Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
Which would of course seem to imply that others do pick and choose and are Islam-lite. Okiedokie then :thumbs:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 22:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
oookiedokie then :thumbs:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 22:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
I'm mocking you? I'm having a little fun at my own expense and at the expense of board history.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 22:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
LOL! I'm so glad that we have you here to inforce proper islamic adab.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 22:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
For the record, DH and I never fornicated, at least not according to God's law as interpreted by the 4 madhabs + zaharia :innocent:

It is kinda nice to have a non western style wedding dress. I can wear both my wedding abayas for other events. I wore my white one last eid, but spilled chocolate all down the front of it :angry: Still gotta take it to the dry cleaner's

I meant your original comment to Rahma.

No need to worry doodle my dear friend. I knew it was coming, thus why I phrased it the way I did.

Are you kidding? You called yourself a ####### and your husband a pimp just so I would comment on it? Was it important to you to have comments made about something that was never commented on before YOU brought it forward tonight?

It hasn't been commented on before? Hmm, I must have imagined the whole shebang surrounding henia's wedding and layla then.

And, I felt it was releveant in a thread about wedding dresses and by extention wedding experiences to bring my experiences in, and relate it to some colorful board history.

Edited by rahma, 03 February 2007 - 10:02 PM.

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 22:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread

I meant your original comment to Rahma.

No need to worry doodle my dear friend. I knew it was coming, thus why I phrased it the way I did.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 21:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
My husband is asleep, the gym is closed, I'm trying not to watch too much tv and I'm borrrrrrrrrrrrrred. I suppose I could continue planning my fantasy 5 year anniversary party. Hmm, need cheesecake... muddy paws is in our town, and they make delicious delicious stuff. If I start saving up now, I just might be able to afford it.

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Ooooooooooo I love that...:lol: No way out of that marriage then Rahma:lol:

My husband is stuck with me forever (inshaAllah) :luv: Now I have the urge to go snuggle with him, but then he'd wake up and be grumpy.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 21:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread

Rahma I love this one... awwww I wish I could had this dress
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Do what we're doing - have a 5th wedding anniversary party here in the states for family and friends and wear it then. inshaAllah we're going to have a renewal of vows and a fancy schmancy party.

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If we renew our vows twice on our 5th anniversary, once in egypt, and once in the US, that means we'll have been married 4 times, and DH will have to divorce me 12 times to get rid of me permenantly :luv:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 21:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread

yes nice dresses... i like these alot... simple yet pretty
ANd Rahma uh oooooooo get ready for forincator comments LOL (hmmm reminds me of my wedding last Sept :lol:)

I felt I had to come out of the "fornicators'" closet. Couldn't let you and Layla have all the fun :whistle:

Aren't those dresses gorgeous? Turkey has the best hijab friendly fashions in the ME, imho, a lot of stuff that is easy to wear on the streets of the US. I *heart* north african caftans and ME abayas and jelbab, but they're quite a sight out on the street.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 21:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread

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Now, what is really concerns me is if we should have the faux ancient egyptian wedding procession that the restuarant offers :lol:

Wow, do you have any pictures to share of that? I can't imagine what that would involve. :D

Unfortunately not. We were having dinner at this fancy outdoors restaurant with my MIL and SIL when the wedding started up. They were wearing kinda stereotypical faux ancient egyptian garb, lots of gold lame, white loin clothes, palm fans :dance:

Saudi Aramco did an article on Egyptian weddings awhile back -
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 21:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
Guess I'll see on the Day of Judgment how Allah (swt) judges my husband and I for our actions. I don't feel I have anything to worry about in that regard. Too bad everyone else will be so worried about their own impending judgment that someone won't be there to see the results

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Now, what is really concerns me is if we should have the faux ancient egyptian wedding procession that the restuarant offers :lol:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 21:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread

Pretty Rahma. :)
The one thing that I'm most disappointed about is not being able to have our ceremony in the mosque while in Egypt.
I mean I guess we could have some kind of ceremony but the legal one is in that office building.

Well, we didn't register our marriage ceremony in Egypt (I know, fornicating ####### that I am, and shameless pimp that my husband is), so we just got married in a masjid.

Will you be having a wedding party though? That's the fun part. I got to see several wedding parties in Egypt. The street we lived on in Cairo the first time around had weddings for a week straight, until 6 am, lol. inshaAllah DH and I will have one of those someday when we can scrape together the $$$$. We already have the place - the fanciest restaurant in my husband's hometown, all outdoors, with giant, movie theatre sized screens to play music videos, a stage and a dance floor. I daydream about it all the time :whistle: I'm hoping to stop off in Turkey first to pick up a wedding dress. Or, maybe the hijab craze will continue in Egypt and I'll be able to find a decent dress there:


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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 20:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
From the weddings I saw in Egypt, egyptian brides tend to wear 80s esque poofy gaudy western style wedding gowns. When we have a wedding party in Egypt for my husband's family, and a party here for my family, inshaAllah I'll have a much prettier, more modern western wedding gown with butterfly/poet sleeves.

For our religious ceremony, I wore a black, gulf style abaya with a purple scarf:

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And for our ceremony here in the US, I wore a white abaya:

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-03 20:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaWalked out empty handed
I wonder how common it is to get cold feet right at that cusp of the visa process?

I know it definitely happened to us - I went to Egypt around the time of AbuS' interview and had a crisis of OMGosh, after 5 years of talking about our life together, we might actually have to live together. What are we going to do??? Do we really want to go through with this???

And then again after he arrived, we both had OMGosh, what the heck are we doing moments, complete with colorful language and hurtful jabs.

Through all of that, I've learned that it's important to not say things in the heat of the moment, and to step back before making any decisions. Yeah, both very obvious things, but so much easier to say then to actually impliment whistling.gif

Hope things improve for you both star_smile.gif

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-11-09 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaWalked out empty handed
Beth, I haven't commented before, but I'll just agree with what everyone else has said here. Take that break this weekend, pamper yourself, make a cheesecake, watch some movies, go out with the girls, relax and take a break from the visa process.

Tell your husband to do the same, via email if you have to. He's a big boy, you've told him how to get his passport back and he can take care of himself.

Then come back in a week, when you're both refreshed reasses. Stress can make people do shitty things that they normally wouldn't do. Or, he could just be mean and nasty, and it's better for you to find out before he gets here. In either case, don't take the step of ending things so quickly.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-11-06 14:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you using me for a greencard?
To speak of islam in this matter - the Prophet (saws) once granted a woman a divorce because she did not like the way her husband looked. Do you think he'd tell a woman to stay with an abusive a-hole?

An important part of forgiveness is tawbah, repentance. In order for Allah (swt) to forgive someone their sins, they need to sincerely repent, ask for forgiveness and work very hard to never do it again. If that is what the Lord of all the worlds requires, shouldn't we hold ourselves to the same standards?

Allah (swt) tells us in the Qur'an that:

And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect (30:21).

He put mawdah and rahma, love and mercy BETWEEN your hearts. In BOTH your hearts. If there is only love in your heart towards a man, then it's not from Allah (swt). A truely islamic relationship will be full of mercy and love given to the couple from Allah (swt). If it's not there, then it's not meant to be.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-12-11 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp with (AOS) Address part.
If I remember correctly (waay waay back when), we included a seperate attachment to the application and affs with the address written how it's normally written, both in arabic and english. That's what was more helpful in the long run than trying to squeeze it into an american address format.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-12-16 17:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP in Jordan?
I'll say what I said in the other thread:

QUOTE (UmmSqueakster)
I think it's best to go into the interview expecting the worst (months and months of AP). Then you can be pleasantly suprised if you have little or no wait, and not devestated if you do.

AP just goes with the territory of visa-ing from a MENA country.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-12-17 09:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

I stayed with my inlaws both times I've been to Egypt. We did the civil/Islamic marriage at the Ministry of Justice so we were able to "stay" together alone after marriage. Kafr el Dawar is quite an experience for an American. It was kinda like camping. Minimal ammenities.

We did the same though, so Islamically its not wrong for us to spend time together. My dad was just being so difficult.

I supose he's just worried about what happens if the visa doesn't come through. Is your family egyptian?
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 16:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

I was gonna say the same thing!!!! I would wake up and go to the bathroom and he'd get up , sit in the living room and say "could i have some tea please". I thought it was cute though. I actually cried the first day back when we talked and he was drinking tea at the cafe 'cause I missed making it for him. :cry:

Yeah, it's cute at first, but then it's like "aren't you ever going to make tea for me??"
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club
I'm a tea afficionado. I delight in getting teas from specialty stores with rose hips and whatnot mixed in.

My husband drinks lipton yellow brand loose tea from the box. Sometimes with mint and sugar. Sometimes with milk.

I need to get a smaller tea pot, because mine will brew only 2 cups, no more, no less. If he's content with the cheapo stuff, I suppose I don't need to waste the expensive stuff for him.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 15:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club
From the Egypt flickr group:

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Dawn light over the ruins of old Shali, Siwa Oasis, Egypt, 2003.

Groppi's at Madinat talet harb - anybody eat there? We did, and I wasn't all too impressed.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 15:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

I know this wasn't directed to me but my answer is no. lol. I know very little and I PROMISED his sisters that I would try harder to study it and they promised me they'd try to study English better. They wanted to tell me so much when he left me alone with them and we ended up doing this freaky kind of sign language. lol.

LOL, I did this with his sister too! We went to KFC together, and kinda shared words back and forth.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 15:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

I'm a huge Amr Diab fan and Tamally Ma'ak is my favorite song, its the song my cell phone plays when my hunny calls. :wub:

Tamally Maak was our song when we were apart :luv:

Just curious..can you speak any arabic? :blush:

I used to be able to studder through prefunctory conversation, but now, I've forgetten it all. I get in an arabic learning mode every once in awhile, but alas, I suck at languages.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 15:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

I'm a huge Amr Diab fan and Tamally Ma'ak is my favorite song, its the song my cell phone plays when my hunny calls. :wub:

Tamally Maak was our song when we were apart :luv:
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 15:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club
My favorite egyptian singer (aside from my husband, since he was an amateur singer and songwriter while he was still at home) is Amr Diab. I know, I know, cheesiness.

You can listen to just about everything he's done back from to the 1980s on his website.

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I think my favorite albumn is Tamally Malak.

Does anyone else dig the complimentary way Egyptians do business? The way they always call cab drivers and shop keepers..ya riez, ya basha, ya gameel. I think it's adorable.

ya habib! :P
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 15:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

That's so whacked since it's an Islamic country and especially since Cairo is like the city of mosques right? I'd think they'd give people problems without it.

:no: Definately look into the history of modern egypt, and the interplay between Islamist groups (especially the muslim brotherhood and the violent offshouts like al-gama'a al-islamiyya). Each of the modern rulers of egypt (except Naguib) have been essentially dictators. Islamists offer an alternative political system, and as such, are a threat to the establishment. Visible signs of Islamism, especially the beard, are frowned upon.

Although I think I remember talking about this with DH that the brotherhood doesn't wear beards anymore, but apolitical islamist groups do.

I highly recommend Mobilizing Islam for a primer on Islam and islamism in egypt.

Edited by rahma, 07 February 2007 - 03:01 PM.

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 15:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

Om Kolsoum? She has some loooooong songs. Also, Fayroz is very popular there and I think she's dead. Om Kolsoum is the most famous Egyptian singer by far.

I was going to say Umm Kulthum as well. Different spelling, same person.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 14:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

Here's a question for ya.......I keep asking Usama why he does not want to grow a beard. Religious reasons aside, when he does not shave for like three days lemme tell ya I almost have to shut the video cam off because he's HOT with a beard!!! He told me that he'll explain why the next time I visit....he couldn't talk about it over the internet.

Anyone know the answer to this mysterious question? Or is he just pulling my leg and he'll just say, "i don't wanna'. lol

Men with beards in Egypt are suspected of being part of an islamist group. They're discriminated against for jobs and whatnot, especially if they have the sunnah type beard - untrimmed but no mustache.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 14:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club
My husband has mini sideburns. I wish he would grow his goatee back, but alas. And it's too much to hope for a sunnah beard yet :(

Am I the only one who wants to dress her egyptian (LOL) up in farmer clothes? I heart goes pitty pat for a man in a galabiya. Well, not the older, skinny men who wear dirty galabiyas around Cairo. But my husband in a galabiya? Mmmm!
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 14:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club
Walk Like an Egyptian
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 14:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club
Come one, come all, to a thread on all things egypt related. Share stories about dealing with the embassy in Cairo, Egyptian culture and history, recipes, and the joys (and heartaches)of having an Egyptian SO (or being Egyptian yourself).

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UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2007-02-07 14:20:00
Middle East and North Africais good to marry within the first time we meet?
Also, forgot to add:

It is totally unfair to treat the children differently in terms of weddings (and other things).
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-04-23 13:57:00
Middle East and North Africais good to marry within the first time we meet?
QUOTE (Astarte @ Apr 23 2009, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The slap in the face comment was meant for the idea of throwing someone a wedding party a few years after the fact. And in my experience, those kinds of promises are hardly ever followed through.

Meh, depends on who's making the promise. I didn't want to have a wedding in Egypt before, and she was crushed, so if I don't follow through on this promise, I'll be the one in hot water.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-04-23 13:28:00
Middle East and North Africais good to marry within the first time we meet?
AbuS used the wedding money he saved to fly here, pay for the AOS and cover other misc expenses that cropped up when moving to the US. Yeah, not so glitzy, but it got us started. And my parents gave us a car instead of paying for a wedding party here. Again, no glitz, but today we can drive to get grocceries rather then shlep them home on the bus, so it's all good from where I sit good.gif

MIL is still planning on throwing us a traditional egyptian wedding party one of these years. She even has the venue all picked out and took me there one time, all excited. I just don't know if I want to sit up on a stage in front of a bunch of strangers with white makeup pancaked on my face and arab music videos playing on 20 foot high screens though wacko.gif
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-04-23 12:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaStaashi's back with baby in tow...
Um, only one picture? mad.gif More pictures more pictures star_smile.gif
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-04-10 10:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaNetflix suggestion for MENA peeps
What's controversial about slumdog millionaire? I heard it was suppose to be fabulous.

Let's see, MENA netflix:

Control Room - documentary about al Jazeera during the beginning of the Iraq war
Lawrence of Arabia - classic
Yacoubian Building - not sure if it's available, but it was good.
Doaa' el Karawan - one of the classics of egyptian cinema, from a novel by Taha Hussein
Salah el Din - directed by Youssef Chahine, based on the novel by Naguib Mahfouz
Anything directed by Youssef Chahine
Anything with Omar Sharif in it

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-02-05 20:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday - Two Weeks!
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ May 5 2009, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ May 5 2009, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sandrilla, I use photobucket and 'resize'

jJ rose.gif

That's what I do too!

Photobucket and then play around with the picture in picnik. Tooooooo much fun. Not quite as much fun as photo shop would be, but alas, that's out of the budget.

UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-05-05 12:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaSpouses going home to visit and coming home different
I can totally see how visiting the family has done this. AbuS absolutely refuses to go home until he has his CIA (certified internal auditor) certificate, is very close to getting it or has a well paying job in the accounting field. His family, at least, has a lot of expectations of him, and if he went back without achieving his goals, it would be a huge disapointment.

I don't know if any advice I can give you would help. If he's not listening to reason, how can one get through to a person? Maybe give him some space, and gently prod him until he comes out of the depression?

Otherwise, it's time to call out the arbitrators. "And if you fear a breach between the two, then appoint judge from his people and a judge from her people; if they both desire agreement, Allah will effect harmony between them, surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. 4:35"
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-04-28 10:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaSpouses going home to visit and coming home different
Tasha, has he looked into taking paralegal courses, at least part time? Being a paralegal is in no way as glamourous as being an attorney, but hey I actually have a life, while my associate friends do not, lol.

It may help him to be working towards a goal, even if slowly. If he simply sees it that he'll be working dead end jobs his entire time in the US, that's pretty darn depressing. But if he's working towards getting a better job in the future, maybe it will help.

Re: wanting to leave to find a better job, I think this is very common amongst egyptian men. AbuS has spoken about doing this often, but thankfully has stayed put so far. His father did the same thing - he worked in Saudi Arabia for years, and the family only lived there for a year or 2. The rest of the time, they were back in Egypt and his dad only visited a few times a year. So long as the family is supported, it doesn't matter if the husband/father is around. The money should be sufficient. Of course, we don't see it that way here, but you know egyptian men, stubborn they are.
UmmSqueaksterFemaleEgypt2009-04-28 08:27:00