Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan MENA members!!!
salammmm o alikoum !!

im siham 24 from kenitra but originally from meknes , my husband lives in Penssylvania he's 31 , we have son ,he'll be 2 years next year

my case is almost complete , but we still waiting an approvel for our son's petition :-(

ramadan moubarak bss7a ol3afya !!!! :-)
SihamFemaleMorocco2009-08-20 09:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
QUOTE (100% Al Ahly Fan @ Oct 28 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nadir is a very good name. My son's name is Tariq.

Sinad, yep looks like same day! It for my hubby though....not me.

Lisa, we will certainly work on making babies as soon as he gets here whistling.gif innocent.gif although whether we actually have a baby or not is in God's hands yes.gif

Anyhow c'mon names, I wanna hear 'em!

finger crosts !!

i like Ismail too , actually i love it , we wanted to call nadir , ismail but we thought its gonna be hard for pronociation in US no ?
SihamFemaleMorocco2009-10-28 12:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
wow we having interview in the same day lol
my son's name is : Nadir

SihamFemaleMorocco2009-10-28 10:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENAs in AP
what is an AP?
Moroccan wifeFemaleMorocco2010-11-26 09:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (ta me go hiontach @ May 26 2008, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (April and Mohamed @ May 26 2008, 07:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ May 26 2008, 01:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, the start of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict can be rested on the shoulders of the Brittish. The US wouldn't hardly help Israel at all until the late 1960s. Now days you can put a lot of the blame on the US, but not the beginning. The most the United States did was vote for the creation of Israel which many other countries did the same or it wouldn't have passed. It was Brittain who lied to the arabs and promised them the land and then later promised it to the Jewish, so I hold the blame of the start of the conflict squarely on their shoulders.

So my husband has a really severe intense hatred to any and all Jews, and I don't know about ya'll but growing up I was taught to not hate anybody, especially not hating a whole group of people just for the actions of a stupid few, plus my family is extremely diverse so chances are if I'm racist against someone then I'd also be practicing racism towards one of my ancestors. I asked him if he's even met a Jew, no. I told him I know lots of Jews in California who don't support Israel or who just don't give a ####### one way or another, or who don't know enough to give a #######, but that didn't seem to have any influence on his thoughts. He swears that each and every Jew on the planet is part of a conspiracy theory against the Arabs, at which point I told him he's just going along blindly with what people have been telling him. I'm not asking him to go be best friends with them, I would just like that kind of discrimination to not exist in my nuclear family. I will not tolerate my children growing up to hate any group of people, period. I don't think "hateful" fits under the description of a "good Muslim". On another note, do you know how many Jewish converts there are to Islam? It's surprising!

sorry, but i am just having a difficult time understanding how someone winds up married to a bigot when they say they are so diametrically opposed to such a viewpoint. this isn't like leaving the lid off the toothpaste or leaving his dirty clothes on the floor-it's like a big deal.
this seems like an awfully big mountain to climb, especially after having already married him. best of luck with that!

I'm not "diametrically opposed" to his viewpoint as I too do not like neither the Israelis who actively participate in the occupation of Palestine nor anyone in any part of the world who supports the Israeli occupation. I was just wondering if ALL Arabs share this viewpoint and if it's instilled in them from an early age as it was for my husband and his family/friends/part of Morocco obviously, and how anyone came to take the "edge" off of it, if anyone has been successful with their SO. It's like how my grandma's generation hated black people, and there was an irrational part to it, that's what I want to get rid of. But I'm saying to forgive the GUILTY Israelis and to look the other way, absolutely not. I generally don't discuss things that I hate with my husband or anyone because I'm not a negative person, and it just never came up. This all surfaced when I wanted to go to the future wedding of a Jewish friend of mine and asked if Mohamed would go with me (that is, if we'll be living back in the States by then, if not, sorry friend!). It was as if I'd asked him if I could take a second husband. headbonk.gif He said I could go but don't expect him to go. That's fine, he doesn't know anybody anyways!
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-26 16:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (S and S @ May 26 2008, 01:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, the start of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict can be rested on the shoulders of the Brittish. The US wouldn't hardly help Israel at all until the late 1960s. Now days you can put a lot of the blame on the US, but not the beginning. The most the United States did was vote for the creation of Israel which many other countries did the same or it wouldn't have passed. It was Brittain who lied to the arabs and promised them the land and then later promised it to the Jewish, so I hold the blame of the start of the conflict squarely on their shoulders.

So my husband has a really severe intense hatred to any and all Jews, and I don't know about ya'll but growing up I was taught to not hate anybody, especially not hating a whole group of people just for the actions of a stupid few, plus my family is extremely diverse so chances are if I'm racist against someone then I'd also be practicing racism towards one of my ancestors. I asked him if he's even met a Jew, no. I told him I know lots of Jews in California who don't support Israel or who just don't give a ####### one way or another, or who don't know enough to give a #######, but that didn't seem to have any influence on his thoughts. He swears that each and every Jew on the planet is part of a conspiracy theory against the Arabs, at which point I told him he's just going along blindly with what people have been telling him. I'm not asking him to go be best friends with them, I would just like that kind of discrimination to not exist in my nuclear family. I will not tolerate my children growing up to hate any group of people, period. I don't think "hateful" fits under the description of a "good Muslim". On another note, do you know how many Jewish converts there are to Islam? It's surprising!
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-26 07:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (palilover @ May 25 2008, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now as far as Islam goes that is the beauty of Islam the cultural diversity and accpetance that I enjoy sooo much. We just have to be careful what we label "Islamic" and what is "Cultural"

yes that is a neat thing about Islam. Or so in paper anyways:/ I've found Muslims to be not so good when it comes to reverting. the men can be nicer than the women in fact. But the problem is is that the women here do not talk to people outside of their own culture. If I go to mosque, I'm lucky to get a salams out of people. Sometimes though the sisters collect phone numbers to act popular but do they ever call? No. The men are fine, but the problem is that you cannot hang out with men if you are a woman so it makes things just awkward if you are a woman in Islam trying to fitt in. The female Muslims want to stick with their own kind and if you are a revert, anyone will use you to make dawah. But as for being a real friend, you can forget that. This is what I've come to realize in Islam and I've been a Muslim for 5 years. Slowly debrainwashing myself of the religious propoganda given to women so they revert:) In fact, the biggest liberation I've found in Islam is actually getting married because my husband is the best Muslim I've seen in the entire 5 years I've been Muslim. May Allah keep him well.

Yeah as far as the name changing, I've read that it's only mandatory if you have a kafr name or a name with a really horrible meaning like Bint l Haram rofl.gif Rajaa I like your name. Palilover, I experienced the exact same thing you did. Even the phone number thing, they did that too. Never heard from them. Let's try to change that ourselves and reach out to new converts and actually do something.
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-25 15:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ May 25 2008, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes it is always a female officer, they had like seven of them one time pull me out of line, and this one french officer, she was a woman, but I swear she looked like a man who had just had his surgery to become a woman. I knew I was in deep #### trouble, but I remember I kept looking at this woman thinking DAMN, blink.gif I wanted to ask her so bad, like, where you a dude like a month ago? I know awful, but if you would have seen this woman, you too would have been DAMN.

Hola a todos mis amigos de Latino

That sucks about the luggage. My mom's didn't make it here when she came to visit for my wedding, and it was sitting in CDG the whole time, when it finally got here, it was 2 days before she was gonna leave! mad.gif Luckily we're the same size. Mine also sat in Heathrow when I went to visit my mom but they delivered it to her doorstep the next night so all was good. About the Patriot Act, I never signed anything. When, where, how...?
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-25 08:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ May 25 2008, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (April and Mohamed @ May 25 2008, 07:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ May 25 2008, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
April, Sigh. I wish you'd just get it that Jews and Christians do cover, Christians not so much in the US but Jews yes.

Hey we've already moved on to another topic so let's not make a mountain out of a molehill. (No hagas una tormenta en un vaso de agua)

Off-Topic2.gif HisLittleMisriya, thanks for the advice. My American friends tell me to not worry about it but also to not argue with my husband's family because I won't win rofl.gif So I'm not touching that one with them!! Also I found out that my mother-in-law is deathly afraid of donkeys at night (?) she says that they're shayatin (?) have you heard of that? I haven't researched that one lately cuz I've been a little busy. And it's not like I happen upon hmir every day! no0pb.gif Gosh what else is there, so much. Lots of Moroccan culture mixed in with Islam over here to create a "Moroccan Islam" is how I see it.

It's veeeeeery interesting though to see how converts practice Islam, for the most part, at least the ones I know, they're like cultureless, they don't have any cultural baggage that they bring into the religion with little superstitious practices, but keeping certain American cultural habits and traditions isn't un-Islamic either, I mean, aint nothing wrong with SuperBowl Sunday or baby showers or house-warming parties or countless other American traditions because they're not religious. (Right?) Oh yeah last night my husband told me that whenever I hear a hamar going eeeaawwweeeeaaaawww at night to say authoobilahiminashaytanirrajim. Do you guys do that too? Not like I would've known that back in the States, not many asses around. (Well...) rofl.gif

April star_smile.gif

Como podremos encontrarlo con direcciones tan confusas?

Si no quieres participar en la conversacion, vale, no digas nada a proposito de ciertas cosas, pero hay otros que quieren de verdad hablar de ciertos asuntos asi que si no te interesen, dejalo en paz para no perder tu tiempo y lo nuestro. Deberiamos mantener el respeto por todos aqui y si algo te parece estupido o lo que sea, no hagas una respuesta por el amor de Dios. A mi me pasan muchas cosas extranas despues de haber mudado a un otro pais asi que me interesa saber si ciertas cosas que no me parecen hacer parte de mi religion existen de verdad, quiero saberlo y tengo el derecho de pregunarselo, o no? No es necesario ser grosero con los demas. Que tengas un buen dia!

April star_smile.gif
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-25 07:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ May 25 2008, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
April, Sigh. I wish you'd just get it that Jews and Christians do cover, Christians not so much in the US but Jews yes.

Hey we've already moved on to another topic so let's not make a mountain out of a molehill. (No hagas una tormenta en un vaso de agua)

Off-Topic2.gif HisLittleMisriya, thanks for the advice. My American friends tell me to not worry about it but also to not argue with my husband's family because I won't win rofl.gif So I'm not touching that one with them!! Also I found out that my mother-in-law is deathly afraid of donkeys at night (?) she says that they're shayatin (?) have you heard of that? I haven't researched that one lately cuz I've been a little busy. And it's not like I happen upon hmir every day! no0pb.gif Gosh what else is there, so much. Lots of Moroccan culture mixed in with Islam over here to create a "Moroccan Islam" is how I see it.

It's veeeeeery interesting though to see how converts practice Islam, for the most part, at least the ones I know, they're like cultureless, they don't have any cultural baggage that they bring into the religion with little superstitious practices, but keeping certain American cultural habits and traditions isn't un-Islamic either, I mean, aint nothing wrong with SuperBowl Sunday or baby showers or house-warming parties or countless other American traditions because they're not religious. (Right?) Oh yeah last night my husband told me that whenever I hear a hamar going eeeaawwweeeeaaaawww at night to say authoobilahiminashaytanirrajim. Do you guys do that too? Not like I would've known that back in the States, not many asses around. (Well...) rofl.gif

April star_smile.gif
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-25 07:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
So I wanted to know something, if it was just a Moroccan thing or what. There's the whole legend about not pouring hot water down the drain because a jinn is gonna pop out and slap you in the face wow.gif (and other versions of the story devil.gif ) Do people not pour hot water down the drain in other Muslim countries, or is it just a North African thing? I have many friends who are married to Moroccans and they all have testified to being practically jumped by their in-laws headbonk.gif when they unknowingly went to pour hot water down the drain for the first time. rofl.gif Luckily my in-laws are a little less physical. laughing.gif They'll put an empty glass in the sink and pour the hot water into that. I do that in front of people but when I'm by myself I don't, because I haven't found its validity from my Islamic resources (texts, imams, Islamic studies professors, one of whom is rajl loosti), and I'm afraid of being superstitious because we're not supposed to be superstitious either. no0pb.gif Share your thoughts!

April star_smile.gif
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-25 06:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (julianna @ May 25 2008, 09:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (April and Mohamed @ May 25 2008, 03:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not in Los Angeles they don't!

Actually, they probably do and maybe there just isn't a large population. Orthodox Jews cover their hair. Many wear wigs to do it, but some cover with scarves. I cover my hair. i know Christians who cover their hair and one of whom does live in Los Angeles. I'm sorry if you've never noticed them, but i assure you some people really do cover their hair who are not Muslim, most notably Orthodox Jews.

Yeah but that's like associating Chinese Green Tea with Guatemalans, it's Muslims who've been in the news lately and "covered" women plastering the newspaper photos being beaten, so maybe they were asking me if I was Jewish so as not to offend me, because I didn't look like an oppressed Muslim woman. Just a Muslim woman. kicking.gif Only people who have studied the history of religions would know that Jewish and Christian women historically wore headscarves, but not your average everyday American. I didn't know any of that before, most Californians don't because if they're not religious, they don't really care.
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-25 04:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (ta me go hiontach @ May 24 2008, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (April and Mohamed @ May 24 2008, 09:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rajaa @ May 24 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's something.... Has anyone that wears a scarf been asked "where you're from" and when you tell them a state in the U.S. they just don't understand? I had a man at the gas station ask me where I was from I told him Seattle washington... he said "no...WHERE ARE YOU FROM?" raising his voice so in case my fluent english wasn't good enough for me to understand him... I again replied (but louder of corse) SEATTLE WASHINGTON... finally exhasperatied he said "but you wear a scarf on your head" i said "yes i am muslim" he couldn't understand at all. Now I wish I could say this has been my only experice with disbelief that an american blue eyed girl is muslim but it's not. Has anyone else encountered this or is it purly a northwest thing?? headbonk.gif

Some lady at a gas station asked me if I was Jewish, um, I don't remember Jewish women wearing headscarves lately...that was weird. blink.gif Then when I'm in the airport in Casa and I give them my passport to go through the security thing the guy thinks it's fake and that I'm not really American and he won't stop speaking Arabic with me even though I insist I'm American. Okay then one day in the mall in California I wanted to buy a watch for my husband but didn't know if it would fit him so I wanted to fit it on a guy so I had my mom ask a guy passing by if he could try on the watch for us and he said in Spanish that he didn't speak English so my mom told me to ask him (I'm fluent in Spanish, part Mexican) and when I asked him he like stared at me for a minute having a brain fart probably. wow.gif He didn't ask me how in the hell did I speak Spanish but I knew he wanted to. rofl.gif People have asked me where I'm from too and when I say San Francisco they're like oh your parents are immigrants and I'm like no my parents are Mexican and German! They're dumbfounded. They're like but you're not Arab at all? And I'm just like no...(it's not worth explaining that I do have a tiny bit of Arab in me, my grandma is half Arab, either Lebanese or Syrian from her dad's side) People would also always look at me funny when I'd be talking on my cell phone to Mohamed in one has ever screamed at me before thinking I didn't speak English alhamdulillah, I probably would've gone off on them (short temper) devil.gif

April star_smile.gif

lots of jewish women wear headscarves. many christian women do too, from all kinds of different places.

Not in Los Angeles they don't!
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-25 04:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Rajaa @ May 24 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's something.... Has anyone that wears a scarf been asked "where you're from" and when you tell them a state in the U.S. they just don't understand? I had a man at the gas station ask me where I was from I told him Seattle washington... he said "no...WHERE ARE YOU FROM?" raising his voice so in case my fluent english wasn't good enough for me to understand him... I again replied (but louder of corse) SEATTLE WASHINGTON... finally exhasperatied he said "but you wear a scarf on your head" i said "yes i am muslim" he couldn't understand at all. Now I wish I could say this has been my only experice with disbelief that an american blue eyed girl is muslim but it's not. Has anyone else encountered this or is it purly a northwest thing?? headbonk.gif

Some lady at a gas station asked me if I was Jewish, um, I don't remember Jewish women wearing headscarves lately...that was weird. blink.gif Then when I'm in the airport in Casa and I give them my passport to go through the security thing the guy thinks it's fake and that I'm not really American and he won't stop speaking Arabic with me even though I insist I'm American. Okay then one day in the mall in California I wanted to buy a watch for my husband but didn't know if it would fit him so I wanted to fit it on a guy so I had my mom ask a guy passing by if he could try on the watch for us and he said in Spanish that he didn't speak English so my mom told me to ask him (I'm fluent in Spanish, part Mexican) and when I asked him he like stared at me for a minute having a brain fart probably. wow.gif He didn't ask me how in the hell did I speak Spanish but I knew he wanted to. rofl.gif People have asked me where I'm from too and when I say San Francisco they're like oh your parents are immigrants and I'm like no my parents are Mexican and German! They're dumbfounded. They're like but you're not Arab at all? And I'm just like no...(it's not worth explaining that I do have a tiny bit of Arab in me, my grandma is half Arab, either Lebanese or Syrian from her dad's side) People would also always look at me funny when I'd be talking on my cell phone to Mohamed in one has ever screamed at me before thinking I didn't speak English alhamdulillah, I probably would've gone off on them (short temper) devil.gif

April star_smile.gif
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-24 09:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Ganja_Girl @ May 23 2008, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not Muslim, but for some reason I am profiled at the airport, mostly France. Not sure what they are looking for, but one time I didn’t think I make it home. I was in France, trying to get my flight to America; I had a ton of problems there. First there was something wrong with my ticket, I never sure what the problem was, but I was standing in line to check in, and first this lady starts asking me questions, on why I was in Egypt, what did I do, where did I stay. I am not feeling happy at this point, than she tells me to wait for one minute, than the next thing I know I have two more people coming to me asking me even more questions. Finally after TWO HOURS, they state they have checked me in to the flight and I am now good to go. WRONG, I go to the next check point, GUESS WHAT, I am pulled aside again, but this time they make a few phone calls, and I am off to my gate. Finally I am in the line to borad the plane, than all of a sudden I am surrounded by at least 7 French police officers, under-cover ones, and they pull me from the line, in front of everyone, so I look like a criminal at this point, they take me to another room, and this is when I was strip searched, not my first time, but I was really shocked. They did all this, plane is waiting on the runway, I am finally able to get back to getting on the plane. As I was getting ready to get on the trolley to the plane, they pull me again, #######, I had just been strip searched, and then they search me again, patted me down, and finally I was able to get on the plane, and I was the last one, every eye on me. Oh yea good times, now what were they looking for, not sure, but for some reason they put me through the ringer. Not the first time I have had run inns’ with France. I learned a long time ago, NEVER DO ANYTHING WRONG, because for some reason they always look at me first. devil.gif

What'll happen if you refuse to get stripsearched? And it was female officers right? That's just ridiculous.
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-23 11:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Pattu Rani @ May 23 2008, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rajaa @ May 23 2008, 12:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol thanks... you know we talk about our country and how things like that shouldn't matter but i do have to say just the security checks at the airport are more intensive and all over the board. I went to morocco twice got stopped 4 times in security getting on the plane to leave the country but when I was coming back in not a problem. Than my last trip back in I got the four security officers surrounding me and having to show pictures of my husband and I and answer questions for 15 min. The funny thing is noone one else was forced to do the same. I love my country I am the 5th generation service member but people are still human and frankly we still all hurt from the travisty that occured on our own soil. Do I think it'll slow down the process??? Anything is possible to whomever is looking at the apps I guess.

Wow, 4 times???? I wear salwar kameez but do not cover my head and sometimes get looks when I am at the airport - last time when I went to KTM(the flight was actually JFK-Bangkok) as I was boarding the plane a security officer pulled me aside, asked to see my passport and then asked me how much money I was carrying with me and said I was not allowed to bring more than $10K(i think) out of the country. Nobody else got this kind of treatment and I thought it was very strange - my jewelry is all silver and nothing about me shouts 'rich' - quite the opposite, I was wearing $10 flipflops and carrying a cheap Chinese backpack - the only reason I could think is because I was wearing SK and the officer thought I was Muslim and once she saw I didn't have a Muslim name had to think of some excuse for why she pulled me aside.

Hey it looks like you're gonna see the husband in a couple of days, congrats! Are you staying for good, or it'll just be a long visit?

April star_smile.gif
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-23 07:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
QUOTE (Rajaa @ May 23 2008, 04:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol thanks... you know we talk about our country and how things like that shouldn't matter but i do have to say just the security checks at the airport are more intensive and all over the board. I went to morocco twice got stopped 4 times in security getting on the plane to leave the country but when I was coming back in not a problem. Than my last trip back in I got the four security officers surrounding me and having to show pictures of my husband and I and answer questions for 15 min. The funny thing is noone one else was forced to do the same. I love my country I am the 5th generation service member but people are still human and frankly we still all hurt from the travisty that occured on our own soil. Do I think it'll slow down the process??? Anything is possible to whomever is looking at the apps I guess.

Salam Rajaa and all,

It's funny because each time I flew to Morocco wearing my jellaba, I had to get the patdown in the States and London, so when I went to visit my mom I decided to wear jeans and a thigh-length shirt to cover the bum and it worked! No extra patdown!! Also when I came back from my first visit to Morocco they took me to the side to go through my bags and asked me inappropriate questions in my opinion and I didn't know my rights at that time but next time I do have the right to tell them it's none of their business (personal questions about my husband, that dude was NOT an immigration officer!) and then when I went back in Jan. after being here 6 months they took me to the side again but that was only because I had been outside of the U.S. for so long and that dude didn't ask me anything, he was nice. I'm hoping that the fact that my husband hasn't traveled outside of Morocco except going to Algeria when he was a kid will help, but he's never been in any trouble, never been to the States, hope that will help. By the way I read that when you want to get a new passport if you want to take your picture with hijab you just have to send in a letter with the passport application explaining that you're Muslim bla bla bla. So since my I-130 picture was me with a scarf too I wrote a letter like that just in case. Hope it worked. Hey guys, if they send me an RFE and want more evidence of our ongoing relationship, I don't have any conversations or phone calls because I live with him, what can I do? His dad owns this house and pays all the bills so there isn't necessarily a paper trail of me here expect for my ATM withdrawals hehe rofl.gif Go to the police here and get a record of my entry date? And they won't call me in for an interview will they? That would suck...see you next time.

April star_smile.gif
April and MohamedFemaleMorocco2008-05-23 05:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaAvoiding a denial
i have a similer case, i had my interview in casablanca 06/2011 since then i been in AP who knows when i get out of it praying hard my second marriage it not an issue the problem is the first marriage based on k1 i got divorced before i received my green card so the lady told me at the interview that i need to proof my first marriage wasnt a fraud marriage i toke to them all the doc like house in both of our names ....on your case it the k1 and then the ten years bar from the usa but u still can file for the waiver just hope that your husband want be put on AP cause when u in AP u cant file for waiver untill they let u
good luck my friend just remmber each case is diffrant

Edited by deepvision, 10 January 2012 - 09:32 PM.

deepvisionFemaleMorocco2012-01-10 21:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaRegistering at the Consulate in U.S.A. after arrival
[quote name='foreverwaiting' timestamp='1328029996' post='5131781']
My husband has been here from Morocco now for almost 14 months. While looking at his passport, he mentioned to me that it says, he must register at the consulate no more than three (3) months from his arrival in the US. Hmmmm never saw that before until today.

Can we just go ahead and register now since we are applying online for his new biometrics passport with no problems?

I just don't get how we missed that info in the passport.....

thanks all....

he can register at anytime, i was there since 04 i didnt register tell i renewed my passport in 09 u will find more info on the embassy web site.
deepvisionFemaleMorocco2012-01-31 16:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaHAPPY DAY!

After a 1 week delay my fiance got a phone call from the consulate today telling him he can pick up his visa on Monday!!! woohooo!! :dance: Hoping for a March 3rd POE Chicago!! :dance:

congrats! :yes:
deepvisionFemaleMorocco2012-02-24 13:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaCigarettes
the us marlboro alot stronger then morocco marlboro i would go for anything light maybe try newport little cheaper then marlboro

Edited by deepvision, 28 February 2012 - 10:36 PM.

deepvisionFemaleMorocco2012-02-28 22:34:00
Middle East and North Africai have intrevew soooooooo soon

hi sisters and brothers
i have intrvw sooooooooooo soon what is ur advaices to me , im really so scear hhhhhhh

inchalah daba linterview ydouz mazyn ri zawal mank lkhal3a ri jawab ala kad soual wgol sarha
good luck
deepvisionFemaleMorocco2012-02-28 12:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
hi Kiya,
I really support your Idea with rousing yessss ! but how this can help our cases to be done with full justice ???
fopMaleMorocco2007-09-01 12:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I agree we need to get this pinned. Guys what is happen in Casablanca is terrible !!!
fopMaleMorocco2007-09-01 06:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelpabout moroccan medical exams fees details inside
Thank you all for your comment back i spoked with my wife and we find the best deal is to give a call to each and every doctor there in the list and see the best prices also ill keep in mind this doctor khadija or as squeaky did mentioned before in her own topic dr. Anbari if i remember correctly.

Have a good evening/morning to alll andthanks again
ammwMaleMorocco2011-10-26 13:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelpabout moroccan medical exams fees details inside
Salamo alaikum / hello VJ's peeps

Happy eid for everyone
Anyway im getting straight to the point

My question as i have mentioned on the topic header is does obtaining a vaccinations book that anyone has from their birth do reduce the amount fee that the beneficiary have to pay for one of the relevant doctors i do know that the chest xray fee still the same

Also what is the correct methods we shall follow to keep a track of our package from NVC To US embassy in Morocco

Thank you all for your precious time you shared with us here to read and hopefuly answering our two question

Peace for all. Shukrane
ammwMaleMorocco2011-10-24 14:45:00
Middle East and North Africaneed advice and helpful ideas, especialy from moroccan community
Hello to All

I thank all the people who either just read or Answered about my questions,

it helped a little bit and clear about some matters to me here, and i hope it did offered informations to others who might be in same boat as i am

but actualy my first part of the questions, is because there is a limit on the amount of money you can take with you off the Country since i know people that have left the country with +5000$ in meanwhile the law says an moroccan Citizen who is about to leave the country must carry no more than 25.000Dh(3000$) so i want to know which part of this story is correct, is it what the law of the country says, or shall i just wait and see what the Moroccan Customs at any moroccan Airport and what will he/she says, and that is the mainpoint of my question from someone who is already been through the same situation to share some useful help for me and maybe for others, who knows...!

Again thank you all for all your replied and i apologie if i came back to my topic little bit late, is only because due to work and other Thing i had to look after

God Bless you all and thank you
ammwMaleMorocco2013-01-12 19:17:00
Middle East and North Africaneed advice and helpful ideas, especialy from moroccan community
Asallamo alaykom and good
evening all

happy new year to all first of all

i apologie if i wil jump straight to the point, especialy for moroccans
immigrants, anyway here are my questions

first Qts: how much money that you can carry when leaving Morocco
heading to the US, and i mean the maximum you can take with you once
leaving a moroccan international airport ?

second Qts: about the POE which is better JFK or DULLES
about the poe's part your experiences are really helpful here which hope
other might like the topic and use it for their own similar cases and
experiences, i have tried alread the POE REVIEWS here in this website,
but it didn't offered enough clear information as most can agree here,

thank you a lot for either those who will just give time to rather read
or reply

may god bless you all, and best wishes for all to be approved to join
their lovers/spouses

ammwMaleMorocco2013-01-08 16:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaGreen Card holder, and going back home for a visit

good morning everybody,

may all are having a great weekend wherever they are,


my question is simple and easy and hopefully it is not that much complicated



im a Green Card Holder and hoping to drop a visit back home Morocco to visit my family,  but and since this is all new to me, i do know how it's done, beside my passport and Green Card and my State Id, and of course my Boarding Passes, Am i going to need anything else Such as an Extra Document that i need to get before i leave, since my main concern isn't leaving the US, but my concerns is on the way back and crossing the Moroccan Customs?


some Tips to help,


I am a Moroccan citizen,(i hope i won't sound stupid about my question to enter and leave my own Country) LOL

I am a Green Card Holder



and i thank everybody who choosed to help, and even those who choosed to read and couldn't help for whatever reason is,


I appreciate all your inputs and time to read my subject, thank you everybody

ammwMaleMorocco2014-02-02 11:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Process
Thanks this is really helpful -thumbs up -
hybridcyMaleMorocco2012-02-12 18:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaPassport, birth certificate translations?
Yes, all papers except his passport need to be translated and certified. There are now 2 police repots required. but he will be informed of all he needs. and they will give him list of doctors he can go to for the medical. good luck to you.

Hi all,

Soon my fiance will have his interview in Casablanca, Morocco. He hasn't yet gotten word from the consulate, or mail from them. Do you know which items he will need translated when he goes for his interview? Does his passport, birth certificate or police certificate need to be translated into English? (since I'm in the USA and he's - God willing - coming here!)

Thanks everyone................... ~ Kathy and Mohamed

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-05-28 15:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoes anyone have embassy # for Jordan?
Here is the phone number
It is online under the US embassy in Jordon
... The US Embassy in Amman is located on Al-Umayyaween Street, Abdoun,
PO Box 354. The telephone number is [962](6) 590-6000 and the fax ...

Just put phone number of embassy in the search area. - 27k - 2011-04-21

Kinda very important I reach someone 'over there'

Thx in advance for help.

Jax (F)

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-15 07:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaAugust 2011 interview possibility
My lawyer informed me they call the Moroccan embassy on the 8th of the month so I guess every embassy has a day to call. I hope your interview does not come in Ramadan. that would be a little difficult. HOpe also you think to have support of your spouse for this. It is very important. I was in NVC from beginning of May to this month and am scheduled July 26th Good luck and check into the site where you paid the invoices. When it says SIF (Signed in failed) your case is complete and interview is sceduled and you should hear soon after. Incha allah.

Hi, I am very new to this forum. My husband's case currently completed at the NVC May 24, 2011. We are currently waiting for an interview. When I first called, the operator informed me that they only schedule interviews every second week in the month and told me to call back June 15th. I called them back and they said unfortunately they could not schedule an interview for July due to the limited slots and asked me to call back July 15th. Currently, it's been four weeks since the case completed. When I call the AVR, it says to wait until 8 weeks. I was wondering, is there a possibility that our case could be scheduled for August? I know there was a backlog since the situation that happened in Egypt. What happens if we're not contacted before 8 weeks?

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-17 18:06:00
Middle East and North Africahelp plzzzzzzzz (K-1 but 'married' - Morocco)
You need to apply for CR-1 as you are married. And it takes at least a year. Be preparped to show evidence of relionship )emails, visits, phone calls, chats, marriage and honeymoon, family support, how you met, etc) Good luck with this. I have been 16 months from application to interview.

Hi all, I want to get an advice right now I and my fiancée are applaying for K1 visa the problem is that's we are married here and I heared that's K1 it's not for married couple and now we are in a very important step wish is poste decision (approval) so I can't change my Visa and we were waiting for 4 months to be in this step Iam so concerned and so sad I really don't know what to do, do any one have an advice or any one have the same situation as me.
Please can I know how long that's take to have the interview after the poste decision
Thanks all

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-16 06:24:00
Middle East and North Africahelp plzzzzzzzz (K-1 but 'married' - Morocco)
[First it does says on the side, that a CR-1 was applied for and there is interview scheduled. So, quit insulting this guy as his sister is part of the applicaition. Your sister will need to follow the instructions in her packet from the embassy.
she needs to take proof of her marriage and photom at least 50 of their meeting and marriage celebration and honeeymoon if they had one. She needs copies ot proof they talke a lot. emails, cards, chats, phone records. best of luck to her.
quote name='janice.kamel' timestamp='1308093552' post='4722781']
hey guys i need help plz
my sister file k1 and she has interview next week on amreican consula in morocco
so she is scared cause she is married and file k1

i wait the respond thnkx for the help
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-15 05:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot sure if this needs Arabic to English translation
Is this for chats? I speak much in Arabic in my chats to practice and learn the language. they say show chats and that you communicate. Never said to translate these and I do not intent to as it is over 3 years of comminicating and about 50 pages a day printed out. I am choosing only the first page of a day to show we talked. for USCIS i printed out a month and it was 2 reams of paper. Really these are not sworn affivats. It is just to show you talk to each ohter. My lawyer did not say to get any of this translated when he sent the 25 pounds of evidence to USCIS so the embassy is going to see Arabic from me and English from him. You know I speak to other women here with bf's or husbands in Morocco and we write in Arabic. just to practice

Dear VJers

So my fiance does not know much english. So we communicate in Arabic. Because neither her computer or mine support Arabic letters, we often write Arabic words with "english" roman characters. For example, when saying "I love you" in Arabic, we write "Ba hibbik" (Arabic word, but englich/roman characters). Do notes written in this format need to be translated by a translator from Arabic to English?

Thank you.

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-20 06:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaChild Custody In Egypt (Slightly Off Topic)
And you think the mother wants to let her child come to USA and she looses him? The best in this situation is for him to arrange the child visits him here and someday has the opportunity to be educated in a college here. but I would not give up my son and be left alone. Not quite fair to ask. Court case of this kind is expensive and lenthy. If your husband got his visa, he would not be allowed to go back and forth for the court dates.

Is anyone familiar with child custody laws in Egypt?

Khalid (my man) really wants custody of his younger son, Youssef. He has custody of his older son (Adam), but that's because Adam's mother died years ago. But he really wants his 2 boys to grow up together.

Right now, little Youssef's mother has custody. When they were married, Khalid owned 2 apartments. His Ex got one of them, and lives in it now. Plus she works. So she is established and all. Khalid pays support for the child. I've been hearing that the Egyptian courts tend to favor the mother.

He plans to live with me, and we can raise Adam. But he doesn't want to be a stranger to his younger son, or for the kids to be apart until Youssef is 12 (standard age when the father can usually take the child).

But even still-- does he have any hope for custody at all? I mean is it possible? Any Egyptians here know about this?

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-22 17:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling from MENA to AMERICA
So, you can get into Canda on US visa but can not leave canada. why go for US visa? why not just go for one from Canada?

Thank you for the help. I was confused after talking to the Canadian people here in Rabat over email. We were walking by the Canadian Visa place here in Rabat and just went in and asked them. The lady told us that it was fine as long as we dont leave, which makes more since then what the people were telling us over email. YEAH humdullah

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-22 21:43:00
Middle East and North Africamy interview the october 13 2010 at Casablanca
Good luck to you, just be you and be confident, everything will be fine inchallah .best luck.
rachbelMaleMorocco2010-11-09 20:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThose who lived in Morocco or who are living in Morocco.
Let me add something maybe interesting, my family has a house in Sale Eljadida,there is no french school there.french school are located mostly in big cities, Rabat, casablanca, agadir,marrakesh, eljadida is a new small town and no private big french school there.i`ve been there many times since the whole city was built.Public schools are free and even better.

Edited by rachbel, 09 November 2010 - 08:14 PM.

rachbelMaleMorocco2010-11-09 20:14:00