K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

sorry.. had no sleep.. INDIA I meant.. Mumbai consulate

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-22 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai


It's more than that...this is the 21st Century. Consider this site for example, you all have been giving me great advice for the past two days now. Without this computer, or the computer your on could that happen. We live in a world of on-line this and on-line that. Our kids of today are meeting kids from all over the world using social media networking sites. Today you don't have to fly 8000 miles to see the person you love, you can log-in and see their face, you can hold a conversation, you can laugh and share, just as easily if that same person was sitting next to you. That's what I have, Months of Vonage phone bills, hundreds of pages of on-line chat, emails, short stories I've written him about us, cards, gifts, and yes we did get to meet, to touch, to hold and feel. I miss that the most, and I can't wait for us to be together again. How do I send that in a form and how does he express that through a bullet proof window. 


But to answer your question, I would kill him. :-)




OMG I can relate...Despite all our proof (which she didnt seem to care about since she noted his religion) we were denied because she felt it was highly unlikely that 2 eople can decide to marry after only 15 days as she put it.. We were talking face to face online 9 months before my trip to Insia and over a year after this we still have current phone/chat/email history.My children even send him pictures and chat with him too..The interviewer saw the pictures they collored him..said oh how sweet..then denied us saying not enough proof of a relationship..I mean come on?almost 2 years!!!!not enough proof??she asked him repeatedly about his religious practices...that strikes me as a bit odd considering they claim they do not and may not discriminate based on color,religion age or per US law.She clearly did.I wrote and called the consulate.we'll see what they reply

mirinyFemaleIndia2013-11-22 09:16:00