K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Happen on my Interview?

Hello Vjers,

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me giving ideas as to what is required in preparation of everything before my interview yesterday. And asking GOD to guide me always in every steps I take. PRAYERS are powerful and its only my weapon in this time of test. A very challenging test, I would say.

Here's what happened on my interview:

Since I live a bit farther to US Embassy, I rent hotel overnight (10 minutes walk) at Soriente Hotel (located at Bocobo St, UN Ave, near St. Luke's). I came to the area around 5am, with lines of people waiting, the line I followed was the 630am appointment schedule wise, as well as what type of visa are you applying for. So we waited til they started at 6am to get us in.

NOTE: Steps from start may vary to those who have had experience their interview:

1. Prepare your Passport, Appointment Letter & DS Forms. (Filipino staffs assisted to arrange these requirements) and return back to you and instructed to put your passport inside the ziploc plastic with your front page visible.

2. As you get inside the checking area, they will check everything of course you have (as advised from other Vjers, do NOT bring any gadgets, perfume, water, some other forms of liquid and food.):thumbs:

3. Fall in line, they asked if your medical was in an envelope or in a CD(?) then giving you a queue number with the No. 1 stated above requirements and instructed you to drop the stapled (appointment letter, DS forms) to window assigned number. Please make sure you hold your passport, now in ziplock together with your queue number while waiting for your turn by monitoring the number flashed.

4. Pre-Screener: He asked for my BC, NBI, CENOMAR, Police Clearance abroad and Passport. Asked the following:

a. Who is my Petitioner?

b. What is my Name?

c. What is my Birthdate?

d. Have I been in abroad? How many countries? How long?

e. Was I married before? He also asked my divorce decree with the translation in it.

f. How and when did we meet?

g. When did we first met?

h. When did he last visit me?

*** Then he asked for Affidavit of Support, Form 40, W-2. Reviewed them. Again,asked that he needed to look at few pictures (if I have). Since my photos are in folder, with a captions, he took it and looked at them.

*** By the way, the pre-screener is a Filipino, friendly soft spoken male, which you do feel at ease with him :innocent:

*** He instructed me to wait, again when the queue number flashes.

5. Biometrics - easy one. I was asked to say name and birthdate clearly. Put your Left to right four fingers and two thumbs :thumbs: :thumbs: infront of you.

6. Final Interview with Consul - She said hello and asked me to solemnly swear to tell truth and nothing but the truth :innocent: (while my right hand raised). She looked all my papers infront of her and asked the following:

a. Who is my Petitioner?

b. How old I am? (which by the way, she said I look young with my age :wow: )

*** She looked at my CENOMAR (oh boy), and said "Your CENOMAR is a bit old, you need to get new one" and she crossed the white paper (oh boy, again):blush:

c. How long my marriage was? Why? Where is my divorce decree? She crossed this out again in her white paper, and explained she needs/considers an annulment paper from Philippines, an annotated one. I explained that my marriage was solemnized outside the Philippines and divorce was obtained in the same country that I had been. While explaining, she asked my previous husband's name and trying to look at the divorce paper, she couldnt find it and I pointed where it was. She wrote my prev husband's name in the white paper. And then read/review again, she then, ERASED the supposed-to-be requirements, whew!

Here the comment I have read from one of our VJers that really enlightened me! No.1 applies on my case B-)

d. How we met?

e. When did we first met in person?

f. When was the last time he visited me?

g. Does he have children? How many? How old?

h. How many countries I have been?

i. What is my marriage name? (this is a tricky question for me, :innocent: , but I able to answer it, thank God!)

*** She then finalized her white form paper, making sure she erased the "divorce" issue. Again, she reminded me of my new CENOMAR. And then she said "Thank you for answering my questions" :D

She did not say if it was approved or not. And was instructed to wait for the final window.

7. Window 72 staff asked my whole name, birthdate, birthplace,father's name, mother name and printed a reverification form, he gave me and instructed to go to NSO at Pasay branch and said "once we received your CENOMAR, we will take care of it, you can leave now".

Note that, he have my passport attached on the rest of my documents in a folder. He only just gave me this form to present this to NSO. I dont want to waste time,after checking out from the hotel, I went directly to NSO, requested new CENOMAR and asked how many days it will take for them to have this CENOMAR processed, about 3-4 days. He explained that, every Friday, assigned USEM staff pick them.


this is what happened to my sister in law she returned paper with passport Oct 3 embassy emailed her on the 7th they received and waiting for consul to review them
medasmanMalePhilippines2011-10-19 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisa after deportation
it depends what happens at the interview you will probably have to pay and apply for a wavier
medasmanMalePhilippines2012-10-09 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfriend wants help with kids
I have a friend who has been here 7 months has 2 kids in the Philippines both are minor she wants to bring her kids here now she just got her 2 year green card so what papers does she need they where listed as the k-2 but no visa was issued
medasmanMalePhilippines2013-01-09 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYOU WON"T BELIEVE THIS
when my finance came on the visa it was Don and my name is James she had no problems
medasmanMalePhilippines2013-01-31 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI only sent the actual I-129f form
they will send it back had this happen to a friend last month
medasmanMalePhilippines2013-02-16 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter From Parents
I know that when I applied for my fiance, in the initial stage (I-129F) I did not include letters from my parents. I think in retrospect it would have supported the realtionship, and shown that my parents, and hers for that matter, knew of the relationship and supported our decision. I think it would also shwed light on the magnitude of people who know about the relationship, providing support for your relationship!! I did, however, send a letter to my fiancee from my parents for her interview at the consulate, they did not ask for any further evidence at that time, but I just wanted to support the validity of my relationship. As others have posted it is not required, the question is what can it hurt! In my opinion any support you can give for your relationship would be beneficial!!
b_fowlerMaleRussia2009-04-13 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPermission letter
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Jun 12 2009, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Glad it worked out for you. I am not steely eyed enough for this, plus my wife's ex would probably take the boys and use them for punching bags, I cannot imagine Alla would take that risk, she would not even joke about that for fear of her son's well being. Glad it worked for you. All we did was give up the child support and I doubt he would have sent it anyway once she left. Her position was..."if you don't sign this I am not leaving and I will make SURE you pay all the child support"

I appreciate it, I would have to agree though that every situation is different!! Motives seem to be the same, MONEY and JEALOUSY. I just know that if the fathers in any of the situations like these really does not have an interest in the child, and does not make the effort to be in their lives, the ultimately do not want that responsibility. There are exceptions to every rule, for instance the mothers that do not allow the fathers to see their children. It does happen, not in EVERY case, but it is worth noting. This board is to help those with questions, in the present and in the future, so anything we post here is for current and future benefit. I also want to state I am glad your circumstances worked out, note that anyone who reads our posts will have multiple means of negotiating this problem and deciding what will work best for them!! :-)

Brian & Olga

Edited by b_fowler, 13 June 2009 - 06:33 PM.

b_fowlerMaleRussia2009-06-13 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPermission letter
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Jun 7 2009, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (b_fowler @ Jun 7 2009, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As Neonred pointed out: AlthoughI recommend getting the permission of the other parent in any situation!! I as a matter of fact had the same sort of situation with my fiancee and her daughter. One question is does the father want custody of the child or not, we tried to discuss him giving permission. He denied us at first. When we made the effort to get him on his own to give the permission, but he has remarried and has a son from another woman. He did not want to have the responsibility of his children, but just wanted to give my fiancee a hard time. I think in our case he was just jealous of my fiancee and wanted to give her a problem to deal with. As I have been told many times Russians are very jealous and envious people and tend to treat others with malice when others have something that is viewed as better. What we did to persuade him, was give him the responsibility of his daughter, note: I am not saying this particualarly fits your situation, it was just our circumstance. As with everything, posting may help someone else in a similiar situation!! That is why everyone comes to this site for assistance and support!! Good luck and I hope all goes well!!! They did not ask for any proof at the embassy during her interview, although that obviously does not mean that he could cause problems in Russia!!

Brian & Olga

I was just curious, when you said "give him the resposibility" does that mean a "bluff" and he caved?

What I said about "bluffs" only applies to me and our situation, it s not something I like to do, and in our case the guy proabbly would have said "OK" You need to be very sure about your situation as if he calls the bluff it puts you in a very difficult situation.

Yes, there seems to be the same envy or jealousy in Ukraine and there is no dount that is waht drove my wife's ex. It was definitely a "What do I get" negotiation.

I am surprised they did not ask for this letter. It was the one thing that was heavily scrutinized in our documentation. They barely glanced at the I-134 but they studied that father letter under strong light, literally!

Essentially yes he bluffed and caved!! He, In my opinion just wanted to give my wife a hard time. He knew she was leaving Russia and was jealous. I know a Russian family, which is how Olga and I met, that came here to the United States on a diversity visa. They have lived here for about 5 years, but they knew Olga and here former husband well. My friend told me that he was the type of person that once he "Had" someone he was kinda of jealous about that also. He alleged that I would bring his daughter here and push her into prostitution or sell her organs on the black market. Yes that leads one to believe that he had different motives, but all in all he did not back taking in and caring for his daughter. I cannot answer for why they did not ask for this letter, I agree they should ask for some documentation to confirm. We received his permission and had it notarized to cover ourselves. It would be the last thing I would want to have happen is to visit Russia and have my wife thrown in prison, or fine an astronomical amount because she took her daughter out of the country (without proper documentation).

b_fowlerMaleRussia2009-06-12 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPermission letter
I do not know how your Russian is, or if you can read it to your fiance but my wife wants to post for you here:

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b_fowlerMaleRussia2009-06-07 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPermission letter
As Neonred pointed out: AlthoughI recommend getting the permission of the other parent in any situation!! I as a matter of fact had the same sort of situation with my fiancee and her daughter. One question is does the father want custody of the child or not, we tried to discuss him giving permission. He denied us at first. When we made the effort to get him on his own to give the permission, but he has remarried and has a son from another woman. He did not want to have the responsibility of his children, but just wanted to give my fiancee a hard time. I think in our case he was just jealous of my fiancee and wanted to give her a problem to deal with. As I have been told many times Russians are very jealous and envious people and tend to treat others with malice when others have something that is viewed as better. What we did to persuade him, was give him the responsibility of his daughter, note: I am not saying this particualarly fits your situation, it was just our circumstance. As with everything, posting may help someone else in a similiar situation!! That is why everyone comes to this site for assistance and support!! Good luck and I hope all goes well!!! They did not ask for any proof at the embassy during her interview, although that obviously does not mean that he could cause problems in Russia!!

Brian & Olga

Edited by b_fowler, 07 June 2009 - 03:59 PM.

b_fowlerMaleRussia2009-06-07 15:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgetting excited

Congrats!! I couldnt wait that long. I will book tomorrow morning for a Jan. 29th flight!!!

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Safe Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!
togaMalePhilippines2011-01-26 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAppeal or not to appeal?

Unless someone disagrees it looks like the consensus is to reapply.  Really nice that you received these replies so quickly!

togaMalePhilippines2013-05-25 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbee
Good luck to you guys... If you are planning to be back to US, encourage your fiance to take the NCLEX-RN and English proficiency test to be an RN. At least you are together so the waiting time won't be hard at all.
dansalyNot TellingKuwait2013-04-28 04:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get hold of RFE
Thanks for your reply. Hope we can get it sooner so we can address the problem.
KendoraMalePhilippines2011-07-12 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get hold of RFE
I would like to hear from you guys on what is the best thing to do. My fiancee sent the I-129F application last April 11, 2011 received NOA1 April 16, 2011.
Last Wednesday July 6, he received an email from USCIS informing that they send an RFE through mail. But the problem is he is here with me in the Philippines.
All we need is the content of the RFE so we can provide the needed documents. We already send fax to them, still waiting for their reply.

Is there a deadline for RFE's?

KendoraMalePhilippines2011-07-12 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I go to obtain the K-1 Visa?

Be sure to compare all forms you fill out with the forms on-line to make sure that you filled them out correctly before you send them. A lot of people rush and make mistakes and end up getting RFE's. Don't do that. Make sure it is complete when you send it in otherwise you will sweat for four months like I did worrying that you might get an RFE. I didn't get one but I left off two fields that should have had 'N/A' like where the Alien # goes and something else simple I missed. Usually the divorce papers or not sending solid evidence of being with your fiancee in the same location are reasons to get an RFE.

We just finished the process. We did it ourselves. We started around September 1st and got approved in February 15th. :dance: She arrives this weekend.

Thank you for sharing! So happy for you both....gonna be an exciting weekend, with many more to come!!! Congratulations & God bless you

Please read this guide. There is a link to download the application forms. You can also download the application form directly on the USCIS website.
The first forms you need are I-129F, G-325a and optional G-1145
Bear in mind that you need to send a lot more documents than just those forms. So make sure to read the guide thorough.

Thank you! :)
Faisal-ChristinaNot TellingSaudi Arabia2012-03-22 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I go to obtain the K-1 Visa?
We are getting close to starting the process of a K-1 Visa, so I thought I would see where I can go to obtain the application? I live in MO. Any and ALL advice appreciatted! Ty
Faisal-ChristinaNot TellingSaudi Arabia2012-03-19 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile K1 ourselves or get an attorney???

I also would suggest consulting with an immigration lawyer. Not hiring one to do your whole case, it doesn't seem that would be necessary. But you do need to make sure you've got all your facts straight in "immigration-legalese". For example, the removal. He may have been ordered to leave, he may have even accepted voluntary deportation, and knowing the specifics of what happened will ensure that you are prepared for any questions about this on the paperwork. Also, as stated, more heavy scrutiny will apply to your relationship because of the prior marriage and immigration process. An attorney can help you look through your circumstances and decide how best to prove your relationship. Talk to a good one, though, because a lot out there have unknown reputations and such. It seems VJ doesn't have such a thing, but another immigration forum maintains a list of attorneys who are trustworthy for cases where there are immigration complications, both major and minor like yours seems to be:

Thank you for your help! Also, thank you for sharing about your have a beautiful family! God bless you and be with you. Blessings :)
Faisal-ChristinaNot TellingSaudi Arabia2012-07-06 23:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile K1 ourselves or get an attorney???

That should be fine then re: deportation/ possible overstay ban as he didn't over stay long enough to incur a ban. [180 out of status days will cause you to incur a 3 year ban longer than that 10 year ban I believe]

In regards to the denied student visa that will not affect the petition at all.

In regards to the actual K-1 petition you may have to try a little harder to prove your relationship is bonafide as your fiance has already had a petition by an USC , but you should not have too much trouble and should not need a lawyer, it is quite straight forward.

Do yourself a favour and make sure you have a lot of evidence of your ongoing relationship and research your fiance's consulate, to find out what they are like, what they look for etc etc.

Of course if any of this is incorrect I am sure someone will come along and correct me!

ok, that sounds good. thank you for the advice on the consulate, will do that! Really appreciatte the help.... :)
Faisal-ChristinaNot TellingSaudi Arabia2012-07-03 00:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile K1 ourselves or get an attorney???

It depends how long he was out of status. If it was less than a year than there could be a 3 year ban, if it was more than a year than there could be a 10 year ban. My fiance was also on a student visa and took voluntary departure. He overstayed by 10 months and had a 3 year ban. Make sure u gather all his immigration record by the interview time because they will ask for it. Its ur decision whether u feel comfortable with,or without a lawyer. I will tell u one thing, that in order to get his immigration record he would have to file a FOIA request which can take months. My lawyer was able to obtain the same records for me in a week. In my case, I feel it was waste of my money to hire a lawyer to file K1 since it simple forms but he came in handy when I needed the immigration record,which I got way faster through him than I would have myself. I hope this helps. U can send me PM if u have anymore questions and I would help u as much as I can. Good luck.

Ty if he was out of status for 3 months, then there is prolly a 3 year ban? how do we find out for sure? do we file the k1 paperwork or wavier first? same time? sorry so many questions... Appreciatte your help :-) Also the FOIA, is that required? Never heard of that....Can u give me a rough idea of cost for a lawyer to do that? Do you have any reccomendations of immigration lawyers?
Faisal-ChristinaNot TellingSaudi Arabia2012-07-03 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile K1 ourselves or get an attorney???

How long was your fiance out of status?

3 months out of status...
Faisal-ChristinaNot TellingSaudi Arabia2012-07-03 00:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile K1 ourselves or get an attorney???
Hello, need some boyfriend soon to be fiancae & I, are getting ready to file the K1 Visa papers (in Sept). We have a concern....long story short, my foriegn fiancae was living in the states for several years on a student visa. He got married was in the process of doing a change of status on his visa when the wife changed her mind about the marriage, they seperated...she stopped the status change process. He was unaware and uncertain of the outcome of the seperation, whether they would reconcile. She started talking divorce and later followed thru with. He was contacted by Immigration, fully cooperated, was voluntarily deported. The divorce was finalized after he left. The deportation all happened a little over two years ago. Will we have a problem? From everything I have read, I think we would be fine to file ourselves, however the encounter with immigration might be an issue??? He filed for another student visa about a year and a half ago and was denied. We have known each other for 19 months been in a totally committed relationship for 10 months and are ready for marriage to share our lives and love together! Please share any and all advice, Thank you in advance!
Faisal-ChristinaNot TellingSaudi Arabia2012-07-02 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Feb 11 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gri5w4ld @ Feb 11 2009, 07:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading some sample interview questions my fiancee might be asked and one of them was if i had met her parents and what they thought of me. She is 27 but I guess things are different there in the philippines and she doesn't really want me to meet her parents because she said they wouldn't allow her to be with me a lone places or to marry me if they even just met me once. Would that be a problem at the interview? I thought about making up some kind of excuse for it but I don't know what.

I'm sure someone from the Philippines could best answer your question about what kind of questions they might ask at an interview. I'm thinking however, that this shouldn't preclude you meeting her parents. In fact, I would suggest that most Philippine fiances who seem really close to their families, want their families to meet their future spouse. How did you two meet as it is? Was it in the Philippines? They might not approve of you spending "alone" time together, and maybe not being in the same place overnight, however could you not go to a local hotel, or stay with one of her relatives when you visit?

At 27, she doesn't need their written permission to marry you. Perhaps going for more than one or two visits would be the ideal situation and then you could meet them several times and get to know them.

Best of luck!

I met her online and we have been talking for 4 years. I am finally going to see her this april and spend a couple weeks at a hotel with her.I figured she is 27 and it would seem ridiculous for them to deny her visa simply because I didn't meet a grown womans parents. we will have all evidence and everything else that is needed.
Gri5w4ldMalePhilippines2009-02-11 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview
I was reading some sample interview questions my fiancee might be asked and one of them was if i had met her parents and what they thought of me. She is 27 but I guess things are different there in the philippines and she doesn't really want me to meet her parents because she said they wouldn't allow her to be with me a lone places or to marry me if they even just met me once. Would that be a problem at the interview? I thought about making up some kind of excuse for it but I don't know what.

Gri5w4ldMalePhilippines2009-02-11 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust getting started
thanks again guys! She left today and I cried all the way to work like a little boy. I am dreaming of the day our visa gets approved.
jeff yMaleLatvia2012-01-10 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust getting started
you guys are awesome. Was feeling a bit discouraged by this whole daunting process! I think they purposely make it difficult to understand-perhaops to generate more revenue? or to keep immigrants from being able to decipher it on their own? who knows.

I will check on that form. I am throwing a surprise going away party for my fiancee tonight, with family and friends. wish me luck! they all love her...almost as much as I do!
jeff yMaleLatvia2012-01-09 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust getting started
I have been doing research on the K-1 visa for my fiancee-she is leaving the USA tomorrow to go back to Latvia. I have a hard time decifering all those instructions and found conflicting information on what is supposed to be included in the first part of the application process. I even found the list on this website confusing. can anyone offer advice? I feel like i need a PhD in English to make sense of all this. Some empathy would be nice, at the least. lol :help:
jeff yMaleLatvia2012-01-09 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Question re: SO with Disability
Thank you for your response. I appreciate it. Being new to the process, all of this is definitely intimidating. My biggest concern is how they will view his receipt of disability benefits at home. If they will consider my income and health benefits, and the fact that he is healthy and able to work, I think it will be clear that we can manage without benefits in the U.S. I hope that they see it the same. Thanks again for your response. It seems logical and reasonable to me.
Jane_JamieNot TellingNew Zealand2011-05-19 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Question re: SO with Disability
Hello Everyone,

I am new here to this board and my SO and I are just about to begin the K-1 Visa process. I'd appreciate any guidance that the group has to offer. I've been trying to do my research up front, and after reading about the K-1 process, I have some concerns regarding the Affidavit of Support. I more than meet the income requirements for the AOS (although, I am by NO means wealthy), however, my SO has spina bifida and is "disabled." He is in good health other than not having full use of his legs and needing a wheelchair to travel for longer distances. He does receive some disability benefits in his home country (NZ). He is fully capable of working, and has held a job for about 5 years. I work for state government and have decent benefits...He would be covered by my medical benefits after we were married. He visited me last month and stayed for 5 weeks. He's going to return in August for another visit. We would meet all of the requirements and I wouldn't be concerned except for the "public charge" issue. Since he receives disability benefits at home, will that cause us problems when they are considering his potential for becoming a public charge in the U.S.? I read this and began to worry:

"If the applicant(s) suffer from poor health or serious physical
impairment, are likely to need medical treatment, or are otherwise not
likely to be able to support themselves, closer scrutiny of the sponsor's
ability to provide the requisite level of support may be necessary. For
example, a sponsor who is able to demonstrate an income that barely meets
the minimum requirement, should have to demonstrate clearly that he/she has
the resources to cover an applicant requiring extensive or long-term
medical expenses. In such cases, a joint sponsor with substantial
resources would have to provide an Affidavit of Support. (Note: Medical
considerations should only be for conditions that exist at the time of the
interview. A healthy elderly applicant, for example, should not be denied a
visa simply because s/he might require medical care at some point in the

Any thoughts or advice? We feel confident that a medical exam will prove that he is capable of working, but we're still worried.
Jane_JamieNot TellingNew Zealand2011-05-18 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie with many questions. Please help.
QUOTE (Kros @ Feb 11 2008, 11:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey I'm new to this site and I have few questions. First of all, I am a US citizen and my fiance lives in Poland. I am planning on bringing her to US as soon as she finishes school in June. All I know as of now is that I need to write a petition for her and send a check for $450. Can someone tell me what other documents do I need to send with my application? Do I need to send some of her documents as well? One more questions, is it really better to let some agency or law firm do all the paper work for me or is it easy enough so I can do it on my own? If I send the application in March is it possible that she will get her fiance visa be September? Thanks for all the help, I will try to get familiar with the website and all the info that is available. I just need some tips how to start the entire process. Thanks again good.gif

Here's a link for you to aswer some of your questions:;page=k1guide

You don't really need to use an agency or law firm. Just hang out here and post your queries and people will be happy to help you. A lot of us made it successfully without using an immigration lawyer especially if your case is not that complicated.

Good luck!

David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-02-11 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport visa expiration date
QUOTE (specialfrances @ Feb 17 2008, 09:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all,

I have my interview for my AOS end of March, and I have just seen that my K-1 Visa expires at the end of this month!? Does that matter, has anyone had this happen to them?
It feels as if I will be here without a visa waiting for my interview.......

Thanks for any help

I believe there's nothing to worry about since if your AOS interview is successful, you'll have your greencard and that's valid for at least 2 years.

Good luck on your interview!

David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-02-16 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm DS-156
QUOTE (raquel23 @ Feb 17 2008, 09:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It says you have to provide proof of engagement. My fiance and i have not bought a ring yet and we werent planning on buying one untill after he came to the states. Does anybody know if this is something for sure i have to provide proof of or is there any other ways to show proof we are engaged?

Letter of Intent to Marry can be useful... Go to the GUIDES and you will see a sample letter there.

David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-02-16 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespassport photo
QUOTE (Me 2 @ Feb 21 2008, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I believe i have the ability to make my own passport photo which is required for the I-129 petition,.... will this be acceptable? Or does it have to be done by a "passport photo professional"?

There is so much info. on how to make this photo correctly, that i can only think they give these details for the average Joe so he can do it him/herself. I mean why give all this info. to the "passport photo professional"? They already know how to.


You can find the specification here: 10-01-04.pdf good.gif

David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-02-21 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about NOA2
The best thing to do is to check on your fiancee's consulate and see if they will require the NOA2 hardcopy for her interview. Or better yet, contact fwaguy, a VJ member who went through Kiev for his then fiancee...

Edited by David-Mae Forever, 27 February 2008 - 02:14 PM.

David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-02-27 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about NOA2
In my case, I didn't need the NOA2 on the interview stage so I believe it won't affect anything if you don't have the original copy with you when you go and see your fiancee...
David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-02-27 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for NAO2
Vermont Service Center is known for speedy processing and approval so it is very likely that you will get the NOA2 anytime soon. It is not advisable to plan for anything until you really got the visa in hand. You will never know what could happen... There are cases who get stuck with FBI namecheck at NVC stage and administrative review at consulate stage.

In my own experience, my then fiance and I planned everything ahead of time. We already got confirmed wedding date set 2 mos. before my interview. My wedding gown was being made and I wasn't even here in the US yet. He booked a flight for me 3 weeks after my interview, without thinking and worrying about the possibility that the interview won't be successful. Thank heavens, it was a success and got the visa 1 week after. And that's when everything happened so fast I didn't even get the chance to catch my breath. When I finally got here, we were so stressed out and running like chickens with its head cut-off with all the final wedding preparations. The wedding turned out wonderful, everybody was happy, we were so happy but things happened so fast I couldn't remember who came to our wedding. laughing.gif My point here is, when you already set a date, it may turn out successfully but you will be so stressed out trying to make things right.

David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-03-01 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2 in two weeks !
QUOTE (dannyrmartin1 @ Mar 1 2008, 04:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (David-Mae Forever @ Mar 1 2008, 04:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
jest.gif headbonk.gif

I understand that dealing with immigration can sometimes make you lose your sanity... whistling.gif JUST KIDDING!

and BROKE too, Mae....... cray5ol.gif

I hear ya... I hear ya... cray5ol.gif God bless you and your family dannymartin1!!! good.gif
David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-03-01 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2 in two weeks !
jest.gif headbonk.gif

I understand that dealing with immigration can sometimes make you lose your sanity... whistling.gif JUST KIDDING!
David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-03-01 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156
QUOTE (Naly @ Mar 1 2008, 05:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank so much to every body,
Is it ok to hand write it?

I made a mistake on question 15, I put NONE when it asked for postal zone, so it appears as NONE.
Can I cross or white it out?

Yes, it's ok to handwrite it, just make sure it's done legibly and neatly. You can use white out on the mistake and then handwrite the correct entry...
David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-03-01 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156
QUOTE (Naly @ Mar 1 2008, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
DI-156, question 22, When do you intend to arrive in the US, provide specific date if known

How do I answer this question? leave it blank? or just guess a date?


We didn't put dates but "as soon as I got the visa". You will need to handwrite that one though...
David-and-MaeFemalePhilippines2008-03-01 17:20:00