K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone else go from NOA1 to NOA2 in 6 weeks?

Thank you! We're ecstatic. We expected to wring our hands and count days through autumn...Christmas...and on in to deep winter just to get to this point.

If both centers are going quickly now, then a lot of anxious people here may be celebrating very soon. My fiancee is getting his passport renewed this week (the current one is only good til Januray) and 15 vaccinations in the coming week or two. Meanwhile I'll deal with the support documents, then we wait for the next notice.

I have no idea how long we can expect to to wait for his interview.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-08-25 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone else go from NOA1 to NOA2 in 6 weeks?

It's California. I hear they'e the fastest prcessing center. Appaerntly from what I understand, Vermont is the polar opposite, taking an average of 9 months to get around to approving applications. 

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-08-25 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone else go from NOA1 to NOA2 in 6 weeks?

I was under the impression that the shortest time anyone has ever waited for NOA2 was 4 months, but most people wait 5 to 6 months. We received our NOA1 on July 12, so I was stunned when we received our NOA2 on August 23rd. Only 6 WEEKS! Has anyone else received an NOA2 this fast?

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-08-25 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI 129f approved in 33 Days, common??

I sent in my application for my fiance on July 17, 2013.  I received my NOA1 on July 25, 2013.  I was ready to wait for 5 months, like the wait time says for the California Service Center.  I just got the NOA2 in the mail the other day (August 27, 2013), saying it was approved and was being sent to the consulate in Tegucigalpa.  I am thrilled that it was so fast!! I am wondering if anyone has any insight into why it was so fast?




Ours went from NOA1 to NOA2 in 42 days. We were shocked because it's typically a wait of 4 to 6 months, and sometimes more. I asked the same question you've asked. Many people replied, saying the process has been going quite unusually fast lately.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-09-02 02:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports40 days since NOA2...still waiting for next notice :(



Here is what happened to our case for your reference.


- Our NOA2 date is Sep 11.

- I called NVC a week later on Sep 18 and was told to wait for 8 weeks, you know the standard answer.

- I called NVC again on Sep 23, they told me they "just" received our case that morning and gave me our case #.

- Sep 25, I received an email from NVC as below:


"The NVC completed its processing of this visa petition, and recently forwarded it to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in ALGIERS ALGERIA.  Please allow some time for the file to reach its destination."


By checking this web site, it told us:


"Your case is in transit to the Consular Section. Your interview date was provided to you by the National Visa Center."


Confusing much right?  What interview date? I didn't receive any interview date from NVC.


I have been emailed Algiers Embassy twice so far with no response but it has been only a week so I will give them some more time.  My advice would be keep calling NVC until you get a case number!!  Best time to call is between 11pm to 12am Eastern time.


Good luck and feel free to keep in touch to exchange our journeys. 


Thank you!

This information is really helpful.


I'd be freaking out if I got a notice saying they'd given me an interview appointment, but I had no idea what they were talking about.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-10-04 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports40 days since NOA2...still waiting for next notice :(

According to CNN this morning, all US visa processing stopped in its tracks as of 12am. Nothing else is going to happen for any of us until the government shut down is over.  Since I work for the government, my income stopped today too. October is my favorite month, but this year? Not so much.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-10-01 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports40 days since NOA2...still waiting for next notice :(

After waiting only 6 weeks between NOA1 and NOA2, we were so excited.  The next step in this process seems to be stuck in the mud though. The NOA2 was August 23rd. Here we still are, with nothing else happening. The only information I can get tells me what I already know, "Your last notice of action was August 23, 2013." How long should we wait before we start trying to take some sort of action (other than just email and calls to the NVC) to find out where our visa petition went!?

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-09-30 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase number received after 44 days

If you would be so kind as to update your timeline it would help all other VJers goign through this watining game now.


Thank you and Congrats! biggrin.png


I've tried to do that. Something's wrong. It always tells me in big red letters that I have errors. It tells me my NO2 date is an error no matter how many times I try, and now it's doing the same with the new date. I KNOW my dates aren't in error. but the timeline doesn't seem to think so.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-10-04 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCase number received after 44 days

I've been trying to connect with a real person at NVC since September 23rd, to see if I could find out what happened to our visa petition. Today I got an email reply with our case number and a priority date.  I don't quite understand how the priority date affects us. It's listed as July 12, 2013.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-10-04 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa issued & delivered within 24 hrs

Thanks guys goofy.gif

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2014-02-04 02:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa issued & delivered within 24 hrs

We read it would be 2 to 7 days before the visa would be available for pick up after being issued. I was surprised when I received an email saying it was ready for pick up within 24 hours. Issued yesterday morning, picked up this morning. Yes!!!

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2014-02-03 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am happy for you and your fiance. My fiance had his interview January 23rd by I believe the same Consulate officer. We were given a 221g also requesting form I-134, proof of taxes for 2012 & evidence of our relationship...We were sad to see that it was a denial until we can provide documentation.I am rather confused by all these because I had submitted all this information to my fiance in which the CO should have all the documentation. I am pretty sure that I submitted all 3 years of my taxes: 2013,2012,2011 and as far as proof of our relationship???...if I have to resubmit another set of conversations, phone bills, etc...this is 7 years worth...I have sent an email last week in hopes I can get some clarification of what was submitted for my fiance's file...but I did not receive any response and I doubt that they would look into the actual hard case file to research what was submitted. I know in the end that I may have to end up resubmitting all the documentation but to redo 7 years worth of proof?


Somehow they may have overlooked your taxes for 2012. I'd submit it again, along with your W2 or 1099. If there is any other proof of your relationship that you didn't submit the first time, add that now along with all the contact proof you submitted before. Though we submitted proof of our relationship the first time, Ms Lang asked that we give her more evidence of our on going contact. She was specific. She said she wanted every gap in our "proof of contact" to be filled, to show her we were in contact every week of every month since we met. NO GAPS. It took a month of effort, every spare moment I had to collect at least one thing from EVERY day we had contact between us. I started with the day we first met on line and highlighted each date in order from that time up until the day before our interview. In 26 months of knowing each other, there were only 7 days in which I couldn't provide proof of contact between us. I put it all together in small font on 260 pages! She was apparently satisfied! :)

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2014-02-04 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED!

Congrats!! My fiancé was also approved on Saturday night.  I was so worried when i saw they changed the creation date, I thought we were going to have to start all over.  I almost got sick, so I googled it and found out they do that before they issue the visa, then in the morning when I saw it said issued, I couldn't stop crying and I thanked God for like an hour!  Congrats and good luck on the rest of your journey!  Now I just want to know how long until he has it in hand =)


My fiance has his visa in hand :) It was 24 hours after "issued" that I got the email saying it was ready for pick up.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2014-02-03 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED!

It was 12:30am here in Colorado so actually it wasn't Saturday night :)

It was 8:30am in Algeria, Sunday morning, which is their first day of the work week.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2014-02-02 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED!

Thank you! goofy.gif

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2014-02-02 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsISSUED!

My fiance's interview was January 2. The consulate was Kelly Lang, who was very pleasant and attentive. At the end of the interview she gave him a 221(g) requesting more proof of contact between us, showing that we were in continual contact from the time we met until the time of the interview. Also she wanted a different sponsor who had a higher income and 2013 taxes and W2. We had to wait for my brother's W2, then he had his taxes done on the 28th. I sent the info and affidavit of support via email in PDF on the same date. Our case continued to be "Further Administrative Processing" until last night 12:30am (8:30am in Algeria) it changed to "Ready". Soon as I woke this morning, I checked it again and it had changed to "Issued". I'm so excited, I feel nauseous! My fiance' doesn't know yet because he's working away from his phone. I'm counting the minutes until I know he's off work! Pinch me, I think I must be dreaming. :D

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2014-02-02 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved

Congratulationsgoofy.gif !

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2014-02-03 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied because I am ugly???

It's so sad that these people let their power go to their heads and they play God with people's lives. I've heard stories like this before. "The man is much too short for his fiance". "The woman is fat. Surly her fit fiance wouldn't want her." "The woman looks too old for her fiance."  "The couple aren't financially matched" etc etc etc.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-09-25 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInitial Review straight to Post Decision Activity

Ours was super fast too, so we thought we'd be sailing speedily along to the interview as well. No way!

From the time we got that notice until the interview will be 133 days.

Aspen7FemaleAlgeria2013-11-26 11:14:00