K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfees
Please do no tmove this topic to Morocco I need help. Received our interview for CR-1. Lawyer forwarded list from NVC. It states fee As $ which means fees are Paid, The $88 and $404. Lawyer forwarded long list of evidence to me showing I need to pay $404 at embassy day of interview. We are going round and tound about that as seems n one else pays another fee at the interview in Casa. He says it is embassy processing fees and it is required. Anyone know about this. I posted this quesiton in Morocco under CR-1 and didn't get any answers. Is there a hugh fee for the interview? Seems i am the only one asked to pay this.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-11 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOrig BC and Divorce Decree
I actually had to send to the court for orignal copies of mine. And I am several states away now. Think USCIS has one, NVC has one, had to have 1 to marry, and now 2 for interview. and I need 1 original. But they do want to see orignals at interview. and my lawyer said to make copy for them to keep for their records.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-13 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2 approved, good and bad news
Actually need to sent a letter to insure it gets to the right person handling your case. There is a form to fill out for formal withdrawal. but the letter will be accepted. Keep copy for your records and sent it out certified return receipt so there is proof. Sorry things did not work out.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-13 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdecision based on ??
Good luck with this. Read in the Moroccoo site. Seems Casa embassy is ignorning emails and requests from Senators and Lawyers. There are many complaints about the embasy there and they way they treat everyone. I have spent well over $15000 on my 4 trips to meet and marry and I have been there for a month each time. for anhy one to assume we are not serious is a more than insulting. there is a site on VJ for those treated badly by embassy:
look at this and see if it can help you
I sent in a complaint but would help to have a lot of them
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-14 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to document Skype calls-PC to PC
Did you keep record of calls? If so, you can hit the archives and cut and paste the conversation. but skype does not go back far. So, you have to do it in just a few weeks of conversation like printing it out just after the call is made. If you have vista operating system, sometimes it does not allow you to do this. Vista is the only bad one.

Has anyone printed out their Skype call history and if so how? I mean a record of the video chats, not phone calls. I don't see anywhere on Skype where this is an option, but there has been a thread in the past about using a file exporter. Is there a faster way other than copy and paste?

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-13 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresok another Tax question?
Ok, no one else touched this so I will write. I would get letter of employment from employer with copies of pay stubs from the time your employment started. Then make out affidavit stating you were not required to do income taxes for whatever reasons (college student, or claimed under parents taxes.) If yo do not know how to do your own affidavit, write to me and give me your personal email and I can send standard rules for writing one. I leave for Morocco Saturday so if you need it, let me know soon. Jeanne
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-12 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Economic Solvency
I am assuming one in US citizen and has done income taxes. Certified tax returns are best proof of income along with W-2's. and yes savings, investments, letter from the cruise line stating income. But in this case, I believe, they look only for income of US citizen to see if they can support the beneficiary. And no, my bother in law wanted to take his new bride on a cruise for honeymoom and her parents. That is considered leaving US soil and after marriage, you can not leave for a period of time. So, working on the cruise ship may be ify. I would consult an attorney about this. simple fee and he may tell you how to get special consideration to return to work there. Be careful of this.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-07 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank You
Yes; welcome to VJ: So far; the members who anszered are not dealing with Morocco: Get your answwers about embassy and interview from Moroccan me,bers as you will need advise from us: all embassies are not the same: I tried zithout attorney and needed one
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-24 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I doing something wrong or Should I wait?
When they say it is mailed, it goes to the mail room but waits for a packet of many requests to actually be sent to embassy. And you are asking and emailing to fast. Our original K-1 went out in October and we had the interview end of January. It was late December when he received the packet from embassy giving the paperwork to fill out and the interview day. sorry but it is all slow.

My fiance and I got word from NVC that our petition was sent to morocco on the 7th of July and ive emialed them to see if they got it yet and ive emialed them b4 and they dont respond, but I think maybe i'm rushing this thing along. Should i just be waiting or do they generally respond fairly quickly? After all this waiting.. im choosing now to be impatient?? lol

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-12 08:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresyoung couple confused about K1 proofs,Islam revert, & affadavit questions
First skype will not give you a print out of phone conversations so you need to use MSN. yahoo; or a land line to keep a good record of these:
Second skype photos? you need real photos of the tzo of you meeting and meeting his family is also important:
third; i also converted 2 months before I met my husband and yes; they thought he converted me and this could besa,e problem for you; we were denied afte 17 monhts of marriage; you need strong proof you were muslim before you met; We have been fighting --so to speak-- with immigration since July 2009 when we first applied for K-1
you can have co)sponsor but it must be a strong sponsorship and they need to understand the responsibility.
and the 125 persent if the guideline--nothing less.
and be prepqred to spend the money for meeting in Morocco; Meeting the family; spending a lot of time with them
keep all chats; all emails; all phone call records; all text messages; everything; my husband was asked the color of my house and many stupid quesitons like that so talk of everything to each other

Question #3 So me and my fiance are students (I am 18 he is 20) at university so we currently don't have jobs due to full time enrollment in school. Though still enrolled, I am striving to find a job in my area but unfortunately there isn't anything available at the moment. I was wondering if having my mother as a co-sponsor would be sufficient for the affidavit(I 864)?
Should I inform the person reading my package that I am a student that is why there is no full time job in my I134 affidavit at the moment, in my cover letter?
Can you have more than one co-sponsor?
Does the Casablanca Consulate require both affidavits (I-134 and I-864) ?
Also, Can you meet the 100% of the poverty guideline or is it absolutely necessary to meet the 125% mark?

Thank you for your help!!!
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-08-07 07:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor for k-1???
YOu can submit evidence that the US finance owns property and the value after mortgage is paid. All deeds, vehicle titles of paid off autos, savings, investmeents, bank accounts showing balance, etc. also can get t letter showing income from employer. Hope this helps.

US citizen has to show last year's taxes
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-07 06:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE
Where are you flying to? I have flown into NY city; Atlanta and this trip will be Washington DC:
But i write to say check out as that is the cheapest ticket prices and you can buy 1 way
I found ticekt to Atlanta for under 1OOO there
If you change planes in Paris; give yourself at least 2 hours as you have to go thru customs and immigraiton and security there too and it is a long process as they make you leave 1 terminal on bus and go theu all the process and then back to your next
even if you come in and leave out of the same terminal
hope this helps
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-08-19 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresArrested for domestic violence in the past
He needs to have this esponged from his reacord. that can be done at the court house clerk and involves a fee. It is worth getting the arrest record off. the criminal backgorund check does not state if convicted or dismissed. It just states charged and arrested in this case. so, he really needs to get it dismissed.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-08 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!! Need to apply for K-1 but HAVE NOT met!
I did not read what anyone has said but it is very hard for an American woman to get a visa to visit Algeria and you should have already applied if you wanted one:
2 appoicaions and 2 passport photos and your passport and fees and itinerary to travel have to be sent to the Algerian embassy in the US:
I have met women who have been denied so you may want to do as they did;
travel to Tunis in tunisia and meet him--no visa appmication needed
both can get there
next; skype does not let you print out any chats and they do not help by providing any so find another way to talk so you have a record of all chats
for the time now you have used skype; make out an affidavit telling you have talked on there and be prepared for an issue with this
use MSN of yahoo for talking and if your cell phone provider will furnish the record of your calls; get it
if you need to know how to do an affidavit; send me personal message and i will help
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-08-07 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with Employer Letter
employment letter or Tax returns to see you work and income is appropiate to support the marriage. has to meet the income guidelines. Mnay emplyers don't write letters anymore. for varous reasons they are afraid of lawsuits. but you have the W-2's and can get from IRS (right in the office) a cerified copy of taxes.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-10 07:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 question
You do have to go thru the process to prove your son is his son. Not just your say so. His birth does not have to be registered here in the states but to get the passport, they may require DNA proof. If they do not acceopt the proof you have, they will require 2 applicaitions for you and your son.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-15 06:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrustrated with USCIS
Souns like your packet got mixed up with someone's and they lost some evidence. And you can not get any information by calling. I was very discouraged as these are operators with a paper in front of them as to what to say and they ask more than answer. I would think a registered letter would get you more action. Yours is just K-1. Many say to contact congreesman so I did, a year ago April. Maybe yours is better than mine.

Is our experience typical or are we just unlucky? It starts with a RFE notification 5 months to the day that our I-129F was submitted. Receive the RFE and it makes no sense whatsoever. After much time on the phone with USCIS they determine that I was sent the incorrect RFE. Wait two more weeks to get the correct one. It finally arrives requesting proof of our meeting in person asking for pictures and picture/signature page of my passport(keep in mind I previously submitted boarding passes, entry/exit stamps from passport, multiple pictures of us together with unique Kiev sights in the background and copies of lodging receipts on the original I-129F). I immediately send copies of all pages of my entire passport and pictures of the two of us again. At this point I figure it is a little bump in the road and things should move along quickly now. Wrong!

Now a month later, I receive a status notice of an undeliverable I-129F document and the need to call USCIS. I moved two weeks ago and supplied the forwarding address to the post office and filed change of address online with USCIS. Why would this be undeliverable? All my other mail is getting forwarded to the new address! So I make the call to the USCIS phone number as the notice requests. It is impossible to get any information from them, they just read off a script exactly what the status page says. Incredibly frustrating and totally useless, I give the rep my new address again and she informs me it will be another month and I will have the document delivered. She cannot tell me anything about the nature of the document. So a month from now it will be 7 months that our I-129F package is in USCIS and I still don't know if they have approved it to send on to the State Department.

Questions: 1) Is there anyway to get a real status on our case and the nature of the document they are trying to deliver? 2) Are approvals or denials sent via registered mail, is that why it was returned? 3) Out of all the documentation required, the proof of our last meeting in person seems the most straight forward requirement of all, USCIS should have had everything they need on the original submission, what am I missing here?

Any perspective or answers to the above on this would be appreciated. I am really feeling like we received a bogus RFE and are getting the run around so that the CSC does not have to show processing times longer than their 5 months target. Thanks in advance for your input and any suggestions!

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-28 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman/congresswoman ????
it did not help here in my State as both Senators and representative are Repuplicans. they assigned me a worker and have done nothing
Good luck
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-03-20 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhats the best answer for this interview question?
need to tell the immigration attorney i use to work for
spouse gets green card in 6 to 8 weeks of CR-1
K-1 does not
Read the USCIS site
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-03-30 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhats the best answer for this interview question?
Coming on a K 1 finance visa he has to support you for the first year, then you can apply for green card to work.
So, say, I understand i can't work for at least a year and i need this time to get used to the US and my new family.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-03-30 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngage Marry or end relationship?
Volunteering in army????
since when do people not get paid?
if he is with local unit they are paid while in service
Even weekends spent with a reserve unit get paid
after my late husband spent 4 years in Navy, he joined the reserves and was paid enough each month to pay our house payment
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-04-04 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWrong phone number

When i got back my receipt both birth days were wrong,  I called and they did a request on the phone but i also wrote a letter to cover my butt

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-06-13 19:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescriminal records
QUOTE (puppies @ Jun 7 2008, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (clairern @ Jun 7 2008, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (puppies @ Jun 7 2008, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what kind of criminal records do you need for the U.S citizen who is filing the K1.Also he has back child support can this be considered a felony,if so can he still apply for the K1??????? Trying to get everything in place so there are no problems

The USC does not need to supply a crimminal record only the intending immigrant.

I know I,m being dumb!!!!!so the only criminal report needed is mine in the uk???

he must send the police report if he has a criminal record on his police report !!
do not wait till u guys have the RFE cuz that's the worst delay that ever can happen to a couple!!
PS : talking about US citizen.
Good luck puppies

Edited by Herolmounia, 07 June 2008 - 02:49 PM.

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-06-07 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
QUOTE (debbylyn @ Mar 17 2008, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got our RFE in the mail today. It was for just what I guessed, An official SIGNED copy of Barry's decree absolute. Seems the stamped copy sent out from the court there in the UK is not sufficient.

Hi !!!
could someone please help me !!!
i ve just received RFE and it says
You MUST provide “certified copies of all court and police records showing the charges and dispositions for every such conviction. This is required even if your records were sealed or otherwise cleared or if anyone, including a judge, law enforcement officer, or attorney, told you that you no longer have a record.”
although my fiance indicated on the I-129F form that he has never been convicted of the crimes outlined on it, a government search of his records came back that he has been.
does anyone has the same RFE ??
does anyone knows if bad police report affect K1 visa????
PLEASE HELP helpsmilie.gif

Edited by Herolmounia, 17 March 2008 - 06:26 PM.

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-03-17 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about having met within two years
QUOTE (littleasianman7 @ May 10 2008, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rachbel @ May 10 2008, 06:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (littleasianman7 @ May 10 2008, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

i want to reiterate again... MAKE SURE you DO NOT let the embassy know you had a formal wedding ceremony, it doesn't matter if it is non-legal or not. I would NOT recommend it but if you are going to then don't let them know

hi evrybody,
i've photos of our engagement, photos with my family and look like a marriage ceremony anyway, is it risky to show that ? how can they know if it's a marriage or engagement ceremony ? thanks for your advices.


I mentioned two times up there already that it's NOT a good idea to show these photos. The embassy MAY consider it a marriage ceremony and won't care ig it's legal or not. I don't understand why people take this risk of having these things and then after all that showing the photos. There was a thread earlier about a bunch of people who got denied because they showed these photos at the consulate or embassy and got denied because the embassy said they were alread married and neede to apply for a K3/

i realized that the photos i sent with the original package as proof of having met in persons includ photos of our engagements, so i wonder what can happen if i have interview next days , does the petitioner needs to make like a sworn and sign and declare that we are not married yet,? is this a possible suggestion ? hope to hear ur advices. thanks much.
rachbelMaleMorocco2008-05-12 05:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about having met within two years
QUOTE (littleasianman7 @ May 10 2008, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rachbel @ May 10 2008, 06:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (littleasianman7 @ May 10 2008, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

i want to reiterate again... MAKE SURE you DO NOT let the embassy know you had a formal wedding ceremony, it doesn't matter if it is non-legal or not. I would NOT recommend it but if you are going to then don't let them know

hi evrybody,
i've photos of our engagement, photos with my family and look like a marriage ceremony anyway, is it risky to show that ? how can they know if it's a marriage or engagement ceremony ? thanks for your advices.


I mentioned two times up there already that it's NOT a good idea to show these photos. The embassy MAY consider it a marriage ceremony and won't care ig it's legal or not. I don't understand why people take this risk of having these things and then after all that showing the photos. There was a thread earlier about a bunch of people who got denied because they showed these photos at the consulate or embassy and got denied because the embassy said they were alread married and neede to apply for a K3/

thank you all for your advices , i'll take that into consideration for sure. thanks much , and good luck for evrybody.
rachbelMaleMorocco2008-05-11 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about having met within two years
QUOTE (littleasianman7 @ May 10 2008, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

i want to reiterate again... MAKE SURE you DO NOT let the embassy know you had a formal wedding ceremony, it doesn't matter if it is non-legal or not. I would NOT recommend it but if you are going to then don't let them know

hi evrybody,
i've photos of our engagement, photos with my family and look like a marriage ceremony anyway, is it risky to show that ? how can they know if it's a marriage or engagement ceremony ? thanks for your advices.
rachbelMaleMorocco2008-05-10 05:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstuck with NVC-USCIS
QUOTE (missmillie @ Aug 14 2008, 04:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We are having the same problem. I don't understand because there are some people on here who received their NOA2 at the end of July and in less than 10 days their packet was at the NVC and is now on its way to their embassy. Meanwhile, I received my NOA2 on July 14th and the NVC have not even received it yet!!! What's going on?? Where is it? I am getting extremely impatient and somewhat concerned....can anyone offer any insight?


hi there, dont be surprised if you have to wait the 90 days , they are still peaple approved since early June and could do nothing , am one of them. i hope you'll not wait like i did and still do. have a look at my timeline.
rachbelMaleMorocco2008-08-14 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOver a month no NOA1?
QUOTE (wasabi @ Nov 8 2008, 05:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am using a lawyer to proceed with the K1 visa. He is based in Bangkok where my Fiance lives. No need to debate the pros and cons of that here, I just wanted this to be clear.

My lawyer sent our I29F packet a little over a month ago to the VSC. We have not received any NOA1 from the VSC, he claims they are delayed in processing that it may take another month to get the NOA1 and there is no need for concern. He has stated that they have a big backlog mailing out the NOA1's but that doesn't mean my case isn't being processed and I should already have my place in the queue. He is the one sent the check so I can't review if it has been cashed or not nor look for a case number on the back. He is a very well known lawyer in Thailand and I do not have any reason to believe something is fishy but nevertheless I am stressed and just want to know our case is moving along. After reading through the threads here I can't find anyone else who is facing this kind of lag. Can I somehow contact the VSC myself just to get assurance they have received my packet and things are moving along?

i think you dont need to worry, we waited like 2 months before we got our NOA1, and that's because they had delays in processing cases.we didnt use a lawyer so we could know when the cheque was cashed and right 5 days after the cheque was cashed we got our NOA1.Good luck.
rachbelMaleMorocco2008-11-08 05:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis 1 way ticket a problem?
QUOTE (DARUMA07 @ Nov 24 2008, 07:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Didn't have any problems entering on a K-1 with a oneway ticket. You will be fine!

thank you all for your help, good.gif
rachbelMaleMorocco2008-11-24 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresis 1 way ticket a problem?
Am confused if i've to book a one way ticket or round trip, did someone going through K-1 , had problems at POE because of that ?.Thanks for ur help.
rachbelMaleMorocco2008-11-24 07:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting the K-1 Visa Process...
QUOTE (morocmama @ Jul 18 2009, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I'm Janaan, and I'm a newbie to all the process. I am here in Tennessee, and my fiancee is in Morocco. I hope to be applying for him to come in September/October of 2009. I just want to know what to expect while starting the process. How long does everything take from begininng to end. A guesstamation is fine. Also, what is everything abroad going to cost? What forums should I apply first and how to go about everything.

At the moment I'm in school and working as well as taking care of my child who is under the age of six, but is starting elementary school this year. So, being able to assist him during the interview would be impossible. Do I have to attend with him? Any information would be helpful.

Before I close, I must state that his parents are not fond of me for cultural reasons, of being divorced and raising a child alone. Will this effect us trying to get the K-1 visa during the interview?

Any advice would help.

Thank you,


the process from sending your 129F till he gets his visa will take an average of 5 to 6 months, it`ll cost him a 2 HUndred Dollars for his medical test, an average of 150 dollars for his Visa .so the total is 250 doolras that is all the cost he more payement. another importatnt thing is that you may have to look for a cosponor if you are not making the amount above povert average.caus you are supporting you kid youself and he`ll be the third person so the average will be a bit high and i think u`r not working full time from whta i understood from your message. As to what his parents think of you , it is not a good sign to mention in front of any immigration officer,but i suggest you think about it a lot before making anystep.Good luck and have a easy peaceful journey.
rachbelMaleMorocco2009-07-20 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProves we have met
QUOTE (SabrinaFrance @ Jul 19 2009, 07:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do I translate an health insurance card? Because it is basically a bunch of different ID numbers with our names and our birthdate. It just says I am the subscriber and he is the beneficiary.
When translating documents, should we reproduce the format of the original doc or just write a translation paragraph?
Sorry i am pretty confused and stressed about that.

DO NOT STRESS I THINK PEAPLE ARE CONFUSED, uscis never ask for insurance card translation or any other proof of your bonafides, the USCIS ASK FOR birthcertificate, police and judicial records translation and previous divorce translation, That`s all , this was my worry too but my fiancee caleed the immigration officer and he explained her this issue.Take it easy, Bonne chance, je veux voir le Louvre bientot. kicking.gif
rachbelMaleMorocco2009-07-20 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProves we have met
QUOTE (Jauque @ Jul 19 2009, 11:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I didn't include any pictures with my I-129f (except for the passport pictures) and we got approved without a hitch. Think long and hard about what your sending and what you're translating. Pick a few pictures (ie. 2 or 3) and then pick only the really convincing supporting documents more specifically...

Flight itineraries
Boarding Passes
Passport Stamps
Phone Bills (Especially if you both had phones registered to you in France at the same time, that would be dynomite imo)
Transcripts showing you attended the same school at the same time

It doesn't need to be 3 lbs to make a point.

Best of luck! good.gif

Edit : He can visit you in the US if he has a Visitor's Visa and can establish ties to home.

you do not need to translate Insurance card or rental receipt or things like that which proves you liv together, the USCIS want translation for your birthcertifcate and your police recors that is all they need from you besides any previous divorce decree. Bonne chance et soyez la bienvenue au USA.
rachbelMaleMorocco2009-07-20 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Never knew who father was
You welcome.
rachbelMaleMorocco2010-09-11 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Never knew who father was
Hi friend, put "Unknown". that`s what i did with my Fiancee in 2007. and it was the best solution. they didnt discuss it at all. they know there are cases like that. best of luck.
rachbelMaleMorocco2010-09-11 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325 copies & signatures

We submitted our G-325s when we submitted out K1 application.
However, we only submitted one copy for each person.
I have now ready there should be 4 - anyone have help for this one.

in addition the G325s were signed but not where the Alien number
is asked for - we left this blank. is this a major issue ?
I am a US citizen and the country of submittal is for Russia.
note : we did sign at the applicant signature block above the 'alien 'block

you`ll get RFE, you`ll need to fill the 4 pages for you and the 4 other pages for your fiance, everyone needs to sign his own,date it. then send it back together with the notice RFE attached on the top of the G-325 forms, that way they know what they are receiving from you.Best of luck.
rachbelMaleMorocco2010-10-02 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing ont he 5th month soon....
ohh no i dont like to u see in a bad mood Kim !! i know the patience is hard , but there is really nothing to do !!!!
be patient hny and everything will comme soon inchallah !!
my son's case was approved 9 months after filed it to uscis !! (its just an example and he's just 2 ys old )

wish u all the best !
SihamFemaleMorocco2009-10-06 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
congraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats smile.gif
SihamFemaleMorocco2009-10-05 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresok going to try this question again.......
Well star_smile.gif when they receive the peition from the NVC in the Consulat they probably send a packet to your Fiance , and he will get the packet in about 2weeks since the receive date and then he will know the date of the interview and what is the stuff he needs to bring with him that day , so all you both need to do now it is saving mooooooooooooooooore conversation and be patience ,

Good luck good.gif
Rezak and SharonMaleMorocco2009-05-09 04:48:00