anyone of u guys know how much cost to translate passport, birth certifictate, police clearance, court record, certificate of celebacy????
thanks rose.gif
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-03 15:01:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
Skyzo i think i heard someone on visajourney said there is a glass (guichet) between the applicant and the Co and all applicants are in the same room can hear everything they say. Of course there will be a hole in the glass to give the paperwork!! but i am not sure what you got as a proof that can be bigger than the glass hole biggrin.gif

QUOTE (bleecker @ Nov 30 2008, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Herolmounia @ Nov 30 2008, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rajaa_Reda yes of course the questions are for fiance visa and marriage visa!

Bleecker thank you very much for the address rose.gif

Good luck on your interview good.gif

Thank you so much for your wishes Bleecker rose.gif
i wish you have a smooth visajourney too rose.gif
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-12-01 15:02:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
Rajaa_Reda yes of course the questions are for fiance visa and marriage visa!

Bleecker thank you very much for the address rose.gif
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-11-30 17:33:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
Does anyone of you folks know a translator located in Meknes city??
i appreciate your precious answers rose.gif rose.gif

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-11-28 12:39:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
QUOTE (Skyzo @ Nov 27 2008, 10:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im going cr-1 , and my interview is oon the 15th december , do i still need
to fill up more forms befre the interview , and what questions they ask ?
did any one fill up the ds156 and ds157 ? im confued cuz i didnt get none of these
on my mail!!!!!
thank u

the frequent asked questions :
Petitioners Biography

Biographical Information

Who is the petitioner?

Who is petitioning you?

What is your SO’s full name?

Can you write it or spell it for me.

Has s/he used any other names?

Where does your SO live?

What is your SO’s address?

What is your SO’s phone number?

How old is your SO?
What is your SO’s birth date?
Where was your SO born?

Family Information

Are your SO’s parents alive?

Where do your SO’s parents live?

What are is your SO’s parents address?

What are your SO's parents (step parents) names?

What does your SO’s father do?

Have you met your SO’s parents?

Have you talked with your SO’s parents on the phone?

How do you get along with your SO’s parents?

Do your SO’s parents approve of your relationship?

Does your SO have any brothers or sisters?
What are your SO’s brothers and/or sisters names?

Where do your SO’s brothers and/or sisters live?

Have you met your SO’s brothers/sisters?

Have you talked with your SO’s brothers/sisters on the phone?

How do you get along with your SO’s brothers/sisters?

Was your SO married before?

How long was your SO married before?
How many times was your SO married before?
When were your SO’s divorces?

When was your SO’s last divorce?

Did you know that your SO was divorced in 199-?

What are the names of your SO’s exes?

Where do your SO’s exes live?

Does your SO have any children?

Does this matter to you?

Will there be a problem with your SO’s children from another relationship?

How many children does your SO have?

What are your SO’s children’s names?

Have you met your SO’s children?

Have you talked with your SO’s children on the phone?

How do you get along with your SO's children?

Who has custody of your SO’s children?

Will you be a good parent to your SO's children?

Employment Information

What does your SO do for a living?
What is the name of the company that your SO works for?

What is your SO’s job title at the company that he/she works for?

How long has your SO worked for the company that he works for?

Where did your SO work in the past and for how long?

Financial Information

Does your SO own or rent their home?

How much money does your SO earn?

Educational Information

How much education does your SO have?

Which university did your SO graduate from?

What kind of degree does your SO have?
Which subjects has your SO studied?

Religious and Additional Information

What color are your SO's eyes?
What color is your SO's hair?

How tall is your SO?

How much does your SO weigh?

What is your SO's favorite food?

What are your fiance’s hobbies and interests?

What is your SO's religious background?

Does your SO speak and understand your language?

Does your SO have any medical issues?

Does you SO have any pets?

What kind of pets does your SO have?

What are your SO's pets names?

Please tell me more about your SO.

Beneficiaries Biography

Has your SO met your parents?

How do your parents get along with your SO?
Do your parents approve of your relationship?

Has your SO met your sisters/brothers?

How do your sisters/brothers get along with your SO?

Do your sisters/brothers approve of your relationship?

Have you been married before?

Do you have children?

Has your SO met your children?

How do your children get along with your SO?

What is your religious background?
What do you do for a living?

Where do you work?
What are your hobbies and interests?
Do you speak and understand your fiance(e)’s language?

Have you been in the military?
Talk about your experience in the military.

Have you ever traveled overseas before?
How many times have you traveled overseas?
What countries have you been to in your travels overseas?
How long have you been in each place you have been overseas?

Are you a terrorist?

Did you prepare the forms for your petition/visa yourself?



How did you first meet your SO?

When did you first meet your SO?

Where did you first meet your SO?

How long have you known your SO?

How long have you been corresponding with your SO?


How do you communicate with your SO?

How often do you communicate with your SO?
What language do you use to communicate with your SO?

How many times a day do you talk to your SO on the phone?

How many times do you and your SO talk on the phone each month?

Have you sent gifts to your SO?

What did you send to your SO?

Has your SO sent gifts to you?
What did your SO send to you?

What do you and your SO talk about on the phone?

Meeting in Person

How many times have you and your SO met?

When was the last time you and your SO were together?

How long were you and your SO together the last time?
How long were you and your SO together any other time(s)?

What are the exact dates of your SO’s visit(s)?

How long did your SO stay each visit?
What did you do when your SO came?
Where did you go when your SO came??

Do you have pictures of you and your SO together.

Who else is in the pictures of you and your SO together?

What are you doing in the pictures of you and your SO together?

When were the pictures of you and your SO taken together?

Personal Information

Why did you want to marry your SO?

Do you love your SO?
What do you love about your SO?

What do you have in common with your SO?

What made you decide to use the internet to find a SO?

Were you talking to a lot of men on the internet before you met your SO?

Do you still talk to men on the internet?

Why would you choose to marry so much older/younger than you?

Marriage / Children

When did you become engaged to your SO?

Where did you get engaged to your SO?

Did you have an engagement ceremony/party?

Where was your engagement ceremony/party?

When was your engagement ceremony/party?
Who was at your engagement ceremony/party?
Was any of your SO’s family at your engagement ceremony/party?
Why weren't any of your SO’s family at your engagement ceremony/party??

Do you and your SO have any wedding plans made?

What are your wedding plans?

When do you plan to get married to your SO?

Where do you plan to get married to your SO?

Does your family plan to attend your wedding?

Does your SO’s family plan to attend your wedding?

When were you and your SO married?
Did you have a wedding ceremony?

Where was your wedding held at?
Please describe your wedding ceremony.

Do you want children?
Does your SO want children?

Life In the US

Why do you want to come to the United States?

When do you plan on entering the United States?

Where do you plan to live in the United States?

Do you plan to stay in the United States forever?

Do you have any relatives/friends in the United States?
Where do your relatives/friends live in the United States?

Have you ever been to the United States?

Have you ever lived in the United States?

When did you live in the United States?

How long did you live in the United States

Where did you live in the United States?

What do you plan to do once you are in the US?
Do you plan to work in the US?
Do you plan to study in the US?

Trick Question

Interviewer: What do you want me to do

Beneficiary: Give me that K-1(3) visa so that I can go to the United States and be with the person I love.

Interviewer: Are you sure?

Beneficiary: Very sure.

i hope this helps a little!!!
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-11-28 12:35:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
i just wanna ask you guys who already translate their paperwork, what should i translate? passport, birth certificate, celibacy certicfiate, police and court certificate, did i forget something???
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-11-22 14:13:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
QUOTE (star_dragon @ Nov 14 2008, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Oh, you knew that already tongue.gif

Hey, did anyone get sick after their medical, from maybe the vaccines? I know with the flu shot that happens, but I dunno..hubby's sick and I dont know if it's a wierd coincidence or if he just caught a bad cold?

yes of course US but i wonder if there is someone there to add to the list !!!
there is a bad weither nowadays in morocco so i think he just had caught cold, he needs some vitamine C and drink alot of water and he will be fine inshallah!! good.gif
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-11-14 15:37:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy woooooooooooooooooooooo idea9dv.gif
Who else will have the interview in december at casablanca consulate???????unsure.gif

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-11-14 15:19:00
Middle East and North Africacalling everyone who will have the interview in December 2008
Thank you Carmen for sharing this precious infos about was certainly a busy day for ur Fiance!!
I just called for my appointment and they all said to me it costs 3000 dh, and as i am wearing hijab they told me show ur ears and the front of ur hair in the photographs !!! i wonder why?!! anybody has an idea??? blink.gif

Edited by Herolmounia, 10 November 2008 - 06:03 AM.

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-11-10 06:02:00