Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I know! I think the interviews need to be done by first come first serve. Not just whoever they feel like pulling out the pile this month!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-09 13:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

I have to add to this...I personally feel even if our Senators are telling us the truth, they have no reason not to...the consulate is lying to them.

I have learned to not trust anything coming out of this consulate in regards to interviews, petition return, security clearance, visa issuance, anything they can say to cover their incompetent asses, they will. It is obvious to me that the right hand does not realize what the left hand is doing if it realizes it even exists at all. I'm venting.

(F) ~Kiya ~ (F)

I think they would tell the truth this senator has been very good and helpful where the others dont care at all. What annoyed me is interview dates are just by whoever they feel like pulling out of the pile. They dont go by case complete or petition date. HOW DUMB

Edited by jennieh, 09 March 2006 - 01:12 PM.

jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-09 13:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

I dont know wont tell me but they told me that. And get this! I was told interviews are not done based on case complete dates. Just whoever they feel like pulling out of the computer! There is no actual list just all people from Morocco.

Wow, who told you that?

Senator Charles Grassleys office did! A women who does my case for his office.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-09 13:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
[quote name='Morocco4ever' date='Mar 9 2006, 11:23 AM' post='67394']

I just found out from my senator morocco is officially backlogged with too much work! They told her this!

Why backlogged? Must be all of the returned petitions coming back to haunt them from last year. See what happens when you don't do your job right the first time???

Sorry...venting again. :blush:

I dont know wont tell me but they told me that. And get this! I was told interviews are not done based on case complete dates. Just whoever they feel like pulling out of the computer! There is no actual list just all people from Morocco.

Edited by jennieh, 09 March 2006 - 12:28 PM.

jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-09 12:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

OH no, not another one. My heart goes out to each an eveyone of you dealing with this embassy. This one seems to send alot of petitons back whereas Islambad keeps us in AP/AR forever. Will continue to remember each and everyone going thru these difficult times.


dayum another returned petition . something is really weird about this stuff :(

Exactly thoughts exactly. Did you join?

(F) ~Kiya~ (F)

I just found out from my senator morocco is officially backlogged with too much work! They told her this!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-09 10:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Im hoping that if im there for the interview if something bad would happen. We could over turn the decision while im still there. So Im going to ask about time off once we get our interview date.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-08 15:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g


I was told Morocco is so slow on interviews right now because of all the lottery visas they are busy doing, since the same staff does that also and they are a small consulate compared to others. Also I really noticed they slowed up in December for the holiday and haven't caught up yet. Our first inteview only took 1 1/2 months to get scheduled when it got to Casa and that appointment was made for December 19th. But when the Moroccan government caused problems so my husband couldn't get on of his papers for his interview we had to rescedule. And then we couldn't get a second interview close, when we tried to get around December 15th when we knew we couldn't do the first interview. They gave us one 2 1/2 months out for February 28th. 2 1/2 months is a long time to wait for an interview. In short be patient, but do what I did call your Congress and Senators to ask for them to contact the consulate to get the interview faster if possible.

The bad news Casa is slower right now, from what I am seeing.

Good Luck,

Paula (which killed us).

RRR no interview date yet! Not many get interviews after the 7th either!! Whats taking Casablanca so dang long?

ohiobuck' where did you hear about the diversity lottery people? I heard from a friend that she knows some one who had their case complete in December and are still waiting. I have already called two of my congressman neither really care to do much but one is kind of trying. From what i seen by looking at timelines is most people wait about one month in Casa for a date. I need a April date especially cause of my husbands job but I dont think just cause of that I can get a sooner one. But without one he isnt allowed to resign and I dont blame him for wanting to wait until he knows if he is approved or denied. That and Id like to be there at the interview I need to know the date so I can get something hopefully figured out with my job! For me to have patience is to hard its been way to long since Ive seen him I feel like I just want to go and yell at them at the NVC about this they can be so rude and disrespectful. All I do is count the days until the beginning of every month hoping there is a interview date!

Edited by jennieh, 07 March 2006 - 07:34 PM.

jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-07 19:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
RRR no interview date yet! Not many get interviews after the 7th either!! Whats taking Casablanca so dang long?
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-07 18:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

I talked to my boss about this.
she said you could get a simple note from your dr saying you are stressed or somthing and take the time off. I tried jenn.
I am gonna agree with Morocc. maybe the problem is your company.
I know my company makes it easy as pie to take off with no penalty.

Really a simple document as that? But problem is would the doctor give it to me? LOL I was starting to have like a nervous breakdown cause of how long its been since I seen my husband last. I work for SEARS.COM is who I work for I dont know much about their policies but I did look at their stuff. I know I can get a letter from his brothers doctor if its need thanks for all your help everyone especially shonjaved I really appeciate it!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-07 18:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

Only six months....hmmmm...I think this is a problem. I have been with my companyt for over 3 years now. Wish I could be of more assistance, but I think this is more related to your company than anything.

Good luck!

I think so but not sure I know my mom got the time off but another person did her then will do mine. I guess i dont have to worry about it anyways. Most interviews are scheduled by the 7th of the month and thats tomorow. I just hope this dont cause a major problem my husband is only allowed to resign from his job from March to April and he does not want to apply for it until he knows if he is approved or not.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-06 23:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

oh I see jenn.

I thought FMLA applies to family situations. couldnt you
tell them you have a family problem and you need to sort it out?
why do they need to know you are leaving the country? why would you even tell them any details. certainly if its medical they have no right to ask you the medical issue. couldnt you say you have a family problem and you need x amount of days to sort it out. - if they wanted to know tell them its a sensitive issue.

Well I think FLMA does but it depends he is only a brother in law. But for their FMLA it says you must of have been employed by them for atleast 12 months. I will have been there about six months soon. I dont want to tell them cause none of them even know who he is they just asked me who the cute guy was hanging up in my desk. I think if i tell them his illness they will know its serious and they would be more filling to give me time off is the thing. thanks for all your help shonjaved.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-06 20:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

look in your employee hand book. you know you dont have to get in detailed with them about why you need the time off. make it known.
you dont want strangers in your business at work.

I am fortunate to work for an airline they certainly make for me to take time off and travel.

Shonjaved I did look I looked all over their handbooks all I find is FMLA. I dont want to tell them my personal business but if I dont i dont think I can get time off. I havent been here long enough.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-06 17:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

In California, the state labor law say that if you take more than 5 consecutive days off then its considered a leave of absence which technically means they don't have to give you your job back. I don't know which state you live in, but I would be more than happy to research the laws for you :D

Wow...tough law! I work for a company that is based in California although I am in Utah, and I have just started a leave of absence for surgery. I hope I have a job when I get back! lol :blink:

now in morrocs case .. you holler FMLA.

I did....and I am even being paid at 100% my wage for the entire time I am out! :thumbs: I have no complaints..hehe

Wow thats good morocco4ever so is there something can get so that way they have to give me time off? His brothers situation is pretty severe i guess and he is getting worse. They suspect he will never be able to work again. I dont care if I have to go without pay but it would be nice ive earned a week of paid time off id like to be able to use it atleast if they will allow it.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-05 21:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I will do whatever I can to get time off but I cant afford to lose my job over it. I need to be there at his interview it dont look to good thats its been over a year since I seen him last.

Edited by jennieh, 05 March 2006 - 09:05 PM.

jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-05 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

In California, the state labor law say that if you take more than 5 consecutive days off then its considered a leave of absence which technically means they don't have to give you your job back. I don't know which state you live in, but I would be more than happy to research the laws for you :D

I work and live in Iowa I know my team manager would give it to me. But she isnt the one who approves it I have this guy who hates me who dont even know me that doesnt seem to like me. He is the department manager and would be the one to approve it. So I dont think my chances of getting time off are to high some of it having to do with him. I know I need to be at the interview but I cant afford to lose my job. So Im researching to find out how, only been at my job since September 9th so not sure I even qualify for anything yet. Thanks jordanianprincess thats sweet of you to offer!

Wow, I guess I feel really lucky. We have both short term and long term disability at my job and if you need to take a leave of absence for family purposes (without pay), depending on which boss you work for, you can without fear of losing your job. One girl I work with has taken quite a bit of unpaid time off because her mother had a stroke and her father is diabetic and can't really care for himself (they are really old) so she has to take off work a lot to go to North Carolina and help her sister take care of them.

I think a lot of times it depends more on your boss and company policy than on the state you live in. If a company or boss wants to deny you they can always just follow a law exactly, but if they are more family focused they won't fall back on laws like in California.

Jenniah, have you tried discussing this with your boss to see how they feel about family issues? I know it's hard sometimes but I've found that if your boss is at all understanding he/she will probably work with you to let you go to the interview. Our secretary had already booked a cruise when she got hired at our company and our boss let her take the accumulated time off even though she had only been there a short time because he didn't want to make her lose the money she had invested in the cruise.

Good luck and I hope things work out for you.

I have not talked to the one who will approve it cause he is cruel and well he is just plain mean. He is the type who if they need someone to be let go they find him. He just mean to be honest and has no heart you cant even get the guy to say hi or smile.

Edited by jennieh, 05 March 2006 - 06:48 PM.

jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-05 18:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

there has to be a way to take off from work. and not disclose all your business to your employer. get creative.

I work for an airline we get Shift trade and comp time. I dont know how you can weasle around it. unless you tell your job you are having a nervous break down and need time off < I pulled that stunt once >
I mantained my job.

I dont know how I can get time off. LOL i had a nervious break down Icant take being this long since i seen my husband last! I need help to get time off but if i tell them about his brotherr i can get it maybe.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-05 13:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

Can you take unpaid time off?

I dont know Im allowed to miss 6 days a year without getting fired. But I have to call in for every single one of those days. I know when my mom did it they were unpaid days.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-05 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

If I am understanding you correctly, FMLA does not apply to visits. Is your employer not willing to give you vacation time? Brother-in-law is usually considered immediate family. Even Aunts and Uncles are considered immediate family, however each company can set out their own payment guidelines for that.

I would not lie about anything, especially when you are working so closely with a government agency. I have having that very difficult problem right now and im racking my brains out about how to take care of it.

Well I have time off that I have earned a little over a week. But the issue is im not allowed to use it unless some special approval or something happens. We have to wait until the end of our first year of employment to use it. I dont want to lie but i really want to be at the interview and to see him again. And the thing about his brother is the truth. Just trying to find a way! Thanks for everyones help.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-05 02:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I found this online Family Does anyone agree with me this is right? Sorry im just going crazy to find a way to get some time off. I dont want a denial thats for sure and I cant wait to see my husband again!! A real live husband not a computer!

hahahaahahahaa..when you and him reunite he will learn your tastes..
the fun part is the learning right..

LOL he knows my taste already but he is obcessed with cooking. But of course he says he isnt. LOL its cute I mail him gifts he kind of starts to complain he wants junk food and candy not anything else really. You would think the man never saw junk food ever. LOL doritos, ranch liquid gold to him, and bubble gum from here he just loves! LOL fun part learning you got that right he taught me how to make mint tea;)!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-05 01:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
[quote name='ohiobuck' date='Mar 4 2006, 11:04 PM' post='59130']
I am not sure for the Family Leave, but most companies do not consider a brother-inlaw as immediate family to get paid time of for a funeral, so it is probably the same for a brother in-law. Plus if you do is your brother-law your sister's husband, if so they could ask why isn't she taking care of him. It probably couldn't hurt to ask one of the Human Resouce people if a brother in-law is immediate family. But have a story ready why only you can do this treatment or care giving to your brother in-law. Also ask for this Human Resource person to keep this silent until you work this problem out and decide the best path to take.

Good luck

thanks ohio buck, thats what I thought not immediate enough family. Id lie but just my luck id get caught and I dont know who else or what other reason to use. Only other thing is my husbands mother is kind of mentally ill psychotic so maybe that could be used. But they probably will want a doctors letter. Im trying to think now!! I heard not to long agao they denied someone for time off that wanted to be with their sister that was dying of cancer for just a few days!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-05 00:36:00
Middle East and North Africaform i-134
On the form from what i could see was adjusted gross income but my attorney put for the last year my entire income which is not taxable in my case. YOu can submit other assests, property owned, life insurance policies, savings, investments, titles to vehicles if paid in full, etc. USCIS is trying to make sure you will be able to support the beneficaries and they will not become a burden on the government. So, just show assests and good luck to you.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-06 06:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaThanks VJ
congrulations. Hope your marriage is always this happy. Incha Allah. I head for Morocco next week to support or interview also in Morocco.
I have so much evidence in my suitcase, I have little room for clothes.

Just wanted to say thanks to all the many VJer's that helped us during our visa process....and a HUGE thanks to Moroccoforever for all your advice and help with my many hubby is home with me and life is GREAT...won't be on much any more so good luck to all those going thru this process (especially going thru Casa) and thanks again!!

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-09 06:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaAffidavit of Support at Casa Consulate
Marie, they really want to see the last year's tax statement. that is the important one. would be great idea to get employer letter of current income and years served there for backup. they may even ask fot it. Have it notarized or ceritfied. you can get certified copies of tizes straight from local IRS office at the front desk.
Hope this helps. jeanne[/quote]
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-10 20:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaI Need Help to Schedule interview in Cairo -Egypt
You can not do anything: You must wait for emabassy to put together your packet and find a date for the interview: Depending on embassy it can be a few months to send the packet out: Just make sure they have the right address in Egypt:

Hello everyone. I'm new here and I need your help. I am the USC and my Fiance is going for the K-1 Visa. She did the Biometrics, the medical and I sent out the affidavit of support I-134. We've been waiting since May 25th to hear from the Cairo Embassy to schedule the interview. What should I do to speed things along. Should I contact them again and who would I contact. Or is there a way to schedule the visa interview online? Also is there a specific time frame for this process? What am I doing wrong because it is taking a long time. I would really appreciate your help in setting us on the correct path to get this accomplished. Thank you very much.

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-20 07:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaQUESTION ABOUT ENTRE USA BY K1

hi everybody,since i read here i found it altos of helps (F) , so today i coming by my question
i have k1 visa valid till August .and i going to buy ticket for first days of may mean 3 month left for my visa ,so is is enough time i have to enter to USA and marry my fiancée.what if my visa expired while we are married ? and what document i need to take with me for married forum ? does any one know cheaper ticket site and save one for me to buy going to tx houston what u think about weather there in may ? im so worried and u guys need all ur help today thx bodies :thumbs:

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-04-09 09:18:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about driver licence
Sorry but every state has different rules and you need answer from someone who lives in the state you are going to: So look for answers from only those people:
for instance my state of Tennessee is hard on someone immigrating in and the rules are strong

i wanna ask if i can get a driver licence after getting my green card in usa ,bcz i dont have it here in morocco !

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-25 18:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly Thread July 2011
Well, I am headed to Morocco in 2 weeks and to stay and fast for Romadan. yesterday was 111 F and right now, it is 109 F. Wish not quite so hot but i have to go. It is my husband's interview this month. Best you you.
Jeanne and Adil

Have a great Saturday guys. And a wonderful weekend. It is hot hot hot here in deep south Texas and humid as well. Took a shower and am sweating like a pig. :wacko:

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-02 11:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaPolice certificate
You will need both as others stated but must be recent -in the last 30 days-so provide them when they are requested only or you will be spending a lot of money doing them over and over. My lawyer had me do them too soon and I ended up doing them multiple times.

Could you please answer my question.
- Does a married person applying for R-1CR-1 VISA need Court record (casier judiciare) or Police certificate (fiche anthropometrique) is enough?
Thank you,

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-08-01 07:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco - K1 visa denied - Now what? Help!
Sent email to you telling the exact steps for marriage in Morocco. I will be there from July 16th on for about 90 days if you need help with the process for marriage. It is helpful to have someone (a woman) speaking Arabic with you at the foreign minister as men and women stand in different lines and your financee can not go in with you.
Anyone else needing steps to marry in Morocco, write to me. I married there in March 2010.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-05 11:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco - K1 visa denied - Now what? Help!
doesn't matter about evidence to Morocco embassy. My husband took 2 years of chats and over 1000 emails and photos SMS messages for the K-1 interview. Morocco likes to deny almost all K-1's. They even deny a married woman with a child her CR-1 and say the baby can have a visa but not the mother. I was advised to go and marry and do CR-1. We married march 2010 and we just now have interview coming up. So, if you can, go marry. and prepare for a wait. When your K-1 comes back, they really don't do anything. not even tell you why you are denied. I waited 120 days for that process. Get ready to provide all evidence you can gather when you do CR-1 including how you met and if a dating site, how you paid for it. I had a 4 page RFE and my evidence weighed over 25 pounds in the box when it was sent back.
Best of luck. It is stressful and difficult and you must love a lot to go thru it. Incha Allah
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-04 16:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue
if anyone could tell me how to take off this post as what i said is combined with her words and I am disturbed with this
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-08-11 12:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Interview Document Gathering Question - Casablanca

the police certificate is from the city he lives in (every address for the last 5 years). If lives in the country, get from the police that service your area. these 2 certificates need to be recent documents (within the last 30 days before your interview)


good luck

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-06-11 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello U.S. Consulate in Morocco! Can you please issue our visas that are in AP!!,

you do know they are busy processing the visa lottery winners which Morocco has almost 5000

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-06-18 15:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaThis makes me sick...can anyone make sense of this?

Yes, my husband told me of this

the Spanish have him in jail and will not return him to Morocco

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-08-08 17:58:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about service center

The california center suffered a broken water pipe and serious flooding that is why we are all being shipped to other offices. My gf on here went to Texas, mine is out of california now and in Missouri and has MSC prefix also. I am happy for those of you who get visa. I have been waiting now for 4 years, married 3 and a half.

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-09-21 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan MENA members!!!
Where from: Waterbury, CT
SO name: Mounia
Where from in Morocco: KHENIFRA
Anything to add: miss parents and friends, i miss Moroccoooooooooo! : wacko.gif

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2009-04-22 16:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccans
Morrocans and all north african are considered White Caucasian , not black. simply because theyr are not black enough and their race is mixed(Berber, Tuareg...)that`s why if you are from North africa you can not claim URM.
rachbelMaleMorocco2011-04-30 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan MENA members!!!

From Florida
SO Nabil
From Taza

Been to Morocco two times......looks like a 3rd is on the way for possible wedding. K1 was denied 10-20-10. This site has been such a help, I am soooooo thankful for all of you! Would love to hear from you, especially if you or your SO is from Taza

Nice to see some members from Taza, it`s my hometown too,if you going through marriage in Taza, write me so i can give you some advises or tell your hubby to contact me via skype or my email , it`s mentionned on my profile.wish you the best.
rachbelMaleMorocco2010-10-28 09:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan MENA members!!!
hello everyone

inchallah alll process will go fast !!!!
SihamFemaleMorocco2009-08-30 04:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan MENA members!!!
salammmm o alikoum !!

im siham 24 from kenitra but originally from meknes , my husband lives in Penssylvania he's 31 , we have son ,he'll be 2 years next year

my case is almost complete , but we still waiting an approvel for our son's petition :-(

ramadan moubarak bss7a ol3afya !!!! :-)
SihamFemaleMorocco2009-08-20 09:28:00