Middle East and North Africaevidence of relationship
Id say find your phone records somehow. I only have my cellular phone so I just call him that way before we mostly talked online couldnt afford to call so much. But now I call him once or twice a week. And I sent the phone bills that I have so when he does get the interview date finally he will have them.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-02-28 19:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thread
Im thinking about going in April I want to wait until his interview date. But my job is strict we have critical days and if we miss were fired and thats almost all summer. So not sure
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-09 13:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thread
right now were talking about me going to Morocco now for 2 or 3 weeks. But not certain yet I want to be at his inteview with him. But were not sure we will even get a date this month yet. So were thinking about it and I just got vacation at my job so its working out only if they give us his date or not.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-02 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaE-mail from NVC
Not to get your hopes low but thats what they say to me every time I email and ask them about a date. The only thing I havent gotten so far yet is the

Please notify the National Visa Center of the beneficiary's current mailing address, so we may update our records

Thats it! but it still might be something great!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-10 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1 interview
I dont know if you need it but I want my husband to bring it with so they cant deny him or accuse him of something stupid. I bought this thing at walmart for about $2 thats like a book and you can put papers in it and it has folders in it. Its really organized and I put in it phone bills, pictures, airplane ticket stubs, passport pages (entrance/exit stamps) pictures with eachothers family, and im trying right now to make my husband understand how important it is he takes this to the interview with him. Along with the wedding photos, and dvd along with the other stuff. He did admit he really liked my idea but now its getting him serious about proving our relationship at the interview. Thats what I have thought of so far but i dont know what else or what others have taken.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-02-28 00:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaE-Mail from CASA today
Congratulations GREAT NEWS! :dance: But now my question is how do you explained what happened to you before the approval? all the other denials and Morocco being backlogged? Makes you wounder whats going on behind their closed doors! Great news you did great work to get the decision over turned im so happy for you!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-10 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Issued
Congratulations great news!! He is the one that replied to my senators request!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-02 22:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMeeting Online affecting K1 Morocco results?
My husband speaks english really well its cute he even trys to talk like myself and my mother. Its cute using the terms or slang he heres us use. But he studied english for two years before becoming a teacher. Im only worried about that we havent seen eachother in so long is the bad thing for his interview.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-13 00:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMeeting Online affecting K1 Morocco results?
You dont have to really worry Id guess you can sponor more then one person. But it just might look odd if you have more then one husband you have sponored. You switching to your husbands religion also can look as a positive factor to help your case. I wouldnt worry to much!

Im not worried but I want a gurantee no denial is coming our way. My only concern is will they have access to any information about my joint sponor? They are doing the same process for their spouse from the same country, only not as far along in the process. We did meet online and we can definately prove relationship if they just look got 6 years of proof. But the fact im worried about is I havent been to Morocco in over a year and half but im planning to go back now that I have a job and stuff after college.

Edited by jennieh, 12 March 2006 - 08:33 PM.

jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-12 20:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaMeeting Online affecting K1 Morocco results?
The one thing im worried about is it has been Since August 2004 that my husband and I last saw eachother. I would of went but I was in college and just starting a new job so time and money didnt really work in to it. And now were having to wait it looks like more then 3 months to get a interview date. This seems odd I dont know anyone who waited this long!! It dont look like we will get one this time either is where im saying 3 months at. All the people I talk to act like we wont get one.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-02 12:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaMeeting Online affecting K1 Morocco results?
Maybe so about the internet relationship part. But they arent giving reasons as to why they are sending them back right? Alot of people dont agree with meeting people on the internet. But if they are not approving visas cause of this. Its more of judgemental reasons cause they dont like the fact or think its wrong. I met my husband in a chat room but it was almost 3 years or more before we began to be more then just friends.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-02 10:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate
Sorry to hear about your situation I hope you hear some good news soon. Some thing like marriage certificate verification is pretty dumb if you ask me its a little hard to fake!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-12 20:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusband picked up Visa today in Morocco
congratulations great news! :D
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-11 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate

Wow, you had your interview three months from filing the I-129F?

I would suspect (although definately don't know for sure) that they haven't finished processing all of the documents and doing all of the name checking thingies.

DH had his interview 6 months after we filed, and they still took an extra 5 weeks to review all of his stuff after the interview.

I see they had Vermont as a Service Center. That might be why they process applications much faster.

Dont worry! Im sure its not a denial you know Morocco is becoming famous for AR. I wouldnt worry about the English level of your fiance either. You already proved to them that both of you speak Spanish so they cant count that against you. Try not to worry things will work out!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-14 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaWedding Stuff
Yeah especially if its mint tea you know how long that will take to make? I kind of miss drinking that stuff!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-12 20:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaWedding attire for men

One thing about the dresses the women wear...they are HEAVY! They have so much beading! I had so many, and his sisters and mother kept telling me, here try this one, now this one!
It was fun playing dress ups when I was a kid.

The dresses are heavy you got that right. But I think they are really pretty my husband called them the Arabic dresses. Most of the time you spend changing!lol
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-01-29 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaWedding attire for men
I got married in Morocco and had a wedding kind of like this. Only I didnt know this is what my husband had planned until I got there. The one your talking about is jabador I believe my husband also wore this and I had the same impression as you. I was really clueless at the wedding cause to my suprise I had six dresses I had to wear I thought just one like here the one I bought. My husband had the suite the jabador, and berber outfit. I have some pictures if you would like to see let me know.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-01-28 13:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterviews

>How would you like to spend years apart from your spouse while others can get their fiance here within a few months to marry? <

Many of us have had to spend years apart from our spouses; you are not alone. Why should I be upset because other people have been able to be together faster? I think that it's wonderful whenever a couple can finally be together.

**I never said anything was fair and I didnt say anything was wrong with people being together soon but no one will ever get my point!

>Your telling me this is fair? <

Who says that life has to be fair?

>Im just saying think of others and dont be so cruel. <

That's excellent advice. Maybe you should consider it.

**sounds like you can be quite cruel your self cause you dont even know me and here you are just bad mouthing someone you have never spoke to before!** So maybe you should consider it!

>Not many people even do anything but K1 anymore so many of you dont even know what I mean.<

I filed for a CR1/IR1. It takes time. It looks like you've only been waiting a year or so. That's really not too bad compared to many of us. If you miss your husband, maybe you could arrange to go visit him.

** and I have not been waiting for one year its been over one year way over one year get your facts straight! Not everyone is made of money and can go see their spouses whenever they want. Miss my husband? Im lucky If I get to speak to him two times a week!

These forums are meant to share advice and to support others that are going through similar processes. I don't understand why you have chosen to attack people that were merely trying to explain to you the different visa types, etc and why the times are different.

***I know Im so godly horrible Im the worst person there is like you say I come here to just attack everyone!

Diane first of all Im not attacking anyone! I know the different types of visas. All I did was ask a question and say what I thought of it whats so horrible about that? Oh you think im cruel huh? Thanks Ill just stop coming here if im so damn cruel!!!!! Actually thats a good idea I t hink I will!
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-14 22:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterviews

I think that everyone is missing an important point here, these are not the only 2 visas the embassies deal with.

Husbands are given a top priority! In their category, K-1's are in a different category then K-3's. K-1 is essentially is visitor visa and nothing more. You have no rights in the USA with a K-1 unless you get married and you only have 3 months to do that. When you apply for a K-3, you are applying for a green card, so ofcourse the wait is going to be longer, thats a given!

Someone made a statement that students can come over here and be out of status before coming, check your facts! Some embassies require you to put up your homes, businesses, and money before a student or visitor visa will be issued to ensure you come back. Now if you don't come back, that does not mean you can marry a citizen and be done with it. There is a grandfathering law called 245(i) that is part of the life act. This law allows you to marry someone that is out of status, legally, and do the AOS while they wait with you in the states. This law is no longer valid. The person would have to go back to their country and apply for the AOS and would be subject to a 10 year bar to the US for overstaying their visit.

I am filing a K-1 and the last time I checked it didnt take 3 months. I applied in November and it has already been 3 months and I have not even gotten approved from the USCIS, my case still has to go to Visa center, and then to the Jordan embassy to sit and collect dust for about 4 months before we even know if we get approval. However, I did do the research before deciding what approach to take and this is the path I choose and unfortunatly i have to stick with it.

I don't think its in anyway helpful to yourself or anyone to compare processing times of different visas, you can't compare apples and oranges.

Jennieh, I think we all understand your frustration and anger with the situation you are in, but that does not mean you should direct your anger at people filing K-1's and for one have not taken offense for anything that has been said here. The point of this forum is to get each other through this dreadful process and to get helpful information. I really do wish everyone the best of luck with their cases and I hope for quick approvals for everyone.

Jordanian Princess

Im not directing anger at people for Filing K1 but would it kill people to think of others then their selfs? Put your self in others situations before you attack them! All I did was ask a question and that was it and people took way over board. How would you like to spend years apart from your spouse while others can get their fiance here within a few months to marry? Your telling me this is fair? Im just saying think of others and dont be so cruel. Not many people even do anything but K1 anymore so many of you dont even know what I mean.

Edited by jennieh, 14 March 2006 - 09:05 PM.

jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-14 21:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterviews
[quote name='chiquita' date='Mar 14 2006, 05:30 PM' post='76236']
[quote name='jennieh' date='Mar 14 2006, 06:06 PM' post='76202']
[quote name='rhouni' post='75939' date='Mar 14 2006, 02:47 PM']

>>>And to correct you Ive seen everyone complain here all the time Im not the only one.

No, you never saw everyone in here complain all the time. I think the majority of the people in this forum have handled their wait stoically and with grace, including many who have had far longer waits than you.


>>>>First of all why would a K1 person complain? All you have to wait is maybe 6 months or more.

I don't know Jennie, you made the claim in your own words
>>>>>All these people complain its been 5-6 months or whatever since you seen your fiance last.

>>>And if your information I didnt chose this stupid visa route the I-130 was approved to fast!

Yes, you chose this route by getting married in Morocco thereby eliminating K1 as an option.

This process is frustrating for EVERYONE. However, again, we all had our choices. Take Shon for example: Shon has had a very difficult process and is in a very long wait, yet she is still able to put it all in perspective, recognizes the pros and cons of each visa, and is happy with her choice. "Priority" isn't time alone.


[quote name='shonjaved' post='75875' date='Mar 14 2006, 02:21 PM']
[quote name='jennieh' post='75861' date='Mar 15 2006, 01:15 AM']
[quote name='rhouni' post='75788' date='Mar 14 2006, 01:30 PM']
[quote name='jennieh' post='75286' date='Mar 14 2006, 11:12 AM']
My point is look at how long a family member has to wait compared to a boyfriend or girlfriend. All these people complain its been 5-6 months or whatever since you seen your fiance last. If you had to wait as long as some of these married people what would you do?


Everyone made their own choice whether to marry abroad or go for the fiance visa. You ask what these other people would do if they had to wait as long as the married couples, and talk about others complaining about 5 or 6 months, but honestly, I don't remember anyone complaining quite as much as you have. I understand you are frustrated but this was YOUR choice on where and who to marry and what type of visa that would allow you to apply for. Yes, you are waiting longer in this part of the process but your husband will also have advantages that the K1 visa holders don't have. Again, it comes back to choice. We all chose what route to go. I am not complaining because my husband cannot work now. I am happy he is here with me. It was my decision to go this route as it was yours to take the one you chose.

There are more non-immigrant visa appointments because there are more non-immigrant visa applications. These include student, medical, tourist and K1.


Im not complaining I just dont think the processes are fair or the wait times. And to correct you Ive seen everyone complain here all the time Im not the only one. Since everyone seems to disagree with me Ill just leave this be since no one gives unless its about them.

[quote name='rhouni' post='75788' date='Mar 14 2006, 01:30 PM']
[quote name='jennieh' post='75286' date='Mar 14 2006, 11:12 AM']
My point is look at how long a family member has to wait compared to a boyfriend or girlfriend. All these people complain its been 5-6 months or whatever since you seen your fiance last. If you had to wait as long as some of these married people what would you do?


Everyone made their own choice whether to marry abroad or go for the fiance visa. You ask what these other people would do if they had to wait as long as the married couples, and talk about others complaining about 5 or 6 months, but honestly, I don't remember anyone complaining quite as much as you have. I understand you are frustrated but this was YOUR choice on where and who to marry and what type of visa that would allow you to apply for. Yes, you are waiting longer in this part of the process but your husband will also have advantages that the K1 visa holders don't have. Again, it comes back to choice. We all chose what route to go. I am not complaining because my husband cannot work now. I am happy he is here with me. It was my decision to go this route as it was yours to take the one you chose.

There are more non-immigrant visa appointments because there are more non-immigrant visa applications. These include student, medical, tourist and K1.


And if your information I didnt chose this stupid visa route the I-130 was approved to fast!

no one is disageeing with you. I think its all a crazy web really.
btw, once you marry you have to file I-130.

hang in there kid. soon this stuff will be one big bad will have hubby home.

And I know I have to file the stupid I-130 everyone does if your married. What I ment is if it gets approved you cant do K3 and thats what happened to me for everyone who thinks they know my damn story!

[quote name='shonjaved' date='Mar 14 2006, 02:29 PM' post='75895']
Why are husband more important than a fiance (they are coming here to start a family)?


thats not a fair statement! in support of all of those that DO have husbands.
you do realize they are on alot of our accounts such as my husband is on my medical
and stuff. so that makes him very important - some of these husbands are also daddys of those
that are pregante or had a child. having said that there is alot that the k-1s have to go though such as the AOS and the gruling waits.

I didnt say a fiance wasnt important. But a family member already should have more importantce over them. The processes should be equal in length not twice as long or longer. The wait you guys wait to get your petition approved is how long we wait for just a dang interview date! Atleast you can do AOS and not have to do it all before you come. Its better to have AOS then you dont have to be apart longer. But since you all think im so cruel horrible person go attack this post now to. Come on rebecca your good at it!

[quote name='shonjaved' post='76029' date='Mar 14 2006, 03:23 PM']
so jenn,
did you get the interview date yet? what is the embassy saying?

No they dont give a damn!! All I was told is there is no order or anything dont go by petition date, or case complete date. Just whoever they feel like cause of their computer program!

When I got married, the K3 was moving faster than the K1!!! That is why i decided to go that route. Then suddenly it slowed to a stop. There was a backlog going on in Nebraska from RFI that had not been taken care of causing delays for everyone else.

Now as to the compalining...waaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ..I want so much to complain too!!! Jenn you go right ahead. If it helps you to destress, do it!!! I think we are all here on pins and needles too for what we as Americans have to go through regarding our spouses/fiancees. It just is plain wrong and unjust. Like the saying goes...take a walk in my shoes...maybe then you will understand.

I nor my husband did anything wrong for our interview yet our case was returned to BCIS for the validity of the relationship. Ummm, excuse me but according to the guidelines of the U.S. Consulate in Morocco, they will help me to overcome a denial. Hmmm, didn't happen for us. Another consideration that the consulate overlooked is they are not to judge on their "feelings" but are to have hard concrete evidence, which in our case they did not have.

Ok, ok, I am venting here. SOOOOOOOOO sorry. I will stop for now. But my advice for anyone going through there for the interview...just in case, or if you are denied...hey visit your beloved afterwards like I had to do and then wait another year or so to get another chance.

chiquita You get exactly what I mean!! Everything!! Try taking a walk in someone elses shoes before you judge K1 visas arent the only important people out there they dont rule the world of immigration! hardly anyone anymore goes CR-1 or K3 route anymore so many of you dont know how chiquita and I both feel about these issues.
jenniehNot TellingMorocco2006-03-14 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe VSC will have some explaining to do on Monday
good luck
we have waited a lot longer. I wrote and asked my senator for help last April. When you call immigration all you get is someone who can give you general information. You do not get to talk to your case officer. No one does.

If I do not get my NOA2 tomorrow, then the officer who has my case should get an earful from SOMEONE on Monday. Saturday marks 30 days since my case was assigned to an officer (and they said it would be adjudicated in 30 days). And 5 days since I requested an expedite (and they said they would get back to me within 5 days). But I don't expect to hear from them.

So, here's the plan. On Saturday morning, I am sending out FOUR letters: one to my Congressman, two to my Senators, and one to the USCIS Ombudsman. I hope that these letters will arrive Monday. I plan to call all these places Monday as well. This is the second time I am contacting my Senator. The bulk of of my letter is below. I described my situation and then added this:

"I know that I am not the only one who has experienced a delay in the processing of my I-129F petition. Petitioners who call the National Customer Service Center after 5 months are told that they must wait longer because there is a backlog of I-129F petitions. This is disconcerting because the director of USCIS Alejandro Mayorkas stated in a press conference on February 17, 2011 that “I believe we have eliminated our backlogs.” (See attached print out #1). I feel that it is imperative that you, as [the USCIS Ombudsman/ my state Senator/ my Congressman], are aware of the abnormally long processing times at the Vermont Service Center for I-129F petitions, particularly if these delays are not being acknowledged or addressed by the Director. The number of approvals in the fall of 2010 was exceptionally low, and in December 2010, USCIS processed fewer I-129F petitions than any month in the previous 2 years, even though application receipts remained steady (see attached print out #2).

I can think of no other explanation for this trend except that many I-129F petitions were set aside for several months to put priority processing on other petition types. As an institution that is funded almost entirely by user fees, I find it unconscionable that K1 petition filers – who are all U.S. citizens themselves and who were paying $455 to file the I-129F in September – could be moved to such a low priority for such an extended period of time.

That said, it appears that many others who have submitted their application at the same time as mine or after mine have already been processed, at both the California Service Center and the Vermont Service Center (see attached print out #3). I have waited my turn and, given these trends, it should not be unreasonable to request attention to my case, as well as the others who submitted their K1 visa petitions around the same time and have waited patiently."

I included printouts of the transcript of Mayorkas, the USCIS website processing trends, and visajourney petition trends, as well as a copy of my NOA1.

If this doesn't work, I know I have tried everything within my power.

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-03-11 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTimeline
there really does not seem to be good timelines. So much depends on information they recieve (accurate information helps) Remember now, summer vacations are scheduled and 4th of July and Labor Day. They are already working understaffed and overworked. Look at all the visa applications here. Thankfully they are self funded and don't have to rely on tax dollars.

Can someone tell me if the processing estimates/stats of the timeline is accurate? I see that the dates keep changing ...

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-15 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont Center really Sucks
He the USCIS site says fee is $430 now. and it was $355 when i fisrst applied in july 2009.

I don't like it either... I'd prefer things happen faster so that my fiancee can still be able to get pregnant before she's too old, etc.

And for a $340 fee that basically amounts to 15 minutes of work, that comes to about $1360 an hour is available to hire someone to process it. I'm sure they aren't paid that much, so this is not right. If the fee was only $10, maybe I'd understand.

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-15 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont Center really Sucks
You think you should say this? You think lawyers and immigration do not look at these posts. The service centers are divided up to handle different visas and different issues. Just be happy you are not sent to California. anyway, you need to be patient. this is serious business to bring someone into the US. and you are trying to bring someone here in one very difficult country. So many scammers in Nigeria. You need a lot of patience if you really care for this man, show him you can work thru all this to be with him.

Why is is taking CSC average of 3 months to adjudicate KI and it's taking VSC average of 6 months? I can understand some variables affecting both centers in terms of processing times, but 3 months ? This is more than ridiculous and it's beginning to really piss me off. I really miss my baby who is now 6 months pregnant and it's killing me that VSC is this bad! unfortunately there is nothing I can do but wait and pray for divine intervention because that's all I have now. For those that have got their NOA2s congrats and for those in the same boat as me, keep hope alive!

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-15 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPaul & Rain Approved in Manila!!!!
It is the old double standard. I am older than my husband and this is a plroble for a woman. My brother in law married russian woman 40 years younger and she is here. but women are not treated equal here. Even though age discrimination is unconstitutional, they do it. this will be my argument and i intend to take the issue to the papers if I have to.

Hey VJérs .. A quick update from Manila .. Rain and I were approved for our K1 Visa today. We're 24 years apart, she's 18 years old, I was married to a Filipina before, and we had no problems. Maybe it was our good looks combined that got us through :-) We were well documented though and I attended the interview. Our faith in The Lord Jesus Christ got us through the difficult times and brought us together. God is great! All the best to everyone ... our life-long adventure together has just begun. Ingat!!

...Paul & Rain...

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-16 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAre the USCIS processing times fair?
The applicaitons go to different centers. Some are immediately sent to one center for review for fraud becaue of the country of beneficiary. etc. You must understand all paperwork is necessary for this process. Many do not send in the needed items. Anytime something is requested from spouse in a foreign country this is a lengthy time to get the document, translate it, and mail it to the US and then on to USCIS. The best way to speed up any office is to get the proper documents to them ASAP and hope it does not sit in an inbox. and hate to say this but looking at all workers in any office I have ever delt with, seems some know what they are doing and others are just there for the pay check. Walk into an office, ask a question and watch everyone go to 1 person to find the answer. Now, hope that is the one who does your paperwork.

Why is it that people get faster processing, even though they sent their application later than others? Doesn't USCIS claim " Applications are processed in the order they are received????

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-18 05:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsneed help in my story
My quesiton is how do you find out the denial? they just qoute a section and dont' tell anyone.

Its a good idea to find out why they didn't give you visa when you went the k-1.....or rather why they canceled it after they gave it.....the reasoning behind that idea is that you need to do what ever it is that you need to so that you can satisfy what ever the reason to cancel your k-1 visa was......if you don't find the reason and you have not satisfied what ever the objection was being married could end up with another denial....

your in my prayers


Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-18 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSerious Stress...
Adil and I are 5 hours apart so we talk for an hour or hour and a half to keep each other informed every day but this is about 11 PM to 1 am for him. th etalk about immigration all the time will stress you out. So, sometimes talk of your love and your future. things you dream to do. Talk of what it will be like when you are finally together. If one of you gets upset with things, let the other be calm. Adil always tells me to be patient. He is very calm and reassuring. Just remember how imortant this is to you. And how much you have invested. Emotions, time, money, your future. And the best of luck to you.

I am a generally patient person I think but this is driving me mental... How do you guys deal with your stress? The wait is taking its toll on our relationship. It's hard to spend all this time on the phone and online and keep up a normal schedule.

This month the time changes here in Wisconsin and I will be an hour AHEAD of Carlos in El Salvador and that makes it even harder!! I work 6a-2:30p and 10 hours of mandatory overtime per week.

The worst part about this whole thing is his dad is the Deputy Chief of the USCIS Forms Center West and he can't even help us expedite anything. :(

Give me your ideas on how to get thru this trying time... :bonk:

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-03-03 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDon't plan til visa in hand
yes, the waiting is the worst and not getting any information. I hate someone controling my life. I have always been a self controler.
If only they sent an email or let you know some information from time to time.
and all this is legal process to get here and they make it hard.

People, it's really true! You can't plan anything until you have the visa in hand. It's just not worth the stress. If I were to do it all over again...

After a 6.5 month wait for the NOA2 during which I was lied to and strung along, I thought I was done with trusting anyone's predicted timelines. As March wore on, I was on the verge of canceling our summer wedding plans (which I had stupidly made a year before, hearing that the K1 process should only take 6 months). I swore I would never get my hopes up for swift processing again.'s funny what happens. We finally had the interview on June 6. On that day, the officer said at the end of the interview that everything looked good. He took the passport and made sure there was a blank page for the visa. Then he said we should have the visa within 7 to 10 days. He sounded really genuine. I repeated it all back to him, just to be sure, and he said yes. And then we got excited. We started making plans. He needed to give final dates to his landlord and his job, and the flights in early july were more he went ahead a booked a ticket for June 24, allowing 18 days to get the visa.

I don't know what we were thinking. 7 days passed...10 days...we contacted the consulate and they told us that it would still be a little while and they are "doing their best" and all. So here we are again, being strung along on some timeline that means nothing. We may lose the cost of that flight, but really the worst part is the waiting - that same feeling as waiting for the NOA2 - that someone else is controlling your life and you just have to sit on your butt and lose time and money and plans while they sit on your paperwork. I know it's not that dramatic. He could still get the visa by Thursday, or if not he will likely get it not too long after, but it sure is frustrating to have that feeling of being helpless and strung along. I think I am kind of traumatized by that NOA2 wait, and waiting is definitely so much worse when you feel like your plans and money are at stake!

So, I know it's a hard rule to follow, but unless you work really well under pressure or have tons of expendable cash, it's true what they say: don't make plans until the visa's in hand!!!

PS - I know there are others in AP and in much worse positions, so I don't mean to imply that this is the "worst thing ever" or anything. I just wanted to warn others, because I keep screwing up - maybe if I write it down I will heed my own advice. Also, it's just hard to be SO CLOSE to the finish line, but not yet there!!

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-06-21 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBoarding plane in a few hours!!!!
congruations and welcome to the US. Make us proud with your presence here.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-09 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfoPass Appointment was a DISASTER
First, you would not be allowed to record anything in the office. I am sure they said t oturn off cell phones even. now, I aksed for help from my Senator in April 2010 and still am waiting. They don't give aongressmen any more information than they give you which is nothing. Only thing congressman can help with is sending letter to embassy when you get interview. We finally have interview appointment now in July. After applying orginally for K-1 July of 2009. We have been married over 15 months now and wait ofr CR-1 to get our visa. Have you tried the news media to complain about Immigration. They need to crqack down on illegal immigration and respect US citizens who legally try to go properly thru the system. You realize if you made new appointment and had different person, you would get a whole new set of answers. The person you talked to was wrong about everything.
So sorry this has happened as I know the wait is so hard, I go thru it too.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-01 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswhat is considered large age difference?
I am ready to protest this as 70 and 80 year old men in florida are able to bring Russian and asian women here for marriage. but women are discriminated against. So, wathc for this to hit the news. US government says afte 35 can not enlist. age is factor in immigraiotn, you have to reitre at a certain age. This is all against our constitution that says no age, sex and religion discrination.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2011-07-10 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNEW reason for delay at CSC - 48,000 files damaged
first i am tired of being treated for 4 years like a crimianl who is trying to cheat the government. i have been married now for 3 and have gone thru Hell with our system.
they are treating illiegals better than us.
My neighbor here on a 2 year work visa from Germany was able to get his Phillipine wife here in 5 months. i was born here and struggle with all the RFE's.
I hired a lawyer, wrote to both Senators and my Congressman. No help.
I am ready to go live in another country and give this one up.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-04-03 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNEW reason for delay at CSC - 48,000 files damaged
If the files are destroyed, how can they start working on them? I really don't understand all this. Your congressman says to wait until they start to work on them? How? Destroyed means gone.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-04-03 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNo case number yet!
It is our understanding that the California office suffered water damage when a pipe broke. And all processes have slowed down as a result. Specutaion on files being destroyed. (See previous posts) But all you can do is wait for the receipt letter from NVC and the new case number, then follow the instructions to pay the 2 fees online. I do know many of the cases went to other offices as mine is now in Missouri and a gf recieved notice hers is in Texas, so hopefully those offices can get oall our packets to NVC in a resonable time frame.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-04-05 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCoping.. How do we all deal with waiting for our loved ones
WE do the same, Talk on MSN and skype every night, not just to him but also to his family and some freinds. Send each other the free 123 greeting cards, share all we do in the day. Write letters to Senators and anyone who we think can help. Print out all the chats, copy phone records, look at my photos on compter of my 4 trips, they are my screen saver, and sometimes cry as this is a long process. my first applicaiotn was in June 2009 for finance, and we married March 2010 and applied for spouse.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-04-05 07:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCoping.. How do we all deal with waiting for our loved ones
Because you need to be in the states in case USCIS sends you an RFE. I had to secure birth certificates, death certificates, affidivats from family memebers and he had to do the same in Morocco. You stay here and wait for immigration to do all the things they are asking of you. they will give you 30 days to get an RFE back to them, then you sit and wait 8 months for them to process. It is a hurry up and wait game.
Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-04-05 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI called NVC !! and got a bad news

Only approved June 10th

I applied June 2009

and NVC is now busy processing all the visa lottery winners

Adil & JeanneMaleMorocco2013-06-18 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
wow.gif very nice house energy.gif
HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-05-04 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
QUOTE (dbears @ Mar 18 2008, 09:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sj_soulm8ts @ Mar 19 2008, 12:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How are you Gay? Long time no hear sad.gif but glad to see you´re back again!!! We did miss you...

Hello jen, I'm fine.. got our approval today so I'm actually more than fine kicking.gif

QUOTE (Herolmounia @ Mar 19 2008, 01:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi !!!
could someone please help me !!!
i ve just received RFE and it says
You MUST provide “certified copies of all court and police records showing the charges and dispositions for every such conviction. This is required even if your records were sealed or otherwise cleared or if anyone, including a judge, law enforcement officer, or attorney, told you that you no longer have a record.”
although my fiance indicated on the I-129F form that he has never been convicted of the crimes outlined on it, a government search of his records came back that he has been.
does anyone has the same RFE ??
does anyone knows if bad police report affect K1 visa???? headbonk.gif
PLEASE HELP helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif
Thanks alot!!!

I have not come across anybody who have rfe regarding police records yet... but I think if it is not some major crime and if it has been dropped or cleared I think you will be fine. you just need to have a heart to heart and honest talk with your fiance. You do deserve to know everything, especially a significant thing like previous case dropped or not... this process is already stressful enough, so there should be no added surprises along the way for the both of you.

I wish you the best and may everything be resolved the soonest. God be your guide.

Thanks Alot for your answer, i really needed it!!!! rose.gif

Edited by Herolmounia, 19 March 2008 - 05:04 AM.

HerolmouniaFemaleMorocco2008-03-19 05:03:00